Say Alberta"Tarsands" Are Exhumed Oilfields The McMurray oil sands will be made of saline lakes in east- ern Alberta, The lakes contain Ai it EDMONTON (CP) -- A large ok Mehlurray Si is Mi hs-- also be stu urther, "The Mc- group of SHogens. Sourioughe Murray deposits are, in effect, an Pp valu- IEEE 0. Nie " oilfield which has been exhumed [able to Alberta's pulp and paper council's geological division--are through erosion," said a govern-|industry if they can be retrieved. busy prospecting this summer. ment announcement, "Thus the| The six Peace River parties 2| Fifteen field parties will try to|8€ologist can see vast expanses are intereste¢ in iron ore de- : of an oil field exposed along the posits north of Hines Creek, At survey Alberts Jinetal poles Athabasca River, instead of the Peace Pcint, the council says, Sa a eace ot ne usual small sample obtained from there 3s more than 2,000,300 "la well." tons of gypsum but so far no berta, and several districts In the|™ co na 'water surveys arelenough data has been compiled northeast. Tey wi Hid make planned in several southern Al-lon the thickness and quality of epusts on the sub-surface Waler \herts areas, Another study will'the beds. In the Peace and Smoky re- gions a comprehensive study of H op es To WwW i n river gravels will be undertaken for the first time. Traces of gold, | platinum and fron ore have been {noted in the gravel. In the north- east, gypsum deposits at Peace] [Point and the rock north of Lake | She Wanted To Change World TORONTO (CP) -- Dr. Reva| She later applied her knowledge Gerstein of Toronto wants to|to children and worked with a change the world, {Jewish agency which arranged "When I was 16 I started train. adoptions, This_she says, was the ing as a concert pianist," she|beginning of her ventures into na- said in an interview. "But I de- [tional undertakings. cided I could not change the! She was appointed to the To- world from a plano stool." |ronto Welfare Council and be- So Dr. Gerstein, now 41, stud- came chairman of a group com- fed psychology instead of music | prising all the child und family at the University of Toronto. agencies in the city. In 1945 she Now she is president of the Na-|joined the Canadian Mental tional Counell of Jewish Women. |Health Association as national di- "I don't know if I have changed rector of program planning. the world, and if I have, whether | wontal health week is an out I've improved it," she said, "but! .ome of Dr. Gerstein's work my career has provided opportun- | itp the association, where she ities of community work involv ic ci a voluntary worker. ing more and more people." Her latest project is helping to plan a national conference on| children in October, 1960, when (bere, 400 professional people from|® across Canada will discuss chil-|Jewish Women and persuaded I feel my world - changin, |activities, if any, really start she sald. "I was inter- ed in the National Cuncil of THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Tuesday, August 5, 1958 17 ties for treating it," she sald.|sons--to explain in casy terms "My plan was to narrow the what doctors and psychiatrists gap between professional people|try to do and the way the publie in mental health and lay per-ican help." FOR EXAMPLE: Knick _ Receive _ | $ 506.94 $50 to $5,000 Without Endorsers or Bankable Security Life Insurence Aveijlable ! Payments $22.00 $60.00 $1,526.72 $98.25 $2,500.00 Independence Athabasca will be studied. |dren's services and needs and|them to study mental health as THOSE ARE OUR FEELINGS, TOO dermic needle, basset hound looks just like what humans feel like under the same circumstances. He, along Doctors Report Polio Results TORONTO (CP) -- Poliomyliti is being licked by Toronto-pro- duced Salk vaccine, a five-man team of doctors reports in the current issue of the Canadian Medical Association Journal Their survey shows that for every case of the discase among vaccinated school children, there were seven cases in the non-vac- cinated group. Only one Ontario child who re ceived the full three shots devel oped polio. Out of 1,800,000 children under 18 vaccinated in Ontario in 1955 1956 and 1957, only 25 vaccinated children (who received two shots only) got the disease. The report stresses Salk is safe and not implicated in polio that did occur, The vaccine is produced Canada at the Connaught Me Research Laboratories of University of Toronto. Already 95 per cent of children under 18 in Ontario have had three shots Dr. W, G. Brown, who heads the study, says all vigorous, ac- tive adults should get the vac- cine, no matter what their age. Only a few thousands adults in Ontario have so far been vac this cal the in A inoculated with in Miami, is being | anti-rabies | Fla. | es, serum ASHBURN By MRS. WES. ROUTLEY ASHBURN David Patterson of Knox College, Toronto, took