vo tone Neto tor kink THE BAILY TIMES-GAZETTR, Fridey, August 15, 1958 or 44 and redecorated 45--Real Estate For Sale furni front bedroom, on|THREE . room, unfurnished, three. NEWLY plastered BLY I awly dec- piece bath, hot water, hardwood flooms, Bouse, Si Tooms ana buy, Amomals INCOME HOME a5 Real Estate For Sale d district, tle- [private entrance, couple only. Ca -| 0il heal a A | ; ; 45 Seder. RA S901, "ithe ueen 1 and 1 som. 30 King Sri onion meth cecwpancy, Aoply| price slashed $500 on this 174 storey 5 room brick home with | IVE oad Bungalow, ee" ocuton SEVEN on Sck haw gv 3 ency a 4854.8 18) Celina Stree hos oop| extra washroom upstairs, Natural fireplace, oil heating, well ; betwesy, Osawa usd 1 son Kendal Avenue, oll hestsd, large n | 1578. Co $2500 owner trans- _ fan | Wi AL Agen nd Property Man-| = p.m. 1 : : Oshawa, only office giving THREE - room apartment, landscaped, hedged yard. Close to public school. $11,300 with RL REE TY om ferred. RA 5-2009. 189¢ ice, Hi diat session, Rea.|THREE rooms, suitable for couple or ' IN Whitby, three thiy Jrolessional service, Momesleuation. Immediate Polsesti three gentlemen. Phone RA 5-6736, 190a| $3,800 down. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE combination field stone and stucco bun-|LOT for asle, 80 % 30. Nassu™ Street 85123, Lloyd Realty (Oshawa), couple preferred, Equipped with re.\FIVE - room bungalow. apply 555 ONLY 3 LEFT Salow, open fireplace, icutures 100 wu] E380 Boy Aone 190 93 Simcoe Street North. Sept.14|frigerator and stove, Yenovated ang King Street East. 1904 FOR A GOOD SELECTION OF : Be a Sh TE Pe Ti DOWN: sevesrooes Toure: Foo KE. om upper "Newly decorated. For information phone ONE furnished room, gentlemen ights -- Ranch-styl ick and stone bungalows | a. Newly uj In Harmony Heights anch-style bri *] NEW N.H.A, HOMES -- LOW DOWNPAYMENT required, owner leaving town. MO|chens, 75° x 132' garden, garage, close REE - room upper duple only, orated, adults only. Abstainers. (53501, 8 am. to 5.30 p.m. 187¢134.50 per week. Phone RA 3.2853. 190b| |..." 0") onan Developments (Oshawa) Ltd., ond ready for 8-4630, after 5. 186¢|to bus. Price $9500, Apply 497 Ortone 3. i Avenue, RA 8-1737 after 6. 167¢ one RA 1891) GNF room, sult two gentlemen, girls of [LARGE, clean housekeeping room,| . oli : indows ib iy WCASTLE, Ontario -- furnished|young couple, use of kitchen, washing|central, gentleman preferred. Phosie immediate occupancy. Complete with Ea deral [icine wi dow a RESALE HOMES ALL SIZES AND TYPES SACRIFICE -- 33 fi. mobile home, like tage for rent, 1 to May] hine and iron, RA 8-1283, 188f | RA 3-9225. . 190f| oluminum storms and screens, ceramic tiled bathrooms, large | BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES --- INVESTMENTS new, fully furnished, one owner. Must|LOT, with shade trees, on Harmony e bedrooms, oil furnace, storm| - modern kitchen with plenty of eating space, 17 ft. living room, be seen to be appreciated. Write Box|Road North, 57° x 137', sewers and thre: wT g room unfurnish-|FURNISHED room for rent, for two Pp y J Sp 2 831 Times Gasette Boe iwerer. TA br] ndows, Al: modern \hlyled heat lights and water supplied. |gentiemen, single beds. Apply 184 Ce-| |5 by 13 master bedroom, sodded front lawns, sidewalk, laundry | LAND VALUES -- EXCEPTIONAL BUYS . - Phone 35-8777. 350 monty! 