Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 5 Aug 1958, p. 8

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"PRINCIPALS IN RECENT CEREMONY "A wedding of Oshawa interest Was solemnized recently at St Edmund's Church, Stoco, On- | $ario, when Mr. and Mrs, JPonald Joseph Allen exchanged Women Women's Editor Jo Aldwinckle, PERSONALS Mr, and Mrs, George Edwards Mr. and Mrs. David W. Hen- derson, George Apartments, who and Mr, and Mrs, Clarence Toaze, were celebrating their 40th wed [Bagot street, Oshawa, have re- |ding anniversary on Friday eve-|turned from a trip which includ- Ining were entertained at a familyled Manitoulin' Island, Sudbury, dinner party at 'he home of their|Sault Ste. Marie and Mackinac igon-in-law and daughter, Mr, and!Island, crossing the giant new |Mrs, Albert Wi'son, Sherwood|bridge to Lower Michigan and avenue, On arrival the honoredihome via Port Huron. |couple were presented with al | of he-| Miss Alvina Schaan, a mem- nosegay of roses and chiysamthe-| JT Ge statf of the Oshawa {mums by their granddaughter,| / {Heather Gay Wilson, on behalf{General Hospital, has left for a lof their five grandchildren, The|vacation in Europe and the Bri- dinner table was beautifully de-|tish Isles corated with summer flowers and | Mr, and Mrs, 8. O, Plowright, i , The! a lovely anniversary cake {Central Park north, have return- {hostess assisted by the couple's daughter, Mrs. William Jordan ®d from a motor trip to Florida. Mr. and Mrs, P. T. Siblock, and daughter 4u-law, Mrs. John |Hendersoi served a turkey din- per, Toasts wete given iv, She Guido EE ee ip i bride and bridegroom wishing" . a "| just returned from a motoring trip them many uote years of ton through Queber City, Montreal, and Ottawa, While in Ottawa, MARSHMALLOW BALLS % Ib. cherries (glazed) % 1b. marshmallows % 1b. coconut % 1b almonds Z 1 egg % | Put these through the chopper, stir in 1 egg. Make into smal {balls and roll in icing sugar, Mrs. Jas. MacDonald, North Group, Jessie Panton Auxiliary, St, Andrew's United Church. ORIENTAL FUDGE cups brown sugar cup strong coffee squares unsweetened choco- late, cut into bits thsp. butter cup nuts Mix all ingredients but butter, Cook covered three minutes. Re- move cover and cook till soft ball stage 234 degrees. Remove from heat anc add butter, Do not stir, {tinued Bappivess. At ig con- lelusion of the dinner the couple they were the guests of The Hon. |were presented with a set of alu- minum garden chairs by their family. Mr. and Mrs. Henderson were married in Glasgow, Scot k (land on July 8, 1918, and have lived in Oshawa for 33 years. They have three children, Mrs. orable Michael Starr, in his of- fice in the Parliament Buildings. Mr. Thomas Murdock, and Mr, Gay Balley, Masson street, are spending the week motoring through Northern Ontario and Cool to ukewarm 110 degrees. Beat till creamy spread on butter. ed plate. Mrs. J. H. Hunter, North Group, Jessie Panton Auxiliary, St. Andrew's United Church, PEANUT BUTTER BALLS % v | nuptial vows. The bride, the | former Miss Margaret Mary Mulroney, who is a graduate of St. Michael's Hospital, To- ronto, is the daughter of Mr, A, W, Wilson (Betty), Mrs, Wil- |iiam Jordan (Margaret) and Mr,| Michigan. {John Henderson of Kendal On-| Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Walker, \tario, and five grandchildren, Mr. |8imcoe street north, spent Satur- {Henderson has been an employee day in Ottawa where they attend- Sherfferville, Quebec, will be the home of Mr. and Mrs, jof the General Motors for 30 04 the Prime Minister's and Mrs, years. Diefenbaker"s reception to meet Her Royal Highness, The Prin- Mr. and Mrs, George Fletcher, cogs Margaret. Greta street, and their daughter 4 |Lloy, returned yesterday from al Little items of social news are "! \weekend visit at the home of always welcome in this column, "(the Reverend H- W. Snell, Lam-|If you are enjoying the company 24 | beth, Ontario. |of visitors or live bets ning | yourself why telephone 3- Bona peive. Se eid share 'your lessure with | and Mrs. Frank J. Mulroney of |sons, Jamie and Doug, returned,' 1, Stoco and the bridegroom is the Friday from a two-week vacation| Mr, and