Farndale-Gerrow Nuptial Rites Solemnized In Port Perry The marriage of Patricia Kent|mittens and rhinestone trimmed ghter of Mr. and|crescent shaped headdresses and Mrs. Grant M. Gerrow of Port|carried shallow wicker baskets of Perry, and Douglas Howard cascading white and yellow Farnda son of Mr. and Mrs. /shasta chrysanthemums. ; Howard Farndale of North Osh-| The four - year - old flower girl, lawa, was solemnized recently in Janet Sheridan, was a demure [the Port Perry United Church. miniature of her mother, Mrs. | The Reverend R. H. Rickard of Weler Speridsn, With the gxeep: officiated at the double ring cere. ad basket of "pink sweetheart |mony. The wedding music was| Foses and white pom poms. played by Miss Donna Samells of Port Perry who also accom- * |panied Mr. Kenneth. Hallett of {Sonya who sang "The Lord's {Prayer preceding the cere- {mony and +'Because" during the At the reception and dinner to {signing of the register 105 guests held in the church The bride who was given iniparjors the bride's mother chose marriage by her father wore a a street - length dress of French floor - length gown of cathedral|piye crepe with a navy blue straw {white fashioned of nylon chiffon picture hat and matching acces- {over net and taffeta. The sabrina|gories, The bridegroom's mother | | | | | | { Gerrow, only dau acted as best {were Mr. Bruce Gerrow, Oshawa, |Mr. Walter Sheridan, Toronto, |Mr. Robert Farndale and Mr. Wil- {liam Farndale of Oshawa. ¢ [neckline was framed in simple aeqicting was. in an afternoon| fichu - folds forming into large! qress of white and blue flowered cascading streamers which €X-\ nylon chiffon with a large picture tended to the hemline of the bouf-/pat and white accessories. Both fant - styled skirt, The three-| wre corsages of chrysanthe- {quarter length circular silk iliu- mums. Mrs. H. Gerrow, sion veil bordered wi the valley designed lace was held|pjue figured silk with white ac- inplace by a petite s lloped-| cescories and a corsage of pink edge capulet of irid se-| feathered carnations quins She wore el -length A feature of the wedding ar- tucked mittens and carried a panoements was the honor be- lace. covered white Bible on which|giowed upon the bride by the rested a mauve orchid corsage Gir] Guide Organization of which with white satin streamers en- she was a member and gold cord twining small pink sweetheart winner when eight Girl Guides roses formed a guard of honor at the Mrs. Walter Sheridan of To- entrance to the church. ronto was matron - of - honor for, For the honeymoon trip to Ber- her cousin. The bridesmaids, muda by plane the bride wore a| were Miss Dawn Slemmon of peau de soie figured silk sheath] Ottawa, Miss Marle | Manilla: Miss Ca and Miss Jean 3) L CATHOLIC NUPTIALS Pictured following their wed- | of Mrs. Martin Bussanich of ding recently at Holy Cross | Oshawa and the late Mr.Bus- Roman Catholic: Church are | sanich, and the bridegroom is Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Komel. | the son of Mr. and Mrs. Mario Formerly Miss Antonia Bussan- | Komel of Oshawa ich, the bride is the daughter Photo by Mary's Studio. PERSONALS The employes of the shoe de-|England and Mrs. Louise Webb partment of the T. Eaton Com-|of Writtle, England, were lunch-| pany at the shopping centre gave eon guests on Saturday at the a surprise party for Mrs. Stewart summer home of Mr. and Mrs. | M. Burk, Dearborn avenue, at/William Evans at Pine Point, her home recently. Mrs. Burk Lake Scugog. was presented with a patent bag and umbrella set and a buffet lunch was served. Mrs. Burk leaves August 2 to live in Cal- gary, Alberta The Mis Lawton of dress in beige and brown tones Hewitt| with a matching hat, a cinnamon mells of Port/brown duster coat, beige accesso- Perry. All were