Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 5 Aug 1958, p. 15

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For Rent IRREE room apariment, siove, 45--Recl Estate For Sale home, sll conveniences, insulated, fur- nished, Jving room, dining room, xit- cheneite, and four belirooms. Apply Wi I's Garage, Caesarea, 1790 giwator, cupboards, wi a zal, ideal for bu f= as, siness couple, Phone 176 Wi al (MEER - yoom unfurnished ment. 531 Bloor Street East, ' single men or ladies, ith cook Apply 66 Wat. rooms for ng privileges. avenue, - room brick nouse on Kendal Aug. 17 VIVE room brick house; also four room insul brick house, 603 and 509 King Street West, to be moved. Reasonable d. RA 3-4 1804 HODERN, self - Pi Available Aug. 1. $68.50 monthly, RA "+5433 or RA 52267. 1761 JIVE - room spartment, ground floor, «Ne supply everything. 517 Park Road louth. Apply between § and 8 pa, 176 offer INCOME property, Ww on Main Street near Shopping Centre, 1% acer sof land, four self-contained apartments, oll heated, good possibility for further expansion. Private sale Write Box 647, Times-Gazette 1796 "EXTRA large vioom. Suit two geotlemen or couple, sUse of refrigerator, RA 3.7460. 468 MMmooe North, 178 ", WE hb room, d, one k from Glecolf"s, Gentleman or . gouple apply 125 Clarke Street, 1764 THREE-room apartment, private en- wance, all conveniences, apply 592 Drew Street, 1764 SELF - contained ground floor apart ment, private entrance, centrally locat Ti Gazette, Whit: FIVE - room brick veneer bungalow now under construction on Ridgeway Avenue, with colored bathroom fixtures and wall tile, beautiful kitchen cup- boards with divided eating and work ing space, rug brick, iron railings on porch, sashiess sliding windows, and all modern construction With Sholen of s throughout. $12,200, (Down pay: gale $1690.) Phone builder, RA i ee ------------------------_------ 100 Acres of lann, with trout stream, k district, Phone RA di? od, Write Box 11, oy. 179¢ VERY attractive, large two - room, wpartment. Adults, unfurnished, stove lied Central 1a storey brick house, decorated, 18le 1X _- room, two centrally located, Nicely RA 52192, Every location. RA 5-5380. 1790 TWO, twe - room apartments, fully fur nished and equipped, private entrance, suit couple or girl, very central. Apply 96 Centre Streel. THREE . room unfurnished apartment, newly decorated, Child welcome. RA 39179 1 ee EXTRA large double room, furnished or unfurnished, suitable for either Nght housekeeping or sleeping, good district, nesr hospital, RA 59085, 378 Jarvis Street, 176¢ SINGLE furnished bedroom in quiet "home, for gentleman, Apply 38 Col borne Street West 2.31 , MOUSE, year old, 0 hree bedrooms, gar den, school one block. Lease. Phone ,.Brooklin 307, Aug, 16 ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms avai s.able in private home. 82 Park Roa North, 8 p.m, to 7 p.m. RA 8:8671, Aug.24 } d Tyoom apartment, Phone RA ; 181 PRIVATE apartment, heavy duty wir ing, kitchen, living room, bedroom and bath, private entrance, car parking Also furnished rooms. Apply 306 Paeifi Avenue. 181 THREE unfurnished rooms, thre bath, near south GM. 170 Bloor West FOUR - room apartment, all conveni- ences, Central, near high school and bus stop, Apply 18 Aberdeen, corner of Simcoe 184 TWO rooms and kitchen, furnished. 885 Myers Street, RA 8:1720 181 SINGLE room for gentleman, central 38 Nassau Street 1814 THREE roomed unfurnished apart ment, private bath, separate entrance, sink and cupboards in kitchen, business couple preferred, central $75. monthly Phorie RA 5-0466 sia TWO storey seven room house, garage and private driveway. Apply 22 Buck- ingham Avenue. 181 MODERN four room apartment, Went- worth and Ravine, $95, laundry tubs, dryer, TV aerial, immediate posses. sion, RA 51177. After 5 p.m, RA 5-4604 1814 NEWLY decorated bachelor apartment for lady, refrigerator and stove and TV aerial. Phone 5-8054. TFS Aug.ll APARTMENT, modern, two-room with stove, refrigerator, and laundry facill- ties. Very central, available immedi. ately. Phone RA or after 5 o'clock. RA 3-759. July31,Aug.5,6 SPACIOUS five - room apartment, very central, sion. Phone 17%¢ e { 3.2233 . immediate posses RA 5-4336 NICE room for rent, with single beds. Apply 15 Maple Street off Simcoe RA 5 August? CELY furnished front bedroom, ground floor in private home. Good residential district. Handy te bus, Suit- able for gentlemen. Phone RA 57615. 