| HAND-PICKED SAILORS of the Royal Canadaian Navy's At- lantic Command (top drill daily on the parade square of HMCS . Stadacona, RCN Bar- racks in Halifax, in preparation for the visit to Holifax of H.R H. the Princess Margaret, August 10-11, The sallors, hailing from British Columbia to Newfound- land, will form a 100-man Royal guard and color party for cere- monies connected with the royal visit. The men were chosen on the basis of character, conduct, bearing, physique and height. Bottom: Two port Hope sailors have been chosen for guard. They are Leading Seamen Ron- ald Shortreed, aged 21, left, and Edward Burtch, 22, both radar plotters in the Navy. (National Defence Photo) | of San Francisco made two su- perb golf shots Monday to win the $50,000 Chicago Open with a 72- hole total of 272, eight under par. One was a 60-foot putt for a rdie three on the 590-yard 69th {lieved to have plunged into the CHICAGO (AP)--Ken Venturi liams told police that King was a hole that proved the winning shot little picnic. 3 Mrs. Fred Annan is home again lowing a tonsilectomy. Recent guests of Dr. and Mrs. W. W, Tomlinson were Mr. and Mrs. A. Lee Harkness and family, of Chicago, and Chaplin Alan and | Mrs. Harkness and family, of Dover, Delaware Miss Mina Hubers has been spending holidays with her broth-! er at Barry's Bay. | fol Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hogarth| quibble over a name which a sub-{son Jim at Brampton, and family spent their holidays camping in the 8t. Lawrence, Ot- tawa, and Algonquin districts, Mrs. Henry Westney and girls are visiting Mrs, Clare Gunter, at Gunter Lake. Ross Irwin and daughters Ger: | aldine, of the Oshawa General Hospital, have joined Mrs. Irwin| and Jim at their log cabin on Compass Lake, Mr, and Mrs. Les Morley visit-| ed Cornwall and the seaway pro-| Ject with friends from Toronto| recently, Mr, and Mrs, Mervin Johnston and family spent a few days at Wasaga Beach. | | Car, 3 Bodies Found In River By Skindiver SUDBURY (CP) -- The bodies| of a man, woman and child were| recovered Monday from a car he} French River two years ago. | ably sure" the man is Philip King, 26, of Toronto, in whose name the car was registered, They knew the identity of the| woman and child but were with-|The meeting is expected to last holding names until the woman's hushand is notified, Skindiver Bob Fowler found the wreck in 20 feet of water 40 miles den by calling Ajax 420. Other southeast of here. Archie Hodge, 29, owner of a | nearby hotel, said the car must have missed a bailey bridge which spanned the river two |years ago during construction of a new bridge. In Toronto, Mrs. Gordon Wil. bachelor and roomed at her! house until June 1056. She said| he was a good - looking young man who came from Newfound. land and worked as a shipper for| a supermarket, | "The M e t r o Conservation Au- thority is honoring Mr. Richard. son, but we too should feel hon- ored to have the first east end conservation area named after such a distinguished official." The new conservation area does not belong to the whole Metro Conservation area. The Authority is now providing a beautiful park at the eastern end of the Metro| area. It is not good policy to committee of the Authority in its wisdom has seen fit to choose." Plan Form C.D. Body At Ajax AJAX (Staff) -- A meeting is scheduled for this evening, Tues- day, August 5, at 7 o'clock at the Municipal Building on King's Crescent to discuss formation of a Civil Defence organizatiin here. | - Donald Dowen, the civil defence co-ordinator has issued an ap- peal for fire-fighters, rescue workers, wardens, police, first. aid workers and for health, wel fare, home nursing and other workers who are willing to take training for civil defence Mr. Dowden sald to-dgy every- one should be prepared survival in the event of attack by nuclear weapons, There for any emergency. He is hopeful that enough vol- come forward to unteers will set up a workable organization, two hours. Anyone finding it inconvenient to attend at this time may register with Mr, Dow- meetings will be held in the near future, FIRST RED FLIGAT PARIS (Reuters) -- The first non-stop commercial flight from Moscow to Paris was made Mon- day in three hours, 51 minutes when a Russian TU-104 jet air- liner landed at Le Bourget air- port carsying 