Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 22 Jul 1958, p. 7

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REVOLUTION IN POULTRY PROCESSIN i | ' | G One plant today processes as | the chilling methods whereby the birds, on overhead shackles, as shown here, are carried into chilling tanks where agitators lower the temperatures of the chickens in less than 30 min- utes. With the great saving in many chickens for the market as did the whole Canadian broiler industry in 1949. The Sky-Line Farms north of To- ronto, have evolved a system which is-rapidly being copied in the U.S., whereby 25,000 birds a day are killed, cleaned, chill ed and packaged for market Time . saving occurs mostly in | time spent on processing the birds has come an equivalent reduction in price on the store shelves. COBOURG |the big one. She also placed birds | with a life-time pass for all future| PORT HOPE -- Before a large crowd here at the Town Park Big Homing ig homing The Lakeshore Cec Hall playing in centre field) Trophy |Saturday night the Senior Whitby up a base on balls Larry's of the Toronto League ueorge Brabin ha La PORT HOPE, Ont. ~ The Font {laced an All-Star club composed|and Brent Oldfield two. Hope Racing Pigeon lab ow of the four teams in the Lake-| Ab Barnes of Oshawa and Dude from Hillsport, Ont. 2 51 "mt e shore Intermediate Baseball Lea-| Hills of Port Hope split the plate jaunt on Saturday with the covel-| re by a 10-0 score in the annual chore with S. Wilson and B. Gal- Girl, 9, Wins ' Whitby Swamps |BAmman King In Trouble Despite Western Aid By WILLIAM L. RYAN AMMAN, Jordan (AP)--Young| which looks on the 2,000 British had two hits, got hit and picked|King Hussein is in deep troublejtroope now here as a mobile pal- for five tries, /despite the crash program of : . d three hits military and economic aid from|locations in the wake of the the United States and Britain. Developments in Iraq have hit|revolutionary temper. |Jordan hard. Already the eastern part of the THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Tuesday, July 22, 1958 7 PORT HOPE by strong anti-British sentiment, Split Tennis League Honors PORT HOPE -- In a Kawartha| ace guard. Sharp economic dis- Iraqi revolt likely will raise the DEPEND ON IRAQ Jordan depended entirely upon Second men's doubles -- Roger ed Hon. Vincent Massey Cup g0-|%) c" game. braith of Oshawa doing the bases.|country has lost much of its (nian Iraq for oil to keep its economy|League tennis game scheduled | Waters and Bruce Ballet stopped ng to the winner, nine-year-old League President Jim "Ticker" The umpire: Katherine Hagerman, Who got! Smbie of Bowmanville picked ices and : her bird home in front to become |, "ay "gia players and handled|League executive and members of the first woman fo ever win the, microphone and introduced both teams were entertaines Massey Cup and also the YOUDg-|y,o avers as they came to bat refreshments and a buffet lunch The winner averaged better| Manager of the league-leading 30 following the game. than 50 miles per hour flying at a| Haggis Bowlers of Port Hope, Score by Innings pace of 1502 yards per minute to|Len Wakely, managed the Stars| Whitby complete the journey in 10 hours|and got ail 18 players into the All Stars and one minute. game. id Batteries -- Miss Hagerman picked up her, Port Hope's = President, A -- on go re and it was |Lowes, presented Mrs. A. O'Neill Whitby» ~ Con |(6), Harrison (8) and Gilmer, Port Home homé games in ap- Shetlor (4), Stevenson (7). third positions. | in second sud tid preciation of her support of the| behind the plate. The pair limited| the Stars to three safeties while| P-W Playof S walking three and fanning nine.| ' Port Golfers | PORT HOPE SHINES - * | Beat Visitors | All three hits went to members pee Wees grabbed a 2-1 gam, lof the Port Hope team, Outfield-|lead in their best-of-five playoff PORT HOPE, Ont. -- An invita- ler Neal Wakely, Catcher Jimmy series with Port Hope at King's {tion inter - club golf tournament | Gilmer and First Baseman, Field here when they came from \was played at Port Hope Sunday Teddy Watts, |behind a 2-1 score with six runs {between the local club and visi-| Port Hope's ace lefty, Bob Con-|in the sixth and another brace in tors from Cobourg. |lon, hurled the first three innings, the seventh to take a one-sided Bill Rowden, of the home team, | allowing one hit and striking out|9.2 triumph. McMurter pitched : e. the win and allowed only five, ] »st gross; score for [fIV€. : h posted fe bx Sr a strong 73], Orono's Gramp West got by the hits, 'passed four and claimed 10 y . : Dic . (fourth, but gave up two runs inion strikes ive closely by Dick Jettries sie fifth as Stone singled home| Jay started for the Ports, gave of Cobour? Who carded 4 73, {Hall and MacDonald. Trenton's way to Terbenche with one gone |trotes back: John Kaulback got off on the|in 'the sixth and then returned The best net score for the day wrong foot in the sixth and wast the mound with one out in the also came to Port Hope in the nicked for three runs off a like seventh. He fanned three, walked d i {munication with the Palestinian fos dongied tell. se7y.] cde of the Jordan River, a hot-| ¢ bed of support for President Nas- d with/er of the U There is a goo est. land announced player changes.