Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 22 Jul 1958, p. 16

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16 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTS, Tuwesdsy, July 22, 1958 #55 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE Want Ads[E -- Y 6-- Wanted AS | 1---Accountants 8--Building Trades 11--Business Opportunities 15--Instruction 21--Personal Service 28--Summer Resorts 3 = Female Hep Wane a ERT service on all kinds of in-|NEW cotfage on Lake Ontario, 10 miles | EXPERIENC chen . Apply ea. ot |L. Schapelhouman accounting service. CONCRETE work, driveways, side-|ATTENTION! Equipment supply houses. Misic Studio tor oll' Instroments EXP | NEW « on Lake < Fo. 0 willgy EXPERIENCED iitchen Delp. PI 50 N. 0 | INDEX | Specializing in accounting and com-|walks, cellar floors, steps, also plaster |Terry Machinery, Oromo, 1d. is Ne uc Trine dustrial and domestic Jowing mac east { Oshawa JJurnished, quiet. Al r Reston : South, | 4 tax (repairs. Work guaranieed. RA 5-8314. pet ; ; Deadlines now in effect for TO WANT AD [/iete bookkeeping service. income tax|repairs. Wo Aug.19| tion line dealer, in the Oshawa area, IES Wet August 10S Poe na San. this column: | Oshawa A. 5.0055 Aud FoR airy, and handy.|lo handle a complete line of pumps, ALTO MUSIC SUPPLIE SOORREEFING, To sinens | LAKE Scagor, 30 maiies from Oshawa, | Ea E mi NCE ey. Ton a0 11: 8 Births, Memorloms, Cards of || | A IFICATION ; ay aot Borg Aug. 19 |generators, concrete vibrators (for New and Used Pianos ING SA SMUD, Iles Irv shave awry for home sewing ob doll d nig = 30s Woah i ogo] A indi : -- 2 le: we aim vl ie Full Selection of all instruments [duiries P.O.;Box 26, Oshawa; P.O. BOX | season, fully equipped, near park, and | oro on-- C0 org expert oe cou N 8 9 A.M. SAME DAY | --Accountants ices for small business. 184 Bond Street : ales and Service courte provided in Se 1437 Whitby. + July 28| swimming. RA 88334, qe [SURIOR salen lady. Tyvins, expert AT a uaa ae on aE Bk, ik od oom, Swe: AC. Pour cu fers Slachinery Co 477 Simcoe Street South OSHAWA Beach, two Sd four Tooms, Walmsley and Magill, 9 4 ' . ? hy e. . 11 AM. SAME DAY 1605. Aug.l| footings cement floors, com. 14d., 37 Densley Avenue, Toronto 5. by WEDDING PORTRAITS [summer accommodation, re bie Wah DIAL RA 3-3492 RA 3-7 3--Chiropractor iis mT ---------- " July 28 Apply Barnhart's Pavilion, PANT ; " te foundations, Workman- |mail. uly PPly EXPERIENCED presser. Plokwick 4--Dentists and Auditors; 84 King Bote iy Free esti By ROBERT ALDSWORTH |G i River cottage $30 weekly fully |Conancrs. RA 3.4835. 1708 S--Nursing Services | . L. Yale; A. F, fried: A 13--Gardening & Supplies |16--Insurance Photography at your home, |equipped hydro flush toilet. Boat in- . Vii ll 6--Optometrists lander, B.Comm., CPA; J. Hunter,|] motes, arch ond recension cluded, Write E, 1. Gale Norland. 168¢|GIRL for part time, : of olf CPA. Dia: RA 53-1621. Aug2l J 8 A CONSTRUCTION |[LANDSCAPING, gardens plowed ALLSTATE Auto Insirance, Save up| church and reception, dear club preferred, high school age T--Surveyors [CEA be Certified . . disced, clean-up jobs, fop soll, sod,|to 20 per cent, nine months to pay For AMPBELL'S STUDIO COTTAGES for rent, Rice Lake, elec-| pio 0 Apply at 340 Alice Street eve BIRTHS Ta--Veterinarians [8 Xi Bopkina and br ag eet PHONE RA 5-0551 lawns serviced RA 59727, Aug.10| personal service at your home, call RA C tric Jeltigeratirs, boats. Phone bis nings, Downsview Golf Club. 1682 8--Bullding Trades | East, Oshawa, Ontario. RA 5-3509. July 25 | AWNS and gardens plouged, Roto. | 57413. Aug. 15| 26 SIMCOE §. RA 3-2532 |04282, 4 OFFICE clerk - stenographer for as- 9--Building Material Aug.2 tilled and disced. Landscaping. No job . Aug. 9 sessor's office for mext two months, ; CINRS ~~ Michiel #54 Dorel (irks 10--Sharpening Service MONTEITH, Monteith, Rell and Cou ANDREW BUTLER by al of large, BA i Th 17 Money To Loan Lake Scugog, new ho mekeep- Town. o Na. Avrly Wm. E. Noble nee Service), h i 4 y tams, licen: 8- -3576, «lan Db . . i ree bedroom: , Assessm » birth of their daughter, Shelley Claire (| 11--~Business Opportunities 4 