37--Male Help Wanted 41--Room ond Board |44--For Rent |#4--For Rent 45--Real Estate For Sale 45--Real Estate For Sale #5--=Real Estate For Sale | THE DAILY TIMIS-GAZETYL, Yussdey, July 22, 1958 17 @YPROC lathers wanted. Experienced | BEST in town, single beds, all modern only. Top wages paid. Transportation to and from work, RA 5-8561 after 5 gn 1 MODERN four - room apartment, self- onveniences, close to south GM. contained, private entrance. Phone AA 54429. Apply 536 Lorraine Street. |[5-1354 DEALERS Wanted for Oshawa ond Whitby area to hande low- price deluxe triple-track al- uminum storm windows. Ap- ply Armstrong Aluminum Windows Limited, to, Phone CH 6-3441, july23($6 weekly, light cen! Martin Grove Ave., Rendale, Toron- RA four. Phone RA 37692. 0 FE rooms upstairs, private bath,| SEVEN - room brick house on Kendal SMALL furnished trailer, mew, sleeps NEW brick bungalow, 8 rooms. Avply 166f | RA 8-1720 or 885 Myers Street. close to tre. 137 Rosehill Boule-|SIX - room house, 1% miles from city WANTED BODY MAN AND MECHANIC Apply ati-- MEL'S ESSO STATION SOUTH MYRTLE 168c vard. Aug.4!limits. Apply Box 630, TimesGamtte, SIX room apartment in Courtice. Beau- T tiful surroundings on ground floor SINGLE room for gentleman. Centfal with private entrance, Modern con-|Apply 38 Nassau Street. veniences, reasonably priced. Phone THREE - bedroom brick, 1% storey. RA 8-5206. 167f| Available Sept. 1. Apply 318 Central NEW five room bungalow. Large kit chen and living room. Three nice bed: rooms. Extra BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW and large landscaped lot, tifully decorated, also land- COLONIAL HOME Gr", Offi eral choices on 3 5 ers sever . PHONE RA 37052 | ond 2-bedroom bungalows Sk for Kelly delivered to your lot, ready 169d] gor easy erection, Colonial Park Blyd. South. THREE rooms, including kitchen, built- ins and sink. Good parking, $60 month- ly. Phone RA 5-6500, 1 THREE - room apartment, private ONE three - room flat $55 monthly. One two - room flat, $40 monthly, Heat, lights, water included, Abstainers. Im- mediate possession. Apply 283 Jarvis Street, RA 5-2875, 167¢ |45--Real Estate For Sale Homes, RA 8-8571. 289 LOT, 42x112-3, city approved, 66f | sidewalk, water, close to St. Gertru school, also Duke of Edinburgh. Apply Aug. sewer, Park Road South, Oshawa. v 591 Devon Street. 168t| "We are Urgently needing FOUR - room basement apartment, in|entrance, all conveniences. Apply SALES OPPORTUNITY Top commission 'paid. Insur- once and Health Plan, Auto- mobile supplied, Gas allow- ance, Apply in person, A. SHANWALT Manager BRAMLEY MOTOR SALES LTD. 1271 Simcoe St. N. 170c¢ Lloyd Realty, Oshawa, Ltd. RA 8-5123. apartment building, in Oshawa. Con-|Drew Street, 166 tains stove, refrigerator, washer, dryer, | 550 Tooms, light wiring, unfurnished. ouriain . Phone MA 3-3611 Bow. |g. o path. Cupboard space. RA 5-2230. manville. 1671] 170¢ NICE room for rent, with single beds. Apply 15 Maple Street off Simcoe TWO furnished rooms (Italian family), for single man or girl. Apply 7 Naz. South. RA 5.9712. August2| © cireet. 1 ONE comfortably sgh vel - contained, three - room Bouseliseping bed * Sifting room, Apply apartment. Private bath and entrance. 77 Ontario Street, Working couple preferred. Apply Soe Ritson Road North, TWO furnished or unfurnished rooms, 70 FIVE - room cottage for rent, $40, Out- suit ladies, gentlemen, or couple, sink In kitchen, parking apace. 78 on side conveniences. Large garden. Suit- Street. able for young couple or elderly people SEVEN-room house central, move in/without children, Apply W. Scattergood, Farewell Avenue. 170¢ August 1. Seen by appointment only. 167¢| FULLY furnished bedroom and kitchen UNLIMITED OPPORTUNITY FOR A YOUNG MAN AGE 21-27 who is a high school graduate, presents good appearance and has the ability to meet the public. This posi- tion offers splendid advancement and a secure future, 168c| after 6 p.m_ or all day Saturday. with refrigerator and rangette. Laun. dry facilities. Central, Apply 237 Athol Street East. 170f ATTRACTIVE unfurnished apartment. Bedroom, living - room, kitchen and three . piece bath. Central. Private en- |SIX - room house, all conveniences. Available August 15.