Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 2 Aug 1958, p. 1

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TIMES-GAZETTE WEATHER REPORT TELEPHONE NUMBERS o* Sunny today and Sunday, a lite Classified Advertising RA 3-2492 tle warmer with light winds. All other calls ....... RA 38-3474 Combining The Oshawa Times and Whitby Gazette and Chronicle TTT Fae Not Gr OSHAWA-WHITBY, SATURDAY, AUGUST 2, 1958 Ao te bepssmans Shove. EIGHTEEN PAGES MUNITIONS DUMPS JEXPLODE, KILL 50 "UN Council Meet Good Weather | 4 Hour Series | For Three-Day| Of Explosions Plans Prepared Civic Holiday RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) -- A tion. He ruled out the possibility {huge army munitions dump blew |of sabotage. UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (AP) (requests for an Aug. 12 summit, TORONTO (CP)--Ontario citi-|'P in a four-hour series of ex- City health secretary Guil- Secretary-General Dag Hammar. meeting within the council. |zens today embarked on the|Plosions today. Civilian authori-|hermo Romano said in a radio ties said as many as 50 persons interview after returning from Mohawks, and Chief Councillor | kind Yushed araugements 1% |GENEVA IMPOSSIBLE |incadtay oivie Joiiday Woekend ight have been killed. the disaster scene that 'thanks signs the famed Queen Anne | Falls. With her here are Coun- | W. J. Zimmerman, chaplain of | "alter P. Garlow. jday for a LX seeursy gunent In private appointments with, Hg prospeel ol Idea a An army communique said it|{to fast evacuation there appar- Ie a loo Walter Dirkors Six | Her Majesty's Chapel of the --CP Wirephoto [meeting on the Middle East in) of the' ination] Nek, Jor ocudoor activilles. tly will be onl Il number Bible of the Mohawk Indians | cillor Walter Lickers of the Six : ; . case Premier Nikita Khrushchev|the members of the ll-nation| across the province Monday is|had no exact news of the number ently will be only a small num picks up his option to attend. |council, Hammarskjold has been |, civic holiday. Elsewhere in|of victims several hours after the of victims. ||driving for a meeting at UN|canada jt is only observed as a last blast. Troops kept firemen HUNDREDS AROUSED t (headquarters here, He said a late y,oliday at a few points in the/and rescue workers out of the : ® J Doesn't Want Some delegates were doubtfu . : Hammarskjold could work ou Reig bos | , i Princess acl § 1 ew How marskiod housekeeping de-| August meeting in Geneva would yet, fire-swept area for fear more ar-| The Bry as Sid hid = tails by the target date of Aug.|be impossible because of crowded The forecast was for a fine tillery shells might explode. ling soldiers racing through thie ' epeat ig t 12 suggested by Prime Minister hotels there. weekend throughout Ontario. | Authorities estimated before housing development minutes ) Macmillan and President Eisen-| British delegate Harold Beeley| Sports events were on tap inidawn that up to 1,000 persons | ahead of the flames shouting od / RA 0 |hower. They foresaw a summit|told reporters that New York/many cities today including the might have been killed. This Was| warnings to rouse families. Cross cean meeting as late as Aug. 15, which | would be better "from a prac-/Canadian Canoe Association re-| based on the belief that the blasts | President Juseelino Kubitschek, PENDLETON, O (AP) lis a Friday, or perhaps Monday, tical point of view." His official|gatta at Ottawa, the Amateur|and fire had swept a nearby hous- informed almost as soon as the 4 "NDLETON, Ore. = ig. 78 Irequest for the meeting said it|Trapshooting Association's east-|ing area. But when the sun came axniosi beg t 11 Frid Se Sela wi ke wil elas! The Berd de core. and 10. Veteran flyer Marion (Pat) Bol-| ed it would be was still an/would be designed 'to discuss|ern division shot at Hamilton, |up behind pillars of smoke, au- night, oh iis of hi A OTTAWA (CP)--Princess Mar-|trict Commission, she will relax he band, drum corps and ing says he wouldn't want to re-| A because Eisen. certain problems of the Middle|Which began Wednesday, and golf|thorities said there was a good | workers who sped 1o the scene ion : {rp ar de > a , Aw tiv