THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE Published by Times-Gazette Publishers Limited, 57 Simcoe St. S.,, Oshawa, Ont, ~~ Page 4 Monday, July 21, 1958 Regulations For Trout Fishing Need Overhaul Fishing a district trout stream a few days ago, we counted seven dead trout in a stretch of less than half a mile. The fish were all under the legal size of seven inches, had obviously been hooked and then tossed back into the water, It was sheer and unnecessary waste. The blame rests not so much with the fisherman as with the regulations governing trout fishing. The angler can use any sort of line, bait or hook to take the trout, but he must return any fish under seven inch- es to the water, There is no doubt that large numbers, possibly most, of the trout so returned, fail to survive, be- cause they have been too badly hooked or too carelessly handled. The fisher- man may return home with an empty creel -- but he has often left behind him a legal limit df dead or dying fish, There would be less waste and probab=- ly more live fish in the streams if the seven-inch limit were removed. Most of the damage is done by fish- ermen who use live bait; and live bait is used by most of the fishermen, For every angler using flies, there must be five who use worms -- at least, that is the impression gained from fishing streams in all parts of Ontario over over several years. With the fly, of course, the fish is rarely anything but lip-hooked, while the worm is swallow= ed and the hook goes deep. To romove " the deep hook is to kill the trout; the line can be cut, leaving the hook in the fish, but the trout's own struggles be- fore being landed have probably done grave damage before the line can be cut. The Department of Lands and For- ests then, has a choice. It can continue the present wasteful regulations; it can forbid the use of live bait in trout fishing; or it can remove the size limit, Purists would undoubtedly like to see fly fishing made the only legal meth~ od of taking trout, but enforcement would be extremely difficult. The best choice, from a conservation standpoint, would be to remove the size limit -- and at the same time to reduce the possession limit of speckled trout while increasing that of brown trout, but that is another argument, Finance Ministers Meet When the Commonwealth finance ministers meet in Montreal this fall, they will spend a lot of thought and talk on these questions: what attitude the Commonwealth should adopt to- wards the European Common. Market; where capital is to be obtained for de- velopment purposes and what new agency, if any, is required to channel it into the projects most likely to bene- fit the Commonwealth as a whole; and whether they are prepared to accept some form of central discipline over their use of sterling balances, Canada, no less than the nations that use pounds, shillings and pence, is involved in these questions, It is in the interests of all the Com- monwealth countries, including Canada, that sterling should be strong enough to play an important role in world trade, But Britain's" position as the sterling area's banker can only be maintained so long as its clients exer- cise restraint. A country such as India, with huge development plans, needs money to finance them. A country such as Australia, whose exports have been dropping in the past year, needs money to maintain essential imports. To ob=- tain this money by heavy drawings on sterling balances held in London would quickly place the pound in jeopardy, especially during a period of lagging world trade. The pound rhust have enough back- ing for all the tasks it is called upon to perform. The finance ministers will be talking about that necessary backing. And Britain's Prime Minister Macmil= lan was thinking about it when he sought U.S, and Canadian support for plans to increase the world's money reserves, either by a revision of the International Monetary Fund or an in- crease in the price of gold. Opinion in London seems to be hard- ening. that what is needed is not new agencies but new money. There are already plenty of agencies, but they haven't enough money for what they are called upon to do. How Masefield Started It was in 1930 that Mrs. C, F. G. Masterman revealed the incident which started John Masefield, Britain's poet laureate (who recently became 80), on his literary career. The Manchester Guardian news ser- vice recalls that a young man called on her husband, who was then literary editor of the Daily News. The first thing he noticed was that the young man's bootsoles had parted from the uppers, and that every time he moved they squelched loudly. The young man asked if he could have a book to review. Masterman ask- ed him what his subject was, but, after an awkward pause, he said rather de- fiantly: "Well may I take a book and write something about it? You needn't take it if you don't want it." He was al- lowed to choose a book, took it away, and returned in a few hours with his review, Masterman looked at