16 passengers, mail and freight, BEATEN IN ROBBERY BROCKVILLE (CP) -- Mrs, [ is Police sald they are "reason-|much that can be done to prepare as either the Greenwood Conser- vation Area or the Arthur Percy nated the first 100 acres. ing that it should have remained ed for Wednesday, August 6 at 2.30 p.m. Hon W. M. Nickle, min- ister of planning and develop- Conservation Area. Mr. Percy do- ment, will perform the opening iceremony AJAX PERSONALS | | AJAX -- Mrs. M, Steer, York istreet, spent last week with h Rifleman Kenneth Silk, Queen's land, after spending three months wi |{Cartwright, Beech street, ith her daughter, Mrs. Horace Frank Laycoe, King's Crescent, Own Rifles, has completed his Bill Hannon, and son Jerry, Maple ----=== basic training at Curry bar-/street, are on a fishing trip to |racks, Calgary, Alberta, and is Lake Anaping, near Sudbury. |spending 30 days leave with his {parents, Mr. and Mrs, |8ilk, Durham street weeks in Wainwright, Alberta, He tion at Kingston, Miss Marjorie Moran, Peterbor- ough Civie Hospital, spent las! weekend with her niece, Mrs. Cliff Mills, Beech street, Mrs. Stevens has returned to her home near Birmingham, Eng | Indecision | Is A Sin AJAX -- "How long halt ye be tween opinions? if the Lord be do his|God, follow Him; but if Baal, then her best to become part of &'follow Him." 1 Kings 18:21 was plan which may be the means of io Las [the scriptural text, a record of the |Elijah's word to Israel, round | which Ligut. Pear! Donnelly dir- {ected the message In the holiness meeting. It is sometimes needful to halt between two opinions, if the prop- er course of action is not clear, but when the right and wrong {decision becomes sin. The call of Elijah is needed as much today to awaken men and women to the importance of decid. ing the course of their lives, In the evening service, Lieut, Patricia Buckingham, speaking of the many articles of healing per. formed by Christ during his earthly ministry referred to the importance of the exercising of faith on the part of the individual, stands out in naked reality, in Mrs, J. Brennan, Mary street, Arthur spent three weeks touring British Columbia, where she saw Prin. Signalman Cliff Mills, RCCS, cess Margaret in Nanaimo, and Beech street, arrived home Mon. also viewed the huge centennial day, after spending the past six birthday cake, Ed. Ranger, Nelson street, who is now posted to the Signals sta- has been a patient in the Ajax Hospital for several weeks is pro. |gressing favorably. A virulent type of measles has taken its toll of a number of youngsters in the past few weeks and some have had hospital treat. ment Mr. and Mrs. Owen Ashley and spending holidays in Algonquin Park and district Jimmy Paterson, Glynn road, who was severely injured in an accident three months ago will be convalescent for a long time yet, SUBSCRIBERS TIMES-GAZETTE BOWMANVILLE FOR MISSED PAPERS AND BOWMANVILLE'S FINEST TAX! SERVICE PHONE STEVEN'S TAXI MA 3-5822 If you hove mot received your Times-Gozette phone your cor /| vier boy first. I# you are unable to contact him by 7:00 p.m. TELEPHONE STEVEN'S TAXI Calls Accepted Between 7 «7130 p.m. Only | {Myrtle Hefferan, 64, was beaten A 21-year-old housewife and her (and robbed of more than $1,000 | | -- ALUMI NU DOORS WINDOWS AWNINGS HIT A NEW HIGH THIS SUMMER When the mercury reaches a record high, you'll be hitting a new high in home comfort, Insulation from McCULLOUGH LUMBER is the answer . , . even in the most sweltering sun, your home can be as much as 15 degrees cooler. Call us at RA 3-3011 for FREE deli- very of your insulation this week, ot RATIN | BURGLARS BUSY | MONTREAL (CP) Holdup men and burglars stole more | than $30,000 in cash and goods in weekend attacks on 'taverns, res- taurants and-stores. Three would- be bandits were scared off by| proprietors, Biggest haul was| more than $25,000 worth of furs-- all black and grey persian lamb | from the Kurt-Hanauer Company | warehouse, | f AT A NEW LOW, LOW SUMMER PRICE 8005 YARD COURSE BOLTON, Mass. (AP)-A golf course nearing eomple- tion here will make regula tion layouts appear to be min- fatures. The couse at the Supre- nant National Golf and Coun- "try Club will be strictly for glants, It will measure 8,008 yards. Par will be 72. There are two par - five {holes--one 645 yards, the