# | Mike McArthur | BASEBALL SCOREBOARD By THE CANADIAN PRESS National League |San Fran 121 010 010--8 8 1 Still Leading Larry's At Bat [i sibs od 2 | (Batting averages, as of Aug. 2)[(9) and Schmidt; Drett, Hobbie AB H Ave.|(8) and Thacker. |Chicago at Kansas City (N) 400, HR: SF-Mays (17), [Cleveland at Detroit 387|Los Angeles 002 000 000--2 5 0{New York at Baltimore (N) 367|8t, Louis 010 011 00x--3 9 1/Washington at Boston 333) Podres, Klippstein (6) Erskine International League 294|(8) and Roseboro; Jackson and Havana 003 101 132-1113 1 New York at Baltimore (N)--| Turley (16-4) vs Harshman (8-9) Washington at Boston (N)--Cle- | venger (6-8) vs 'Monbouquette 02) { Wednesday's Games 50 75 Mike McArthur George Brabin Paim Knight Carl Kemp 220 10101310 12 1 | Columbia Again | Proves Best Yacht Tom Courtney Loses NEWPORT, RI. (AP)=Colum- To Polish Runner bia edged past Easterner to win the Caritas Cup 'in a race among four America's Cup contenders) Sunday in the annual New York 115-97 Yacht Club cruise. Columbia led covering the course hours 25 minutes third and Vim fourth, all the way in 32 Easterner was second, Weatherly THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Tuesdey, August 5, 1958 11 States in three seconds United States, WARSAW (Reuters) -- United men defeated Poland] in a two-day track and {field meet that ended here Satur-! day, but the Polish women came out' on top 54 to 52. Big surprise | was defeat of world 880-yard rec- ordholder Tom Courtney of the Poland's Zbigniew Makomaski| Businessmen's Luncheon Hot & Cold Buthet HTD | Fully Air-Conditioned 250| Green. | Toronto 229 HR: StL-Green (8). Cueche, Cuellar (8) Penal (9)] 220{ Pittsburgh 200 010 001--4 6 1/Sanchez (9) and A, Alvarez, | | {scored a split-second victory over Courtney in the 800 metres in one minute, 46.7 seconds. Dave Kelly Art Rennick Cec Hall Al MacDonald Len Yuill Ted Stone Ralph O'Reilly Yack Nash Takes | Kawartha Golf Do RECORD JUMP k | PETERBOROUGH (CP)--Vet-| VIENNA (AP)--Yolanda Balas Casey Sheds A Tear| eran golfer Jack Nash of London Of Romania cleared five feet, Hunt Club fired a two-over-par 73 11% inches in the high jump to. Tears come to the eyes of (on a windy course Monday to Win! day, She bettered the listed world Casey Stengel, manager of the |the 13th annual Kawartha Lakes record for women of 59% by al- | New York Yankees, as friends |golf tournament with a total of most two inches, It is held by hold a dinner in honor of his |219 for the 54 holes. Cheng Feng-yung of China ! 67th birthday in Kansas City. ee Aad But the tearful mood soon pass- Bill Bell of Aurora tied for sec- - Los Angeles 8-1 Cincinnati 6-3 |Rochester 000 100 100-2 7 1} ed and Casey was his usual 219| Milwaukee 001 200 000--3 8 1|Grandeolas (9); Crimian, Minar. 206| Raydon, Face (9) and Foiles; ein (6) Tiefenauer (9) and 171| Pizzaro and Rice. Thompson, Hannah (9). 