° Apply 443 Bloor | East. 167f ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, avail. able in private home. 82 Park Road North, 5 pm. to 7 p.m, RA 8-8671. July 23 trance. RA 3-7313. TTS July26 Badan a aides --- |SIX - room bungalow, Fernhill Boule- V letely | * 2¥0 Jame ol yg | vard. All convenieaces. Possession Aug: cliding electric refrigerator, use of just 30. RA 5-3077 | washing machine, continuous hot water, a Sa n. | |central to downtown and Shopping 1 3 ome ni | Centre. Suit working couple. $15 week- | men. Fully equipped. 1 167 THREE - room apartment, partly fur- kitchen, (nished. No small children. References. stop. | Reasonable rent. Townline East. Phone 167f| RA 5.6746. 170b [FULLY furnished two room suite: | STORE in Oshawa, 1200 - foot, on first range, refrigerator, sink, bathroom, |nosr Central entrance. Two excellent |automatic heat and hot water. Very|., oo' windows, Good location. Chart central. Phone RA 3.7462 168f| ered Trust Co., Toronto. F. J. Metvin, SINGLE room for lady or gentleman, | 7681, 170f {ly. Phone RA 5-5227. {TWO rooms, private bath, fully furnished. Close to bus {Phone RA 5-9685. with cooking privileges, Apply. 68 Was PARTIALLY furnished apartment with fe. Avetme. hai orem veer many built-in extras. Private sun porch SELF - contained apartment, three | contrally located and parking arrang. lrooms and bath, heated hot water sup-|eq Ristow and Olsen, Realtors. RA plied. Reasonable. Available immed: cc cc™ 0 anol Street West. 170b rately, Phone RA 8.8511. 168¢ 3 Al CO BT Se RRC pT "-- two furnished rooms, LOVELY 4 room apartment, nicely dec. | Sho, Weekly co 0 Kral. Also orated, private bath, heavy wiring. Im. | cooking privileges. ps y a mediate possession. Near hospital and one single room. pply Bruce |bus stop. 18 Aberdeen Street. 168¢ Street, $6 ___ Au. | BED sitting room in quiet home, n FFIC Oshawa, 350 feet on BED sitting room in quiet home, north (OFFICE space in |of hospital. Apply 619 Christie Avenue |second floor, Very central. Office space 166f |or beauty parlor, Chartered Trust Co., ~ |F. J, Melvin, EM 87681. 170 38--Male or Female Help Wanted WANTED -- piano player for promis | paRTMENT -- ing western group, for radio and tele- |p vdro vision work. State age and experience |g, pn 74 to Post Office Box 100, Whitby, | ap 4 {ONE furnished or unfurnished room, y - ---- | with kitchenette and bath, will mind | TWO furnished housekeeping rooms. child, while mother works. RA 8-508. | Refrigerator and laundry. facilities 166f | Very central 1706 Newly decorated | NINE room h down and included. 566 Simcoe Street |three room apartment upstairs, to rent 170b | if desired. Oil heating. Apply 179 Osh- awa Blvd. North after 4.30 p.m, 1706 FIVE - room bungalow, available Aug- | NEW, MODERN BEAUTY SALON OPENING SOON IN DOWNTOWN OSHAWA Require hairdressers, exper- ience, fully qualified Beauty consultants, familiar with sleredizing units ond facials. Male barber, for shaping and _ female clientel. fully ienced. Receptionist, with some know- ledge of bookkeeping. Give complete resume of past experience to: BOX 1141 WHITBY July23 41--Room and Board ROOM and board for gentlemen, close to downtown. Apply 23 Elgin East. Dial RA 3-7814. ust 1. Phone RA 3-9889. 170c | ONE furnished housekeeping room, pri- BUILDING lot with well in Brooklin, attractive trees and 66" x 365°, | THREE - bedroom bungalow, $100 vate entrance, parking space available monthly, All conveniences. Phone RA 156 Agnes Street, ~~ . 170 8.8423 after 5 p.m. 170f | SINGLE room in quiet home, board op- ~ room bungalow, off Chadburn tional. Middle aged person preferred FIVE Street. Apply for information, 24 Phone RA 58706. i Ly Charles Street. RA 8-8324. 170b | MODERN six room bungalow. Com- | TWO large housekeeping rooms, cup- | pletely re-decorated with tile and hard s and bath. Dial RA 8-8357 or 168 Wood floors. All conveniences. Gas fur id podny 170c nace. Located King Street, Bowman. | ville, MA 3-3935. 170f > THREE unfurnished Foams, 12 eot: tained, second floor. ose sou BUCKINGHAN. MANOR GM. $60 monthly, RA 3-7735. 