Flinda, a two-year-old circus ton, | THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Monday, July 21, 195¢ 17 Chips Renew Speculation | Scientist Finds | NEWS BRIEFS Bwril mm Bom" : {face. Veterinary surgeons diag-| AA : Aon Cancer Agent re paw Li Jory, suo das) Canada Council pre doctoral fellows nce . . I 4 d | WIESBADEN, West Germany due fo a heart attack brought | I In Missing Player S Case LONDON (Reuters)--A cancer |(Reuters) -- Highway authorities lon by fright. | Grants $1 Million ou ident tell specialist claims to have dis an to carve one - inch - deep| = na | or non-resident fellowships Ea in cigaret smoke a sub- "sits" rh oe edges of ep HIGH SPEED VANCOUVER (CP)-The Can-|for scholars coming to Canada identical t known can- % § "1 PARIS (Reuters) -- French ada Council has announced grants|include one to Prof. J. W. Nisbet, stance identical to a kno Frankfurt-Mannheim autobahn in ¢ Ora E wi { : i er-causing agent of "consider- 2 4 "|trains have the fastest average worth more than $1,000000 to St. Andrews University, Scot- cer-cal g ag the hope that drowsy drivers may | vorid=5 1 ded va Ld 5 able potency. be roused by the bumps if their | "Peed in the world--56 miles per|jeducational institutions, art, thea-|land, to come to Queens Univer- i In a letter Saturday to the cars stray from the centre of our on main line passenger runs tre and music groups and publi-|sity. might provide a clue to the dis-| He said he plans to investigate| oe. "sournal Nature, Dr. M. road --a revort released here says. cations, a appearance of a plane seven|the report today .and check it\y=0 on fet cer research | A | Comparable figures are 51 m.p.h.| The councils first meeting out-| NOTHING NEW SHOWN years ago on a flight from the|with forest rangers and provin- department of Glasgow's Roya) TV SURVEY lin the United States and 50 m.p.h. side Ottawa was held here Satur-| h h Timmins |eial police but held little hope it int Hisenital: SAY ok itai » coincide uh ami MOSCOW (AP) -- The Soviet {James Bay area to : he| Beatson Memorial Hospital gave, TOKYO (AP)--A survey by the @ Britain day to coincide with the opening . seemed slim today. would solve the mystery of thei, to" +" 0 ies of experiments Tokyo cit . yey a POET DIES of the Vancouver International|Union celebrated Aviation Day Aboard the plane were Dr. lost aircraft. J designed to trace carcinogeniciinat one ty 3 ; 5.3 househoids| TORONTO (CP) -- Mrs. Will Arts Festival, to which the coun-|Sunday with an air show lasting Henry Hudson, a Timmins den-| In Sault Ste. Marie, provincial |; oy 00a rhons in cigaret - smokey dd Dini id hoa" of 8 1cil granted $30,000 previously. nearly three hours. No new de- tist, and Bill Barilko, defenceman police inspector Tom Crawford| = | g in the Japanese capital has a TV |Hoey Murphy, author of a book| Grits iichiaed: Je ee us, I Ten for Toronto Maple Leafs. of the ng he Ships have Licics i During the tests, he found evi. sl: fa yams lien To Yoo Teas Coleg Guelph--$17 Ini a The show took ns National Hockey League. ie office of the superinten | . batance J y TALL NIEL = § |" turday. Kk ap- a yi hy mes Yat + Ly a v Dr. Lou Hudson, - Timmins of regulations, department 'of dance o : jubstance Wentivg) NAGGING HUSBAND peared frequently in Toronto oy for a Fheaty ie Northern On-|as usual at Tushino fieid outside surgeon and brother of the