Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 15 Aug 1958, p. 10

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JO TMI DALY TIMES-GAZETTR, Fridey, August 15, 1958 CANADA'S TOP SKEET SHOOTERS WILL BE HERE THIS WEEK-END Here's How Watch i | WASHINGTON -- Famed nat- | toes biting at once may disturb uralist Williom Beebe offers 12 the toughest observer. Without Scaring The Quarry Wildlife able air and a metal shell to with- stand the terrific pressure. For a ful study of forest wildlife 'rules for observing wildlife with-| 7. When approaching a i |out scaring your quarry. |bird, take a step during each In more than 60 years of study. |S0Dg; many birds will not no- |ing nature, Dr. Beebe has evolved (tice. : {effective ways to gather informa- | 8. Learn to squat East Indian tion while remaining inconspicu- | fashion. It allows two slight shifts lous. He suggests to forest watch. | Which alternately ease all mus- ers: |cles, and keeps you clear of wet 1. Move only when the win d surfaces. | 9. When squatting, hold binocu- |lars (Dr. Beebe's choice is 7 x 50) | close to nose, so they can be shifted to the eyes with a mini. mum of motion. | 10. Don't trust your eyes or| memory when you can check and recheck. 11, A sudden yell or gunshot frightens wild birds for a few seconds, but the effect of a cough | or a sneeze will last much longer. 12, A low monotone in speaking is less disturbing than a hissing whisper. [ Dr. Beebe, who in 1934 set an | ' : blows and moves the leaves. i» 2. When a wild creature is | |near, keep eyes partly closed. : |Animals do not like to be stared . at. 3. Hold hands high so that any movement is down, as leaves {fall. ' [OPEN MOUTH TO HEAR 4, When listening to faint sounds, keep mouth slightly open. 5. Drab clothes are best, but a {scarlet or blue shirt will do no {harm if one keeps still. It is {movement, not color, which | [ the human intruder must be cloaked in silence, be as motion- less as possible as well as mute.' With eyes, ears, and nostrils he must be ready to register and record everything that can be de- tected by his imperfect senses." On the subject of companion- ship while stalking, the scientist says: "One person is a necessity, two are a crowd. The only use for three or four persons is to have them walk ahead in single file, and for you yourself suddenly to stop and squat motionless, and have the others go on. Animals cannot count, and you may es- cape notice by some of the hun- dreds of watching eyes." Dr. Beebe, now director emeri- tus of the Department of Tropical Research, New York Zoological Dry Weather May Hurt Trout Crop HESPELER -- Dry weather may affect the trout crop in the Lake Huron district as well as endangering agricultural crops. ""Unseasonably dry weather has produced very low water levels in streams throughout the district and, coupled with recent warm weather, has made tem- peratures in local streams un- favorable for trout," R. E., Mason, district biologist, reports. "Some trout streams sampled in Grey County were approach- ing the upper toierance level for trout; one in Halton had passed this limit, resulting in a fish kill. "It's hoped the current wet spell will offset the danger to some degree. However, don't be surprised if your favorite fishing pole doesn't produce too many trout this summer." Duck Crop Is Proving Better SHARPENING UP their | Quebec will be here on Sunday fied "bird" projector. Waiting |frightens wildlife. | 6. If sand flies or mosquitoes |are bad, do mot be ashamed to ocean depth record in his bathy- Society, spends half of each year sphere, sums up: {at his New York home, and half "An explorer in the deep sea|at the Society's field station in must provide himself with breath- ithe Arima Valley of Trinidad. Than Expected for the big event, biggest tour- nament of its kind ever staged by the Oshawa Skeet Club. The above picture shows Mrs. E, Ahyhart of Toronto at the "ready" position, right after she has signalled "Pull" to the man who operates the electri- "shooting eye" for the big