Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 22 Jul 1958, p. 2

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DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Tuesday, July 22, 1958 \ A 4 "FIRE FICHTERS STAND READ Milwaukee Fails To Catch Giants By ED Wil Associated Press Sporis Writer I What National! fift § |e teds jumped fro make the n three halls strate- ted in the north, ections, the it pieces of ment not tak- OBITUARIES MRS JERRY MOUNTENAY gs illness, 11 Detroit Y TO PROTECT LO CITY COUNCIL BRIEFS The following correspondence was received by Oshawa City Council Monday night and resolu- [tions made: "DUTIES EXPANDED Medical Officer Dr. C. C. Stew- art requested that Dr. J. E. Watt, food inspector be re-appointed supervisor of environmental sani- tation. Ald. Christine Thomas ex- plained that Dr, Wait's duties had greatly extended. The re- quest was granted. | AGREE TO REQUEST A letter from the department of | planning and development, hous- {ing branch, said the federal gov- ernment agreed to the city's re- quest for an investigation of a low rental housing project for the feity. A survey would be carried {out and results made known to [the city. REQUEST REFERRED An application by Curran and |Briggs Ltd, for permission to [carry loads in excess of depart- {ment of highways licence was re- ferred to the Works Board. | CONVENTION ANNOUNCED | A request from Fire Chief H, {R. Hobbs for permission to at- tend the Canadian Association of fire chiefs in Hamilton during the week of Aug. 17 was referred to the property committee SEEK EXTENSION Oshawa and District Associa- tion for Retarded Children asked permission to construct an addi- [tion to property at 99 Mill street to accommodate the increased en rolment and extend the lease, The request was forwarded to prop erty committee SEEK FEE REBATE The Oshawa Kiwanis rom the Clyde Bealty would be used for charitable pur- poses and requested the licence fee of $250 be refunded to the club. Referred to the finance committee ing into consideration its emerg- | central fire hall, Shown here is vehicle, il truck sta- the sor all, located in ( on i Club dar- near the CNR depot bil f { nt also o biles. The department also op | erate two ambulances Mick McDermott Stars F or Miami Harold Sproule, asked that the By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS 24 Montreal lead. store premises at 894 Simcoe Mickey McDermotit's reluctan helped hy four street north be rezoned to com ride t IF; lowed or ix joy ir Rene V 10-9) Marlin 1 ye from the I'imes-Gazette Photo ASK REZONING Messrs Creighton, Fraser, of Gordon Sproule and James to 1 Tiger ito the hearts 034); 1205). Municipal Spraying ($52, CHARGE SCAB WAGES Another letter from the labor council complained that laborers were working on sewer main con- struction, in the area of Rossland road and Ritson road, for $1 an hour and thé union rate called for $1.55. The letter also said: "It is a sad reflection on our city that these companies should be allow- ed to crawl in and have recourse to scab wages and conditions." The complaint was referred to the Public Utilities Commission. PETITION RECEIVED Mrs. P. R, Duncanson. 116 Oakes avenue, submitted by let- iter a petition signed by about 50 |residents of Oakes avenue asking for a correction of the street {level. The petitioners stated the new street level had resulted in flooding of properties and side- f walks. The letter was referred to {the Works Board. | | TO ERECT SIGN Council agreed fo install a traf- fic sign on Robert street warning traffic of pedestrians to and from |Northway Court Park. The de- lcision followed a complaint by |Mrs. Margaret Hammond, 885 Mary street, | WANTS DEPOSIT | Alfred H. Robinson asked that |a deposit made by him over four years ago for the safe removal of a house from Queen street to 269 Park road south be refunded. Re- ferred to Works Board. COMPLAIN OF WAGE A letter from the Oshawa and District Labor Council said that laborers working on a main sewer in Alice street were getting $1.30- $1.35 an hour which was 20 cents Circus below the union rate and the men| were not being pald overtime. It added *'this is a deplorable state of affairs', The letter was refer- red to the Works Board. "UP AND ABOUT" Mayor Lyman A. Gifford re- ported that Ald. R. C. Bint, who {Drynan and Murdoch, on behalf has been ill in hospital, is now McKeen "up and about" COMPLAIN OF DUST Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bobas, 338 Wilson road south, requested