Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 5 Aug 1958, p. 12

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itents with their wives and fam- The camp is not an official teen while at sea. |dances there. Those without re . {colds than non-psychiatric pa-| - files, navy installation, The men put| ZC To Catching Cold tients. | p ts wn | Thanks to a suggestion by|in long hours of work on their| . ' Captain W. M. Landymore of|own time to set it up. The neces-| Power is purchased from the may vem arom me & daniel Cappon of Toronto, | "It seemed as though 'heir life {here on the Saint John River, Gagetown, N.B, of the Bonaventure's Protestant| Many now have television sets J2 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Tuesday, August 5, 1958 (dian pavy's aircraft carrier now|the camp closes about Aug. 15,| ""mayor*' of the tent eity, haslone _erves as sleeping quartersiing myseM I was here so I could watch television at the beach's | Navy Sets undergoing refit here, are 'able/when the Bonaventure is ex- strung 6,000 feet of line to pro-jand the other for cooking and be near father." Rab : | to spend part of the summer in|pected to return to Halifax. | psychiatric patients had 2% times : feet of water pipes from a sing.e|trailers of their own, to supple-| oon "or'aie ord Ont. live in|(Tigerators make almost daily well which supplies the whole/ment their living space allow-|,® y » a ""lration trips to Saint John. | {two bell tents and a smail house od ance. {trailer brought from Halifax.| Bull-dozers cleared brush a TORONTO (CP) -- Colds are] But Dr. Cappon also said that Hull, Que., more than 60 tents--|sary money was taken from their{New Brunswick Electric Power camping-out idea was completely|The first families arrived about nore frequent and more pro-|Paradoxically some "cold free" " |from huge marquees to smalllcanteen fund, the profit from|Commission. Tents, beds, chairs|novel. June 14. A maintenance crew ar-|{One big project now under way onged in the majority of emo- Patients were seriously afflicted Tent City {tents--have sprung up at Oak|cigaret, chocolate bar, soft drinkland tables were loaned by No.| "I'm getting used to it now,"|rived May 27 to begin preparing is consitiietion of an incinerator In an article in the Canadian|was so taken up with mental ill] SAINT JOHN, N.B. (CP) -- Apout 35 families haye used] A maintenance crew under] Most families are allowed chaplain, "but after the first twoland electric refrigerators in their More than 44 million of the 50 fedical Association Journal'siness that they could not be both-|Married men in the ctew of|the camp's facilities so far and chief Petty Officer Joseph Tur-|either two bell tents or onejdays I was ready to go homejtents, brought from their. perm-|/million U.S. households will re: urrent issue, Dr. Cappon saysiered having colds," he said. HMCS Bonaventure, the Cana-anvther 50 were expected before cotte of Victoria, who is also' marquee, Where bells are used,'anytime. I had to keep remind-'anent homes. The campers may ceive a newspaper today. permanent pavilio.. or attend E H Linked |vide electricity and laid 1500 living. Some have private house chaplain and his wife, or motions {more frequency and duration of To many of the wives, the|They need the extra housing unif,|[two main tent areas are devel lonally upset persons, says Dr.