Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 22 Jul 1958, p. 18

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8 THE DAILY TIMBS-SAZETTE, Tuesdey, July 22, 1938 |49--Automobile Repairs |50--Articles For Sale interior, exterior, flat, gloss, 47 --Automobiles For Sale '48 Chrysler, $95, or best offer, yood running condition, body a little rough. FRADE or sell, 53 Meteor tudor in| RA 3-309 166¢ Juiect condition, on older model. RA CONVERTIBLE '54 Chevrolet Bel Air, 2879, 35 Brock Street. July 29 power glide, radio. Apply 481 Ritson Ee ---------- ee, LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers Road South. 166¢ ears for wrecking. Highest prices paid. |75i Studebaker Commander, 4 door, V-8, RA 51181 or RA 5-182. Ag. Bland overdrive. Will consider trade. 172 ALLSTATE Auto Insurance, Save up| Winona Avenue or RA 5-8471. 167¢ io 30 per cent. Nine months to pay.|'ss NSU Super Fox, like new. Under For personal service at your home, call 13000 miles. RA 5-8323. 152 Pontiac. 168f RAS202. AU etiac, good motor and body, four "54 Cadillac coupe de ville very low new tires, '58 license plate, $80. MA mileage all power extras trade and|3.5219 Bowmanville. 169¢ terms to reliable party. RA 88180. 57 5rds and Meteors, five to choose : August 16/1, some have radios, etc., low as $5 Buick Riviera hardtop, Dynaflow, |$1,695. King West Motors opposite op sustom radio, two tone, whitewalls, low [ping Centre, of mileage, written guarantee. $1595.75 "Matchless Twin motor bike, ex- Easy terms. Try "Stew" at Wellman's, | copent condition, $350. Apply 532 Front RA 3-431. 168¢ (Street, Oshawa. 170¢ 786 Meteor Rideau town sedan, mercu- N53 Chyrolet sedan deluxe, radio, auto- matic, custom radio, two tone, One|. ,¢e transmission. One owner. $595. owner, low mileage, written guarantee. =. pa 57182, 170f $7 Automobiles For Sale '@ Chevrolet coach, good condition. Chadburn Avenue. RA 3-4252. 227 167¢ want 0f |]at Meagher's. Large selection to choose | PAINT. all colors $2.95 gal. Oshawa Hardware and Electric, 8 Church. RA 3-7624. Aug. 1. {oNE two - piece chesterfield, almost new; one GM frig.; one Bamby rang- ette, almost new; one large-size chrome kitchen suite; one small kitchen suite. 246 Alice Street, 65¢ SAVE $38 on boats, motors and trail. |ers. Cedar strip, fibreglass, aluminum and d ply . See P |Tire Co., 43 Bond Street West. RA 156511, BRAMLEY MOTOR SALES, LTD. 1271 SIMCOE NORTH PHONE RA 3-4675 Specialists in Ford service and parts, Wheel alignment wheel balance, with latest type equipment, Newest type electronic tune-up equipment, Aug.14 50--Articles For Sale YOUR old electric razor is worth money, as a trade-in on a new razor Aug. 1v |WE pay cash for all good used furni. ture, also sell and exchange. 446 Sim- coe Street South, RA 5-8131. July 22 VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, parts, brushes, guaran- teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free. Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv- ice. RA 8-1081 anytime. Aug. 18 TEENEE boat trailer, model O-B-40. Capacity 2000 Ibs. Wquipped with li- cence, tail light, winch, RA 5-9860 after 6 pm. ' , 168¢c ONE suitable for or store, meat slicer, pop cooler, od from, Meagher's, 5 King Street West, RA 3-3425. June 29 WE pay highest price In the city for used furniture, Pretty's Used Furniture Store, RA 3-3271. Aug, 10 HURRY! Furniture Try "Stew" at Wellman's, RA 3-431 168¢ [53 Chev. Bel-Air lent Bed- $15; 17" TV, $59.50; 21" Phone RA 5-5 i radio and accessories. Best reasonable offer. RA 5-9193, 170F 1950 Pontiac coupe cheap. RA 35-3370 after 5 p.m. 170f 56 Buick Hardtop, complete with extras power equipped. 08-4416 Whitby. 