gowned in nylon|ries and an orchid corsage. On chiffon in summer pastels of|their return Mr. and Mrs. Farn- sunshine yellow|dale will live at 2054 Courtland in ballerina-|drive, Burlington length. The shirred bodices and| Out of town guests were pres- de medici necklines. featuring a ent from Ottawa, Belleville, King- [floating panel at the ba »ar-{ston, Oshawa, Toronto, Whitby, ried out the trend of the bride's/ Burlington. Manilla, Uxbridge, [gown They wore elbow-lengthiOakwood and Lindsay. Mr. Ivor Davies was master of ceremonies at'the Gordon-Moore reception at Knox Presbyterian Church on Saturday afternoon. Members and friends of the| oH : unshine group of King Street Dickey, Tyler - crescent, are |r, ;.q Church WA poi Mo: at spending the summer at theiriy .. goioo0 at the cottage of home in Newington, Ontatio./y, and Mrs, A. E. Hatfield and] Miss Marion Dickey is a teacher Mrs. Fred Spencer recently for a at Woodcrest Public School, and| ; io "Games were played and| Miss Jean Dickey teaches at Rit- prizes awarded to ihe wingers.. son Public School The tea table was set on the lawn when 24 were present. During the evening boating was enjoyed through the kindness of Mr. Hat- field. Mrs. George Montgomery expressed thanks to the host and hostess for ther hospitality. ses Marion and Jean o Miss Christine Thompson, Tyler erescent, a teacher at South Sim- coe Public School, is spending the summer at her home in Luck- now, Ontario. Mr. Fraser Kelly, street west, an dhis broth Robert Kelly of Toronto, returne yesterday. from a week's fishing Bip 2 Enytield igh Polat au Margaret Jean McEachern, all of : i Peferlaw; Miss Norma Gordon, | Mr. and Mrs. Walter Price, 2nd Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Gor- Park road north, returned Sun- dom, Niagara Falls, Ontario; Mr day from a six - week visit to/and Mrs. Edward Patton, Dave England where they visited Mr. Patton and Don Patton, Cobourg. Price's brother, Mr. Sidney Price] -- Joan A. Houston ™ Solbotns Out of town guests at the Gor- 4 |don-Moore wedding were Mr. and | Mrs Gilian Thorburn, Miss Jacqueline = McEachern, Miss of Rugby, England, and his sis- His 2 uy ters, Mrs. Horace Pardoe, and ad nll Mrs. T. Kirk both of Chelten- VILLE Mr. Leonard Kay of Burlington * man. Ushering|® th lilies of| grandmother of the bride, was in| completed: {that they can be combined in dif- |ferent costumes for another play. |cussion conducted one evening a|lthrough "a hard time of social omen, Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 8 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Tuesday, July 22, 1958 "| Eskimo Miss || Earns Wings | As Stewardess By BOB TRIMBEE Canadian Press Staff Writer ; WINNIPEG (CP) -- A petite|# Eskimo miss who knows how to| throw a harpoon and drive a dog ¥ (team now flies. over the sub- ~ |Aretic wilderness of Northern [Canada as an airline stewardess. | | Ann Witaltuk, 23, who was born on a lonely island in James : {Bay, has lived in southern Can- ada for six years and qualified |as a nurse's assistant. But in an interview she said shd still likes blubber and seal .ligr. 4 She joined TransAir Limited J | this spring after she "fell in love" ON VON STAFF {with the stewardess while a pas-| senger on the airlines' inaugural | i L flight from Churchill to Montreal. | Recently appointed as staff She earned her wings May 15 and | nurse with the Oshawa Branch |pow is nearing the end of a 90- of the Victorian Order of day probationary period as a Nurses is Miss Joan Lucille |stewardess. Andrusko. Miss Andrusko is a | Miss Witaltuk was born in the graduate or the School of Nurs- {frame house of her grandfather | : , on Cape Hope Island in James ing of the Vancouver General {Bay, 570 miles northwest of Ot- Hospital and received