16 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Mondey, July 21, 1958 ° §0--Articles For Sale WE pay cash for used furniture, ap- pliances, TV, sewing machines, pianos, stoves. Also sell and exchange. 19 Prince Street, RA 8-1131. Aug. 6 FOUR piece grey sectional chesterfield, good condition; studio couch with slip covers, used very little; Royal portable typewriter with case, in good condition. RA 5-0449. 1664 IDEAL for cottage, davenport, rang- ette, kitchen cabinet. Best offer. 174 Church Street. 1661 1942 74 Indian motorcycle, motor re- built; also single bed and mattress. Apply 89 Park Road South. 1671. Stock, poultry, supplies, sell 'em or buy 'em through Want Ads! Dia: RA 3-3492. REFRIGERATOR, electric stove, washing machine (6 months old). Chrome set; chesterfield suite; tele- vision; bedroom suite; high-chair; bed with mattress; large and small erib; two chairs. RA 8-1370. 167¢ 57 7% Evinrude, like new, motgr cover, motor stand, swivel seat, safety chain, life cushions. Priced right. RA 5-0584: 167¢ BOAT, new, 13% ft. plywood, fibre glass bottom and trailer. RA 5-6798, 169b SPECIAL, six-piece new Scandinavian sectional living rcom suite. Bargain for quick sale. Also other furniture. Phone RA 5-3718. 1691 51--Swap and Barter FURNITURE, new and used. We buy, sell and exchange furniture, #p- pliances, pianos and sewing machines for your best price in Ajax, Whitby and Oshawa. Dial Whitby, MO 8-498] collect Midtown Furniture. July 26] WE buy, sell and exchange used fur- niture. Highest prices paid for any ap- pliances, TV, pianos, sewing machines For quick action contact Oshawa Trad ing Post. Aug. 19 COMBINATION TV, boy's bicycle, tile machine, clothes reel, typewriter, new deer rifle, trailer, plumbing supplies and installations, for what have you, Chinn's, RA 3-7088. August17 truck, 52--Legal 'Notices By TOM HENSHAW Associated Press Staff Writer What is the Middle East? It is a conglomeration of states with sharply contrasting riches and poverty, oil sheikdoms and kingdoms with fancy palaces and air - conditioned Cadillacs, and peasants scratching a meagre living. It is a cradle of ancient civili- zations, like Egypt and Baby- lonia, Sumer and Akkad. Three tor great world religions have sprung from the Middle East--Judaism, Christianity and Islam. It has been ravaged by war and con- quest since time immemorial. And it is a vast barrel of oil. Each day in 1955, when the calm, the Middle East produced more than 3,250,000 barrels of oil, used less than 500,000 of them, and exported more than 2.750,000. Each day in 1955, Western Eu- rope consumed more than 2,250,- 000 ®arrels of oil, nearly 2,000,000 from the Middle East. OIL PRODUCERS Most of the oil, more than 1,- 000,000,000 barrels a year, comes Saudi Arabia, Iraq and They rank fourth through seventh in world production. They are the "haves." But even the "have nots" have their fingers in the oil pool. Pipe- Arab world was 'comparatively importing Middle East Contrast Of Riches, Poverty Then, Nasser nationalized the Suez Canal in the teeth of bitter Western protests and made his action stick even after absorbing a licking in the Suez war. His stock as a hero of Arab national- ism has continued to rise. National groupings and alli- ances have undergone bewildering changes under continuous politi- cal pressures. The major ententes of the past few years include: MILITARY PACTS The Baghdad Pact a strongly pro-Western alliance f Britain, Turkey, Iran. Pakistan and, tech- nically, Iraq. With the revolution- ary government in charge, how- ever, Iraq is expected to drop out. ist military alliance formed by Nasser in 1955 and made up of Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Saudi Arabia. It split up in 1956 when the Saudis drifted to the West. The United Arab Republic. Formed by the union of Egypt and Syria, both under Nasser, in association with Yemen. It's still | going strong. Revolutionary Iraq | may join. The federated Arab states. The from fields in four states, Kuwait, (answer of King Hussein of Jor-ilong border with Israel one of Iran. /dan and King Faisal of Iraq to/Middle East's chief trouble spots. [the UAR. The federation was | broken by the Iraq revolutionar- |ies, although Hussein has as- sumed command as its head. POLITICAL UNITS The Egyptian bloc. A neutral-| | | (heats)--Alva Colquhoun of Aus- | tion. . .revolutionary government| | Martin Objects To Car Purchases constituency includes the aute centre of Windsor, said in the Commons that all cars for gov- {ernment use should be bought {from Canadian automobile pro. OTTAWA (CP) -- Paul Martin, ducers. He could not see how the former Liberal health minister, government could justify pur. Saturday criticized "large pur-|chases tralia 1:03.2. Games record 1:05.8/Chases by the federal govern.|thousands of automobile workers Lorraine Crapp of Australia, Ment of automobiles from Wes! are out of work in this country. Germany at a time of high un-| employment automobile industry. from Germany 'when Trade Minister Churchill said Canadian | Canadian companies receive first J {consideration "in all auto" pure Mr, Martin, whose Essex East|chases by the government. in the pro-Nasser. . .rebels recognized quickly by Communist nations. . . Middle East's third-ranked (1956) oil producer but 80 per cent of people engaged in agriculture. Jordan -- Population: 1,500,000. Area: 37,500 square miles. Pro- West but caught in nasser squeeze between Egypt on south and Syria and Iraq on north. . King Hussein has foiled several attempted coups and assassina- tions. . .poorest nation in Middle East and heavily dependent on foreign subsidies popula- tion mainly nomadic shepherds . . half million anti-West refugees from Palestine present ticklish in- ternal problem. . .key points cur- rently occupied by British troops . .its 25,000-man Arab Legion wo, x 2 co-| it British Empire Games Zealand's oldest driver, has put " : P |by be." Drivers in New Zealand] Womens 440 - yard freestyle in 1954, World record 1:02.4 by Ina ; 102. Reid has never failed. and Alva Colquhoun) (world rec- Mens high Jump--Ernle Hais- world record 4:18.9 by Australia| (Reuters)--Two sea iions, seat to Ifeajuna of Nigeria in from the United States, were in- | relays--Australia (Jon Konrads/Dumas of the United States in Then officials discovered that/record 8:47.6 by Australia in|England 233 feet, 10% inches. Men's 110 - yard freestyle 1954. World record 281 feet, two robbers in West Bengal state who (56.5. Games record 56.6 by Jon| Mens 100-yard dash -- Keith the skins of these animals, the|1957. loar of Australia in 1950 and robbing houses without hindrance pngland 2:56.3. Games record|shared by seven men, force, now an unknown quality. i by Ada denHaan of the Nether-lord 29.09.4 by Peter Driver of of Nasser and fountain of his na-| MILAN (AP) -- A pickpocket terfered with Western shipping. . .|He recognized Adamo Degli Ocei| LR ! "|Games record 45 feer, 9% inches . . .army of 100,000 men being | equi 1 ; | potatoes part of the national food 113% inches. by Galina Zybina of | HONG KONG (AP)--Red China NEws BRIEFS | New Berords Being Set AUCKLAND, N. Z. (CP)-- | Walter Reid of Auckland, New By THE CANADIAN PRESS his car away. Now 98, he says: y 0 'I'm not as young as I used to] Swimming ve to pass a road test each relays--Australia (Dawn Fraser, Dawn Fraser of Australia in'1956. year after they are 70. So far|Sandra Morgan, Lorraine Crapp TRACK AND FIELD ; lord) 4:17.4. Games record 4:33.9 ROMEO WON'T ROMANCE |in 1954 by South Africa. Previous ley of Jamaica six feet, nine in- MONTE CARLO, Monaco) ches. Games record 6-8 by Em- in 1956. | manuel the oceanographic museum here! Mens 880 - yard freestyle|1954. World record 7% by Charles stalled in a specially-built pool |Brian Wilkinson John Devitt and |1956. and named Romeo and Juliet.