17 "$7 Hillman deluxe sedan, two tone, oil filter, radio, washers, one owner, 2000 miles, free gas, oil and service, $1295. Small down payment or trade, up to 24 months on balance. Wellman's, RA 3-4431. 168¢c "58 Hillman deluxe sedan, two tone, whitewalls, oil filter, 4000 miles, free gas, oil and service. Low down pays $4 Ford Two-Tone with radio over- melt of trade: 3p to fu? SIONS On drive windshield washers heater etc. Wells ond} P4431 168f| This car is perfect in every way. $950 hid Berai oe 75g | cash or terms, Call RA 5-5439. 170d 2. Both one owner |'48 Chevrolet Fleetline, excellent iy ition. Dial RA [dition, $175. '50 Meteor custom, A Sasi. immaculate condition al RA [Prone RA 56016. a, LIMOUSINE; '47 D~ige, 7 passenger. Good condition. $14/ Phone RA 5-8503. 1953 CHEVROLET Sedan Deluxe, good clean car, radio, heater, etc. Owner going "overseas. Call RA 8-1944 aftér-six. p.m. "80 Chevrolet coach, light grey, very] good condition. Apply 325 Celina Street. 168f 55 Fargo panel truck, good running TV cabinet model, $79.50; three ward- maple walnut dresser ard $150. going for $89.50; 0c|ing machine, $14.50 and up; $40; with mirrors, 2 used boats, 12-ft. and 17-ft. used mot- elect, lawn mower, 12 ors, 4%, § and 25 h.p. best offer, RA 5-9251. 169f COMPLETE outfit coffee shop, frigidaire, new coca cola cooler, one cash register, stove, grill and stools, etc. 184 Simcoe Street S. 9 KNIT-KING knitting machine, $95. snail motor bike. Apply 381 Mary BOAT, motor and trailer, $450. Apn'v 230 Bloor Street W. 170¢ ORCHESTRA drums, complete set, cash or terms. Phone RA 8-5387. July 21 RANGETTE for sale. In good condition. Phone RA 5-7162 after 6. 163¢ SAVE one-third on new furniture 12- piece living room groups $149, Seven- robes, lawn eruise, chest drawers (Vilas), new price, over for small new portable sewing machine, $69.50; Beatty $19.50; lawn wash- mower (hand) $4.95. For homes or cottages, see these bargains at the Oshawa Trad- ing Post. 446 Simcoe Street South. Phone RA 5-8131, July 23 WILLIAMS pianos, now at a price you can afford, at Parkway Television, 918 imcoe Street North. RA 3-3043. July 21 10 HP Johnson, smooth running, only $165, cash or terms. Phone RA 8-1131 after 6 p.m. RA 5-1423. June 30 WE pay cash for used furniture, ap- li TV, sewing hi pianos, piece bedroom groups $139. 20-piece By FARMER TISSINGTON [a Canadian Press Correspondent WASKESIU, Sask. (CP)--If a name means anything, Princess Margaret's stay at Waskesiu July|h 2: and 30 should be a quiet and peaceful one. During her visit to this beauti- ful lake and forest resort in Sas- katchewan's Prince Albert Na tional Park, the princess will stay at Halcyon, Murphy summer cottage on Prospect Point. d Halcyon according to. legend, was the name of a bird in anci- and charmed wind and waves|, into calm. GUARDED BY RCMP It will be the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, however, who ensure peace and quiet during the princess's overnight stay. The area surrounding Halcyon will be blocked off and patrolled by Mounties, The late Mrs. Murphy chose the name for the cottage. But as genial 'Adelbert Murphy says: *'It |b: isn't always peaceful and quiet with 14 grandchildrer around." - Mr, Murphy, 74, prominent bus- stoves. Also sell and exchange. 19 chrome kitchen sets, $54.50: Prince Street, RA 8-1131. Aug. 6|peds complete with headboard, $39.95; FOUR piece grey sectional chesterfield, |arborite top step anc coffee tables, jon; $9.95: spring-filled mattresses, $19.88; good condition; studio couch with sUp|, fool PP hairs," $11.95; Hollywood and, p broad- caster, is president of CFQC radio and television, Saskatoon, Sons, Ltd., electrical wholesalers. cottage for the princess's visit family, "We're certainly pleased the princess is coming bere and we want to do everything possible to see that she enjoys her stay," says Mr. Murphy. the