Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 15 Aug 1958, p. 9

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50----Articles For Sale |50--Articles For Sele A |51--Swap and Barter CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING foams rer zs ser, = (Continued from Page 17) ELECTRIC range, like new condition, and washing machine; also complete | opi RA 5-5598. carriage, yellow and|WE BUY, sell or exchange used furni- | day. Radio for rent, $2 per week. Sun- white, 7 months old. Excellent condi- ture, appliances, TV, sewing machiaes, {lamps for rent, $2 per week, Meagher's, |tion. Phone RA 8-1568. £2 5 King Street West. RA 3.3425. Sept. 12| NATURAL finished crib, 20x40, with |19 Prince Street. RA 8-1131. ug. 11 |springs and matigess, Lloyd jumr'~= WE buy, sell and exchange used fur. chair, and sectional chesterfield with niture, Highest prices paid for any ap- 189f | pianos, stoves, Also sell and exchange Aug.17 FRENCHMAN'S | Cubs Make BAY hh Swain Bir ois TF nlf v [ THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Pridey, Avgust 15, 1998 § 'Weekend Camp Blind River Policed 189¢ |pliances, TV, pianos, sewing machines | §O--Articles For Sale [50--Articles For Sale TV serial antenna. Sell r TAVE one-third on mew furniture, 12- WESTINGHOUSE fable model TV, 17 plece living room groups, $149.00 7-|inch, perfect condition, $75. 368 Glidden suite, 187¢ Washing machine. Kitchen Apply 601 Dunlop Street West, Whitby, JUNIOR size bedroom suite, blond. |, o fo Se er Coo south "RA 5.8131 buffet, |For quick action contact Oshawa Trad | Walnut bedroom | blond. Other| . Aug. 22| pece bedroom groups, $139. 25-plece| Avenue. 189¢c (GREY nylon frieze chesterfield chair, articles. throme kitchen sets, $54.50; continental |FULL size cot and mattress; high i RA 3-304 beds complete with headboard, $39.95; chair; stroller; tricycle. Phone RA Perfect condition. Cheap. RA 23-3006 arborite top step and coffee tables, |3-9120. 189f | 19.95; springfilled mattresses, $19.83) | Gi ADIOLAS and other cut flowers. RA hostess chairs, $11.95; Hollywood divans 3.2062, RA 5.7902 or 119 Rosehill Bivd NOW. IS THE TIME |at 82 Grenfell Street. |porcelain, ideal for {Phone RA 5-3198. i newly reupholstered: 75 Ib. ice box, In nor 6 637 Drew Street. 189 ONE wardrobe with plate glass mirror. [S807 |New TV aerial. Other furniture, Call|SuPplies |FINDLAY Condor duplex stove, com- [bination coal, wood and propane, white! Apply | COMBINATION TV, boy's bicycle, tile Dobsons. cottage or home. | Murder Charg $20.95; maple finished bunk beds, com- Aug. 31 plete springs and m $59.95; i Re ae) = TO READY FOR deiuxe carriages, chrome guards, etc.,|THREE piece velour chesterfield suse, $29.95. Oniy at Dick Bradley's Furni-|{two rugs, 7 x 9 with pad, 9 x 12 with- WINTER ture Drive-In, Simcoe Street. RA /out pad. Phone RA 5-5759 ae 188¢c 5-3811 Sept. S15W0 house trailers, one 12 and one| For the finest factory con- |? LLOYD, 1957, 6-way baby carriage,|15'. Choice, $325 each, Apply Howard's| structed aluminum storm light blue. one RA 5-8684. 185f Drive In, 1 mile north on Highway 12 windows and doors installed | ELECTRIC "repair headquarters. 8c; to your satisfaction ot low- | Cutting heads, cords, etc, for Sunbeam, HIGHEST prices paid in Oshawa for est prices. Schick, Remington, Philishave, Ronson, used furniture by the Community Fur ji ete. Meagher's, 5 King Street West, niture Store, 19 Prince Street. Phone] UF. TO 24 MONTHS TO PAY the 5 . £ 6 , Sept. 18RA SASL meer CALL TODAY FOR FREE o'clock, noon, USED tires, most all sizes, $3 up. B. F [OIL heater, will heat five rooms, also ESTIMATL September 4, | Goodrich Stores. RA 5-4543, Sept. oil drum, $45. RA 5-0184. 