te n question | . A x garet arrives by train at noon|until her departure next Tuesday man guard of honor of the 1st|live the hours of his record non-|0P€ . ps hin ight (tournaments at various points. [chance most residents had been!; fi i q r 3 g i . ingle i |hower and Macmillan have of-|East, at which. members might r E id . S od €Dlin a suburb 18 miles from Rio. today from Hamilton for three/noon for Montreal Battalion, Canadian Guards, was stop flight for a single-engined days of fun and reiaxation--with| The official greeting party at : "*%| lane. {fered to meet at UN Head: be represented by heads of gov- Ee deat Slevacuated. | The main blast exploded the but few formal functions--in the|Union Station includes Governor-|to be drawn up on Confederation| =... ooo tho toughest thing|duarters or anywhere else be-|ernment. i police said a helicopter will pa- BLASTS SPREAD PANIC Cambui dump after garrison national capital area. Generai Massey, Mr. and Mrs.|Square just outside the station|pye ever done," the 43-year-old Sides Moscow, while French Pre- When Beeley submitted the re- pe koa Hare Siig the| The war ministry issued a com-|troops were pulled out of the area After official functions today|Diefenbaker, Mr. Justice Charles/for the arrival ceremony thatipniiot aig after ending the 6,979- Mier de Gaulle wants to go to|quest Friday ahead of the Us. Vockent. seodins aforiation by|munique calling on the popula-|1D the mistaken belief that the and Sunday and a Saturday night/H. Locke of the Supreme Court|included a 21-gun salute fired; ie flight across the Pacific| Geneva. ; note, only three government" to ground traffic patrols. |tion to remain calm. The shatter-|first fires would not spread. dance at Government House, the|of Canada, Turkish Ambassador|from nearby Nepean Point. here Friday, The jaunt took 401) The council appeared likely to|chiefs had agreed to sit in. They ing biasts spread panic over aTROOPS WITHDRAWN touring princess will take off{Ahmet Ustun, dean of the diplo-| while in Ottawa, Margaret will|gallons of gas. meet about the middle of next|were Eisenhower, Macmillan and, 1 ONDON (Reuters) -- Millions |wide area. . 4 as Sunday by helicopter for thematic corps, and Mrs. Ustun. |stay at Government House, just «1 wouldn't want to go back "eek to act on U.S. and British|Prime Minister Diefenbaker. |of Britons streamed by road and| Artur de Vargas Jr., in a Yous loro Nas me official account Gatineau hills, north of Ottawa. -- across Sussex Drive from Mr.|..4 relive those hours. but I rail to coast and country resortsling development near the scene,| A fire began late Friday night Margaret's stay in Ottawa fol- today as the August bank holiday |gaid; "We got the impression it|at the Camboata munitions dump, |Diefenbaker's official residence|ihink I'll always 1 , hd hd lows three days of touring South- Kasper To Start where she lunches today. There ak a8 a ars os. back 2 Summit o1ces weekend exodus gathered speed.|was the end of the world, that|where 85 millimetre shells are ern Ontario, with visits to Tor- were to be 20 at the table, includ- jie » Bright sunshine was reported|po ses, people, everything would|stored, Gen. Eururai Magalhaes, . onto, Stratford, Niagara Falls ing MY. Massey. ¥ : 5 over most of the country this|he wiped out in the bi catastro-|chi Hamilton. | Race Hate Again The flight began in Manila and | morning but the weather was cool ofl 8 Shiet of the general Sao Oe . " > nop At the new eight-storey city| k 45 h 4 i 8 " ; dudes ALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) -- i ook 45 hours 42 minutes in a 3 as . wh Her schedule today Includes Mi Sci nr fed./hall on Sussex Drive, . three|geacheraft Bonanza. It broke the and. forecasts predicted Showers The newspaper Diario Da Moite his troops because of the danger. luncheon at the official residence i ' blocks from the prime minister's 3 before the holiday ends Monday |qoted President Juscelino Kubit-| Militar: ficial tl of Prime Minister Diefenbaker, (eral prison in Atlanta Friday, »0¢¥S "OTL Ie Prime Minis er * non-stop record for one-engined| | night. Joys I liek soy OCR SED the official opening of Ottawa's