165 APARTMENTS Self-contecined one and two bedroom apartments, modern, | ake, four bedrooms, half-mile south of | electrically equipped, best lo- GM, immediate possession. Ajax 192 cation. Apply 498 Simcoe St. 1651 | | FOUR - room unfurnished STAD men, Sim Street North, mo: an BR or RA 33118. | SPLIT level bungalow, right on the N., Apt. 5. RA 8-8676. SIX room, brick bungalow, new, oil July 26 heating, five minutes from new school. | This home is open to offer for rent. {Immediate possession. To see contact | Eugene Patterson at RA 5.6544. 165( THREE unfurnished rooms, with sink, very central. Available August 1. Apply 21 Coborne Street West, 168 FOR RENT NorthWay Apartments, mod- ern self-contained five-room Homes in any location, with reasonable down payments. For results call:-- LLOYD AYERS Realtor RA 3-2254 Aug. 11 stream on back, Accept terms. $1100. Phone RA 3-2166. 165¢ PRIVATE sale, 1% storey house, com- pletely furnished, 3 bedrooms, tiled kit- chen and bathroom, hardwood floors, oil heating, garage. Close to bus stop and school, RA 3-4770. 170b PORT PERRY -- Four-room frame house in a good location. $5,000 full price, PORT PERRY -- 65' lot, $1,000, WHITBY -- Five-room frome bungalow, low taxes. $9,600. WHITBY -- Six-room bungalow on a 66' lot, low taxes and low heating costs, extras. $1,500 down with $11,300 full price, WHITBY -- Five-room brick home with ottached gorage on a 90' lot. Full price $11,500. OSHAWA -- Income house with six rooms for the owner, oil heating, house .is in excellent condition, Full price $13,500. Call Mrs, Coulson, RA 3-9139. OSHAWA -- On-the-loke, split level, six-room brick home with finished recreation room, landscoped, extras. This immaculate home sells for only $13,700. Call Mrs. Coulson, RA 3-9139; or Whitby MO 8-2527. CALL US FOR INFORMATION on Crusader Homes in Whitby with low down payment and one mortgage, excellent location, OLIVE HOWE, REALTOR 130 BROCK STREET NORTH MO 8-2527 WHITBY Full price OPEN HOUSE TONIGHT AND EVERY NIGHT 1740 DOWN TOP VALUE TOP LOCATION Quality Built Homes by A. W. Banfield Const, Ltd. Directions: Turn South at Wilson Rd. and King St, to Hoskin Ave. Drive East on Hoskin Ave. 1}2 Blocks FOLLOW THE SIGNS Contact DON HOWE REAL ESTATE RA 5-7732 67 KING ST. E. ED Ly pie Ec Soak Cites ave, Fp SA 40 of Avenue. SoA 3500 A ee HOE aw | olred stone snd cream ROOM and board for two, willing to|nce location, suit two . ussett. | # ; stucco, on huge garden , i; LOT for sale 106° x 145, Kendalwood " ), he share, in clean home, good meals, ried couple. Phone RA 55302. 1% STE ciean, quiet, one or two furnish: subdivision, make an offer. RA 5-1224 aut Sedgwick, 'Prince | Albert, nice-size living room, two single beds, and a very large room LIVING room, kitchen and two bed-loq rooms and kitchen. Apply 268|aster 5 p.m. 1706 lorge bedrooms, tiled Kitchen close to Shopping Centre. RA 51753. |rooms, light housekeeping or unfurnish-|Ciarie Street. Aug.1 Samir Se Gahawa|LOT for sale on Fairleigh Avenue, ed ; Kifchen 167f ed, hydro included. West section. Ra i ungal LM. ween { down [40 X 102. Sewers. Phone RA 5-6139. 167 with plenty of cupboards 4 al » » . : : To | payment. Phone RA 8-1813. 170¢ [FOUR room bungalow, Seagrave, Ont. ished in rose arborite and 44--For Rent FIVE room, self - contained, Gnfur. HOUSE FOR RENT ei Ll ry DO Winn Dieabioet ron hed - ap. s 3 9 2 A s " K ONE bedroom suite in apartment A "efrigerator. RA 5.6309. 49% NEW FIVE-ROOM |bath, private drive, good lot landseap. EIGHT - room, 1% storey brick house,| Off kitchen. No floor cover building, stove, rig. Avtennl, ring Simcoe North, Apt. 4. 