Guarding Our Freedoms ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON ,, sus 5 soescter Scripture--Amos 7:10-17; John 8:31:38; Acts 4:1520; 5:27:32; Ga lations 3:23.28; 5:125; Colossians 4:1, 79 Philemop. A NE bj ' Amaziah the priest went to King Jeroboam, telling him that the prophet Amos was prophesying his death, and that the children of Israel would be taken captive. -- Amos 7:11. Amaziah told Amos that because of his Jesus told His prophesies of disaster to king and na- tion, he should leave Israel and flee into the land of Judah to prophesy there, -- Amos 7:12 tinue in My word, disciplgs indeed; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth you free." -- John 8:31, 32. PD {C (== -- ---- af disciples: "If ye con- then are ye My to teach in the name of Jesus, They answered they must obey God, not man. --Acts 4:19. MEMORY VERSE--John 8:31-32. shall make SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON - Christ Gave Good Advice On Guarding Freedoms | ""t% 0 By NEWMAN CAMPBELL of caplivily. Aiaziah Fhe priestipot is boiling in Quebec. This Lesson is principally con- informed the king of ese pro- cerned with the ivy of free-|phesies, then told Amos he should| Although = the Sexi. Provincial dom, a word we hear frequently|leave his native land and proph-| ct two years away. Quebec discussed today. In our country|esy in the land of Judah. --Amos | therals Moai launched a prov- freedom is an ideal, as shown in 7:11,12 eas ide campaign: to stir' Up the second sentence of our De-| Amos was not conspiring nce w a paign a claration of Independence. It against this wicked king -- just/ Public OP 8 Quebec Political Pot Coming To High Boil yould be interesting to see how|warning him--and he was not many of the pupils who have silenced by the rebuke, studied this document in history! Christ's words to "those Jews MEMORY VERSE "If ye continue in My word, then ye are My disciples in- deed; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free,"--John 8:31-32. Duplessis' Union Nationale party. Liberal politicians are taking up the hustings hotly denounc- {ing the Union Nationale in power [since 1944 and last re-elected in| 1956. Crowds gather to hear them | | Two things started it; (tract mothizz and was ready fo 1. Election of Jean Lesage defend itself before the courts. ------------------ Te Fama federal cabinet minister in the| So far no suits have been ta- | former og) Lauren: administra | ken against the newspaper. tion to the leadership of the Que- ' bec Liberal party May 31; Mr, Lesage's first move was to 2. A series of articles which began to appear June 13 in the Montreal newspaper Le Devoir| about the sale of the publicly- owned gas-distribution system in Montreal to the Quebec Natural Gas Corporation. Mr, Lesage's election to party leadership was a shot in the arm | for the battle - worn provincial Liberals. to examine | royal commission of the publicly every aspect transaction. mand and said the truth would | come out during suits he and his ministers planned against the newspaper. | {DEMANDS ELECTION | Mr. Lesage a few days later ask Mr. Duplessis to appoint a Lia The premier ignored the de- Ne ---- k ia le i dl . Paul sends Onesimus back to his master, a wail ® deal of pleasure. It is something ""ltural things that bring people to- "If ye abide in My word, then ye are My disciples indeed; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall free." -- St. John 8:31, 32, make you | 20oes on demands %. And of course, 1 have always | THE DAILY TIMES-SAZETTE Soturdey, Avge 3, 1958 § Music Festival Something New Conductor Says VANCOUVER (CP) -- World said in an interview here he had emerged from semi-retirement to take the podium at the first Van. international music festi- "it is something | At 82, he is a small, powerful figure with a soft voice, pleas- antly tinged with the accent of his native Germany. When laid down his baton at Carnegie | Hall in New York six months ago, his musical "sgreer spanned 'again conduct only if he was in- terested in some particular en- gagement, BIG ATTRACTION Mr. Walter said he found the | Vancouver festival interesting lenough to fly from his home in l| California to conduct two sym- iphony concerts and a rehearsal for Don Giovanni. "It gives me pleasure, a great entirely new. Antying new that my interest, * wanted to see this part of the con- Linent. "We