(Robert Zachrich, 32, all of Hol- SUPER-MUSHROOM |gate, Ohio, | LITTLE OFFLEY, Eng. (CP--. The survivor, Arthur Eis, 52,| x » also of Holgate, told police the|A mushroom weighing 30 ounces FIRST AID TO THE AILING HOUSE By ROGER C. WHITMAN ; g CHAPLEAU, Ont. (CP)--Three | from when ome of the found in a field in this area with penzene (being ex-|sound absorption. False walliOhio men--two of them brothers) drowned men stood up to aay las bees to village. of our tremely careful of fire hazard) could be built on either the froot| were drowned Thursday night | pis fishing line. | the {when their small boat overturned Mather's Lake is about 70 miles More people travel by automo- on Mather's Lake, 31 miles south | ! of here. A fourth man swam to|POrtheast of Sault Ste. Marie. Iie than by all other means of, | combined, And' [2 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Scturdey, August 2, 1953 TIMES-GAZETTE HOME OF THE WEEK Three Ohio Men Drownex In Lake STIFFENING RUGS QUESTION: Several bedroom rugs have been launder-i{to remove all tracés of grease!room or bathroom side of ed so much they have become|and grime. Then sandpaper ex- dividing wall. quite limp. How can they be stiff- posed metal until bright. Apply REMOVING LACQUER ened? material, following label direc- ANSWER: Turn the rugs over. tions carefully, filling chipped QUESTION: I have Then tack them lightly in place. |area to level of surr di g ena. had 1 sprayed on them to '|(available paint stores) _|quarts of water. Spray the backs Dissolve a half-pound of chip glue in two of the rugs with the solution and z!low to dry thoroughly. Coating {undersides with shellac also is "|satisfactory. HOME DESIGN NO. 246 Everyone including the Joneses and the Smiths will praise this home when it's built. Consideration was given for building this design on a narrow lot . . . which may be just what you had in mind. Notice the basic plan, the three large bedrooms so well ar. ranged, the separate entry : zll, spacious living and dining com- bination and huge closet in the vestibule. Consider the sunny effect you'll always have with the many glassed areas. The sink under the corner kitchen window permits plenty of day- light in that work area too. There is also a full basement which could be used for the youngsters recreational area, With six. closets and a broom ATH HALL uw LIVING 4 DINING cL neries y| PAPERING NEW PLASTER #| QUESTION: We did some re-| modelling that involved replaster- ing a wall. Now we wquld like to apply wallpaper to thé®wall. How long must we wait? Does the plaster require any treatment : It is advisable to wait about two months to allow the plaster to dry out thoroughly. Before wallpapering, a coat of glue sizing should be applied. |SEPTIC TANK CARE led into a house with a septic perience with one before this, we about care and so forth of a sep- tic tank. ANSWER: An excellent booklet mel in successive coats. Protect|prevent tarnish. Now the lacquer patch against rubbing or water has turned yellow. What can I and will not dent with finger-nail quer thinner did not work. pressure. WER: Try removing the LEAKING ROOF lacquer with a caustic soda solu- QUESTION: Last year we had half gallon of cold water. (Pro- a brick-faced, cinder block ga-itect hands with gloves.) Apply rage built. The top is of poured |with brush or cloth. When lacquer concrete and used as a sun deck softens, rub off with coarse cloth, The inside walls and ceiling have|Then rinse in clear water and been sealed with a stay-dry com-|wipe dry. Polish. | QUESTION: We recently mov- tank. Never having had any ex- like to get some information