. TIMES-GAZETTE TELEPHONE NUMBERS Classified Advertising RA 3-3492 All other calls RA 3.3474 YOL. 87--NO. 169 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE Combining The Oshawa Times and Whitby Gazette and Chronicle WEATHER REPORT Mainly sunny and warm today and Tuesday. A little warmer Tuesday. Price Not Over 7 Cents Per Copy Authorized As Sesond Cless Mall OSHAWA-WHITBY, MONDAY, JULY 21, 1958 Post Office Department, Ottowe FIGHTEEN PAGES SIMCOE STREET BLAZE U.S. BLOCKS RUSS PLAN FOR QUICK TA 8 Bowling Alleys Lost [PN rea x WASHINGTON (AP) -- | | JAN LKS Answer Red Note Today The accepted the invitation "in the {United States today ruled out [cause of peace." In $ 1 0 0 ¥ 0 0 0 B laze | 4 {thought of an immediate summit |caiq governments have a respon. {meeting as proposed by Russians. |sihjlity to show wisdom and calm- {for all practical purposes any White House Press Secretary | James C. Hagerty said a draft | reply to Soviet Premier Khrush- chec's call for such a meeting Tuesday has been sent to allied | governments. | Hagerty said, howdver, he did not expect an answer could be dispatched today, thus ruling out any talks by the deadline pro-| posed by Khrushchev. The U.S. has taken the position that any immediate talks between | the West and the Russians should | be in conjunction with the United Nations. This would not necessarily rue | out a meeting by heads of gov-| ernment. | |ALLIES NOW CONSULT A spectacular blaze destroyed into their uniforms at one truck. rest of the city during the blaze. both floors occupied by the Motor | They received a couple of phone| The Oshawa Police Department | City Bowling Alleys, Ltd., 52% |calis just when I arrived." ussisted fire fighters in blocking | Simcoe street morth, early this| aqatt Kotelko, owner of the|Simcoe street traffic. Traffic was] morning. Damage wai estimated |p wling alleys, estimated the -ight in the morning, but a consid- | at more than $100,000. damage at more than $40,000. He erable number of spectators Heavily damaged by smoke and | ij, 0ht the alleys would be a Watched the fire. | water were three stores on the .onolete loss, The building is in-| 4.FEET FLAMES grousd floor. ofé the Dulding: eyven Patrol Sergeant Allan Williams Stroud A Fruit, * ri tory] Robert Stroud, owner of said that the flames had shot out Scott millinery store and Victory qi 4's Fruit, 1td., on the|of the building 30 to 40 feet high| Billiards, Lid. jetermin. | ground floor of the same build-|early after its start. The fire Cause of the els unce SF ling, estimated damage to his/sighters were under the direction | ed. All availabie ore ur the | Store at between $40,000 and $50,- cf Platoon Chief E. Martin Ostler. HASHIM JAWAD in Oshawa was rus Ry 0 Se 000. "They usually condemn alll Fire Chief Ray Hobbs came to scene Fire fighters ep ie Jaze the food after a fire such as the scene later. He had just re- from spreading jo tier 1 "5% this," he said. turned from a weekend holiday in the downtown bloc Damage to the Victory Biltat his cottage. iraq Representative . inp scovered by . F G t rg i Mg in nay liards store, and the Jean Fire fighters were hampered rance € 5 Reo Hovs -oxi- | Scott hat shop was not immedi-|in fighting the blaze by intense d of thie boulinip Alicys, i amie ly determined, but is believed |heat and smoke. They fought the G t C 11 T Hagerty told his press confer- | mately 3.30 a.m. He was also the jately de ermined, ut is | [peat any sprioke. They fought the © a 0 fire Hat contain re antag) fast mat nthe alleys before Whe/to he in excess o: 524.001 | building as well as from the sides | on among the Western allies. Un. fire started. RECENTLY RENOVATED ond Teor. The aerial ladder Was S it T 1k til they end he would have noth- INSPECTED BUILDING Bowling alley owner Matt Xo raised on Simcoe street and water ummi ad S ing further to say ghou fhe pos- "1 was i building at ap- ko was notified by Mr. Bishop poured on the flames. No one i sibility of a summit conference. Penman Be m X said Mr. of the blaze, He rushed downtown was injured. M PARIS {AB Freuier Charles| pagerty said that after the