Sig vi a, Stratiord, To| BUILDING CONTRACTORS | risa Youll be missing a good [FIRST and second mortgages, sale PERSONALIZED TRAINING ing, sontages, pi flush toilet. | 08, Ajax, Ontario 167 , 6 lbs. 15 , born July 21} 11a--Business Opportunities & A teith, FAC; i . agreements purchased and sold. Hen. : . : Jou, the Rg Fd Hospital, Wanted front: sri B. ii A; Ww. Brickwork, Block and Stonework, bet i you don't call us before you nick and Hennick, 'Barristers, 31 King Slenderizing, Reducing and Large living room, kitchen, fi ie olka: cm 0 rem opine [Heh THE ChE rere vin far on gd rel Eat TIE TAH Coneral budy culture Ea, oer, as TYPIST mamas ett srg | SIS fr TT SN SL A onl Roly Mw 00 Tn CHES, ts, SORT 8) JANE BLACK STUDIO | sok mew tinge unr | TYPIST ig wid ph pg 15-- Instruction | 2--Barristers Satisfaction Guaranteed 8.2587, Whitby. Aug. 14 NE "ead Novy OPEN 9 am. to 10 p.m, water, screened-in patio, On For general insurance office. urday, July 19, 1958, at the Oshawa || |é--Insurance | Free Estimates. GRAVEL, loam, fil, three - quarter | Public, 26% King East, Oshawa, RA| - 451 SIMCOE S. RA 5.9602 lake front to Robert J. Parkin, General Hospital. Our thanks to Dr. [| 17__pMoney to Loan |JoN K. WacOouild, BA Barsiter RA 5.0547 stone. Prompt delivery. Phone, RA 3.4697. Appl Aug.11 for appointment R.R. 1, Little Britton. Phone McLean 18--Loan Wanted | Phone RA 8-8511. Aug 18 Aug.9| SCHOFIELD FIRE INSURANCE Aug. Insurance Ltd. July21| 26R14, MAHER -- Dr. and Mrs. Gerald B.|| 18a--Mortgages | Jones, BA, and Thomas H. J Maher are happy Pog af. inl the birth {| 19--Personal J Barristers and Solici- WATER WELL DRILLING SOD - TOP SOIL - MANURE WITH BROAD - AJAX 6 SIMCOE ST. N. 17th of a son Eric Patrick, a brother for || 20 Cartage [tods, 65 Simcoe Street, RA 5-3525, NURSERY STOCK EXTENDED COVERAGE 29--Summer Properties re ---------- Peter and Christopher, bom Saturday, [| 3) personal Servies [Mortsage loans available. Aug: AND DIGGING GARDEN MAINTENANCE All Risk Outboard Motor and CLEANING SERVICES For Sale or Wantea pi, Oa Genertl Kok 12 padio Repair and Notars "Pubic, 1018 King Sirest Gov's, Licensed Drills- HARDSAND LANDSCAPING | Boat Policies. Save 10% with WOMEN ; 23--Women's Column Ea 32269. NHA and private Reasonable Prices Kk ond. materiol a Composite Policy, Auto In- A " VER A : y 24--Market Basket mortgages arranged. . Aug.7 Honest Workmanship All A Ts _ surance, Instalment Plans if fices, homes and halls, Phone 320 down, Belance uvaege YEUNG JON O VER 2 I ty Brian James, 6 1s. || 25--Pets and Livestock GREER ad Keliy, Harst hy Solid GERALD FULTON RA 5-1721 desice ot S. McCALLUM Oshawa RA 5-3422 or Pich- Conada's lowest terms, prices bitious and want more pleas- 13 ozs., at Humber Memorial Hospital || 26--Former's Column tors, ete., t M RA 5.4067 | Aug. 7 PHONE RA 5.6402 ering 5-87W2, range from $1,795 to $3,495 ont and better-paying work, y Dial RA 3-2278. Residence phones: | I a (Greer, BA Sc., RA 53368; Terence V Aug. 10} Aug. 6 T.T.5. Aug8 for cottage or retirement Women who can accept . home, complete with lot, on training for more responsible fine. 78--Summer Resorts | Kelly, BA. BC, RA 52602, Aug. 10 y MILLAR -- Jean and Matt Millar are [| 280--Hunting CREIGHTON, Fr r, Drynan and HILLSIDE 22--Radio and T.V. Repairs| Your choice oi Ontario's finest positions ho | lokes. Also Pre-Cut or Custom A pleasing personality ond a ha ies For Sole ¢ No- happy to announce the safe arrival of [| 29--~Summer Properties Murdoch, Barristers, Solicitors, No Sl - ibe | their son, Robert Mark, at the Oshawa | or Wanted |tary Public, Bank of Commerce Build LANDSCAPING WE have clients with monies to pur (LEN'S and Lou's Antennaé, repairs. Bilt Cottages cvailoble to i ' i le i chase first and second mortgages and (Complete Rotor antenna, $75. Phone RA| pt iO oh genuine interest in' people 1s ot owners on same easy essential General Hospital, 12.15 a.m. Monday. || 30--Lost and Found ing, § Simcoe Street North, RA 3.3446; ail July 21, 1958 31--Articles For Rent [x B. Creighton, OC Ems, GREEN VELVET SOD supply |agreements of sale at a discount Louis 57844 or MA 3.3942 Augs| blag ie ing C; G Fynan, i