190¢ WHITBY -- 6 room, 1% storey brick| LOT for sale of Gerrard oud North, ue, SpACioN Erode, ina Street. light fi ble ond only $1,200 down with | uding telephone. References requir-|Very central. Phone RA 5-5380 188f tubs, light fixtures, stove cable o y ' home, 8 years old, in good residential : ALL INSURANCE COVERAGES home. 8 Joare old, in good residentiallion x 300. BA 3 | 45--Real Estate For Sale 45--Real Estate For Sale | 43--Real Estate For Sale 45--Recl Estate For Sale ------ room, solid brick, beautiful step-saving kitchen with large dining Phone Newcastle 2179 b TW = Soom, Fitchon with) Bue | For Sale | balance on 1 N.H.A. mortgage. HREE unfurnished rooms, private THREE 1uivished rooms: Hien hi y 45---Reol Estate Fo Sou gag Hon) floors. 4% per cent NHA mortgage. FIVE room Bung alow, hardwood floors, J $9,300 -- BEAL bargain, with substan- CHESTERTON AVE. RA 5-6569 136 Simcoe St. S. RA 5-6569 Jnmediate possession. Fall pie $i. 9 eated, Jan . Ph tred, Jamediate possession. Phone joan quiet home. 97 Elgin East RA Brick modern custom finished. Light Estate Sole -- this home is only 2 years old and features large : 1900 FOUR Tova ouse Tor Rai oF Ghoiaias -- ) pply 245 McNaughton Avenue. 87¢| minutes from Four Corners.\room, laundry tubs, etc. Close to bus, 5 - or LY furnished two - room suite, RA 5-8522 or 155 Verdun Road, 188f public and separate schools, Crerar| storms, screens and doors, nicely landscaped and decorated. DETER FEDDEMA Lot in new Juang 8 atic heat, hot water, bathroom, very 188¢| Streets. Choice of two. 621 Crerar Ave call Joe Maga ot 5-9191. Asking only $12,900 with low down Vik Tare Hive Tov Pipa iow: seul Sentral. RA 3.7462. 1854) jive: RA Sgust, . decorated, all conveniences. Price OPEN EVENINGS FIRACTIVE furnished Tooms aval, LOVELY four oe autiful bathroom.(SPECULATIVE lot on Elizabeth Street, : A Bble in private home. 82 Park Road| Si NG led, near bus stop, Child|50 x 178, $1500, See C. Guay, 91 Ontario CLOVERDALE AVE. district. Price $21,000. Terms, WHY PAY RENT? Aug.2 -- - cs | THREE - room unfurnished apartment, |LOT for sale, 100° x 215', Courtice Road b " FURNISHED bedroom, clean, private io 0" {oi Woeparate entrance, sink|s, Phone RA 5-6049. 187] bungalow with attached garage, 13 x 2 ving room with plement shed, henhouse, garage, good trout stream. Near school New N.HA. corries like rent i i i i n leading to io, i HA, rent, phone RA 5-3879. |186f |S iple preferred, central, $70 monthly. picture window looking out over favine on . r g 9 po and paved road, Price $22,000. Terms. 6-room brick, ceramic tiled, SROOM bungalow with bath, in College (259 Gliddon Avenue. 189b |land, suitable VLA, 1 mile north of] ojlywood kitchen, tiled walls, beautiful dinette, extra large S-ROOM bungalow with bath, in College G! Bowmanville. $10,000. MA 3.3986 Bows bedrooms, tiled bathroom with built-in vanity. Decorated and 32 acres -- Good view, two streams. Price only $2,500. AT Excellent cellen bet 5 and 7.30. 188¢ | dishes, etc., built-ins, Main floor. Two It ii blocks from hospital, RA 5-8123. 189f|7-ROOM storey and a half with garage, marti iomnly" payments, Yelue, Love, yard, Write Box 828, Times-Gazetite. MO 8.2095. as 1894 | 189 THREE rooms for rent. No objection FIGHT-room two-storey house in Hamp- LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE 189 SCUGOG STREET BOWMANVILLE | 2 p.m. until 8 pm. HANDYMAN'S SPECIAL 7 <house, six rooms and bath. Automatic 3 Sf | 5-room brick bungalow ONLY $3,560 oll heating and hot water. Very central | pores--36"G hawa Boulevard South, windows and doors. very low down pay. ae. $130. Die at' 181 Celina Street between 5 and 7 Is. Apply RA 5.3741 : : ; a | Oil heating | basement, situated on 45' x p.m 189 20ima's. Apply Aug.15,16; Aug. =a) Dick Barrioge 5-6243 Joe Maga 5-9191 Everett Elliott 3-9290 Close to schon; bis ond | Tan oe. Srualed on "Eh shopping centre. 