180¢ 176¢ | Whitby 1 | | RANCH bungalow with Bendix auto matic washer and dryer, early pos session, $10,000. $2000 down payment, carries for $52 monthly. MO sa, We ore Urgently needing Homes in any location, with reasonable down payments, 45--Rea! Estate For Sale reirig- SACRIFICE, for quick sale, $5000, nice FOUR year-old solid brick bung three bedrooms, 5% per cent mortgage, $46.14 RA 47--Automobiles For Sale 16 MEIEOR, six - cylinder tudor, A. |clean, immaculate car, perfect running Motors, 16t 47 CHEVROLET sedan, radio and heal er, good tires, body exceptional. RA 56250 after 6 p.m. 177 7% DE Luxe Volkswagon, radio, wind- shield washers, back up lights, white walls, low mi . Apply 1043 Hortop Avenue after 5 3 177i 54 Cadillac coupe de ville very low mileage all power extras trade and terms to reliable party. RA 54180, August 16 radio, ug, landscaped, N, monthly. order, Only $1205, King West 180f opposite Shopping Centre. 58060 CHARLES STREET Beautiful large B-room, in- come home, brick construc- tion, cor port, broadioom, storms ond screens, newly decorated, only asking $2,- 000 down payment, For ap- pointment contact Euguene Patterson at RA 5-6544, JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTORS | | 1980 Plymouth sedan, custom clean, Phone RA 5-1526, 50. %TON GMC truck, Very dition, reasonable, RA 3.4793 94088 Ritson Road N. 1 1 Pontiac Laurentian four - door, hardtop, V8 motor, power steering, Ai good con- or apply 17 46--Real Estate Wanted 47 Automobiles For Sale CAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want ears tor wrecking, Highest prices paid. RA 51181 or RA 51182. ig. ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up 20 per cent. Nine s to pay. al servies at your home, call ug. to For person RA 5 '4 FORDS, models to choose from, Some have radios, ete, Only $895. King West Mo- tors, opposite Shopping Centre. 1764 '55 FAIRLANE sedan, automatic trans mission, custom radio, white wall tires, tutone, beige and cream, Only $1495. King West Motors, opposite Shopping Centre, 1764 '71 FORDS, three to choose from, se: dans and coaches, Some have vadios, etc. Only $1605. King West Motors, pposite Shopping Centre, 176¢ CHEV, sedan. Good condition, 0)d- er car accepted. Reasonable for cash, Private, RA 8-1773, 1814 WANTED immediately, Four or five room house, north end. Reasonable Box 702 Times-Gazette 1804 45--Real Estate For Sale H. GOLDSTEIN REAL ESTATE BROKER 13 BOND ST. EAST RA 8-5161 RARE OPPORTUNITY (SUITABLE FOR V.L.A) power brakes, ir radio, heater, shade light glass, white wall tires, two tone bronze and ivory, othr» accessories, 6500 miles, RA 8.5022 : 16 hiy, RA 347 i8le Boss T--------T---- '51 CHEV, in excellent condition, excel- lent motor, very clean, will accept trade. Dial RA 37197, 181 SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. STUDEBAKER-VOLKSWAGEN SALES ond SERVICE 461 Aug.26 BUYING or SELLING TEL: RAndolph 3-3. For results colli-- LLOYD AYERS Realtor RA 3.2254 | | | Aug. 11 CALL For Results RA 8-5123 Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd. Aug. | NOTHING DOWN COLONIAL HOME Offers several choices on 3- ond 2-bedroom bungalows delivered to your lot, ready for easy erection Colonial Homes, RA 8-857] 289 Park Roed South, Oshowo Aug.9 INCOME HOME $2,900 down, Detached 8 rooms on two floors, also fin ished basement apartment, three kitchens, two both- rooms, hardwood throughout, Large lot, private drive, spot- less condition, Phone Mr Skeen, HO 1-0911, Toronto, Tops Real Estate Ltd, 1794 Donforth Ave., Phone collect oug2,5 ONLY A FEW LEFT $975 DOWN FOUR room modern apartment and bath, TV outlet, dryer, stove and fridge included. RA 3-0141, 1801 A TE 4 i two-room apartment. Apply 118 Ross land Road West, pl #10 weekly ~-- two furnished rooms, cooking privileges, Very central, Also "one single room. Apply 180 Bruce Street, 4 - 6. Aug 22 MODERN, QUIET 2-BEDROOM SUITE WITH LARGE KITCHEN In new building on 15 Gib- bons St. Adults only, or with children over 12. * Apply: 21 GIBBONS STREET H 178 Ww BUCKINGHAM MANOR APARTMENTS