other 0. FOR MISSED PAPERS IN AJAX If you have not received your Times-Ganette by 7 p.m. coll AJAX TAXI PHONE AN sells must be placed before 7.30 p.m, od THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Tuesdey, August 5, 1958 | Takes Char Metro Title |--------e em 2 es Charge SOs eben rowdesguiinib Sigrid Prior 10 the sermon, Mr. Nor- M. Buttars are holidaying at the the elders and members of St. woyearold Tommy Gibson, ish mayor of Ajax, has come to Hear Protests ling. He discussed the authority gregation. for Sick Children, Toronto, | ommended the naming of the new over the renaming of the 400-|done without knowledge. A " id, * fz : ' said, "is similar topeople he said, "I am going Oi Mrs. A. G. Holmes. This is the sqryation authority. A. H. Richardson is that the|Lishman both of Pic! Towne authority we must acknowledge|community will be dealt with in the West in 10 years, far as 1 am concerned naming 4 has called a meeting of the local land to all local elected officials. | "To scknowledge this authority|we are going and what we are Beach, when 35 members of the conservation engineer of the De- by the chief conservation en:|Pickering. {evli with evil but to use it withjand Mrs. Jean Severs was theling Women's institute entertain./neer in conservation work in On- Residents of Pickering are up other township residents, The weather was perfect for the "ay of honoring a dedicated con- | | Ask Wipe Out The Senior Intercounty baseball up 12 hits with starter Ron Firmi Kitchener-Waterloo Dutchmen, |uing their climb into the first di-| have a 72 loss to Galt Terriers|16 hits when they pounded out a John Hay, does not qualify under until the eighth and collected the returned after two months. pitcher to win 10 games when he There seems little chance any|Beavers. | Oaks. As a result of seven games but three of the Majors' vietor-| pace and have only four games gled and stole four bases for the Guelph Merchants took an up-|drove In three runs. Gene Kay herd in a pitchers duel. Wallace BEAVERS SWAMPED Shepherd has been asked to try|lead to defeat Hamilton 7-6 in a The Merchants put together six|11-2 in a regular contest. | PORT HOPE -- At home on|throw to the plate West was safe ed, got on base on an eror, doubl- thee runs. The Oaks collected three-run homer for the winners, their playoff series with the Port| Armstrong scored the winning had two hits for the winners. | . Righthander Joe Latin tossed a The Majors erupted for five inning runs to rack up a close Orphans a new lease in the series. singles with Lowry and Jex each tory. He gave them an early lead saw 11 errors, six by the Majors. top of the fifth, Orono went ahead strikes, catches while Robi made Eskim | Venturi Wins fop of the ninth when Kelly singl-|for the Orphans until he tired in|rf; G. Wakely, rf (6); Lenahan,| | Junior West singled and stole nicked for two bingles and a run. 2b, p (8); Robinson, rf; Haire, »|except coach Sam Lyle, relied on Mercer lined one at the box game for Orono, but was the hero| Umpires: Jack Hobbs, Oshawa, fans. Julius Boros and Jackie Burke by |900r to King in Toronto, disap-(s ort restaurant on Grenadier field goal, of the pin on the 7ist green at F F t Fire Destroys fer's short touchdown pass to new| Al Balding of Toronto finished The one-point margin that had [ville volunteer firefighters twice|to end Ron Howell in the third tions staged at West Beach Satur-| Monday featured treasure blaze started by two boys who had ers' advance billing as "the Grey {events, The festivities were un- was a children's costume parade apple trees in the orchard of Wil- [Jim Trimble used their prize im- arly 100 Those assisting were: Mrs. Col : er C " novel garb paraded through the! ole, secretary; Walter Cole, trea property owned by Mr. Carruth- The celebrations opened Satur-|man, Shirley Fowler, Mrs. Wynne two boys had admitted starting held for adults. Sunday evening nacott, Gary Cole and West were staying at a nearby boy's| |] N Minister | | Mayor Says | AJAX AND DISTRICT NEWS PORT HOPE AND DISTRICT NEWS | ! ke A ' | By GRACE MILLS ! ; » AJAX -- Rev. T. Rex Norman, |ority in the right way, victory is "KERING _ | new minister of 8t, Paul's United | inevitable, he said : PICKERING, -- Rev. and Mrs, st a £6 ng (0) . : Bay of Quinte, They will be away/| man expressed