pledged quick resumption of his|feS (once: "arBare: Was io vebV planes of 4,957 miles set in 1949] ' icials|mi ting to discuss the Mid a EE bw STi{iclt the fife sould he Shecked ant $3,500,000 city hall, a big radical segregation activities and|t0 @ welcoming speech by Mayor by the late Capt. Bill Odom. | WASHINGTON (AP)--Officials|mit meeting to discuss the - mated the damage at 1,000,000,- would not spread to the Cambui new 3J,00, 3 » George Nelms. "I got awfully lonely at times," looked today for a quick -- and dle Eastern situation came Fri- 000 cruzeiros (about $7,500,000). |dump nearby. Larger 150 and 135 , re headed at once for Tallahassee . py A, government reception for more She was to open officiaily the|Boling said. "It's a lonesome Probably favorable -- reply from day in another note to Khrush-| Cypriot Couple An army spokesman said the millimetre shells are stored than 900 persons and a dinner to rally his extremist followers] vas y ) : a Hi 1 € | : 1 : pr Xia sear- ita new building, erected on Greenlthing to fly that far in a little,|Moscow to the U.S.-British pro-|chev, In it, Eisenhower said that explosions apparently werelthere, in the recesses of a small dance with some 90 you~ Cana-| The 28-year-old agitator from E y |caused by spontaneous combus- hill. Jance wi New Jersey served his one-year|Island, where the Rideau River|tiny machine with nothing to keep|posal for a UN summit confer- jf a special session of the Secur- . . [contempt of court sentence, less flows into the Ottawa. [you company. ence to begin about Aug. 12. ity Council is arranged he will] Slain Soldier / TO ATTEND CHURCH (four months for good behavior,| Late today, Margaret attends Because the Russian leader attend, : | . The princess will attend Christ/at the federal reformatory-here./a government reception in the - has been confronted with two Eisenhower left open the ques-| : 1b tans evolt Church Cathedral Sunday, sign/After Ku Klux Klan leaders and|Chateau Laurier Hotel with Mr.| Labrador Mink conflicting summit proposals| ,... "or 2" cite saying that the Shot To Death T . She golden book at the city hailother segregationists disclosed and Mrs. Diefenbaker as host from the West, he Is in a posi-|;\ooiin, might be held in some PRINCESS MARGARET | during her visit to Niagara | Nations Council, Rev. Canon then plans for a "welcome oui" rally. and hostess. More then 900 C {Cana da's tion to pick and choose. {place other than New York City.| NICOSIA (Reuters) -- A Brit: , Que, ht fly to Harrington Lake, 15 miles/Ka was the 260 miles| guests, including members of Premier de Gaulle has callgl There was much talk that the|ish soldier w: y 1 : . x, guests, uding nm as shot dead today of here. {*o Atlanta Thurs. § . high gov- for a five-power meeting to be-| 10 cision might eventually go toland a Greek Cypriot farmer and ga ns 11ese There, in a secluded summer day and released from the prison ernment officials and rankin gin in Geneva Aug. 18 outside Geneva or possibly another Eu-| his wife were found brutally mur- ie. ¥ foe . g » . 3 home; owned by the Federal Dis- there, military officers were invited. | Princess Gift the framework of the United Na- ropean eity. |dered in a field in west Cyprus. NEW DELHI (Reuters) -- The| The Nepalese daily newspaper tions, " i The farmer had his throat cut : OTT! ( - In the series of exchanges be.| U.S. Officials charged with se- " '(Indian ministry of external af- AWA (CP) A coat of Bf curity arangements reported{The woman had been beaten to fairs said today there had Pep Saipan reported last week that | ' | labrad i p ift [tween Western leaders and . ore. in the | : Stelco Workers | NO PUBLICATION |for : OF Situ I Canadas Khrushchev Security Council ses. (that plans for protecting Khrush- death. Boll Jere Ht Ri Wee a unconfirmed reports circulating [78 numbers 3 Tostans Vere { The breath-taking full-length sion of heads of government as|chev against possible - anti-Com-| oo 8, SO CHEE both in New Delhi and Nepal of| 8 oe . | H LIDAY coat was presented to Princessiadvocated by President Eisen.