charge of the service on Sunday, July 27 at 7.30 pm, Mrs. E Humphrey san a solo Marilyn Duncan of Toronto Bible College is conduzting bible school to the children, The Ladies' Bible Class held its regular monthly meeting Thurs- day, July in the form of a pie- nic at Geneva Park Mr. and Mrs. Henry Doble and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ashton and son Ronald visited Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Doble in Toronto. Miss Florence Balfour of Chi- cago renewed acquaintanc in the village Tuesday Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Fisher at- tended the wedding and reception | of Lorraine Girven, daughter of and Mrs, Walter Girven of to James Smith of in Norwood United Norwood Havelock Church Donna Cromie is holidaying at| the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Heron Barbara and Wendy Walsh of Port Perry are spending holidays with their cousins Dianne . and Margaret Fisher Eileen Hamill visited last 6,302 ARRESTED whether they were for looting, | killing, arson or violations of the jon |curfew imposed to quell island-| national tour designed to promote |wide rioting in which he sald 159 | closer acquaintance with Nigerian used," said Chief Oweh. "The | |affairs and establish wider were killed. Lime Set L ] Forest Fire oi my by Brin corpo. TORONTO (CP) -- Dynamite] and unslaked lime spilled over| wet ground combined in one of |the oddest causes of a forest fire in Ontario Sylva, the magazine of the On tario lands and forests depart- ment, tells how a transport truck carrying 400 bags of lime and] some 300 cases of dynamite to a! Red Lake district mine over turned on the road during the 11952 spring breakup. Part of the load was scat: tered over the wet ground. The| driver saw the lime starting to| smoulder as he unloaded the rest of the cargo so that the truck could be righted, LEFT QUICKLY Aware of the danger of un-! slaked li when dampened, he set off, f#ft, for the Red Lake forest ranger's department. Chief ranger Frank Dodds re- alized that "things were going to happen suddenly and thunder- b- 33 | _133383.883 sw ES | Thursday at the home of Mr and oygly"" and at once set up road Mrs, Albert Tomlinson in Mark- blocks and ordered fire crews to |ham. stand by while he surveyed the ALMONDS | About 50 young people attend- scene from a plane. ed the YPS picnic at Lakeside, Two hours after the accident ALMONDS -- cinated. One delegate said his country | British Commonwealth in a spirit the final leg of an inter-|country, "The veto power is rarely {Parliament hopes to win full in- |dependence within the British | Commonwealth in 1959. The Ni- {gerian population is 50 per cent {Moslem and 50 per cent Chris- tian, represented by eight major political parties." The country's economy is con- Odd ians were satisfled with British ing lime exploded. The aircraft management. The British pay was still 12 miles away but the | heavy royalties for farming, lum- concussion shook it slightly. The bering and mining rights, said smoke cloud 'mushroomed to an|one delegate. atom bomb-like apex" Influence of witch doctors and The result, says Sylva, was a medicine men, once a serious demolished truck and a series of problem, is being erased by an fires which burned 90 acres on efficient health organization both sides of the road before be-|staffed by missionary and Ni- ing brought under control gerian doctors. Dental and medical bills bothering you? Get a NIAGARA loan = and quickly too! .«rgest All-Canadion Loan Company 37 King Street East, Alger Building Next to Biltmore Theatre, Suite 22) Phone RA 5-6561 Open Until Noon on Saturday Park, Lake Scugog Friday. the dynamite, fired by the burn- and friend of Cornwall, have been| Warren Colley ___ spending holidays with Mr, and Mrs. David Lee. Mrs. A- Hadley has returned to her home, after spending some time with her sister, Mrs, Mow-| bray, and with her daughter, Mrs Lloyd Moody, of Oshawa. Mrs. Hadden Kime and son | Ronald visited with the former's sister in Trenton last week James Summerville of Toronto is taking the morning services at Almonds United Church for the] past two Sundays, relieving Rev. | A. F. Bamford, who with his wife is at their cottage in Carnarvan North. During Rev. A. F. Bamford's vacation for the month of August there will be no morning services at Almonds' United Church, Miss Kathryn Newton enter- tained her Sunday School class at a picnic at Spring Hill Park | Mrs. Bert Johnston and chil- dren of Burlington spent a week- end with Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Harris. Mrs. John (Maude) Gould of Toronto was entertained at a party to celebrate her 85th birth-| day at the home of Mrs. W, Hall, | last week. | Witnesses Blame | . Organized Clergy | NEW YORK (AP)--More than| 190,000 Jehovah's Witnesse s| adopted without, visible dissent