in a number of versions, one of the most striking of which is i {short evening dress in white flane {nel embroidered in green andy Marion E. Mann, Donald Hunter Designs Outfit For Airplane Married recently a* St. drew's United Church Edith Mae Rae and John An- drew Brown, both of Oshawa The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Clifford Hutchinson of NEWLYWEDS Blackstock, and the George Rae, and the bride- groom is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. R. J --Photo by Hornsby Brown Double-Ring Ceremony Unites Are Married At Northminster United Church was the setting for a candle light wedding on Friday, July 18, when Marion Elaine Mann, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. E, Mann of Oshawa, was united in marriage with Donald Robert Hunter, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Hunter of Toronto. The double-ring wedding cere- mony was performed by the Rev- erend H. A. Mellow, assisted by [the Reverend S. G. Gompf of Bethany Baptist Church, Toronto. The bride, given in marriage |by her father, wore a full-length mist white silk organza dress em- broidered with Swiss medallions. The long torso silhouette was ac- cented with leafy embroidered medallions to the portrait neck- line offset with iridescent sequins and pearls and draped organza folds. Her finger-tip veil fell from a tiara of net petals. A cascade of pink sweetheart roses. feather- ed carnations and ivy comprised her bouquet. . Miss Carolyn Mann was her sis- {ter's maid of honour and the bridesmaids were Miss Beryl Hunter, sister of the bridegroom, land Miss Catherine Polson, school friend of the bride. The bodice of each was the exact rep- lica of the bride's. The maid of honour carried a crescent of pink shasta chrysanthemum and white feathered carnations and the bridesmaids carried cascades of the same flowers, Little Miss Eleanor Noble, cousin of the bride from Baltimore, was junior bridesmaid. Her full length pink nylon dress had a shirred bodice | Northminster and a neckline of draped nylon folds which ended with a large bow at the back with long flowing panels. Her flowers were a small- er version of the other brides- maids. Each attendant wore a bandeau of pink nylon petals in- tertwined with pearls and veiling. Mr. Neil Hunter was best man for his brother Douglas Mann, brother of the bride, was ring bearer and the ushers were Mr. V. Rice of Toronto and Mr. Bob Richey of Peterborough. Mr. John Robertson played the wedding music and Mrs. W. Cook ARCT sang "The Wedding Pray- er" written by Mr. H. A. Mellow and Mr. John J. Robertson. Then| later, during the signing of the register, gave a beautiful rendi- tion of "Those Whom' God Hath Joined Together", by Melecci. For the reception in the Sunday school hall of the Church the bride's mother wore blue organza |appliqued with daisy motifs, a {pink lace hat and a corsage of sweetheart roses and white feathered carnations. The bride- groom's mother chose rose beige lace and satin with beige acces- sories and a corsage of deep red roses. For travelling the bride wore an ivory toned sateen dress with appliqued rose flowers, a white flowered hat and a white waffle coth coat. Her corsage was of deep pink sweetheart roses and| feathered carnations. The couple left for a honey- David James McTaggart, six moon in Muskoka. On their re-| years old, is the son of Mr. and turn they will live at 69 Gamble! Mrs David McTaggart, Annop- Avenue, Toronto olis Avenue. He is the grand-son 'of Mrs. David McTaggart, Osh- | By DOROTHY ROE NEW YORK (AP) -- Today's women must be prepared to travel in clothes that are ap- propriate. comfortable and exotic. Such is the credo of Tina Leser, a travel-happy designer. She de- lights in jaunting to far corners THE YOUNG EXECUTIVE Port Perry, and great-grandson of Mrs. Jean Sims, Oshawa, and Mrs, Lila Heayn, Port Perry. | | a) pnd Measure Up And Get The Score te wr OLE], | On Your Right Proportions | Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor 7382 ir | awa, and Mrs. A. Cecil Heayn, --Photo