i 3 y , Tr IY ro erm: rite for free litero- WHITE -- Mr. and Mrs. Don White || 32--Agticles Wanted 8 mortgages arranged Aug 2 BEAUTIFY ond laid NURSERY STOCK, 8. Hyman, QC, 37 King Street East,|GORONET TV owners for fa tory | S. Pires Ho d oa Apply in person, between Wish to announce the birth of theif baby | 34--Auction Soles DONALD Blake Dodds, Barrister and Everything for your garden, (Oshawa. RA 3.4943 Ave Minin ict, en irs ity Fo Ld PO. Bo 222, 1 pm, ro SO 50 boy, Thomas William White, 8 lbs, 13] " 4 Ripa 2 3 m------ m---- {Guaranteed jo Ss July! ages d., 0, ox * | om. In the Oshawa General Hospital| 35--Employment Wonted Solicitor; 3614 Rung gro gong YOUR HOME PHONE RA 3-9020 19--Personal | TELEVISION, home and car radio re-| Cobourg, Ont &RTHUR MURRAY on Wednesday, July 16, 1958 | 36-~Female Help Wanted phone: Business RA 5.5501; Re oug.3 [IRLEVISION. Loins and iF Yadio fe: : STUDIOS - Fred Thompson, 157 Elliot Street, Call ap, ih 11% SIMCOE ST. SOUTH | Windows, floors, walls, of- MARLOWE -- Doug and Judy (nee | f f | | 37--Male Help Wanted RA 8.53 Aug.1 with on WOULD like to contact someone driv WODNISKY -- George and Barbara 'NING F. 8 Sollel -- Se ------ ing to Toronto, vicinity of Queen and rts ESR KART | mM C {felp Wonted NING F. Swartz, Barrister, Sole i | (nee Hughes) are happy to announce [| 38--Male or Femele Help MANNING Money to loan. Henry A PHALT DRIVE University, arriving In Toronto at| "A 39792 Aug3 30--Lost and Found OSHAWA IT alr au Timothy Senet, uns ante Block, 26% King Street East, RA 3.4697 OSHAWA 7 a.m. RA 3.9147 166¢ LOST -- bracelet, mauve and silver 169 ® Ibs. 2ozs, on Sunday, July 20, 1958. [| 40--Qpportunities yd Dial 34029 Aug.1 Coil AR " or Haliiax on Fuk | bety Genosha i at the Oshawa General Howpltal. All 41--Room and Soord Kevdeice, Iie SOD SUPPLY rion Ra som. "ues PORTABLE T.V. fm oy Ho tne mt | 37--Miale Hels Wonred brother for Toby and Susan 2 Boord Wanted HUMPHREYS and Boychyn, Barris KEN ASHMORE n : . for | Street, + RA a elp Wa 42--Room end Boor - ters, Solicitors; R. D. Humphreys, QC; . A 55208 1 . s | DRIVING to Toronto, Union Station, REGUIRED | adh : ea -- 43--Wanted To Rent 5. Boyehyn, BA, W. A. Hillman, dA 1G NTRAC We specialize in good quality / A ; j . as cous -- | RE mmediately -- 8 ye PAVING CONTF TOR sod only, For prompt delivery passengers wanted. Phone RA 8 i SALE OR RENT LOST "-- Dark brown Pekinese 40%. 1, train for « management, in pov -_ 44For Rent , § King Street West Phones end . atiswers to the name "Blackie " Lost in p. ba DEATHS fl 45--Reol frie For Sole Office, RA 5.1177; Res. RA 5.4004; or RA 8 84 12 DIAL RA 8.8639 DRIVING 5 Torani wot Te gos PARKWAY T.V. n . lle Writs stating Also several thousand yards 4So--Real Estate Exchonge Aug.) { > 2 918 SIMCOE _ST. NORTH pet, Call RA 3-403. Reward A 3 : 1088 | ug GOING to Prince Edward Island, room | coe South, Thomas Street or Valley Tuesday, July 22, 1858, Albert Donald. [| 47---Automobiles For Sale Solle Money to loan, Office, 14%] for ho _Pussengeln leaving " aly . an | Aug.9 Drive. Would finder piewse call RA PRESS OPERATOR 4 wabiahd of Mikired TiRkham, } led post paid in pial led on A hia 4a a " ave bi ar som of Mr || SO--Articles For Sole Z. T. Salmers, BA, Barrister, Solicitor IMMEDIATE DELIVERY AND FILL, velnpes fwith Forice ist, 8 samples 25 TV - RADIOS 31--Articles for Rent sifice, RA 5.3 Residence, RA 85542 In Whitby, Oshawa, Bowman- Reasonable rates, cement and Dept, A-11, Nov. Rubber Co. Box 0i| e. . is our business only, | DO-IT-YOURSELF operator required to operote tin ls +. Solicitor i Notaries Publie,|_____ -- o 1 : Resting at the new William 25 word or loss [| laters, Solicitors and Notaries bublic RA 5.2156 Alcoholic. Anonymous, Box 847, Tas RA 8-5286 + | SANDER AND FINISHER minor maintenance of equip. ering, just east of Harwood Cosh Chorge | 5 Murphy and James A. MacDonald CUSTOM & N H.A. Aug.16 - Lawn Cemetery, Oshawa. || § CONSECUTIVE Solicitors. Clients' funds available for . 