16 THE DALY TIMI-GAZETTE, Seturdey, August 2, 1958 Call the Direct Classified Number RA 3-3492 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE Want Ads OFFICE HOURS 8 AM to 5 P.M. MONDAY to FRIDAY SATURDAY 8 TO 12 Please Note Deadlines now "in effect for this column: Births, Memorioms, Cards of Thanks -- 9 AM. SAME DAY DEATHS -- 11 AM. SAME DAY DIAL RA 3-3492 INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATION |==Accountants 2--Barristers 3-~Chiropractor 4--Dentists S--Nursing Services SO BIRTHS 7==Surveyors Ta-~=Vaterinarians Building Trades BOYES ~Mr., and Mrs. William A. Boyes (nee Deeming) of Pickering, On. lario, are happy to announce God's gift of a daughter, Barbara Elizabeth, on Friday, August 1, 1958, at Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital. JONES ~ Mr. and Mrs. "Nip" Jones (nee Rose Marie Wylie) are pleased to announce the arrival of a daughter, on July 31, 1958. A baby sister for Cathy and Colleen PACE -- Mr, and Mrs. Frank Pace (nee Dolores' Ashmore) wish to nounce the birth of a son on Thursday, July 31, 1958 at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, Ontario. Mother and baby well. DEATHS KING -- At the residence of his son, , Charles King, West Hill, on Friday, August 1, 1958, David George King, loved husband of Isabella Jane Me- Nabb, and dear father of Mrs, W. Pel low (Lena) and Sylista of Whitby James and Leslie of Toronto, Charles of West Hill, Henderson of Centralia, in his 94th year. Resting at the W. C. Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby, for serv- ice in the chapel on Monday, August 4, at 2 p.m. Interment Lakeview Ceme- tery, Kirkfield PAWSON -- Mrs. Fred Pawson enter- ed into rest at Stirling Lodge, New- voro, Ontario on July 31, 1958. Former- ly Emma Beatrice Miller, Saughies of the late W. W. and Isobella Miller of Greenbush, Ontario, mother of Mrs. Pearl Stirling (Newark, New Jersey). Harry Sterling (Kingston, Ontario), Mrs. William Sampson (Beatrice) of Oshawa, Mrs. Albert Swallow (Ruby) of Newboro, at the age of 69. Pre. deceased by her first husband, Robert Stirling, 1943 and survived by two brothers, James of Greenbush, Wil- liam, New Westminster, B.C., and sis- ter Lena (Mrs. R. W. Wright) of Osh- 9--Building Materiol |0==Sharpening Service 11--=Business Opportunities 11a--Business Opportunities Wanted 12~=Dressmaking 13-=Gardening & Supplies | 4==Household Repairs | S-- Instruction | 6==Insurance |7==Money to Loan 18~Loan Wanted 18a--Mortgages | 9==Personal 20---Cartage 21 --Personal Service 42~-Radio Repairs 23--~Women's Column 24--Market Basket 25--Pets and Livestock 26~--Farmer's Column 27--~Fuel, Wood i8--Summer Resorts 28o--Hunting 29--~Summer Properties For Sale or Wanted 30--Lost and Found 31=--Articles For Rent 32--~Articles Wanted 34--Auction Sales 35-=Employment Wanted 36--Female Help Wanted 37----Male Help Wanted 38--Male or Female Help Wanted 39--Agents Wanted 40--Opportunities 41--Room and Board 42--Room and Board Wanted 43--Wanted To Rent 44--For Rent 45--Real Estate For Sale 450--Real Estate Exchange 46--Real Estate Wanted | awa, Funeral service from Funeral Home, Westport, Ontario on sunday, August 3 at 1 p.m. Interment Newboro Cemetery REID -- Entered into rest Ompah, Ontario, on Friday, August 1, 1958, arleton O. Reid, beloved husband of the late Grace Van Volkenburg and father of Mrs. Alfred Dean (Joan) and Mrs. Robert Campbell (Deanna) in his 52nd year. Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, with memorial service in the chapel on Monday, Aug- gst 4, at 2 p.m. Interment Oshawa Union Cemetery. For Funeral Flower Arrangements See LEWINGTON'S FLOWERS PHONE RA 3-9533 24 King St. East, Oshawa (2 doors from Karns Drug store). Aug.2 IN MEMORIAM 47 =A For Sale 48--Automobiles Wanted 49~Automobile Repairs 50--Articles For Sale S51---Swap and Barter 52--Legal Notices CLASSIFIED AD RATES 25 words or less }| Cash Charge || 3 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 6 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 3.00 3.30 if not paid within 7 days the Charge rate will apply. Above rates apply only to erl- ginal orders for consecutive inser tions, Subsequent insertions ordered at a later date constitute ao new original order. Professional and Business listings $6.00 per month for 3 lines Sally. Each additional line 75¢ per mont Each Initial letter, abbreviation, ond c sign, figure, count as a word, Box charged 15¢ additional. All