by Hornsby | SUMMER SLIMMING CHALLENGE | ASY TO MAKE By ALICE BROOKS Beginner-easy -- even if you have never sewn a doll! {little girl. {hair she'll love fixing it. Pattern 7382: directions |doll, made of man's size 12 sock; jicit. You may lose 6 pounds the pattern for pajamas. Send Thirty-five cents Dial RA 3-3474 By IDA JEAN KAIN | In reducing, it is enormously first week and 5 pounds the sec- THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Monday, July 21, 1958 7 helpful to know what to expect, ond week. This loss represents particularly if the pounds play fat plus water. In other words, Gazette, PERSONALS Ont. Print hard to get off. Many of you re- stored water is being released | Oshawa, port the discouraging fact that from the tissues along with the? ME, fat. After several weeks of diet-| NUMBER. Out of town guests at the| Beverly-Ann Moore, Roy Balson Hunter - Mann wedding were Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Hunter, the Rev- King Street United Church was|blue, Honan silk with a match- erend and Mrs. S. G. Gompf, the setting for a candlelight wed-|ing profile hat. Assisting was the|Miss Beryl Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. ding on Friday evening, July 18, | bridegroom's mothe in rose glow Roy Cooper, Mr. Neil Hunter, when Beverly-Ann Moore was mandarin silk with 'a matching|Miss Lynne Hunter, Mr, Donald united in marriage with Roy Vin- small hat. Both wore corsages of Hodgins, Mrs, C. Cooper, Mr. and son Balson. | carnations. Mrs. Edgar Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. | The bride is the daughter of] For the honeymoon trip to| Walter Rice, Mr. and Mrs. Ver- Mr. and Mrs. Douglas H. Moore|points in northern Ontario, the uon Rice, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. of Oshawa and the bridegroom is bride wore an #zure blue French Daly. Mr. and Mrs. F. Grundy Balson of West Courtice. |duster coat, white nylon hat and and Mrs. Ron Pollock, Miss The Reverend Mervin Bury per-| White accessories. On their return Marjorie Johnson, Miss Lind a Mr. Rhydid Williams played the! Gue vere present from Sud- Burton Keffer, Messrs. Tom Ste-| wedding music. Fait Belleville, Cadmus, iy vg Roy Dennis, Fred Pamen-| rriag ce, er the bride wore a full leng! pS Co Enniskillen, Have-'Mr. and Mrs. Harold T. Mann gown of cloud white silk organza |lock, Taunton and Caesarea. and Leslie, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar] ice featured a deep V neckline Robert Richey, Miss Judy Perks, offset with Alencon lace re-em- SOCIAL NOTICE Bx Peterborough: Mrs. C Nol and the short puff sleeves were . Mr. Arthur H. Noble, Mrs. Har- complemented with matching mit- ENGAGEMENT old Nobie, Mr. and Mrs. Murray med with seed pearls held per| Belleville, Oatario, annolince the and Mrs. Clarence J. Buttars, finger tip veil and she carried an|ch8agement of their only daugh-|vr and Mrs. Ronald Mann and carnations, pom poms and gar- Reh Love, only son of Mr. and |paltimore; Mrs. G. Smith and lands of stephanotis Irs. Gordon Love of Oshawa.| janet, Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. V. ; {Saturday, August 9, in the Hollo- y Yoni Courtice. sister of the bride-! " To 4 : sey and Margaret, Consecon; Mr. | groom. was maid: of hodor and| v2 Street United Church, Beie-|nnd Mrs. Donald: Trivett, Kes-| ara Van Volkenburg of Belleville " wick; the Misses Etta and Geor-| and Miss Brenda Ellis of Ennis- MARRIAGE gina Noble, Port Hope; Mrs. | The waltz-length gowns worn by Doth, daughier of the late. Mr. | yr and Mrs. Grant Bennett, all the attendants were fashioned|2" IS illiam A. Glass of Bowmanville organdy over taffeta in a soft|Son of the jate Mr. and Mrs Oshawa guests attending the shade of party-nile, having sab- Thomas F. Myers, was solemniz- Illingsworth Bucknell wedding with short white gloves. They|the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Bowmanville, last Saturday after- wore swirl feather headdresses Dunn, Streetsville, Ontario, with noon included the Misses Molly shasta chrysanthemums wit hficiating Grace Toaze and Miss 'Marion -- | Hawley. the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank M.