in- vitational skeet shoot, here at the Oshawa Skeet Club quar- ters, ca Sunday, local club members have been putting in some stern practice sessions this past few weeks. Champion- ship "skeeters'" of Ontario and SPORTS MENU By Geo. H. Campbell their turn at the "high house" shot, are shown four well | known members of the Oshawa Skeet Club, left - to - right, Ernie Ayrhart, "Bob" Ross, Neil Felt and "Gil" Darling- ton. Mrs. M. Corrin Wins Felt Cup NEIL FELT, recognized as one of Oshawa's top "skeet" marksmen, is shown here, in an unusual shot caught by the cameraman, as he "kills" his "bird" out in front. The frag- ments of the shattered saucer like "bird" or target, can be clearly seen at the top of the picture."On his practice round | on Wednesday evening, Neil | had a perfect score of 25 -- which as fellow club-member "Doc" Rowden remarked "that's about all you can get out of 25 shots." | --Times-Gazette Staff Photos | |use a repellent. A dozen mosqui- ' CANADA OUTDOORS | | | VANCOUVER (CP) -- Care to| |pocket $10,000 for landing a |salmon? Offer Valuable Prizes In | Lost In Woods Centennial Salmon Derby Boats from Seattle, Tacoma and Portland yacht clubs also pian to join the invasion. What To Do If Duck crop in western Canada prairie region is proving better than that which had been expect- . . +. An impressive flurry of new broods from re-nesters and late nesters is being recorded in northern areas of the three prairie provinces and the gen- eral 1958 duck crop outlook has TORONTO -- Getting lost in the woods is no fun -- but forest| rangers guarantee that if you) keep "your head you'll come through safely. { Merely being out of sight of| others in a strange forest gives many a man the creeps, 'they brightened to a considerable de- The report, more optimistic than immediate predecessors, touched on Alberta with , . . "On the whole the province will show an increase over last year." It is that Saskat- SPORTS EDITOR The ladies of the Oshawa Golf The $10,000 first prize will go Entry fee for the three - day say. It's a natural feeling ~ but a anticipated Club held a field day on Tues- day, tee off time was 10 am. The prize winners were Mrs. J. 8. Walker, low net and Mrs. ; W. B. White low putts. FLYNN'S SPORTS face the acid test here at Kinsmen Civic| The Felt Trophy was won by Memorial Stadium tomorrow afternoon. They "blew" one last/Mrs M. Corrin who defeated night at Talbot Park when they had a 12-12 tie with the bottom-|Mrs, 0. Crawford in the finals. place Woodbine Legion team. Flynn's had a 11-2 lead at the end| On Saturday 12 ladies will com- of three innings then W back in the game and they got a homer in : 12-11 and scored one run in the bottom of the 9th to earn the tie.|Country Club in Peterborough. Due to the curfew law at Talbot Park, they couldn't play any| overtime innings, so this game will have to be completed at a la-| ter date. A win last night would have put the Oshawa Juniors out| in first place alone. Now they have to beat Ideal Welding Braves | here at Kinsmen Stadium tomorrow afternoon--or else. With the schedule almost over, Flynn's may not get another chance to overtake Ideal Welding, if they miss out here Saturday afternoon, so they'll be going "all out" to take this one. They lost last night because neither Winter nor Brewster, who came in to pitch in the | 4th, was able to stop the Woodbines. Perhaps their lack of effi-| ciency on the mound can be, charged to lack of work -something 'Everything From Soup To Nuts' Maple Cleaners Stage Rally To Defeat Scugogs Woodbine Legion Ties Flynn's Jrs. Oshawa Flynn's Sports lost alin the second, Terry Glavin sin- |chance to move into first place|gled and so did Ken Gould and |in- the Leaside Junior League|that meant two runs. oodbine scored an eight-run rally to get pete in the Kawartha Invitation race, when they were held to a| Flynn's had a comfortable 11-2|0er the 7th to make it|Meet to be held at the Kawartha |12-12 tie by Woodbine Legion, last|lead going into the fourth and |CTU | night at Talbot Park. {then the