his gratitude for 2 i [the first time at the regular serv-ighe i sn shown to them by Util the end of August. AJAX (Staff) -- William Par- {ice of worship held Sunday morn- ! b X : i y Paul's United Church, in their ®P of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gib-|the' defence of the action of the which Gas been entrusted to a|call to him to minister to the con. $07 Js seriously Ulin the hospital Metro sib-commitiee which rec-| PICKERING (Staff) -- Latest] Local represetatives claim God, > " 4 development in the controversy|that the ¢ name was "Phe authority shared by us, To the chilldren and young Mrs. Kate Marks, of Central Conservajion Area after J. H. . : "he | Butte, Sask., is visiting her sister, | Richardson, Ontario's chief eon- {acre Greewnood Conservation letter of protest over the {that wisich Jesus shared with His|be your minister and any prob-|. . Area north of here in honor of tures of Jack Hambleton and disciples, In the practise of this{lems I have to deal with in thelfirst time she has been back from| Mayor Parish said today, "As | . z chairman of the Metro Conserva-|ship hos been sent to local mem. the sovereignty of God and the|love. I do what I feel I am led to! The Annan family reunion was|the Metro conservation area after tion Authority, Dr. C. R, Lord|bers of the provincial government {fact of sin and redemption, do. We must all see clearly where held last Sunday at Squires Mr, A. H. Richardson, the chief representatives in his office for The letter was also posted up on is to practise it not in anger, the|doing," he added. family sat down to supper. partment of Planning and De-(2,30 pm. Tuesday, Mr, Richard-|a notice board in the Village of {heat of passion nor batting] Mrs, V. Pike was at the organ, = Tuesday afternoon the Picker-|Velopment, who has been a pio-|son gineer of the Department of Plan-| It was also learned today that love. To those who use their suth- soloist. ed a bus load of 28 ladies {rom|tario for years, is to be highly ning and Development, a protest meeting is planned by { commended, re is no finer Fairview Lodge at Sandy Beach | 2 | f i. arms about the move, claim-| The official opening is schedul- INTER-COUNTY BALL {servation worker than this, By THE CANADIAN PRESS Three Brantford pitchers gave p t may be decided in the getting the loss {committee room. Listowel Legionnaires, contin- trailing the leading Oakville Oaks|vision, backed up pitcher Joe by one game, have moved to|Kramer's four-hit pitching with Saturday ruled out, The Dutchies|12-1 decision over Elgios, claim Galt"s winning pitcher,| Veteran Tommy White lasted league residence rules. They said |loss. he left Galt Early in May and] Roy McKay became the first The league is expected to rule spaced seven hits in an 11-5 win on the claim Wednesday, for London Majors over Hamilton of the other seven teams can| MCKay, whose record is now| catch the Dutchmen and the(10-3, has been the winner in all during the weekend, St. Thomas|ies. | Elgins are five games off the] Don McLennan homered, sin- remaining, two with Oakville, one winners while Dale Creighton had . 4 |with Kitchener and one with Galt. (three of his team's 10 hits and i 3 ii " Le set 3-1 victory over the Oaks with took the loss, his seventh in eight --_-- -- S------------ -- Mike Wallace besting Ian Shep: | games. . leaves today to join Austin in the] In other action Saturday the rp a | ! a) ou I 1 u 11 1 South Minnesota League while! Legionnaires held on to a one-run out with Rochester Red Wings of game called by curfew May 24| I Yl se Pla off G ame the International League. land then swamped the Beavers| Il Oo , hits, three straight walks and| Hal Stolberg gained credit for three Oakville errors for their both wins. Goodie connected for a Saturday afternoon, Orono Or.