Classified Advertisements MUST be in by 9 e.m. the day of tfice hours: Daily 1.88 2.07 BLIGHT -- In loving memory of our dear mother, who passed away August 4, 1946 In our hearts your memory lingers, Always tender, fond and y There is not a day, dear mother, We do not think of you. --Ever remembered by daughters Frances and Elva, 180a GORDON -- In loving memory of a dear sister and aunt, Marjorie , who passed away August 3, 1957, When evening shades are falling, And we sit in quiet alone 8-5, Saturday 8-12. REGULATIONS The Dolly Times-Gazette shall not be responsible for errors in advertisements submitted otherwise than in writing, nor for more than one Incorrect insertion of any ad- vertisement, nor beyond the price charged for a single insertion of the advertisements. in which error occurs. And also reserves the right to classify advertising according to | its own classification. | | North, RA 5-3566. Charles C. McGib- ed, |GREER, | 5--Nursing Services 6--Optometrists C. H. TUCK, Optometrist, specializing 8 | Surveyor, 216 Alice Street. 1--Accountants 8--Building Trades 13--Gardening & Supplies 16--Insurance 21--Personal Service YALE, Friedlander, Hunter and Accountants and Auditors, 64 Street East; B. L. Yale; A F. lander, B.Comm., CPA: J. CPA. Dial RA 5-1621. Co., King ried Hunter, Aug.2 KEN Ashmore Asphalt Paving Sand and gravel haulage. Phone RA 8-8412, Aug.28 ROTO - tilling, landscaping. rican up obs and lawn service, 3576 and RA 5-1576. Ra 31 , and handy- Aug. 19 FOR painting, carpentry, man, call Joe, RA 5-8018. 8. T. Hopkins and Ci Certified Public Accountants, 172 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. RA sam. 3 ug. MONTEITH, Monteith, Richl and Co. 'Trus- Stratford, To- , Ci G. Ww. Riehl, CA: uF. Lightfoot, W. Trethwey, CA. RA 5-3527, 135 Sim. coe Street North, S=kawa, Aug 6 BOB Clancy's Ontario A Serv- Car Ajax, Oshawa, SUNNY BUILDING SUB CONTRACTORS Framing, trimming, lathing, repairs of all kinds. Work guaranteed, RA 3-3177 177% ices offers complete bookkeeping serv- ices for small business. 184 Bond Street West, Room 1, Office, RA 50397; Resi- dence, RA 3-7605. Sept.1 2--Barristers JOSEPH P. Mangan, QC, Barrister, Solicitor. Money to loan. Office, 144 King Street East, Oshawa. RA 8-8232' residence, RA 35-3405. Sept.1 HUMPHREYS and Boychyn, Barris. ters, Solicitors; R. D. Humphreys, QC; G E. Boychyn, BA; W. A. Hillman, LLB, 6 King Street West. Phones: Office, RA 5-1177; Res., RA 5-4604; or Whitby, MO 8-2761. Money to loan. Sept.1 MANNING F. Swartz, Barrister, Solici- itor, Notary. Money to loan. Henry | Block, 26% King Street East. RA 3.4697. | Residence, Dial 3-4029. Sept.1 | DONALD Blake Dodds, Barrister and | Solicitor, 26% King Street East. Tele- | phone: Business, RA 5-5501; Residence, [RA 8.5373. Sept.1 | JOHN A. MacDonald, BA, Barrister | and Solicitor, 101 Simcoe Street North. | Phone RA 38-8511. Aug 15 RALPH §. Jones, BA, and Thomas H. Greer, Associate Barristers and Solici- tods, 65 Simcoe Street, RA 5-3525. Mortgage !oans available. Aug.7 JOHN A. Cameron, Barrister, Solicitor and Notary Public, 18% King Street East. RA 3-2269. NHA and private mortgages arranged. Aug.7 GREER and Kelly, Barristers, Solici- tors, ete, 7% Simcoe Street South, Dial RA 3-2278. Residence phones: M. Greer. BA Sc., RA 5-3368; Terence V. | Kelly, BA. BC, RA 5-2602, Aug. 10 |CREIGHTON, Fraser, Drynan and | Murdoch, Barristers, Solicitors, No- [tary Public, Bank of Commerce Build- ling, 5 Simcoe Street Nous, RA 3-3446; T. K Creighton, H C. Fraser, |QC; G. K. Dryna G. "L. Murdoch. NHA mortgages ari __Aug2 | McGIBBON and -- > Barristers, Clients' funds available for 20 Simcoe Street Solicitors. first mortgages. bon, QC; Edgar F. B rphy and MacDonald, Bar- risters, Solicitors and Notaries Public, 6 King Street East, RA 5.4717. Russell J. Murphy and James A. MacDonald, Aug. 29 Z. T. Salmers, BA, Barrister, Solicitor, letc., 13% Simcoe Street No Dial |ottice, RA 5-3741. Residence, RA 5-5542. Aug.24 ANDEN NURSING HOME KING ST. WEST Exclusive nursing home for convalescent and elderly peo- ple. (Men ond Women), Nurses ond dieticions in attendance, Tray service, radio, T.V. lounge. PHONE RA 5-2330 J Aug.2 in muscle anomalies, eyesight and Evenings, Mon., Ly Fri 8. Invalids examined at home. RA sei. Disney Bldg., 31 King East. Aug. ANDREW BUTLER BUILDING CONTRACTORS Brickwork, 'Block and Stonework, Chimneys, Fireplaces, Concrete Work, General Repairs, Alterations, Satisfaction