One and two-bedroom apart: ments, electrically equipped, best location. Apply Apt. 5, RA 8.8676. oug.31 THREE ROOM APARTMENT bath, completely kitchen, laundry lots of cupboards, central, close to transporta- tion. Middle-aged couple preferred or suitoble for two, Available August 15, Phone RA 5-8876 after 6 p.m, FURNISHED ROOM Large, clean, twin beds, cen- tral, close to transportation, ovailoble immediately. RA 5.8876 after 6 p.m Private equipped facilities, These homes ore a terrific buy et this low down pay- ment, Featuring sodded fronts, loundry tubs, heavy wired, fixtures, copper plumb- Ing, oak floors, ceramic tiled bath, and many other extras, SALESMAN ON LOCATION RA 8-1338 BOEM CONSTRUCTION BETTER BUILT BY BOEM Aug.15 | LLOYD REALTY | INSURANCE REATORS Open Evenings $900 DOWN HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS? Then why not let one of our sales staff show you our com- plete line of new homes. Among the many features you will find: rug brick construc- tion, three large bedrooms, spacious kitchens, sodded front lowns, low down pay- ments and monthly payments, If you call for an appoint. ment, we will show you homes in any section of the city at your convenience, Phone RA 8-5123, LLOYD REALTY (Oshawa) LTD, 93 SIMCOE ST, NORTH RA 8-5123 LIST WITH LLOYD THEN PHONE YOUR MOVER Aug.5,7 179¢ WHITBY C ¥ LASSIFIED TDRIVEWAY gravel, Coarse or fine, 87] per load, Cement gravel, $1.60 yard Sand and loam Ml, For ry \ Wioshawa - Whithy + Ajax an = Branton, 0 8.2660. opt. WANTED to Rent - furnished apart #* ment for couple without children: boa » ment far couple without « boarding houses for two sing | Phone MO 8.2822. i8le| FOR rent--Two bedroom house, mod. | ern kitchen and bath, lots of cupboards, puiltdn garage, central, quiet distriet. MO 84260 179¢ ~*WANTED to rent----Farm house or part o Eric| 1 le men. | children; | ---- IF you like people, enjoy making friends and want to earn good money, contact your Avon Cosmetic Manager, Miss E. Outerbridge, 42 Saranac Bou. levard, Toronto 19, Ont, Phone RU 2.7567 between B89 am July14,18,18;Aug.5,7,9 BUY and sell used furniture. Grixti Furniture will pay cash for used ap- pliances, furniture. Apply basement, 121 rock South; MO 8.3053 Aug, 26 ISHORT order cook wanted for evening work. Apply David's Drive-In, Whitby, MO 8.4066, 176¢ iof it, able to do some work in spare SEPTIC tanks cleaned the sanitary | | | | | | Two acres of land, right in the city, with a hard top road running right past the property, This is definitely one of the nicest bungalows | have yet had the pleasure of listing, Some of the extras include a natural fireplace ond a finished recrection room with a tiled floor on "HOMOSOTE" which assures not only warmth ond comfort but also perfect dryness, ASKING PRICE ONLY $13,500, For full information coll Sol Hyman at RA 8.5161, WITHIN AND WITHOUT Plenty of room within this exemplary home which features 6 rooms. Bark brick construction on o quiet residential street, Plenty of room without on a large 70' frontage. A well londscaped lot abounding with roses and flowers which adds charm to this rare buy ot $12,500, Coll Russ Harrison at RA 8.5161 for further details, TWO-STOREY (CENTRAL) 7.room brick in tip-top condition, This property hos just been rewired ond fitted with an air conditioned oil burner. Close to bus, school and shopping, An exceptional buy at $12,000, For an appointment to see this desirable property call Sam Goldstein ot RA 8-5161, We have a large selection of NEW N.H.A, HOMES in the NORTH WEST area under construction with down payments os low os $1,399. For full information coll RA 8-5161 18la OPEN HOUSE THIS EVENING AND EVERY EVENING Located on Humber & Ridgeway Ave's at one block North of Louisa St. on Park Rd. Look for the SCHOFIELD signs A Selection of Homes, built by Bell & Bell Builders & Contractors EARLY OCCUPANCY $1,737.00 DOWN WITH ONE 6% N.H.A. MORTGAGE Contact TED CAMPIN three of (these popular |e 50---Articles For Sale MAN'S standard size new bicycle, also one lady's standard size, good condi 8tion, Will sacrifice, RA 85-8738 before 8.30 p.m, 181b 50--Articles For Sale PAINT, interior, exterior, fiat, gloss, all colors, $2.95 gal. Oshawa Hardware and Electric, 8 Church. RA 