133] HR: Pgh-Clemente (4). HRs: Hav-Chacen, U. Alvarez, 111) (Only games scheduled) | Daniels; Tor-Nelson. Saturday's Results Havana 000 2120-5 6.4 Milwaukee 10 San Francisco 0 |Toronto 121 205 x--11 15 3 ERA Pittsburgh 1 St. Louis 0 Sanchez, Amor (5) and Grand- 0.75/Chicago 6 Philadeiphia 5 colas; Blake, Tiefenauer (6) and 1.71 Los Angeles 3 Cincinnati 2 Thompson 3.00 Sunday's Results HRs: Hav-Gonzales; 4.00(St. Louis 0-0 Pittsburgh 2:2 | son. 0.00| Chicago 2-12 Philadelphia 8-10 |Columbus 010 101 300--6 13 0 No. 401 of Jdlle Cloverleaf Just 12 Minutes from Downtown Oshawa H Bowman | PITCHING RECORDS Pp 71 64 Hall Stone Fisher 8 Winter 11 Kemp 1 Tor-Nel- { Leo Durocher Speaks Up For Ted Williams LOS ANGELES (AP) -- It was wrong to fine Ted Wiiliams $250 for spitting during a game at| |Kansas City the other day says ex-major league manager Leo Durocher, "1 think he was perfectly en- titled to spit toward the stands to show his displeasure with the {fans," Durocher said in an inter-| Milwaukee 58 San Francisco 55 Pittsblirgh 52 WORLD'S BEST ATHLETE IN ACTION Best all-round athlete in the | Johnson was the winner of the world is the title given to | decathlon which comprised 10 Rafer Johnson of Kingsburg, | events, All told, the U.S. men's team won 13 of 21 track and Calif., after he piled up 8302 | field events but the women's points in the track an d field team was defeated and Russia events. between the U.S.S.R. | claimed to have won the over- and the US.A. in Moscow. | all events. 0 - 5:20 - 7:25 - 9:30 P.M, 70 67 58 59 58 51 46 47 55 60 58 63 50 #4 8 68 Today's Games Columbus: at Rochester (N) | Richmond at Buffalo (N) {Miami at Montreal (N) Havane at Toronto (N) | Wednesday's Games |, Miami at Montreal Havana at Toronto Richmond at Buffalo Columbus at Rochester Lake Winnipeg lacks the fame|squash racquet club since its|of a kind i (Only games scheduled) given larger and more publicized [founding in 1909. BOO HIM LIKE RUTH Saturday's Results waterways | The new tuilding will have two| "People pay to see him and, oo 0"¢ Chicago 1 But it continues to dash the singles and one doubles court, a|for some reason, to boo him--| Uoand 4 Boston 1 Bopes of marathon swimmers at-|gym, shower, dining and locker Just like they used to boo Babe n.;it g Baltimore 7 tempting to use it as a stepping rooms and bar to serve more HULL Washington 6 Kansas City 3 pss id bigger things. {than 350 members. Believe me, baseball should | E Sunday's RR George Brown, a 16-year-old] The mew site will also signal|thank its lucky stars it has some-|\ vou 10 Chicago 3-4 Winnipeg sea cadet, became a(a change to the American from (one like Ted Williams. Fining|p i "sy Cleveland 2:2 ond with John Watson of Windsor | Daniels and Rand; Blaylock, loquacious self agai Wilh 22, | {San Francisco 3-0 Milwaukee 4-6, aniels an and; aylock,| loquacious self again. | Al Cassidy of St. George's and Ww ro. OBL Rober (7) Greason (8) and Wat.| ---------------------- TT |Gary Cowan of Kitchener Rock-| +4] LT [Leo]: Ey » -- N i i 0 | BRE www so Prelates Call [1 Miu Sune st] como 515 6 Montreal 000 100 002-3 6 2 and Ed Woroch of Kitchener| . Chicago 51 A486 9 MeDermiad, Grey i Green ' Rockway with 223, f / Cincinnati 49 A485 9 |[(9) and Coker; Gialiombardo and F W E d laadhg . 3 3 Philadelphia 47 480 9% |Teed. | TOT WarS LNA | canadian amateur champion I B. DeMille's | {St. Louis 47 54 465 11 HRs: Mtl-Parris (8), Schweg- Bruce Castator of Weston fin- Cecil B. DeMille's . Los Angeles 47. 