Guaranteed Free Estimates, RA 5.0547 Aug.9 WATER WELL DRILLING AND DIGGING Gov't, Licensed Driller Reasonable Prices Honest: Workmanship GERALD FULTON RA 5-4067 Aug. 10 MODERNIZE ond BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME with an ASPHALT DRIVE Call KEN ASHMORE PAVING CONTRACTOR RA 8-8412 Also several thousand yards TOP SOIL IMMEDIATE DELIVERY In Whitby, Oshawa, Bowman- ville, Newcastle and Brooklin. aug.4 CUSTOM & N.H.A. HOMES Framing Trimming Additions Alterations Kitchen Cupboards Rec. Rooms TERMS ARRANGED Satisfaction Guaranteed A. JAMES ALLEN Bldg. Contractor 440 WILSON RD. N. RA 5.6126 Aug. 21 7--Surveyors DONALD H. Trollope, Ontario Land RA 35-6881. July2 G, T. Horton and Associates, Ontario | Land Surveyors, Professional Engin- | eering, 70 Harwood Avenue South. To our hearts there comes a longing If she only could come home. Friends may think we have forgotten, When at times they see us smile But they little know the heartache Our smiles hide all the while. »Ever remembered by Jacky, Frank ind Joanne. GORDON -- In loving memory of a fear sister and aunt, Marjorie, who passed away August 3, 1957. You are not forgotten, sister, Nor ever will you be, As long as life and memory lasts, We will remember thee. ~Lovingly remembered by brother, Cliff, sister-in-law, Sheila and nephew, Bobby GORDON -- In loving memory of Marjorie, our dear daughter, who pass- ed away August 3, 1957. In tears we saw you sinking, We watched you fade away; Our hearts were almost broke You fought so hard to stay But when we saw you sleeping, So peacefully, free from pain, We could not wish you back, dear, To suffer that again. --Lovingly remembered by Mom Dad and Show Device For Battling Forest Blazes DORSET (CP)--A new fire- lighting device was shown Friday to officials of industry and the Ontario department of jands and forests at the annual fire fight- ers' course at the ranger school here. It is a radio direction finder which, when dropped from an air- craft, is designed to lead ground forest-fire-fighting crews to the scene of the blaze. The direction finder was devel- oped by lands and forests tech- nicians. Here's how it works: The device, weighing less Son three pounds, is battery-operated. The pilot switches it on when he spots a bush fire and drops it from the potting plane on a small parachute. PICKS UP SIGNAL It transmits a beep-beep signal until the batteries are exhausted or until a ground crew gets to the scene. The ground crew car- ries a small receiver-transmitter which picks up the signal. The Kidney Lack Fatal To Bo. BOSTON (AP)--Wils-Olov Wi- sell, 11-year-old Swedish boy who had no kidneys, died Friday night in Peter Bent Brigham Hospital where doctors had been consider- ing an unprecedented kidney transplant from his mother. The youngster's condition had been worsening daily since the first of this week although physi- cians sought to bolster his strength to undergo the surgery. Kidney transplants have been unsuccessful except betwee identical twins; Nils was born with only one kidney: An accident on a merry- go-round forced an operation for removal of that kidney. DEEP X-RAYS During the effort to prepare the boy for the kidney transplant, surgeons gave him deep x-ray [treatment to destroy his bone | marrow. This was done because his own white cells would attack and reject the transplanted kid- ney. He was given countless blood transfusions as the grim fight to| save the boy's life went on. Nils' parents, Oscar Wisell, a butcher, and his wife, Margareta, kept vigil at the hospital through | most of the long losing fight since | July 1. His mother donated two bone | marrow transplants in an attempt | to build up the slight boy's strength and resistance to dis-| ease. NEWS BRIEFS PARLIAMENT ADJOURNS LONDON (AP) -- Parliament voted to adjourn for a summer recess from today until Oct. 23. INMATES GET BOOKS JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (AP) Eight cartons of books, both new and used, have been received at the Missouri Men's Penitentiary library. Some of the tities: How to Breast Feed a Baby, .oblems | Ajax, 728. Aug.10 |F J. Donevan and Associates, Land |Surveying and Engineering, 12 Bloor Street Eeast, Oshawa, Ontario, RA 5-5632. Aug. 40 8--Building Trades BRICK laying, block laying, general [cement work. A. J Gordon, Bowman- ville MA 3-2970. # Aug.10 PLUMBING and heating pipes, fittings, fixtures, new and used, changing