37624 Sept. 1 WE pay hi in the city for |® 5, E [CH Stores, tires, bat: THE DAILY TIMES-SAZETYS, Tussdey, August 5, 1938 15 50--Articles For Sale USED boais snd moiors to clear snd Apply 1190 Verdun Road. 180b | USED boi best offer. price used furniture, Pretty's Used F 8 271. Aug, 10 wo-speed automatic tape recorder, nearly new. Apply 454 Gibbon Street : 1764 GLADIOLAS and oiher cut flowers, RA 32962, RA 57902 or 119 Rosehill Bivd. Aug, 31 teries, Kelvinator tele: vision, Thrifty budget plan. RA 5.4543. i: . Sept. | SMALL 14 foot plywood boast, Apply 426 Fairleigh Avenue 1804 HIGHEST prices paid in Oshawa for used furniture by the Community Fur. niture Store, 19 Prince Street. Phone RA 8-131, Aug. 13 RCA onethird HP, air { Phone RA 5-4601, 176¢ | PAINT, interior, exteglor, flat, gloss, al) colors 92.95 gal. Oshawa Hardware and Electric, 8 Church, RA 3.7624, Aug, 1. LLOYD G-way baby carriage, like new, yellow and white, $35, Rangette, best offer, RA 5-4242, 180¢ ONE chesterfield with two chairs; also one oull out couch, RA 54500 or 23 Orchardview, a 180¢ AWNINGS, drapes, and articles of fur niture. Call RA 50814 evenings or Tues. days or apply 87 Beatrice Street. 180c Bevan Breaks Festival Rule EBBW VALE, Wales (Reuters) Welsh politician Aneurin Bevan broke a ban on the English lan- guage at a Welsh festival Sun- day. } Bevan was born in an English- ONE converted, two burner cook stove. one 45 gal, oll drum, one Hoosier kit. chen cabinet, one 25 Ib, icebox, 50 1, rubber garden hose. RA 88183, Neo dealers please. 180¢ Prompt service, Free estimates, Order now for early delivery, Chair and table rentals, Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North, Oshaw: Aug. 18 Wayne Street or RA 35-3938, RED raspberries for sale WILLIAMS pianos, now. at a price you can afford, at Parkway Television, 918 Simcoe Street North, RA 33043. Aug. 20 CLASS--FIFTY~ TYPEWRITER, like new $40, National cash register, gives customer tickets $50. McKaskey adding machine $60, RA 34434. TTS. Augs HIGHEST cash pal for good sed fur: niture; also sell and exchange, Oshawa Trading Post. 446 Simcoe South, RA 58131, a Aug. 19 WASHING machine in good condition, 49 Burk Street. RA 57743. 179¢ WANTED -- We have many customers for good used boats, motors and trail. ers. We have an immediate sale for a MOTORS 607 KING ST, -- OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Road) RA 3-4494 Res. RA 5.5574 Aug. 21 GET A RZMBLER, MORRIS, METROPOLITAN or Quality Used Cor plus that extra-good B-A Service ot CRANFIELD MOTORS 331 Pork RdS. RA 3.2284 Aug. Test-Drive the D.K.W. 3-6 economy ond performe For ance ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP 408 King St. W, RA 3.7132 Aug, 4 48--Automobiles Wanted CASH FOR YOUR CAR | MACKIE MOTORS | WILSON RD. S. [RA 5-5743 or RA 5-1392 Aug. 10 HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR Good clean cars, Trade up or down, Liens paid off, DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, S, RA 3-942] Aug.2 49-- Automobile Repoirs BRAMLEY MOTOR SALES, LTD. 1271 SIMCOE NORTH PHONE RA 3-4675 SCHOFIELD INSURANCE ASSOCIATES LTD. -- REAL ESTATE RA 3-2265 -- 6 SIMCOE ST. N.-- 12 PRINCE ST. | July28,30,Aug.1,5,6,8 | $6,900 FULL PRICE | Well-kept 3-bedroom insul stone bungalow on Rowena Street. Large kitchen with modern built-in cupboards, living room, 3-piece bath, full basement, hot air heating--coal, easy terms, $12,300 FULL PRICE Lovely 5-room brick bungalow, stone front. Tastefully decorated ond landscaped. lose to new school, Heating is forced air--oil, Garage with overhead doors. Substantial down payment needed. $12,500 FULL PRICE Choice north end location, 2-bedroom brick bungalow. Oil heating, 4.piece tiled bath, broadloom in living room, dining room and hall, Nicely landscoped, Terms, LOTS 2 lots B85 feet x 265 feet. Tounton Rood East. 314 miles from 5 points on highway. Full price $1,100 end $1,200, Low down payment, LLOYD AYERS REALTORS -- RA 3-2254 18le L. S. SNELGROVE CO. LTD. 43 PARK RD. S. EAST SECTION BUNGALOW Located close to King Street, this S-room spotlessly clean brick bungalow has modern kitchen, living room with natural fireplace, dining area, two bedrooms with closets, 4-piece bathroom, full high basement, oil