|linen sheath dress with matching Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Coilins, Dr. formed the double ring ceremony. |the couple will live in Oshawa. | Lennox, Miss Carol Macleod, Mr. | Given in ma e by her fath- ve, Courtice, Whitby, Toronto, ter, Bruce Philip, all of Toronto; | over net and silk faille. The bod-| Richey, Wayne and Brenda, Mr. broidered in sequins and pearls le Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Noble, | tens. A halo headdress trim- MI: and Mrs. John Moore of Cc Noble, Bob and Eleanor; Mr. all-white cascade of feathered \cT; Joanne Margaret, to William |r and Mrs. Lloyd West, all of Miss Shirley Balson of West|ane Marriage is to take place on poucke, Minden; Mrs. S. Demp-| the bridesmaids were Miss Barb- ville, at twelve o'clock noon. lwick: Miss Edna Francey,Mill-| killen, both cousins of the bride.|, 'M marriage of Mary Eliza- yvahe! Thickson, Bowmanvilie; | on identical lines of embossed silk| 2Shawa, to Henry Stanley Myers, rina necklines and short sleeves,|d on Saturday, July 19, 1958, atfin St. John's Anglican Church, and carried cascades of white the Reverend Lloyd Stapleton of-'and Madeline Sinclair, Miss sparkle tulle florets. when you diet, nothing happens. |ing, your rate of losing will slow Miss Kay Moore of Bowman- Day after day you step hopefully gown, but from then on, the loss copy of our Alice Brooks Needle- craft Catalogue. Two complete are printed right in the . plus a variety of designs to order: | embroidery, | ville, aunt of the bride, attendedon the scales, the Balson - Moore wedding in| King Street United Church, on Friday evening, July 18 Mrs. Leo Burnett of Royal Oak, Michigan, was a guest at the 9 only to read the will be true fat. same 8 DEVS, The amount of water you drink [Patterns This apparent failure to lose, daily has nothing to do with book . . J despite a calorie deficit, is due|water retention. To counteract|that you will want to the baffling condition known |the tendency to store water, cut|crochet, knitting, as water retention. It is well to!qown on salt. for salt holds water |huck weaving, quilts, Pratt - Smith wedding in St,|¢ alert to the fact that this caniin the tissues. However, in hot Travel In The Space Age This [cuddly miss is sure to delight a Use straw yarn for (coins) for this pattern (stamps cannot be accepted) to The Daily Times- Household Arts Dept, plainly ADDRESS, PATTERN Send Twenty-cents more for a | of the earth with her equally global - minded husband, Jim Howley. And she brings back silks, rich brocades and Oriental embroideries to be shaped to the needs and figures -of today's women. Winding up a news - packed week of fall fashion showings for 200 visiting fashion editors, the resourceful and romantic Tina shows six major shapes of style for fall and winter, 1958. They are: The dust-ruffle, the watteau, the trapeze, the harem skirt, the powder puff silhouette and the bifurcated line--the last consist- ing of skinny pants and varied tops, in costumes designed for) glamor at home or comfort in| air travel. MAJOR INTEREST Of major interest among her new shapes of fashion is the dust- ruffle silhouette, use din both| dresses and cofits and consisting] of a straight, unfitted sheath end-| ing in a ruffled flounce at the| knee-high hemline. The watteau dresses are for gala occasions, have semi-fitted tops and graceful flaring, dome- shaped . skirts. [ The trapeze silhouette is done! | |gold, shown with a matchings sweater lined in 14-karat gold gauze. x ma + But perhaps the most history. will be made with Miss Leser's new outfit for airplane travel im the space age. It consists of & short jacket and narrow slacks in beautifully tailored checked tweed, worn with a color co-ordin- ated coat in bulky but lightweight mohair with dashing collar. Unwanted Hair PERMANENTLY Removed . . . from face, orms and legp by the newest, fastest method (3-4 times more hair removed