van-(transport, at Ottawa for examin-| oo. 0 lic acant of > consider] METZ. France (Reuters)-- | newspapers. tario Art Association, $1,000, ___ Moscow before a huge crowd. ished dentist, said he doubts|ation to determine whether they able PoeIRY pe " j= - soap ---------------------- there is any connection with the came from an airplane. Small quantities of 1, 2, 3, 4-| missing aircra't, |ALSO SAYS IMPOSSIBLE | dibeniopyrene also had been de. | The yellow-colored chips, about "Whatever they are, I dont see tected in gasoline and diesel en. EXCITING IFIRST TIMES ON ANY OSHAWA SCREEN ! la half - inch in length, were how they can have any conmec-| gine fumes but not so far in gen- A E41 brought up from Kabiskagamition with the Barilko - Hudsom|era] yrban atmospheric soot. VP Lake near Franz, a station on|plane, the inspector said. "It FLEMING TIMMINS (CP) -- The pos-| "There are White Rivers all sibility that fragmentary chips over the province, If it were near dredged from the bottom of a|James Bay it would be an en- remote lake in Northern Ontario tirely different story. the CPR transcontinental line|would have been impossible for a 5 TS INI ' REONDA » AA {about 250 mil thwest of Sud- rf Rupert es Mer NRA . aint 50 mike sorte of Soo ie mame. 0 fv for ¥wwsl THEATRE GUIDE 1G Sha | EE mweie | . Se gait fish from the lake in a conserva-|out refuelling. | - . tion project. { Keith Atcheson, regional for-|Brock (Whitby) -- "Lisbon" and | Ranger Charles Elliott of the ester who supervises the area,| Decision Against Time". Starts Ontario department of lands and|said: "The chips may be from a| at 7 p.m. Last complete show foresfs disclosed the discovery canvas canoe or they may bel at 8.20 p.m. during the weekend at Elliot Lake some patching material which sig, Feank 4 / near Blind River. Pilot Billlfe]l overboard out of a canoe, | Marks - The Revenge #1 Frick \ ! - p- SINUVAR Cramm and conservation officer] Kahiskagami Lake is 335 miles bing ; te a Fp K 17 Serving CHARLES IAN Elio Pozzo of the department hy air from Ruperts House >.' urse of th J B A /(8 were with him when they dredged where the hockey star and the| 12:30 3.15, 6.05, 9.05 p.m. Last § \i//, bg b , ALBRIGHT up the fragments about a month Timmins dentist took off in Dr. ago in a net from the lake bot- Henry Hudsons single - engined pj, " da : > za -- "Biue Murder at St tom, 70 feet down. ipla Aug. 26 1951, in the teeth Frinians" ry a B Dene 5 ellen ior Jo iw ind Trinians" 1.30, 4.26, 7.22, 10.18 » MICHAEL TODD'S TOLD OF FIND Vet 3 ilot id th " 7 p.m. "Constant Husband" 2.57 3 s 8 ane| rsa' pos p " q| Dr. Lou Hudson was informed eteran pilots saic the plane; 553 gs55 pm, Last complete complete show at 9.08 p.m. 1 SS od may have run out of gas while] % ER wo : , o Ae of Ihe discovery oo eay gu battling the headwinds on the] Show st B55 nm. pn miata A WINK ,..AKISS ...AN INVITATION! b : > Ce 1200-mile flight to Timmins foc : : n fishing trip to Watebeg Lake, Despite one of the most inten- TS ---- . ASK ANY GJ. ABOUT about 30 miles east of Timmins isive air searches ever conducted NA | % = He said his information Was|in the northland, no trace of the ~4 ) | whoiieplor ' rau el Nn that the fragments were found | 1.ne was found, = H , CINEMAS SORE 3 K: = near the White River, about 50 erates Gh Ih ® CINEMAS TOPE. sans miles west of Franz. He added 0 KNOWS \ ad! ! 