con- Bishop, "put 1 didn't see a|/immediately but could stand only HIGH PRESSURE AREA [ i ay we Cored Soviet sultations among the Western thing." Mr. Bishop who lives at helplessly by while fire fighters HI™ : i re 104 ai A e en countries are completed Presi- 40 Simcoe street north, then went battled the blaze. Mr. Koteiko| Hose lines curled like snakes Mi Ra eS added|qent Eisenhower will make a di- home. He was awakened by|said the alleys had recently been on Simcoe and Richmond Sreets. To er i us he iL ho rect reply to Khrushchev. | breaking glass at 3.30 am. renovated. He could not give any |The building. is located in t 8 ma an One Ju marina Se Also in reply to questions, Hag- "I thought somebody was try- explanation for the. fire. downtown high pressure area oi oe S . erty said India was not among ing to break in," he recalled. "I Mr. Kotelko said no one had (the Oshawa PUC, Water pressure The premlier's position was out- the nations that the U.S. con- looked out of the window and I heen in the alleys after they clos-|in hydrants was turned to ful he lined high Minicter | sulted. Khrushchev had proposed saw flames shooting out of the ed Saturday. Only Assistant Man- pacity by the PUC night staff to Jacques. Soustelle after a cab.|that ludia be included in an im- third floor windows. I put my ager Jim Bishop made the safety help in fighting the plove. the inet meeting which considered mediate heads-of-state meeting, clothes on and ran up Simcoe checks in 'the building. Flames were visibie in : "© France's reply. - President Eisenhower met with street to the fire hall. When I| The Oshawa Fire Department clear, night air as far as High-| The official responses of Brit- diplomatic and military advisers a > aeri r .|way 401 and the Oshawa Airport. | . a ; ol Viters passed the building the flames called the aerial ladder truck [x 9 MARR Airports lain, France and the United States|in an unusual Sunday sessio rere shooting out of the building three pumpers, the emergency The fire was extingu Y|to the Khrushchev proposal were consider a reply to Khrushe 3 to 20 feet long. |iruck and the fire chiefs car into|dawn at approximately 5.30 a.m. |, coted to be sent to Moscow move. "When I got to the fire hall 1{service to battie the fire. Only Fire trucks ne on Je late today, The Soviet premier had sent two firemen just getting one truck was left to cover the 'scene until late in the morning. {mit conference. He said such|dia calling for a summit confer- talks must be held in an atmos-|cnce any place any time, He sug- phere of objectivity and serenity gested Geneva and Tuesday as and that the date, place and|the site and date. He accused the participation still must be worked | U.S. and Britain of committing | out through diplomatic channels. | aggression by sending troops into He said the tone of Khrush-|Lebanon and Jordan and de- chev's note proposing the talks clared they had gravely endan- stood in the way of such objectiv-| gered world peace. | ity and serenity. Some matters" ,__ . Ingle. referred to by Khrushchev con- Premier de Gaulle of France 3 Cypriots Found Shot To Death al | NICOSIA (Reuters) -- Oshawa Phone Rates Raised not envision an immediate sum-|States, Britain, France, ghd In- Two OTTAWA (CP)--Bell Telephone Havelock, Hemmingford, i |Turks and one Greek-Cypriot | were found shot to death today, il [raising to 16 the weekend death i toll in the island's Greek-Turkish violence. The two Turks, both shot through the head, were found near the British military canton : |ment of Dhekelia, southeast Cyp rus. | 4 | The Greek, a shepherd, was {found in a field near Atheniop vil- lage, 15 miles south of Nicosia {An immediate curfew was im- posed on the village. | Curfew also was imposed om {the west coast town of Paphos [today following bomb-throwing in- | cidents in which five Greeks were| injured. | |DEATH TOLL RISING Today's killings brought the toll of a week's communal violence to a record 34 dead and 28 in- |jured. The month's death toll is UAW Makes Terms % he Atheniou curfew was im » |posed under new strict security| | Office Workers |r