heating, laundry tubs, storm windows and doors, nicely landscaped lot with extremely good garage, all of this for the price of only $10,500. Compare for yourself by calling RA 3-9810 or RA 5-8761, 140-ACRE FARM Located at Lindsay town limits, all excellent workable soil partly tile drained, six-room brick dwelling, oil furnace, 4-piece bath, hardwood floors, heavy wiring, three barns, water bowls, steel stanchions, implement shed, hen house, milk house and double garage all painted, this property has great industrial possibilities, list price but $32,000 with half cash. Call RA 5-8761 or RA Specialists in Ford service and parts, Wheel alignment wheel balance, with latest type equipment, Newest type electronic tune-up equipment, Aug. 14 used 14 foot Plyeraft boat, 30 HP Imotof and trailer, apply Northway Marine and Tackle Shop, RR 1, New. {castle, on Highway 115, Phone Orono, {1072 J. (Open every evening till 9.) 1701 | TENTS, camping supplie; ground sheets, tarpaulins, pup-tents. Oshawa |Hardware and Electric, 8 Church. RA {37621 Aug. 28 |SAVE #38 on boats, motors and trail |ers, Cedar strip, fibreglas aluminum land moulded plywood. See Provincia! Tire Co, 43 Bond Street West. R/ 5.6511. Aug. 10 WILLIAMS pianos, now at & price you ean afford, at Parkway Television, 918 Simcoe Street North, RA 3.3043, Aug. 21 WALNUT dining room suite, china cab. inet, buffet, table and six chairs, in excellent condition, RA 53443, 1760 VACUUM cleaner repairs, ail makes, parts, attchments, brushes, guaran teed rebuilt machines, Estimates free, Rentals, Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv. fee. RA 8.1081 anytime, Aug 18 OIL heater, well pump, dinette table, four chairs, and buffet, three quarter |bed, complete ice box, RA 5.1953 1804 {USED tires, most all sizes, $3 up. B, F Goodrich Stores, RA 5.4543. Sept BOAT KITS $56.00 and Up evenings ond week- Open ends Brooklin Marine Storage Supply Ltd. PHONE 87 LUXURY OUTBOARDING | BUDGET PRICES ! See the power loaded new ELTOS! 3 to 35 hp. 2 electric starting models. Full warranty, Choose yours now. Terms, Cy Preece Garage. Elto Sales ond Service, Gliddon at Verdun Rd. -- RA 5.9251, Aug. 16 SEE! FRIGIDAIRE! SHEER LOOK-~PLUS AT HOME APPLIANCES 90 SIMCOE ST, S., RA 5:5332 '45--Real Estate For Sale CLOVERDALE AVENUE A home you will be proud to own--5-room brick and stone bun- wood kitchen, tiled walls, beaut rooms with built-in vanity----deco --see it today, $3,000 down will poyments aluminum storms and screens, inum storm windows, television bathrooms, decorated. sacrifc to handyman for $5,200 CLEANING AND P Old-established cleaning and pre 32 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH Joe Maga, RA 5-9191 Lloyd Metcalf, RA 5-6983 After 5: galow with attached garage, 13 x 20 living room with picture window looking out over ravine and door leading to patio. Holly- iful dinette, 2 extra large bed- rated and landscaped. Just listed handle with substantial monthly ONLY FOUR LEFT In Harmony Heights--ranch style brick and stone bungalows built by Loupan Devolpments (Oshawa) Limited, and ready for immediate occupancy, Complete with slideral picture windows, ceramic tiled bathroom, large modern kitchen with plenty of eating space, 17-foot living room; 15 x 13 master bedroom, sodded front lawns, sidewalk, laundry tubs, light fixtures, stove cable ond only $1,200 down with balance on one N.H.A. mortgage. TRIPLEX Solid brick triplex showing excellent return complete with alum- oerial, electric dryer, automatic washer, 3 electric stoves, 3 electric refrigerators, ceramic tiled ESTATE SALE Must be sold to settle an estate--8-room home=--Albert Street-- needs some work--presently rented as duplex--$80 monthly-- RESSING BUSINESS ssing business for sale on Simcoe Street, complete with all equipment, truck ond 10-year lease at reasonable rent, Just listed at $17,000 with $12,000 down LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE DIAL RA 3.9329 or 5-6551 30 Dial Everett Elliott, RA 3.9290 Dick Barriage, RA 5-6243 181a WHITBY $8,900 -- 5.room, nice large rooms, A good buy. small barn and double garage. down, Large treed lot, $6,900 -- 4.room bungalow, HOMES 3.bedroom bungalow, all conveniences, $1,500 down, Must be sold. $8,500 -- 7 