|munist demonstrators in New "0 the & ta renewed uprisings among the peo-| The paper said a fresh wave of : . ' =. |Margaret today by Prime Minis. (hower and Prime Minster Mac-| York, should he go there, were| Welt he tine dividing thei, oor eastern Tibet against the|unrest in Tibet, mainly in the Nn ir1 153 ote There will be no publication |i." pietenhaker during a lunch.|millan. But Khrushchev later substantially completed. They es-| . "~¢ bonib quariers ofa inese. |troubled eastern province of . of The Daily Times-Gazette | bi Ing 8, 3 iin | timated that 4,000 to 5,000 police|'ViCosi, a bomb was tossed into Kham, was the cause of the exo- Monday, wi : vi. |eon at the prime minister's resi-|came out strongly for his original | |a Greek coffee shop but several] The newspaper Times of India ; ; gn Mom ay, which is a Civic | dence |proposal of July 19 for a five./and government security agents. oks in tite Bsicg escaped be- has linked the political unrest in| dus. It added that the people had TORONTO (CP) -- Employes contract and 25 cents for a two- in BY : | + The lustrous brown fur is styled power conference of the type that| would be used. fore the bomb exploded eastern Tibet with the indefinite|, : : : of the Steel Company of Canada'year contract. Civic, government, legal |, shaw! i , h h-| In hi ly to Khrushchev Ag : taliated with large-scale punitive Hamil oe 0 ; 200" Ole Cf Br {with a shawl collar, slightly|de Gaulle favors. Thus Khrus! n his new reply to Khrus! '| In east Cyprus, British troops|Postponement by the Chinese of 1 a amilton gre to vote Hex Both reports were released by A oer 1 Hees will be [dropped shoulders, push-ip|chev is in position to move either Eisenhower again rejected the), ==. oo. a security sweep at|a visit by Prime Minister Nehru Tot esday 2 ; monn ge. Deputy Labor Minister J. B. of Re as Host blaces sleeves and a straight slimmed|way. [Soviet charge that U.S. and Brit-| oo Te Pees sweep thelto Lhasa, which was to have| This report was later denied by cide whe ar thay will strike over Metzler. Stelco wage negotiations Publication will bas ay. d skirt, all scaled to enhance Prin-| President Eisenhower's latest ish troop landings in Lebanon and scene of a large number of taken place next month. |Nepalese Home Minister D. R. wage deman Sway ot Se pattern for the] Teesday wn ® Testme cess Margaret's petite figure. Imove in negotiations for a sum-'Jordan threatened world peace. coon mir killings and anti-| China has complained to the Resmi who said he had no knowl. The vote among the 7,500 work- a a anata vitadic [British riots in the last two Indian government that subver- edge of incursions into Nepalese ers was announced Friday by the y | months, sive activities against Chinese in|territory by Tibetan refugees. United Steel Workers of Ame rica ate cornment on the conciliation Fli ht Of Bli . Pope Urges Nuns | A security forces spokesman|Tibet are being fostered by Ti-| In London the Daily Telegraph (CLC). It was called after the reports or the strike vote an- g mp | ~ : | : : gk A majority report of »onciliation|Nouncement. ore Nl S {would give no details but the|betan exiles in the Indian border said more than 50,000 Chinese Jority repor a conciliation . . To Accept Change |operation was said to be one of town of Kalimpong, near Darjeel-|and 15,000 Tibetans have been + | : board recommended against woN'T ACCEPT A aln Called Off [ {the biggest in Cy f i | i wage increases. The g | CASTELGANDOLFO, Italy) e biggest in Cyprus this year. ing. killed in east Tibet, vi Sb 3 he steelworkers' negotiating AKRON, Ohio (AP) -- Th 7 . The majority report, signed | committee in Hamilton issued a|Navy again called off = Tite Xs: ove 0 & anon {Reuters)The Pope today greed) t % Gr , 080 conciiiation board chairman| statement saying it wouid not ac cfic flight by one' of its blimps {100,000 nuns living in stric | 3 ; Judge H. J. Donley and company|cept the majority report. A € § mps clusion in convents all over the| ; 1 \ T The un-\ Friday night bec: Vers ir liv > McTague, sa . 