|at Canadian Legion Branch No.2! od 0 ong. R H E WARNED OF PLOT ou gs 90-10 » 2 There are several reasons why ing down in some areas. he violence did not explode imme- " : ts of the & ; 1 Fisher, | diately in the wake of the revolt Picked refunanis of the famed club winning: the ladies" doubles, y en, women Ab |Stone (5) and McArthur; All Stars|in iraq. Hussein apparently had| Arab Legion, with heavily gunned|first mixed double and third inn m West (4), Kaulback|heen warned of a new plot to de- throne him in time to clean out : i : '\dissident officers. And Jordan stil] Fesidence of Premier Samir Rifal.\,, yo goubles -- Barb Fishwick ay Umpires -- Barnes and Hills|is under a rigid royal dictatorship) Hussein, how ever. has lost\sng Nan Clayton were, beaten by| What 3 Seti limbs fll out Other finishes were -- Fourth oo "ope team for spprovimate-| 5) Plate; Wilson and Galbraith, and martial law. lin Iraq as a_pr ; World War and were awed by the goes, oil-producing Kawai will be ORT HOPE -- Bowmanville possibilities. When they get their|the next target. And it is possible | i POR oy e'second wind there may be vio-|that U.S. policy makers feel that|Clayton and Jack Hurst beat Cy |, lence. The violence might be sparked! oil would not be far away. will br spilled here before] going. Automobiles |garaged. Taxi prices are soaring.|the last minute to courts at Port nited Arab Republic,|Unless U.S. oil deliveries by air|Hope's recreation centre due to |bring water to Amman, Jeru-|ling Peterborough Quaker "B" salem and other cities from res-/team tied three all in the six sets. 6-1 and 8-6 ervoirs miles away will stop. Port Hope got the d mixed are being|for Peterborough, but switched at Jolin Mathews and Jim Pritcliard, In the third men's doubles Phil ' Clayton and Harry Davies ex- d chance that much/can fill the gap, the pumps that|rain, the local club and the visit tended Gunnar Schliebener and Jim Pritchard before losing out {Electric service already is break-|qoubles and first and second men's doubles with the Quaker armored cars and machine-guns, men's doubles. iring Hussein's palace and the Following are the results: much of his officer corps. Per- : hollows : haps 150 of his officers ate ither| arb Pritchard and Diane Smith. bocyiose if sav: ky 1 31 hs de to a Third|dently Britain feels that if Jordan and Marg Daniles. gain 5,10, 15 ths. |and seventh -- Ted Hunt; fifth, ly. 50. years. Bases. | But most important, the events|" mixed doubles -- Joy Thousands of girls, women, men, {Bob Walsh; sixth ad ninth, | Vi her hurled the first four | in Iraq came. with such sudden-|in jail or have fled to Iraq or|Eismley and Tony Simpson de.|2f"or.could gain befors, am now |Bray and McGillis; eighth, Jim. 000 for the Larry's with Ted| wasgws ness that they stunged Jordan's| Damascus. _ |eated Doris and George Sneyd in| thank Tonic Tablets, 4 | Roberts. Stone coming in for the last five. | B Ville Leads population. Many obfervers, even| Britain apparently considers|three sets. up body skinny becanse of i= z 7 ¥ The colorful Mike McArthur was| | among ordinarily vjolent extrem-|Jordan's fate . matter of the| go. 4 mixed doubles -- Irene| ment helps pit fiesh on, bare bones. Don't |ists, at first saw the developments most extreme importance. Evi-| "yoo "oo lin defeated Alan | oun, Sng foo 5, 10, 13 or 0 fhe. you | need for normal weight. Then avoid oves- {eating of starches, sugar, fattening foods, First men's doubles -- Garn!6-day "get-ncquainted" 'size costs little -- buy economy size and save 75¢. Try nous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for new adde the turn of Saudi Arabia and its| White and Nev Mackness in two ed pounds, this very day. All druggists, Istraight. dai "ON STEAMY HOT NIGHTS... SLEEP IN C-0-0-L C dt 44% Don't let sticky, humid nights keep you from sleeping! z= Get a FRIGIDAIRE AIR CONDITIONER . . . retire early . . . sleep restfully . . . even the hottest nights. . . And oh!