roof fell in. Gould sin- Flynn's broke in front with five gled and so did Porter and Win- |runs in the first inning, collected |ter faltered. He walked Medline on as many hits, plus a walk with|and Sinclair then Bob Brewster Joe Melnick hitting a triple and|took over on the mound. He Watches. Bill Miklas also hitting a triple, walked McLean | along with singles by Lorne Jeffs, | play was next, followed by Roy John Ryan and Ted Roberts. |Gordon's triple and singles by They made it 8-0 in the second |Suggitt, Glavin and Gould, then inning on a walk to Ryan, singles|an infield error, with two out. by Jeffs, Melnick and '"'Butch"| In all, eight runs crossed the McMahon and Jackie Cole being plate, on a total of four walks, hit with a pitched ball. two errors and six hits, to make and a choice to the fisherman who reels in the i § Jil {heaviest salmon during British|JTbY, iu. fy eS vars dangerous one. Columbia's centennial 581m 01|jacer adic: stolion any a a Here are some tips on behavi- derby, and it is luring hopefuls | market chain--to the Daiversity|P Len you're lost in the bush: from as far as Mexico City, New|of British Columbia and to the Never yield fo. panic for [York and Toronto. The three-day |association of fish and game panic, too often, can mean death. ~ i | If you get lost, st it dow: event opens Sept. 5. clubs for fish and game research. Jou Eel Osh, slop. sit down For the angler whose fish is a and try to figure out where you scale or two lighter than the win-| WELL PATROLLED |are. , there's a 22 - foot cabin| Anyone contemplating some in.| Use your head, not your legs. iser as second prize. The next|genious type of fraud in the big| lf caught by night, fog or |10 will receive car - top boats|fish derby might as well know storm -- stop at once and make {equipped with outboard motors of (that officials will have 23 patrol camp in a sheltered spot. Build a 5.9 horsepower. The next 90 win|vessels, including RCMP, city po-|fire in a safe place. Gather plen- |engraved, seif - winding wrist|lice and air-sea rescue boats on|ty of dry fuel. { {24-hour duty. Don't wander - about. |RICH EVENT | Any vessei going out of the|0nly downhill. | Altogether the prize list is|fishing area will be marked on| If injured, choose a clear spot |worth about $20,000. The next big-| the log, and any fish entered from 00 2 promontory and make a sig- gest fish derby in this area is alone of these vessels will come nal smoke. |one-day affair Aug. 17, in which|under the microscopes of the| Don't yell. Don't run. Don't an average of 25,000 anglers com-|UBC laboratory. Sponsors said|WOrry. And, above all, don't quit! |pete for prizes valued around that four prize-winners in a re-| $7,000. {cent Seattle derby were charged Travel chewan's duck crop will be "somewhat less than that of fd Cartwright sees Manitoba's duck production "holding up well and will be on a par with last year or slightly better . . . Late broods appearing in good num- bers and surface waters satisfac- tory, although good August rains needed to maintain them." The need for rain applies to all thre provinces. 4 The report mentions a suspeul~ ed shift of waterfowl with thé following . . . "There is evidence that a sizeable segment of the duck breeding population carried on north-west to Alberta wheh they found Saskatchewan less #t- tractive than in former years." It refers to Saskatchewan's re- duced production because of drought conditions over large | that all pitchers, especially minors, need to have if they are to Mapie Cleaners struck for five lareas of the province's short- hits and four runs in the last inning, in their game with Scu- gog Cleaner Juniors, last night at Radio Park. to win a 9-7 de- cision. Glenn Hornsby stopped Maple Cleaners with one hit in the first four innings of shutout ball but in the fifth he issued walks to Welsh, Little and Hrico and then with one out and the bases load- ed, an infield error, Tutak's sin- stay in top shape The PSWU Intermediate "A" playoff game, bdoked for Bathe Park here last night, didn't