188 VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes. | WE pay "highest price in the city for| ALEX VAJDA MODERN WOODWORKING Hall ond P | Hampton, Ap LR a used furniture, Pretty's Used Furniture Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv. Store, RA 33271, Sept. 10 fice. RA 8-108] any Aug. | | RA 3.9851 PAINT. interior, exterior, flat, gloss | J - all colors £2.95 gal. Oshawa Hardware] LUXURY OUTBOARDING ! and Electric, 8 Church. RA 3.7624. | BUDGET PRICES ! ge Awl Ses the power lOpded new GLADIOLI for sale, RA 3.9634. RA| 'ELTOS! 3 to 35 hp. 2 8-8430 ' Sept. 8 electric starting models, TENTS, camping supplies, ground| Full warranty, Choose yours sheets, tarpaulins, pup-tents. Oshawa now. Terms Cy Preece Hardware and Electric, 8 Church. RA Garoge. Eito Sales ond 3.7624 Aug. 28 Service, Gliddon aot Verdun Sept. 12 ber 31, 1958, PETERBOROUGH BOATS Cedarstrip, aluminum, mould- ed plywood, figreglas. Moulded mahogany. hull is commenced 52--Legal Notices : TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON Tenders will be received by |of undersigned until 12 purchase and removal of the former Darlington Township office Building must be removed from premises before Decem- Certified cheque In the omount of 50% of bid must accompany tender, the bal- ance to be paid before work W. E. RUNDLE, Clerk. Hearing Adjourned until Aug. 20 preliminary hearing aunt, a murder charge against Thursday, (Ont. 958, for the Martin is charged in the June] Iman, 44 - year - old widow found ildin uiiding: Inext to her store near Preston. | When the hearing |Magistrate Barron is to hear ar- guments on whether Martin should be committed for trial. resumes| the holidays. {moth~r and Martin went to dances together, Aug.15,22! ey Rd, -- RA 5.9251, SEE! Aug.16 FRIGIDAIRE! ---- (1 Have your heating needs SHEER LOOK -- PLUS ottended to now -- Avoid AT delays this Fall. No pay- ment until September, HOME APPLIANCES | E Evinrude motors TEE-NEE TRAILERS Loyoway plan, no finance charges. Factory opproyed | service. Marine Storage and Supply Ltd. Brooklin, Ontario For Results RA 3-3492 " Used Ficticious Charge Account Pr. | | | Lo | family. Heaps, a suburban Mimico| mother of 13 children, startled a magistrate's vourt Thursday by|™® admitting she 'made 949 pur-| ville. OIL FIRED UNITS Phone 87 90 SIMCOE ST. S., RA 5-5332 | GAS FIRED UNITS Open evenings and weekends. Sept. 3 OIL & GAS Sept CONVERSIONS " Registered Ontario Fuel Board Installer EX HEATING SALES, OSHAWA Winter-Seal ALUMINUM WINDOWS AND DOORS W. BORROWDALE Special reductions in Alum- RA 3-4878 inum Doors, Storms, Screens, and Porch Railings NOBODY BUT NOBODY CAN BEAT OUR QUALITY, PRICES AND GUARAN- TEED INSTALLATION. : Call Open HOLODY Brooklin Marine Storage ALUMINUM Supply Ltd RA 5-2431 TODAY | PHONE 87 Aug. 18 Aug.18 BOAT KITS |. $56.00 and Up evenings and week- CUSTOM AND OPEN AND CLOSE LES EVENISS SALES LTD. 15 PRINCE ST Les Eveniss RA 3-2707 Don Howe RA 5-0313 Now Below Cost UsedCa TRUCKS \é '57 CHEVROLET V2-Ton Pickup Like brand new '56 Volk olkswagen Excellent condition. The perfect all around work truck. . a $ '533 CHEVROLET 1 Ton Panel Ready for the road '55 CHEVROLET s1175 '57 BEDFORD Ford Panel Sale Price '54 PONTIAC Sedan Delivery '50 G. M. C. 3 Ton Dump Truck i s52 SPECIAL "59 Buick Sedan Loaded with extras. Priced to sell GOOD MOTOR '31 Chev. Coach take advantage of this repossesion car only Cedan Delivery In very nice shape. Only . 54 Chay. 3 Deluxe Sedan 160k ot the price work, two to choose from | 50-Articles For Sale Kool Lite Aluminum Awnings RAILINGS -- Interior and Exterior Fireplace Furnishings ond Bathtub Enclosures Bill Galbraith RA 5-8832 chases on non-existent charge ac-!| store illness. She had been facing only three volving sums of $4.33, $8 and $6.49 "Have you been doing this con- tinually since 1951?" Magistrate {Donald Graham asked her." "Yes, sir," reqgplied |year-old housewife, Mrs. Heaps told the magistrate |she can manage on her husband's salary as an aircraft werker at A. V, Roe (Canada) Limited "but I had other expenses." The goods were worth about 184,500, she said She was remanded in custody Aug28 for sentence today. measled! sister-in-law, 5 RA 5-4632 Sunday. Mrs last week 4 USED CARS By MRS. W. FERTILE } mers comes me 10 By Provincial Police TORONTO (CP) ~ Provincial quiry is thought necessary it will 8 June aie y Mr. and Mrs. H. Alexander and Frank Martin, 51, ol espeler, Mrs. Eva Stephens spent Thurs- .pi Th !day at the races in Fort Erie. children of Mr. and Mrs. Bob . 