council to take some action to al- leviate dust nuisance at the cor- Accused Admits 'Rubber' Cheque A Whitby man was put on sus-|cashed a cheque for $20. Jackson pended sentence for buying cur- had then purchased curtain rods tain rods in an Oshawa store with and other goods. a 'rubber' cheque on a Toronto] When deposited in the' bank, bank by Magistrate Frank 8S. the cheque bounced. Mr. Swan Ebbs in Oshawa Monday. said that Jackson had made res- Arthur T, Jackson, of 309 Dove- |titution on Monday, July 21. dale drive, Whitby, was put on a| "'I had no 'ntention to defraud oix-month suspended sentence. [that man," said Jackson to the He pleaded guilty to a charge magistrate: "I was negligent in | of obtaining money and merchan- taking care of the matter." ] \dise from John Swan Hardware, |The accused said that he had'a |Ltd., Oshawa Shopping Centre, |large family and had been {for $20 by a worthless cheque gn ed up in his financial affairs. May 24. | Magistrate Ebbs ordered Jack- John Swan testified that Jack- son to make full restitution and son had come to the store and|to pay costs of the court, Jack- had asked him to cash a cheque son was released on $200 at his to buy merchandise. He had own recogunizange. ' CAPSULE NEWS 150 Register At School For Rural Clergymen GUELPH (CP)--A record 150 RED "VOLUNTEERS" delegates registered Monday for! HONG KONG (AP) -- Peiping | opening session of the school for radio said Sunday Red China rural clergy at the Ontario Agri-larmy units have volunteered to {culture College. fight in the Middle East if neces- { The school, operated by the saly---Neetings of officers and {OAC is believed to bé the only soldiers in Red China concemn- one in Canada attended by entire ngg the British-American entry families. Twenty - five children into the Middle East are befhg (were among the delegates and held all over China, the radio they will take part in special said | Bible classes during the five-day school Clergymen from Ontario, Que- bec and New York state are at- tending. Purpose of the school is to provide clergymen with know- ledge of the basic principles of agriculture in relation to the work of the church, Classes are held in rural so- ciology, soils and agriculture and certificates issued after comple- tion of a three-summer course. FINEST CROPS HARROW, Ont. (CP)--Dr, C. D. senior pathologist at REGIMENT ARRIVES VALLETTA, Malta (AP)--Bgt- ain's 'Royal Sussex Regiment ar- rived in Malta Sunday from Gi- braltar ahoard the cruiser Cum- berland. There were unconfirmed reports the troops will sail today for Libya, a North African ally of Britain, to reinforce a Royal Marine commando unit at To- ruk SAYS IT'S BLUFF MELBOURNE, Australia (Reut- ers) Prime Minister Robert ; h Menzies said Sunday night Rus- Harrow science service labora- sia's policy on the Middle East tory, =ays a trip to Europe has |crisis was "a plece of unscrupu- convinced him Essex County's lous bluff in the -eold war." He glasshouse farming produces the accused the Russians of foment. finest vegetable crops in theling Middle East strife while as- word suming an attitude Dr. McKeen six and peace, ¥en y was one of ! BURDETTE LED TYANKE to " I Burdet ame loss went THANKS EXPRESSED ner of Olive avenue and Wilson Canadian agricultural e x perts one e Adeoc Mil Moon Vioon ped by the week later home a run Cardinals homer gave ost three at St. Lou And the ( cinnati in three last we belted 9-4 by the Red dav night in the only other g scheduled No games I Redlegs bree the Cubs although a Harvey Had before gaining a 6-5 recor third victory Ne who belted a over dou pl ra de a full who « ) Philadel; ge game out last mont The Cubs 1 ,!dix had his troubles in the ninth = of Pictor and Robert Mount va are two sister Mrs. W of Oshawa and David and wey and WEATHER Official in the first six In- mercial 1. Forwarded to planning hits in boar The lins me « from the an McD 1as been used in the outfield be International are Rev. N. J. Gignac, of St. Mary road. The letter was referred to of the People Roman Catholic!the Works Board They also ask- Parish, thanked the council for|ed that something be done about granting his request to close speeding in the vicinity, This re- Elizabeth street, north of Marion quest was referred to the police, avenue, so that church additions! could be made. with the leading San Emilio Cueche + game with help from Orlando Pena. Jim Pearce lost his fourth now gettin vete of his | hand in ight de tting and to keep the cause his game Monda din