rooms, 2 kitchens, new forced air oil heating, Good income home. $2,000 oil heating. Kent St. North, $1,500 down, or will rent pending sale, Aug, 24] Aug.2| AWNINGS, plain colors, or gay stripes, SPECIAL PRE SUMMER PRICES Doors, windows, awnings, heavy inch door completely installed $41.95, No extros to buy. Finest in features, finest in quality, Call now for free estimates. RA 8-8571, COLONIAL ALUMINUM Office and display court Evenings Call RA 8-1062 Be Sure With Colonial Aug.9 Hove your heating needs ottended to now ~-- Avoid delays this Fall, No pay- ment until September, OIL FIRED UNITS GAS FIRED UNITS OIL & GAS CONVERSIONS Registered Ontario Fuel Board Installer W. BORROWDALE HEATING SALES, OSHAWA RA 3-4878 Aug.18 EXTRA Special reductions in Alum- inum Doors, Storms, Screens, and Porch Railings NOBODY BUT NOBODY CAN BEAT OUR QUALITY, PRICES AND GUARAN- TEED INSTALLATION Coll HOLODY ALUMINUM RA 5-2431 TODAY Aug. 18 GLADIOLI Mixed Colors, 75¢ per dozen 757 King St. W. RA 3-4179 July31,Aug! 4 USED BUILDING . MATERIALS 2x4 -- 2x6 2x8--~2x10 1" Sheeting-- Hardwood Floorings Good Used Brick----$20 per M, Oak Panelling = Doors FREE FIREWOOD COME AND GET IT! SEE PAUL ON JOB-- Hours: 6:30 to 6:00--Sot. 'til 4 GREENSPOON BROS, LTD, Formerly McLoughlin end Robson Estates -- Simco. St, N., Oshawa. MWF. Aug.16 PETERBOROUGH - BOATS Cedarstrip, aluminum, mould- ed plywoad, fibreglos, Moulded mahogany hull Evinrude motors TEE-NEE TRAILERS Layaway plan, no finance charges, Factory approved service. Marine Storage end Supply Ltd. Brooklin, Ontario Phone 87 Open evenings and weekends, Aug. 51--Swap and Barter WE buy, sell and exchange used fur. niture. Highest prices paid for any ap pliances, TV, pianos, sewing machines. |For quick action contact Oshawa Trad. ing post, 446 Simcoe South, RA 58131 Aug. 2 COMBINATION TV, boy's bicycle, tile machine, clothes reel, typewriter, new deer rifle, trafler, truck, plumbing supplies and installations, for what have you, Chinn's, RA 3.7088, August? Winte ALUMINUM WIND! Kool Lite Alum LES EVENISS 15 PRINCE ST, Les Eveniss RA 3.2707 Don Howe r-Seal OWS AND DOOKks inum Awnings CUSTOM AND OPEN AND CLOSE RAILINGS -- Interior and Exterior Fireplace Furnishings and Bathtub Enclosures SALES LTD, RA 5.4632 Bill Galbraith RA 5-8832 RA 5.0313 Aug28 Farm S OTTAWA (CP) -- Agriculture Minister Harkness, a hog-raiser from away back, tangled in the Commons Friday night with CCF House Leader Hazen Argue on the merits of the government's farm prices support program. The result appeared inconclu- sive, Mr, Argue, a Saskatchewan farmer ard sole opposition mem- ber from the Prairies, said farm- ers generally feel supports under the new Prices Stablization Act are not high enough to cover pro- duction costs and give a fair re- turn, This, he said, was despite the fact that the act stipulated that the government, in setting sup- ports, should be 'guided by the estimated average cost to the consumer" and by other relevant factors. TOUGH TASK Mr, Harkness said determina- tion of production cost is ex. tremely difficult, In all cases the government tried to reach .a "reasonable" cost figure and re- late it to the support. But on most commodities precise cost information was sketchy. When the dicussion turned to Ideas Debated upport hogs, the minister spoke more positively. As a long-time live. stock raiser in Alberta he said he has raised "at least 10,000 to 20,000 more hogs' than Mr. Ar- gue, who is mainly a grain farmer. Mr, Harkness sald the estl- mated production cost of hogs, at $18 a hundredweight liveweight, worked out to about the same as the support price of $25 a hun. dredweight, dressed, at Toronto. RATIO GOOD Besides, the ratio between cost of feed grain and market prices of hogs had never been better. "Anyone who can't make money now shouldn't be in the hog-raising business," the minis. ter said. Mr. Harkness tangled with Er. hart Regier (CCF -- Burnaby- Coquitlam) on the farming qual- ifications of Arnold Peters (CCF ~Timiskaming), a union organ- izer, The minister quoted Mr, Peters as saying mixed farming takes more from the soil than the type of farming done in Western Can- ada. Mr, Harkness said this showed Mr. Peters doesn't know much about