A. A.lonly the princess and her im- mediate party occupy the resi- the family will meet her there. H , th lan to be i - lent times that nested on the sea Ly Syer. ey plan (G be in Was on hand to see her tcur the beautiful Saskatchewan resort. way to describe Halcyon. more the kind of a dream home one expects to fin cities. is stonework. The top half is log cabin siding, stained a rich red- FINE VIEW nd heads A. A. Murphy and Acceptance of the offer of their as naturally thrilled the Murphy Since protocol demands that Princess To Spend Two Days At Cottage a fringe of birch poplar and spruce trees and finally, the wide sweep of Lake Waskesiu. The living room walls and ceil- ing; are of log cabin siding, var- nished in natural color. Egyptian tapestries hang on the east and west walls. A carved miniature sailboat from Quebec and a model Mal- tese "dghajsas" (pronounced day-zo) boat rest on ledges be- side the imposing south - wall t TY THEATRE GUIDE | Brock (Whitby, -- "Lisbon" and "Decision Against Time". Eve- ning shows 7 p.m. Last com-| plete show at 8.20 p.m. | Businessmen's Luncheon Hot & Cold Buttet Fully Air-Conditioned Highway No. 401 at Bowmanville Cloverleaf Marks -- "The Revenge of Frank- enstein" shown daily at 1.55, 445, 7.35, 10.35 p.m. Also "Curse of The Demon" shown) dail yat 12.30, 3.15, 6.05, 9.05 p.m. Last "complete show at 9.05 p.m. | Plaza -- "Blue Murder at St. Trinians", 1.30, 4.26, 7.22, 10.18 | p.m. Also "Constant Husband" Just 12 Minutes from ence, it is unlikely s of esiu during the princess's visit nd will be among the thousands Summer cottage is hardly the It's in large The lower half of thé\ building rown. | When the princess looks about this room, she will also see a straw hat from the Isle of Capri, African Zulu spears, Chinese ian- terns, a buggy-wheel chandelier, antique brass ships' lamps and other odds and ends from around the world, gathered during the Murphys' frequent trips in this country and abroad. The dining room furniture is old English. The walls are cedar veneer. The other rooms in the cottage are walled with birch, fir and knotty-cedar veneer. BIG RUMPUS ROOM V . Comfort is the keynote of the The spacious upper floor living ground-floor rumpus room, with Extending from {barbecue at room opens onto a terrace facingiits lounge chairs, enormous gran- northwest. It overlooks a terraced ite lawn, the black ribbon of highway | knotty-cedar walls. winding into the resort townsite, | fireplace and shown daily at 2.57, 5.53, 8.55 Downtown Oshawa p.m. Last complete show-at 8.55 p.m. THE CREATESY SHOW OF HOR RORNOW oN EARTH." | CHOICE WITH Yoxom } WITCHES BR TAKE HOME A SKELETON A THREE PRONGED attractive the granite the rear of the -- LAE covers, used very little; Royal portable typewriter with case, in good condition. RA 5-0449. 166 IDEAL for cottage, davenport, rang- 5) de 401 ette, kitchen cabinet. Best offer. 174(ley's Furniture Drive-in, Simcoe Stree), Church Street. 166¢ (RA 33811. w he A ee. RE i ne, y i942 74 Indian motorcycle, motor re. WHEEL sligmment mae Be a 'Street divans, $29.95; maple finished bunk beds. complete springs and mattresses, $59.95; deluxe carriages, chrome guards, etc., $29.95. Only at Dick Brad condition, $550 or best offer. Phone Brooklin 159. 168f 49 Austin, '50 Prefect, '51 Consul, leave the big car at home, drive a bargain to work or cottage. King West Motors op- posite Shopping Centre. 169f 53 Oldsmobile sedan, tutone green, tint- cottage is a horseshoe - shape terraced stonework patio. Mr. Murphy, a devoted family |man, enjoys most the time spent at the cottage with his grand- children. He is an ardent golfer CLEAN CARS WANTED TRADE-UP Inlet Eskimos a ed glass, beautiful one owner automo- bile. Clean original upholstery only $995. King West Motors, opposite Shopping Centre. 