|Dy psychiatric disorders. | Point Beach, about 30 miles from|and other purchases at their can-{40 Ordnance Depof at Camp guid Mrs, Gerald M, Schultz, wife|/the camp site. Friendly Neighborly Service COMMUNITY PROGRESS IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. The dollars you spend in your home community are dollars that work to benefit you and your family, in civic improvements, modern facilities and better living. Would you plant seeds in your neighbour's garden? Hardly, unless you wanted him to harvest the crop. Well, it may seem like a far-fetched plot, but that's pretty much what you are doing When you spend your money in other areas. When you shop locally, you harvest a crop of personal benefits. Dollar for dollar you get the same merchandise return, prices that mean savings for you, service that can't be duplicated anywhere, because your local merchant is also your neighbour, who will see you again and again. So Shop At Home. KEEP DOLLARS AT HOME AND REAP YOUR CROP OF COMMUNITY PROSPERITY AND COMMUNITY PROGRESS. NORM WIRSCHING & SON | PLASTERING CONTRACTORS INTERIOR -- EXTERIOR GENERAL REPAIRS Phones: RA 5-6222 - RA 5-8718 130 Roxborough Ave. NORTH OSHAWA Plumbing & Heating (Allen Robinson, Prop.) SPEEDY SERVICE -- INSTALLA- TIONS ~~ REPAIRS -- ALTER. ATIONS -- ALL COPPER PLUMB- ING JOBS. (Your Satisfaction Is my Success) PHONE RA 5-3715 52 WAYNE AVE, "BARNEY'S" B-A SERVICE PHONE RA 3.9362 NONQUON ROAD (Half Way on 5 Point Road) ® Zpecializing in Foreign cor service, ® All types 0' power mower service o Complete auto tune-up and electrical service, ALL WORK GUARANTEED YOUR PATRONAGE IS AND WILL BE APPRECIATED GALT CARTAGE FURNITURE & APPLIANCES - MOVING CARTAGE & EXPRESS REASONABLE RATES FULLY INSURED CALL DAY OR NIGHT RA 5-4498 1209 CLOVERDALE STREET BRAMLEY MOTOR SALES LTD, MERCURY -- LINCOLN -- METEOR CARS COMPLETE FORD PARTS & SERVICE TEXACO GAS & OIL PRODUCTS FRONT END ALIGNMENT AND COLLISION SPECIALISTS GOOD USED CARS. PHONE RA 3-4675 PHONE RA 8-1431 1251 SIMCOE ST. N, 71 KING ST, WEST STAIR BUILDING TILE WORK SAMPLES ON REQUEST CUPBOARDS BUILT TO ORDER ALL WORK GUARANTEED PHONE RA 5-2715 550 WILSON ROAD §. LANSDOWNE TEXACO PRODUCTS The Meeting Ploce of Service ond Quality PHONE RA 5-9445 SIMCOE ST. N. Opposite Camp Semec KITCHEN CUPBOARDS FLOOR TiLE WALL TILE Do It Now RA 5-8213 Let Us Help You Build Your Dream Home This Year Take Advantage Of Our Budget Plan w seis HARRY A, RECREATION ROOMS REMODELLING ALTERATIONS DICKISON ra 5.621 J. R. WARD ROOFING CONTRACTOR Ri Re YOUR ROOF po AASFHALT SHINGLING -- INSUL-BRIC SIDING Hol NEW and OLD WORK -- FREE ESTIMATES. SIS, WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED. RCAIPHONE RA 5-6821 R.R. 1, OSHAWA ASSOCIATED ELECTRONIC SERVICE 'TAPE RECORDERS A SPECIALTY PHONE RA 3-3427 1507 SIMCOE ST. N. PREECE GARAGE SPECIALIZED Corburetor & Igniton Service WHITE ROSE PRODUCTS 2. ELTO OUTBOARD MOTORS SALES -- SERVICE -- PARTS LAWN CRUISERS PHONE RA 5-9251 110 VERDUN ot GLIDDON RESIDENTIAL 50 NASSAU STREET J. C. MacDONALD PAINTING & DECORATING COMMERCIAL ~~ INDUSTRIAL ~ ' PHONE RA 3.7080 Wm. Gendron CABINET MAKER CUSTOM BUILT KITCHEN CUPBOARDS WINDOW & DOOR FRAMES ORDER YOUR ALTERATIONS & REPAIRS BUSINESS RA 5-8371 RESIDENCE RA 3-4902 Teunton W. end Gerrard Rd. W. BORROWDALE HEATING SALES A COMPLETE HEATING SALES AND SERVICE HONE RA 3-4878 15 aton Road West George Jackson Trucking SAND & GRAVEL We Deliver To Oshawa, Bowmanville, Whitby, Ajax and