|with the tieing run, ed and singled twice. its but left 10 {Starter Mike Anderson took the * phans picked up their first win of SCORES WINNER Ron West and Robinson each Sgvep Dis of busi in the HE Er I Hope Haggis Bowlers, when they run as Keith West hit a ground| On the losing side Murray Kelly | five-hitter at Brantford Red Sox runs in the sixth inning to defeat! came from behind with two ninth [single past third base to give the|pounded out a triple and two to lead Kitchener to a 10-2 vic- the Red Sox 10-5 in a game that! and exciting 6-5 victory, Bob Conlon went seven stanzas hitting safety twice, one of the when Jim Wilkes hit a two-run|London manager Ray Yelle took The Orphans jumped on top|for Port Hope allowing six hits, latter's going for a double. homer in the top of the first but |the win, Ronnie Stead the loss, | with two tallies in the fourth in-| walking a like number, hitting] While playing second base, no settled down to strike out! In action tonight London is at ning. Port Hope tied it up in the|one batter and getting six on Mike Harrison made two £0od | seven and walk only two. | Guelph and Galt at Listowel. a again in the seventh with a brace| Mike Harrison got by the eight, nice running eatch of a four fly. of runs, but the losers tied it up but was nailed for three safeties; The teams: once more in the top of the eighth. [in the ninth for the loss. PORT HOPE -- Mercer, if; Har- Port Hope notched a run in the, Jim Haire pitched strong ball rison, 2b, p (8); Kelly, 3b; Watts, - od, advanced on a passed ball and |the eighth, and gave way to Keith|2b (8); Lowry, 1b; Jex, cf; Gil: - Chicago Open rode home as Lenalan came | West with one out, two runs in/mer, c; P, Wakely, ss; Conlon, p, a 1Ca through with a single to left field.|and runners on second and third, rf (8), | | The Orphans were not to be| Haire kept the 10 hits well scat- ORONO -- R. West, 3b; D. West, | | denied, and they won it in the last tered, passed five and struck out cf; J. West, ss; Shetlor, ¢; arm, EDMONTON A Edmonton) of the ninth with two out. {four, West fanned ome and was strong, 1b; Mercer, If; XK. West : Paying | Pi . i second, Shetlor flied out, Arm-.|Port Hope committed two mis- cf (8) thels el obit hishing strong singled and took second on|cues and Orono had four, Score by Innings |{lton Tiger-Cats %7 in an exhibi- bi the throw to the plate, which forc-| HERO OF GAME Port Hope 000 020 021-5 12 2 tion football ame before 14,000 15 hold 1 ed West to hold up at third. Keith Wes not only saved the Orono 000 200 202-6 9 4500 8 "WWlas Venturi nosed out veterans l9-month-old son, who lived next|in cash and cheques at her re. which Harrison flagged down and at the bat. He drove in a brace of | plate; Dude Hills, Port Hope,| Although they held an offensive one stroke for the $9,000 top| peared at the time he moved Island about 15 miles west of threw him out at first. On thelruns including the winner, walk- bases, and defensive edge, the Eskimos money. |avay, police said "here Sunday. {had to go to the last minute for| The other was a 40-foot pitch. | - ---------------------- victory on Joe Mobra's 24-yard|ing wedge shot to within two feet BOWMANVILLE AND DISTRICT NEWS Earlier, kept deep in their own!the Gleneagles Country Club. | . fama territory by Cam Fraser's 50- and | Venturi holed out for a par three. Staff Reporter -- D. GLYNN -- MA 7-7013 |60-yard punts, Eskimos marched He had a two-over-par 72 on the 195 yards to set up Jackie Park-|final round Houston halfback Jo-Bob Smith. |far off the pace with 287, made | Mobra's convert attempt failed. |up of rounds of 69, 74, 70 and 74. | | 20 Apple Trees | seemed to assure a Hamilton vic- eqac £0 en | tory came on quarterback Bernie BOWMANVILLE Bowman-|Faloney's 11-yard touch down pass BOWMANVILLE Hundreds | thrilled to the annual variety | responded to a grass fire on Scu- quarter. Billy Graham converted, of persons enjoyed the three-day | Show featuring beach and guest gog street Saturday afternoon be-| The penalty-studded game lived eivic holiday weekend celebra-| '20! a fore bringing under control a|up to the Edmonton ticket-boost- day, Sunday and Monday. |hunt, races, games and other heen smoking In a field. Cup game that could have been." shlig 9 : T ire des ed Highlight of the colorful event|ger the direction of Beach Associ- re Sestroy near vi | Both Lyle and Hamilton coach held Monday evening, Ne ation President Albert C. Lowe. frid Carruthers, It burned a wide ports almost exclusively, giving children dressed in bright and rediarea of grass as it raged across the bench strength little action, hailed - surer; Bob McLeish, Norm Bot-|ers and Sam Buttery. main coltage area led by a piper. |rell, Frank Bottrell, Russell Hall:| Fire Chief Walter Hackney sald day afternoon with a baby con-|Wonnacott, Mrs. Ella