from septic. tanks to a sewer specialty, Infor. stallations at reasonable rates. Infor- mation and estimates free on any type of plumbing. Dial RA 35-4241, J. Foley. Aug.24 G. T. Horton and Associates, Commer- cial White Printing, 70 Harwood Ave. nue South, Ajax. Phone Ajax 728, Aug.10 PRE-CAST CONCRETE SIDEWALK SLABS COLORED PATIO SLABS UNIT STEPS -- RAILINGS CURBING SEPTIC TANKS BAR-B-Q' SATISFACTION GUARANTEED BROOKLIN CONCRETE PRODUCTS LIMITED PHONE BROOKLIN 155 CARPENTER work ming, kitchen cabine Alterations and repairs. No jobs too big or too small. Work guaranteed. RA 3-3579. Aug.21 ALL plumbing and heating supplies. Phone RA 5-3521, Harold R. Stark Ltd., plumbing, heating and engineering 255 Simcoe Street South. ug. 13 BUILDERS, contractors -- Carpenter work, alterations, repairs. Kitchen cab- inets our specialty, No job too big or small. Free estimates. Work guaran- teed, RA 3-7196 or RA 3-3078 Aug2s CONCRETE work, driveways, side walks, cellar floors, steps, also plaster repairs. Work guaranteed. RA 35-8314. Aug.19 HAYNES, hardwood floor expert. Old | ioors made like new, new floors made | like glass, laid, sanded, finished; Kkit- chen and bathroom tiling. Phone RA 3 7196 or RA 3-3078. Aug.28 |ALL types building repairs, chimneys built, repaired; roofing, siding repairs; [plaster repairs, sidewalks, fireplace, |laying tiles. Phone RA 5.7247, Gordon |May. Aug.28 ;|HAND and rotary mowers, shears sharpened, saws filed. Gerald 1262 Simcoe Street north, Aug 18 '|9--Building Material DEMOLISHING 2 large mansions, 261-283 Simcoe St. N. Formerly Me- Laughlin and Robson Estates, Lumber -- Doors -- Flooring three |stone. Prompt delivery. Phone Augl? GRAVEL, loam, fill, - Suaster 5.3756. Aug. 5-1to 20 per cent, nine months to pay or ALLSTATE Auto Insurance, Save up personal service at your home, call RA 57413, Aug. 15 SEWING done at home. Drapes, a spe- cialty. Alterations and plain sewing. Reasonable rates. RA 85097. 1523 Lake- side Street. Sept.2 29--Summer Properties {BALSAM Lake, For Sale or Wanted near Killarney Bay, three 100 - ft. AM 17 y To Loan SOD for sale. The finest sod. anywhere. 20c, #9. yd. Delivered. MO 8-2587, Whitby. Aug.14 LANDSCAPING, gardens plowed disced, clean-up jobs, soil, sod, lawns serviced RA 59727. Aug.10{and FIRST and =i mortgages, sale agreements purchased and sold. Hen- nick and Hennick, aseisess, 31 King Street East. RA 3.723; rs CLIENTS' monies i for first second and DRESS of all kinds, reasnp- able prices. Len Pullan, RA 8.5311. | Julyls, ts large Bing room and kitchen, front, restricted area. Immediate pos- session. lon Falls . Terms. Phone G. W. Cox, Fene- 90. 178¢ 22--Radio and T.V. Repairs LENS and Lou's Antennae, NEW two-bedroom winterized home, Trent River, at Hastings: § Sarafe | Boat br motor and all con' repairs, | MO1OF Compigle Rotor antenna, $75. Prone Aig 57844 or MA 13-3942. SPECIAL GOOD TOP SOIL 1.50 YARD Gravel, % stone, fill, tractor and loader work, RA 5-2156 Aug. 10 also SOD - TOP SOIL - MANURE NURSERY STOCK GARDEN MAINTENANCE HARDSAND LANDSCAPING sale pi Apply Swartz, Barrister and Notary 26% King East, Oshawa, RA Aug.11 M. F Publie, 3-4697. TELEVISION, home and car Te re pairs, Al makes. Specialized work, Fred 'Thompson, 157 Elliot Street. Call RA 3.9792. Aug 3 for factory FIRE INSURANCE WIT 4 BROAD EXTENDED COVERAGE All Risk Outboard Motor and Boat Policies, Save 10% with a Composite Policy, Auto In- surance. Installment Plans if desired. ROBERT 5S. McCALLUM PHONE RA 5-6402 Aug. 6 All work and materials guaranteed, RA 5-1721 Aug. 7 HILLSIDE LANDSCAPING GREEN VELVET SOD supply and laid NURSERY STOCK. Everything for your garden. PHONE RA 3-9020 oug.3 OSHAWA SOD SUPPLY We specialize in good quality sod only, For prompt delivery. DIAL RA 8-8639 Aug. 12 T TV trained technicians, Guaranteed job. PORTABLE TV. SALE OR RENT PARKWAY T.V. 918 SIMCOE ST. NORTH 3043 call RA 85286. TTS Julys $50 down, balance overages $30 monthly plus interest, Conada'z lowest terms, prices range from $1, i to $3,495 for FULL i part - time for banquets and lake] offee shop. Apply Mr, Funnel 36--Female Help Wanted HOUSEKEEPER fo assist mother of a four. Phone RA 54754 Immed:L18 5 osha Hotel. ER " EARN EXTRA MONEY Agents, clubs, etc. Sell Can- ada's finest Christmas cards, novelties, etc. Over 175 items including Feature, Religion, Comic, Chrome, Everyday ond Personal cards. Wrops, Ribbons, Toys, Books, Dolls, lery and Cosrnetics, home, pos with lot, on your choice 01 Ontario's finest lakes, Also Pre-Cut or Custom Built Cottoges cvailoble to lot owners on same easy terms, Write for free litera- ture. Pitts Homes and Cot- tages Ltd, P.O, Box 222, Cobourg, Ont. T.T.S. Aug. 10 Aug.9 18a--Mortgages WE have clients with monies to pur- chase first and second mortgages and agreements of sale at a discount. Louis S. Hyman, QC, 37 King Street East, Oshawa. RA 3-4943, Aug, 14 19--Personal TV - RADIOS 30--Lost and Found Please return to rightful found. 