3 RA n o if that was correct the chips BOY KNOWS NSA 52 BEST PICTURE AWARDS MEL DOLORES, i "we hing v DAN; g 3 could not be from his brothers] HOO, England (CP) -- Jean ZZ i and WORLD-WIDE HONORS [i 4 "WYNTER - FERRER --MICHAE plane Trott, . 19, chosen 1958 beauty "He couldnt get there with the queen of this Kent village, won Businessmen's Luncheon gas he was carrying, Dr. Hud- outright possession of the trophy 4 Hot & Cold Buiiet son sald, "The wind was in the because it was her third straight | STARRING . DAVID NIVEN « CANTINFLAS « ROBERT NEWTON ping & Vihar opposite direction, he couldnt do triumph. She has- agreed not to it even with a heavy tail wind.!compete in future years 7) SHIRLEY MacLAINE » Featuring 44 "Cameo" Stars e.. een MOTOR HOTELS | TE LEVISION LOG Fully, Air-Conditioned SHOWN TWICE DAILY AT 2:00 and 8:15 p.m, | erm ives CHCH-TV Channel 1l--Hamiltor CBLT-TV Channel 6---Toronto Highway No. 401 of ADMISSION PRICES WE REGRET SOSRENDED | WROC-TV Channel 5--Rochester Bowmanville Cloverleaf MATINEE EVENING . , , DOWN TO SAFETY | WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffalo ~~ WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffale ads 90 agus 1.25 NPRE Eh AL i* L /.& 4. § LAST 2 DAYS! Injured Peter Elliott, 13, his | through trap door and into six | Just 12 Minutes from 2 Students 75 | Students 7s Pn Pb over in TODAY, TUES. eyes closed with pain and his | feet of water while hunting pig- MONDAY ro 2---Swing Shift TUESDAY pEVENAG | Downtown Oshawa Children .50 | Children .50 AIR-CONDITIONED body iimp, Is lowered by rope | oc wy. clutched to rope until | 1-Familv Theatre Par. 11--Family Theatre { . and firemen from atop water 6--Man from Tomorrow | 6----Decoy | 6--Princess Margaret | tower at Barrie, Ont. Youth fell | 2id arrived. (CP Wirephoto) | s--Plashouse TUESDAY MORNING Dedicates SA | 4=Fun to Learn 5.00 AM. $--Playhouse ji e---------- 3-Superman S--Today 4~Fun to Learn - - » 5.15 P.M. 4--Cartoon Capers 3--8ir Lancelot 6--Children | 5.15 P.M. Brussel Fair Exhibit Newsreel : 345 P.M, | 4--Children's 4--Children's Theatre | ¥--RumPus Room Theatre sa aml PV 8 - - 6,3-Mickey Mouse Popeye's Play. ge PE . : aid Credit lo Lanada | cout EM | MB carer | Ela Soest Le ny 4~Headlines; News C950 AM. 3fongimen: Sports PRESENT OTTAWA (CP)--Trade Minis- He also said the 24 males and| >~Colop Beep 8---District Attorney 6.18 1 3 ter Churhill has desribed the|24 female students acting as| e~Cueo Kia | 3 Boston Binckie Cine Kise 5. Canadian exhibit at the Brussels guides "have done a first-class | , p54, EM: 14.9 | 6--Kaleidoscope International Exhibition as 'a|Piece of work." [1 3-News; Weathers or loser "evonther: credit {0- Canada," bub. fellow COMPLAINED IN LETTER | S00may (ooo My Lite Margie amilipks Sporty Progresive Conservative MP| Mr. Churchill said he aces, 5, é--Weather News: | 5. 1reasire Hoot | 8.3,4--News says if is a failure. |cepted Mrs. Bienvenue's resigna- | 3~Comedy Capers &=Play Your Hunen 2=Comeay Ey ri The Canadian exhibit "is not a|tion after she complained in aly movie © 0 | 2--Abbott and Costelle | 11_ movie success," J. C. Van Horne, Resti- letter to him that she had been{ s~Tabloid 5 iy aM 6--Tablold gouhe-Madawaska, said in the asked to take on extra duties not| 3--Dick Clark 4--Arthur Godfrey Sirois Boy Commons Saturday during de. vered in her cooras alaryose $-Desih Valet. Dave 