2 slaying of Mrs, Helen Rah-(, Mr. nd' As Tot Kirby enter-| burton this week. ing i and Mr. and Mrs. |bludgeoned to death in a Earage| from New Jersey last week. | Mr. and Mrs. Roy Led8¢: are spending their holiday with Tom Ibbetson Cliff, | Mr. and Mrs. Clare Skitch, Bry-istal Lake. Ralph Rahman, 21, bank clerkjan and Lynne and Mrs. Dora| mq wh lof Clinton and oniy son of Mrs. Skitch are on vacation for two ro Waite 2nd iriend had 2 trip) Commission |Rahman. testified Thursday his weeks at 'Georgian Bay. 4 IA. Mr. and Mrs. W. Fertile and celebrated their 52nd wedding an- Sandra and Ross are taking aniversary. motor trip to Miami Florida to| Larry and Bobby McKay spentthey have chosen a camp site on last week an vacation at Hunts- Rosseau Lake. --------oounts at a downtown Toronto favourably following his recent with her parents Mr Terry Jones fractured his charges of false pretences in- collar bone in a fall last week Roberta Gilner has been ill with Ronald Korczynski Workmen's Compensation Hospi-|St. Clement's Anglican Church, the 39- tal for observation following an|Toronto, Saturday. injury to his wrist. Miss Margaret Stephen of To-|spending two week's vacation at ronto spent last week visiting | Atlantic City. Mrs. W. O'Brien. Mrs, Fred Wilman of Hamilton ed home from a motor trip to Mansfield, | Eastern Canada, MacDon- nell also visited Mrs. Mansfield c. Mackiewicz, her husband and Mr. and Mrs. Alan Sayers spent 'are visiting lim for two week's. 1951 BUICK SEDAN In outstanding condition. Sale Price 1957 OLDS STATION WAGON The big American fiesta madel, fully powered, two- toned, white walls, very low $3745 mileage. For only 1957 OLDS 88 SEDAN Ce AA 1954 OLDS SEDAN Eas om. Doyo murs, ALS 1954 FORD STATION WAGON In top shape, shows the care it has received, hard madels to find 1956 PLYMOUTH HARDTOP V-8, automatic transmission, one owner 1675 car, will give owner's name on request . . 1956 PLYMOUTH SAVOY Finished Atlantic blue with matching in- terior, you have to see it to believe it at this all-time low price of 1953 PONTIAC DELUXE COACH One of the nicest we've had in years. Only UY I rt YE -------------- a yl 1952 DELUXE SEDAN CHEVROLET Everything you want in an automobile, S595 low, low price Finished Jos PONTIAC SEDAN S850 one owner ie throughout. Saie Price era 550 1953 CHEVROLET COACH ies Togo, wom othe STB 1951 PONTIAC SEDAN all-time low price. of Automatic transmission, spotless | 'By MRS. CHARLES WHITE FRENCHMAN'S BAY -- Mr. Oshawa Cub Pack spent a week- {and Mrs. W. Dobson and son Fred end camp at Samac last week- 186¢| machine, clothes reel, typewriter, new have returned from a vacation in end. Twenty-two boys and their : : | |deer rifle, trailer, truck. plumbing North Bay. Mr. and Mrs. G. War- leaders were in camp from Fri- police will take over policing ofipe given every consideration if and installations, for what/ren and family spent the first day night untli Sunday afternoon. 190b | have you. Chinn's, RA 37088. Aususti?| weal 'of their vacation with the Cub Master Don Ellison and as- River immediatel |sistants Betty Stonehouse, Marie | baseball. PERSONALS Karen and Larry Ashmore, Ont. : assistant Ashmore, are visiting in Hali- Wil Ledger| ay and Mrs. Wilfred Harris) Mr. and Mrs. Runciman, Copper| |last week at their cottage at Cry- H. Dean Friday when they |the uranium boom town of Blind y, Attoraey-| {from the |General Roberts Mr. and Mrs. A. Skelton and|Coster and Carolyn Buss directed Thursday. family are in Montreal 'visiting the Cubs in swimming, hikes and their parents and friends. nin, Mr. and Mrs. P. Tranquada| Two Cubs earned their swim- KITCHENER (CP)--Magistrate|and family are in Brooklyn, New mers badges while in Camp Bruce =... A. D. Barron Thursday adjourned| York, visiting Mrs, Tranquada's|Craigie and David Westlake. 