iregulations, announced Sunday | and a billiards hall-lunchroom. bottom picture). The building, one of the oldest in Oshawa is | jointly owned by Arthur J. Drew and by Drug Distributors Ltd. It is located at the south west corner of Simcoe and Richmond in the third floor alleys, where | streets and was occupied by hours and succeeded in confin- | flames shattered the glass at | the bowling alleys for many ing the fire to the building. The | 3.30 a.m. Heavy smoke damage | years Originally a dance hall fire caused damage estimated | was done to the ground floor | was located on fhe top floor. in excess of $100,000 and left | stores, a grocery, a hat shop Daily Times Photos by Governor Sir Hugh Foot "now | R ; P : : WINDSOR, Ont. (CP)--Webster|(hat all appeals for an end to rien S 1 act Cornwall, international represent-|\ploodshed have been ignored." | ative of the office workers de-| The measures, to last a month, ment of the United Auto|include night curfews in all] Workers, announced Sunday the towns, a ban on movement out- terms of a first comtract for of-|side village areas, a ban on night fice workers in Hamilton at'traffic and immediate daytime Studebaker-Packard. curfews when necessary. The contract, which expires TODAY'S THOUGHT | the two upper storeys of the | building gutted. Fire fighters fought the flames with all avail- able equipment, including the aerial truck (top picture). The fire is beiieved to have started THOUSANDS OF GALLONS of water were poured into the fiames of the burning Motor | City Bowling Alleys, 52% Sim- | coe street north early this morning. Firefighters battled the blaze for more than two LONDON (Reuters) -- Russia number of foreign troops in Ger has proposed -a friendship and many be reduced by one-third co-operation pact with European "or by another agreed factor governments and the United within the next one or two years States. Agreement would have to be noxt July 15 gives the company's | Tass, the official Soviet news reached on an inspection system g- office workers salary increases | agency, reported Sunday night to be sure that this aim was of from $10 to $26 a month with a that the proposal covers reduc- carried out. The note suggested! , cent general increase The only instrument neces- sary to use in brainwashing some people would be an eye- dropper. 3.3-per tion of the number of foreign that the reduction of forces could re Te die e to Jan, 1, providing] troops in Germany, aerial sur-/be extended from Germa tol .n additional lump sum of from, veys over Europe to try to pre-'embrace all NATO and Warsaw $35 to $81 2 | vent surprise attacks, a nuclear-i Pact countries. It did not go into tans | free European zone and closer detail about this extension scientific and economic co-opera-| 1,000-mNle aerial inspection { tion. |zone, extending 500 miles on each | T A GLANCE The pact was proposed in a|Side of the Iron Curtain was fa MID-EAST A 1 Soviet note given Western am. |vored by Russia to prevent sur- | bassadors in Moscow on July 15.|Prise attack. The note made nol po yup ASSOCIATED PRESS slavia, Moscow and Damascus. | Tass said it is "highly import-(mention of previous Western of-| 'ww, yinston United States and|Sees Kuwait sheik Abdullas Salah! zone would { BEIRUT (AP) Lebanese reb "'as use of nuclear weapons." The note suggested that CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE RA 5-1 di FIRE DEPT. RA 5-6574 A ecurity ant" that European countries and fers to open up the Arctic skies pi; "iiaft message to Soviet|in Damascus. heightening British the U.S. do not give military and to aerial inspection for this pur- Premier Khrushchev countering|apprehension of move in that oil- economic aid to any country pose. -- ee icall for five-power summit con-{rich British protectorate. British 1 * threatens te break the ference with proposal to resolvereinforce troops in Bahrein, off European peace, regardless of Middle East crisis through United Kuwait. U.A.R. and new Iraqi previous tre S Rebels Charge ations. Some officials predict republic sign mutual defence DENUCLEARIZED ZONE level security council meet-| pact = A