have to emphasize the cul- {gether . . . . The world is torn Builds Hotel In The Desert HASSI MESSAOUD; Algeria (AP) -- You're better off with electric razor than shaving brush In the Sahara these days. But Bernard Soudols, manager of a hotel built in the middle of the desert, vows this will change ~--as soon as the hotel has its own well and pump station. The hotel has to rely on water pumped by a distant station of one of the companies. operating he|2n oil field in the Eastern Sa- hara. Last January the hotel site was marked by two tents and a ports able electric plant. Today the to- tally air-conditioned hotel has 21 rooms with two beds and 88 sin- gle rooms. All rooms are attractively fur nished -- writing desks, butterfly chairs, modernistic Jamps. Most are equipped with showers. The hotel kitchen prepares 200 meals a day and later will han- dle 400. The har sells some 500 bottles of beer and soft drinks a day. All food and supplies are brought from Algiers by truck-- about five tons every week. The trucks avoid areas dominated by anti-French rebels. The trip nor- {mally takes 36 hours. All move- ment is stopped at night. The hotel's laundry goes to Al- glers -- some 500 miles distant, But its own laundry is under cone struction, to pieces by politics. It can be {brouht together only by culture, by what you are doing here. his effective platform manner have made him new friends and "A festival will attract people who have nothiig to do with the | LUTHERAN strife o. the world. Look at what | CHURCH 150 Albert St. |and noisily demonstrate, ' VELY EFFORT " demanded that the government) g Jhe Lo Devoir articles said a resign and call a provincial elec- Liberal workers are gearing $20,000,000 market coup attended helped to overcome a reputation Returns Cheque themselves to election-time fever; the sale of Quebec Hydro's Mont- lon {of being "a bit of a snob," . COMIC TWIST | For $17 416 { : | : He announced Liberals were or- party conventions are being held real gasistributing system tol | , ' (to nominate candidates; reorgan-|the privately-owned company. ganizing a series of protest meet-| There's an odd twist to the > p " ings across the province and he campaign, Liberals are usin Rights, tha' among these are Life| JESUS SHOWS WAY [ization at the grass Jools i In The newspaper sald seven Que mat "enlighten the public" on|both serious talk and Kil "em. Liberty and the pursuit of Hap- Jesus shows us the way to beiprogress; a special effort 1s be}, | In Job Appeal | i [ing made t t women's Liberal| cabinet minlsters and a for-|the natural gas transaction with-ridicule methods Pp piness." free. We cannot be free if we donk AES 0 i ted everywhere: "TF minister now Quebec's lieu-| At the first meeting Mr. Le- Chief proponent of the "laugh, UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (Ap) of Hungarian refugees who ap The late President Franklin D.|not follow His example, if we are/associations stared ave ye oper. Lcuant-governor owned or had gage called for a public "'march|them out of office" school is the! Povl Bang-Jensen of Denmark peared before the UN committee Roosevelt said that our country|unkind, unjust, hurting others, OF te on a poll-by-poll basis is be-|' ares 'n the corporation of liberation." Liberals' new chief organizer said today he had returned aisvestigating the Hungarian re- looked forward to a world{criminal in our actions. Con- ing set up The corporation said its trans. A week later he said a full-|Aleide Courcy who has suddenly cheque for $17,416.65 from the|Yo't: founded upop four essential free-|science will keep us in bondage, 18 : Lib. | Action was regular in every way. scale Liberal offensive would emerged as a top platform per. United Nations because his ap-| doms: freedom of speech, free-| The apostles Peter and John, For peychalogical olfent ap, Quebec ministers who com- continue until the Union Na- folmer. peal against his dismissal is still| jorhi 0 e ar, were|erals are 1 i ir shaves w " . i r. y : Poko dom of worhip, freedom from|who fed ed 2 a hog Lor Oe Oras a hond" to all Union Na- mented said their shares were tionale surrenders uncondition AD Caurcy who represents pending. : | The want, and freedom from fear. (arrested and broug efore theja 3 : purchased in a normal business |ally. : itibi - West in the provincial] Bang-Jensen, former senior UN| : : Millions of people in the world temple Sanhedrin or council |tionale party supporters. way and there was nothing illegal| Mr. Lesage's fast moves in this | legislature fell on the idea un-|political affairs officer, said the Christadelphians do not have freedom from want. |Peter began to preach Christ,| The aim of the Liberals: To get about it. situation have done more to putiexpectedly after he improved for cheque represented termination|| (CHRIST'S BRETHREN -- SEE There is no freedom of speech in(and while the two were set free, | the powerful Union Nationale on cp pn (ocr [him in the provincial limelight|an audience a grotesque imita.