228 Burk Street. RA 5-0859. $15 $16. owner if . 180b LOST ~~ Brown wallet, Service is our business only. 24-hour -- City and Country LADY desires ride to Toronto daily. Phone evenings, RA 5.7833. 178¢| TOBACCO Eliminator--Scientific guar- | anteed remedy for cigaret RA 8-5286 OSHAWA ELECTRONICS Aug.28 Free authoritative medical opinion sup- plied. Write C. W. K, Pharmacal Corp. Ltd., Box 88, Station B, Hamilton, Ont. July 19, Aug. 2 HAVE you a drinking problem? Write Alcoholic Anonymous, Box 3547, Times- Gazette, Aug.28 SANDALWOOD RESTAURANT 1626 SIMCOE ST. NORTH Under New Management Dinners--Take-out Orders Busir '. Lunch LOAM, GRAVEL AND FILL, Reasonable rates, cement and driveway gravel, also %-inch stone. RA 5-2156 Aug.16 CROSS TOWN SOD SUPPLY A-1 rolled fertilized sod, cut fresh doily, Sod for trucks in field. Delivered or laid. Free estimates. Prompt delivery. Phone RA 8-8868. Aug. 11 COURTICE SOD AND LANDSCAPING SERVICE A-1 field sod, sproyed and fertilized, For free estimates coll Ed Knowlton, RA 5-6047 Aug. AJAX SOD SUPPLY Sod delivered and laid, field loading, Loom, send, fill and stone. Grading, asphalting and excavating. PHONE AJAX 431 or RA 5-3422 Aug. 15 COLORED PATIO SLABS Sold and laid, brick or stone barbecues. Free estimates and delivery. RA 3-3291, Aug. 12 LJ BACKYARD BARBECUING Outdoor fireplaces for bar- becuing -t its best, built and installed by -- ASHMORE CONCRETE PRODUCTS Phone RA 8-8412 Aug:12 OSHAWA ACME HAULAGE CO. SOD--LOAM--FILL SAND--GRAVEL--STONE DIAL RA 3-3528 Aug.12 Pipe -- plumbing All kinds materials. Salesman on the Ltd, etc. of beautiful job. Greenspoon Bros. 10--Sharpening Service Aug2 Power, RA 37016. scissors, ALL types of building, full contracts or |sub . contracts, block laying. concrete | floors and fool ; concrete steps, | curbs and sidewalks, pre-fab or poured. | |RA 5-6937 Aug.10 PLASTERING | NEW AND REPAIRS sidewalks, founda- plastered, waterproof- Stucco, tions ing. WOOD'S PLASTERING RA 8-1311 Aug saws, scissors, 102 Highland. RA 8-8363. POWER and hand shears precision sarpened, saws filed Pick up and deiivery. RA 3-3266. St. Lawrence Avenue. HAVE your lawnmower sharpened now, knives, ete. Percy Neil, Aug.16 lawnmowers and 13 Aug.17 LAWNMOWERS ! LAWNMOWERS ! LAWNMOWERS ! SHARPENING AND REPAIRING Quick Service and a Guaran- teed job, Pick-up and De- livery. " ART STEVENS EXCAVATION Basements dug, trenching and STA SHARPENING SERVICE Cor. King & Burk RA 3-3224 | HOLLAND NURSERY AND LANDSCAPING For complete landscaping service, stone work, sodding, seeding, garden maintenance, nursery stock, etc. Call RA 5-7442, Aug.9 CROWN DIAMOND PAINTS The Paint with a Future Climatized Trim Blister-proof Stuccote Floor and Porch Decoratone for Interior-Exterior Cooper Smith Co. 16 CELINA ST. RA 3-2312 Aug. 20 14--Household Repairs YOUR local chimney cleaner, chim- neys built and repaired, gas linings in. stalled, furnaces vacuumed. ['ree esti. mates. RA 3.2997 ead, See our materials for recovering. Aug.5 FURNITURE repaired and reupholster- FREE ADMISSION To the Drive-in Theatre availoble to customers of the GRAND Restaurant, 14)2 King St. E. (upstairs), "Chinese Food Our Specialty" Take Out Orders RA 3-9422 Aug.3 ELECTROLYSIS Removal of Superfluous Hair. Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa Aug. 12 and 13. Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appointment, 21--Personal Service Auglé July 23, Aug. 12 Call BARON'S for guaranteed service wn T.V., radios, and washers, 24 hour service. PHONE RA 3-2263 After hours call RA 5-0624, Aug29 23--Women's Column SPENCER foundation garments. Indi. vidually designed. Registered corse- L. Hendershot, 208 Park TTS Aug.12 tiere. Mrs. Road North, "WHERE WELL DRESSED WOMEN SHOP" 31--Articles for Rent ELNA SEWING MACHINE RENTALS Straight Stitch ond Zig-Zog RA 5-2591 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Aug.11 FOOLS FOR RENT--Cement Finishing Machine, Motor Chain Saw, Electric Hedge Trimmer. Many other Tools and Equipment, e Spring Special: B-H White Outside Paint, Beaver Brand, 15% off. WEBBINGS HARD- WARE, 282 King St. W. RA 3.4873. Ample Free Parking. Aug.11 LA VOGUE JACQUELINE ® DRESSES e SUITS e COATS ® SPORTSWEAR e MILLINERY ® BRIDE and ATTENDANTS LA VOGUE JACQUELINE CELINA ot ATHOL Downtown Oshawa Aug.11 24--Market Basket SOD for sale. The finest sod available anywhere. 