farming. DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS 1. Not firm 5. Hurl 9. Damascus is its capital 10. Elliptical figures 12, Beneath 13. City (It) 14, Exclamation to frighten wool 4. Road cove! B. Roman garments 6. Fly beyond mark 7. Tunnel workers 17, Beat out 17. Any 8, Exclamation 18, Fe. (BIAIF EI PIETE I) PIO RIL OTH TAIL TETON (ATLT1 AISIRAISIS IA] | | AISTTIEIRID] [KIAIRIE IN] male fowl 20. Intro. ISIUIEIDBRDIE | (WIRIAIT IH] ICIAITIHIALY RE IAISTT] JAIPIR] | ILE SIAIL INI | (RICIUITIERE | IS]L ICIS] OIEIEISISITIEIW Saturday's Answer 82, Oriental nurse 33. Biblical name 35, Turf king village in Wales and doesn't know the Welsh tongue. The English language has been barred from the national Eisted- dfod of Wales, a weeklong festi- val of singing. But oficlals velemes pos van's speech -- he's ent of the festival as well as representa tive of this district in Parlia- ment, Another who went against tra- dition was American singer Paul Robeson, who sang in English, "The Welsh language is a lan- [guage not to be trifled with," beson said. 'Unless I could be |perfect at it, I would not attempt to sing in Welsh The audience of 9,000 gave Be- Yan and Robeson rousing recep- Call Off Search Missing Woman NIAGARA-ON-THE-LAKE, Ont, (CP)~The United States Coast Guard sald Monday it has called off search for an Oakville woman who disappeared from her husv band's cabin cruiser Saturday night on Lake Ontario. The woman, Jane McLean, 39, was reported missing by her hus. band, Donald McLean, 40, and Robert Dimwiddy, 55. Police sald Mrs. McLean aps parently fell overboard whiie the 27-foot cruiser was returning to Oakville from 'a party in Olcott, N.Y. The vessel put in here Sun- day to report the accident, An RCMP spokesman said th mishap occurred in American waters and is therefore not under RCMP jurisdiction, 13 zyr GRAVEL GERTIE NOW RECOVERED SALEM, Ore, (AP)--Connie Holland, Salem's 10-year-old rock eater, has fully recov- ered after swallowing an esti- mated 200 pebbles. Her mother, Mrs, Patrick Holland, said a touch of pneu- monia, treatment of which led a week ago to discovery of the rocks Inside Connie, also was cleared up. Connie, who says she now Is called Gravel Gertie, swal- lowed the rocks during the last six months because they "tasted real good." Doctors, who removed some of the pebbles and let nature take care of the rest, at. tributed the incident to a pos- sible mineral deficlency in Connie's system. Pearson Scores Attitude To UN OTTAWA (CP) -- Opposition Leader Pearson Monday criti cized "big powers" who prevent the United Nations from forming a regular police force, but do not hesitate to "do things and them say that when the United Nations will take over they'll withdraw," External Affairs Minister Smith had just told the Commons' ex- ternal affairs committee that the UN should "work strenuously but cautiously" in the direction of setting up a permanent police force. Without naming and 'big pow: ers," Mr, Pearson sald that fof years the UN had been trying to set up such a force. 'Yet the same powers do all they can to stop the formation of those means when you take steps to provide one on a permanent basis." Mr. Smith had said that the UN was "moving in the direction of setting up a force." "We should take short steps, and should avoid giving the wrong impression of what we arg out to achieve. Especially, we should avoid such words In its name as 'police' and 'force.' " Consider Ways Of Speeding Up House Business OTTAWA (CP)--Prime Minis: ter Diefebaker said Monday ¢ sideration will be given "at the next session" to ways of speed- ing parliamentary business, and implied the changes should be modelled on the "Mother of Pars liaments" at Westminster. 1 He repeatedly paid tribute fo the 'peculiar political experi ence" displayed by the British Parliament, where a tremens dous amount of work" on com- plex subjects was accomplished. Mr, Diefenbaker spoke on a government motion providing for morning sittings of the House starting Aug. 11 for the r& mainder of the session, which Works Minister Green said t # time. Write to Box 224 Pickering. 