Mrs. William Gordon, son of Mr. and Mrs, James (in Kennebunk, Maine. Centre street, and Charles and Allen of Oshawa, The couple | | Jean, and Miss Betty Green spent will live in Toronto. Mr, and Mrs, E. A, Mounce,|(he holiday weekend in Giolph, Photo by Phippen, Napane: e Colborne street east, had as a Mr. and Mrs. Jack Armstrong | . House Of Dior 1 ~|guest for the week-end Mr, Mounce's brother Mr. M. R,|Hortop street, are visiting their Mounce of Winnipeg Manitoba, [son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and {Mrs, Dale Armstrong, In Dorval, Lowers Hemline PARIS (AP) Yves Saint-Laurent today low ered the hemline ra by seve the floor, to five inches lower Dial RA 3-3474 | ;i10r Paris lon houses whose -- HE DAILY S-GAZETTE, Tuesday, August 5, fs fa collections T'hely fioor fall and winter been shown so far |have cleared 1958 by as 120 inches | The house of Dior's new curve {line curves both shoulders and short Silhouette is Dior designer|yith relatives in Ardrossan and | Dunkeld, Scotland inches--to about 15 Inches {rom| oOut.of-town guests at the Ken Saint-Laurent's hemline was up and Mrs. William Blundell, Clare- han those of mont: Mr, and Mr have kirts| william Redmond Mr oud Mis Alex Brody, Cen- Quebec, tral Park boulevard north, have| ; returned from a three - week visit, Din Kay Wolsey, RR 3, 080. 2, Bowmanville, spent the week- end in Napanee, at the home of Mr. Arnold's brother and sister- inlaw, Mr, and Mrs. Donald Arnold The Ca Mrs nedy-Vennor wedding were Mr Copeland, Mrs Mr. and grpest Calwell, both of Kendal Mrs, Robert Sloan, Mr. and Mrs. |avenue, and Miss Agnes Kirk, Mrs. Evelyn|Arthur street, have returned from |Bly, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fitzgib- (a vacation trip to Port Elgin, Dons, Mr. and Mrs. William Dale, y . Donna sells, Fairport Beach Shirley Vennor, T. Kennedy Wed In Afternoon Ceremony Northminster United when Shirley Irene omas Kennedy, son of Mr, and| rs. T. L. Kennedy of Toronto. The Reverend H. A rf fess music was played by r. John R, Robertson. ~ Given in marriage fy her prother. Mr. Ernest Vennor, the ride wore a full length gown of etal white Chantilly lace and lle over net and satin, A crown pf tulle leaves studded with arls held her chapel veil, and he carried a cascade of red| oses and feathered white carna-| ons, Mrs. James Hiscock, who was matron of honor for her sister, Jore daffodil yellow, and the Tr idesmaids were Miss Betty Lou|0f polished cotton with a white Chatterton and Miss Bernice Ven-|hat and a duster coat. White ro por, both in romance blue. Their [nations and red pinicchio roses waltz length gowns were made on|comprised her corsage. Mentical ti adi dard CLEVER HOMEWORK hands can make this unique summer hat pasket ensemble. Ingredients a straw basket and hat from the dime store and a few yards of woven-edge ribbon. To trim the sun hat: Fold, baste and stitch box pleats along one edge of 1'a-inch-wide plaid rib bon. Then stitch the ribbon Jong the edge of the hat brim by hand, For basket: Run Fr ---- CLEVER Church| with draped bertha necklines with REVOLUTIONARY LOOK was the setting of a wedding on full length floating back Ranels FY LUT AS ' Baturday afternoon, August 2, highlighting the hooped skirts, | Vennor, They wore long nylon gloves and ary gaughter of Mrs. Norman Vennor bandeaux 4 | slutionary pf Oshawa and the late Mr. Ven-/gowns and carried nosegays of gape Bs was united in marriage with white shasta chrysanthemums ae 63 Mellow were Mr, Leslie Smith and Mr.|fods ormed the ceremony and the Larry Hobbs, both of Scarbor |ough, {dress of Riviera blue silk broad-|~ {of white tucked nylon with a pic- | lines of nylon chiffon] over net and taffeta designed live in Toronto. - ie -- ---- BAO BN 1 gob Va 2 and | gibbon theca Se |... ~ =iw BRAGY ARRIAN | skirts. The {waisted but not truly empire | A five-inch drop in length lat her home in St, Catharines. Smith, Mrs. William Redmond,| Miss Gladys Simcoe | Toronto MARY HAWORTH'S MAIL | Dolan Rene LeBlanc who were married recently at St. Gre- MARRIED AT § cup fresh peanut butter cup icing sugar cup chopped dates Gelsberger of Oshawa and the | % cup chopped nuts bridegroom