18 THE DAILY TIMIS-GAZETTE, Tyesday, August 5, 1958 a AIEEE Store Hours: 9.30 a.m. to 6. p.m. Monday to Saturday,Open Friday Nights until 9. pim. i Located on King St. W at Stevenson Rd. Deluxe VIKING Refrigerator-Freezer With Fully Automatic OVERALL DIMENSIONS--Approx. 6172" high, "Refrig' Defrosfing Note these features: 30%" wide, 28Y2" deep; 60 cycle. In the 2.28 cu. ft. Freezer Section EATON Semi-Annual Sale Generous 12 cu. ft. capacity True zero-zone home freezer holds up to 80 Ib. . . b Zz Zz frozen food. including 80-1b. Zero Zone Suitable for quick freezing foods, and long-term tor , Freezer ! oi ® Completely insulated from refrigerator section. EACH' Does not require defrosting--only infrequent rem= refrigerator-freezer has been designed In the 9.8 cu. ft. Refrigerator Section EATON'S BUDGET PLAN TERMS with oval of frost by scroping. for the large family -- and then some! 7 oh: There's ample space for daily storage; bo pe le NO DOWN PAYMENT and 14.52 per month for 24 months i ir, Full-width porcelain enamel crisper drawer, holds with lots left over for the freeze . approx. 20° quarts fruits and vegetables, You'll like the look and function of : ® One full-width sliding shelf glides out en nylon A GENEROUS TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE WiLL its new, squared-off design -- gleam- rollers BE GIVEN ON YOUR PRESENT ELECTRIC i : H " i H H o Full complement of door shelves including utility iE THIS ing white outside; pale beige interior pid FR By REFRIGERATOR WHEN YOU PURCHAS trim @ Shotterproof juice container and four cups, vy ie Electric Broiler EATON Semi-Annual Sele GIANT DREDGE "WALKS T0 WORK Y / What a boon at the summer cottage . . , or in an 7.4 Giant dredge towering more | caterpillar creepers. ahe dig- ) movable tray 3-position broiler rack, carrying , than 220 feet high this 6000 ton | ger boom measures more than 4 4 | an 22 gh b v handles. Chromium-plated metal in a compact Cord Included 00 feet and has the control dredging machine took two and 3 " Lr Vit! 900-watt el t . " cab mounted on the side of the RN 11 x 814" x 42" unit, -wait element oper EATON'S LOWER LEVIL, DEP a half years to build at Duer- revolving bucket head. The i! 1 ates on 25 or 60 cycles. SLO! " T. 277 PHONE RA 5.7373 wiss, Germany. It is being buckets dump their loads on to | moved to a coal-mine site a | a conveyor belt where it is car- mile and a half away, travel- | ried to offshoot belts which load i " lai | "Norway" ling on its own multi-track ' it into trucks. Save ! NEWS BRIEFS NYLONS WA, Linoleum Utility Mats SECRET OUT letters OHMS--On Her Majesty's Jaspe streak and marbelized patterns ! Approx. 22 x36" sire RED DEER, Alta, (CP) Service--are to be abolished in| If you're planning on new floor covering for kitchen, bath- Mayor L M Me: Afee ed newspaper the Pr Jovervment Now is the time to replenish your hosiery for Fall at this low foony alls, or the low Brice On, this iriaid lineleum riday the city secretly startec é and ORDEF ough and rugg A wear, : 5 5 introducing fluorine into the city's|ported Friday. The OHMS stamp|| money-saving price, Full fashioned, first quality, 60 gouge, you can keep it bright with just a damp mop and occasional Specially priced for savings, these colourful little water supply a month ago and|Will be replaced with the word denier with slim dork seams ond waxing, Actuclly, the maorbleized and Jaspe patterns seem to cotton mats are reversible for longer wear in cot- thére have been no complaints "Official," the newspaper said, : conceal footmarks ond the colour will last because it's inlaid tage bedrooms, hr from users. The city became the| _ neat paneled heels, Choice through to the backing 9 ig bathrooms, kitchens, laundry air ; rooms, etc, ey come in a. woven checked pat first in the province fo use SOLD MILITARY SECRETS ob . Jaspe colours: Medium green, red, tan with brown, blue, grey (I two popular shades . . . Spice, roy 4 tern in predominating colours of blue, rose, grey, fluorine, which is said to help! BERN (Reuters)--The govern 2 fortify teeth against decay. ment Friday announced the ar-|| Cofeblush, in sizes 9 to . Marbleized colours: Grey, red, tan, green, wine and yellow, rest of a Swiss army officer ac- +3 pairs 190 EATON Semi-Annual Sale, I PROMINENT ENGINEER cused of selling military secrets Approx. 