20c sq. yd. Delivered. Mo 8-2587 Whitby Aug.12 RASPBERRIES, fresh picked, 36 boxes, $7.50. Phone Leo Andrus, Pickering, 369R2 between 12 and 1:00 o'clock; go lirect to RR 2, Dixie Road, Pickering. 178¢ 25--Pets and Livestock PET Stock Supply I, FLOORS FLOORS FLOORS Sold, Installed, Repaired by Experts with 25 years ex- perience. Free estimates. All work guaranteed. ROSS ENDICOTT FLOORS PHONE RA 5-2274 Aug.4 ne hy tropical fish, mice, rabbits and puppies. Birds boarded. under of Chain Sows, Gas and Electric, Complete Floor Sanding ond Polishing Equipment and Materials (new machines); Skill Saw; Sanders; Drill; Extension Ladders; Paint Sprayers; 10-ft. Tree Pruner; Pipe Threading Equipment; Electric Hammer; Chain Hoist; Post Hole Auger, Blow Torch; Electric Soldering Iron; Sump Pump; Lawn- mowers; Electric Hedge Trim- mers, Stan's, Sharpening Ser- vice, corner King and Burk Sts, -- Diol RA 3-3224, Aug. 20 Many gift items. Prompt service. Fcr 76 poge colored catalogue and samples on approval, write W. V, JEAN- DRON GREETING CARD CO. 1253 King Street, East, Hom- ilton, Ont, A Sept. ~ OFFICE CLERKS required by Government Departments at Oshawa, Ontario Salary: $1,860-$2,640. Up to $2,520 per annum depend- ing on qualifications, Details and application forms at Post Offices, National Em- ployment Service Offices and the Civil Service Commission. Apply before AUGUST 13, 1958, to Civil Service Com- mission, 25 St, Clair Avenue East, Toronto, Ontario. = 180e ny 37--Male Help Wanted CAPABLE man to assist in main kit... chen. Apply Mr. Fun Hotel, ell, Senosta LICENSED plumber required, 35 under. Apply to Box 650, Timegy. Gazette, stating wage expected. 179% SPARE time cash! M Make $100 e easily selling exclusive high quality Christmas Cards and Novelty Gifts, Newest, coms. pletely different designs. It's fun, Friends buy on sight. Write today or free catalogue, and samples on proval. Big profits, no experience n Clendenan Avenue, Toronto, Aug. 26,9, 13,,99- YOUNG MAN FOR MAIL BOY and general office duties; age 17-21, with at least a Junior Matriculation, Good DO-IT-YOURSELF RENT A FLOOR RA 50343. 9 Celina Street, 178¢ Phone RA 3.9708 after 5 p.m. COCKER spaniel puppies. Boarding, trimming, bathing, de-fleaing, Waubena Kennels. RA 5.6321. Aug. 14 WELSH Corgi, female pup, two months old, purebred, registered to new owner. Call RA 5-2504. 1761 PERSONALIZED TRAINING Slenderizing, Reducing and General body culture, JANE BLACK STUDIO OPEN 9 am. to 10 p.m. 451 SIMCOE S. RA 5-9602 for appointment Aug. 21 AJAX CLEANING SERVICES Windows, floors, walls, of- fices, homes and halls, Phone Oshawa RA 5-3422 or Pick- ering 5-87W2. T.T.S. Aug8 BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for training, talking strain. Apply Mrs, Broad, 114 Elgin Street East. GERMAN shepherd puppies, Tegistered. 180f Aug.23 SANDER AND FINISHER HARRISON. Fy KINSMAN 337 Simcoe St. S. RA 3-4425 opportunity for advancement, Apply: Employment Office, DUNLOP OF CANADA LTD., WHITBY 180e Aug.13 OUTSTANDING 32--Articles Wanted OPPORTUNITY 1 diat ances, TV, sewing machines, stoves. Also sell and exchange. 1 Prince Street, RA $1131, Aug.' WE pay cash for used furniture, appli- pianos, e opening in Osh. - awa ond district for an aggressive and reliable sales- man, 35-60, to call on rest 9 7 POODLE clipping, bathing, dog board. ing and training, obedience and gun, Cedarview Kennels. RA 5-5062. Aug.4 DOG TRAINING SCHOOL We train you to train your dog. Classes now commencing. PICKERING 240M4 AND PICKERING 87)3 Aug.18 26--Farmer's Column DEAD farm stock picked up promptly. Phone collect Bowmanville, MA 3-2679. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. Aug. 17 28--Summer Resorts OSHAWA TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE Courteous operators to answer your phone and relay mess- ages 24 hours a day, Start enjoying Telephone Freedom. Apply for our service now at 143 King East, RA 5-2601. Aug.9 COTTAGE or cabin for rent, Kawarila district. Phone RA 3-3141. STONEY Lake shore PIANOS, 10, any make or size, Pa cash, State make and price. Write Bo: 550, Times-Gazette. Aug. aurants, stores, offices, service stations, motels in- dustries, institutions, with y x Post, 446 Simcoe South. RA 5-8131 HIGHEST prices paid for used furni- ture in the city by the Oshawa Trading Aug. 22 our guaranteed longer - life florescent and incandescent light bulbs and fixtures, Highest commissions with CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON METALS LTD, IRON : : METALS PAPERS : : RAGS OPEN: SATURDAYS ALL DAY RA 5-3432 RESIDENCE RA 5-4159 100 ANNIS STREET FREE PICK-UP Aug. 20 year-round repeat business, assured above-average earn- ings, and a secure and happy career, Car necessary, Write Mr. Miller, Hi-Test Corpor- ation, Dundas, Ontario, Aug. 235 38---Male or Female Help Wanted RESTAURANT HELP WANTED cot- tages, electrically equipped, play- ground, safe beach, best of boats and fishing. Phone after 9 p.m. WArsaw 24-R-21. Maude Hamilton, 178f FURNISHED cottage on Diamond Lake, Bancroft. Sleess six, hydro, sand beach, $40 a week. Boat and 'outboard available. RA 5-3501. Michael Clayton, 178¢ NEW cottage on Lake Ontario, 10 miles FOR BETTER DRY CLEANING CALL MODERN DRY CLEANERS 321 OLIVE AVE. RA 5-7193 eo ONE STOP SERVICE ODORLESS DRY CLEAN- ING Our new shirt beyond compare, EV. GIBSON -- GEO. RUSSELL service is, Aug. 15 east of Oshawa, furnished, quiet. By week, month or season. RA 3-4941. August 10 ROCKAVEN housekeeping, heated cot- tages, on Trent River, Hastings, re- frigerators and boats, $22 a week and up. also weekends. RA 5-1483. Aug.13 Lake Scugog, new housekeep- ing cottages, three bedrooms, bath, shower and flush toilet. Large living room, kitchen, built-in cupboards, double sink, new refrigerator, heavy duty ranges, hot and cold water, screened-in patio, On lake front to Robert J. Parkin, R.R. 1, Little Britton. Phone 26R14, Aug. WEDDING PORTRAITS By ROBERT ALDSWORTH Photography at your home, church and reception. CAMPBELL'S STUDIO 26 SIMCOE S. RA 3-2532 FOR SUITS--DRESSES Oshawa's Finest Cleaners DIAL RA 5-1023 RADIANT CLEANERS OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Augl? Aug. 9 SMALL RESORT Cottages and winterized main lodge. Over four hundred feet of sondy lake front- age on beautiful Four Mile Lake. Full price only $15,- 000 with very good terms. A. R, Bennett, RR, 1, Fene- lon Falls. : 178¢f 28a--Hunting SHAW RAG AND METAL Jake , Shaw will pay you more for your scrap iron, tin, copper, brass, lead, aluminum, etc. 89 BLOOR ST. EAST RA 5-2311 Open Saturdays Also Auto Wrecking Aug.12 Phone 703 Pickering Wages compensating for labor 178e; 41--Room and Board A vacancy at 309 Centre Street, wi two refined men that appreciate a very quiet home, good mealf, single : ds. 1754 BEST in town, single beds, all mod sonveniences, close to south GI RA 5-429. Apply 536 Lorraine Street. Aug.$ ROOM and board for gentlemen. Shard room, Jsgle b Dads. Home privileges and TV. RA 5 Sept.1 SCRAP Raw furs, live poultry, fea- thers, scrap iron and metal, I. TURNER RA 3-2043 (collect) Aug. 12 ROOM nd bord or Aentiemen, © close: wntown Pp) Elgin East. RA 3.7814. Li 43--Wanted To Rent SELF - contained apartment wanted" Ne 0 Sept. 15 - Oct. 1. Write Box 80M: Times-Gazette. 1704+ ASSISTANT manager of Kresge's wanti a three - room, unfurnished apartm Close to Shopping Centre. RA 5- (between 9 and 6). 179 44--For Rent FIVE - room storey and a half bricl house. Living room, dining room, twi 35--Employment Wanted and kitchen; also two bath rooms and fireplace. Could he Sublet GJ EXCLUSIVE dress making. Re-model- ing and plain sewing. Phone for ap- pointment, RA 5.7754, Mrs. Kemp, 176f Close to school, also close to South plant, Phone RA 5-4558. 1800 NEW five- -Toom apartment, just like 4 hou t, showes EXPERIENCED brush painter, rior and interior, Gyptexing, Rate: r Phone RA 8.8079. 1761 GET YOUR FREE CATALOG NOW "LEAVE IT TO PEEVER"" Ron's jonitor service, Floors Our NEW 1958-59 Hunters Supply Catalog is now ready --- Bigger than ever -- 108 pages. Every Hunter and Outdoorman shouid have this exte- APPIY. Edward Sobczak, Watson Street' Port Whitby. 1801 TWO or three unfurnished rooms, al Ss i 36--Femole Help Wanted . 446 Vimy Avenue. 180 FIVE-room house inWhitby. RA 5-8057 180 HOUSEKEEPER required to look afte: home and children. Live in, Busines: man's home. 8-8571. 175 For appointment call RA| T 8 | FOUR-bedroom two-storey, oil heal modern home, large lot, nice neighbet hood, close to school, church, and bused: RA 5-8103. 