--the difference in your bedroom! Irritating pollen, dust and dirt are filtered out. Air is kept con- person of Wes Friar with a 63. number of hits. Approximately 40 golférs from! port Hope's Staff Reporter--ROBERT CZIRANKA--FR. 2-7657 Storm Over PUC Appointment COBOURG -- Claiming that an|PUC to vote for a candidate y ub-|named by commission members. appoint met fo the Gobours bab When Louis Gaines was nomin- lie Utilities Commission was "cut ated, Counc. Perfect proposed the end dried" before it came to name of Al Fisher. council, Councillor Tom Jones re-| The discussion on the alleg frained from voting on a bylaw attempt by Monday night. The bylaw, to ap-|to influence the nomination be-| ened, but will be reviewed by|in a total of five runs Mike Harrison] Larry's greeted their |day's activity. : |- = --|pitcher with five runs off five M |saleties which broke the game Hold U Bids {wide open. | Pp In all, Larry's picked up 10 hits land two walks along with one hit down swinging Jim Gilmer of Port Hope {caught the first three, Johnny On Town Hall Renovations fife ome ie ti COBOURG--Mayor J. D. Burn- the last trio of innings. od et announced at council Monday e-/ night, that the tenders for reno- tory as he had three singles in| |the two towns took part in the came in for the eighth and the nicked for a brace of hits and one-time three free passes while getting at short batter while eight of them went teammate Ted Stone led his mates to vie [Bowmanville the PUC members vating the town hall have been three trips plateward and drove|Orono Orphans 16 ' Trenton Philcos 17 610 1 13 stantly circulating. You breathe fresh, pure, cooled air constantly . . . thanks to your FRIGIDAIRE AIR CONDITIONER. Call us no' the same and allowed seven hits. In one inning Terbenche was one on strikes. | Embrught caught for. Bowman ville and Cooper for Port Hope Bob Berry had two good catches B/N ¢ i { ] for the losers with Th Get a Coo/+ Ory FRIGIDAIRE FL AIR CONDITIONER or your bedroom HOME APPLIANCES (Oshawa) LTD 90 SIMCOE ST. S. PHONE RA 5-5332 LEAGUE STANDING Team PWLT Pts. Port Hope Haggis bowlers 14 11 2 1 23 | 15 6 8 1 13 69113 Harvesters point Louis Gaine, a local con-'came heated at times, and both the engineers and the architects| ---- tractor to the commission, to fill councillors Jones and Perfect before the tenders are tabled n a vacancy caused by the resigna-|stated that "the matter was cut open council, | tion of Chairman P. G. Thomp- and dried" before it came to the The tenders had apparently son, was approved by council council. 3 been opened before the council which passed it by a vote of six,, Town clerk J. B. Ewart asked meeting and the mayor sai with the one abstention. Counc. Jones to give a reason for that it was at the request of the | Previously, Councillor A. O. bis abstention for the record, engineers and the architects that| Perfect said that he had been whereupon Counc. Jones reiterat- the. figures be withheld until they| contacted by members of theled his previous statement. can be re-checked. Mayor Moves To matter of the estimated $150,000 Set Up CD Plan renovation may come to the tax-| |payers for a decision in a plebis- cite. | COBOURG -- A plan to rem-|tion in Cobourg. Previous at- edy the civil defence situation in tempts to set up a plan have met Cobourg was advanced Monday with failure, due, according to N'Ville Hold . First Place | night by Mayor J. D. Burnet who Mayor Burnet, to apathy. expressed deep concern over the PORT HOPE, Ont. -- Newton- Only by having trained person- ville Royals held their first place lack of any form of civil defence nel on the job, said the mayor, standing in the South Durham organization in the town could panic be avoided in the case | Rural League with a 3-1 win over | The mayor told the council that of an emergency. All that is re- the visiting Newcastle club, How-| he proposed presenting a candi- quired to prevent panic in a ard Quantrill was the winner with date for the post of civil defence troubled situation such as exists|Bill Nicholson catching. co-ordinator at the next meeting |today, he continued, is "'a plain| Earl Foster was charged with | of council. It is expected that this|simple, commonsense plan." [the loss as Keith Aitken received | will inaugurate a plan for estab-| Briefly outlining a part of the his slants behind the plate, All| lishing a civil defence organiza- plan, Mayor Burnet suggested runs were unearned. = ~|that the town would be divided! Newcastle took a 1-0 lead with into 12 districts with air raid their only run in the second. |wardens for each district who| Newtonville