come off. Seems the Belle- ville team wasn't very keen about playing this one because a full hour after scheduled starting time, the Belleville club couldn't field a full team. This gave the UAW Del's the game by default. It's likely the PWSU convener and the executive will uphold this ruling, which will move the Del's into the second round. OSHAWA SKEET CLUB will be a popular place this week- end. Early visitors to the big invitation tournament being staged In the third inning, after Wood- the score 11-10 and right away, | Sure winners are the boat ren- with attempt to commit fraud {bine had scored a couple, Flynn's| Woodbine Legion took on new tal people. land were sentenced to seven came right back with three more (life. One group at Ladysmith, B.C. years. runs on a walk to Bob Winter| They finally scored again in the has rented a tug and barge. They| There are no official handi- and another to Spike Minacs plus|7th when Jack McLean hit a|plan to pile small surface craft|caps. Authorities explain that it |Ryan's single and a two-bagger| homer to make it 12-11 and in the|on the barge and tow them to/is usually a rank amateur who {by McMahon. {9th, Al Medline opened with athe fishing area. The launchings{captures the bigger fish. This made the score 11-2 and single and stole second base. He|should resemble the best movie-| Fishing will be confined to the |drove Porter from the mound, to|scored on Ian Sinclair's single |type amphibious landings. {hours from dawn to 9 p.m. be replaced by Cotton. After that,|land then with two out, Spike [the Oshawa attack fizzled out.|Minacs made a great stab of | ° Ron Stewart Joins 1 | Ottawa--Likes It! | They got only one more run, in Roy Gordon's liner, to save and f; McMahon, 1b and p; Cole, ¢;| OTTAWA (CP) -- Little half-) announced cash believed between RHE 533 010 000--12 16 3! 020 800 101-12 13 2| NN"S SPORTS -- Minacs, b; Jeffs, rf; Ryan, 3b; Melnick, | (the fifth on an error, walk to end the game. |Ryan single by Melnick and a (choice play followed by Cole'sFimn's: |single. They had two men on|Weodbine: {bases in the 7th and again in the | FLY {9th as Joe Melnick continued his'y |fine hitting, but they couldn't get, [25,50e more sup Tecsed. includ. | BoDerts, ss and If; Miklas, If; back Ron Stewart worked out|$2,000 and $3,000. = trivle. $1 cx Hiss while inter, p; Bilenduke, 1b in 4th; | with Ottawa Rough Riders Thurs-| Stewart despite his size, is con- [PER ripe. two doubles and a Brewster, p in 4th. |day night and said "it's nice to|sidered one of the greatest half- single. 3 pd WOODBINE LEGION -- Med- | be here." : [backs produced by Canadian in- |" Winter, on the mound for Osh-|line, cf; Sinclair, 2b; McLean, rf| He finally had got his way af-(tercollegiate football in recent awa, got past the first . inning|and ss; Cotton, If, rf and p; Gor-| ter twice turning down opportuni- years. : : |then Suggitt tripled with one out | don, 3b; Suggit, ss and p; Glavin, [ties to play in the Big Four--| He probably will get his first | hd ------ |1b; Gould, c; Porter, p; Wilde, [first with Montreal Alouettes and [crack at professional company 'Oshawa Merchants | Blank Port Perry | TRY OUT IN wEXICO TORONTO (CP)--Two Toronto |this year with Hamilton Tiger- Cats. He joined two other alumni of Queen's University, Kingston, Ont., in a dressing room get-to- gether after the workout. Lou Bruce and Gary Schreider, Rid- ers stars for the last two years, |along with Stewart formed the {power trio that kept Queen's | {Golden Gaels at the top of the Intercollegiate circuit. Stewart---23, five feet 7% inches tall and 175 pounds -- was ob- tained from Ticats in an agree- ment announced Thursday by manager Jim McCaffrey. Riders in payment gave up their first draft choice next year and un- here next Tuesday when Riders play host to Teronto Argonauts. Stewart, who calls Toronto his home, has expressed preference for playing with Ottawa since he was drafted by Montreal two years ago. He refused to play in Montreal last year, preferring to remain at Queen's to