3-Mr. D. A | 4 neice Onkley bate on trade department esti- covered in her contract. She Cas PM, nM 130 P.M. mates asked for a salary increase to 6---Scan Consequences SRODIn_ food || Tue «Canada is not doing a proper $300 a month from $300 S-Haasiz Bers DOD efonfies 2-Sugar Foot job as far as our partiipation in Mrs Bienve s letter ¢ 3-Twilight Theatre 1200 NOON 1 Cot En Me this fair is concerned," said Mr. that one of three reports sent S00 P.M, Tic Tac Dough vente | n ina aal he hyd r. | 1L6--=Millionaire 4--~News; Weather Van Horne, who visited the fair from Brussels to the federal gov-| yi iiess Gun Fe Le | 4 Hollswood Comedy f recently. ernment * Is the reputation of | ¢ Burns and Alea 12.80 P.M. | 8.30 Th tat t r da the 24 young nen guides." She | R30 P.M. 8--It Could Be You tl; 6-Dragnet he statemenis were 'made also sald a second report "based |11,6--On Camera 4--Search for Tomorrow during disussion of the resigna- wrt % ov 5 Wells Fargo 2-Mid-Day Matinee tion June 27 of Mrs. Charlotte L, °F A Minor incident, Suggests Arthur Godrey 1.00 P.M, Blenvenue of "Quebec Citv that our young people use alcohol | 2~Bold Journey 8--Movie Theatre excessively' a 9 9.00 P.M, 4--Meet the Millers | s5--Dotto chaperone of Canadian student BCs ely a 4 t a third re- 16-1 Love Tuecy 1.30 P.M. To lell Ihe Truth t bit. por: 'concerns me 5--Twenty One The World Turns 3 Broken Arrow guides at the exhibit Mr Churchill said his depart-| &--Lucy Shows | 2.00 P.M, 8.50 P.M, Mrs. Bienvenue has been sUC- ment received no such reporis, ¥--Featurama 4--Beat The Clock 3-Bob Cumn,ings ceeded by Mrs. Claire Paquette yr. dia A thier FeDoM 9.30 P.M. $--Helen Neville 4--Playhouse yo bec City He did not know whether reports ij.e--tughoa: Ann i 2.30 P.M. 2--Pantomime Quiz Bolsvert, also of Quebec City. had been received by the justice 5--Goodyear Theatre 8--Home Cooking : 10.00 P.M. Mr. Churchill said he has re- department ¢ e RCMP 4=Mer of Annapolls 4-House Party 7 g Jiiapsoty ; ; } =I h 5-Californian ceived no recent letters criticiz-| The minlste { that after he |y;_aan Behind The A ne M. «Bid 'n* Buy ing the Canadian exhibit "but an received Mrs. Bienvenue's letter Badge 8--Today Is Ours 2 Precinct increasing number of comments |he asked his officials to 'let him| ~The Ruble War | 4=The Big Payoft Nu * PM praising it." It appeared that(know the state of affairs at Brus-(% J-Sidle One = ir Ge Eon "the Canadian exhibit is a credit els.' His officials reported that | 10.30 P.M, 8--From These Roots | é~Decoy to Canada; that it is depicting Mrs. Bienvenue was resigning |!1--Oh! Susanna | * I'he Verdict is | 2-Highway Patrol 'anad aE able fa ORISA nh " he 5--Monday Drama ours 1.00 P.M. Canadian life in acceptable fash- because she contended she was 2--The Whistler 2-Trust Your Wife 5.11-6-4.2-News fon; that it compares very favor- being asked to perform duties not| 11.00 P.M. | 40% P.M, | Weather: Sports ably with the exhibits of other |in her contract and for which she|! 11--Trouble With Father | -- 1:15 P.M, 1 "» , ino id Weather: Sports 6-Stevie-O Viewpoint A vas I E nations was not being paid 115 P.M, B, 4--Serial Stories 8--Movie Theatre rE |G | RON MaAAE GLORA GRAVE SHIRLEY JONES CEN NELSON CHAROTE GREENWOOD 11.30 P. BOOK & LYRICS BY 1 11--Late Show Churchill Won't Comment "550 wiz en | | FODIEALBERTJAMES WHITMORE:ROD STEGER: RICHARD RODGERS: OSCAR HAMMERSTEN fl Y { STARRING 6---British Empire 11:48 PM. a | Games | s--Modern Romances | Boxing : i -- OW REGULAR PR Plus More Acti On Red China Trade | LATE SEASON FLOODS THREATEN II RE PRICES JAMES CRAG a iN OTTAWA (CP) -- Trade Min-|' "I cannot at this particular] WHITTLESEY, England (CP)| HONG KONG (AP)--Commun.