Friday a resolution blaming the world's ills on organized Chris- tianity. "The clergy of Christendom," | the resolution said, "stands as| the most reprehensible and de- linquent class on earth." The resolution was read to the| Witnesses at the Yankee Stadium | and the Polo grounds on the) sixth day of their international | assembly, The clergy "turned their backs on Jesus Christ," the resolution added. "All the blind people who follow these blind religious lead- ers will suffer execution with them at God's hands when the world ends. NEWS BRIEFS RESEARCH CHEMIST DIES MONTREAL (CP)--Dr, George Herbert Tomlinson 78, promi . ment pulp and paper research ¢ chemist, died Saturday. Dr. Tom 1 Mnson, trained as a chemical en gineer, retired last September ¢ * @ vice-president of Howard Smith * Paper Mills Limited, DIES AT 106 VANCOUVER (CP) Mrs 'Dency Jane Robison, probably Vancouver's oldest resident, died "Saturday at the age of 106. Born Jan. 11, 1853, in Moira, Ont he lived for a time in Belleville & HEAT WAVE EASES § ROME (AP)--Cool breezes and sh rains gave northern Italy me relief Monday from a heat ave that has taken a three-day 1 of at least 21 dead from sun oke and heat exhaustion. Man ers, including at least 10 Sun , were drowned while trying beat the heat wave with a Conada Conversion Bonds yield No cash outlay. _. BANK 1465 King S$. W. and Stevenson Rd. -- D. D. () { Main Branch -- N. §. We are equipped to help you make the conversion quickly and simply. a SH ff ) I % ATR u : ad {may determine a minimum level |8 project." VANCOUVER (CP)--A island resentation in various countries.|os care and opportunity for every of peace in a sea of racial dis- COLOMBO (AP)--Ceylon Pre-|ccntent is how Chief O. Oweh de- secks independence within the mier Solomon Badaranaike dis- [scribes his native Nigeria. At the approach of a hypo- | with thousands of other pooch- closed Friday that 6,302 persons| Head of a Nigerian parliamen- of "enlightened nationalism." i had been arrested for offences tary delegation, Chief Oweh said| linked with the race riots in Cey- in an interview here Nigeria is(33000,000 population is white. A [at that time a vital aid in per- but now people are more under-| lon two months ago. He did not|free from the racial tension 'rife| Negro parliament of 186 mem-|sonnel selection in the armed standing about mental illness and |give a breakdown of offences-- in many African countries. Canadian child. Gerstein graduated from univer-|titude of Canadians towards men- sity, and she' took part in uni-|{tal health has changed. Less than one per cent of the [versity research with 1Q tests-- bers under a governor - general [services He was ore of a party of eight with powers of veto governs the | pr Dr. Gerstein, the youngest president the NCJW has ever War broke out soon after Dr. had, says that since 1945 the at- CLOSED SATURDAY DURING JULY AND AUGUST OTHER OFFICES IN: Toronto (2), Willowdale, New Toronto, Hemilten, Peterb h, Kitch , St. Catheri London, Kingston, and Ottews RA 5-6541 "It used to be a dirty word, P 9 17 Simcoe St. N. more is done to improve facil-| Now, your Plymouth dealer offers the most terrific trade-in allowances of the year . . . plus the lowest prices of all leading cars built in Canada! ® You save because Plymouth's Silver-Dart beauty and built-in quality mean you'll be money ahead later, when you want to trade. ® You save because you can choose from 21 Plymouth models all priced lower than comparable models of other Bring your Victory Bonds to our nearest branch. Receive immediate cash adjustment and receipt for Victory Bonds. a higher return over a longer period. NADIAN MMERCE McFadyen, Monager Simeoe St. N. Branch -- W. G. Melarty, Manager ©. Bell, Maneger Oshawa Shopping Centre leading Canadian cars. © You save because you get Torsion-AIRE Ride as standard equipment. (Doesn't cost a cent extra, even though it's superior to ride systems you'd pay up to $160 extra for on other cars.) ® You save because Plymouth, even with its big "813" V-8 is the thriftiest car of its size to operate. (It was a '68 Plymouth V-8 that won North America's most famous economy run recently!) ® And don't forget: Plymouth is the lowest priced car of all with push-button automatic drive, Total-Contact brakes, Safety-Rim wheels, constant-speed electric wind- shield wipers, and all the other "big news" features of the year that mean a better buy for you! QUALITY BUILT to the highest standards of automotive eraftamanship CHRYSLER CORPORATION OF CANADA, LIMITED Check Plymouth now! You'll never buy more . . . for less! YOUR CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH-FARGO DEALER INVITES YOU TO EXPERIENCE A DEMONSTRATION TORSION-AIRE RIDE AT YOUR CONVENIENCE. VAN HEUSEN MOTORS LTD, . 149 King St. W., Oshawa h BROCK STREET MOTORS LIMITED 1003 Brock St. S., Whitby