study law. He became Hamilton property in the off-season. But again as| this season approached Stewart remained in the sidelines, saying | he would rather study law at Uni- | versity of Ottawa this fall than play in Hamilton. Stewart will continue his law studies here while playing with| Riders, "The Rocket' Figures On 25-30 Goals | MONTREAL (CP)--The rest of the National Hockey League might as well know the bad news now. Montreal Canadiens' Maurice (Rocket) Richard, the venerable gentleman who has. just turned 37 years old, has overcome an al- most disastrous foot injury, hasn't the slightest intention of Walt Alston Signs His 1959 Contract LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Los Angeles Dodgers will have Walt Alston as manager again next year. Ending rumors that Alston's cause of the Dodgers' poor show- ing this season, general manager Buzzy Bavasi said Wednesday the trouble is with the fading stars. He didn't mention names but said the Dodgers of 1959 will be composed of young, hustling players. | tenure was coming to a close be-|\ Give Canada Team New Type Shell For Trapshooting MONTREAL -- Official wraps |were removed today from the 'secret weapon" = which the Canadian trap team will use at the world shooting championships at Moscow August 13 to 27. The 'secret weapon" consists | of two new types of shotgun shells especially developed by Canadian Industries Limited at its ammuni- tion plant at Brownsburg, Que. Several thousand rounds have al- {ready been shipped by freighter to Moscow. It is the first time |Canadian-made ammunition has |ever been sent behind the Iron Curtain, According to A. G. Elliott of C-I-L's ammunition division, the shells were especially developed for use on the Qlympic-style trap -- the kind used in international shooting. Such traps were install- ed this year for the first time in [Canada at Vancouver and |Brampton_ Ont. The Olympic trap, Mr. Elliott said, hurls the clay targets much faster and farther than the stand- ard trap equipment to which most Canadians are accustomed. grass range. Furthermore, he explained, at in ternational matches, a shooter, -- if he misses the bird with his first shot -- is allowed to take ® second shot at the target which by now is farther away. "It was these factors which prompted us to develop the nef shells," Mr. Elliott said. i The first type of shell -- usefl as shell number-one in the gun = is a "pigeon" load cotaining No. 7 size shot instead of the smal No. 7% pellets of the stand {trap load. This heavier trap Has greater smashing power at the {extreme range the Olympic trap lis able to throw the target. | The second new type of shell is also loaded with No. 7 shot and has a heavier powder charge, but the lead alloy pellets in this are nickel-plated. It is used as number-two shell in the gun and is fired if the target is missed with the first shot. The nickel plated shot, the manufacturers claim, maintains a more regular pattern right up to the impact point, The heavier powder charge gives the pellets greater smash ing power at the longer range &t which this shell will normally be employed. / plot? UNITED NAT! Gift Cigarettes for CANADA'S _MIDDLE-EAST MILITARY PERSONNEL... | AND OTHER IMPERIAL TOBACCO BRANDS, CAN BE SENT TO CANADA'S : IONS EMERGENCY FORCE $1.60 sends 400 2 ~ , % . Sweet Caporal, Matinée, Viceroy or Winchester, Price includes postage. Mail order and remittance fos IMPERIAL TOBACCO CO: Pi O. Box 6500, Montreal retiring and is going gunning for 25 or 30 goals next season. "As long as the puck goes into | the net once in # while I'll play," | the incomparable Rocket told | The Canadian Press Thursday. | "When it doesn't I'll quit." I For the oldest guy in i league, how many times is once in a while? . | "If I can't get 20 goals in a |70-game season that would be a signal. This coming season I) think I can get 25 or 30, barring] accidents of conrse." | The injury that befell Richard last season all but put him out of | hockey. His right Achilles tendon {was almost severed during a game in