TENDER ACCEPTED | A tender from Northlands {Grading and tender ironto, of $34,022 °d two In the first her in the sec- | single and Cuche's wound it up in the Bushy 0 Bae ovine, 1 Ww t runs. Toronto » runs in the seventh Montre: CONTRACT AWARDED The successful $51,551 ry Other to win a Ao wo 23, 40 from Toront ment contract was and 4 ' Bruell Paving Ltd led & 3 5-2. Ricl SAB were from Curran and Briggs|($40,753); Alnore Ltd Wiesler belted a riq. (56063); K. J. Beamish Cobourg Construction run and double for Rieh- (g52 061); Miller Paving ( Lighfoot Construction ( A508 S Marathoners Try To Outrun Horse Dave Newkirk lost his eighth for |Buffalo. He has won three, all Ozone Park, N.Y. a New York police- made by we return Other tenders: ($47,659): Rosa ched ($62,209) ; knocked o (8 Columbus Ry Johnson * 4-2 and dr I to he ng 2. McDermott asked him to the regi Detroit against Richmond. made it to third heir opening game b Kuzava and cked em h a com send us SALT LAKE CITY (AP)--Three magnoli, 37, ident long - distance runners Romagnoli, jog off today in a 157-mile mara- in thon to prove a man can outrun a Luis horse to|Arro Paul (Hardrock) Simpson, 53, a veteran runner from Burlington, \ 1 N.C, and two others will com- HOW CANADA DID pete against three men.on horse- cor Douglas got his 101 ster help from thre over Roche miles to and from work each day. 20-MILE LOOSENER h mer er with men or horses will finish the race in less than 32 hours. The runners loosened up with a 20-|° Earth Moving, To-|, construct for a Works Board surface treat- sewers was accepted. Other bids from Cornish Construction "an | MURDER CHARGE K | attended the world horticul- tural congress in The Hague re- cently He said Monday that although |vegetable crops here are unsur. passed ada in research in the chemical and mechanical aspects of farm He raid he was particularly im- pressed with research in Holland, ORA (CP) -- Steve Brav- of Madsen, Ont., was charged with murder Monday in 35, | ~ |connection with the death of from a Berinda, 8 sen, during a room July 13 Berinda's body was discovered by police called to investigate the | 5, also of Mad- ing house {brawl in Madsen, 110 miles north lof here Bravers, a miner, was manded until Aug. 1 for trial re- COLOMBO, Ceylon. (Reuters)-- Agriculture Minister Philip Gun- 10 he nationalized to years. in five |diplom Furope is ahead of Can-| night | 1} EAGER TO SEND BEIRUT (Reuters) -- Reliable atic sources said § President Nasser of the Unita Arab Republic has warned the United States that Russia is eager to send troops into the Middle East "and I may not be able to {keep them out." The informants said Nasser gave the warning to Raymond Hare, American am- bassador in Cairo. PLANE CRASHES RAS EL HARF, Lebanon (AP) fighter plane crashed on a train- ing flight in the Lebanese moun- tains Saturday, killing the " bility. that the plane: was or down. The 'pilot: who was alone, was the first American casualty since U.S. Marines landed in Le- banon Tuesday. BITE VISITOR ASHEBORO, N.C. (AP)--Mts. man, keeps in trim by running 14 pLANTATIONS NATIONALIZED Earl Barden visited a home here and obtained the family's sig- nature on a petition supporting a Romagnoli figures none of the swardene says all plantations will ["abies control and dog warden project. As she departed, the: family pet dog bit her on the leg. He told a public meeting Mon- Lack in an endurance run from mile run Monday day that white companies "must the Dom here to Roosevelt, Utah. Simpson, a postman, once beat a horse in a similar 143.9-mile race from Burlington 110- i Kingston, N.C. That was in "I'm told it takes a horse longer to regain his strength than a man," he said, 'We figure to gain ground while the horses are|, a estimated at about £200.000.- resting," Romagnoli said [000 ($560,000,000), principally in The marathon is sponsored as tea and rubber. 4 a promotion by the Bullberry| Boys Booster Club of Roosevelt, 2-WEEK VISIT . A pair of young college runners] MONTREAL (CP) Twenty- ted Dou as Knowler as its new collapsed in the first endurance five United States Civil 'Air Patrol |P" 2sident. The vacancy arose be- race last year and the horses won cadets arrived at Montreal air- C2us¢ of the resignation of Roy in a walk [port in nearby Dorval, Que., Mon- Smith, who was elected presi. Sipping honey and water to day to start a two-week Canadian dent of the organization in May, champion in 1928 and now lives keep up their strength, the three visit. Mr. Smith resigned because ight in Tueson, Ariz runners hope to catch the horses, The tour, sponsored by the his firm has promoted him to a Toronto. Jost ae] The third runner is Edo Ro-|within 100 miles, ____|RCAF and the Air Cadet League BEV positon In the Toronto zone ght -- Cpl.