55 .461 11% [man (3). LONDON (Reuters)--Anglican| ished with 224, FYI sg 9) Ho Today's Games Richmond 001 010 100-3 4 1|prelates from throughout the| Union Pacific And Probable Pitchers | Buffalo 100 000 30x--4 7 2|worid Monday warned that nu- i Philadelphia at Cincinnati (N)| Chakales, James (7) apd Com- clear weapons threaten civiliza- Jack Dempsey Has Starring Borbora Stanwyck Hear 14 Song --Sanford (7-11) vs Hzddix (7-5) mand; Cox, Rodriguez (8) and tion and the "corruption of man Joel McCrea Specialties! or Newcombe (2-1) Noble kind," and called for the banish- H : C diti A Paramount Picture P ihodds OR Pittsburgh at Milwaukee (N-- Saturday's Results ment of war emia Lvonaiton LAST DAY -- Colossus New York -- Space Children Kline (11-9) vs Burdette (10-8) [Richmond 3 Montreal 0 The Anglican archbishops and) ~~ mn od Los Angeles at St. Louis--Me- Columbus 12 Toronto 3 | bishops, meeting in their once.s.| NEW YORK (AP)--Jack Demip- Devitt (1-3) vs Muffet (3-3) Buffalo 3 Havana 1 decade Lambeth Conference, is- scy is suffering from a hernia Viet San Francisco at Chicago-- Miami 9 Rochester 4 [sued an interim ' and fs confined to his room in a, and | Al events, [VN it ent on anbome or in Miller 36) 've Hillman (23) Sunday's Restilts peace and war, They have been Manhattan hotel, his physician ili ca 1 Bt =p 9 nyo oF i Wednesday's Games Richmond 2-0 Montreal 7- in session since July 3 at Lam- says. | . " | §)°U" any one person of ro | Philadelphia at Cincinnati (N) |Columbus 5 Toronto 7 beth Palace, the Lomdon resl-| The 63.year-old former world FEATURE DAILY 1:20 - on them. He was simply express- p rchbi { ion | 3) inni £ S ou ing dis et with those who were Pittsburgh at Milwaukee (N) Havana 2 Buffalo 11 dence of the Archbishop of Can- heavyweight bo x in g champion . | 58 sawed |Los Angeles at Chicago {Miami 1 Rochester 5 terbury, |was stricken several weeks ago. FTE booing him for not running out a "uy |MREN |dinky roller when the ball had S80 Francisco at St. Louis (N) International League Unless war and its causes canine, E, Milton Sachs said further | { i Bip et a a] ! W L Pet. GBL|be banished," they sald, "nuclear ghervation would determine I On Its Would- e wimmers -.. y reac e firs se-| American League Montreal 603 - {Weapons threaten the annihilation | whether an operation is needed. | 3 | " less you know Ted Williams Ne, York 000 021 411-9 12 1 Toronto 588 2 |of whole peoples, the destruction ge gaid the hernia is not danger- | ERVEIDYAIALYE ACRES: . 1 £34 x on derstand h "| Baltimore 300 000 001--4 4 0 Rochester 513 10% {of our material eivilization and! Kr | 3 Canadian Press Staff Writer | A new $96,000 clubhouse now gs can't fully his erstand him.| y argen, Duren (7) and Howard; Miami 496 12% the corruption of mankind. |= , ARIA WINNIPEG (CP) -- An 18-mile under construction fs to be com-|! have vet to hear one player pg ¢ooarrers, Zuverink (7) Bea-|Columbus 50 12 |HAUNTING FEAR { eminem stretch of dark water between |pleted by October. It will re-|knock this man, from either! , "9, anq' Ginsberg Richmond 44718 | The prelates said that in "the ol Winnipeg Beach and Grand place an antiquated build in g|league. This is the most likeab-e' "Firs: NY-Skowron (11), Mantle| Havana 439 19 [hearts of the vast majority of Will ou accept BU A Peach on the southern tip of (which served the Winnipeg Buy in baseball. He's unique, one ,q, [Buffalo 41422 |men and women of all races there is a haunting fear of war ° 1 10m land a deep desire for peace." a trial dance (ON HA | To create true peace, they said, / LX) sacrifices will have to be made| $ 009 by ail peoples and all nations. | r - 5 "Nations have their own legit {mate interests which it is their Sure Summer Popularity JOIN THE FUN and enjoy the duty to preserve but, too often, they exaggerate their own claims two-time loser to the lake July English style of play, which has/him $250 was unjustified." 