Toronto Nov. 13. light hours. They have received word that the top skeet shooters) Maples got a couple of hits in Sunday. Oshawa Skeet Club is located just in behind the "'wood| wiih Sarnovsky drawing a walk of National Stud Farm and the gate to the Skeet Club grounds is|«gunny"" Maeson's hard double | OASA elimnation finals open tonight at Sunnyside Park and the|placed Hornsby, failed to Maple| : LEGION MINOR Beat Newcastle, while North Oshawa Midgets visit Southmead tonight and play|four runs on two hits. Bob Kee-| | Swiss Chalet tonight in Whitby, when the Swiss Chalet team must|was safe on an error, with field, that got past the fielder,|Juvenile game, last night at Ajax Midgets defeated UAWA ing in today' ts pages, veral feat rticles ari "i lh ed he TR a I | Lakeshore League pennant and their Oshawa Legion Minor Base- ers," shot-gun enthusiasts, etc. . "BIRDIE" TEBBETTS re- Newey walked, was forced by hen their OBA playoff series injed here in Oshawa, next week. ue race this week and tly "Birdie" got tired ing| wi i i - - g e 8 wees BC apparenly I a Tin of taking| with two out, Wilson got his sec (noon, at two o'clock, with the re-|the first inning. Hobbs was on to that rumor . . . L.A, DODGERS t © i S : o : Tumo beat out Cubs again yesterday. yy; Lupe), In; Tutak, ss; Sarnov- awa but had trouble in the first|by Whiteley, another by Dowe ton 8-2 and Kansas City bowed to the White Sox 5-2 , . . N- : : y e le Sox TORON SCUGOG CLEANERS: -- R.|field, where that fielder missed Bell, in the fifth, which was cut ter. "C" playoff series in Markham tonight while Port Perry Brown, cf; Newey, 1b; Keenan, |third strikeout. He fanned three| tanz : open the inning then with two out, | u in - n x 2 CIl o 1 e 0 en way to Wills, who fanned Luke. opened with a double, advanced Merchants, last night at Port Carlton, pitching for New- UAWA -- Hobbs, 2b -Reid, 1b referee and sports writer, says| The Millionaires, a star-stud-| 3 single, Norman drew a walkl p5ax .. Brewer, 3b Kenton, is today O'Brien for the sole purpose of |Owen and Parker Doubled, but|cluded the scoring with three 0: the surviving members of theers beat them 50 in the cup fi-|two hits off Jones, who struck ridge all singled in succession to|soccer players, who played previ- oF Ami j » ool.|JaCk Fra d E : old haunts" to help Renfrew cel ser and Ed Hogan. [tripled and scozed on a single by|cf: Carlton, p and 2b; D. Mc-|mha pair, netminder Steve of reminiscences for the old Renfrew Millionaires liter Hubble followed, plus a wild|{1b and 2b; in 5th; Cooper," ss; of Ontario and Quebec will be here for this big event and it pro- the sixth but failed to score. ingl "ornish in the first in- i | single to Cornish in the firs then Gray singled and an error|gy. "nase if; Hill, p: Hobbs) rf still Port Perry failed to score.|runs in the fourth inning, Wills Millionaires hockey club of nal out 11 batters. complete the rally that meant the|oysly in Hungary, have been in- ite centennial. This town|CUT TO RIBBONS i 4 i 3 : i il ebrate its centennia is town |Walker. In the sixth, Price singl-/Cullough, c; Luke, 3b; Trimm, If; | peace 95 and left winger Erwin hockey warriors. ally and figuratively cut to rib- pitch, to give Merchants three Middleton, 3b; Wills, 2b and p in here, will no doubt try a few practice rounds on Saturday after-|gie another error and a hit by noon and evening but the big tournament is scheduled for Sun-|Smegal produced a total of five mises to be a highlight in the history of the Oshawa Skeet and|powever in the top of the 7th Gun Club, Incidentally, the "public" is cordially invited to attend with fhe score 7.5 Dy them, lot" located on the corner of the Simcoe St. north highway tol, al and Claus both sin Port Perry and the Kiwanis Camp road. You turn right, on the be Segal A i. forcing located about 200 yards east of "Simcoe St. North" on the Ki-| 1o.10d4 the bases and he scored wanis Camp road. himseif on singles by Little and -- ) { | two teams play the second game back at Woodview Park on Sat-|Cleaners' barrage. | urday