| ' ALL ADULTS .. 70c " - Ister Churchill has declined t6imoment speak definitely on the| The peak of the strawberry sea- ist press reports say populous, g CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE NAKED IN THE SUN say specifically that Canadian : : son in this Cambridgeshire com-|rice growing Hupeh province in| 1a) of United States com- i dostion Do 1 have every confl | munity, a main growing centre South China is threatened by anies now may trade with Com- dence that the way is going to be for the fruit, was not reached un- serious floods. Heavy rains have YEA : i ALWAYS A COLOR CARTOON er China without getting clear on any problems that may |til the second week of July, the pent Tiyers to dangerously high} : BOX OFFICE OPEN AT 8:00 their parent firms into difficul- arise in the future. |latest in 15 'years. evels and more than a miliion ties with U.S. law. a-- peopie are standing by to fight SHOW STARTS AT DUSK TONIGHT--THRU WEDNESDAY "I do have hopes," he told Op | the floods. . | 'position Leader Pearson and CCF House Leader Hazen Argue Fri day, "that this particular prob lem will be solved very shortly." "If my honorable friends will ' be patient 1 think they will find that everything will turn out all Wh . k b . id I right." risk being a sideline sitter During Commons debate on his N y 9 YOUR CHOICE FROM A department's estimates Mr, when ood times can be ours? [ | Churchill had been pressed by 9 4 WITCHES BREW OF HORROR! Mr. Argue and Mr. Pearson to clarify precisely the status of ' TAKE HOME A SKELETON FOR YOUR CLOSET, Canadian subsidiary companies w abiliy 0 rade anywhere in he 2 A THREE PRONGED DEVIL, OR A WICKED WITCH! ability to trade anywhere in the THRY GLOW IN THE DARK! SKEPTICAL? COMER ARE... THEVRE REx world that the Canadian law per mits. U.S. laws prohibit e : A to Red China by the prese! } w or their subsidiaries in other is offering you now a $25.00 DANCE COURSE if you tS sountrics have ¢ DOLLAR BILL with a "3" and a "0" in the Fi The question was raised last en " R | number in any order week during Ottawa t am ! Prime Minister Diefenbaker ---- E A President Eisenhower, FExterr tust bring vour DOLLAR BILL to 11Y3 SIMCOE ST. a Affairs Minister Smith and State SOUTH in OSHAWA and receive ao $25.00 DANCE - I ineretary Dulles, # eretary Dulles, #" COURSE for it, or call RA 8-1681, So don't wit, Neg [ahs \' WOULD CONSULT brir your lucky dollar now and learn the latest | : In a Commons statement last ste : ek Mr. Diefenbaker said agree-| J \ ent had been reached on. the| a : 3 \{% f in natte®, and tha! saould any dif- Minors and Arthur Murray students are not ~N iculty arise there would be con sible, This offer is for a limited time only. (id SUPERNATURAL sultation on it, Stud ir-Conditioned. Qpen 10 AM, to 10 \ TECH NICOLOR! wi rH PETER CUSHING - EUNICE GAYSON f Canada w appr i | H ve -' y bd \ Canada ; ro wil oe ; FRANCIS MATTHEWS - MICHAEL GWYNN DANA ANDREWS turned down the le > 3 ei . ak d sic PEGEY CUMMINS ility after checking Ford Company in the U.S Mg Churchill said Friday,