her dip- |tawa. loma in public health from the | 7 y University of British Columbia. |CONVENT EDUCATION She succeeds Miss Annette La- | She got her early education at|an air londe who recently resigned to | convent operated by the Oblate keep |g: | & 1 § | | & at St. Angel the fo be married, A - - ------ | George, Que., on the coast of {Hudson Bay, and at Moosonee, In |Ont, 'At 16 she went to Hamilton {to take a course as a nurses's|. net, fo ing, is Waterloo Woma United in marriage recently lic Church were Mr. and Mrs. is the If you're lucky enough to have Fathers and Grey Nuns at Fort opce-a- coat of wax wil ce De fragran of Youth in bath luxuries by YARDLEY Enjoy Yardley luxuries for | your bath--in Lavender, | the fragrance of youth. | . LAVENDOMEAL per drum ; : C(AVENDER SOAP sg Tablet 50¢ ITALIAN N Box of thee Carone of Oshuwa, and the late $1.50 Mrs. Carone, and the bride- groom is the son of Mrs. Gaitno Paparella, Italy, and the late Mr. Paparella. --Photo by Mary's Studio Gregory's Roman Catho- o Paparella, The bride, | rmer Miss Maria Carone, daughter of Mr, Nichola LAVENDER TALCUM POWDER 75¢ and $1.50 GOLDEN WEDDING CHATHAM, Ont. (CP) -- Mr. conditioner in your home, and Mrs. Michael McGarvin of #t bright and clean, A Hamilton celebrated their 50th week washing of the cabi- Wedding oy Yersaty at their Nowed by {Summer home nearby. Mr. Me- lowed IY 2 horough hin arvin, 81. is a retired high 1 keep it bright school principal. Mrs. McGarvin "7 87lis a life member of the Anglican HOUSEHOLD HINT | assistant at the sanatorium there. {She has been home only once since For Stratford Last summer she was nurse | and registrar on the department STRATFORD, Ont. (CP) --lof transport's icebreaker C. D.|' Stitching for the stage is the job/Howe. Flying south she met the| of Carolyn Snider, 22, Waterloo. | stewardess She is a junior apprentice fin-| Miss Witaltuk learned hunting isher for a theatre costumier, and dog driving as a child but is which meats is i severs] not proud of her hunting prowess. months now she has been work-| , . ing on costumes for performers, Once Wien] wat alone 1 tried i in the Stratford Shakespearean, ded it and it oe Festival. " She says there is a vast dif-| With the harpoon. ference between costume making] and ordinary dressmaking; be-|costumes so that they can be al-|' sides style changes since the 17th|tered easily to fit understudies.|' century, felt and canvas bases) Miss Snider has worked on six|' are used for all fabrics to give|plays in the Shakespearean Fes-|# them body, and carpet glue is|tival and sees each play at least|: used. Sections of costumes are/three times in dress rehearsal. then assembled so| "I attend opening nights too; it means so much more when you've worked on the produc- tion" she said. nm Stitches Costumes | Big seams are allowed on all Medical And Social Therapy Give New Hope To Epileptics MONTREAL (CP) -- Medicine and social therapy are being combined to give teen-age sei- zure patients new hope for nor-| mal lives, says Joyce Beatty, di- | rector of social work at the|norma! lives as possible." Montreal Neurological Institute. In the 'discussion group young + "An experimental group dis-/men and women who had been "Now medical and social treat- ment go hand in hand. As the seizures are brought under con- trol by medical measures, the pa- |f tients are encouraged to lead as ham, 'whom Mr. Price had not seen in 45 years. Mrs. Price also visited her old home in Wor- cester m Feted Bride-Elect Miss Joan Adele Houston whose arriage to Mr. William John Alexander will take place in St Mr Yoronto cousins, Travell their Mrs. are visiting Mr and Centre street Ira gy at Miss Beth Travell Centre street, is visiting Miss Carol Jamieson at her parents' cottage Horseshoe