ty clean black pound, but whenever it rains the DISCOURAGE PIGEONS |garage leaks from the roof and! QUESTION: Is there any kind {the walls stay damp. What can!of chemical or ingredient market- {we do to seal the walls? led today to prevent and discour- ANSWER: Clean roof surface age pigeons from nesting in with mild solution of tirsodium eaves and rafters of old build- |phosphate to remove all traces|ings? of grease and grime; then apply] ANSWER: Yes, there is now a liquid waterproofing compound at | chenical preparation available for masonry supplies stores, follow- spreading on eaves of houses to (in label directions. |discourage pigeons and other |bird nuisances. It is not harmful BLACKENED BRICKS ito the bi rds, but is unpleasant to | QUESTION: What can we use| their feet and claws. It is avail- . ened bricks in a|aple at many garden supplies (fireplace? | dealers. ANSWER: Clean sooty bricks | |with a stiff brush or steel wool| on the subject is "Manual of Sep-|and a mechanics' hand soap con-| tic Tank Practice," available for taiging sand. Rinse off all traces 35 cents (no stamps) from Super- of the cleaner with clear water. | intendent of Documents, ington, D.C, Wash-|If the soiling is too deep to re-| |move this way, rub the bricks PLASTIC TILE OVER METAL |With a carborundum block (avail-| |able at paint and hardware] QUESTION: I would like to put | plastic tile in my bathroom. But |5'0res): Hard work! | (MORTGAGE LOANS AVAILABLE some | shore. | silver - plated lamps that have transportation Provincial police have recoy- ered the bodies of Donald Thiroff, Edible mushrooms have been more automotive advertising dol-' cultivated in Britain. since the lars are invested in dally mews- 23, his brother, Charles, 22, and) 17th century. papers than in any other medium until it is completely hardened |use to remove this coating? Lac-| | | tion, using one-half pound in ove- | QUIET ond RESTFUL You will never have a "haunted house" if you build with modern Hollow Concrete Masonry. These mysterious creaks ond squeoks that sometimes woke you out of o sound sleep or bother you while you ore trying to rest and relax, are conspicuous by their absence. * Solidly anchored walls of concrete masonry units, with cored dead air spaces built right into them, ond the cellular noture of the material itself, oll combine to minimize outside noises, With concrete masonry, there can be no sagging, swelling, bulging or warping. So if you want a quiet, restful home , . . build with Concrete Masonry! Ask us for bulletin, HEHE hills fi ill HENDERSON CONCRETE PRODUCTS LIMITED | i Ralph S. Jones it has metal tile now. Should 1/SOUNDPROOFING WALL 1089 NELSON STREET PHONE RA 5-7041 closet, this home is perfect for the average family. Standard A $9.75 a set may be obtained for this design No. 246. For further " information write to: Buiiders' y Page Editor, The Times- Gazette, Oshawa. A new Home Planner book entitled '71 Se- lected Low Cost Homes for Canadians", price 75¢, includes this design and may be obtain- ed at the newspaper office or Builders blueprints costing Cn by writing to this same address. IN THE HOME WORKSHOP BELL-RINGER ACTION WINDMILL Oshawa, The Building Editor, Oshawa Times-Gazette, Ontario. new over the old? | take the old tile off, or put the| QUESTION: In remodeling our| |house we installed a bathroom} Barrister & Solicitor ANSWER: I would advise re-|Which has one wall partition next moval of the metal tile. Since|to the front room. We cannot most metal tiles have a baked |stagger the 2 x 4's as the par-| enamel finish, the use of the ad-|tition has been put in and the hesive for the plastic tile may [sheetrock put on the bathroom. |have some effect pn the enamel, However, the sheetrock is not on thus loosening it. the inside wall of the bathroom. | 65 Simcoe St. South Dial RA 5-3525 CHIPPED KITCHEN TABLE {At this point we realized it should | a chip in the white enamel sur-iness of loose or batt insulation, face of a metal kitchen table? lof using any at all. Would it It is approximately the size of a help any to bore holes in the! | quarter. 