179¢ way, new tanks installed. Walter Ward, {_Pleke OSHAWA HOMES $10,500 -- nice brick semi-bungalow, oil heating, garage, nice garden and fruit trees, Near shopping centre. $2,500 down buys this good 7-room home, $12,000 -- S-room; 3-bedroom bungalow, brick and stone, A lovely home and a good buy at $1,500 down. $9,500 -- 5-room brick bungalow. Bloor St. W, nomical home at $2,000 down, New, 36. Girl's name government hopes will be com- pleted in three weeks, DEFEAT AMENDMENT ! The Progressive Conservative majority in the Commons pushed the motion through by a vote of 135 to 34 after a CCF amendment was defeated 158 to 7. The amendmet would have de- leted a provision under which Monday sittings will be devoted to government business, suspend. ing a rule which would have ale located three more Mondays this session for private members' r+ olutlons. The motion increases the pars liamentary work-week from 33 tek 41 hours, It means the House will meet morning and afternoon, every day, and every evening except Wednesday and Saturday, The House does not meet Sun¢ days, + WOR Tent -- Self-contained apartment 204 Chestnut West: phone MO 8.2563. We for two, no children. Apply 701 Dundas! Aug. 2 Street West 179 - JOOMERS wanted, apply 701 Dundas) york, specializing in all kinds of house Bp Tr oa yam" repairs, Free estimates. Henry Kuenen, . ROOM and board available for two|MO 8.2261, Aug. 22 gentlemen, good meals, twin beds, laun | 4 ry. MO 84872 i C, FREE package popular brand ol 3.9810 grain 19. Fish hawk 21, Jumps 24. Warning signal 25. Motherless calf 26. On the ocean 27.To free 28. Arrival 80. Father (collog.) 88. High (mus.) 84. Limits 86. Bristles 87. Marble slab, or 11 88. Baking chambers 80, Contained 40, Flit DOWN 1. An abstract 8 Chureh ealen a. ottions wut 100-ACRE FARM Youtine shou ly Cartwright Township, 2 barns with hydro, implement shed, 6é- room dwelling with oil heating, good sharp soil, close to highway, school bus at door, list price $21,000 with $11,000 down poy ment. Call RA 5.8761 or RA 3-9810 STURGEON LAKE FARM 100 acres bordering waters of Sturgeon Lake, 80 acres extremely good workable land, slightly sloping for drainage. 8-room two- storey home spotlessly clean condition, forced air heating, 3-piece bathroom, 2 barns, hog pen, implement shed and garage, build- ings all painted, close to Highway 36. List price $18,000 with half cash, Call RA 5-8761 or RA 3.9810, BUILDING LOTS Bargain on Grenfell Boulevard, 43 x 125 foot with water and sewer, $1,900 Athol Street East, 61 x 120 feet. Water and sewer. $2,250, Rossland Road East, 83% x 524 feet. $1600 Taunton Road East, 82 x 285 feet. $1,200 North Oshawa, 100 x 214 feet. $1,200 all office, RA 3.9810 or RA 5.8761 FOR general carpentry and cement CENTRAL sodding and gardening. Sod delivered or laid. Phone Oshawa RA x) - ; 51386. Aug.25 AT a ry | NOD for sale. For the finest in sod call| Limited, Chevrolet.Oldsmmbile. |(rant Landsouping, dhe square vi. Se Aug. 18 ino a a spam S-------- man {USED furniture and appliances want A ALTERATIONS pant cuffing, drape ed. Phone MO 84801 Aug.2! a alter: 0 rapery _ - ¢ 3360. FOR sale -- Puppiés for sale, cheap to Centre South, MO 8-3360. AURIS, "yon home. MO 82802 181a RADIO, range, refrigerator and wash - . ing maehine repairs. Call The Ap- FOR RENT lance Repair Centre, 140 Brock Pret North. MO A-4801. Augal; Boats, Motors, Boat Trailers, Cabin Trailer, Tents, Camp CASH for used furniture, appliances, pianos asd sewing machines. For top Stoves, Lonterns, Lawn price in Oshawa, Whitby and Ajax, eall| Rollers, Lawn Mowers, Paint Midtown Furniture, Whithy, MO 8.4881 Sprayer, Garden Tiller, etc. For Sale Boats, Motors, eollect, July 30 Trailers WILDE * WANTED to Rent -- House with farm, | RENTAL SERVICE up to 25 acres, or house, Five rooms on ground floor of house with some gar AND SALES WHITBY, MO 8.3226 An eco modern bungalows in good locations. Farms Acreage, Lots OPEN EVENINGS W. McAULEY REALTOR 26 PRINCE ST., OSHAWA RES: WHITBY MO 8.3231 Melich--RA 3-9426 Ed Hinkson Helen Allan--MQ 8-4065 Solesmen always evailable, Open Donald NN RA 3.2512 A | don, moderate rent. Phone Ax ! "J Wo Henry RA 8.8228 78 | We hove e nice selection of summer cottages priced to sell | = four-reom house, 808 Cen aX Wl, kis wie! Members of the Locel Reel Fstate Board 1800 | |

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