is the son of Mr. | Shape into balls, roli in thin and Mrs. Rene LeBlanc of [butter icing and roll in' chopped Dorchester, New Brunswick {nuts or fine coconut, Lemon icing Photo by Robert Aldsworth'is good. Cherries may be added. » T. GREGORY'S gory's Roman Catholic Church Formerly Miss Doris Lina Gels. | berger, the bride is the daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. August | Proves Fruittul By EDNA USHER Canadian Press Staff Writer TORONTO (CP) -- Retarded! {children can accomplish more (than people think, says Everett Braaten of Toronto, di- rector of a summer camp for such chidren, When she opened Camp Bel- wood near Fergus, Ont, last year, 100 youngsters spent three- week residential holidays there through the Ontario Association for Retarded Children. "We did what the experts said could not be done--we kept the children away from their parents for three weeks without encoun- tering serious homesickness prob- lems, despite the fact most of {the children had not been away from home before even for a weekend, LIVE HAPPILY "Last year we found that re- tarded children can live together happily, go for walks, learn to swim, to make fancy dress cos- tumes and puppets, play basket- ball and other games." Holiday Camp For Retarded | Mrs. | DESSERTS » Experiment RASPBERRY WHIP vi Prepare 1 package Jello accord. Stir: sored by the Guelph Kiwanis ino to directions. Let stand until|1 lemon or lime jello powder Club, opens again July 18 it will jet started to set. Pour 1 small] % cup boiling water be Digger ip belief, thas €relj|can Carnation milk on top and) Add the jello mixture to the A boys and a Sir o Samp i whip until light and fluffy, Let|blended butter and sugar. eld, each for three wee 5. stand until set. Garnish with Put % of wafer crumbs in bot. each having 60 children instead|s. {tom of pan. Add the sugar, [of the # of last year. Nature aes' Kathy Mitchell, {lemon and milk mixture. Sprinkle study will be a principal new Women's Guild, [rest of wafer crumbs on top. | topic. Grace Lutheran Church Chill, | "We hope to teach youngsters Serves 12, {about flora and fauna and spell- Mrs. Murray Holtby, {ling in one swoop, by labelling Prosect WA trees and flowers and by instal- ling stuffed birds," said Mrs. | Braaten. The camp, on the site of a for- mer camp for the retarded oper- (slightly frozen) | SPANISH CREAM tablespoon granulated gelatin % cup cold water cups milk eggs 1/3 cup sugar | 5 tsp. salt {until stiff, ated by Rev. Walter McCleary, teaspoon vanilla Fold in 1 tin crushed pine. was taken over by the Ontario] Soften the gelatin in cold water. apple and 1 pkge. frozen straw- association after a series of ex- Scald the milk and add the gela- berries, both well drained. periments. A group in Toronto|tin, stirring until dissolved, Com-| Chill about 5 hrs, {taught retarded children to swim: (bine beaten egg yolks, sugar and| Pile in sherbet glasses and top lin Oshawa, such youngsters used salt and slowly stir in the milk with cherry. [a playground, and square dance|land gelatin mixture, Cook over Mrs. Douglas Harnden, groups and boy scout and girl hot water until slightly thicken-|Onward Group, guide troops were organized inled, or for about 5 minutes, Cool Harmony United Church Toronto. and when the mixture begins to| The youngsters at each camp set, add vanilla and fold in stiffly at Belwood this summer will beaten egg whites. Pour into one 2 WHIPPED CREAM DESSERT Very simple. Whip % pt. whipping cream individual molds |eaught every other major house| [with skirts up to the knee, | The difference in the Dior mid alf length is enough to look rev : X especially as it | to compliment their|ombined with an entirely new Child Needs Practice At Home ew, In Self-Reliance, Responsibility of perfectly-rounded medium full [ Dear Ma rorth* i 1 nel oy : p Mary Haworth: 1 am the oped a guilty conscience about Ushering | ness caught in with Php father of a girl, 22, who desires blindly or selfishly denying her il pe ais hy 4 a hi a UPI€ ts meet eligible men. She has had a chance at boy friends and a of inches below the bus e. | "social life," earlier. k if gy Saint-Lau- at Jooks ss i young I own a nice home in the coun To get on the beam of having rent, having tasted success with] Knights of Columbus Hall, Bond |his first collection last spring, |try, 15 miles north of this city|boy friends and beaux and 1 located. [chances to marry, a girl needs: street west, where the bride's| wants to show who is master of Where my business Is mother received in a tailored!the mode My daughter graduated from|1. Winsome looks (pretty, nicely |high school in town, and spent dressed, shiny - clean .) 