169¢ 86 Ford custom line sedan, automatic transmission, custom radio, powder blue with matching upholstery, only OR DOWN LIENS PAID OFF WILBAK MOTORS Shopping Centre. 1694 *51 Chev. sedan delivery, completely re- finished inside and out, tires are good, motor perfect, only $495. King West Motors, opposite Shopping Centre. 169 *s4 Ford tudor, beautiful light green, original upholstery. This car perfect in every way only $315 down. King West Motors opposite Shopping Centre. 169f "83 Chevrolet station wagon, mew ring and valve job, excellent tires, spotless condition, low mileage, terms available, Phone RA 5-8640 after five. 167¢ "56 Plymouth Savoy sedan, pink and black, push button radio, back-up lights, windshield washers, and may be financed. Phone RA 35-2935. 167, 137 KING ST. W. RA 5-0732 July24 BUYING or SELLING See TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST, -- OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Road) RA 3-4494 Res. RA 5-5574 July21 biles Wanted SABYAN MOTOR built; vision; bedroom suite; high-chair; bed with mattress; $495 down. King West Motors opposite two chairs. RA 8-1370. BOAT, g quick sale. Also other furniture. Phche TWO-piece chesterfield and odd chair, [ment shades, fruit jars. Good condition. ter 6 p.m. RA 3-2095. depth. Upholstered seats. New 40-horse | 8-5344. electric controlled motor. Family at. Apply 548 Oxford Street. 170b 5% h.p., fully guaranteed, regular $279, sacrifice for $200. RA 5-1935. rf t, also single bed and mattress. |SOMPACE enings. Abply 8 Park Road South. fori South, Whitby, MO 82420 evenings. THREE piece bath with fixtures, $115; pressure systems, $59.50; sump pumps, $39 50; stainless steel sinks and cab- inets, $49.50, while they last. Copper, 1678 steel, plastic piping, installations. '" |Chinn's, RA 3.7088. July 20 fibre b | WILLIAMS pianos, now at a price you REFRIGERATOR, electric stove, washing machine (6 months old). Chrome set; chesterfield suite; tele- large and small erib; new, 13% ft. plywood, supplies, & sheets, tarpaulins, pup-tents. shawa RA SITE. 18g; dare and. Electric, 8 Church. RA TYPEWRITER like new $40, National 3.762 Aug. 2 cash register, gives customer tickets, MAN'S bicycle, lady's bicycle, jacket $50; McKaskey adding machine, Sob MAN'S sewing machine, double bed- RA 3-4434. TTS -- Aug. 8| ning. single bedspring, pair parch- Phone RA Phone aft- |5-1708. 168¢c 170b | GOAL and wood stove with numerous inch [flue pipes, $15. TV =ntenna, $25. =3 DOUBLE bed, spring and spring filled mattress, Good condition. MO 8-3225 Whitby mornings. 168¢ CANOE for sale, RA 8-1640. _ 160c camping i5-foot boat, 76 - inch beam, 30 - RAND new Johnson outboard motor, 1691 SALES LTD. [Am i# boat, 16 hp motor and trailer, com- plete with steering TWELVE piece dining suite, excellent Phone RA 8-8684. 161 throttle, etc. R. NINE piece, practically new, solid STUDEBAKER-VOLKSWAGEN SALES ond SERVICE 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH CASH pi FOR YOUR CAR Me 165¢ 1 Evinrude motor, stand and (mahogany, dining room set, beautiful afety chain. Excellent condition. Pric-|set in perfect Sonditions also china and e OSHAWA, ONT TEL: RAndolph 3-3461 july26 MACKIE MOTORS WILSON RD. S. [RA 5-5743 or RA 5-1392 | Aug. 10 3 ET A RAMBLER, MORRIS, Used Car plus that extra-good B-A Service at CRANFIELD MOTORS 331 Park Rd 5. RA 3-2284 Aug. 3 HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down, Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. S. RA 3-9421 Test-Drive the D.K.W. 3-6 For economy end perform- ance. ANDY NAGY" BODY SHOP 408 King St. W. RA 3-7132 Aug. 4 Aug.2 50--Articles For Sale AWNINGS, plain colors, or gay stripes, Prompt service. Free estimates. Order | now for early delivery. Chair and table | rentals, Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North, Oshawa. Aug. 18 |47--Automobiles For Sale! LIGHT grey Cosco jjumper chair and recta play pen. All in excellent conditio. RA WE pay cash for used furniture, aP- | niture;; also sell G METROPOLITAN or Quality | {Piiasces, TV, [ | Prince Street. RA 8-1131, -8790. 