Lake, Haliburton. tle items of social news are velcom any E ng |eral Motors why not telephone pleasure your Mrs treet eturned Booth and Mrs. ay Hargreaves acation in Pet-ig Toronto erborough and and Mrs the Whitby w Matthews and Mrs, Herbert Mann of Stephen's United Church on Fri day evening, July 25, has been jest of honor at several pre- ptia! events, Mrs. Edwin Brown entertained at a miscellaneous shower at her nome El F on Corbett's road. Miss inor- Woods and Miss Marily: ice were co-hostesses. A picnic shower was held at e in this column. Geneva Park by the girls of the Department, Gen- The bride-elect was ented with a coffee table A neighborhood miscellaneous ower was held at the home of Harold Flintoff, Roger Co-hostesses, Mrs. Leslie John Riordan, ssisted in serving. A pink shower was given at home of Mrs. Dale Pettes, those in attendance being ngineering _tormer and present fellow work- e at id Sunday eve-|F the bride-elect Mrs. Robert Hood entertained a shower at her home on "inucane street. The bride-to-be rs of Park in honor |was presented with a floor polish- Clifford Demp Who were 30th wedding an Mr. and Mrs Warren avenue il cele- ir and 5s Dolley 10 ere celebr anni 3 m va. Mr. Johnig and Osha Marsh assisted the hostess. party home of Mr Alexander Mrs. S Gallagher and bedroom lamps and Mrs. J. the rehearsal on evening the bridal will be entertained at the and Mrs. William Orchard View, par- Following nts of the bride- TO LIVE IN BELLE Mr. and Mrs. Richard John | daughter of Dr. and Mrs. W. G : Schroder are pictured following i McKay of Oshawa and the [the Royal Victoria Hospital a solutions to their problem. their marriage recently in St. | bridegroom is the son of Mr. {chance to discuss their prob-| In conjunction with the youth George's Memorial Church and Mrs. Richard Schroder of |lems," sald Miss Beatty in an | discussions the clinic held Formerly Miss Alice Adella | Toronto. interview {French - spea king discussion 3% (Dell) McKay, the bride is the The "seizure clinic deals with groups for parents of school-age 8 -- m- sp - all forms of what the public gen-|seizure victims--part of the clin- |B {erally calls epliepsy, a term doc-|ic's public education program. tors found inadequate to desig-|; g00 REGISTERED nate the wide variety of diseases] y | The clinic, supported by fed.-® provincial rehabilitation marked by seizures |grants, had about 1,000 children week at the MNT gives teen-agers adjustment" couid encourage treated at the seizure clinic of|other patients to help them find --Photo by Ireland Double-Ring Ceremony Unites Beth Moore And George Gordon bs, Fa sont 130 and society, often kept out of|and a ults registered. Parents wide bertha collar of Guipure|gchool, given no work or social | Were encouraged to <end their Jace forming a cap sleeve. The contracts, because of pessimism [children to regular schoois. bouffant skirt was worn over alregarding treatment, sald Miss| Seizure patients can do many crinoline. A beaded coronet held Beatty. types of work with out problems, her finger tip veil of tulle {llu -- |says Miss Beatty. Many should sion and she carried a cascade " {not, nowever, drive cars or op of red roses, feathered white car-|2T® Falls, Outatie: >a ben san erate machinery by which they nations, and stephanotis for his brother. Mr. Arthur John: might get hurt should they have son and Mr. Allister Moore were an attack Mrs. Keith Stainton' wa 8|yghers . matron of honor for her | J Most persons attending the Seizure victims a few decades|eral ago were neglected by parents| Presbyterian Church ing for a wedding afternoon when Elizabeth (Beth of Mrs. Clarke a and the late was united in mar- riage with George Douglas Gor- don, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Gordon of