it and said: "This is dammed good, I will take it, and you can bring me anything you like." The young man lingered a little, and then hesitantly said something about immediate payment. He was told this could be arranged. And so a future poet laureate ascended the first rung of the literary ladder. Since those early days, of course, the world has had to take notice of what John Masefield thought and said, and his thoughts and writings have always been on the side of a wiser and more peaceful civilization, It was in 1044 that he asked a London audience: "Which are you going to choose -- a wise use of books or a mad use of ma- chines? Better and brighter humanity or better and brighter bombs? I think I know which the world will choose unless we give a determined and per- sistent lead." ; Sunburn Can Be Tricky Sunburn can be tricky. On the beach you may look as white as a lily all day long, and it won't be until you have reached home again, that you will re- alize that you have achieved the Lob- ster Look in one uneasy lesson, warns the Health League of Canada, Taken in proper doses, sunshine im- proves your health, but make your first sun-bath brief. Just 10 minutes the first day, 15 the second and so on, remembering it takes 16 days to safely suntan a child, Blondes and red headed people are especially susceptible to burns. If you do get a bad burn, treat it as a burn. When using a commercial sun-tan lotion, select a greaseless pre- paration, Baking soda and water or The Daily Times-Gazette T. L. WILSON, Publisher and General Manoaer. C. GWYN KINSEY Editor, The Daily [imes-Gozette (Oshawa, Whitby), come bining The Oshawa Times. (establisned 1871) and. the Whitby Gazette ond Chronicle (established 1863), is pu 13teg doily (Sundays end statutory holidovs ex cepted) Members Association, ot Canadian Dolly Newspapers Publishers The Canadian Press, Audit Bureou of Circulation @na the Ontario Provincial Dollies Association, The Canodion Press i exclusively en- to the use for republication of all news ches in the paper credited to it or to The ociated Press or Reuters, and also the local news ed therein. All rights of special despatches are olse reserved. Otfices: 44 King Street West, Toronto, Unterlo; * 640 Cathcart St. Montreal. PQ. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delivered by carriers in Oshawa Whitby. Ajax, Pickering Bowmanville Brooklin, Port Perry Prince Albert. Maple Grove, Hampton, Frenchman's Bay, Liverpool founton, Tyrone Dunbarton Enniskillen, Orono Lesk~rd and Newcastle not over 40c per week, By mail (in 'orovince of Ontario) outside corrig delivery arecs 1200 Elsewhere 15.00 per vear. AVERAGE DAILY NET PAID CIRCULATION AS AT APR. 30 16166 salt and vinegar lessen the discomfort. If sunburn is severe, see the doctor, There is a simple test for doneness which you can employ. Press the ex- posed skin with your finger. A white mark will remain momentarily when you release your finger. If the white is very white, and there is a faint pink ridge surrounding the mark, cover up at once. The skin of children is parti- cularly tender, and they should wear T-shirts or other types of light shirts when exposed to the sun for the first few days. Test them occasionally for doneness too, Other Editor's Views MADE HIM MAD (Brantford Expositor) A youth who attempted to escape from a criminal court in Chicago just after he had been sentenced to serve from one to five years in prison for theft was promptly recaptured. The judge then increasec the sentence to from one to 20 years, Excuse of 'the prisoner was that the initial sentence "made me mad." Maybe he'll learn to keep his temper from now on. Bible Thought And Abraham said to Lot, let there be no strife I pray thee between me and thee. Genesis 13:8, Abraham came from Sumer that pre-dated Babylon. Polestine was a distant frontier thinly peopled. There was room for all. We do not have to impoverish others to be prosperous ourselves, Abraham wanted to share. That is the true way to abundance, CANDY IS DANDY, BUT -- OTTAWA REPORT Lambton Member Science Advocate \ By PATRICK NICHOLSON Special Correspondent to The Daily Times-Gazette OTTAWA -- The loudest, and long the only, voice in our Par- liament urging greater attention to our scientific education and re- search, has been that of the M.P. for Ontario's 'Chemical valley" --Mr. J. W, Murphy. Many years ago, that Conserv- ative M.P. from Sarnia proposed the settinz up of a parliamentary committee on research. He re- peatedly 'urged this. "Get that man out of my hair," demanded the then Trade Minister C. D. Howe. Too much industrial research is imported as a finished U.S.A. product, declared Mr. Murphy. Too little use is made of scien- tific brains in Canadian indus- trial and government circles, he insisted, with the result that there is little incentive for our youngsters to undertake scientific training and even less incentive for the few thus trained to re- main in Canada. The years have passed and the sputniks are passing