District PHONE RA 3-3325 TAUNTON ROAD EAST W. BORROWDALE FUEL OIL SALES SUPERTEST HOT BLAST FUEL OIL PHONE RA 3.4878 FOR PROMPT DELIVERY 156 TAUNTON RD W. NORTH OSHAWA MOTORS LIMITED WHITE ROSE GAS AND OIL PRODUCTS GENERAL REPAIRS NEW & USED APPLIANCES POWER MOWERS GARDEN EQUIPMENT Deon Bickell, 42 Ritson Road South GOOD USED CARS PHONE. RA 8-1474 TAUNTON ROAD EAST GUARANTEED USED CARS ROY W. NICHOLS Courtice & Bowmanville Your Friendly Dealer Serving the Public For 36 Yeors CHEVROLET and OLDSMOBILE SALES AND SERVICE Always @ Good Selection of Used Cars on Display Phones: OSHAWA .... RA 3.7242 BOWMANVILLE RA 3-3922 A. W. RUNDLE GARDEN CENTRE EVERYTHING FOR THE GARDEN Your Headquarters for FLOWERING SHRUBS, EVERGREENS, ROSES, FRUIT TREES, PATIO STUNE ond FURNITURE, BAR-B-QUES. 1015 KING ST. E. BILENDUKE'S ESSO SERVICE Motor Tune-ups, Broke Ser- vice, Licensed Mechanic, Fast Cor Wash, Rood Service, PHONE RA 8-1411 1004 SIMCOE ST. §. N. JOHANSEN & SONS APPROVED N.H.A. BUILDERS INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS MODERN QUALITY HOMES IN ALL PRICE RANGES Advice and Estimates Cheerfully Given PHONE RA 5-4222 202 ROSEDALE AVE. LEE BISHOP RADIATOR REPAIRS CLEANING & RECORING NEW & USED RADIATORS PHONE RA 5-1633 42 BOND ST. WEST H. MOSIER ESSO Oil Burners FURNACE WORK AIR CONDITIONING EAVESTROUGHING STAINLESS STEEL WORK Dealer for ESSO OH. FURNACES G.E. GAS UNITS GARWOOD GAS & OIL FURNACES Phones: . BUSINESS: RA 5-2734 RESIDENCE: RA 5-275) 21 CHURCH STREET SOUTHEND TEXACO SERVICE STATION (George Rutkay, Lessee) Merfack Lubrication -- Tires = Batteries -- Minor Repoirs Free Pick-up end Delivery, PHONE RA 3-9784 506 RITSON ROAD LES MADDOCK WHITE ROSE SERVICE STATION WASHING & LUBRICATION POLISHING & SIMONIZING TIRES & ACCESSORIES PICK-UP AND DELIVERY PHONE RA 5.8011 177 BOND STREET WEST HAYDEN D. KEMP Imperial ESSO Service ® MINOR REPAIRS ® WASHING © LUBRICATION o ACCESSORIES Complete Tire and Battery Service PHONE RA 5-3680 288 BLOOR ST. WEST OSHAWA SAND GRAVEL SUPPLY (Wm. Mesulks, Prop.) Screened Send end Gravel, Loam, Fill, Brick, Plastering Sand, Crushed Stone, in many grades. PHONE RA 5-0232 877 KING ST, EAST WILSON'S ELECTRIC MOTORS REPAIRS -- REWINDING Authorized LELAND SERVICE PHONE RA 3-4362 395 OSHAWA BLVD. §, 234.00 IN MERCHANDISE OR SERVICE SEE IF YOUR NAME IS IN ONE OF THESE ADVERTISEMENTS This poge is a weekly feature of the Oshawa Daily Times-Gazette for a 26-week period and there will appear in the advertisements each week the names and addresses of three people living in Oshawa and district. Read the advertisements carefully and if you find your name, clip 'out the advertisement in . which you found your name and present it within one week along with a sales slip to the advertising manager of the Oshawa Times-Gazette, showing that goods or services have been purchased from any one of the advertisers on this page and you will receive absolutely free a $3.00 order to be spent for merchandise or services with one of the advertisers on this page. Winner must advise which advertiser they wish to spend $3.00 order with. PATRONIZE THE BUSINESS FIRMS ON THIS PAGE BOYCHUCK MOVERS MOVING & STORAGE & REASONABLE RATES ALL GOODS HANDLED WITH CARE FULLY INSURED PHONE RA 5-2831 55 GLOVER ROAD HOUSTON'S SERVICE STATION AND GARAGE Specialists in AUTOMOBILE BRAKE WORK RA 3.7822 67 KING ST, WEST A. JAMES ALLEN Building Contractor ADDITIONS - ALTERATIONS REMODELLING