9. long hindered Winnipeg players STORM HAZARD {from making a strong bid for ne: After an agonizing 14 hours and tional and international honors ¥ minutes, the beaten youngster| Winnipeg now is the only north- was pulled from the water a mile|lern American centre which fol- short of his goal. A sudden squall,|lows the English pattern. which drove him 1%; miles off his| LIGHTER GAME eourse, did most of the damage.| J. E. Young, club vice-presi- Kathie McIntosh. then a 20-/dent says: pear-old Winnipeg stenographer, "The English game depends &@ Aug. 19, 1955, became the|largely on the finesse of the first to master the lake. But not/players and is played with a before the lake threw back her (lighter ball on a slightly shorter first attempt one week earlier. court. The American game feat- fant now in, network baseball telecasts, com- {mented on the Williams case dur-| ing a taik about the problems of| the Los Angeles Dodgers. He at-| tributed the club's disappointing showing to the absence of catcher Roy Campanella, "I think the loss of Campanella is the whole difference," he said. "He ran the whole club on the field." Baltimore 2-1 Detroit 3-4 Durocher, former Dodger au Washington 0-4 Kansas City 12-3 | w {New York Boston Cleveland B {Kansas Cit, | Washington Wilson (7-8) vs Grim (1-2) American Association Monday's Results Denver 2-4 Charleston 3-7 St. Paul 7 Indianapolis 2 Omaha 3 Louisville 0 Minneapolis 2 Wichita § Saturday's Results Omaha 9-0 Charleston 0-6 Denver at Louisville (2 ppd, rain) 45 {Minneapolis 1 Wichita 0 Today's Games |St. Paul 2 Indianapolis 9 And Probable Pitchers | Sunday's Results Chicago at Kansas City (N)-- Omaha 0-2 Louisville 2-4 Minneapolis 0-2 Wichita 2-10 St. Paul 4-83 Indianapolis 2-4 L Pet. GBL 654 -- 500 16 405 16% 490 17 486 17% 470 19 A470 19 A433 23 63 51 51 50 51 47 47 altimore Cleveland at Detroit (N)--Me- and ignore those of others, "That leads inevitably to jeal- ousy and strife, with all the risks of bloodshed and open war. | "We call then upon the nations ito forgo those policies of self-| {interest which deny the interests of others. ] | "We call on people of all faiths, {and those who lead them, lo work and pray persistently for the de lveiopment of a community of peoples wherein, and whatever limitations of national sover- eignty may be necessary, shall live under the rule of law all] | t summer of your life=by learning to dance right noW the | quick, easy Arthur Murray way. A full half-hour trial lesson will prove it to you--only i $1.00. Hurry in=-you'll be so glad you did! Ar Condlioned L. Studios Open 1 p.m, to 1° ~m, 7% TY; lay, Suk Again a sudden squall did thejures power and our players nat- trick. urally have difficulty in such Nine days later Rudy Schlak, company. @ 30-year-old Winnipeg salesman,| "A few years under the new gonquered the lake in 15 hours/style should be enough to pre- and 40 minutes. In between six pare our top players for bigger swimmers jumped into the lake, |tournaments in Eastern Canada swam head-long into a squall and|and the United States." were pulled out tired and beaten.