4 . y night because of adverse y : or their living and| nominee C. F IcTague, said:|jon said the report supports "the winds and temperatures, BEIRUT (CP)--President-elect lance teams are on their way ti give up +obsinaie resistance = Spud Be Qatrimental 10 Ste en Canadian Matai goturers Associa-| The ZPG-2 already is six days Fuad Shehab met today withireinforce nearly 12,000 already in|y; change. Stn tn fon Tine; To gain increases oribehind schedule on its ultimate rebel leader Saeb Salam behind Lebanon. The pontiff, speaking by radio, | a SN A the working an is sin b and destinatior. to an ice island known a heavy security cordon in a| Admiral James L. Holloway, told the nuns, who may leave| yeal 2 he ful; i unlimited prof- as T-3, an Arctic weather station. Beirut residential area. who also held a press conference, [their convents only by special Th ; vd Pri i 8 and charge high prices is| Rough weather and fog priced| Out in the harbor, United States|denied that there was any polit- issi x i e report noted Prime Minis- commendable. the cra to turn back in the fi . ' y ical ri A i : permission on rare occasions, ter Diefenbaker and Finance Min-| Average wage at the plant was|attempt for RR ba 5 e is transports began unloading 70 big|ica significance in the arrival of [that "the contemplative life does| ister Fleming in speeches have $2.36 an hour under the two-year from South Wevinontin: Mase {ation tanks while troop ieifi fiiote Us Soe. Re said (he | not essentially consist in the out- urged both unions and companies! contract which expired March 31./Sunday. : hn Eo eh: way but declined Bre Bw oy wer of gsclon of a religious { bi " iscipline. to "hold the line." The steelworkers originally] A navy spokes id it is ¢ In a minority report, union called for a 66-cent-an-hour pack-|"a PEE dy Pogo Ti are on their way and 3,000 men| Holloway said that beth the nominee Andrew Andras of Ot- age increase but trimmed their!the ZPG-2 would tak T/now at sea are to due to land|troops and their equipment were 0 1 tawa recommended a 15-cent demands to 33 cents at the con- He said the best gif here next Wednesday. part of original plan for forces Farm uarantined | package increase for a one-year! ciliation hearings July 2, 3 and 4. ing would be S i There were unconfirmed re. designated for Lebanon. | : atp---------- i -- tut LE NCE Sunday aight. ports here that Kamal Jumblatt,! "There is no political signific-| Dog Found Rabid ° ° ; tribal leader of the South Lebanon|ance whatever," the admiral SUTTON (CP) -- A 115-acre| hd Druze rebels who has helped|said. "Support forces are entirely farm of Freeman Stephens of] 11101 ar Salem lead the revolt, has or-jnormal. There is no augmenta- nearby Belhaven was put under| dered his men to assemble at his|tion as such." quarantine Friday after a dog on {headquarters to place their arms| Solh's cabinet was reported tothe farm was found to be rabid. "in storage." have been split on the election] Robert Sweeney, 15, a ward of SALAM'S FIRST EXIT Thursday of Gen. Fuad Shehab (the Children's Aid Society living 3 . Ito succeed Chamoun Sept. 24.|on the farm, was scratched by | | 1 ro) 1 | a eda Salam, commander of rebels iniGome parliament deputies de- [the dog and was to undergo anti- the Beirut area and a spokesman |manded that Solh resign then.irabies treatments. {for insurgents all over Lebanon, 4 v y : ; came from behind the barricades OTTAWA (CP)--A Commons|a member of a jury trying some; Mr. McGee, member for York- in the Basta Moslem quarter for debate has reflected a sharp split holly Io murder ull Propressiy Scarborough, cited his own mur-|the first time since the rebellion LATE NEWS FI ASHES in opinion over whether convicted Conservative MPs, spol.e on a bill der-trial jury experience in sup. began May 10. rers should be executed. : A Witnesses sai trowd cheered Wide os s oH sor. db sponsored by Harold Winch (CCF Port of Mr. Winch's proposal to|salam ig A AA oy home of Frank MeGee, pig de pat --Vancouver East) which would end the death penalty. [relatives for the meeting. Shehab 1] . ment store buyer and jury fore. i avits ig Sal " s : . Shehab| man in .wo murder trials, said in} Polish capital Punist nent : de-|j He sald. he believes some arrived a few minutes later. | 5. To Recognize Iraq the Commons Friday the countr¥|pate the Commons reached Judges aud, jury members can| Salam