went ahead with Comwall Man {would supervise evacuation oper- two in the fourth and added a! ations. singleton in thé fifth, | Left A Scent uaa HE S ose ane You can't buy better Quality and Performance THAN YOU GET IN after he was found guilty Mon-| day on a charge of intoxication (7.747 AIL AIDS and having liquor in a place other than his residence. He was arrest- od July 13 by Constable Robert | Caldwell, Cobourg police. The constable fold the 'court a strong odor of perfume emanat-| ed from the accused at the time! of his arrest. Bray had in his possession an almost empty bottle of perfume, and a bottle of wine. : Bray pleaded with Magistrate B. Baxter to let him™Yleave town," but the magistrate felt that a record of his past offences should be reviewed before sen- tence. Man Convicted Of Beating Son . GUELPH (CP)--Donald Mann, 44, Monday was convicted of com- mon assault on his five-year-old son, Gordon. He was sentenced to six months definite and three months indeterminate in reform- atory. Magistrate A. S. Mitchell re- duced the original charge of as- sault causing bodily harm be cause he was unable to find that any really grievous harm had been caused the child. Crown Aftorney A. M. Karns said Mann had admitted to a po lice officer at the time of his ar- rest that he had given the boy "a whale of a beating."" To an other he had admitted putting the boy in a box, Mr. Karns said and human blood was found in Yes, model for model, you can't buy a better hearing aid than Zenith! You can count on Zenith, leader in radio and television, to bring the finest quality and performance in every type of hearing aid -- conventional, behind-the-ear, or eyeglass model. Remember, with Zenith Hearing Aids, "quality goes in before the name goes on!" New Zenith "Challenger'® EYEGLASS HEARING AID* ONLY $14800 A brilliant combination of superior per- formance and beauty! Lightweight, no clothing noise or dangling cords. Use the telephone at ear level. Ideal for many for "both-ear" hearing. Attractive metal- lic pearl color. | 10-Day Money-Back Guarantee! Complete satisfaction, or your money refunded. 1-Year Warranty, Proof of Quality! Zenith states, in writing, all details. 5-Year Protective Service Plan! In writing, reconditioning at guaranteed low cost. *Lanwes, frame fronts, and related professional services In connection with the Zenith Eyeglass Hearing Aid are and available only through your ophthalmologist, optometrist or opticism, Zenith Hearing Aids are among the rare electrical or mechanical products which sell in Canada for the same price as in the U.S.A, \evisiT OR PHONE YOUR ZENITH DEALER TODAY. the box. He's Listed in the Yellow Pages Mann denied in his own evi dence that he had beaten the boy, A --- --- Zenith Radio Corporation, Canada 1470 'The Queensway," Dept. * CAGD Toronto, Ontario, Canada FREE! One year's subscription to "Better Hearing," who, he said, had gone into a temper tantrum. He had told the boy to go into the bax which he did voluntarily, remaining there ) the only large circulation magazine Troteq 8: for 10 minutes before being put TH sively to hard-of-hearing people. Also, facts on new to bed. 771.14 : "Zenith Hearing Aids and list of dealers } -- ly r-------- ! (EW " 3 FEI [] NEW RADIO STATION Quality wane i TEL AVIV (Reuters) A ne Hearing Aids A radio 'station, ca ¢ itself "Jo ooness ! dan people radi helio a i ; to be broadcasting an PROVINCE 1] Sunday called for the withdrawal of British troops from Jordan. \ | challenges you to m ml! Canada's top tire m this tire buy! NE i GOODSYEAR S LOW PRICES IN OTHER SIZES TOO DeLuxe Super-Cushion All Nylon tires are not alike! Here's why Goodyear Nylon tires are better QUALITY IN CONSTRUCTION -- Goodyear leads the tire industry in experience with nylon cord tires. In fact, Goodyear developed an exclusive process--called 8-T--for treating tire 35 AND YOUR RECAPPABLE TIRE SIZE 6.70 x 15, BLACKWALL, TUBE TYPE QUALITY IN REPUTATION--Goodyear quality is known quality. That's why Canadian tire buyers say they prefer Goodyear tires over all others. Even at this low price, there is no com- cord. This process was the first tomake nylon tires promise in Goodyear quality . . . quality fully practical. Result: Goodyear has built--and sold backed by Goodyear's famous Lifetime = --more nylon tires than any other manufacturer. Guarantee. That's why Goodyear can offer you this sensa~ ; : : Dollar for dollar, you can't equal tional value in a nylon tire at such a low price. this value anywhere See vour GOODYEAR Dealer--there's one nearby i a m------

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