Terms Available PHONE RA 5.6126 440 WILSON RD. N, C. F. FOOTE SHELL SERVICE STATION Leave Your Cer With Us For Prompt, Efficient SERVICE While You Shop or Work PHONE RA 5.7421 97 KING ST. E. Opp. Genoshe Hotel MEADE'S SUNOCO SERVICE (Marold Meade, Lessee Tires ond Batteries, Auto Ac- cessories, Washing and Lubri- cation, Minor Repairs, Road Service. Free Pick-up ond Delivery PHONE RA 5.0512 74 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH McCORMACK HEATING LTD. with AIR CONDITIONING STEPHENSON'S GARAGE Specializing in: Frame Straightening, Wheel Alignment, General Repairs, Heodlight Service. PHONE RA 5-0522 15 CHURCH STREET |KEITH POLLARD'S SHELL STATION SHELLUBRICATION TUNE-UPS ond REPAIRS 24 HOUR TOWING SERVICE PROMPT -- SAME DAY 24.HOUR T.V. SERVICE KEEP OSHAWA ROLLING CALL US Now RA 8-5286 ALL WORK GUARANTEED OSHAWA ELECTRONICS CONTINUE FLO FURNACES © RESIDENTIAL -. eo COMMERCIAL ® INDUSTRIAL Installations Conversions -- Gos or Oil -- Air Conditioning Estimates Free PHONE RA 5.7018 1188 RITSON RD. SOUTH POLLARD'S RADIO & ELECTRICAL SERVICE MOTOROLA & PHILIPP'S TELEVISION REPAIRS LARGE STOCK OF HOBBYCRAFT DIAL RA 3.9512 153 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH OPEN 6 AM. TO 11 P.M. 7 DAYS A WEEK Phones: BUSINESS RA 5.7522 RESIDENCE RA 3-7265 TAUNTON ond WILSOF. RD, NORTH SUDDARD'S C.C.M. & RALEIGH BICYCLES SALES & SERVICE SPORTING GOODS KEYS MADE Mrs. R. Dillabough 164 Elgin Street ont PHONE RA 5-3979 497 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH BUCK'S BODY SHOP (H. Marlyn, Prop.) EXPERT COLLISION WORK, WELDING, PAINTING, TOWING & STORAGE. CARS BOUGHT & SOLD PHONE RA 5.4513 361 BLOOR ST. EAST WILLIS MOTORS . RELIANCE PRODUCTS AUSTIN PARTS - SALES . SERVICE ONLY $1399 THE AUSTIN "A" 35 PHONE RA 5-0331 TAUNTON RD. E. MODERN HEY! There's No Room for Gloom! The Dollars You Spend SHEET METAL Help Make Us "Boom" ® "Modern" Warm Air Furnoces ® "Winter Air" Conditioning Units With Confidence At HOME & IN SHEET METAL WORK The Merchants On This Page . PHONE RA 8-8163 313 OLIVE AVE. EARL BELL B-A SERVICE STATION GAS & ROAD SERVICE NOW AVAILABLE 24 HOURS A DAY EVERY DAY PHONE RA 8.1711 KING ST. W. & PARK RD. EXCAVATING & GRADING SAND and GRAVEL LOAM and FILL MODERN EQUIPMENT FREE ESTIMATES PHONE RA 3.4012 156 HARMONY RD. Ss. ANDY NAGY'S BODY SWOP | DUCO * PULUX REFINISHING BEAR FR & WHEEL ALIGNMENT RADIATOR: REPAIRED & RECORED 24-Hour Towing Service 408 KING STREET WEST Authorize Dealer PHONE RA 3.7132 AFTER HOURS RA 3.203) TEENIE WEENIE SHOP "SPECIAL REDUCED PRICES ON ALL CHILDREN'S WEAR" INFANTS' TO 14X BOYS' ond GIRLS Shorts & Pedal Pushers SELLING AT 2 PRICE PHONE RA 8.8123 142 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH FRED STONE'S GARAGE Complete Mechanical Repairs Front End Alignment and Wheel Balancing PHONE RA 5-9291 Cor. Wilson Rd. & Olive Ave. ALTO MUSIC SUPPLIES COMPLETE LINE OF FINEST INSTRUMENTS - PROFESSIONAL TEACHER - REASONABLE RATES EXPERT PIANO TUNING USED INSTRUMENTS HOURS: 9 AM, TO 6 P.M. 447 SIMCOE ST. §. PLANT: \ 1089 NELSON ST OFFICE: 163 KINC ST. W Phone RA 3.4412 Evenings RA 8-8339 Henderson Concrete Producis Lid. CONCRETE, CINDER and SLAG BLOCKS DO YOU HAVE A ir TI MARIJAN'S GARAGE REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES OF CARS AND TRUCKS, BODY & FENDER WORK, CAR PAINTING. PHONE RA 5.5101 290 CORDOVA ROAD a, ..--- an wom

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