17¢ f EXPERIENCED _ lunch room woman wanted for grill and counter work. RA 5-4811. 180f [newly decorated, ONE housekeeping room, suitable fq" couple or one gentleman, furnish very central. Ri 3-4470, 329 Athol E. 174 ed. Special plan for churches, clubs. Homer-Warren Company, Dept. 31, 418+ Bruce R. Dalton, 75 Charles Street. RA Aug.4 5712 Aug.11 | CHESTERFIELDS rebuilt, recovered |.ake new. Why pay more? Our rates y nd |are reasonable. Satisfaction guaran 8f |teed. Mattresses rebuilt Oshawa Up- holstering Co., 10 Bond Street West. Dial RA 5.0311, Aug. 13 15--instructions expertly cleaned, waxed, polished. Walls "washed. Offices, Homes and Factories Phone RA 8-867¢ NEED extra money? $25.00 and more can easily be earned by showing our fabulous Christmas cards and novelty gifts to friends and neighbors, Our huge, full color Christmas makes it easy (0 get plenty of orders. No experience necessary. Send no money. Write today for samples of fast selling items on approval and our free catalogue. Monarch Greeting Card Company, Dept. 12, 47 East Avenue, Hamulton. Aug.30 FULL time saleslady required by jew- ellery store in Oshawa Shopping Cen- tre. Experience preferred but not essential. For interview, phone RA 5-3511, 9.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. 180b LEGAL Stenographer, full or part time, air conditioned office, good salary, ex- perienced preferred shorthand neces- sary. Write Box 648 Times-Gazette. 77 12--Dr smaking ALTERATIONS, p pant - drape. Phone MA 3.2044. 13 g& Supplies LAWNS and sardens plouged, Roto. tilled and disced. too small or a RA 50345, 5-3576, Mr. Len Bowler. ROSES -- Thousands of roses Vi at Pickering Nurseries. Now is the best time to order. Pickering Nurseries on No, 2 Highway, three miles west of| Pickering 179b WANT sod? You'll be missing a good bet of you don't call us before you buy. We deliver or sell in field. RA $9076. Au, in Home Living, A Camp Fire, {Cirl's Chum, Live Alone and Like No More Alibis, HOE Nurs- i and Child care, and the B: "sey Twins at Snow Lodge. LOSES CACHE UNDER TV SET PORT HURON, Mich. (AP)-- Richard Jones was looking for another hiding place today. And a television thief had an unex- pected windfall of $285. Jones told police someone broke into his home and took his table- model TV set. He had hidden the money underneath. The intruder walked off with that too. sound gets louder as the crew gets closer. One of the difficuities encoun tered by forest fire crews has been getting directly to a small fire which may be visible from a tower or a plane but does not give enough smoke to make it easily sighted from the ground. The direction finder was a joint enterprise of R. H. Keenan, com- munications technician at Sioux Lookout, Don Cooper of Sault Ste. Marie, who handles all aircraft radio equipment, and other 1aem- pers of the communications branch, complete catalog. Fully illustrated, showing Guns, Scopes, Ammunitions, Hunt- ing Clothing, Reloading Tools, Handguns, and oll Hunting Accessories and Camping Supplies. ALL FULLY GUAR- ANTEED AT MONEY- SAVING PRICES. WRITE NOW to Sydney I. Robinson Sporting Goods Department 277 RUPERT AVE. WEST, WINNIPEG 2, MAN. July26,Aug.2 septic tanks installed, Weep- ing tile -. jo BROOKLIN. 173W Aug.16 THREE room apartment, two-plea bath. Separate entrance at 32 Charle Street. Apply 159 Celina Street. 176 APARTMENT, four completely furnish)' d rooms, August | possessior K. 8-8868. 7? oh Er ----------------------tal THREE + room apartment, groun {loo ge, on Buckingham Avenue RA 38769 after 5 p.m, 178 THREE unfurnished rooms and ga rage. Quiet home. Available anytime Apply 630 King Street West. RA 5.377% between 6 and 8 p.m. 178¢ INCOME home, modern, cated, - cuffing, 3 Aug.31 Gard. TAILORING Own materials made up. Alterations of all kinds. Invisible weaving, Prompt service, 10 Prince St, (near Bus Station) 1 Block, brick and stone layed, footings cement floors, com- plete foundations, Workman- ship quarrnteed. Free esti- mates J. & A. CONSTRUCTION PHONE RA 5-0551 Aug.25 Music Studio for all Instruments Piano Tuning ALTO MUSIC SUPPLIES New and Used Pianos Full Selection of all Instruments (New and Used) 477 Simcoe Street South Aug.30 centrally lo RA 5-0970 178- FURNISHED rooms, friends to share! $6 weekly, light housekeeping, close ts shopping centre. 137 Rosehill Boule: vard. Aug.é ' LEN PULLAN (English Tailor) T.T.5., Aug.?