2 x 4's? We understand these are ANSWER: Repair can be made conductors of sound. with bathtub enamel, liquid og 1 ANSWER: I suggest attaching] | celain glaze, or enamel patching |the insulation sheets on one-inch | _ |be soundproofed. There is a dif- QUESTION: How can I 1"5ur- ness o of opinion about effective- ( ) Please send me further details about how to obtain standard pufty, available at paint and|furing strips. Boring holes in| Builders blue print for home design No. 246. Plans entitled "71 Selected low cost Homes for Canadians." hardware stores. First washithe 2 x 4's will do no good for | HEADQUARTERS for (Please make remittance payable to The Oshawa Times- PATTERN 239 a) lao <q Hen By RUTH W. SPEARS Gazette.) Address "TELEVISION LOG Municipalities ' Seek Payments MONTREAL (CP)--The Cana- |dian Federation of Mayors and | Municipalities has asked the na- |tional harbors board for higher | payments in lieu of taxes in cities | where it owns property and has port installations. In a brief presented to the board at a special meeting Thurs- Mamma rings a bell for din- CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto day the mayors sought payments WROC-TV, Channel S5--Rochester ner, the windmill whirls and the Cape Cod cottage catches every breeze. Actual-size pattern 239 for| WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffalo this action windmill is 40 cents. Or send $1.75 for Packet No. 11 which contains this pattern and four other large sheets of actual- size designs for windmills weathervanes, Send letter to The Home Workshop Department, Times-Gazette, Oshawa. {] 4/64 | 2 7 PATTERN 258 These jolly ducks may be used for the sides of a toy wheelbar- row or as lawn or garden novel.| 2-Dick Clark Show ties. Pattern 258, which gives ac- tual - guides for the ducks and direc. tions for the wheelbarrow shown | This pattern |i1,6--Movie also is one of five in Packet 61-- | 5--Club Oasis htre, is 40 cents. Toys and Fumishings for small children, all for $1.75. Address letters to The Oshawa. Chrysler Resumes Distribution Job WINDSOR, Ont. (CP)--Ron W Todgham, president of Chrysler of Canada, said today his com- pany will assume full responsi bility for distribution in Can of automotive products manufac. tured by the Simca company He was commenting on an an- aouncement that Chrysler Cor- poration will acquire a substan- 11,6--Zorra and|"s_ Monmouth Racing | 6-Mr. || S~Lawrence Welk / 2 7.00 P.M. £/ $I) 11--City Detective | A size cutting and painting| 2--Country Music 30 P Home Workshop | 5--Turning Point Department, The Times-Gazette, *-Have Gun Will Travel | SATURDAY EVE. 5.00 P.M. 4---Film 530 P.M. 11,6-Wild Bill S5--~Maverick 6.00 P.M, 11---Wrestling 6--Here and There 4-News: Sports 2--Where Were You 6:15 P.M. 4~Cisco Kid 6.30 PM. Fix-It, News Hickock | ¢-Yesterday's 4-Film Feature 0 | Gun will | Travel U of 2--Jungle 1.3 P.M, 11--Lone Wolf 6--Holiday Ranch | 5--~People¢e Are Funny 4--Perry Mason Round Table | | 8.00 P.M. 11,6,5--Bob Crosby 8 Top Dollar 2.00 P.M, Mm, 4-Oh! Susanna 2~Lawrence Welk 9.30 P. M, 10.00 P.M, S--~Amateur Hour 4~Gunsmoke | 2~Hayride 10.30 P.M, 11,6--Here's Duffy | 5--Andy Williams | & Silent Service 2-Harbor Command | no PM, 11-News; Royal Tour 6---~News; Royal Visit 5-26 Men 4,2~News: Sports nis P.M weather; ada ¢_wrestiing 2-Just Music ns P.M, y=Movie 4~Playhouse 2---Swing Shift 12.00 Mid-nite tial interest in the big French |ll--Late Show producer of automobiles, trucks and farm equipment. Mr. Todgham said the move will permit dealers to share a segment of the automotive mar- ket 5 that shows considerable promise of future development. London Fire Puts Five In Hospital LONDON, Ot. (CP)--Firemen shrouded in clouds of thick smoke that sent five of them to hosjital for emergency 'reatment battled more than seven hours Thursday before bringing under.- control a stubborn smouldering dowAtown fire at the recently-closed Three Star Restaurant, Every member of the depart- ment was called into the battle as the dense smoke plugged air pack cannisters, limiting endur- ance of the men. No one was in the restaurant which had been closed since early July. Cause of the blaze was not yet known Joseph Kowal, who holds mortgage on the fixtures and furnishings in the aurant said the loss might exceed $120, 800, the SUNDAY | 9.00 AM. 5-Christian Science 4--~Let's Open The Door Program 3~The Christophers v.15 AM S--Industry on Parade 0.50 AM. 5-This is the Life % Christian Science 10.00 A. | 8-Christophers blame Unto My 1 ee | 3~The Pastor 10:30 AM. $-Look at Congress &~Uncle Jerry 2-The Way has AM S-Little Rascals hon AM, $--Roy ogers 4-~Eye on New York 2---Morning Gospel 1.30 AM 4-Camera Three Nas AM 2--Sacred Heart | 12.00 NOON | 5--Cartoon Theatr 4~News: Weather | 2 This Is the Life 1215 Pm eaturette rm 4-Filn 13.4 | S--Little Rascals 4~Look Up and Live 2-Dept.' Of Ag iL PM Young riculture | 2 Plavhouse | 3.00 P.M This is the Life S5-Frankie Laine 4--Soccer Matches wish P.M 11--This Is The Life 6--~Hometown 5-Kit Carson 4.00 P.M, | 11,6--Country Calendar 5-Mr. Wizard 2~Science Fiction 30 P.M, Rev Roberts 6--~The Sky 5--Youth Wants to Know 2~Laurel and Hardy 5.00 P.M. 11, 6~Summer Magazine 5--~Frontiers of Faith 4--Last Word 530 PM. 3--Comment 4--Face The Nation 2% -Lone Ranger 6.00 | 11---waterfront" 6 Burns ana Allen 5---Meet the Press | 4~=The Search 2---Captain Grief l1--Little Theatre 6----Father Knows Best 5--Anybody Can Play 4--Air Power 2~Search for Adventure 7.00 P.M, 11--Father Knows Best 6--Frontier Justice 5--Noah's Ark 4--Lassie 2-Boots and Saddle 0 PM, 11----Movie Showcase 6--~News Magazine 5-No Warning 4--Bachelor Father 2--~Maveriek 8.00 P.M. 6,4--Ed Sullivan 5--Steve Allan 8.30 PM, 2-Anybody Can Play 0.00 P.M, 11,6-World's Stage 5--Chevy Show 4--~GE Theatre 2-Traffic Court +180 P.M, 11,6--Showtime 4--~Alfred Hitchcock 2-You Asked For we P.M. 11,6--Close Up S--Decision 4 '$64,000 Challenge | 2=1 Led Three Lives 10.30 P.M. | 11,6--~Explorations 5,4-What's My Line T Jackie Gleason nen PM. 11-~News: Royal Tour 6--News; Royal Visit 5--Paris Precinct 42-News: Weather; Sports 1.15 P.M, 6--British Empire Games 2-Swing Shift ns P.M, 6--~This Week S5--All Star Theatre 4--Theatre 12,00 MIDNIGHT 6--Camera Three 11--Late Show MONDAY 8.00 AM. Toda 4--Cartoon Capers 8.45 P.M, 2---Rumpus Room v.00 AM. 2 Eddie Cantor 9.30 AM, 5--Favorite Story 2--Boston Blackie | 4 Susie won AM, 5~Dough Re Mi 4--For Love or Money | &~My Little Margie 10.30 AM. >= Lreasure Hunt 4---Play Your Hunch 2 Abbott and Costello ow AM, 5-- Price Is Right |. 