170¢ » a ia thing of beauty. Lined, gold brocade Thistle carriage | y anes with matching valance box; also lar | rib, mattress and pisy-pen. Phone RA |3-4121. 1681 1701 | STGREST cash paid for good used fur- and exchange. Oshawa 446 Simcoe South. RA Aug. 19 baby 9762, sewing machines, planos, Trading Post. and exchange. 195-8131. : a LAY Aug. 17 |GHARRIS" crib, chrome highchair, red excellent condition. ..L a Also sell ed, 5-3925. WILLIAMS pia; | can afford, at Parkway Television, 918 | Simcoe Street North. RA 3-3043. Aug 20 | RANGETTE, good condition, _reason- able. Apply 163 Ritson Road South or phone RA 8-1801. 170a |Ve HP motor and compressor. RA 53092. 170f | LARGE size space heater good condi- |tion. Apartment size S-piece grey | chrome set. Pair lady's boot roller | S skates size 6, One chimney mount tele- COLONIAL ALUMINUM vision aerial. Reasonable. Phone RA Office and display court 5-8522 after five o'clock. 170f Evenings Call RA 8-1062 |iasrApoRr retriever, 10 foot duck Be Sure With Colonial boat and decoys, all for $50. RA See Aug.9 SPECIAL PRE SUMMER PRICES Doors, windows, awnings, heavy inch door completely installed $41.95. No extras to buy. Finest in features, finest in quality, Call now for free estimates. RA 8-8571 PRICES at BRAMLEY MOTOR SALES | Marine Storage and Supply Ltd. Phillips refrigerator, i dition, Phone RA 83-8476. 170f stove ; good 474 30-ft. extension ladder, lawn mower, garden tools and piano. All in good | condition. Phone RA 8-1216. 170f McCLARY electric rangette, also small Duotherm oil space heater. RA 8.397%: PETERBOROUGH BOATS Cedarstrip, aluminum, mould- ed plywood, fibreglas. Moulded mahogany hull Evinrude motors TEE-NEE TRAILERS Layaway plan, no finance charges. Factory opproved service, FOR SALE Junior size bed, with spring interior mattress, also baby's crib, complete with ""Spring- field" mattress -- $50. Call RA 8-1944 ofter 6 p.m. BOAT KITS Brooklin, Ontario Phone 87 Open evenings and weekends. Aug. | LTD. ALWAYS THE LOWEST! QUALITY ~ ALWAYS THE BEST! So why not see for yourself 1271 Simcoe St. N., RA 3-4675 1956 METEOR Niogara Sedan -- Light green, custom radio, one owner, See this one, MERCURY Monteray, 2-door hard-top, light blue, auto- matic transmission, white wall tires. You'll have to buy this one at our low price. 1955 CHEVROLET two-door -- dark green, excellent condi- tion throughout, Make this one yours, 1955 1954 FORD coach -- White roof, body moroon. A real value. 1953 1952 FORD Sedan embassy brown, with radio. A real beauty. PONTIAC Sedan -- grey, immaculate throughout, re- cently reconditioned. ' 1952 1952 CHEVROLET Two-door, grey, custom radio, going cheap. PONTIAC Sedan -- Black, white walls. A real steal at our low price. METEOR Coach -- Dark blue, with custom radio. Going cheap. FORD convertible, pink and black. CHEVROLET Coach, grey with radio, going cheap PLYMOUTH 4-door, black, try this one. PONTIAC Coach -- Grey, Going cheap. Many More Models To Choose From BRAMLEY MOTOR SALES 1271 SIMCOE ST. N. RA 3-4675 170a| 1951 1951 1951 1951 1950 $56.00 and Up Have your heating needs evenings and week- attended to now --- Avoid delays this Fall. No pay- ment until September. OIL FIRED UNITS GAS FIRED UNITS OIL & GAS CONVERSIONS Registered Ontario Fuel Board Installer W. BORROWDALE HEATING SALES, OSHAWA RA 3-4878 AT Aug.18 HOME APPLIANCES LUXURY OUTBOARDING! | 90 SIMCOE ST. S., RA 5-5332 BUDGET PRICES ! Aug.2 See the power loaded new GLADIOLUS ELTOS! 