169¢ fed, low taxes. For avpointment contact $3000 or more down. Apply 290 Eulalie| ings to buy as floors are tiled oy psa Cron Road He 3 |SINGLE furnished bedroom 15 quiet BRICK BUNGALOW [Bill Ratcliffe at : Avenue after 6 p.m. 170t| throughout. Oil heating with FURNISHED Fooms, friends 10 share, (home, for gentleman. Apply 38 Col Rd. N. be at ic hot water, full : a ur On: Stevenson Rd, IN. beou: NOTHING DOWN basement. Decorated com- pletely which is unusual in the homes of today. No screens to buy as windows are oll screened. Excellent well with modern jet water system. This property is lo- cated on the brand-new super highway number twelve, just three miles north of Whitby, three doors north of entrance For Results CALL RA 8-5123 Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd. Aug. 10 LLOYD REALTY (OSHAWA) LTD. | _ July22,24| 1700 apartment, two large bed- |THREE unfurnished rooms, with sink rooms, laundry facilities, park- in kitchen, children welcome. Phone | RA 8-5394 or 185 Nassau Street. 168f ing area, air conditioned, im- mediate possession, newly dec- orated. 341 Division St, | TWO completely furnished rooms. Suit- able for couple. Apply 176 Warren Street, 167¢ THREE room apartment, all conven 165¢ ~ WHITBY CLASSIFIED iences, on ground floor, free parking Ap) 91 Celi Street, south door. 168{ GI ) floor apartment. Private en: trance. Heat, hydro included. In city. Phone RA 56797. 168¢ = FOR rent -- New bungalow, three bed- 205 Lee Avenue. 170¢ FOR sale -- 1958 Kelvinator Automat. ic stove, used one month. Can be seen at 129 Perry Street, back apartment, $300. . 170¢ | by. 0c 1 " rooms. $110 monthly THREE room unfurnished apartment, FOR general carpentry and cement a] convenjences, with private entrance, work, specializing in all kinds of house bus service, ideal for working couple. repairs. Free estimates. Henry Kuenen, phone RA 5-8624. 168¢ MO 8-2261, Aug. 22 ETA ee _______ " ""|THREE bedroom bungalow on spacious WANTED -- Woman for clerk in shoe corner lot, one off Park Road South, store, Write Post Office Box 1475 Whit- Oshawa, Newly decorated. Phone Whit MO 8-4943, 168¢ FOR sale -- 1956 Ford coach. Immacu- late condition. Can be seen at Hicks BA Terms can be 170¢ FOR rent -- New cabin trailer. Apply 139 Hickory - Street, phone MO 8-2560 Station, Dundas West arranged .| money repr 170a | Write Miss E. Outerbridge, 42 Saranac | VABGE FOR rent -- Three - room apartment, abstainers, no children. 312 Dundas 27367 between 8.9 a.m. 163f FREE package popular brand cigarets, purchase of gasoline. Open every morning at 7 am. Harry Donald Limited, Chevrolet-Oldsmobile. y_ Mo 8331 3 pI Aug. 18 FOR Sale -- Two good washing ma. THREE - SEPTIC tanks cleaned the sanitary Chines, one Heatline heavy duty stove, boards y Walter Ward, | L, EE Mo 8-2563. | Slightly used, two 'fridges, working, RA 3-4170. - - Aug, 24, 2t $35 and $40, one rangette $10. Beau- | HOUSE, year old, three bedrooms, gar- West. with every $3 BUY and sell used furniture, Special suite, one wheel chair, tables, chairs | suite, ) , | Brooklin 307 izing tr handmade and remodelled fur-|hufrets, studio couch etc. All this is| Rukia 301, niture. All work guaranteed. MO 8.3053; | offered for private sale tonight. Phone | NEW houses. Apply 888 Myers Street. Aug 12| atter five, MO 8-3042, 170a i ALTERATIONS, pant cuffing, drape USED furniture and appliances 4801. 121 Brock South. and alterations, also drapery. Centre South, MO 8-3360. Call 149 ing machine repairs. pliance Repair Centre, Street North. MO 8-4801. FOR Rent -- Ranch style bungalow, | Sater, nearly Jew} new chrome suites, gwqg,* Ultra-modern bedroom, two bedrooms, washer, 'frig, stove | Col Rew ion Jen space saver.| tiled bathroom, television, $115 per month. RA 53-8650, 1681 | i mew ci mattresses, $11.95; 2 broad ti tele ga ___ |used chrome suites. Call Midtown Fur. roadloom carpeting, tele FOR Sale -- Real bargain, 1951 Chev. niture, 113 Byron Street South, Mo| phone, etc. $30 weekly or half ton panel, good condition. Heater. |8-4981, Phone MO 8.4635 after 6.30 168f SOD for sale -- for the finest in sod CASH for used furniture, appliances, call Grant Landscaping, MO 8.2587, pianos and sewing machines. For top price in Oshawa, Whitby and Ajax, call Midtown Furniture, Whitby, MO 8.4981 July 30 Phone MO 8.4635 after 6.30 p.m. collect, FURNITURE, new and used, we buy, sell and exchange furniture, appliances, | pianos and sewing machies. For your| Whitby and Osh MO 28-4981 collect, | July 28 best price in: Ajax, awa, dial Whitby, Midtown Furniture. Aug.15 WANTED to rent -- Dutch family abstainers, no réquires three bedroom