2 yds. vide EATON MONTREAL (CP) ~ Philipito Czech diplomat Jaroslav An- EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 201 PHONE RA 5-7373 Louis Pratley, 73, prominent Ca- tos. who was expelled from Switz- | Semi-Annual EACH nadian consulting engineer and erland Tuesday. The statement ww "77 i. co-designer of most of Canada's sald Lieut, Hans Ulrich Berl, 27, ¢ . ® SQ. YD. largest bridges, died Friday at had given information ti Antos g / his home. In 1921 he went into about his officers' training school 0 IH £ : v : partnership with the late C. N.|and received payment for it s VY Wh y A EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 273 PHONE RA 5-7373 Monsarrat of Montreal. Together they designed the Jacques Car-| DOCTORS ON STRIKE bit YS RA p . 1 He Drie In Momtteal, INe| puENOS ATRES {AB)--Arton : Jf 3 \ Manufacturer's Special Offer! d'Orleans Bridge at Quebe CY, tine doctors went on strike Fri- 7 OR wa . ¥ El ¢ Reduced to clear ey AS YY izabeth Arden the Canadian portion pl Shon day for a indefinite period. The| sand Sanys enc Bl aaa a work stoppage was called by the| noque, the Lions a e rk ge a Medical Union to protest what it! Vancouver, Blue Water Bridge at| iq wae the illegal' firing of 12 This new and capacious combination EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 272 PHONE RA 5.7373 pital af 2 y ' # Ww 1 fi gr "0 nn Sarnia, Ambassador Bridge al doctors by a labor union, The my gv ) . ik. il d Formflex Windsor and the Niagara Arch at doctors said they would attend " V ¥ % 7 1 p Niagara Falls. serious cases in their own con ' EY 1 / ed " FRENCH TEACHERS MEET [sulting rooms but would not go 1 h ¥ 7 ot ; e . reve mmacuens weer |aites omy vole vie] fll BARA | 4 7 °F unior Girdle anual congress of the Canadian Teachers of the French-Language RASH OF HOLDUPS 4 4 J ; Association will be held at Chi z ; : i LER / coutimi, Que., Aug. 19-22, it was! MONTREAL (CP)--Groups of pl h Cv x iv - : i Save now on Elizabeth Arden hand announced Friday ation bandits, operating mostly in i 4 7 Re ularl 1 15 specialists will discu heir com-| threes, struck five times in Mont p TT i y Aa and bath soaps with luxurious cold g y ™ mon problems and present i as/real Friday and escaped with 4 v / concerning the teaching of/about $30,000 in cash. The vic. EY LY YY =i cream base exquisitely perfumed French tims ranged from banks to mes- E © . p / i Th . ing % senger-employees. There was no E ¥ 7 , ? re with rare French essences and. en- e fashion styled junior figure foundation ABOLISH OHMS immediate indication whether 7 Et 1 & & 5 3 . JOHANNESBURG (Reuters)-- any of the trios was involved in 'YN \ riched with lanolin. in airy, stretchy but always controlling Official envelopes bearing the more thé f the holdups. po 4 " al : : : ; icial envelopes bearing the more than one of the holdups | » , « elastic. Lightweight and comfortable, the Hand Soaps - waist has ""French-dip" for sleek fit without Men Arrested 18, surprised three intruders who : Be tried to take a 16-gauge shotgun . ' R . : away from Louis . * J binding White only in si di d : I A y Zes medium an t Desiree, a native of Val d'Or, Sleeping Bags . ul Bie Gun os 50 | fit 27 i er rea - n Que was shot in