4=Arthur Godfrey 2-Mr D A 1.30 AM, $--Concentration 4--Dotto 2--Public Defender 12.00 NOON $-Tic Tac Dough 2--Love of Life 4~News 12.30 P.M. 8--It Could Be You 4~Search for Tomorrow 2~Matinee LOO P.M. S-Feature Movie 4--Meet The Millers 1.30 P.M, 4~The World Turns 2.00 P.M, 4--Beat The Clock 2--Helen Neville 2.30 P.M, S--Home Couking 4--House Party 2--Laff Time 5.00 P.M. 5--Today is Ours 4-The Big Payoff 2-American Bandstand 3.30 P.M, 5-From These Roots 4~The Verdict Is Yours 2-Trus 4.00 P.M, | 11=Trouble With Father 5, 4--Serial Stories 2--American Band- stand 4.5 P.M, 11--Cartoon Capers MONDAY EVENING 6.00 P.M, {1--Family Theatre 6--Man from Tomorrow S5--Playhouse 4--Fun to Learn 2-Superman 5.16 P.M. 6--Cbildren s Newsreel 4--Children's Theatre Your Wife 5.30 P.M 6,2---Mickey Mouse 6.00 P.M. 6--Captain Grief 4---Headlines; News 2--Colonel Bleep Kid 6.30 P.M. | 6---Patti Page | 1, 3--News; Sports . 6.45 P.M. 6, 5, ¢-Weather News: 2~Comedy Capers 1.00 P.M. 11--Movie 6--Tabloid $--Dick Clark 4---Death Valley Days 2--Corliss Archer 1.30 P.M, 6--Scan 5--Mental Health 4-Robin Hood 2-Twilight Theatre Weather; 8.00 P.M. 1,6--Miilionaire 5-Restless Gun 4--Burns and Allen A30 P.M, 11--The Unforeseen 6--On Camera Wells Fargo 4-Arthur Godfrey 3-Bold Journey 9.00 P.M. 11, 6-1 Love Lucy 5 Twenty tne 4--Lucy Shows 2--Featurama ¥.30 P.M. 11 6--Tugboat Annie 5--Alcoa Theatre Mer of Annapolis woe P.M 11--Man Behind the Badge. 6--Studio One 4-Studio One 5-8heriff of Cochise 0.3 P.M, 11--Oh! Susanna | 5--Music Bingo 2--The Whistier no p | | 6~Viewpoint 5-Movie Theatre 2--Sports Reel nan P.M, ll--Late Show 6-Decoy 2-Swing Shift 4=~Playhouse equal to the amount which would | be levied as taxes on private WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffals owners for the same amount of property. They said taxes on board prop- erty in eight cities and one town- ship would amount to $5,878,200 |if the property were privately owned, Grants paid by the har- | bors board in lieu of taxes on the property totalled $416,500 in 1957. The brief said that if harbor board property were privately owned, Port Colborne In 1957] would have received in taxes $30,000, and the township of Ed- wardsburg, Ont., $47,000, | Board payments instead of taxes in 1957 were: Port Colborne $6,000, and Edwardsburg $6,000. r rf | sini \™ Happy PumsER = YOU'LL AGREE ~ YOUR JOB'S BEEN DONE PLUMBING = HEATING HEADQUARTERS FOR ELECTRICAL FIXTURES Hundreds to Choose From HILL - CORNISH ELECTRIC LIMITED 50 PRINCE RA 3-2248 IF YOU WANT TO SEE FAST ACTION , , We make short work of emergency plumbing repairs . . . get on the job fast and right to the seat of the trouble with rio time or money wasted, LORNE GOODMAN Plumbing & Heoting 758 Mary St. RA 5-1044 NEW HIGH 'THIS SUMMER When the mercury reaches a record high, you'll be hitting a new high in home comfort. Insulation from McCULLOUGH LUMBER is the answer . . . even in the most sweltering sun, your home can be as much as 15 degrees cooler. Call us at RA 33011 for FREE delivery of your insulation this week. sUDGET PAYMENTS ARRANGED 1270 SIMCOE ST.N. * 72£.RA3 3011 ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS WwW. PAVING LTD. CLEAN AND DURABLE BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME B. BENNETT FREE ESTIMATES BOX 305 OSHAWA RA 8-8132 oe Custom Millwork eDoors--Trim e Hardwood Flooring eo Rental Machines o Builders Hardware oClay & Cement Brick Call Us For Your Building Needs '@ Plywood eo Cement oe Garage Doors oe Glidden Paint oFloor & Wall Tile oe Eavestroughing '® MORTGAGES ARRANGED e FREE ESTIMATES © NO DOWN PAYMENT LT OUR NEW 1958 CATALOGUES ARE NOW AVAILABLE -- DROP IN FOR ONE @ EASY PAYMENT PLAN "Oshawa's Most Complete Supply House" TRE TT MR UI IRRRR RY OR PHONE FOR DELIVERY I ---- i ------ MILLWORK & BUILDING 1279 SIMCOE ST. N. SUPPLIES RA 3-4694