| The club's schedule now is lim- Of I Fortune The following year Mrs. Vivian|ited to club matches and one an-| Tt seems as though there's a , a 24-year-old motherinual home - and - home series|little gremlin hovering over Buf- of two infant boys and the 1951 against teams from Minpeapolis|falo's white, or perhaps we should winner of the Canadian National |and St. Paul, Minn. say, yellow and mahogany hopes Buffalo Boat Racing In Wake Lish (10-6) vs Susce (3-0) Denver at Charleston (ppd, rain) - TA JANES STEWART ARTHUR KENNEDY Eleanor Dodge, 21 - year - old THEATRE GUIDE JUUA ADAMS ROCK HUDSON Bob Bedard Wins Title Montreal player, pulled her sec- ond upset in a row in the women's final to beat out Bar- bara Browning of Los Angeles 6-3, 6-4. The Canadian doubles teams that had won both men's and Exhibition's three - mile race,| Young says the new facilities|in the Gold Cup Race come Aug- ghattered Schlak's record as she will not only allow the sport to|ust 10. The powerful unlimited ehurned through the 18 miles in|flourish the year around--it now|hydroplane that carries the ban- eight hours and 40 minutes. |is played from October to May-- (ner of the Queen City in the un- Squash racquets, which hasibut it will also attract more | limited competition and which in fong been squashed under such |young men. 1957 was No. 2 in National Stand- favorites as football, baseball,| The club hopes to expand in|ings has managed to keep in con- seurling and soccer, appearsilater years adding facilities for |tention in the High Point Cham- deaded for bigger and better badminton, * curling, swimming pionship Race in spite of a series #hings in Manitoba. and basketball, he said. {of mechanical incidents "Charlie" started off the season . May Permit . A player removed from the |2t Elizabeth City, North Caro- same fr aber hun le 198 WL brig tte, dey {fraction could re-enter the game." alesor) |again, provided one. inning inter (horse. At Xizsbeh City, North Ball Player vened between his departure and | ro ina In 1 ay k wighagis dia- Yelurn, h ed { n fi re Cor. A pitcher removed for a pinc » Bl AR ar Twice hitter or for other than a rules though she placed 3rd, At Detroit ppe infraction could re - enter the 13 Bie Nemmorial 7aces she tack CHICAGO (AP)--Will Harridge, game one full inning later _|breaking of two wg shafts in president of the American| A player sent into a game as... g nercharger The St. Clair League, said Friday he has asked|8 Pinch hitter could remain in|yniarnational was a revival of the elub owners to consider amend. (the game or be used as a pich|q.iij shaft difficulty although tng playing rules to permit the hitler or a fielder the second |icparyien Jimped home with add- use of the same substitute player time, providing one inning inter-|;ii;na) points to rack up 2nd twice in one game. |vened between his two appear-injace in the National Standings. In the memo to club owners, |2nCeS ; Last week at Lake Tahoe things Harridge suggested they give the Warren C. Giles, president of |looked bright and fresh. The pow- rule revision "careful considera- the National League, said in Cin-|erful hydro breezed through qual- tion." cinnati he just received the