3 to 35 hp. 2 electric starting models, White, mauve and mixed colors, 75¢ a dozen Full warranty, Choose yours | 1 T ho Cy) oe. "Eto ies go 75¢ A DOZEN 757 KING ST. W. RA 3-4179 Open enas. Brooklin Marine Storage Supply Ltd. PHONE 87 July24 SEE! FRIGIDAIRE! { SHEER LOOK--PLUS Service, Gliddon at Verdun | Rd. -- RA 5-9251, | Aug.16 { 170f 51--Swap and Barter FURNITURE, new and used. We buy, sell and exchange furniture, ap : pliances, pianos and sewing machines Special reductions in Alum- [for your best price in Ajax, Whitby and inum Doors, Storms, Screens, (Oshawa. Dial Whitby, MG 3-498] collect and Porch Railings | Midtown Furniture, July 26 NOBODY BUT NOBODY |WE "buy, sell and exchange used fur- CAN BEAT OUR QUALITY, |niture. Highest prices paid for any ap- PRICES AND GUARAN- |pliances, TV, pianos, sewing machines. [For quick action contact Oshawa Trad TEED INSTALLATION. Call |ing Post. Aug. 19 HOLODY ALUMINUM RA 5-2431 TODAY Aug. 18'50--Articles For Sal Winter-Seal ALUMINUM WINDOWS AND DOORS Kool Lite Aluminum Awnings CUSTOM AND OPEN AND CLOSE RAILINGS -- |nterior and Exterior | Fireptace Furnishirigs and Bathtub Enclosures LES EVENISS SALES LTD. 15 PRINCE ST Les Eveniss RA 3-2707 Bill Galbraith RA 5-8832 Don Howe RA. 5-0313 machine, clothes reel, typewriter, new deer rifle, trailer, truck, supplies and installations, for . what have you, Chinn's, RA 35-7088, Augustl? July28 sf (even heat their igloos with seal s, now at a price you of | RESOURCEFUL HUNTER | 8.00 P.M. |11,6--~Come Fly With Me » | history of Pallak, a 56-year-old | 3--Investigator 170a | | COMBINATION TV, boy's bicycle, tile | plumbing | RA 5-4632 |Eouthe rn The Eskimos of this area on Chantrey Inlet, 1,200 miles north of Winnipeg, are among the north's most isolated and health- |iest. An annual central Arctic medi- {cal survey has never disclosed a case of tuberculosis in the small Back River group, nor any dental decay. The tribe has only four con- tacts with the rest of the world. |® They are a priest at Baker Lake; a Hudson's Bay Company trader from King William Island; the medical survey team, which vis- its once a year; and the RCMP, whose visits are not as frequent. MEAT, FISH EATEN RAW Back River Eskimos eat fish, seal and caribou raw and do not| Among Healthiest BACK RIVER, N.W.T. (CP)--|lak fashioned a mew limb from [60UTs®: three pieces of driftwood, one formed a peg; the others clasped | it. A pad of musk-ox horn on the | bottom prevented the peg from wearing away. ome." He has been | Saskatoon for 47 years and July 16 marked the 35th 'anniversary |of the establishment of CFQC [Ladin Born at Portland, ; | Brockville, Ont., he is a graduate Dr. L. E. C. Davies, head of|in engineering of ee Dacuate the survey team called the opera-|sity and McGill University, tion a "neat job of amputation A half block southwest is a log- and a : perfectly - serviceable walled cottage artificial limb, good for. years to|longed to Rt. Hon. W. L. Mac- |kenzie King. {and the home is near a golf in business in near that once be- TELEVISION LOG CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton. CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto WROC-TV Channel 5--Rochester WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffale WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffalo CinemaAScoPE $2 Best Picture Awards and World-Wide Honors oil lamps. Few wear the white man's cloth parka, choosing furs instead. X-rays and physical examina- tions this spring were made as usual in an igloo on the banks of Back River. Complications arose when the x-ray machine began melting the - | six-foot high roof of the igloo but| TUESDAY EVENING | 5.00 P.M. 11--Family Theatre | 6--Princess Margaret | 5--Playhouse | 4--~Fun to Learn | S--Today 2-8ir Lancelot . , S5--Susie 4--Children's Theatre 6.30 P. 2--Mickey Mouse 600 P.M 6--It's a Great Life 5.156 P.M. house M. 4--Susie technician D'Arcy Lidst mah- | aged all the same. Because there | is no place in a snowhouse to| |nail a cassette, or film holder, | Lidstone had the Eskimos hold them against their chests while kneeling on a bench. Short and powerfully built, the Back River Eskimos often had to get their whole chest into the x-ray picture. Doctors on the survey team | class the Eskimos here as ingen- | ious and brave: with exceptional stamina. | This was borne out in the case hunter examined this spring. | Thirty years ago, while hunting | with his brother, the brother's | rifle discharged, shattering a| bone in Pallak's left leg. Far from help, Pallak, aided by the brother, amputated his mangled leg at the knee with a hunting knife. He stitched he stump with sinew, then returned {to the main camp. | | When the wound healed, Pal-|1 NEWS BRIEFS FOREST FIRE HAZE WINNIPEG (CP)--Smoke from |forest fires Northwest Territories is causing haze conditions over much of | ¢_ viewpoint Manitoba and extending south-| 5--Movie Theatre |ward into the Dakotas, the Win- | |nipeg weather office said Mon- |day night. SETS RECORD MONTREAL (CP) -- A turbo- turn the cassettes sideways to|,, wouie 11, 6--Chevy Show | 2--Pantomime Quiz 10.3 P.M. 11, 6--Men in Battle in the Yukon and |511-6-4-2-News 11--Late Show 6--Royal Visit 4--Sherlock Holmes 3-Swing Shift 6--Boxing 4 ines, Sports 2--Jet Jackson 6.15 4Cisco Kid 80 PP. 6--Kaleidoscope 10.30 L 2-=N¢ 5; Weather; Sports 6.45 P.M, 6,5,4--News 2--Comedy Capers 7.00 P.M, | | P.M. | | | 6---Tabloid 5--Circus Boy 4 -Annie Oakley 2-My Hero quences 2--Pu*"» 5.4--Name 4--News 2--Sugar Foot 4 Hollywood Comedy House 5.30 P.M. 1, 6---Dragnet 4--Keep Talking 2---Wvatt Earp 9.00 P.M, 5--Dotto 4--To Tell The Truth 2-Broken Arrow 9.30 P.M, 5-Bob Cumn.ings 4~Playhouse 10.00 P. 1, 6--Rhapsody 5-Californians 4-Bid 'a' Buy | 2--Precinct $--Today Is 5--Boots and Saddle 4=Decoy 2-Highway Patrol 1.00 P.M. Weather; Sports 11:15 P.M, | 4--Serials 3--American | Bandstand 10.30 PM. A3. B 4--Edge of 11:45 PM. WEDNESDAY 5.00 AM, 4--Cartoon Capers 8:45 P.M 2--Rumpus Room 9.00 AM. 4--Popeye's Play. 2--Eddie Cantor 9.30 AM. S5--District Attorney 2--Boston Blackie 10.00 AM. 4---For Love of Money 5--Dough Re Mi 3-My Little A. 5-- Treasure Hunt 4--Play Your Hunch 2--Abbott and Costello 1.00 A.M. S--Price Is Right 4--Arthur Godfrey S--Truth er Conse. Defender 12.00 NOON and 5~Tic Tac 1'ongh 2- Love of Life 1215 PN 4--Speéaker of the 12.30 ¥.Mm, 5--It Could Be You 4--Search for Tomorrow 2-Mid-day Movie | 100 PM, S--Movie theaure 4--Meet the Millers M. 1:30 P. 4--The World Turns 2.00 P.M, 4~--Beat the Clock 2--Helen Neville 2.30 P.M. 5--Home Cooking 4--House Party 2--Laff Time 3.00 P.M, Margie M. Weather 5--Playhouse 4--Fun to earn 3-Wild Bill Hickok v.15 P.M, 6--Rope Around the Sun Children's Theatre 530 P.M. 6--Rin Tin (in 2--Mickey Moves 6.00 DAVID NIVEN » CANTINFLAS Featuring 44 "Cameo" Stars | SHOWN TWICE DAILY AT 2.00 and 8.15 p.m. ADMISSION PRICES WE REGRET SREE LIST SUSPENDED MATINEE EVENING Adults .90 | Adults 1.25 Students .75 | Students .75 Children .50| Children .50 6--Search for Adventure 4--Headlines, News 2--Colonel Bleep 6.15 P. 4--~Cisco Kid 30 P.M 6. " 1, 2,--News, Weather | Sports | 6--Meet Larraine 6:45 P.M. 6,5,4--News 2--Comedy Capers 7.00 P.M. 11--Frontiex Doctor 6--Tablod S5--~Zorre 4~Arizona Rangers 2---Grey Ghost 7.30 P.M. 11,6,2--Disneyland 5--Wagon Train 4--Frontier Justice 8.00 P.M, 4--Leave it to Beaver M. ON OSHAWA'S LARGEST SCREEN! "OKLAHOMA" IN COLOR AND CINEMASCOPE Starring GORDON McCRAE PLUS MORE ACTION JAMES CRAIG & LITA MILAN in "NAKED IN THE SUN" Enjoy A Whole Season Of 8.30 P.M. 11.6---Wyatt Earp S--Father Knows Best 4--Theatre 2--Tombstone Territory 00 P.M. 9. 