|Gary Chapman) 8:33.4. Games| Mens javelin--Colin Smith of both were females. [ist World record 8:26.4 by Aus-| Games record 224 feet, 9% inches ia i 56. | h of Australia i ANIMAL TERRORISTS |tralia in 1956. by James Church of Australia in BURDWAN, India (Reuters)-- | (HHeats)--John Devitt of Australi|inches by Egil Danielsen of Nor- Police have arrested a gang of|(heats)--John Devitt of Australia/way in 1956. have been masquerading as hy-|Henricks of Australia in 1954.|Gardner of Jamaica 9.4 seconds. enas, leopards and deer. Wearing (World record 55.2 by Henricks in|Games record 9.6 by Johnny Tre- robbers spread terror among vil- women's 220-yard breaststroke equalled by Mike Agostini of Van. 'agers at night and went about | (heats) -- Anita Lonsborcugh of|couver in 1954. World record 9.3 once Arab world's finest fighting|rob h d quality police said. [2:59.2 by Helen Gordon of Scot-| Six-mile -- David (Will) Power Egypt -- Population: 23,500,000. land in 1954. World record 2:52.5of Australia 28:47.5. Games rec- Area: 386,000 square miles. Home CHANGE OF HEART nk . lands, England in 1954. World record : Std tri . . . con- Picked the pocket of a Milan . {om . Sionslistie Qpeiria Rs ot oo lawyer, then changed his miod | Womens 110 - yard freestyle 27:43.8 by Sandor Tharos of Hun : A i Womens shot-put Valerie chiefly agricultural and heavily as the man who got him cleared pushing sweet potatoes, once €on- | g1oner of New Zealand 51 feet. dependent on main crop--cotton of a pickpocket charge last year, sidered fit only for pigs. Com-| returned the lawyer's wallet and munist press reports say a law by Yvette Williams of New Zea- pped by Communist bloc. . .|Purrizd away. has been passed making sweet |janq jn 1954. World record 54 feet, | EATING PIG FOOD ration. Russia in 1956. | apparently facing food shortages, ~~ LANGUAGE REFORM Womens 100 . yard dash Saudi Arabia -- Population: 6- 500,000. Area: 8,700,000 square| : . peo - ; |miles. Westward leani king| despite claims of record crops, is HONG KONG (Reuters) -- Chi-|jard of Australia and Heather [Saud in eclipse as chief of state i {nese Communist authorities have Young and June Paul of England [.-. .he's still king but affairs are(000 square miles), Muscat and grafted a plan to reform the(10.7 seconds to equal games mark | (heats)--Marlene Mathews Wil-| 82,000 square by Mrs. Marjorie Jackson-Nelson DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS 1. Shinto temple 4. Enclosure (Scot.) 7. Entire 9. Egyptian dancing girls (var.) 12. Run away and marry 13, Slip 14, Knights 15. Large bract (bot.) 16. Copper and zinc alloy 18, Type measure 19. Shoshonean 20. A garden pest 22, Indentured to learn a trade 26. Pond inhabitant, 27. Metal 28. American Indian (lit) 29. Church officials 33. Widely 37. French. man's name 88. Farinaceous DOWN 1.TV's Gale 20. De- layed -- 21. Actin. 2. German royal family 8. Beverage 4. Grate fi 5. Miss Cinders 23, Ex. 6. Send forth anings @r 7. Exami. 24. River [HIOMELY] nation 8. Medley 10. Stick to 11, Appeared 15. Perfumed 17. Devoured ium (sym.) 22.0n [SITIAIR[T] (It) . 25. Sesame 30. Correct 31, Skin 32, Kill 34. Plunder Saturday's Answer 35. Bulging jar 36. Voted "yes" 39. Arabian garment lines to the Mediterranean cross| : : in hands of his brother, Crown Oman (pop. 550,000; 0 There is the current lineup of po Faisal, . Faisal appears|miles) and Aden (pop. Mongol and Kir- |; joc .British-| ¢hiz languages in the big inland i os .