evening . . . STORIE PARK Midgets are at home to Fern-| Scugog Cleaners trailed 5-0 go-| | Clinch Top Spot | one| | win if they hope to gain a Beaches Major League playoff position|out and Wilson's single followed| Oshawa Legion Juveniles de- AJAX MIDGETS WIN while Tony's have to win, to keep in the running for first place : i re, Seugon noved first - place honors. {ball Midget League semi-final signed as manager of the Cincinnati Redlegs yesterday, in spite This game was a tune-up for series at one win apiece. Third of he fact his contract had another season to go . . . CINCY the cat-calls from the fans . . . WALT ALSTON, Dodgers' mana-jond hit to score both his mates | : er, who was ed to be headed for "resignation" : 4 3 {turn game back here the follow-open the game, on interference 8 hy THOR 0 eaded for "resignation" a couple ofl making it 7-5 at the time. |ing Saturday at Alexandra Park, |and then Reid walked, followed 7-3 while Milwaukee Braves won another from the Redlegs and|q pv "|f. § 1, rf: Cl . : | o's Bi Giants nosed out St. Louis Cards 43 . . . CLEVELAND INDIANS| otc of: Hone. o Little. gb.|lning when he issued threeand Waite's single. After that, uis Cards CLEVELAND INDIANS weish "cf; Earle, p; Little, 3b;|walks struck out two batters|Hill tightened up and the best TO LEAFS missed a big chance last night when they bowed to i Columbus Jets 6-5--while Montreal Royals , : Simcoe, 3b; Wilson, ss; Fielder, |the pick-up, and three runs scor-|off with a double-play. e vals were losing a double- ¢; Buzminski, If; Tilk, 2b;led, before Gray could get his| Ajax got three runs in the oes to Cobourg on Saturday night to open their OASA Inter. rf; Hornsby, p; Taylor: p in 7th. / more in the second and another| n 5 first round, with the return game back in "Port" on Vea. in the third and a pair in the Shearer singled and Desroches P. McCullough and Carlton both|to score both his mates. hit safely in the fifth and D. Me-| Waite held them off after, un- He turned back Newcastle in the on an error d y . 50/ ] and scored on a | Oshawa Merchants won Bibi. |7th with one error and only four passed ball, after Shearer was C dit Milli ™ {shutout decision in their exhi | re 1 S 1 ionaires castle, blanked the Oshawa lads Bell, ¢f Whiteley, Sh D {Perry Fair Grounds. i h : Ys owe, 5s RENFREW (CP) -- Mike Rod-|million - dollar enterprises that| Ted Jones pitched the shutout in the first two frames but in the| Waite, p Pipher, rf Godridge, the Renfrew Millionaires brought ded team put tokether by the ning, another to Ed fe Y , " : : h y |ning, tdgar, follow-|followed by Boyd's sacrifice gave drama to hockey and made it the late Renfrew millionaire Alexan- |i 5 a 1k n 0 in the third] P 0 g McCartney, cf; Tripp, 1b; Shear- ing a wal Foster in {Oshawa two runs. er, ¢; Desroches, ss; Meek, If, in Rodden, sports editor of the|winning the Stanley Cup, folded Kingston Whig - Standard, thus|in two years after falling short | Edgar, with his second hit in the|was hit by the pitcher then| 1909-10. The five others who formed the its A 1.¢ team, all dead Wi Tamblyn, pitching for Port game. vited to Mexico for a month's Five of them returned to what ead now, were Fred Perry, held his sheet clean until NEWCASTLE --G. McCullough, |¢ria) with Deportivo Oro of the of 8,000 threw a big banquet in| Rodden recalled a game be-[ed w forced by Walker tt Crowther, rf; Rowe, ss; Werry, | . their honor at which Rodden, |tween the Million aires and ar safe Yon on Infield 1b; Cowan, rf in 6th. "'{ariko, 29, leit Saturday. Besides Taylor, 74, of Van-'bons." runs. They got their final tally in{5th; Rowland, cf; Daniels, If; wo eouver, they were Lester Patrick,| Stories game con- the 7th when O'Connor opened Breckenridge, c¢; Norman, rf; about day, starting in the morning and continuing throughout the day-|runs, the practice rounds tomorrow and the big tournament shoot on Maples got rolling atter one out, Kiwanis Camp road, at the No. 7A highway intersection just north Sarnovsky for the second out but : id! BRIGHT BITS: -- Oshawa