|indemnity: a month's vacation MATTHEW 12:46-50) the Communist countries, and|they were commanded that they the defensive and Liberals hope TL { than his years as minister of|tion of Mr. Duplessis delivering pay; three month's notice pay,|| Invite seekers after Truth freedom from fear only Christ/must not preach Jesus. They re-{to panic the provincial govern-| Mr, Lesage seized the issue northern affairs at Ottawa. At|a speech on farming. and other allowances. t Iv # F Bibl can give. {fused to obey, saying that they|ment into calling an election be-|and started battling with the4g the tall fair-haired lawyer is| This bit of acting tickled the| Secretary-General Dag Ham.|| [© 9PPly for Free Dible RESTRICTION NECESSARY [must listen to the voice of God,|fore 1960, : provincial government. a political veteran having served |audience and he repeated the per- marskjold fired the Dane July 3 literature. Freed f h t neces. not of men, for those devoted tol Government supporters in. the| In July several ministers Pre-|in the House of Commons nearly(formance the next day. He has|after a seven-month controversy NO OBLIGATION hi om Seed us n oe | Christ must proclaim the truth in|provincial capital shrug away the mier Duplessis and Lieutenant-(15 years. But in provincial -pol-|added other imitations to his rep-lover Bang-Jensen's refusal to Write 3 By 7 gt ictel i the right| vite of opposition, as did these || i eral campaign. They say there Onesime Gagnon under provi-|itics he is a new personality. ertoire. give Hammarskjold a secret list CHRISTADELPHIAN t % Bbelouslv of anoth |men. is no chance at all that Premierigions of the Quebec Press Act Residents in hundreds of local.| 4 spesh sejously 0 r arthew| The teachers should read and puplessis will be forced into aniserved notices on Le Devoir call- ities have never seen him, ECCLESIA ment or to give away|SiidY the noble words of Paul inlearly election. They say the Lib-ling on the newspaper to retract| In two months however Mr. | our government or to give away| Galatians and Colossians, and, If \arals' early campaigning will fiz-|some of the statements published Lesage bas caught the eye of a| Post Office Box 121 Oshawa, Ontario SIMCOE AND OAK STREETS MAJOR AND MRS. MARSLAND RANKIN you read in the papers--it is the devil's spirit." I Asked what he thought of jazz, Mr, Walter sald he did not un-| derstand it, "Jazz is an unknown | language to me." H classes can recite it: "We hold| which believed on Him," were: these truths to be self - evident,|"If ye continue in My word, then| that all men are created equal, are ye My disciples indeed; And that they are endowed by their|ye shall know the truth, and the Creator with certain unalienable|truth shall make you free." Pastor: F. A, Gumz, BA, MA, BD, 11:00 AM, SERVICES 10:00 AM, SUNDAY SCHOOL 10:00 AM. Lutheran Hour: CFRB "THIS IS THE LIFE" Channel 6 -- 12:30 P.M, WESTMOUNT UNITED CHURCH On Floyd at Gibbon St. Minister: Rev, Wm, A, Gibb Organist: Mrs. Willard Cook, ARCT. secrets that he may possess be: here is time in the classroom |z]e out. ih. connection with the gas deal. lot of people. His efforts at Mix. cause of employment in technical | period, convey to the classes|" pe Liberals say the Union Na- The newspaper said it would re-'ing with crowds at rallies and government work, I am quoting|uwhat lessons they teach. In thetionale government is meeting [ in part from the words of Dr. |story of Onesimus, this former more and more opposition in the Wilbur M. Smith as given In his slave who is dearly loved by Paul province and that its position is notes on this lesson. |as his co-worker and brother in|\eakening, | Briefly we must call attention Christ, is sent by Paul to his| REACTION | to the dramatic incidents