nuclearized" Main Buildin S ing is, % oréign Secretary} Baghdad -- Teag! eapital co » establish along h li hdd LO ) | tinues calm in wake of coup, with he d a along ry wo g vith Se tary of State D les population apparently friendly to-| in Europe. Countries within this TEDOMS: UY ane iT Sunsian tall ward new regime. | zone would be considered eis charged through the ground Ame ' a Jeply US Fh Damascus--Iraqj finance minis-| excluded from the sphere of thel,f the American mission school land bringing force 0 nearly| 1 says new regime wants to] today to attack the main building |g'500. Reliable sources say Prosi-|<€ep oil flowing to Western cus the of the Lebanese government |jont Nasser has warned United|tomers but warns west against {which houses the office of Pre-|States that Soviet Union is eager| making mad move. | mier Sami Solh. to send troops fo Middle Fast and| United Nations--West expected| The mission. compound houses he "may not be able to keep|to support Japanese proposal that | a girl's school, a theological sem- them out." security council expand opera-| inary and a_ mission printing! Amman--Jordan breaks diplo-{tions of UN observer group in| plant relations with United Arab! Lebanon but some believe Soviet] Reports from the } eco vill veto to get general assembly entered the compoun 1 tion © 1 me in .Iraq.| Session matic 09 said | Republic 23 ne AR ene 3 inched Delhi Prime agrees to attend Minister summit New Nehru k on Le 1) Ling Hu n ec who were 4 an ati; forces nomic £laid front Cairo--Nasser returns to Cairo conference on Middle Fast but | y {to set up wire barricades in HOSPITAL RA 38-2211 lot the main government building. after three-week tour of Yugo-|urges negotiations through UN, 4 |pace with increases in the num-/pewa, Niagara Falls, Ont; Osh- Company was authorized today to |side. ' change the rate groups of 38 com-| Group one to group three-- 9 8 munities in Ontario and Quebec, [$2.65 to $2.85 and $4.80 to $5.85: | involving increases in their Elliot Lake. charges for local service. Group two to group three--$2.75 The Board of Transport Com. to $2.85 and $5.30 to $5.85: Alex- missioners' authorization fective on 30 days' notice. The rates for residence service Group three to group four-- will rise by between 10' and 25 $2.85 to $2.95 and $5.85 to $6.50: | w k d cents a month, For single busi-| Chalk River, Deep River, Elmira, ee en ness phone service, they will go| Kingsville, Kintore, Orangev e, . by between 50 cents and $1.30 | Petrolia, Prescott, Wyoming. Canada's weekend accident toll up, by : i 9 Group five to group six--$3.10/dropped to 50 this weekend from ROUTINE REGROUPING The regrouping is a periodical Galt, and Oakville. measure authorized by the board| Group six to group seven--$3.30| A Canadian Press survey from -usually semi-annually--to keep|to $3.50 and $8.40 to $9.75: Chip-lg p.m local time Friday to mid- night Sunday showed 34 persons |were killed on the highways, 11 46 Persons wee: Sorts woe | Killed On ber of telephones in individuallawa, and Sarnia, communities. Because the Oshawa local call- There are 10 rate groups, with ing.area has outgrown its pres- rates scaling upwards in accord ry telephone rate group, in. dents. ance with the number of phones). caces will go into effect Sep-| The reduced toli came in On ic each centre. As the number|. hor 4 1958, to bring rates|tario and Quebec. Ontario had 17 of phones in one place reaches a/;.i; |ine 'with those charged in|fatalities and Quebec 12 com- given point, it is moved into a|,iher centres with a similar num-|pared with 30 each last weekend. higher group. ber of telephones, J. W. Lowry, |Traffic deaths totalled nine in Today's regrouping is not di-|Bell Telephone manager for this/Ontario and eight in Quebec. rectly connected with a Bell ap-|region, said today. The western provinces reported plication to the board for general The increases are relatively|is' deaths, same as last ore rate increases on local and long small. For example, the monthly 0 ' So . distance services in the two prov-/charge for two - party residence|, ne of the accidents was a inces