|Uirgar, Kazakh Jordan, Syria and Lebanon. ies ; 650,000; ' » the 17 political units that make to have taken nation to political|112,000 square miles). . Mens 440 yard hurdles 39. Bullfighter's NOTICE Egypt controls the main shipping| TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF EDITH NICHOL, LATE OF THE CITY OF OSH- AWA, IN THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO, SPINSTER, DE- CEASED All. persons having claims ogainst the Estate of EDITH NICHOL, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, who died on or about the 26th day of June, A.D. 1958, are hereby notified to send particulars to the under- signed on or before the 31st day of July, A.D. 1958, after which date the Estate will be distributed, with regard only to claims of which the under- signed shall then have had notice, DATED at Oshawa this 3rd doy fo July, A.D. 1958. LILLIAN McDERMID, Executrix, By her Solicitor, JOSEPH P. MANGAN, Q.C., 14V2 King Street East Oshawa, Ontario July5,12,19 TUNNEL SURVEY PARIS (Reuters)--During July and August passengers on Cross- channel ferries between France| Then came Gamal Abdel and England are being asked: "Wonld you prefer to travel by | ferry or by tunnel?" The inquiry | is beicg conducted by a syndicate | tunnel under the channel route, the Suez Canal. Even more important than pro- duction is the oil potential of the {Middle East. Experts have esti- mated the region's known oil re- serves at more than 125,000,000 000 barrels, nearly twice that of the rest of the world. Revolution in Iraq has, for the first time, brought one of the ma jor oil producing states into the orbit of United Arab Republic |President Nasser, the symbol of {Arab nationalism. For seve al centuries, the Middle East, with the exception of Iran, was under the iron rule of the Ottoman Turks. Turks are Moslems, yet they are alient to {the Arab world. EUROPEAN CONTROL The breakup of the Ottoman Empire at the end of the First World War brought Britain, al-\nen receives arms from Soviet|- - {ready with a foothold in Egypt|pjec. ,. army's strongest faction|sis but permitttd Britain to fly {and the Persian Gulf states, and|pro-Soviet. . "has been accused of | troops across its territory to Jor- |France into overlordship on the furnishing arms to pro - Nasser |dan. | region. The Second World War brought {pendence to most of the Middle | East, Into this hodgepodge some called a "power vacuum' came the state of Israel, the homeland was the chief irritant around|rjcyltural. which Arab nationalism |ized. crystal- ser. Soon after Nasser's rise from the ruins of Egypt's overthrown monarchy, he accepted arms from the Communist bloc, thus toehold in the Middle East. up the Middle East: Turkey -- Population: 25,000,- {000. Area: 296,500 square miles. {Pro-West with borders on Com- Imunist Russia and Bulgaria. . {Baghdad Pact member. .also {member of NATO. . .Moslem but non-Arab. .chiefly agricultural well-equipped 500,000 man army | probably the best in the Middle ast. ran -- Population: 20,000,000. |Area: 628,000 square miles. Pro- {West with border on Soviet Un- ion. , .Baghdad Pact member. . . Moslem but not Arab. . .fourth ranked (1956) oil producer in the Middle East. Syria -- Population: Area: 72.200 square miles. province of Nasser's UAR. . .non- oil producer with several impor- |tant pipelines crossing its terri- |tory. . .army estimated at 50,000 rebels in Lebanon. Lebanon -- Population: 1,500,- Area: 75,000 square miles. Pro- Pro - power with pro-Western govern- ment. . .most westernized of 'all Arab states. |states to welcome onomic aid. marines. QUICK REVOLT Iraq Population: West until last Monday's revolu- sidelines, perhaps to revamp in-|controlled sheikdoms and sultan- province of Sinkiang by legal-|(heats)--Gerhardus Potgieter of ternal affairs. . .region's secondates of little economic impor-|izing Chinese technical terms as South Africa 51.1 seconds, Games ranked (1956) oil producer. . .des-|tance. a small section (75 part of the minority languages record seconds by David square miles) of Aden is a crown and introducing China's new La- Lean of Australia in 1954. World {colony and contains an important «in alphabet to simply writing record 50.7 seconds by Potgieter land pronunciation. in 1957. ert contains 18 per cent of world's '|known oil reserves. Cyprus -- Population: 527,000. British base. Area: 3,500 square miles. British] ---- SEE HOW S island colony plagued by three- cornered conflict among Greek and Turkish Cypriots and British authorities. . .Britain's main base in the Middle East. | Area: 4.000.000, | dle Eastern neighbors because it iles. Alls recognized by none and hated {political --but not economic--inde-| 0), Area: 4,000 square miles, | Nasser. Nasser rebels vying for U.A.R .population half British in Aden, most of which for Jews carved out of the heart! Christian, half Moslem, only such| Yemen claims. of the Arab world in 1948. Israel | gp)it in Middle East. . chiefly ag.