137 Rosehill Boule-| FRIVATE coltage, suit two bachelors For Results EDIT ' ; 3 Si vard Sept. 4/or couple, lights and water supplied. This Weekend and Every Evening OWNER HAS MOVED-- 93 Simcoe St. N. ANXIOUS TO SELL RA 8-5123 x | THREE - room basement apartment, pywo rooms, kitchen and bedroom,| Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd. . fl 119.00 monthly for upper 4 rooms, furnished or unfurnished. Apply 172| good (OCH honre single man| y! Sor 3 A 9 J Onthly io pe ah Thi: | Associote Lid | THEN PHONE YOUR MOVER EARGE three - Toom apartment, Sik rio stor aoe new r A : and cupboards, Private bathroom. | iiging 'Refrigerator, heavy wiring,| $29,500 with $10,000 down; owner will accept home in Oshawa Couple only, Phone RA 51290. 198." let "Near new highway, Avail WANTED os down poyment. Call Mr. Addison, Large modern kitchen Laundry tubs | UNFURNISHED aps , Pickering ix : LON Tomei J [LARGE well Tarnished room, for bus-| giyERS WHO APPRECIATE RA 3-2254 ANYTIME F.A. oil heating Hot water tank WILSON Road, north o King, new iness gentleman uiet D og : Divided basement Walkout basement balcony, tile bathroom. Must be seen tof ____ EE ------ and good design. be appreciated. Sept. 1 occupancy. Call 189p, Sodded front School nearby -- Limited number | Toronto. ar 100 a ) SE | 6 Room Bungalows -- Early Occupancy { = $1,199 Down LEFT SINGLE room for gentleman, central| \w|TH LARGE KITCHEN | featuring three bedrooms, uss - oe : -- ry In new building on 15 Gib- light fixtures, tank and heat- | NO PION R Follow our signs from Simcoe St. S. ot Wentworth, to Cedar and -- Salesmen on site ONE "large furnished housekeeping| 7 1€8 BLOT 5 | er, laundry tubs, combination to Sharbot and to Scugog. Courteous salesmen on location. Ze dpm 0B pm $975 DOWN F adults only, working couple pre- adults, private entrance, bath, central, tial down payment, $55 monthly, New . Phone Whitby, MO 8-4382. 4 3-4730 between § p.m. an ? p.m. 180¢ 26° 189¢ |g 1408 188 - ' forced air heating, hard-| =. i i i 3 d sized bedrooms, -- ---- 1 I ne. A to 634 Park <1 , all conveniences. Dr 4 | living room with dining room ensuite, good si # or a larger one. Apply 0 large rooms, c ces. ED room for young man or|wood and tiled floors, four-piece bath coloured fixtures in bath, with ceramic tile on walls, aluminum Road South. Co 190f LLOYD REALTY L : x : tte, refrigerator, and sink, auto-|m=---- -- 7101, Avenue, between Baldwin and Guelph| This home is in perfect shape and won't last long. After 5:30 . 1168. fe angette 8 » THREE - room apartment. RA 3.7101. Pp AL ESTATE BROKER $2000. Piione RA 51105, Insurance Realtors room apartment, all payment, - 213 acres -- 6 room bungalow, large barns, good stream. wrone $9500. $28 monthly. MArket 3-316. North, 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. RA 88671. |welcome Apply i8 Aberdeen. 188 | Street after 6, Phone RA 5-6727. 188c : a -- A home you will be proud to own -- 5 room brick and stone 130 acres -- 8 room insul brick house, large L-shope bern, im- OPEN HOUSE ANY DOWN PAYMENT " tieman preferred, abstainer,|Private : 5. Ph home, gen! and cupboards in kitchen, SROOM brick house, barn and 3 acres YE rod ---- bath, hollywood kitchen, HIN District. Oil heated. Call RA 5-9641 | 7w0 -room furnished apartment, manville. oh 5 . . many morg extras. ee aren rp landscaped. Just listed -- see it today. $3,000 down will handle 238 Wilson Rd. S. value. Call LLOYD BOLA- SIX-room house, Burk