averaging about 4% per| service will be only 20 cents| ead-on crash in New Brunswick cent. Hearings on this application higher and individual residence hat killed five persons, four in are to open here Sept. 16. |service 25 cents higher. one family, New Brunswick had A company spokesman esti-| 'These increases, brought/!Wo other traffic deaths and a mated today the regrouping|about by increased value of the (rowning. were drowned, three perished in| fires and two died in other acci-| tributed nothing toward success|/™2S reported to have postponed uch a conference, he added, 20Y decision on the proposal un- til after today's United Nations | Security Council meeting. Prime Minister Nehru of India LONDON (AP) -- Prime Minis-| |ter Macmilian said today Britain | and her allies are urgently con- sidering 'the best means by which to arrange for a meeting | which heads of government could | attend" to tackle the Middle East crisis. view on Russia's call for a sum-| mit conference this week. ence contained "many allegations could not accept. Replying to Khrushchev, Nehru ness, and refrain from any action likely to provoke world war. "You are aware of our firm conviction that armed interven. tion by a foreign power in any country is most undesirable and that foreign troops should be withdrawn from countries where they have entered," he said. URGES WITHDRAWAL "Therefore we have urged the governments of the United States and Great Britain to withdraw from Lebanon and Jordan. "We would welcome peaceful approach by negotiation through the United Nations or its Secur- ity Council, or otherwise, with 8 view to helping the United Na- tions to take steps to end the cone flict in the near and Middie East region." The Soviet gambit, authorities here said, put the two Western powers in a bad spot before world public opinion, already alarmed over the possibilities of war im the Middle East. Eisenhower, who had flown to his Gettysburg farm, conferred with State Secretary Dulles by telephone. Dulles discussed the Khrushchev proposal immed» jately afterward with Lloyd. MEET AGAIN Lloyd and Duiles met agala Sunday morning just before the British diplomat took off for Lone v's |don after 3'2 days of discussions here on British -American Middle East strategy. vo R Lioyd told reporters i. ¥dmd Dulles "are in substantial 'Agrees ment" on how to handle the Khrushchev note. The White House a few hours later said the U.S. is preparing "a calm and constructive response." The American idea was ree ported to be that heads of gove ernment or for eign ministers could sit at the UN Security Council table rather than meet in some other capital -- Khrushchey suggested Geneva, Switzerland where delegations of other inters ested powers wouid not be in dis rect contact, ns. UK. Seeks Way To Hold Meeting |to $3.30 and $7.40 to $8.40: Bronte,|a shocking 76 the previous week. | end. The Soviet premier's proposal envisaged a meeting of Ameri. can, British, French, Indian and Russian heads of government, Khrushchev suggested tha$ | United Nations Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjold also should |attend and The British leader's statement chould be specifically to set the was made in the House of Com- basis for a Middle East settle mons in response to Labor party ment to be considered later by requests for the government's the UN Security Council, that the purpose Macmillan said it had not bees : : |possible yet to agree with all the Macmillan said Khrushchev's countries concerned regarding the {proposal of a five-power confer- response. '"Her Majesty's government are and statements" that Britain rgently considering the = {means by which to arrange a The prime minister said he meeting which heads of governs hopes to make a statement to the ment could , attend" to consides |House Tuesday concerning the|all these grave problems, Mao | British reply to Khrushchev. imillan told the House. would yield Bell about $227,000 a service as the exchange grows, year. The company seeks $16,- apply only locally. They have 000,000 a year from the proposed [nothing to do with the general general increases. rate application which will be PRINCESS TURNS TOURIST rg ; heard by the Board of Transport FOUR ONTARIO CITIES Commissioners for Canada in Major centres affected include september," Mr. Lowry empha- Niagara Falls, Oshawa, Sarnia|sized. and Galt in Ontario, |HIGHER RATE GROUP The regroupings, with the| The move of Oshawa into a changes indicated for residential higher rate group was directed two-party and one-phone business|by the Board of Transport Com- service, include the following On.