demanded after Shehab LONDON (Reuters) -- Cairo Radio said today the Uni- ould be incensed if animals|gapici ns reached no have sadistic tendencies that|was elected Thursday that Pres- ted States has recognized the republican government of Ww: decision on an issue which has{would affec a inli "ami 3 , i i were slaughtered the way men|p "uc noe ould affect their judgment in|ident Camille Chamoun step down Iraq. The Associated Press reported from Washington that | wg Fo 2 han Riore Dartiament for some | murder trials. In ome of his cases/immediately to make way for the state department would make a formal announcement . OM Dlillivs. 5 lawyer finje. A Senate Summons son as jury foreman, a juror in writ- Shehab, the non - politica! com- confirming this later today. A De, ail A eh Ei : ty ying pe Juestion a ing a verdict had drawn a picture |mander of the Lebanese army. pork for good." conflicting views from erie of 2 pan hanging from a seaf-| Shehab has no: used his army : . P. B. Rynard, a medical doc- ganization: and brought down a or a Rother Jory meget gad against Jue Mhels In more than Postpone 21-mile Swim . B. Rynard, al 5 + at g ) als a rder suspect--an Ital |limi oldi ions / i i tor, said Parliament shouldn't de-| recommendation for retention of|jan immigrant spat be hanged ed ore PB Aetions ars ROBERVAL, Que. (CP)--A scheduled 2l-mile swim cide whether to abolish capital the ultimate death penalty butias an example "to other immi- contacts: with rebel leaders dur- across Lake St. John from Peribonka to this northeastern punishment without st finding Sholition ot He hangman's noose grants ing the 85-day revolution. | Quebec centre today was postponed because of high winds. it the opinions of the public--|as tpe method ; ion' =x hi | "plain John Doe who is quite| In Friday's generally quiet sit-|,, "+ McGee said he doesn't be- CABINET SPLIT SEEN y oy Pin Ws : : . lieve the courts can come to a : likely some day to find himself|ting, members also completed oc. 6 FOES 8 conclusion to The meeting came as ministers Robbery Suspect Arrested study of the agriculture art- |; 4 p i | ment' yp adi agriculture Qepart justify taking a person's life still loyal to Chamoun tried to MONTREAL (CP)--Police said today they are holding |ment's spending program for the © McPhil ator hold together Premier Sami Solh's Jean Lachapelle, 21, in connection with a $4,200 bank holdup CITY EMERGENCY [year and began their review of I J So lips. 3 Victoria 1aw- cabinet after Finance Minister in Toronto: last. week He is to be sent to Toronto today to the veterans affairs department's|Yer who has served in murder|pierre Edde resigned. face charges. Police said a gun and $900 were found in the ERS program with a general debate|!lials both as defence counsel| 17,8, Ambassador Robert Me- , PHONE NUMB that continues today and as Crown prosecutor, said Clintock said- is optimistic Suspect's apartment. With Princess Margaret due fo|the chasces are Sony Jemole about the end of the rebellion, He _- -- ' " . 2 a arrive in the capital at noon to-|: * almost impossible' that an i oti ress con. . POLICE RA 5 1133 day and attend a supper - time innocent person will be hanged. porvies nna oars] Queen Returns To Windsor | REGIMENTAL COLOR PRESENTED FIRE DEPT. RA 5-6574 government reception, the House Some claim hanging is degrad- can withdraw ARUNDEL, 'England (Reuters)--Queen Elizabeth and agreed to end today s session 90 (ing, he said. But so was murder, Another 1,800 American troops and Prince Philip left here today for Windsor. It was the Her Royal Highness Princess | militia regiment of the Galt, | the Civic Stadium in Hamilton HOSPITAL RA 3-2211 lads tes before the normal 6 p.m.|and only the cold-blooded mur in combat and supply units and Queen's first long outing after her recent three-week attack Margaret presents new color to | Preston and Hespeler area. The | Friday, journment time, |derers got convicted. ~~ lengineers' and helicopter ambu- of sinusitis. | the Highland Light Infantry, a | colorful ceremony took place at | risen against the Chinese who re- S 2 SEE «CP Wirephote

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