337 Simcoe St. S. RA 3-4425 INSERTIONS ~~ 3.00 3.30 [IZeteitore led 20 Simcoe Street Framing CROSS TOWN SOD RESTAURANT BOB ARNOLD'S RADIO Au13] AMF. ATOMICS Edgar F. Bastedo, Repairs to radios, cor radi TOOLS FOR RENT--Cement Mrs. Clarence MacDonald, (Eleanor) of [| oinal orders for consecutive inser- Pf s adios, PORT HOPE, ONTARIO In her 84 year. Funeral from the Arm- || or. cin order, Rec. Rooms Phone RA 8-8868. etc. For free pick-up and Trimmer. Many other Tools in St. Gregory's Church 10 a.m. Inter- For that Special Someone ! July22| Special: B-H White Outside MOUNTENAY -- In Oshawa Hospital || $ and ¢ sign, figure, count as @ || convalescent and elderly peo- Re Bra Werte | RA 38043 LOST -- One baseball shoe, slong Sim of a aged 38 years (member of | 48Automoblies Wanted a Kast, Oshawa, RA 6.8232; ~ 8.7274. Reward 188 "lodge Number 481 Ajax), : wi Roni ar TY Aug TOP SOIL LOAM, GRAVEL RYGIENIC supplies (rubber goods) REQUIRED Beatty Road Ajax, dear North Dial Scotia, dear bre of Mar rs. [| 52--Leg1! Notices July3| ville, Newcastle and Brooklin, driveway gravel, also 34-inch [Hamilton, Ontario July 26 600-ton vertical press, per : zette, | ment, Excellent rk n July2s - OSHAWA ELECTRONICS ; lent working cone first mortgages. 1 r £8 , QC; rer i 2, 1983, Mary E. Stanton, widow of | Charge rate will apply. bon Aug. 20 Additions A-1 rolled fertilized sod, cut Under New Management Point Anne, Frank J. Doreen of Osh- || flons Subsequent insertions ordered | 5--MNursing Services Kitchen Cupboards field. Delivered or laid. Free Businessmen'; Lunch record ployers, toasters, irons, Finishing Machine, Motor 170b strong Funeral Home, Oshawa, Wednes- Professional and Business fistings | ANDEN NURSING HOME ¢ i I t ment St. Gregory's Cemetery. 169 || Each additional line 75¢ per mon A complete line of MIDO, Paint, Beaver Brand, 15% on Monday July $1, 1958, Vera Leona || word. Box charged 15¢ additional. ple. (Men and Women). A JAMES ALLEN. LANDSCAPING SERVICE Diamonds, Cultured Pearls, SPENCER foundation garments. Indi. WARE, 282 King St. W. For a young man age 21-27 . the vicinity of MeGregor Street. Child's " Whithy, MO 82761. Money to loan DRIVING lv Toroto, wo pas 4 Box 923, Times ADAMS, Albert Dona On JOSEPH PF. Mangan, QC. Barrister, | 49--Automobile Repairs residence, Charles N. Adams r \ 51--Swop ond Borte ete, 134 coe Street cents; 24 samples, $1.00. Mall Order -------------- Experienced hydroulic press Ao ry ova Sc CLASSIFIED AD RATES | Gren. Murphy and MacDonald, Bar| oug.4| stone HAVE you a drinking problem? write] 24 hour -- City and Country RENT A FLOOR form die setup, clignment, neral 'Chapel No. 2 High p - rom Ajax. Service in the chapel onl 3 CONSECUTIVE ' ) ditions, ond fringe benefits. July N, at 2.30 p.m. Inter INSERTIONS 1.88 207 [SG GiRBON and Basiedo Barristers, HOMES SANDALWOOD July 8 HARRISON & KINSMAN Reply in writing to OE ra ured Ste Te oe] '# not paid within 7 days the North. RA 5.3566. Charles C. i Trimming SUPPLY 1626 SIMCOE ST, NORTH AND APPLIANCE SERVICE (CANADA) LTD John Joseph Doreen and mother ofl Above rates apply only to orl Alterations fresh daily, Sod for trucks in Dinners--Take-out Orders awa, and Lorne Doreen of Bowmanville [| or o later date constitute @ new estimates, Prompt delivery. : Auglh polishers, vacum cleaners, Chain Saw, Electric Hedge . ve dily | delive hone RA 8-8297. i i day, July 23 with high requiem mass $500 Dr dally. KING ST. WEST TERMS ARRANGED | Aug. 11 ivery phone and Equipment. e Spring UNLIMITED iat Exclusive nursing home for : : | TY Each initial letter, abbreviation, Satisfaction Guaranteed | COURTICE SOD AND LORIE and BULOVA watches, |23--Women's Column off. WEBBINGS HARD- OPPORTUNI Brown, beloved wife of Jerry Moun. All Classified Advertisements Nurses and dieticians in etc. vidually designed. Registered corse-| RA 3.4873, Ample Free who is a high school gradu. tenay and loving mother of Mrs. H.[| MUST be in by 9 a.m. the day of : " tiere. Mrs. L. Hendershot, 208 k : Prentice (Doris) Chatham, Mrs. G.