Street, all mod. > ffeoe" prreT ie 1688 heating, central, close to schools, | ern conveniences, lovely enclosed back. THREE - bedroom bungalo ; size of lot 3 x 160") Phone RA 85382 1% acre -- Good creek, flowing well. Price '$1,000, SAT., AUGUST 16 NEWLY 1 ~Tand_ Fer ly 314 Arthur Street. % of land. All cit ¥ . NEWLY plastered and ~redecoratedite one ehild. Apply 314 Arthur Steet. ton with acre snd ¥ of lan | 31% Simcoe Street South Dial 3-9329 or 5-6551 [ Phone MA 3-3644 logation. Immediate occupancy. Apply gion" rooms "Vacant October No ment. Phone MA 3-2127, 1 | 1900 | Newly decorated Large 2-room building with | LARGE furnished front room fo rent. ew four = room apartments, up- A 11 | Lloyd Metcalf 5-6983 shopping ment. Call BILL MILLAR, sult a couple. 171 Nassau Street. 187f|giaire separate entrance, two bed: 190a N.H.A, Resale RA 8-5123 : FURNISHED rooms, friends fo share. rooms, living room, kitchen, private | { 4% % mortgage $6 weekly, light housekeeping, close to bath. 637 Albert Street, 2351, | Payment $49 P. & I. & T. Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd.' SINGLE furnished bedroom in quiet low rent, close to SGM. RA 5.2886. 180f h home, for gentleman. Apply 38 Col lyyREE . room apartment, self-con-| - | 8 room duplex plus 4 rooms in basement, equipped with tnree borne Stree! West Aug21|(ained. Apply 592 Drew Street. we 4-pce. baths, heating is hot water--oil. Present income is $120.00 | LOW DOWN PAYMENT LOW Schofield | LIST WITH LLOYD | chorie nsurance | Hibbert Street 187 lady. 63 Grenfell Street. 9 Gm i i = x a home is in good condition and is centrally located. Asking price | EXCEPTIONAL VALUE 190a! Aug.15,18 | Hibbert Street, 187¢ S, ber 1. MO 8-4322, Whithy able September 190b Light fixtures 4-pc. ceramic bath OPEN HOUSE NOW ONLY | apartments in duplex, two bedrooms, Convenient to Shopping centre | quality warkmenship, loca- i -- Quality plus | 18400t living room, large kitchen with downtown, Phone 3. 9 tion comfort, convenience LLOYD AYERS REALTO Iron railiny 3 ' 3 gs Gravel drive Mi -- ust be seert | Frank Hazlett, 3005 Bathurst Street, MODERN, QUIET | | Toronto, RU 32735; CH dao wi] MODERN, QUIET. N.HA. BUNGALOWS | -- Many extras s¥oom, with refrigerator, Suitable for / aluminum door, ceramic tiled two adults. Apply 887 Ritson| children over 12 | . : ue of wo adults. Apply aon Apply: 21 GIBBONS STREET | bathroom walls, deep dry Bu a GOLDELL HOME in FOR INFORMATION CALL ~ Every evening -- THREE-room, self-contained, furnish Sept. 12| basement, forced hot air oil y John Wacko Real Estate RA 5-6569 | DIRECTIONS 5-room brick homes »ed apartment. Heavy duty stove, refrig- ---- ------ --| heating. o $ erator, air conditioner, television outlet. BLJCKINGHAM MANOR | NORTH OSHAWA [A J. Schatz Real Estate RA 5.8461 From Wentworth $t 30 south with all the extras Available Sept. 1, RA 56127. _ lest | PRICED FROM NE at se | APARTMENTS x | $12 900 UP where services, transportation, schools and shopping are 1900 | on Cedar St., follow the signs RA 8 1338 comfortably furnished, light housekeep-| One and two-bedroom apart- uU already provided | Yo. te mode] Frome. - DTT | cownrrymenTs BRAEMOR GARDENS | HOW ABOUT THAT LOYD REALTY | > eon BREE - room mie in apartment RA 8-8676. (Stevenson's Rd. N. at Annapolis Ave.) BETTER BUILT butlding. Television outlet, stove, re aug.31| $1,737 UP 1 FROM $1399 DOWN | $825 DOWN (OSHAWA) LTD, BY BOEM frigerator, parking, laundry facilities, storage space. Apply Apartment 10, 101 | a Craydon Road, Whitby. | BASEMENT APARTMENT | Popular north-west