house in Whit. West. by or Oshawa district, phone MO FoR Sale -- Bargains -- 3 dining-room | 8-3923 170¢ | suites from $29.50; bunk beds; 1 plat-| RADIO, range, refrigerator and wash. form rocker; china cabinet; wardrobe The Ap-|$4.95; 4 rangettes from $9.95; Heintz. Brock | man plano; Aug.21 machine, $49.50; 1 Westinghouse refrig-| 1013 | ed. Phone MO 8- Aug.21 | M "| FOR rent -- Three - room apartment, FLYING DUTCH AN children, 312 Dundas MOTOR HOTEL uly24| FOR RENT AUGUST 1st FOUR ROOM APARTMENT | TWO BEDROOMS In new modern opartment building, 'Rent $90. Stove and frigidaire. Adults pre- ferred. References required PHONE MO 8-3591 1604 AFTER 4 HELP wanted -- Girl or woman for housework. Live in. Gazette, Whitby, CW four-room apartment private en- Write 9, Times-|{rance. Phone MO 83214 or apply 310 Ey 170b| Chestnut Street East. 168¢ AMBITIOUS women -- without neg-|GNE single room for rent. Apply 195 lecting your family you can 2am) Rood | Albert Street. 1681 von | ce } furnished light housekeeping RU room fn basement heated, private bath 78 Cadillac Avenue N, or RA 35-4956, July 22,2426. Aug. 11,13,15| 168 FOR sale--Five-room, 3-bedroom bun.|ONE large furnished foom te let in| | alow, for sale. Large lot. Central loca. New house on Mitchel Ave. Would tion, $9,500. Try $1200 down. W. Mc. Prefer lady. Phones RA 3.7345 after Aug, 8 room flat with builtin cup- Blvd, Toronto 19, Ont. Phone |Auley Realtor MO 8.3231. 170¢|3 pm. heavy duty stove in kitchen, adults, central location. $25. One Norge automatic stove, Private bath, on. tiful three piece sectional chesterfield den, school one block. Lease. Phone Aug, 16 A 81720. want. SUBURBAN LIVING -- DUPLEX Situated on No, 2 Highway, 7 miles east of Oshawa -- 2-storey brick Duplex on 2 acres of good garden land with large chicken house. 2 bedrooms, living room, kitchen, sun room, and bath- room on first floor plus living room, kitchen, bedroom and bath- room on second floor with private entrance. -Built-in walk in freezer in basemeni, well decorated ond landscaped. Just listed at $16,000 with half cash required. SIMCOE ST. S. (Beauty Parlor) Commercial property close to business section with large brick home and 2-room beauty parlor with all equipment. Oil heat, 2 bathrooms. A real bargain ot $16,000 with $3,000 down. LAW STREET Complete and lived in for 1 year with all the odd jobs completed. Ranch style brick with stone front bungalow with 6 rooms on 60' x 136' lot, landscaped, decorated, extra stool in basement, natural trim, ceromic tiled bathroom, aluminum storms and screens, aluminum storm doors, everything completed ready for comfortable living in an excellent neighborhood. Just listed at $15,700 with $4,800. down, TRI PLEX -- 1 YEAR OLD Solid brick Triplex showing excellent return, complete with aluminum storm windows, television aerial, electric dryer, auto- matic washer, 3 electric stoves, 3 electric refrigerators, ceramic tiled bathrooms, decorated LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE 3Va Simcoe Street South Dial 3-9329 or 5-6551 After 5:30 Dial Dick Barriage, RA 5-6243 Lloyd Metcalf, RA 5-69 Everett Elliott, RA 3-9290 Vo Ma RA $5100 170e On Highway 401 aot Bow- manville cloverleaf, Ten suites available for semi-permanent or permanent guests, Just 12 minutes from downtown Osh- 1 Singer portable sewing) $90 monthly, including maid service and linens. 10% dis- count on restaurant charges. July 24) Coll Jim Bourke ot MArket T 3-3373 DRIVEWAY GRAVEL Coarse or fine, $7 per load. Cement gravel, $1.60 yard. Sand and loam fill. For de- livery to Oshawa - Whitby - Ajax area, ERIC BRANTON, 1674 | 170¢ | MODERN, QUIET 2-BEDROOM SUITE WITH LARGE KITCHEN MO 8-2660. aug! In new building on 15 Gib- bons St. Ready to occupy August 1 Adults only, or | FOR RENT with children over 12 | Boats, Motors, Boat Trailers, Apply: 21 GIBBONS STREET . | Cabin Trailer; Tents," Comp 1701 toves, Lonterns, Lawn -------- Rollers, Lawn Mowers, Paint | Sprayer, Garden Tiller, etc. NEW THREE BEDROOM or Sale -- Bo otor: Roe ~ Seat mions, | SPLIT LEVEL" | WILDE GARAGE ATTACHED | RENTAL SERVICE Available August 1st, $100 | AND SALES