2. Self- SAVING QUILT Mr. Thomas Kirtan of Scarbor- orgh was best man | |poor success, so far, | The reception was held in the lone semester in a Southern Uni.|confidence and a fund of social versity. Her health prevented her grace and savvy, based on good from continuing in college, and|relations with prudent parents; now she is employed in a local and accustomedness to using her book store. {home as a centre for friendships. She enrolled in a famous danc- (3. Ingrained ease and skill at ing school, in hopes of learning |Broup-type recreations--such as lto dance, and also meet nice SWimming, tennis, skating, ski- men. No luck, she says. Our ing dancing, riding, and bridge |country churches have, as mem-|(or other voguish card games), bers, old and young married cou. 4. An environment that brings ples, but very few young men. (her into continuing associations I am trying to help Edith, but with boys and girls her age. {feel that possibly I will have to/ WHAT ABOUT HEALTH? sell my country home and move 3iven family support on these to the city. Probably you know of four points, in her childhood and hundreds of similar cases, Please teens, Edith probably would need advise us, if possible, P.Y no special help now, And by the | Dear P.Y.: In a nutshell, you way, what about her health? You |are on your toes trying to help say it prevents her from finish- [your daughter find a husband |ing school. Is this a psychoso- |preterably a good one, (mati cover-up of emotional dis- a . |couragement, caused by social |, Well, that 13 very kind of you; [fallure in college, especially with cloth, with white accessories. As- sisting was the bridegroom's mother who chose a sheath dress | ture hat of powder blue, They both wore corsages of pink roses. | For the honeymoon trip the bride wore a turquoise blue dress On their return the couple will come from 40 local organizations|large, or six Mrs. Braaten says that re-/for the retarded, call i Fong tarded children--youngsters with] nr raaten, former] 0. MIS, an y Skea, {an intelligence quotient of Itss Wiisgh saien, Jovwenty of B "| Officers' Wives' Aux, than 50 and who may also have pointed to the local recreation Ontario Regiment (physical handicaps -- need more commission while living at Port supervision, take longer to learn, |Hope, Ont,, and later became a and cannot attain the skills of girector of the Ontario Recrea- normal children, tion Association, She was made, | "But from our experience last chairman of a committee work- [year we know that retarded chil-\jo with the retarded children's dren are just as delighted with group in 1955, and became direc new knowledge and new accom-ito. of the camp when it opened. plishments, { me---- - S------ "Our camp last year as a pilot project, and now groups| FIND ROYAL STANDARD within the Ontario Association for! EASTBOURNE, England (Reu- Retarded children are experi: (ers)--The Duke of Edinburgh's menting with camps of their thers, personal standard, stolen from ¢ ' |Arundel Castle last week, was for longer periods." | {found early Sunday fluttering in BUYING A RUG? Before You Do . . . See Our Stock HIGHER QUALITY LOWER PRICES NU-WAY RUG AND CARPET SALES 174 MARY ST, RA 5.1202 LEMON DELIGHT 10 Double Graham Wafers rolled Blend: ¥% cup butter 1% cup brown sugar Beat well: % cup white sugar Juice and grated rind of 1 lemon A pint tin of Carnation milk Enjoy Shopping in. . . AIR-CONDITIONED COMFORT IE. saAvE $150 ON THIS FAMOUS 5% Sarong GIRDLE | BIGGER AND BETTER When Camp Belwood, spon- the moonlight on a church tower | SOCIAL NOTICE here. A police inspector, a ser-| |geant and a constable found the | MARRIAGE banner after a mysterious mid- ight phone call tipped them off. | | 7 --n The marriage of Naida Marie, daughter of Mrs. Florence | Marie Waude of Ajax, and | Cdwards' Mr. John Henry Cormack, son of Mr. and Mrs. William BEAUTY SALON Henry Cormack of Whitby was) 5 Celina St. solemnized in The Church of the Holy Trinity Ajax on Saturday, | August 2, 1958, with the Reverend Gordon' A. Channen, officiating. preferably with other girls. And, as she plainly needs expert guid. but perhaps no more than a really {responsible father should do, to try to keep his daughter on the| men? To sum up, 1 don't subscribe inside track of love and protec.