| missioners for Canada following a tario points Bell company report April 30 From group one to group two-- |The report stated the number of residential $2.65 to $2.75 and busi OSHAWA PHONE ness '$4.80 to $5.30: Deseronto, (Please turn .to page 2) By AL MARKLE Canadian Press Staff Writer | KELOWNA, B.C. (CP)--Prin- cess Margaret has turned tourist. | ernor Frank M. Ross. The menu {was not disclosed, but it was be- Margaret Has Beach Barbecue, Boat Ride Reason for the strict security regulations were recent terrorist {lieved to include a sirloin tiplactivities blamed on Sons of Freee roast. 'dom Doukhobors. Five Freedoms The princess' swim after the ites were arrested last week and | The princess, on a our ve lasted for about half an|charged with conspiring to cause |visit to the Okanagan, went | hour. It was believed she wore a explosions. {swimming Sunday, had a barbe- the beach and| " cue dinner on H took a boat d Russ May Send Troops In Syria ok 2 host Fide ; . That schedule is standard for PARIS (AP) Soviet sources in Paris said today there ,. phody visiting the Okanagan, a| is every possibility Moscow will station troops in Syria at the fruit growing valley in the B.C. request of the United Arab Republic if a summit conference interior. She was expected to go does not lead to a Middle East arrangement, The informants |,ne better. asspvie Chr hev hz is last call for su it | 3 : ! asserted Khrushchev has made his le or a mit A reliable source said Sunday | conference. night the princess, touring B.C.| es ' . . as the province celebrates its Minister's Assistant Resigns 100th anniversary, made arrange-| OTTAWA (CP) Resignation of A, L. Stevenson, general ments to go water skiing today, executive assistant to Deputy Agriculture Minister J. G. Tag-|Which is free of official engage- gart since 1949, was announced today. He joined the govern-|ments. The boat tentatively re-| ment service in 1934. He now plans to travel in Europe. served for the event belongs to {Thomas Capozzi, member of a . noted Okanagan family. Ghana Premier Proposes Plan | Princess Margaret attended a OTTAWA (CP) A three-point plan for ending the barbecue on the beach in front "great international tension" in the Middle East was proposed [of the home of J. Bruce Smith, today by Dr. Kwame Nbhrumah, prime minister of Ghana. aide-de-camp tp Rdeutenant-Gov-' » GUESTS AT BARBECUE | Mr. Ross, Premier W. A. | Bennett and their. wives were |! guests at the barbecue. During the boat ride, the prin- cess seemed to be out with minimum of security officers around her. t t {royal blue one-pigce bathing suit. POLICE GET TIP Since that time, unofficial C. sources say, almost every Douke hobor in this area has disap peared. It was learned Sunday, however, that police received a ip that about 100 members of he sect were moving to the Kew lowna area. The princess Sunday attended ° Several times she took the con-| divine services at St. Michael and trols of the cabin cruiser. There|All Angels' Church. Reverend D, were no official police boats fol-|g lowing her. ¢ More than 140 extra RCMP of- ficers were brought in to supple- ment, the Kelowna detachment during Princess Margaret's stay At least 40 officers were assigned | te duty around the of Summergrove 4F ar m, Mr. Smith's home, . / 25-acre estate |c jewelry was a diamond clip on ber dress and a diamond bracelefy Catchpole, Anglican Archdeas on of the Okanagan, officiated. For the service' the princess wore a pink, polka-dot slub silk dress, bordered with white braid and a white panama straw hat. White Gloves, purse and shoes ompleted her ensemble. Her only