overhead. But none of those sputniks are "made in Canada." Even t he short-sighted mock- ers can now see that Mr, Murphy was right. The cold war of today and tomorrow is being fought on the drawing boards of industrial research laboratories. and in training for this new cold war, we and indeed the whole free world are lagging disastrously behind the Russians, both in quantity and quality. ASKS SCIENCE FAIR Ever searching around for new means to stimulate interest in scientific education, Mr. Mur- phy's alert mind has now lighted upon a new scheme, This would enable every gadget- minded - youngster to strive for recogni- tion as the superman of his (or her) home town, even as the su- perman of Canada, praised and rewarded for ingenuity and in- ventiveness in designing and making working models of his favorite scientific gadget, whe- ther it might be a space ship, or a walkie-talkie or a booby-trap for teacher, or something called "X", a mystery novelty never thought up before. The means proposed by Mr. Murphy to attain this. worthwhile objective is what he calls a "Science Fair." His idea is that his own community, Sarnia, should appropriately set the pat- tern for Canada For! Sarnia is the home of our greatest concen- tration of scientific industries. At the fair, entries from all would be welcomed. Prizes would be offered for the most ingenious and the best-constructed models. Cost of construction of entries, of course, would not be a factor in the judging: A clever idea fa- shioned out of scrap lumber would outrank a humdrum model incorporated into gleaming steel. "My idea is a sort of Junior Science on Parade," Mr. Murphy told me, as he enlarged on his novel project in his parliament- ary office here. 'Science exhibits devised and constructed by dis- trict students themselves would be entered in an exhibition, which I hope would be repeated each year. And these exhibits would compete for prizes in ap- propriate classes." FILLIP FOR CANADA This idea is capable of being expanded into a nationwide fa- vorite, sweeping Canada year by year and bringing incalculable benefit not only to the compet- itors, but also to industry, to spectators, to. consumers gener- ally and above all to Canada. The competing youngsters themselves would find an incen- tive for hobby opportunities (in which fathers would happily join), Industries would benefit from the automatic self-selection of potential scientists. And win- ners would find themselves of- fered vacation jobs, scholarships, perhaps royalties on the patents of their ideas, and finally top- paying jobs for life. But above all, the Murphy Sci. ence Fair--perhaps first staged in Sarnia--would rapidly spread across Canada, and would stim- ulate interest in practical science for children, and thus foster the needed desire for technical ed- ucation, in which Canada so badly lags. The Science Fair would be an ideal project for a -patriotically- minded nation-wide organization to sponsor. Industry would co-op- erate enthusiastically, and en- quiries lead me to believe that that well-known body the YMCA would be glad to join in sponsor- ing a project which would at- tract our youngsters towards a worthwhile hobby and away from the many worthless crazes which lead to delinquency. FOR BETTER HEALTH Cerebral Palsy Victim Now Better Understood HERMAN N. BUNDESEN, M.n. 1 want to congratulate you, all of you. And I want to thank you, too. Specialists in the field of cere- bral palsy advise me that the stigma so long attached to this condition is vanishing. The pub- lic -- that's you -- no longer re- gards cerebral palsy victims as mentally retarded. Your attitude, God bless you, now is one of sym- pathy and understanding. ASTONISHING REACTION A friend of mine, an orthopedic surgeon, was present at an ice show a while back when a cere- bal palsy victim entered the audi- torium. This doctor was astonish- ed at the treatment accorded the CP patient by other spectators, and even by some of the skaters. Said the doctor in describing the scene: "Why, you would have thought the President was coming in! Everyone moved so the patient could be seated. And some of the skaters even put on a special show for him. It was a wonderful sight!" SOME FACTS ABOUT CP Now for the benefit of a few of you who might still hestiate to re- act this way in the presence of a CP victim, let me explain a little about cerebral palsy. First of all, it is not infectious and it is not inherited. Cerebral palsy is caused hy an injury to various cells of the brain, before birth, at birth, or at any time later in life by acci- dents, high fevers and disease. Muscular control is impaired or lost completely. This might result in awkward or involuntary mo- tions, lack of balance, irregular gait, giutteral speech, or any co- bination of these disorders. Also, cerebral palsy might af- fect sight or hearing. SLOW DEVELOPMENT Detection of cerebral palsy in infants usually results from ab- normally slow development of muscular control and