location, 93 5 Aug.12toSept.12| | convenient to Public, Separate 3-BEDROOM BUNGALOWS imcoe St. N, | In good privote home near Sept. 14 Aug.30 THREE - room apartment, downtown| hospital, Large bed-sitting school, Bus and handy shop- --A terrific view -- Ravine lots ~--Walk-out Basements Balance One N H A Mortgage location. Possession Sept. 1. Reason room, kitchenette and bath, ping. 3 _ able rent to 800d tenants, Business ri t entra : or : | ROSSLAND MANOR fourle preferred. Evuipped with re. Available Sept 1. Rent %0 BUY NOW FoR BEST (Rossland Rd. W. at Gibbon St.) $68.00 Monthly WH Y RE N 3 A > 1895) FROM $1800 DOWN DETACHED BRICK BUNGALOW . | VICKERY & 6-ROOM RANCH BUNGALOWS Coch ianad : ; W --Some carports and garages --Large lots | arefully planned to give you the maximum of space | HITBY CLASSIFIED | GOYNE --A prestige area at lowest prices for the minimum of cost by "YOU'LL BUY WELL FROM GOLDELL" 75-foot landscaped lots, sodded front and sides. hr ented, MO S2008: Whitby: 1008 Sel comaited Pomain a uasarment | RA 8.5155 your local builder specializing in low and medium priced homes. | futomatic Ol Heating. FULL DOWN PAYMENT FOR rent--i-room apartment and bath. © ckering 537wW4. 190f 39 PRINCE STREET For information contact our office ot-- Elserrie, Light Fores, re . Available September 1st. One FOR sale -- 20" heavy duty elec ' ol ; lus tandard . Features. 5 : » Rag wor ae J epi of am. P range, $65. 107 Keith Sires. Phone wo After 6 p.m. phone | Stevenson's Rd. N. .. Annapolis N Rossland RY. & Gibbon St Moves you into one of the nicest homes built in Oshawa, Six 189¢ | 0-4379 190b| RA 5.6342 or RA 5.5378 or 167 Par -- : NEW SCHOOL IN SUBDIVISION 3 acres -- Good garden land, 1 mile from Orono, Price $1,500. area, oversized living room with dining area. Exceptionally large TTT eee FOR rent -- 3.room apartment, com- 1900! FOR rent -- Furnished room for rent in|_ io pI oo ST00W, Ob: immediately, | - ; ---- ines 20¢ es ne -- RG -- | bed i i a new bungalow. Gentlemen or ladies Pioie bathroom. Available immediat 5 MEADOWCREST SUBDIVI | N master bedroom plus two other bedrooms, 4-piece ceramic tiled welcome. Phone MO 84063. 189 {0 33714. oor bathroom, full basement, large recreation ares, laundry tubs, FOR rent -- room apartment plus FOR rent -- Modern Th stores Touss oil heating, sodded front end private drive, : bathroom. Heavy wiring. No objection Large 6 rooms, 4-piece bathroom. Cen | to one or two small children. Apply 116 tral. Call MO 8-3220 from 6 to 9 p.m Hopkins Street, Whitby. 189¢ 190a | ALL THIS FOR ONLY $12,800 FULL PRICE FOR rent--New 2-bedroom brick house, FOR rent -- 7.room house, 321 Brock : garage, quiet, central. Phone MO 8-4260, Street North. Inspection on Sunday North-West Corner No. 7 to 12 Highways 189¢ 190b D : | --_ rm ---- YT L T GT Pr pr eal direct with Meadowcrest Sales Manager Walter Mittler a er -- GOING to Toronto Monday to Friday, 9 HOW T TTH . WORK. wanted. Experienced practic: co qin: "and Bloor around 8.40 am OW 0 GE ERE: 18 TY -Gazette, Whitby. 188¢ a mes-Gazette by 0 7 new homes just south of overhead bridge, look for our signs. BB TE ay. M. A Price, Cairn, ONTARIO'S LARGEST SUBURBAN REALTORS sale - own buys foru.room a Mingalow, oil heating, garage, large WANTED to rent Clean three or 190b SATOK tommercial lot. Only $6900, W. McAul. four-room house with hy ith small REAL ESTATE LIMITED, REALTORS ] FOR sale « anadian General Electric pis gos) Phone Mo 8-250 ---- Refrigerator 10' C.L.D, Fully automat sale' -- chrome suite, table an y fe. Full warranty $250. Independent| [Our chars. Almost new, apartment REALTORS : " FOR sale -- Used TV from $59 up. Re-\FOR rent -- Over Fletcher's Grocery FROM ONLY Plaza. 