| - p - -- - =" |of Canada, is part of an exchange a 1 will make it necessary for program iim to leave Oshawa. In an- Yogi don, Ou, . a | The cadets are to leave for nouncing Mr. Smith's resigna- cor, ost by een. WOIIEO 1peiine [Hamilton Friday, and will also ton. regretfully, the executive of ' visit St. Catharines and North the local Jaycees also explained Bay. that under their constitution, Firms Urged By Union Gas ap \ 4 old Tracey Stoddart of nearby day night, Mr. Knowler, previ- Weightlifting: Bantamweight-- By DAVE OANCIA {should be an absolute minimum, po Credit died today in the Hos- ously 'the chamber's first vice today that any national energy mands ya be growing during tween parked cars near his home| Vice-president -- |board be given the authority over|that period [into the path of a car driven by| ~ [the executive had the power to Marcel Gosselin, Quebec City, | Canadian Press Staff Writer las it requires at least 20 years' |... fiw sick Children from head President, was chosen as the new BEC C = d | proposed financial structures of, The brief added that gas ex- DP. Masaro of Port Credit. p {pack up and get out without try ing to dictate terms to us." British investments in Ceylon ahead of the CITY AND I { said he Jaycees Name New President Monday night the Oshawa Ju- nior Chamber of Commerce elec- AT EMPIRE GAMES PREF SS xth in freestyle treal, fourth ing: Flvwe 0 ia, won by final; men's Cameron Grout, in final By DISTRICT AL Damage {othe ( ario| piernacki. THE CANADIAN & 12le Tony iy Ottawa Roy McMurtry 62, another vet. ; Walter | eran marathon runner, competed |with Simpson In eross - country races in 1928. Both have kept ac- tive as runners. McMurtry's days of glory also were in the 1920s, He was Indiana state marathon Ritson S vehicles wa Rd lost WIN AT NF A trebles tear Sam MocM lan and G yshawa 1 The ( WMARKFE r Ompose wo technica match: was rst round of sec antamweight--Kai Alta., won de- match w cond; feathe ONE ARREST afternor 1 Q ; Ked out in f f dd 80s prizes for for one w 1 one ma rde: ¢ t isolated | | dee Am afternoon 1s out Newmarket \ i ht as HOSPITAI alid - until | 2 The rep pal yrge Dewar 24-19 and 1 i Cycling: 1.000 - metre sp " on: Fred 18, Toro Ww round out REPORT $450 DAMAGF rt of Ae 1 bh accic Windsor None} in Wednesda ge in ter sunny in se suit Enc f ing: Men's springboard - trick, Calgary, second at ark; women's spring ene MacDonald, Hamil econd in final, yeh, rox slimir 1 } I On ra, |!H Lake round Swimming: breastrol ), of 66 B 1 Gee hur WIN TOP PRIZES London. T the 1 and a little Winde 1 Winds Hamilton: Playing ir n BROKEN rrmer today DIES IN HOSPITAL elect new officers in such cases. TORONTO (CP) -- Four-year-, At the executive meeting Mon- ANKLE yrdon | ' hit Aacisg Gil | MONTREAL (CP)--An Ontario| Supply to finance systems Te- ini ies suffered Sunday when Pres'dent and Don Lowe was Que. third in/8as distribution company urged quired to market gas and the de-| by a car. He had run be.|€lected to fill the position of first ddlev 1 Bay Sudbury ay sunny few periods and » of a thundershower in the ternoon and evening Winds southwest 15 Kapuskasing: Sunny cloudy periods toda iird: nn Bagotville fin style Canada Third In Standing Nort} » Margaret asaki ancon al Wedn aret | clouds Oa 3 f ors for three posed of Mr W. Read and } ley Gibbs, of Oshay for high sc Rt. on fc or 1 12 S t v lany pipeline companies "operat- ports would provide incentive for| ing on an interprovincial or inter- gas producers to seek and de- national basis." velop new reserves, to increase/ ST. CATHARINES (CP) -- The In a submission to the Borden the volumes of gas handled by earth tremor that "hit southern |energy commission today, the Pipeline companjes and at the Ontario Monday night drew a |Union Gas Company of Canada| Same time would give more as- quip from actor Sir Credric Hard- DRAWS quip rmer AIR Conditioning esday. Chance of a PARLIAMENT AT-A-GLANCE Ey THE CANADIAN PRESS Monday, July 21, 1958 Prit VISITORS AT ROTARY at » Monda Rotary Club Visitors ing of the at Hotel Ger Parkin and Gu) ronto and Bill 18 ara Falls Ci BIRTHDAYS REMEMBERED 3onsve: ns Crm ere ite < rnmen on as 0 brate Those Shreve, Patte ATTENDS OPEN HOUSE 2. G. Storié rep ppos der Pear ted th such a me nvened as