coordina- tion, delayed walking or talking, or a delay in even attempting to walk or talk. Of course, only the family physician or a specialist can accurately diagnose such cases, About 10,000 babies are born with cerebral palsy each year, Of the 550,000 CP victims in the \ BYGONE DAYS 15 YEARS AGO City Council authorized $20,000 for the improvement of Oshawa streets and road beds, following a city survey. Miss Dorothy E. Maher, of Pic- ton, was engaged by the Whitby Boatd of Education as teacher of household science, defence work, and girls' physical education at the high school. Vacant lands were in demand in the city. Assessor C, Luke re- ported 125 lots were bought al- ready this year. Mr. and Mrs. William Glover, of North Oshawa, held open house on the occasion of their golden wedding anniversary. Dr. R. J. Manion, three times a federal cabinet minister and leader of the Conservative Party until his retirement from political life in 1940, died suddenly at his home in Ottawa. Blood donor clinic set a new record when the monthly objec- tive was topped by 277 donors -- 22 above the former high. Bruce Russell, RR 3, Oshawa, was the 13,000th donor since the clinic opened. Another captivating band con- cert was played by the Oshawa Civic and Regimental Band in its series of weekly programs at the McLaughlin Band Shell. Sammy Pankhurst appeared as soloist with the band. G."M. Goodfellow and Judge D. B. Coleman played a leading part in preparations for the holding of the provincial election on Aug. 4. PARAGRAPHICAL WISDOM "A jot of the time life isn't worth living" says Old Sorehead, "but there isn't any time it doesn't beat dying." The cantankerous and foolish traits of human beings serve to make life interesting. If everyone were perfect and wise, living in this world would be about as ex- citing as a hermit's rainy Sum- day afternoon. Why is it that many flower bushes have to be tied to the stakes to keep them upright, whereas any old weed can stand alone with the greatest of ease? The only cure for the fevers of vouth is age, and everyone knows what constitutes the cure for the infirmities of old age. Overhead: 'The rain we didn't get yesterday settled all the dust where there wasn't any." Obstreperousness is the father and ignorance the mother of the typical argument. On a few TV variety programs there is some good dancing, and on others the choreographers im- provise and direct terpsichorean features. APPOINTED DIRECTOR SASKATOON (CP) -- Dr. J. Percy Smith, associate professor of English at the University of Saskatchewan has been ap- pointed director of the Shakes- peare seminar to be held Aug. 15-22 at Waterloo, Ont., in con- junction with the Stratford fes- tival. United States right now, about 200,000 of them axe children. Most of these victims can be helped to some degree, and about three-fourths of them can be aide ed considerably through therapy, drugs and surgery. A proper public attitude will help them, too. And now, it ap- pears, we have it. QUESTION AND ANSWER A. D.: 1 have a spur on my heel bone which causes severe pain on walking. What would you advise me to do? Answer: If the spur causes suf- ficient pain and discomfort, it may be removed surgically. Iraq Says Still Member Of Pact UNITED NATIONS (CP) -- Hashim Jawad presented himself here Friday as the representative of the new Iraqi government and promptly told reporters '"we con- sider ourselves members of the pro-Western Baghdad pact. Whether Iraq will join the Egyptian-Syrian United Arab Re- publie is_p question for the fu- ture, Jawad sald, and is not being considered now. He sald Mon. days Iraqi revolution was purely nationalist and Iraq wants friend- ship with all big powers. "There will be political parties, there will be elections and there will he everything that we have n.ssed for the last 10 years, he declared. "We will have a wel- fare state. der to make them suitable to the changing world. NOT RENOUNCED "Iraq has not renounced the Baghdad pact, he sald, "It has never heen considered. We con sider ourselves sill members, . . .-Our friendship for the United States is still the same. | can assure you that my government cherishes the warmest wishes for the United States He confirmed that Fadhil Ja mali, sometime United Nations spokesman for the old Iraqi gov: ernment, was awaiting trial. He also confirmed that King Faisal, Crown Prince Abdul Tah apd Premier Muri Said are dead. He presented credentials to Secre. tary-Genersl Dag Hammarsk- He sald his countty, where the gold West has oll concessions, would live up to all its obligations 'both economic and political He added: "It will try to modify these ob- ligations in a peaceful way In or- Cyprus Not Terror affairs. Hammarskjold later told the Security Council he had a letter naming Jawad as Iraq's repre sentative of the council and "duly signed by the minister of foreign Island To Residents By WEBB McKINLEY NICOSIA, Cyprus (AP) They call Cyprus "terror island," and its story is told in troubled head. lines. In