0 4 {Sudbury and Sault Ste. Marie, commissioner," be joined by a French-speak- constable and possibly an er constable, The Blind River force of a chief and four men will act under OPP orders. | Mr. Roberts said he police] {paid a visit to Vineland during) |commission met Monday at his Mr, and Mrs. Bob Sully spent) quest and heard evidence from members of the Ontario County |the force that it was unable to Junior Farmers |police the community. chairman Judge 'ao IJ. H. McDonald, after consulting Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wiseman Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Dean and | on il members, appealed to the hind Sid Janet, Parry Sound, spent last . {have their niece, Donna Wiseman ; St attorney-general for help. ee | of Burks Fall Visiting. th thi weekend with (heir parents in ; {of Burks Falls, visiting them this oehawa and visited Mr. and Ms.|TWO CAUSES od Risa | Mr. Roberts said Biind River's | problems result from the appear- lance of undesirable persons and| The Vesper service was con- | 3 ity's id growth. The 11th Oshawa Scout Troop By oy Brow | | | igh finn id his Perry | visit Mrs. Fertile"s mothe d r sai is| Perry C A L L TORONTO (CP)--Mrs. Thelma > . T 8nC leave Saturday, August 16 for| qepartment did not officially re-read the scripture, Jeanne Pear- |eil." vestigation. gathered at the and Vesper service. {regarding certain activities {Biind River but it was not con {there is a request for it either ission or the coun- He said an OPP force headed) He said Judge McDonald told {by Assistant Commissioner Ward, . Kennedy will take over on the| Nim there were a lot of rumors Irequest of the Blind River police in Blind River is midway beiween| Sidered there was sufficient justie fication for a request for an ine Junior Farmers Annual Picnic UXBRIDGE -- More than 40 Farm Forum Park Sunday, Aug- ust 10, 1958, for the annual picnie Swimming was indulged in by all before and after the picnie vided {ducted by Walter supper which the members pro- Kerry, Port Frank Barkey, Claremont, their summer camp. This year| oct an investigation into police|son, Uxbridge led in prayer and Rive {operations and crime in Blind short talk on the theme Norm Lyons of Uxbridge gave a "To T. Mrs. Lloyd MacNeil, Toronto, "If at some later date an in-leach according to his abilities." Robert Balson is progressing is spending a few days this week ---------- and Mrs Allan Switzer. last weekend in New York City. Mr, and Mrs. S. Culley' attend ed the wedding of Margaret Cad- in the enhead to George Templeton at 00 DOWN Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hill are "Tiny" Korczynski has return- Dave Brundle's daughter, Mrs. three children of Detroit, Mich. 32 KING ST. WEST WEEKLY CREDIT JEWELLERS RA 3-7022 NO EXTRA CHARGES FOR CREDIT NEVER BEFORE HAS THIS USED m CAR DEALER OFFERED SUCH VALUES!) ¥ Cd CHEAPIES . * '50 PON As is, only '49 PONTIAC Nice motor 48 PONTIAC s100 Nice clean car. Sale Price '47 CHEVROLET Sedan Good transportation '48 PLYMOUTH 569 "5ST CHEVROLET mire SAgH "53 METEOR ws ve ve SOT Real Value Radio, new For the buy of your life see this, Only $995 140 BOND ST. WEST ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LTO. 5-6501 -- 5-6504 -- 5-6507 BIG BUY 'a1 Chev. Coach Truly an outstanding car, very low mileage. Sale s1750 '56 Ford Station Wagon Thunderbird 'motor, spotless throughout, runs and looks like a new one. Don't miss this buy. s1795 LOW MILEAGE '98 Chev. Deluxe Sedan Radio and heater, very low mileage. Finished in a beautiful seafoam green, Outstanding value. See it and you'll buy it. .

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