a special nittee of the UN Sec their t honored S. R vere Alger ¢ oc Past Presider i i the Rotary Club at ihe { resente rnment act open ern } 0 Blue Tuesday, July 22, 1858 mer camp; near LOUISA ST. Because of con CLOSED ment: lok struct » e street For each afternoon and Continuing warm. Winds temperatures ecast t highs Wednes uskoka - . J B closed from i Stevenson's | DAMAGED NASSER TALKS [Kenya CARDIFF (CP) A of Disappoint | Limited and its subsidiaries, said|surance that consumers would be|wicke after it shook 'the Garden pair Australia's CARDIFF, Poor (Reuters) -- the Empire Games here are disappointing the organizers lopsided triumphs hy Wales tend to changes in the financial structures. | "This jurisdiction, however, might be confined to Such : , 0 matters as the adequacy of fi 3 Py 3H Ertay about 93 wet cent | nancing to enable the completion field program at Cardiff {and proper operation on a sound Arms | b Park were unsold. Monday enly|E%is ot proposed pipeline pro: jects. f few hundred people were pre- ent in the 10,000-capacity Maindy| The company contended that Stadium for the start of the eyel-{the interests of the public would The weather was dull{be protected if the allowable boxing program at|earnings of the company ~operat- Gardens was al ing the facilities are restricted to attraction a reasonable rate of return. This the empty. seats on{ Would be established after con- were due to a large-|Sideration of the risks involved in turn of tickets allocated |the venture and the returns avail- » able from investing in other pro National Union of Mine |$ ria One estimate put the|Jects of comparable risk nearly 75 per cent of SHOULD SET RATES of tickets allo-) Union Gas also said the board should have the authority to es tablish rates, including those charged for natural gas exported from Canada, "to assure that consumers of gas in Canada will not be discriminated against through the export of gas at an unnecessarily low price." The company argued that no exports should be allowed except on a reciprocal basis, until t is assured that the demand in Canada will be met over a period house of 30 years | "It is our opiniom that yi swimmers sent her to the top of crowds at the British Empire Games unof standings Monday ntered wit ficial point ht as England co old medals, in fencing to remain within a point leaders and divi of the seats 0-5-4-3-2-1 < in each Based on a 1 count a for first six finiche 1 ho he the standings ed Can final ada a distant third The Australia England ing events tand the nearby counter Many anding standings Sophia of Canada li r Jamaica New Zealand 8 at 3,000 W worth y the union the apparent Barbados of union attri lack of in- prohibitive prices' and recession in the Industry scotland British Guiana Bahamas vorthe MURDER CHARGE CP)----Steve Ont ORA Verse ed we death also of das vas char in t} wdsen Monday Ithis jurisdiction should also ex- able to buy their gas at a more Centre Theatre at nearby Vine- reasonable rate The company serves the rich market area in Southeastern On- tario. Forest Fire | Damage Triples | OTTAWA (CP) -- Forest fires devastated more than three times| as much timber area in Canada in June as they did in the cor- responding month last year, the northern affairs department re- ported Monday Nine hundred fires destroyed or damaged 355,000 acres of for- est in the month, compared with 1851 fires and 106,000 acres in June, 1957 The department said June usually is a month of few forest fires because vegetation reaches its peak growth at this time of | the year and acts as a fire re- tardant. However, the weather this June was unusually dry, gi ally in Western €anada. Since the start of the year, 3,218 forest fires have burned 1,047,600 acres of timber area. There were 1.611 fires in May which burned 450.100 acres | pec OSHAWA REFRIGERATION PHONE RA 5-0321 land during a performance of The Inspector Calls by J. B. Priestley. Sir Cedric said in a curtain peech: "For the first time in my life 1 thought I was nr v going to bring the house dow THE FOOD PLAN THAT HAS PROVEN ITSELF « « +» beyond a doubt. A freezer and our food plan can help you save money on home delivered food. Oshawa Representative . , . STAN BRYNING 1061 RAVINE ROAD RA 8-5358 OPEN HOUSE EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY NIGHTS - 7 P.M. TO 8 P.M. PHONE HOW TO GET HERE . .. OR LET US MAIL YOU OUR FOOD PRICE LIST {elely) CHAMBERS =: 65 UNDERWRITERS RD, (0) SRA BE:T:}

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