New York or London, Athens or Ankara, it's an issue But it is also an island where people live, so this is to give an idea about Cyprug the island, not the issue. It's big as islands go, third larg- est in the Mediterranean. and de- ceptively peaceful appearing. You can drive with impunity from Nicosia, the capital, to the north coast in 40 minutes or fo the south coast in 9 minutes Many people refrain from driving at night the #3 From the Kyrenia Range on north, where Crusaders' cast still stand, you can see Turkey People used to ski in the Troodos Mountains in the west in winter, but don't do much of that now, Terrorists hide out there Palm trees line the coast and cedar, cypress and pine cover the mountains. The sun shines al- most all year round. People swim in December at Kyrenia. In Jan- uary the average high tempera- ture at Nicosia is 58 and in Au- gust it's 98. Rainfall is less than 15 inches a year. Hotels ask guests to conserve water in sum- mer. There are about 400,000 Greek Cypriots and 100,000 Turk Cyp- riots, whose dress ranges from western to mid - western, plus small communities of Maronites, Armenians and Britoms. Many urban Greek Cypriots take high tea and speak with British ac- cents. Street signs are in Eng- lish, Greek and Turkish, but on most the English has been smeared over. There is no dis- tinctly Greek or Turkish area. Cyprus is relatively prosperous, with a big boost from the British military bases. An unskilled la- borer earns about $2 a day. City streets are full of bicycles, small British and German cars and army patrols. When a curfew is y tatoes on, only the patrols remain Shops earry British or European goods. The island's biggest pri- vate employer is an American copper mining firm, headquarters Los Angeles AGRICULTURAL LAND Tourism used fo be big business here, and Cyprus has 107 regis- tered hotels. 21 of them de luxe or first class 3 But it's mostly an agricultural island, growing wheat, harley, po- tobacco, citrus fruit, grapes. In April the air is wed hy orange blossoms wine is good s has been occupied! by iang, Persians Byzantines, Crusaders olives Mid-East Crisis At-A-Glance Beirut--United States flies in 2,000 paratroopers to back up force of more than 6,000 marines; snipers shoot at transport planes as they approach airport. Istanbul, Turkey--Turkey sends reinforcements to its Russian and Syrian borders; esncelg, all mili tary leaves, Nicosia Britain files in infan- try brigade from Britain; contin. ues ferrying equipment to para- troopers in Jordan, Calvo President Nasser of the United Arab Republic warns Brit- ain and the United States that "aggression will be met with ag- gression" in the Middle East. Moscow. Russia says she ean not remain indifferent to what she called acts of aggression in Middie Fast. Demonstrations ont- U.S. and British embassies continue. $100 Million Spent On Farm Support OTTAWA (CP) -- The net cost of the former Agricultural Prices Support Act, from 1948 until Jast March 31, was $100,073,000, fig- ures tabled in the Commons showed Friday. The figures were included in the first report of the new agri. cultural stabilization board, set up earlier this year replacing the old agricultural prices support hoard on March 31 In the 1957-58 fiscal year, price supports coat the federal treamiry a net of $5088 000 for supports on products including eggs, fow! potatoes, butter and dry skimmed milk Venetians, Turks and British, Richard the Lion Hearted mar ried Princess Berengaria of Va. varre near Lim asgdol Shake gpeare chess a "geaport in Cyp- rus' probably Famagusta for Othells Aphrodite the goddess of love and beauty, was bora in he sea foam off Paphos. They used fo call this "the island of love." Turn to HFC for money service you can trust y, has riFC, Canada's leading been making prompt loans, in privacy, to over }§ million Canadian families a year. At HFC you can borrow up to $1,000, take up to 30 months to repay on terms you select. Modern money service backed by 80 years' experience Oshawa Shopping Centre . . . + : . Telephone RA 5-1139 OSHAWA You be You do Bank Branch Holding VICTORY BONDS 9 If you hold any of the 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th or 9th Victory Bonds. .. now is the time to take them to your nearest Royal Bank Branch and convert them into the new CANADA CONVERSION LOAN BONDS. nefit this way: 1 You are not required to make any payment. You simply exchange your Victory Bonds for the new CANADA CONVERSION LOAN BONDS which earn a higher rate of interest. 2 You receive, immediately, an extra "cash adjust. ment", the amount varying with the Victory Bonds offered by you for conversion. this: 1 Take your Victory Bonds to your nearest Royal 2 Present your bonds at the counter. 3 Receive from the bank your cash adjustment and a receipt for your bonds. You hold this receipt until the actual new CONVERSION LOAN BONDS are de- livered to you in September. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA Lanada's Largest Bank ®