sug- |ifying heats, made the final and The suggested playing rule 3.03 gestion and had not had a chance [for two laps was neck in neck would be amended thusly: Ito discuss it. |with "Maverick". "Thriftway " . LL {Too"", and "Miss Bandahl." lead changed several times. {Bob Schroeder blasted her the third lap he suddenly veered FIREBALLING FIREMAN FOR YANKEES AYNEDYREN, FIREBALLING FIREMAN OF THE YANKEES, the pits. An oil line had broken place in National Standings. root Charlie." On August 1¢ the Buffalo own- ed unlimited will go for all the marbles at Seattle, The crew is i |[working feverishly on the Lake Washington 'course preping the engine for the supreme test. Fol- *Charlie'" will come home to get ready to defend her reputation on {home water at the Buffalo {Launch Club International Regat- ta which will highlight Aquagatta Week in Western New York. The International Regatta will go on | September 6 and 7, 1958. Cartierville Club | Keeps Canoe Title OTTAWA (CP) Cartierville, Que., Boating Club won its sec: ond straight Canadian Canoe As- sociation. championship "aturday piling up a total of 89 points seven more than its long-time rival. the Lachine, Que.,, Racing Canoe Cluh The two clubs tied for the {winner's spot last year and for the association burgee--a 10 foot long, red - and - white triangular pennant Ottawa's Rideau Canoe Club and the Sudbury Canoe Club tied SONNE LOOK AS /F for third place with 25 points THEY THOUGHT leach STRIKING OUT was | | In Fours wave THE EXPERTS DEBATING WHERE He STANDS /N THE ALL- VME SPEED THE THIGH = LENSER ROCKET | | LAUNCHERS HABIT | | OF FIRING A FEW WARM UP PITCHES OVER THE CATCHERS HEAL LPOESN'T HELP THE NEXT BATTERS NERVES. an exhibition highlight, |defeated a Lachine crew, No time was taken The As into inside the course and headed for |ending a tremendous bid for first ¢| That's the story to date on "Wild- lowing her bid for the Gold Cup al Sudbury ladies' war canoe crew {'¢ Third Time women's events in 1957 were de-| VANCOUVER (CP) Bob feated in the finals. | Bedard of Sherbrooke won his! Reed and Bob Howe of Aus- {third Canadian men's singles|traila polished off Bedard and tennis championship in four years Don Fontana of Toronto 9-7, 7-5, Saturday. 6-4 while Miss Browning and Bedard licked Anferican Davis| Pamela Davis of Los Angeles de- Cupper Whitney Reed of Ala-|feated Mrs. Brown and Mrs, meda, Calif., in straight sets, 6-0,| Hilda Dolleschell of Toronto 6-8, 6-3, 6-3. |6-3, 7-5. It made him the first person] Reed and Farel Footman of to take the men's singles title|gan Francisco were too much for three times since Jack Wright of| Kosei Kamo of Japan and Mrs, Vancouver completed a similar| Brown in the mixed doubles. coup in 1931. ITheir winning score was 6-2, 6-3. TELEVISION LOG CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilten CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto | WROC-TV Channel §--Rochester WGR-TV Channel 2----Buffale WBEN-TV Channel ¢-Buffale TUESDAY EVENING | 11:40 P.M, 5.00 P.M. | @--Boxing WEDNESDAY 5.00 AM, S-Today | &~Cartoon Capers 8:45 P.M. | $=Rumpus Room a 2.00 AM, | S~Susie | é=~Popeye's Play. house 2-Eddie Cantor 930 AM. WEDNESDAY P.M, | 5.00 P.M, | J=Family (heatre 6--Hobby Corner S5--Playhouse 4=Fun to Learn 3-Wild Bill Hickok «lb P.M, 6-Rope Around the Sun 4-Children's