Kiwanis Bantam Softball League|Hrico, as Tayl r, who had re Leal il id egion Juveniles hill Park tonight and play back at Fernhill Park on Saturday|ing into their fifth and scored | back in North Oshawa on Monday evening . . . TONY'S meet|nan started it off then R. Simcoe| by Fielder's drive into .right/feated Newcastle Merchants in a TO EVEN PLAYOFFS . . . OUTDOOR SPORTSMEN will find a lot of interesting read- , 1 : : cleared the bases. {Lakeview Park, 5-3, to win the|4-2 last night in Ajax, to tie up which will be of special interest to hunters, anglers, "bird watch- homer into deep centre, then the local Legion Juveniles, who|and deciding game will be play- REDLEGS dropped to the bottom of the h in the National Lea- i 2 ppe of the heap iu the National Lea Keenan but Hornsby singled and| peterborough on Saturday after-| Legion got their two runs in reeks ago, yesterday was si t 959 seas i weeks ago, Yesterday was signed up for the 1950 season-ending! wApLE CLEANERS - Hrico, Danny Gray started for Osh-|by Bell's single, a sacrifice fly ni Detroit Tigers 10-9 yesterday; while Yank 'hipped Bos- 3 pred ¥ y We Yan gees whippel o3|G. Maeson, p in th, then Trimm hit a single to right| UAWA could do was a single by header to Richmond, 5-3 and 3-1 . . . PICKERD : i - |S ICKERING opens their In second stanza. Hobbs walked to nesday evening. fourth. |drew a walk and Brewer tripled Cullough walked, so Gray gave|til the sixth when Claringbold tion game with the Port Perry batters. {hit by the pitcher. . A 5 3 third, Breckenridge opened withi¢ Kirk, If. den, in sport all his life as player,|were made great by this sport." {for Merchants. He gave up a | irk, multi-million-dollar enilerprise it!der Barnet and Senator M. J.| i i ked | n and then in the sixth, he walked] They moved in front and con- 5th: Claringbold, 1b. in 6th. paid tribute Wednesday night to|of their mark. Montreal Wander- (gt, was the only player to get{Rowland, Daniels and Brecken- o . Whiteroft, B 4 i 3 : ~ Fred (Cyclone) Taylor called] " ob Rowe. Hey Miller, 1), fourth when Danny Price|2b and p; in 4th; P. McCullough, |nexican * first division league. guest speaker, completed a day|Haileybury in which "I saw thelerror and walks to Edwards and| OSHAWA LEGION -- Boyd,| that 74, of Victoria, Newsy Lalonde, flicted with a single, moved on two in- Gray, p and 1b in 5th; Hutchin- 70, of Montreal, Bert Lindsay, 77, Art Ross, who at the time field outs and scored on Mickey son, rf in 2nd of Sarnia and Herb. Jordan, 73, played for Haileybury and who Walker's double. of Renfrew has since retired as general man- Samansky rook over for Tam- CRA NEIGHBORHOOD SOFTBALL SCORES * Frank Potrick, Lester'siager of the NIL Boston Bruins, blyn in the 6th inning brother, is the only other surviv- had said earlier jokingly: "I OSHAWA: O'Connor ss: Badg- ing member of the memorableinever heard so many lies in all ley, c¢; Price, 2b; Walker, 1b; Millionaires but was unable|my life." Dionne, cf; Edwards, rf; Hubble to attend due to poor health H 3b; Boyce, If: Jones, p. PEE WEE BOYS Sunnyside, 9; Kingside, 11 Storig Park, 0; Eastview, 11 Bathe Park, Southmead 11 LOBEL he ry Ss "massacre" lant by Jordan t them by 14 i hat. Maybe He| The sent his regrets from Vancouver {was giv PORT PERPY: Edgar, 2b;| Rodden, who holds the National] "We 1 or Baird, if; Cornish, rf; Owen, ss; | Hockey. League record of that Parker, cf; Tamblyn p; Coch something | 20 eeing 1.187 rane Venning, 1b; D. Foster at ( OFF ARRANGE NOW FOR AUTOMATIC WEATHER CONTROLLED DELIVERY OF . .. McLAUGHLIN'S FURNACE FUEL OIL « + + To-Night the STARLITE | * t dram | A It possible the'for talk and a good time. 0 BANTAM GIRLS Fernhill, 15; Eastview, 13. ih 16th; are 'men who made Warriner, If; Samanski, p in hockey. They R. Foster, 3b. 104 KING ST. W. LAUGHLIN' $ FUEL OL AND BURNERS _ «J ® 10 MONTH BUDGET PLAN NOW AVAILABLE FOR FULL INFORMATION CALL... McLAUGHLIN HEATING A DIVISION OF McLAUGHLIN COAL & SUPPLIES LTD. \ OSHAWA LJ RA 3.3481

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