per month. Phone | WHITBY, MO 83226 RA 3.9797 Aug. 18' 170¢ GUELPH STREET Beautiful 5-room brick bungalow with stone front, very central to schools, bus and shopping. Listed here are only a few of the many attractive features: large garage with overhead doors, aluminum storms, forced air oil heating, loads of cupboards, 3 geod-size bedrooms, large living room, tiled bathroom, com- pletely decorated and landscaped. Full price only $12,300 with $4,200 down and only $69 monthly carries principal, interest and taxes, McLAUGHLIN BOULEVARD Very attractive 5-room, 2-bedroom brick bungalow with oil heating, broadloom from wall to wall in living room, dining room ond hall tiled 4-piece bathroom, tiled kitchen, hardwood and tile floors, Only one-half block off Simcoe Street. Aski $12,500. Terms ; Ww ROWENA STREET Only $1,400 down and $6,900 full price, 5-room, 3-bedroom irsul stone bungalow, full basement, hot air heating -- coal, modern built-in cupboards, 3-piece bath, large lot, carries for $73 monthly GRASSMERE AVENUE Large 5-room bungalow on lot 50 x 135 ft., heating is forced air with oil, hardwood and tile floors, 2 large bedrooms, living room, dining room and kitchen, recreation room, aluminum storms, Full price $12,200 with $4,300 down good mortgage 5% interest J : LLOYD AYERS REALTOR, RA 3-2254 170s' | | THEN PHONE YOUR MOVER | to Springhill Park, Full price $10,900 with only $800 down and $55.00 per month, LLOYD REALTY Insurance Realtors OPEN EVENINGS REDUCED NO LONGER WANTED Beautiful storey and a half home. Used for model, re- duced to $11,200 full price. Low down nt, you make the offer. Monthly terms to suit your budget. Immediate possession, fully landscaped, many extras. A home for a large family, You can't afford to miss this one. Homes all around selling for RA 8-5123, Ask for Doug Gower or Bill Millar. ONLY A FEW LEFT * YS DOWN These homes are a terrific buy at this low down pay- ment, Featuring sodded fronts, laundry tubs, heavy wired, fixtures, copper plumb- ing, oak floors, ceramic tiled bath, and many other extras. SALESMAN ON LOCATION RA 8-1338 BOEM CONSTRUCTION BETTER BUILT BY BOEM 93 Simcoe St. N. RA 8-5123 LIST WITH LLOYD July 18, 22, 23 169¢ July3C L. S. SNELGROVE CO. LTD 43 PARK RD. S., OSHAWA SUPER DREAM RANCH HOME Suburbon property overlooking lake "and city, & large spacious rooms fully decorated, full size extra high basement finished for apartment or recreation room with modern kitchen, laundry room and work shop, attached double garage with large encloser breezeway, lot 104 ft, frontage by 403 ft. $3,500 down, balance one open agreement, Call office RA 3-9810 or RA 5.8761, BRICK BUNGALOW $10,000 One year old, 5 rooms, 3 bedrooms, ook and tile floors, modern kitchen with dining area, living room 12 x 17, 4-piece port tiled bathroom, full high basement, copper plumbing, laundry tubs, $2,500 down, call any member of the Real Estate Board for Co-op No. 222, or RA 3-9810 or RA 5-8761, N.H.A. RESALE, APPLE HILL 6 room rug brick bungalow, fully decorated, modern kitchen, dining room, living room, 3 bedrooms and 4-piece bathroom tiled, full high basement with outside entrance well planned for apartment or recreation room, alyminum storms and screens, beautiful landscaped lot with full "grown apple tree, asking $13,250 with $3,000 down, call. RA 3-9810 or RA 5-8761. UNFINISHED BUNGALOW é rooms, arttached garage, forced air oil heating, silent switches, aluminum storms and screens, 4-piece and one piece bath, home yet to be bricked, $2,000 will handle, call RA 5-8761 or 3-9810. We have a good variety of summer and winterized homes on Lake Scugog, easy terms or Cash. BUILDING LOTS Rossland Road East, 1 acre $1,600 with $500 down. Grenfell St, 43 x 125 ft, sewer and water $2,200, Athol St. E. 61 x 120 ft. sewer and water, $2,250 with $1,000 down, Members of the Local Real Estate Board 170a 45--Real Estate For Sale 45--Real Estate For Sale ONE OWNER HOME Immaculate condition, Six large rooms, Insulated. Oil heating, Fireplace, hardwood floors, garage. Central loca- tion, other extras, 347 ATHOL ST. E. T.T. July 22, 24 Wilson Ave., north of King. 2-bedroom