[| publication, Office hours: Daily || attendance. Tray service, A-1 field sod, sprayed and CORNISH JEWELLERS [Road Newer. pam Foti Parking. ate, presents good appear- Laverty (Peggy) Picton, John and Rob- || 8-5, Soturday 8-12. radio, T.V. lounge Bldg. Contractor fertilized. For free estimates 20 BOND STREET WEST EY A ra Aug. 11 ance, and has the ability to ert of Oshawa. The late Mrs, Mount. [| pec) amine PHONE RA 5-2330 440 WILSON RD, N. call Ed Knowlton. avis. 0550, Bar Lorin 8y.50s ENA meet the public. Desday, July 23 at 3 p.m. Interment || 200 8 FeO nd Ofherwise 6--Optometrists Ai. 21! Aug. 7 July20 WHERE WELL DRESSED SEWING MACHINE future. No experience NIELSEN -- Entered into rest in the | vertisement, nor beyond the price in muscle anomalies, eyesight and FREE ADMISSION LA VOGUE JACQUELINE Shaighi STrh Cor in ned. train programme. Beloved wife of Einer O. Nielsen, in|| occurs. And also reserves the right Disney Bldg., 31 King East, July26 CONCRETE loading, Loam, sond, fill and available to customers of the ® SPORTSWEAR ® MILLINERY OSHAWA SHOPPING will receive rogalor cart memorial service in the chapel Wed. 7--Surveyors SIDEWALK SLABS and excavating. King St. E. (upstairs), [LA VOGUE JACQUELINE CENTRE Aug.\) ing employment benefits, Airplanes fore a ili LRU STEPS == RalLINGS RA Sn A. 15 BA Downtown Oshawa Chain Saws, Gos and Electric, HOUSEHOLD eering, 70 Harwood Avenue South. enay is resting at Mcintosh Funeral Aug.2 Yo Watch Personal 39 Pine Avenue, RA 55363, July 26 This position offers splendid Home. Service in the chapel on Wed- ote Daily Jma-Gazeiie shal RA 5.6126 RA 5-6047 ur mht y advancement and a secure Mount Lawn Cemetery. than i ting, nor for more than bi Incorrect insertion. of any od- ||GTH. Tuck, Optometrist, specializing WOMEN SHOP" RENTALS ei ue hove @ Flom: Oshawa General Hospital on Monday, [l charged for a single insertion of |'%, muscle anomalies, eyesight and PRE-CAST AJAX SOD SUPPLY yD 1556. Elsle Martha Schnidth. || the' advertisements in which error [5195000 ERIES, Mon. Wodo To i Sod delivered ond laid, field To the Drive-in Theatra | J norccrc™o SUITS ® COATS RA 5-2591 paid 'a straight salery and her 63rd year. Rest! t the Arm-|| to classify advert ording to arons Fureral ig Onan, With | na sirens si stone. Grading, asphalting { GRAND Restaurant, 144 e BRIDE ond ATTENDANTS creases. We have outstond- id a pin Cremation #t | DONALD H. Trollope, Ontario Land| COLORED PATIO SLABS PHONE AJAX 431 or "Chinese Food Our Specialty" CELINA aot ATHOL Apply in person to: For Funeral Flower |G Horton and Amsociates, Ontario| CURBING Aug.3| o AR) Complete Floor Sanding. ond Arrangements See | Land Surveyors, Professional Engin- SEPTIC TANKS 2 Market Basket Polishing Equipment 9 on FINANCE WIN 4 | -B-Q' Material ines); LEV INGTON 5 Necessary pe \n_and Associates a SARS COLORED ELECTROLYSIS SOD for sale. The finest sod available Skill Saw; Oo i ohite; CORPORATION PHONE RA 13-9533 . . Survey on. Bacineenag. 13 Bloor] SATISFACTION GUARANTEED PATIO SLABS Removal of Superfluous Hair. Hi ". yd, Delivered. 20 Extension Lodders; Paint 64 KING STREET EAST 24 King St, East, Oshawa T 0 1 F |Street Eeast, Oshawa, Ontario. RA : ! Marie Murduff' will be in CHERRIES picked daily --i7 Mitchsiil _ Spravers; 10-ft. Tree Pruner; OSHAWA (2 doors from Karns Drug 0 1 rms Sia. Aug: 10 BROOKLIN Sold and laid, brick or stone Oshawa July 22. Phone iki 3 per Be jo Pipe Threading Equipment; 17@ st. 4s barbecues. Free estimates Electric Hammer; Chain ALGARY (CP) -- Th t-| Gm h = ; i Mos 2l or re ean fly around just| S--Building Trades en CONCRETE ond delivery. RA 3-3291. Genvehg diam! on these dates 125 Pets and Livestock Hoist, Post Hole Auger, Blow SALESMEN! | ying, 0 3 . >. Tg ; for. pleasute. aan PRODUCTS Au. 12 June 26, July 22 {ROK Sil Doe FUSES DRISKLR) Irom. Summ: Pawar coe : | ce | A recent survey here showed vile MA 3.2070. Aug.10 Se AR esl ; . as th Seo AA ---------- SS ------ i 8 mowers; Electric Hedge Trim- IN MEMORIAM [that one firm spent 450,000 In|gAvREs hardwood fioor expert. Old LIMITED For Anything In |21--Personal Service 33454 or 8Fply 133 King Street Eust, re dg mn ARE YOU {1957 to keep up a fleet of five fioors made like new, new floors made LANDSCAPING mers. Stan's Sharpening Ser. {light aircraft like glass, laid, sanded, finished: kit- PHONE BROOKLIN 155 |PRESS alterations of all kinds, reason-| TRIMMING, bathing, de-fleaing, board| vice, corner King and