the stomach regular 2,25, Box... arge to fit to 30 waists. during the struggle. He died after|| Just the thing for hikers and campers for over- J arrival in hospit a night trips or for holidays. Bag rolls up compact- Fatal Shootin a arcel el Beauchamp, 28, form-Il |y and is lightweight for packing. Green Nylon ) 3 S { i. TT g ly of Val d'Or and Rouyn, Que.,| .overed with sewn-on ground sheet, the bag is g % Bath Soaps EACH 1 'a vas arrested at the time of the 8 ' ESPANOLA, Ont, (CP) TWO | break-in Viatur Farley, 25, was filled with 100% *Celafil insulation (beige cotton wert : Blue Grass or June Elliot Lake men have been ar. arrested Monday at Elliot Lake lining) mildew and mothproof, non-allergic, odor- v wi ¥ Geranium, Box of 3 ° rested and charged in connectio ey have been charged with|l less and dustless and will keep you nice and warm » . 3 MN regulor 3,00, Box... with a garage breakin Sunday " ing, entering and theft on the coolest of nights ; ¥ EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 609 night during whic v Destr . ne : i ; les watt of Full 100' zipper in beige 5 ¢ . 23, & t \ y Lillot Lake 1s midway " 3 ¥ ; 23, an Ell Br Sed Te Js Midway Sppro, 74 x 33"; IAT MINA SIAL Bry 212 PHONE RA 5.7373 ploye, was fatally she Marie » ac The shooting occurred at Scott| The two youths said they had "Registered Canadian Trademark Motor a garage run by An been tipped that three men had EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 261 PHONE RA 5.7373 Amad y als perates the been seen on the garage prem- towr 1 ir vel i t 5. They took along the shot reau 17-ye Id sun when they went to investi- Silver Plated -- 3-Piece Dessert Sefs a ; Outstainding Value 1 4) pecials Gleaming silver plate you'll be proud to own! The set consists of a cream and open sugar on a dainty tray, cream and sugar are gilt-lined; all pieces EATON Special Price, set are tastefully patterned a \'2"3 ON SALE AT 2 P.M. WEDNESDAY AND WHILE QUANTITY LASTS with a simple ribbon band design, PLEASE, NO PHONE OR MAIL ORDERS EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 515 PHONE RA 5.7373 | MALL Paper Storage Bags V2 Pr. Clearance! Handbags 2 Price Clearance! Men's Sportswear = Men's Irish Linen Hankies Mad of heavy gauge paper and ct ymplete with hook for hanging Reg. 1.98. Reg. 379 to 12,95, 80 a5 Reg: 100 these econmy garment bags will hold up to 5 or 6 dresses or 2 2 ) . 10 . coats. Buy a number of bags now and always be sure of Special tsrrasasenn @ Special, aaeh ....... Special, each , die do diughaidds LJ clean dust-free clothes, Each 19 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 222 PHONE RA 5.7373 LOWER Sponge Brooms Danby Rangette Tomato Dust Shopping Stroller ad : BI of J Wedge shaped Large oven, 2 95 1-pound gun Plaid with grey PH erated foam. b 3 duster, inted dercar- Blended Woo pecin B@ un GIS OO mii Ge ith rayon and nylon 2 P M SPECIALS An excellent blend for children's wear socks or sweaters. Hand washable and shrink resistant in colours of " ie" iki Girls' Plaid Shorls Winkie" Garier Bele Denim Skirts 3:3, 0 cardinal navy pink jade greer yellow turquoise (Seconds) JORDAN S OIL COMES FROM AMERICA or -- Reg. 1,98. § 10 White only, Small, me- Grey, g d t 1 eg. 1.98. Sizes 10 to Q i ite only, . 6 Q rey, green and tan. 08 A Scots-built tanker, British | waiting to pipe her supplies to EATON'S M iu r i crew, Welsh captain and Amer. | Waiting land oil iy Cap- IMAL uve, oer 2 PHONE Ra 37313 war iy the tain Pic rre Payne, from Car- 5 ; diff, Wales, brought oil. kero- lifeblood which Jordan need 1 and other products a lE ATON'S Telephone Order Service Opens at 8.45 a.m. ... Phone RA. 5- 7373 p ny rdon, ast ship les off Aquaba, Jordon | Eas eri ak 16. Special, pair Special, each ....... ican oil combine to bring