apartment In new duplex. Tiled bathroom, bel- cony, laundry room, ated to your choice. Open now for inspection, August occupancy. Call or wrtie FRANK HAZLETT 3005 Bathurst St, Toronte RU 3.1733 or CH 4-1801 170¢ 200 DOWN 7 ROOMS - DUPLEX 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, air conditioning. ONLY 8 YEARS OLD SOLID BRICK CADILLAC AVENUE Choice area; beautifully land- scaped, very easy to carry. | W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. A. J. SCHATZ $500 DOWN N.HA. BULT BUNGALOW WHY RENT? 3 bedrooms, family size kit- chen, excellent area, One block from school, Divided basement. W. T. LAMSON RA 5-883] REAL ESTATE LTD. RA 5-8831 170b Insurance WE LIST PHOTO CO-OP 7Y2 Simcoe St. South OSHAWA | TO RENT -- 1 and 2-bed! room Apt, in Oshawa, with stove and frig., parking available in good location. NEW N.H.A. HOMES $1,445 DOWN 6 rooms, 3 bedrooms, bun- galows with divided basemer and walkout, Realtor General FEATURING: 1. Modern Kitchen . 4-pc. Ceramic Bath . Light Fixtures Iron Railings . Laundry Tubs . Hot Water Heater . F.A, Oil . Sodded front and more extras, BNOUAEWN For further information call Olga Zakarow, evenings RA 5-0494, RA 5-8461--MO 8.3337 PICKERING 590 Member Local Real Estate Board 170a SCHOFIELD REAL VALUE 3 bedroom brick bungalow with family-size kitchen, forced air oil furnace, paved driveway, landscaped lot, fenced in for the kiddies., Full price $11,400. N.H.A, TERMS, FOR THE HARD-TO-PLEASE BUYER Owner's custom built home, completely landscaped. Beautifully decorated, built-in bedroom vanities, 3 large bedrooms, tiled bath, full poured concrete basement with planned recreation room partly finished -- many other features for easy living. Full price $14,000, JUST NORTH OF SHOPPING CENTRE $11,700 full price -- 2 storey brick, 3 bedrooms, tiled bath up; living room, dining room and modern kitchen down, Full base- ment with oil fired furnace. Private drive ond garage. 6% open mortgage until paid. $800 FULL DOWN PAYMENT $800 5 rooms, 3 bedrooms, brick and stone front, Public school one block, high school 2 blocks, separate school 3 blocks -- 20 minute bus service at the door. Full price $11,800. Only 2 left. Act now. HOURS 9 AM. to 9 P.M. Wilson Realtor SHOPPING CENTRE RA 5-6588 AFTER HOURS CALL: FRANK McCANN RA 8-8921 BILL NORRIS AJAX 1290 DOUG WILSON RA 5-5625 1700 » wooded. McQUAY & KIDD, REALTORS WHITBY PLAZA 313 BROCK ST, §. OPEN 9-9 WHITBY--MO 8-3414 OSHAWA--RA 5-6632 TORONTO--EM 3-9603 VALUES IN VACANT ACREAGES 11 acres of good dry garden land, $5,000.00 with $500.00 down or will exchange. Call Ted Coates. Lake Ontario lot 62 x 300, $1,100.00. Located at Bowmanville. 20 acres sandy loam, 2 acres level; balance hilly and bush. Good trout stream. $4,000.00 with $2,000.00 down. Bowman- ville area. Call Walter Frank, MA 3-3986. 60 acres light soil suitable for Christmas trees, with creek and beaver pond. Taxes $30. Total price is only $4,500.00 with terms, near Pontypool. Call Mr, Allin, Oshawa RA 3-3053, 10 acres on paved road two miles from Bowmanville. Level clay loam and all workable, ideal for gardening. $2,750.00 with $1,000.00 down. Call Walter Frank, Bowmanville MA 3-3986. 100 acres sandy soil, 90 workable with balance bush 11,400 Christmas trees plonted 1957. $8,000.00 with $4,000.00 down. Call Walter Frank, MA 3-3986. 3% acres near Orono with two trout streams at only $1,100.00 with half cash. Partly wooded. Call Walter Frank, MA 3-3986. S50 acres on paved road between Whitby and Oshawa, ideal speculation. $30,000.00 with $10,000.00 down or will sell in 10-acre parcels, 55 acres oh No. 401 highway between Oshawa and Bowman- ville, 8 rods frontage on highway, 130 rods frontage on side- road. Stream. $18,000.00 with terms or would consider an exchange on a house. Call Mr. Allin, Oshawa RA 3-3053 100 acres pasture land, hilly, with trout stream and 20 acres Ideal for skiing. Near Orono. Call Walter Frank, Bowmanville MA 3.3986. RESIDENTIAL =~ FARMS --- ACREAGES -- BUSINESSES Insurance Associates Ltd. RA 3-2265 IDEAL LOCATION A neat, compact 5-room brick bungalow located cor- ner of Sommerville Ave. and Rossland