Burk COCHRANE -- In loving memory of | 1B . bon gpm long 5 Bg i OR STONE WORK able prices. Len Pullan, RA 85311. |ing, Waubena Kennels, RA 5.6321. Sts. -- Dial RA 3-3224 SATISFIED Irene Cochrane, who passed away July| Another company estimated chen and bathroom July2s Augl7 ' Julyls, tts Aug.14 : Aug. 20 2, 1955 that it cost $170 fo $220 an hour >12% of RA So on Reasonable Price -- Call h ug. God knows how much we miss her,]|to keep a 16-passenger DC-3 in|PUILDING and repairing 9--Buildi Material S. ULRICH SEWING me a oI rapes Srevial GERMAN Shepherd dog, male, nine WITH YOUR PRESENT ever 1 - ig | 4 ay 1 % d all repairs. | Y-----DButidin arerie A 3 . "| months old. Loves children, Completely J Never shall her memory fade, the air. Storage costs rs a a To 9 RA 5-0740 sonable rates. RA 8:5097 after 4 yn; | immunized, Phone RA 3.2058. 169c 32--Articles Wanted INCOME 5 a Pp Loving thoughts shall ever wander g % To the spot where she is laid |twin-engined craft are July 34 POODLE clipping, bathing, dog board. (CASH for used furniture, appliances, a » | a wr 165¢f i ~Sadly missed by Morris, Teresa, and month, 1 irs, chimneys ing and training, obedience and gun, |Pianos and sewing machines. For top Patty ; A ingle-englte, W-passenger eT Bog DEMOLISHING o FOR SITS. DRESSES Cedarview Kennels. RA 53062. Aus. price in Oshawa, Whitby, and faz, cal ? { laster repairs, sidewalks, fireplace, 3 shawa's Finest Cleaners BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for "Town Furniture, Whitby, MO 8-498 FARROW -- In loving memory ut wa E1308 SEIS Sotaer company back [plaster sepals, sidewalks, fireplaces]. 3 jorge mensions, 261-283 [BACKYARD BARBECUING DIAL RA 5-1023 training, talking strain. Apply Mra |colect JS% | Ev OUR ANSWER 1S ear father and grandfather, Thomas i . | May. July2s Simcoe St. N. Formerly Me- Outd f | for. bor- Broad, 114 Elgin Street East. July 23| WE pay cash for used furniture, appli- Charles Farrow, who passed away July| Oilmen say the costs are cov- ' utdoor fireplaces RADIANT CLEANERS pin A iN ASH Paving, Sand z : A 4 / G r _|ances, TV, sewing machines, pianos, 22, 1953 ered by the necessity of aircraft XEN Ashmore Asshall, Feving. S41 Laughlin and Robson Estates, becuing ct its best, built and OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE _|SPRMAN Shepherd puppies, ToBI est | stoves. Also sell and exchange. 15 INQ THEN HERE IS A od py missed and always remember-|in the industry. When trouble de July2s installed by -- - Prince Street, RA 8.1131 Aug.17 ed by Irene, Oscar and family, In the industry. n De - i ahaa Ta -- -- i Y Augl? HOUND for sale, Ti % . dosh ug. wid |velops at remote drilling sites or |GARPENTER work, framing trim. Lumber -- Doors -- Flooring ASHMORE |anteed hunters. RA '54330 or Ra 3.pbep, [IF your basement and garage 1s luk. CHALLENGE . . . FARROW -- In loving memory of my wells, an air route is often the ming, kitchen cabinets, NHA approved. Pipe -- plumbing supplies CONCRETE PRODUCTS FLOORS FLOORS FLOORS 165¢ |tered up with articles taking valuable dear husband, Thomas Farrow, wh | Alterations and repairs, No job too big space, give us a call. We will pay you passed away July 22, 1953, ro|only fast one. iermin lor too small. Work guaranteed. etc. All kinds of beautiful Phone RA 8-8412 Sold. Install Repoired cash. '446 Simcoe Street South. RA CAN YOU lost my soul's companion, | Heavy drilling and seismic [377° . Aug.12 , Installed, Repaired by DOG TRAINING 5-8131. July22 Jiuked slosely with' my wwe; equipment 'often ean only bel omiapRr-rorma----mmSie| materials. Solesman on. the Experts with 25 years ex- SCHOOL HIGHEST prices paid for used furni- QUALIFY? ugh life alone. |transported by plane, | work, alterations, repairs, Kitchen eab-| Ce 0 eT perience. Free estimates, SLE CLS EE bein MLN hrou | ® : 3 repa Y X : ost, 7 june i I by his wife Elizabeth | With most companies, the sur-jinets our specialty. No job too big or y OSHAWA ACME All work guaranteed. We train you to train your |s.gi3i. ee Aug 19 y ue, Seody ev y i small, Free: estimates. Work guaran- 4 income with increasin: |vey showed. the transportation of |sma 2 ROSS ENDICOTT FLOORS dog. Classes now commencing. PIANOS, 10, any make or size, Pay earning power? 