as-| former master, Philemon, from MIXED A ? N signed in our lesson. Amos, who|whom Onesimus had fled. Paul] Public reaction to the Liberals' | rophesied about 786 B.C., tried |asks that Philemon welcome him out - of - season campaign has warn King Jeroboam that his|as his brother, and asks forgive ranged from cool curiosity to en- death was near, and that the|ness of Philemon for both him- thusiasm. Gen erally Liberals children of Israel were in danger! self and the former slave, themseives have been surprised by the interest aroused in many |areas. | This has inspired organizers to consider mancuevres that even| the wildest party idea-men would | have thought crackpot a year Ready Early In Morning For Final Day Ot Work Per instance local Liberal as ~--gociations are collecting cam- pa funds at the doors of halls WINNIPEG (CP) -- George|panies in the Montreal area, he where ings are held, They | Campbell, 77, accustomed to|joined the Winnipeg plant in 1910, |are drafting "and_circulating pet- working perhaps as long as 18|He has handled steel for severallitions to toss into Mr. Duplessis'| hours a day at the Dominion bridges in Winnipeg and for the|lap, They plan to harass the gov. | Bridge Company here, was on the|Banff and Lake Louise Notels, the ernment with posters and auto- go at 3 a.m. as usual on his last|Empress Hotel in Victoria, the mobile stickers. | day at work. | Palliser Hotel in Calgary and the! Nothing quite like it has hap- | Mr. Campbell said that i Macdonald Hotel in Edmonton. (pened in recent times in Quebte. most of the 60 years he wor Asked what time he would get{The government so far bas cho- for the company he arrived atl, on the day after his retire-|sen to ignore the campaign but --- SUMMER GUESTS --- the plant between 3 and 4 a.m. ment, the former works anager|it is undoubtedly watching the] working as late as 9 p.m. His|,oniiad: "About 4:30 a.m." |guerrilla-like operation closely. | -- WELCOME -- quiting Hime: JS Sxplalued, was | 10 AM--FAMILY BIBLE SCHOOL AND THE PASTOR'S "whenever I'm finished." CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ADULT CLASS An exponent of the old adage | that "hard work never Killed 11 AM.--MORNING WORSHIP & COMMUNION SERVICE 7 P.M.--BIBLE TEACHING EVANGELISM FIRST CHURCH -- 64 COLBORNE ST. EAST SUNDAY SCHOOL -- 11:00 A.M. anyone," he started at age 13 as WED., 8 P.M.--BIBLE STUDY AND PRAYER, SUNDAY SERVICE 11 AM. -- SUBJECT: . a rivet heater in Lachine, Que. "LOVE" OLD DAYS GONE Wednesday evening meeting at 8:00 o'clock includes 17 ERIE ST, Ree METHODIST CHURCH | SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES VISITORS WELCOME BRING YOUR BIBLE ) of 5 SUB eT WILL BE 10:00 AM. PASTOR' | ' 454% | THE BAHAT WORLD FAITH| *"B22™ | waar DIAL RA 5-3872 REV. R. E, DARGAN, Pastor HARMONY UNITED CHURCH Rev. N. T, Holmes, B.A.,-BD. Minister Ross Metcalf, ARC.T. . Organist and Choirmaster 11 AM. and 7 -P.M. REFRESHING GOSPEL MEETINGS (Special Singing ond Testimony) A Real Summer Soul Time WEDNESDAY, 8 p.m.--PRAYER AND PRAISE MEETING 11:18 AM, MORNING WORSHIP Preacher: MR. JAMES, ALLMAN, M.T, 9:45 AM, | | FAMILY GOSPEL HOUR PASTOR WILL PREACH ON "THE TRAVELLERS PSALM' I YOUR COMMUNITY CHURCH LIGHT AND LIFE HOUR «= AT 9 AM, I Baha'is have no clergy nor Baha'is believe that every person must investi- COME TO THE CHURCH OF THE ritual. Albert Street United Church REV. S. C. H. ATKINSON, Minister MRS, BRUCE SEARLE, Organist and Choir-leader The Christian and Missionary Alliance Richmond St. E. Paster: Rev. Wm, J, Newell (Between Central Park Blvd. and Cadillac N.) gate the truth for himself. For Further Informatior Write: OSHAWA BAHA'I COMMUNITY 7 293 Glenview Ave. -- Phone RA 3-3281 10:00 A M.--MORNING WORSHIP The Minister will preach 7:00 P.M.--BROADCAST OVER CKLB, NO SERVICE IN THE CHURCH Secr GOSPEL HALL 40 NASSAU ST. SUNDAY 10:30 A.M.--"REMEMBERING THE LORD" 12:15 P.M.--~SUNDAY SCHOOL AND BIBLE CLASS 7:00 P.M.