per ment than by the old type. Revealing yourj TRUE self -- free from worry and embarrassment Free Consultation Results Guaranteed - MARIE MURDUFF Will be in Oshawa July 22-23 Phone Genbsha "Hotel on these dates for appointment. ig i § f 0 he for } curly hair! Max Factor discovered to change the structure of your hai straight to naturally curly! quick set changes its structure to minutes you'll have luscious curl toys, dolls. Andrew's United Church, on|happen at the beginning of a weather, some salt is needed. Saturday afternoon, While in Osh-| diet, and again after you have|Also, make sure to have a com- awa, Mrs. Burnett will be the taken off part of the excess. Iplete protein food al each meal. guest of her parents, Mr, and| Here's the explanation: The fat| Keep right on with your daily Mrs. Peter Porayko, Drew street. YOU have actually lost is being stretch-bends. You can continue Oshawa. jismporarily Topiaced id Sore to lose inches, even when the yi 2ot Minister, the Honorable lw the YO aes ee lLater on the scales refuses to Michael Starr, MP, was a specia ivi s . guest at the Saramak -Kupnicki io Jrom inaividudl Sells te wget) SUMMER SLIMMING MENUS wedding. reception held in St.\the fat has occupied is taken up| MONDAY John's Ukrainian Hall, B10 0T|hy water, the registration of lost| Breakfast: Chilled orange- street, on Saturday evening. poundage is delayed. During this grapefruit juice, 4 oz. 50 calories; | Little items of social news are|time, you may even 'gain' be- Cereal, hot or cold. % cup, 100, always welcome in this column. |cause fat weighs less than water. whole milk, % cup, 85; sugar, 1 If you are enjoying the company| When the fat globule in the in.{rounded tsp. 25; coffee, black, 0 of 'visitors or have been visiting [dividual cell is wholly used up, Total 260 BUYING A RUG? Before You Do . . . See Our Stock HIGHER QUALITY LOWER PRICES NU-WAY RUG AND CARPET SALES 174 MARY ST, RA 5-1202 yourself why not telephone 3-3474 [the water in the cell is abruptly, Luncheon: Hot tomato bouillon "Now you can change the structure of your hair | Now you can know what a joy it is to have naturally nature's own way r...from naturally Natural Wave penetrates through your hair. One naturally curly! In that'll last "til your next shampoo --and without stiffness or stickiness. sent Nafta Wave by MAX FACTOR and share your pleasure with released into the circulation and with herbs, or chilled tomato Juice others |discharged from the body through! (depending on weather) 35: open [the kidneys, When this process| face sandwich, sliced hard cooked {takes place in millions of cells|egg with lettuce on thin slice | simultaneously, the result is dra- | bread. Use thin spread of may- | matic--for the pointer on the|onnaise, dash of mustard, 155; scales can plunge 5, 8 or even 10|ripe banana, 90. Total 280. | Church, Bowmanville, on Satur-| Pounds overnight! Late day pick-up: Glass of skim day afternoon, July 19, was guest| Water Xetemion can delay te milk or buttermilk 85. | of honor recently at a picnic|Ffegistration of lost poundage for i ; | shower arranged by the or of|{2 Or 3 weeks, but dieters, if you, Dilies, Round Fone lamb chon | the invoicing department of Fit-{are cutting calories, you are los- | To at {oan Aga "200: bak H tings Limited and held at the|8 body fat. jiestover beef, 5 gloss. Buf 2 o I { Mr. A. E Bellis. Ritson ay » |potato, 2 medium 50; utter, 12 home o FAST START POSSIBLE pat, %" thick 25; Asparagus with Road: pel ih Osan 8, Miss Buck Sometimes this physiological pimento strips 20; Pineapple and sheets and pillow cases From the| Process is reversed. On a diet you cottage cheese salad: Cottage office staff of Fittings Limited |™2Y lose very rapidly in the be- cheese, 1% cup, Pineapple chunks the bride received a pair of|Binning, more even than can be|5, Lettuce, no dressing, 150; Hot table lamps, with Miss Molly accounted for by the calorie def-'tea or coffee (clear) 0. Total 445. Sinclair making the presentation. | Mrs. Grant Beal entertained at a shower, at her home, Norwood crescent, Oshawa Miss Sylva Mertis Bucknell whose marriage to Mr. Raymond Lloyd-Illingsworth of Milton, took place in St. John's Anglican, Mr. Joseph Formosa of Whitby HOUSEHOLD HINT was best man. Ushering were Mr.