11--The Vise 6-5-Kraft Theatre 4--Millionaire 3---Ozzie and Harriet 9.30 P.M. 11--Search for Adven- ture 4--I've Got a Secret 3--Sea Hunt 10.00 P.M, 4--Circle Theatre 11---TBA 6--Boyd Q.C. 5--It Could be You Ours 4--~The Big Payoff 2--American Bandstand | 5_Gray Ghost 3.30 P.M. 8--From These Roots 4--Verdict is Yours | Trust Your Wite 4.00 P.M, 11--Trouble With Father | 5~Queen for a Day ML 11--Cartoon Capers Night WEDNESDAY P.M. 5.00 P.M. (1--Family Cheatre 6--Hobby Corner og MOVIES wr $1.00 JUST JOIN OUR DRIVE-IN THEATRE a Bl BUMPER STRIP CLUB! gm bo] GET YOUR MEMBERSHIP CARD! 2-- Boxing 10.30 P.M. 11-TBA 6--The Web 10:45 P.M, 2-Stag Room 1.00 P. 11,8,5,4,2---News Weather; Sports 11:18 P.M Club privileges entitle member and; car only to FREE ADMISSION EVERY MONDAY, TUESDAY, WED- NESDAY AND THURSDAY (Holidays excepted). JOIN TONIGHT OFFER EXPIRES SOON ! 6--British Empire Games prop Britannia 312 aircraft flew from London to Montrea: in eight hours 57 minutes Sunday, shav- DAILY CROSSWORD ing 21 minutes off the previous record set by a British Overseas Airways Corporation Britannia June 2. TO BUILD PLANT | BRANTFORD (CP) Con- |struction will be started in two weeks on Brantford's $2,300,000 |sewage treatment plant, it was announced here Monday. The Dunker Construction Company Limited, Kitchener, will build the plant, with completion expected early in 1960. BAPTISTS MEET EDMONTON (CP) -- Approxi- mately 1,500 delegates and visit- ors met here Monday for the opening of the triennial general conference of the North Ameri ican Baptist Churches. Another 500 delegates were expected be- tore the conference ends Sunday. GUESTS AT PALACE | LONDON (Ruters)--Two hun- dred purple-robed bishops and their wives were the guests of the Queen Mother at a private recep- tion at St. James's Palace Mon- day. The bishops--attending the Lambeth conference were |chosen from overseas dioceses {that the Queen Mother had | visited FRENCH ATOMIC PLANT PARIS (Reuters) A new French atomic reactor went into cperation Monday at Marcoule, in France, marking | France's entry into the field of {large-scale production of pluton- | {ium the key ingredient of atomic |bombs» \ ACROSS 2. Kind of 1. Pacific dog Island group 3. Plaid coat 4. Fuegian Indian 5. Rough lava 6. Obstinate 7. Assam silkworm 12. Rub out 13, The killer whale 14, Straightens (var.) 8. Diminish, as 15. Exclama. the moon tion of fright 9.On the ocean in cartoons 10. Bird's home 16. Sprite 14. A wing 17. Consume 16. Rudi- 18. Twofold mentary (prefix) 20. Portico 19. Regulations (Gr.) 22, Travel by 25. A violent head. ache 26. Annam measure 32. Even (poet.) 34. Eskers 85. A sand ridge 36. Toward the sheltered side SHIA] TJOIT IA E]LIO] [RIE]E] AJL IMIAIS] SIL]! IOfE] BILTMORE AIR-CONDITIONED E[L IDIEIRIS] AIBIRIOIAIOSE IM] 1 ]L] IMIEIAIL TY BEA IRIEINIA] EID]! IL IERNBIE INIDIY] OA [OFA [DIO] LO] Yesterday's Answer 39. Caresses 41, Little child 42. Land measures 44, Tantalum (sym.) 1 1 LAST FIRST 21. Poet (It.) 23. Articles B 27. Air raid Ss ey [SAT "BULLWHIP pus "SEVEN GUNS TO MESA" ku signal " 28. Sayings of a 4 BIG DAYS STARTING religious teacher 29. Bird 30. Very slow TOMORROW AIR-CONDITIONED (mus.) 81. Leg joint 33. Erbium arnt, Debbie (that Tammy Gal) is back! Grin AA (sym.) 34. Harem room DEBBIE REYNOLDS 87. Man's nickname 38. 40. Weaken A ruler (Moham.) 42. Continent 43. Near (poet.) 44, River (Can.) 'S HAPPY FEELING. 45. Like an oboe 46. Donkeys HES SHIH MARY ASTOR fr ims S2bemaSiemE DOWN 1. Astringent LAST fruit DAY: "FRAULIN" adult & "Showdown at Boot Hill" a a CT SE tbh ONY in lei iE RE

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