|to selling your country place, tion, in a rough old world, |simply on Edith's behalf. Of it ls | You indicate that Edith's pres. gulf, ips would solve nothing. | f she is living there, per- |ent problem is how to meet el-|p.ne che ought to quit the nest, ance, in learning how to manage her life on the adult level, recommend as counsellor your local Family Service Agency-- one of the very best. M, H Mary Haworth counsels through her column, not by mail or personal interview. Write her | igible men. But I think, rather, {that her difficulty is how to at jand find an apartment in { in care of this newspaper, For Appointments PLEASE PHONE RA 3-7633 tract men, Any girl who has " |been through high school who y By ALICE BROOKS Make this hit-or-miss quilt by 4 * i/the "Penny-Saver' method! Buy {'a little fabric for a few blocks. A thrill to work this quilt into |your budget! Pattern 7217: direc: tions, charts, pattern of patches. :| Yardages, single, double - bed {quilt You can use scraps. !| Send THIRTY - FIVE CENTS \| (coins) for this. pattern (stamps '| cannot be accepted) to The Daily {Times - Gazette, Household Arts Dept., Oshawa, Ont. Print plainly NAME, ADDRESS, PATTERN NUMBER Send TWENTY - FIVE CENTS more for a copy of our Alice Brooks Needlecraft Catalogue. Two complete patterns are print ed right in the book . .. plus a variety of designs that you will want to order: crochet, knitting, {embroidery huck weaving, | quilts, toys, dolls. {has spent a semester on a college | campus, and who now has a job in a city bookstore, is not a re.| cluse from society, Edith has] been meeting males for years. | But eyidently they overlook and| bypass her, | So, the crux question seems to) be--what does Edith lack that men admire and desire, and] gravitate to, in womanhood? If| you can find the answer to that, | and put her in line to correct the deficit or modify the handicap, you'll have done as much for her as anyone can do, I think, Your acute concern about her present predicament, plus your | extremist readiness to pull up |stakes, if necessary, to make new opportunities for her, sug- ests two clues as to what may he wrong: 1. Either you've kept her in- fantile, by supervising all her ex- periences too closely so thal she's unable to swim on her own, | so to speak, in the community |pool of contemporary-age activi- ties < * ® KX WITH yg 108A" 3 "ns TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY SPECIALS SAVE 16c NUCOA MARGARINE 4 11h. Pkgs. $1.00 Se A X NOW AT A NEW LOW PRICE Yes, you save $1.50 on this wonderful Sarong zipper girdle. Its popularity with fashion-conscious 2. Or you've suddenly devel openings at the top of the bas- ket apd tie at the centre of | one side, leaving ends as shown. To make rosettes, sew | hand running stitches along | one edge of ribbon and draw up gathers to make a circle, se curing thread ends Sew in place on wrong side and tack onto Finish with three but 1,9 BURNS 32 KING ST, WEST hasket tons. NO EXTRA CHARGES FOR CREDIT BUY BY THE PIECE BOLOGNA women makes this price reduction possible. You'll see why as soon as you try one on . . . it slims and trims in perfect comfort, yet gives you all the free- dom you want. In leno and satin Lastex, with firm batiste panels, sizes 23 to 42, Ib, 29. rade mark rag'd WEEKLY CREDIT WELLERS RA 3.7022 JE IDEAL FOR SALADS . .. LOCAL CABBAGE VALUES EFFECTIVE IN WHITBY AND OSHAWA UNTIL 6 P.M. AUG. 6th 2 Store Closes 12:30 Noon Wednesday WARD'S SIMCOE ST. at ATHOL PH. RA 5-1151 Zl iia fA LP LARGE HEADS 15¢

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