Currie, the fire by droppi el tts test, In the evening a dance was Fred Cole, Bill Curry, Jack Won. butts into dry polos The boys a large crowd from the district| Beach residents, | camp, | Truce In Cyprus Well-Known Span Designer Is Dead -- | MONTREAL (CP) -- Funeral services were held Monday for {Philip Louis Pratley, 73, promi. | All extruded Aluminum . Full 1" Thick Frame Latch and Key Lock . Extruded Z Bor Weatherstripped all oround Pneumatic Door Closer with Finger Tip Control Plastic Covered Check Chain Vinyl Plastic Door Sweep , Choice of 13 Rainbow Colors (optional) . Concealed Minges Schlegel Insulation . Inside Trim HOLODY ALUMINUM SALES | 30 GRENFELL STREET ~ RA 5-243] , TORONTO OX 8-3127 WINNER : I fl Il i l ONTARIO HOSPITAL INSURANCE YOU MUST BE REGISTERED TO BENEFIT! OSHAWA Group registration proceeding until August 31, 1958, Application forms for individual 'Pay-Direct' enrolment available at banks and hospitals. In communities without a bank, the forms may be obtained from the post office, of the June Special FREE DOOR MRS. J. MITRUK howe nant Canadian consulting engi. ait y rhethe . waited today to see whether Turk | Meanwhile two persons have!|died here Friday. lence on this strife-ridden Med. | a, . hi LL shot in the back Saturday as he bridges as the Angus L. MacDon- eader, announced in leaflets that ' " ; I! thoritative source said two Greek | skyway and heiped design the end communal violence which| day Jemal Hussein, today was sen |real's Jacques Cartier Bridge, tinue in any way . . . I shall be disturbances on June 8. A special [tion of the Thousand Islands' death under emergency regula- i 3 | WELCOMED BY TURKS y a- Blue Water Bridge at Sarnia, the {military policemen. | ment and said Turks would "have it EOKA attacks | had ordered eye-for-an-eye ven-| stop. ish in retaliation for any killings VIENNA (Reuters)--A Belgian It was the third cease-fire in/prime ministers of Greece, Tur-|it strayed off course during a! more than 1000 persons have Czech authorities. The 19 passen 41 Burk St, NICOSIA (AP)--The Greek un- ous two truces were scrupulously erzround. EORA = criatizatioal 4 ¥ |neer and co-designer of most of derg s 8anization|ghserved, Canada's largest bridges, who ish Cypriots and British officials Ad would accept its offer to halt vio. been arrested in connection with| Mr. Pratley had been retained the murder of a British sergeant |,q consulting engineer on such iterranean island. a . . 1] _...,|Strolled down a Nicosia street al n Col. George Grivas, EOKA|with his two-year-old son. An ag. | 4_heidge, ree alias and he had ordered attacks on Britons | Cypriot youths, one aged 14, had + 1 Turks sto in an effort to|pe r ! ' 77 |Canso Qauseway between Cape and Tu stopped been arrested, Breton Yolana and the Nova has cost more than 100 lives since | FIRST TURK TO DIE Scotia mainland June 7. Five persons died Mon-| A 24-year-old Turkish Cypriot He was co-designer of Mont. ! But Grivas warned: "If provo- |tenced to death for firing at althe Isle of Orleans Bridge wear! cations by British and Turks con-| Greek Cypriot during communal | Quebec City, the Canadian por | free to order immediate opera |constable, he was the first Turk-|Bridge at Gananoque, the Lion's | tions against both of them." ish Cypriot to be sentenced to|Gate Bridge at Vancouver, the| [tions reintroduced in May follow- | Ambassador Bridge at Wi a | 88 sor, Fazil Kutchuk, Turkish Cypriot (ing the murder of two British |Ont, and the thon pic al leader, welcomed Grivas' state-| {Niagara Falls, Ont, no reason to take any action for | Grivas only three weeks ago HELD BY CZECHS self-defence geance against British and Turk-| ACE There was no official comment of Greek Cypriots. His new state-/Sabena airliner, forced down by from the British authorities. {ment followed appeals by the/Czechoslovak fighter planes when! dai nr Ea key and Britain for an end to the sto. arrived here Sund 4} v ears proclaimed by Grivas, 1 en he rm ved e Sunday night | Wa yeu Ho the 'Greek under bloodbath on the island, where after being held for five hours by | wn ground's guerrilla war to unite heen killed In three years and gers said they had been treated 4.3301 Cyproe with Greece. The previ-(130 in the last two months, well. - ONTARIO HOSPITAL SERVICES COMMISSION «- TORONTO 7 - WA