Thaatre 11--Family Theatre 6---Stevie-O $--Playhouse 4--Fun to Lears 2-Sir Lancelot 51 P.M, 6---Song . Shop 580 P.M. 6-Rin Tin Vin 3---Mickey Moves 6.00 P.M. 6--Search for Adventure 4--Headlines, News 3-Colonel Bleep x 61 P.M. f &~Claco Kid | 63 PM 11, 2,~News. Weather Sports 6~Meet 6:4 PM 6.5,4--~News 2-~Comedy Capers 530 P.M, 6--Casey Jones 2~Mickey Mouse $--Favorite Story 4--~Susie or P. 6-It's a Great Life 3-Boston Blackie 0. A~Headlines, Sports of acks 10.00 AM. ist 9 on 4--For Love of Money S--Dough Re MI 3--My Little Margie 0.30 A.M, NCB 5 Treascire Hunt . 4---Play Your Hune Weathers Sports 2--Abbott and Costello 6.5,4--News 1.00 AM. 2--Comedy Capers S--Price Is Right 2.00 P.M. 4~Arthur Godfrey 11--Movie 2-Mr. D. A 6--Tabloid 1.15. AM, $--Circus Boy 6--Children's Rally For 4 -Anni» Oakley Princess Margaret 2---My Hero 11.30 AM. 7.30 P.M. 4~Dotto 8-Robin Hood S--Concentration 5,4--Name That Pn Detendey 2---Cheyenne 12.00 NOON &~News aud Weather S--Tie Tac Nough 2 Love of Life ERLE 4--Speaker of the 4--=Theatre House | 23-Tombstone 123 ¥.m | Territory S~It toull Re You | a0 P.M. 4-Search for Tomorrow | 11- I'he Vise 2.Mid-dav Movie | 65 Kraft Theatre [RCT | | 4-- Millionaire | $=Movie 'hea.re 3---Orrie and Harriet 4--~Meet the Millers p30 PM | 1:30 P.M, | #=The -World Turns Lon PM 4-Beat the Clock | 2~Helen Neville | 230 PM | S=Home Cooking 4~House Party Laff Time 1h PM 5--Today Is Ours 6.18 4-Cisco Kid | 630 PM, 6--Kaleidoscope Larraine 1.00 PM 11--Frontier Doctor 6--Tablod 8~Zorre &~Arizons Rangers 2-Grey Ghost 17.30 P.M, 11,6,3-- Disneyland S--~Wagon Train 4--Frontier Justice Tune ne 8.00 P.M. 8 | M, 4--ieave it to Beaver 111,6~Come Fly With Me ad PM, S--Investigator 4 Hollywood Comedy | 8.30 P.M. Earp Knows 16 Wyatt S-Father Best | 1, S~Dragnet | 4~Keep Talking 2-Wvatt Earp a PM 11, 6-~Chevy Show 5--Dotto 4--To lell The Truth 3-Broken Arrow in PM 8:Bob Cumn.ings 4--Playhouse 2---Pantomime Quiz noe PM, 11, 6~Rhapsody S-Californians 4-Bid "n' Buy 2--Precinct In . | 11-1 Search for Adven 11,6-Tughoat Annie | 8-1It Could be You 4-Stegl Jlour {11, 6--Boyd Q( 0a eM, 11, 6-The Web 8~Gray Ghost 0:4 P.M, Room noe PM, 11,6,5,4.2<News Weather: Sports "nn PM, 6 Viewpoint | 8 Shock | | 3~Sports Reel nse PM, 1--The 1ate Show | 6-8herlock Holmes &~First Run Theatre $-Swing Shift wa Pm i 11, 6--~Men in Battle | 4=The Big Pavoff S--Death Valley Days | 2--American Bandstand | | | 30 P.M 2-Stag 2 Hi, 3 | 5--From These Roots | | y 4 Verdict 1s Vours 5-11-6-4-2-N 4 | 3=Who Do You Trust Weat) | an PM, Ls PM 11--Trouble With Father 6~Viewpoint 5 -Queen for » Lay 5--~Movie Theatre 4--Serials nse PM | 3=American 11--Late Show | Bandstand Royal Visit 4% PM 11~Cartoon Capers | 4-Sherlock Holmes Swing Shift Edge of Nignt | Marks -- "Bend of The River" Regent -- Walt Disney's "Peter starts dally at 1.00, 5.15, 7.15, and 10.15 p.m. Also "Men Of fi Sherwood Forest, 2.55, 5.55, 9.00 p.m. Last complete show at! ARTHUR MURRAY | 8.50 p.m A Universal. International Picture ALL-COLOR Pan" in technicolor shown daily AM at 1.30, 3.03, 5.35, 7.35, 9.40 p.m.|V1V4 SIMCOE ST. 5. RA 8-168) PROGR Last complete show at 8.55 p.m. EVEN THE SONGS ARE OUT OF THIS WORLD! _ . Walt Disney's WALES in color DAILY AT 1:00 P.M. ; J 2 2 2 2b 2 2 2 4 he 2b ILM DISTRIBUTION CO, tea vue (ER. © WALT DISNEY PRODUCTIONS