189,192 hire 'Q ' WHITBY: MO 8-3414 OSHAWA RA 5-6632 304 Dundas Street W., Whitby lights grill $299. One only. Independent other varieties of shade trees, bulbs / Plaza. 189¢ | card letter to Box 103 Times-Ga- ne Ere, Wino: Cortaos i _Timesse FULL DOWN PAYMENTS N.H.A. RESALE one mortgage. 8 rooms, on Brock Street, Whitby. Whitby. Available now. Reply Box 101 ate bathroom. Children welcome. 306 Including Principal And Interest detached solid brick bungalow, hardwood ond tile floors, full 6-room, new brick bungalow in Whitby, 3 bedrooms, full base- ®luding bedroom. Water and heating, ANd part time help. Experienced pre 15,000 Spruce with 5,000 ready to cut this year; 40,000 Red $1,200 down for modern é-room brick homes, 3 bedrooms, Estate, MO 83154, Pickering 174. dors ores (ator atic) ay avy Estate. utomatic) dryer for only $17,000 with $7,700 down. Call Walter Frank -- particulars call Bill Schatzman, evenings MO 8-3253. 1 Day k only. Reply Box|pon : : al nurse, Day work only. Reply Box|po: information 0, 40 en. Phone BROOKLIN 291 Go out King St. East to Wilson Rd. turn south on Wilsen te - - - TENDERS ted - apply fuel FOR rent -- Bedsitting room and Kit: oil, September 38 to August sh Stating BUILT BY SATOK REAL ESTATE LIMITED then. Fridge and stove, 612 Green price per gallon. Branch 112, Canadian 5 salesmen on duty evenings and weekends. ana1 1g0¢ Acreage, in " { 1. W 1 Restor 'MO 333) 180 ating ert. A. L. Wice, General De. . k any aerial. Independent Sales 309 FOR rent -- One large living room Brock South Whitby Plaza 189¢c \with fireplace. Kitchen, three-piece WESTVIEW HEIGHTS (Sales 309 Brock South Whitby Plaza.|Riteiie with oven control. MO 8.3042 WHITBY 189¢ | 50 2 ih 90a. after 5. 190a ; Mod WHITBY PLAZA 313 BROCK ST. S. REALTOR GENERAL INSURANCE : conditioned 90 days warranty Independ- |g... top apartment, 4-room and bath ent Sales 09 Brock South WhIthY|Unheiied 'Apply MO 82345 Whitby OPEN 9-9 WE LIST PHOTO CO-OP FOR sale -- Canadian General Electric NURSERY Stock --Lef us show you our stove. Model 402 1958, Fully automatic|8 shrub special along with many Sales 309 Brock Street South Whitby roses and evergreens. Just drop a TORONTO EM 3-9603 BARGAIN FOR QUICK SALE $1,500 down, $9,000 full price, carries for $75.00 month! "USED furniture and appliances wan. tlle, Smithy, Caradoo Nurseries la H / ' ed. Phone MO 84801 Aug.21 office, y, Ontarlo. ; : $11,500 with a low down payment, balance on one N.H.A. FOR rent -- Large barn, Highway 2,/FOR Rent-- 3 room apartment. priv. With 1 NHA Mortgage Carried For As Low As $73.08 Monthly mortgage at 6% payable $59.00 monthly. Five-room semi- $800 DOWN *Times-Gazette, Whitby. 188¢ Byron St. North, Whitby. MO 8.4843. 188¢ oo Tr Feet Call Mr. McCann - a oo FEMALE heip wanted -- Full tin : ; i : sement, with automatic gas heating. La . . ment, large sodded lot, custom built. $12,000 full price. E FOR rent -- Apartment, 3 rooms in. sg me Your choice of beautiful solid brick, 3 or 4 bedrooms, CHRISTMAS TREE FARM ferns. ] : ? i Apply 415 Byron Street North, Whithy, fered. Apply Whitby Fish and Chips split levels, 2 storeys,or bungalows 5 : N.H.A. $64.00 193} Usk Street North, ~~. Is 32,000 pruned Scotch Pine with 5,000 ready to eut this year; «ITN v ooo - ~~ [FOR sale -- Bargains, New bed - ches FARMS -- 2, 5, 7, 10, 20, 50 acres F EN Be ha» terfield and chair, m3. Crosley re PRICED FROM Pine, 150 acres of land with a 7-room house, barn 50 x 30 4-pce. bath, large living room, oil heated. Located in a fast : 4. 