--GOSPEL SERVICE Wed., 7:45 p.m, -- Bible Study and Pray:: Meeting A VERY CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL When he last saw a doctor four months before his retirement, he was told he should live another] 25 years if he cut out the long hours. He cannot remember that | he was ever sick. He doesn't] drink or smoke and said he prob-| ably eals more fresh vegetables than anyone else in Winnipeg His motto: "Hard work and lots| of overtime, The Dominion Bridge Company that's my life." | On Sundays when he didn't go to work he visited injured com pany employees. He knew hun dreds of employees and their chil dren by name. SCOTTISH BORN Mr. Campbell was born in 1881 in a lighthouse on Lismore Island off the west coast of Scotland. | He came to Canada when he was | six. After working for steel com- CENTRE ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. Warren G. Dickson, B.A., Minister R. K. Kellington, Organist and Choir Master FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 812 HORTOP STREET . Affiliated with the Baptist Convention of Ontarie and Quebec, Rev. N. Frank Swackhammer, R.A. Minister Music Director: Mrs. M, Joyce 9:45 AAM.--THE BIBLE SCHOOL SERVICES 11 AM. and 7 P.M. REV, JAMES SMITH, B.A, B.D, -- Guest Minister (Nursery for the 11 a.m. Service) "It was in the days of wooden ships and iron men," he said in| an interview. "They don't make testimonies at healing through Christian Science. READING ROOM HOURS IN CHURCH EDIFICE: Monday 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m either of them any more." Mr, Tuesday and Thursday 2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. 11 AM.-MORNING WORSHIP Guest Speaker: Rev. Dr. Riding EVERYONE WELCOME SIMCOE STREET PENTECOSTAL CHURCH REV, R. A, BOMBAY, PASTOR S U N REV. GORDON ATTER * 7 P.M.--EVANGELISTIC 10:00 A.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL & BIBLE CLASSES SERVICE ALL SUMMER ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA SUNDAY SERVICES ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH | Centre and Bagot Streets Rev, Clinton D, Cross, B.A, L.Th. 9:00 AM. HOLY COMMUNION w- I REV, T, FLOYD f 11:00 A.M.~~MORNING PRAYER «= REV, PETER TRANT 7:00 P.M.--EVENING PRAYER -- REV, P, TRANT 11 AM.--COMMUNION SERVICE St. Andrew's United Church MINISTER: REV. GEORGE TELFORD, M.A, D.D, Organist and Choirmaster: MR, KELVIN JAMES, A.T.C.M. GIBBONS STREET BAPTIST PASTOR: REV, A. G. E, MITCHELL RA 5.2386 to Eugene Gilbert and Co. researchers, the news| paper is, above all, the place] where teen-agers go for informa. | tion. ' According 9:45 AM --BIBLE SCHOOL 11 AM. & 7 PM. Guegt Speaker: MR. KEN McLENNAN, General Supt, Shantymen's Christian Association AUGUST 10th -- Evangelism teom VISITORS CORDIALLY WELCOME | 11 a.m.--St. Andrew's and Simcoe St. con- gregation worship together in St. Andrew's Church. MINISTER REV. G. TELFORD CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH Mary and Hilcroft Streets Rector, The Ven. H. D. Cleverdon -- Phone 5.5795 JULY AND AUGUST -- 8:00 A.M. AND 11:00 A.M. THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA KNOX ST. PAUL'S g rock St WILSON AND ROGERS Simeoe St. N. at B Mr. Frank Walter: Organist and Choir Director PETER BROWNE, Missionary Designate to India Interim Moderator: REV. D. R. McKILLICAN, B.A, BD, DAVID JENKINS, Choir Moster Dial 19, Markham, Ontario HOLY TRINITY CHURCH Corner Court and Barrie Streets, one block east of Albert RECTOR -- THE REV. E. A. IRWIN, LS.T. JULY AND AUGUST -- 8:00 A.M. AND 11:00 A.M. ST. MATTHEW'S CHURCH WILSON RD. SOUTH & HOSKIN AVE. Incumbent: The Rev. R. A. Sharp -- RA 5.7064 DURING JULY = 8:00 AM. AND 9:30 AM. AUGUST 9:30 AM. ONLY 10:00 AM JUNIOR BIBLE CLASS | CALVARY BAPTIST Kinny Street United Ghneel Affiliated with the Trl han Baptist Churches in Canada. 9.45 AM CHURCH SCHOOL REV. MERVIN A. BURY, M.A, B.D. Minister Mr. Rhyddid Williams, Choir Director and Organist Youth Department 11.00 AM DIVINE WORSHIP Nursery and Church School ' 10:15 a.m, 11:00. a.m 11:00 AM. --"GIVE. YE THEM TO EAT" Guest Preacher: Very Rev. George Dorey, B.A, B.D., LL.D, of. "Toronto Read: St. Mark 6: 34.44, Solo: © "One Is Kind Above All Others" (Welsh Air) ---- Mr. Fred Densham NO EVENING SERVICE ALWAYS A WELCOME FOR ALL AT THE FRIENDLY FAMILY CHURCH TS 11:00 AM, MORNING WORSHIP 9:45 AM. --BIBLE SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES. 11:00 AM. and 7:00 P.M. Pastor Rev. C. P. VanDuzen preaching. Wed., 7:45 PM, -- Prayer ond Praise Sat, 8:00 P.M.--Open Air Meeting at Athol and Simcoe "ALWAYS A WELCOME AT CALVARY" NO EVENING SERVICE DURING JULY AND AUGUST ST. MARK'S CHURCH STEVENSON RD. NORTH ON BEURLING AVE. THE REV. J. N. LOTHIAN, S.Th. 476 Beurling Ave, -- Priest in Charge JULY AND AUGUST -- 8:00 AM. AND 10:00 AM. 11:00 AM CHURCH SCHOOL A WARM WELCOME AWAITS YOU