9 |executive personnel is secondary |teed. RA 3-7196 or RA 33078. io Aug PHONE RA 5.2274 | : 5 i \t | PLASTERING, patching, plain or orna- : HAULA E - PICKERING 240M4 cash. State make and price. Write Box| 5 aa' oo bitious? CARD OF THANKS [to Jat of field £rews, equipment mental, stucco Jo IE Free 10--Sharpening Service U G co Aug.4 AND PICKERING 87J3 350, Times.Gazette, Aug a er yearly earn- gaiimutes. Call George Avramo i AND and rotary mowers, scissors, SOD--LOAM--FILL Aug. 18 ings of $5,000 and up? . Relies : [Sliealy. sharpeted, saws filed. Gerald OSHAWA TELEPHONE 4--Do you desire security? 1 wish to thank my neighbors, friends ' . G. T. 1Mrton and Associates, Commer- |p r, 1262 Simcoe Street north, " ? and relatives and > orthminster Church) Sheeps Hair clal White Printing, 70 Harwood Ave-|RA 3.701. aug 18| SAND--GRAVEL--STONE ANSWERING SERVICE 26--Farmer's Column g=Do you like Racple? : 0 {nue South, Alax, Phone Ajax 738, HAVE your lawnmower sharpened now, DIAL RA 3 3528 Courteous operators to answer DEAD farm stock picked up promptly. Yy capable of regu- my recent illness in hos Also Dr. i i P Aug.10 latin, Sturgiss and nurses of 3A and my spe. E10) ows, scissors, knives, etc. Bercy Neil | your phone and relay mess. |Fhone collect Bowmanville, MA 32679. josie, your own working i » cial nurse Miss McLaren and Rev. Mr. | Thi Aft [PLUMBING and heating pipes, fitings, | 103 Highland, RA 88965. Aug.1 Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone, Aug. 17| Raw furs, live poultry, fea- llow for his visits. -- Mrs. M. | hang d -- Aug.12| ages 24 hours a day, Start |---- or lho Bolbanicsii dio dab a ir ) ' Yenow or Ris visits. Ts, Tariore) ns er aw S00 used, Bangg tim POWER and hand lawnmowers and 9.14) is Telephone a |FOR "sale Cockshutt combine 10ft.| thers, scrap iron and metal. 7--Do you have a reasonable |stallations at reasonable rates, Infor-|shears precision sarpened, saws filed : |self-propelled plough, shovel, fits Ferg- I. TURNER i command of Enaise " : your answer is to a for our service now at | 4 I would like to thank all my rela . ati d estimates free on any|Pick up and delivery. RA 3-3266. 13 / Apply uson tractor 16-ft. grain auger. Apply tives, friends and neighbors, for their Five Years mation I i RA 5.4201, J.|St. Lawrence Avenue. Aug.17 HOLLAND NURSERY 143 King East, RA 5-2601. J. McLaren Fina Station Newcastle. these questions then we are wonderful candy and King hia § to] Foley. July 2/|MGWERS, all types, shears etc. AND LANDSCAPING Aug.9| ER A oat ise RA 3-2043 interested in pr A Gill, yg Phy ® a LETHBRIDGE, Alta. (CP) -- Ai plumbing and heating supplies. EU aaliene Fudge, BA 5018 or 207 For complete landscaping bis th ee aio bas Mrs. Stanley, Dr. and Mrs. Fulton, Mr {Sheep begin to grow thin on top Phone RA 53521, Harold R. Stark Ltd., Chareh Street . Aug, 7| service, stone work, sodding, TAILORING tree. iley north of Pickering, Phone (collect) OFFERING YOU and Mrs. Jack Beaton. To 'the nurses|after their fifth year, a seven- plumbing, heating and engineering, 255 seeding, garden maintenance, : woielbonivs Bhim ATID EE, ih Aug. 12 of 3A and 3B, and everyone who was|year study of three breeds of Simcoe Street South. Aug. 13 nursery stock, etc. Call RA Own materials made up. HAY for sale. Phone RA 3- loot #0 kind to me during my stay in Osh-|sheep on a Lethbridge experimen- ALL types of building, full contracts or| LAWNMOWERS ! 5.7442 di Alterations of all kinds, Fi awa General Hospital. -- Lena, ; 4 sub - contracts, block laying, concrete W 1 Invisible weavin, 27 --Fuel Wood tal farm shows. LAWNMO Aug.9 9. Vaselesky 3 floors and footings, concrete steps, Pr - . ; - They reach maximum Wool urbe and sidewalks, pre-fab or poured. LAWNMOWERS ! ompt service, BUY now -- hardwood cuttings. Fac ---- -- : max D d 10 Pri St. ( B 5 t tb 1 a dali; La course 'a permanent posi= St d t F ed Suction o ge ghd Pe. Ba Ta Rue lo SHARPENING AOD SPECIAL "RA 8.5311 Steven) ruck ond Pu Bin ig "oA RAG AND METAL hiss with the igs ior. : say: S. B. Slen, w - +1526. y: ) est organization of its uaents rorc amined 1,450 fleeces during the | PLASTERING Quick Service and a Guaran- LEN PULLAN -- Jake Shaw will pay kind, offering:-- {experiment. From the second to teed job, Pick-up and De- GOOD TOP SOIL (English Tailor) 28--Summer Resorts --Nationally adverti - Tol U | i P 9 ns you more for your scrap y sed pro 0 Leave riome the fourth year about the same| NEW AND REPAIRS livery. 