188 Si re and a wing 20 x 30. Trout stream and gravel pit. All this growing district in Brooklin. Price only $11,200. For further WORK wanted -- Dutch lady will do model). $100, Findley heavy duty stove, housework by the day, speaks English, $69.50. Day bed (like new), $29.50, Bowmanville MA 3-3986, references. MO 82763. 188¢ Double dresser, $1950 Two kitchen - ile 4-BED SPLIT LEVEL AMBITIOUS mothers, who want fo Cabinets from $16.95. Bedroom suite, / 50-ACRE FARM $3.900 down buys this 6-room brick: h ith double attached A wn Duys Is 6-room Dricl ome wi ubDle attache earn but can only work part time, $79.50. Four used chrome suites from o : Avon Cosmetics have opening for am. $19.50. One' Sealy mattress, $22.50, Call Near Port Perry. 40 acres workable clay-loam soil, good build- garage, just outside Whitby. L-shaped living room with dining $13,500 area, large modern kitchen, 4 good sized bedrooms, 4-pce. bath, 5 bitious woman in Oshawa Fast. Con. at Midtown Furniture 113 Byron Street 3 » i 2. brick h d r round stream . ; JUST SOME OF THE NUMEROUS FEATURES: SPACIOUS LOTS, MANY W 70 ings. 2-storey brick house, good yea . tact Miss E. Oulerbridge, {2 Saranac South, Whithy, MO 3.4981. u 17TH 50° YO with $7,000 down. Call Mr. Allin -- Oshawa RA 3-3053. On this one call Dorothy Schatz, evenings RA 5-8425. Bivd., Toronto 19, Ont. RU 27567 be ld __ Aug.TtoSept.7 FRONTAGES, 6 OR 7 ROOMS, ULTRAMODERN KITCHENS AND STAINED MAHOGANY 5,16,28,29,30. Aug. 18,20,22, | FREE package popular brand cigarets, CUPBOARDS, LIGHTING FIXTURES, COMBINATION ALUMINUM STORMS AND SCREENS ARE HORSES YOUR HOBBY ? SPECULATION FARM July 4, x th every $3 purchase of gasoline , FOR Rent -- Cabin trailers, $40 and Open every morning at 7 a.m. Harry INCLUDED IN PURCHASE PRICE OF MOST OF THE DESIGNS, PRIVATE DRIVEWAYS, 35 scenic acres, new 5-room bungalow with oil heating, colored 494 ts x, rom Acrust 93. ny 5 J 3 s 00 0 r 2 'acres, good barn, é-room home on good level, lond close 345 per wee pen from August oe [Donald Limited, Chevrolet Olsmonfie. SIDEWALKS ON BOTH SIDES OF STREETS, SANITARY SEWERS, WATER, HYDRO, LOW bath fixtures, panelled ving room. Joan herse barn 30° x in to town. Ideal investment. Call Al Schatz for details, even- new 15 foot Delray Ski boat, used boat iui AX P, N q ¢ 40" with steel stalls. anelled tack room plus a two-piece ings RA 5-8425, and meter, $10, Wilde Rental Seer SERIALS ved, Tepalred Baill TAXES, CLOSE TO PUBLIC, SEPARATE AND HIGH: SCHOOLS washroom and shower. Plank fenced paddocks. Perfect con- : Sales, ~ U Se : . . bob Tor sale. For The fe Tr sodenn | 209 Brock Street' South Plaza. FOLLOW 4-LANE HIGHWAY 401 TO WHITBY (JUST 10 MINUTES' DRIVE FROM EAST ition, Qe Sisk ang same bush. ideol for, ponies or fight APT.'s FOR RENT § Grant Landscaping, 20c square vd. de-| GABi0. Tange, refrigerator and wash BOUNDARY OF METRO TORONTO), WATCH FOR CRUSADER HOMES SIGNS ON IM- orses; roi with excellent terms, | Col) iste. Modern 1 and 2 bedroom suites, electrically equipped, range fivered anywhere. Mo 42387. Auk35|ips" mmachine repairs, Call The Ap. MEDIATE NORTH SIDE OF 401 IN WHITBY'S EXCLUSIVE WEST SIDE SACRIFICE--STREAM AND MODERN RESIDENCE | ond refrigerator, kitchen ventilation, laundry facilities, locker # AMBITIOUS omen without neg. |pliance Repair C entre, 149 Brock On Mo. 7 Hick Brozkh oO hes substantially spare; Wiig pening. $20 - $100. Agent on premises 2-9 _ lecting your family you can earn good |Street North: } 8-4801 Aug.21 : pp 2 n No. ighway, near Brooklin, wner has sui daily. Call Mr, J. A, Daly, evenings MO 8-4775. money "representing. Avon. Cosmetion. | CENTRAL er WE RECOMMEND YOUR INQUIRIES TO THE FOLLOWING REAL ESTATE AGENCIES, YOU reduced the price of this property to $16,000 with $4,000 down g Write Miss E. Outerbridge, 42 Saranac |qelivered or laid. Phone Oshawa RA MAY CALL COLLECT, Consists of a roomy five-room solid brick bungalow with an CENTRAL PARK BLVD SEBivd., Toronto 19, Ont. Phone 'RU !g.1 Aug.25 7567 between 89 a.m #1388 E attoched garage, situated on a é-acre lot and a year round $63.00 monthly, taxes included, full price $11,900 for a 5-room . ' " ' - July 22.24.26, Aug. 11,1315 SEPTIC tanks cleaned the sanitary J A V d t B f Y B ! stream. Five hundred feet frontage on No. 7 Highway. Ideal : am Adios ry way, tanks installed Walter Ward . ; Jon. INC, h ' i i ial di TTERATIONS, pant cuffing, drape 208 Chestnut. ey oe ys ni . . on e fe | e ore ou uy for business or country living. This will not disappoint you. brick bungalow in excellent residential district of Oshawa. Mod l ap ve owe : ern living and dining room, lovely kitchen, two bright bedrooms, nd alterat ms, also drapery. 1013 5 Aug. 24 REAL ESTATE Gas station permit available. 4-pce. bath. Fully decorated. Storms, screens fixtures, blinds, entre South, MO 8-1300 AU%.13| FOR general carpentry and cement , ; T.V. aerial. chain link fence ond many other ext On = OR Rent -- Unfurnished apartment | work, specializing in all kinds of house . REAL ESTATE NEW STORE AND APARTMENT Rg many Duet Shige, One vlock t, te entra a hath, 1 pel : ' . impson, eve Ee Sng ancy and, bain. ra iS ree eftimates. Henry Ruenen, Ajax 138 Whith In Whitby, Ideal for beauty parlor, tuck shop, smoke shop or RA 5.7420 P nings 2778. 185¢ Ee | y | specialties. A new building with a self-contained apartment, 5 000 / $16,500 with $3,500 down $25,000 DREAMY UY and sel "ined Horii re. Trial FOR RENT Whitby Crusader full basement and oil heating x 3 x 1 2 ' | ; Executive type home on secluded two acres, north of Ajax, fea- | MO 8 25977 | GARDEN LOVER'S PARADISE turing 4 bedrooms, dining room, large living room, modern kite ances, furniture. Apply basement, 121] Boots, Motors, Boat Trailers, ock South; MO 8.3053 Aug. 26| © Cabin Trailer, Tents, Camp | 2 Stoves, Lonterns, Lawn MO 8-3322 Homes | Village of Columbus, a few minutes drive from Oshawa and chen, clothes chute in bathroom. $1,000 worth of Hi-Fi ean'n- . Whitby. Nestled in the middle ot a 1Vv-acre landscaped lot ment built in. Hond made wrought iron railings on stairways DRIVEWAY Rollers,. Lawn Mowers, Paint | er, Garden Tiller, etc. | is a six-room clapboard bungalow with a full walk-out basement, plus a host of other custom built extras. Terms arranged. wan including a recreation room with stone fireplace. Attached Sam Blower, evenings Ajox 1580. GRAVEL for Sole -- fonts, Mota, | Crusader Development Corporation garage, A smll stream flows through the property, also there | a's 8461 MO 8.3337 PICKERING 590 load WILDE are 1 Sapple trees and a beautiful rockery, and the landscaping Coarse or fine, $7 per | Kement rave 3 50 yard RENTAL SERVICE LIMITED is ideal. $16,000 with $6,000 down, balance on one mortgage AENEER LOCAL ent STATE top anc and loaga hl or de- \ Ai | 5 | - | 0, n livery to Oshawo . Whitby AND SALES WHITBY JOINT PROJECT Du | & jak grea, Erie Branton. MO. | WHITBY, MO 8-3224 1871 AVENUE RD., TORONTC | RESIDENTIAL -- FARMS --- ACREAGES -- BUSINESSES Somer -- a i Aug. 18 190a | (Continued on Page 17