Rd. W. Consists of 2 bedrooms on main floor plus one in attic, living room, dining room, kitchen and 4. pc. bath, Extra stool in base- '50 Chev. deluxe coach A-l $395. RA 85-4513 RISTOW & OLSEN REALTORS DIVISION ST. North of Alice where the boulevard is wide, paved street and surrounded by well kept homes, this six-room brick is clean and neat as gq pin. The owner has been transferred ond will give early possession. Enquire toe day by calling Hilda Ristow at RA 5.6165 or RA 5-3605 evenings, WHAT'S INSIDE This five-room home located in' South-east area close to playground park and bus ser- vice, Large kitchen with eot- ive area, Separate dining room, four-piece tiled bath. Full price $10,900 with rea- sonable down payment, Call Ron Douglas at RA 5-6165 or RA 5.3605 evenings. $13,500 Six large rooms, breezeway and attached garage, ad- jacent to Grandview Gardens, Built on a wide lot overlook= ing the city, close to bus ser- vice and all schools, May be seen by appointment by call- ing Hilda Ristow at RA 5-6165 or RA 5-3605 even- ings. RA 5-6165-RA 5-3412 19 Athol St. West, Oshawa Member of the Oshawa end District Real Estate Boerd 47--Automobiles For Sale eondition 165¢ '55 Chev., radio, good looking reliable car, $1295. "Stew" at Wellman's, RA 3-4431. 168¢ 756 Dodge sedan Crusader good con- dition. $1095. RA 5-4513. 1682 custom-slips, clean, T ment, Completed rec. room. Substantial down payment re- quired, N.H.A. RESALE Six-room brick bungalow; lo- cated on a fully landscaped lot in Southmead Subdivision, Close to school, bus service and General Motors South Plant. This three-bedroom home is in immaculate condi tion, heated by oil, aluminum storms and screens, 514 % mortgage, NEW EXECUTIVE HOME - Enjoy this larger new home. One block off King St., close to highways, shopping and bus. Sunken living room with two twindows window. Ran- dom stone fireplace wall and hearth, containing solid oak built-in bookshelves, Family size dining room, with access to heated sunroom through French doors, which has large corner picture windows. Four-piece colored bathroom with ceramic tile, Three bed- rooms, master bedroom has two-pc. washroom, plenty of large closets. Original kitchen plan containing breakfast nook, Attached garage and large covered entrance porch. NEW HOME -- SIMCOE ST, N. Yes, your fomily probably have always wonted a new home 'in a suburban grea without sacrificing city com- forts, Here's your opportun- ity to own a new ranch-style home with 34 acres of lond. The living room is 24" long and features qo large picture window, and stone fireplace, The dining room is family size. The extra large kitchen is well arranged and blessed with loads of cupboard space. 3 bedrooms, 4-pc. bath with colored fixtures, tiled wi gs alls and beautiful built-in vanity, 2-car garage. Oil heat, country taxes, clear fresh 1 X r air, Don't hesitate, Act now, Call Bill McFeeters, daytime RA F232 evenings RA 12 PRINCE ST. 6 SIMCOE ST. N. After Six Please Call LOTS 170a Stan Phillips .. RA 8.1496 Bill McFeeters RA 5.1726 Dn Poole RA 5-8489 Steve Macko .. RA 5.0771 Joe Bosco .... RA 5.9870 Reg. Aker .... RA 5.0201 170a HOLIDAY IN A GUARANTEED USED CAR BUICK Hardtop, auto- transmission, tu - tone grey and green $1895 '56 '56 FORD Sedan, auto trans- mission, 16,000 mile AE Sn $1595 '54 PLYMOUTH Coach, 2- tone' black and yellow. A really outstanding family car .... $895 '53 CHEV. Sedan. A one- owner, low - milage cor, ray seed $999 '53 FORD Coach, radio and new paint job .. $899 '52 METEOR Sedan, radio, many extras .... $799 '52 CHRYSLER Six Sedan, 38,000 miles, new tires. Cha Ss $799 '53 PONTIAC Sedan . $799 '52 FORD Custgm Coach, new motor, new tires. A lovely car .... $799 '51 FORD ' Custom Sedan, new tires, very clean in ond: out... ivi $599 '51 DODGE Sedan, good motor, new tires . $499 '52 CHEV, Hardtop, custom radio. A popular model. CAE a $799 '51 BUICK Coach, fully equipped, one of the best in Oshawa ..... $699 '50 VANGUARD Sedan, radio . $275 30-DAY WARRANTY AS LOW AS $25.00 DOWN TRADE UP OR DOWN WILBAK MOTORS 137 KING ST. W. RA 5-0732 168¢ (Continued om Page 18) BR a ---- i ---- a " A