Amherst, N.S, Knox formed the se last Saturday Catherin Moore, daug Moore ( Mr. Moore melon e of summ lends CASABLANCA A versatile traveller, styled in plain sharkskin, with pert collar, short sleeves, tops the healter-styled sheath. An easy - warh, little ironing seeing, night-time glamor. Church Women's Auxiliary dio cesan board and a past president 4 (of Hamilton Women's Conserva- tive Association. Start the day right with a WHITE SHIRT Get off to a good head start every morning in a shirt os fresh and daz- zling white as the day you bought it! We always finish your shirts exactl- ly to your taste. You always have that pricesless "well . groomed" look of success! b¢ In by 10-Out by 4 oo PHONE RA 8-5141 ACADIAN Cleaners 299 BLOOR ST. WEST 139 BLOOR ST. EAST- and striped arnel in frosted mint or shades. A snug jacket, er item, this costume itseif to day-time sight- ] sister,| The reception was held In the d and Miss Jane Patton, a cousin lower hal! of Knox Church, sere [Louie lives Normal Uves, Satis of the bride, was bridesmaid. |ihe bride's mother received MeaAr- of both the public and the pa- The waltz . length gown WOrn {ing a navy blue dress of silk | re Ren ey by both the attendants were styl |erepe and lace with a large pink | ed on identical lines of Iceberg hat, matching accessories and A white dotted nylon organza de-|.orgape of pink carnations. The signed with a Sabrina nec kline | pridegroom'a mother, who was and a matching taffeta cummer-| naple to be present " telephoned bund offset with a fabric corsage good wishes at the reception of roses. The slee ven were! por the honeymoon trip, bracelet - length . They wore pic. pride wore a green print dress | ture hats and mittens to match of polished cotton with white! their .gowns-antl each carried a go00ip0rios i ascade of pink carnations their return the couple will nom poms. at 90 Quebec street, Osh The Reverend Robert B. Mil- roy officiated at the double ring ceremony. Mr. David Jenkins played the wedding music and accompanied Mr Davies, uncle of the 'bride, who sang "The Twenty-third Psalm" before the ceremony and "I'll Walk Be- side You" during the signing of the register her marriage by I the brother, Mr. Joh Moore bride wore a full length gown of cloud white nylon chiffon over ( wet and taffeta fashioned with a Hi portrait neckline offset with a' Mr. Malcolm Gordon of Niag awa and prospective nd Mr. Nicholas Seymour | zroom r and Mrs, Demp- | and Mr. and Mrs ¥ net D3 Mh A ------ A ---------- SOCIAL NOTICE ENGAGEMENT and Mrs. Robert Hewton n of Oshawa announce agement of their daugh Caryl, to Mr. William ight, son of Mr. and Frederick Wright of The marriage will' be mnized in St. Andrew's Unit-| hurch Oshawa, on Saturday, 1gust 16, 1958, at 2.30 p.m AAs > presented with a gift Mr. Edward Higgins and Mr Rob wton nson Simcoe, Mr uests yes Misses from ter wereSen- Abbott as ¢ lotte , had fies TC i who mes W 1 eo 00k CONTI mas 7 heir guests, y Bayliss of Manchester, With prices slashed to rock bottom. Now i « Co. before: your holidays begin to cash ir NO EXTRA CHARGES FOR CREDIT 1.00 1.00 DOWN WEEKLY BURNS CREDIT mendous savings. Hurry for best selection a a BURNS (0. LID. RA 5-4611 Eve King & Simcoe Vass" SEMI-ANNUAL SALE OF SHOES MEMBER OF BURNS CREDIT JEWELLERS LTD. ewellery Clearance Inter -National - Arterafts * Acknowledgments * Announcements NUES * Reception Cards Wo lestore . s the time Thermo-Gravure Printing $1.00 $2.00 items items NOW 5,000 ITEMS c c | NOW or 2 for $1.00 1 on i " (Raised Lettering) 5 * Complete Selection * Popular Prices ® Prompt Deliveries Walmsley & Magill eet JEWELLERS 32 KING ST. WEST RA 3-7022 9 KING ST. EAST | OSHAWA -- RA 5-3506 3 A CREDIT JEWELLERS - LTD. RA 3.7022 OPEN FRIDAY EVENING TILL 9 P.M. URNS 32 KING ST. W