| You can keep a tot's plastic Robert Proctor of Oshawa and Mr. Gordon Balson of Sudbury The reception was held in King Street Church Centennial Hall, or rubber panties from sticking if you place a small absorbent towel in them while they're dry- ing. Bath powder sprinkled on Does YOUR FIGURE LITTLE RIPS GROW TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY TWO DAYS ONLY LOIN or RIB INTO BIG TEARS where the bride's mother receiv-|the surface when they're dry ed in a sheath dress of romance also helps. Still RATE A WHISTLE? fewer and fewer these days, then it's time to . . CALL RA 3-T742 for a free figure analysis and arranged for a free trial session. Next 5 members enrolled today for only 4.00 per month ond the next 30 members for only Years of specialized training . . . plus extensive experience acquired through practice . plus constant study of new drugs and procedures have developed our professional skills to an extraordin- ary degree. These skills, reflected in great pro- ficiency and promptness in dispensing prescribed medicine, won for us the confidence of physicians and patients. These are good reasons -for bringing prescriptions to _us for truly professional service hig IT'S THE RESULTS LLY COUNT! "COMPOUNDING YOUR -PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTION IS OUR PROFESSION" Jury & Lovell LIMITED OSHAWA - BOWMANVILLE - WHITBY "We Send Medicines To Europe Postage Free" . Co . 1323 KING ST. E. ON BUS LINE If whistles are getting' guarantee results OVERWEIGHT--lose 15 pounds UNDERWEIGHT--Gain 10 Ibs. th OSHAWA HEALTH STUDIOS Most of the time, | have a whole list of things | want to talk about in these columns . . . bat once in a while | have @ lithe trouble thinking of a topic. that is timely. Today has been one of those times. So | was wandering around the plant. When | got to the sorting section, | noticed my girl marking garments for minor repairs and there wos my topic. You know we've found from experience that if we let small rips go through the cleaning cycle, they're often a lot bigger when they come out. So to protect ourselves and our customers, we repair them before they go through. It only takes @ few minutes and we are only too glad to provide this service to our customers. Very few of our customers ever bring these rips to our attention when the garment comes in . . . ond that makes me wonder if they do the same with their washables at home. Yon can save yourself a lot of work by mending small per month rips before you wash. There hasn't been a washing ORK CHOPS for a course specifically for you machine made yet that does not put some strain on fabrics . . . and where a seam is gone or a small rip started, you can expect it to get bigger in the process of washing. and we Whether garments are washed ot home or dry cleaned it makes good sense to make minor repairs before cleaning . . . and when you send your garments to Gillard's for our expert dry cleaning care that makes good sense, too. We send your garments back looking like new, You get more value for your clothing dollar when your clothes are cleaned regularly at Gillard Cleanit Service. fo td PHONE 5-3509 | Ziaily 24H. | CLEANIT SERVICE /7= »e awa comms --=3 inches off hips and waist ~add 2" to bust line, . Figure d Bust developing ntouring ® Spot i i eight gain or loss © Steam ® Mechanical massage Here are the LUCKY Winners of $5.00 Dry Cleaning Voucher and a chance for an all-expence paid trip to Florida next winter. LUCKY WINNER ADDRESS Mr. W. Patterson 291 Simcoe St. S., Apt. 1 Mr. C. Lowther 144 Agnes St Mr. Pastor RR. 1, Oshawe Mrs, E. Barlow 447 Albert St. COUPON * NUMBER A7268 B5348 cs29n D7385 LOCATION Bond St. Mary St North Oshawa Delivery RA 3.7742 FREE PARKING Native Grown Fresh GREEN CABBAGE THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA COMPANY LTD,