1.50 YARD - T.T.5,Aug.9| FURNISHED coltane for rent for Au: duct PELEE ISLAND (CP) -- The 2mount of wool is produced, but STAN'S Gravel, 34 stone, fill, also ------ |gust, Baptiste Lake in Bancroft area, iron, tin, copper, brass, --Increased earnings oe! » re Stucco dewalks, founda- | > omplete with new electric refrigerator, - \ board of education on Pelee Is.|2 decline started in the fifth year ieee, Sia | SHARPENING SERVICE tractor and loader work. FOR BETTER DRY [propane stove. new matiresses, boat| lead, aluminum, etc. Position prestige land said Monday seven high! {and continued through the sixth tions plastered, waterproof- | or. K k and full line of kitchen equipment, $250. ~--Speedy advancement echool students will have to Teave| 1%, Seventh years "3 Le Le RA S-215¢ | CLEANING CALL [Awpiy: Norn Shore Reaity Co.' it0.| 89 BLOOR ST. EAST | --Guoronteed. mament d oo GINS Wie ua oavel The Canadian Corriedale breed WOOD'S PLASTERING : Aug. 10 ; their homes to attend school jn showed a significant increase in : e ---a complete sales training course at OUR expense. ---to all graduates of our 12 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, On earnings --} MODERN {tario. Phone RA 5.3568 169¢ RA 5.23] 1 --Qualified leads the fall because the island has|ieay fleece weights in the sec] RA 8-1311 14--Household Repairs | |ROCKAVEN housekeeping, heated cot- ec abie to hi sache : w-- i 0 D0 Bd Bunsen did |tages, on Trent River, Hastings, re- S, been ynaDie nd hire a teacher. . ong year and the decline began Aug 11 Business Opportunities YOUR local chimney cleaner, chim. DRY CLEANERS |¢rigerators and boats, $22 a week and Open oturdoys The students will stay in Leam- |i, po fifth. | neys built and repaired, gas linings in- up. also weekends. RA 51483. Aug.15 Also Auto Wrecking 0 ington at the island': expense. | In the second: thir | stalled, furnaces vacuumed. Free esti. 321 OLIVE AVE, Aug. 12 The cost of boarding the Stu-|venrs of te Lari and fourth) ART STEVENS FOR LEASE A IY: enon IE RA 5.7193 BYRNELL MANOR RESORT 2 dents in Leamington will be fleece weights averaged 5.31 5.37 EXCAVATION Modern two-bay service sta. FURNITURE Jepatred ad yeUpheIster- & GOLF CLUB -- Enjoy your 35--Employment Wanted $4,000 compared with $5,000 paid and 5.31 pounds. A gradual de-| Bgsements dug, trenching ond tion in Oshawa. Located in a [Bruce R. Dalton, 75 Charles Street. RA| © ONE STOP SERVICE holiday vacation with us, 50 |BABY Sitting by day or week in my PRODUCTS of CANADA last year for a teacher. {crease occurred after the fourth! .. tic "tanks installed weep- good residential area, High 37212. 4 -- Aug.11 ® ODORLESS DRY CLEAN- miles from Oshawa, safe home. RA 8-5038 1661 The board would have pre-\year but production was main. | . sole. : potential. Rent to be nego- |CHESTERFIELDS rebuill, recovered ING swimming, good fishing, din- | YOUNG man with car wants "evening LANSDOWN SHOPPING ferred to hire teacher so the tained at a higher 'level t} ips tiated. Apply [like new. Why pay more? Our rates Our new shirt service is ing room open all day work, anything. . Call L. Smith, RA CENTRE children cor ay at home, Mrs 1 the Corriedale. The Ron Briel Bro 173 teed. Maftresses rebuill. Oshawa Up Coll: - ANNA STUKUS Siem hi Dorothy Lidwill, board secretary nelet breed's wool production fol BROOKLIN 173W | TIMES-GAZETTE holstering Co. 10 Bond Street West. | EV. GIBSON -- GEO. RUSSELL | 116) FENELON FALLS TARY would Te to mind --caiawie] PHONE RA 3.9843 said, \lowed much the same pattern. | Aug. 16] 170e|Dial RA 5-0311, Aug. 13 Aug. 15] July30 'mother works. Phone RA 5.1227, 168¢ 170e ing, tile for sale Lip BOX 731 are reasonable sfaction guaran beyond compare

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