| Kuw ait (Pop. 205,000; 5,800 one of few Arab square miles, Bahrein (pop. 120,- U.S. military-|000; 250 square miles) and Qua- lec key points in/'aT (pop. Nas-| capital of Beirut occupied by U.S. miles). the world's most prolific produc- iis Bh > Air | 5,000,000. East's top producer (1956) which is interested in building a|giving the Soviet Union its first|Area: 171,600 square miles. Pro-|fourth ranked in the world. ARAB THORN Israel -- Population: 1,800,000. 8,000 square miles. pro- West and strongly anti-Nasser . . has formed no alliances with Mid- by Arab states. A small tough regular army and large well- trained reserve is better fighting force than that of its neighbors UNOCO'S CUSTOM-BLENDING PUMP magistrate 41, The okra, 42, Father 43, Affix ur car! .remains aloof in current cri- Yemen -- Population: 4,500,000. .associated with the reported receiving Soviet arms and technicians. . . conducting border war: against 17,000; 4,000 square . .British-controlled sheik- doms which, for their size, are ers of oil. . .Kuwait is the Middle and anadion) ack (U.S.A. Mode!) Trucial Oman (pop. 76,000; 6,- 7 CONTINENTAL LINCOLN & 2 " "AERCURY-MONARC family and your friends. color and price. "ONTARIO COUNTY'S BEST SALESMAN" Sure! You Could Use -a Better Used Car... A "LIKE-NEW" used car gives you added prestige in business, more popularity, socially. It offers the means to more fun and pleasure for you, your The Times-Gazette Want Ads carry a very large selection of used cars from which to choose, enabling you to select the car that matches your requirements as to make, model, Your chances for a bargain are greater, your buying satis- faction increased when you consult The Times-Gazette" Want Ads. To get the car you want at the price you/want to pay, read the "Used Car Ads" by local dealers. THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE OLDSMOBILE, 88 OLDSMOBILE, Super 8! S.A. Model) c U.S.A Mode!) 240 200 Mod PONTIAC, (USA U.S.A. Mode!) PONTIAC, Power Pack RAMBLER STUDEBAKER ers OF SATISFIED USERS = BLUE SUNOCD of | CONTINUE TO USE lo ENDINGS ES cusTOM-BLEND! URPRISE BENEFIT milage, eet running POWer AT, tom= pe elusive benefit of CU lieg Blending . - 8 €X8C 070 jpg you 6 differe /hile keep: ax n whi 9 g pre-'54 cats Blue Sunoco cars may nee r even '260°. *NEXT COM BIG S 1din; use performance y nj 1 ing your © today! e ' until your engin pre js peak! Tr jou have the nstrates you salt demons octane grade for y it 6 different prices scaled down penny-by-penny, grade-by-grade to save you money! Ready and waiting for you... to- day's Big Difference in gasoline! A far better, thriftier way to get gas. Pull into your nearest Sunoco station and start enjoying these benefits today! "Super-Premium" Buyers! Get highest octane sold anywhere, at any price. All Car Owners! Get finest possi- ble performance and mileage... fast starting . . . snappy pickup . ..non- fouling . . . non-stalling . . . clean burning . . . gasoline that really gives your engine muscle! "Premium" Buyers! Save up to 4¢ a gallon over other "premiums" -- and get exactly right gasoline for your engine. "Regular" Buyers! Get higher octane at "regular" price with Blue Sunoco '200'. . . proved higher octane for most "regular" users. You get these benefits only from Sunoco Custom-Blending -- the one sure, proved way you may step down in gasoline costs while step- ping up your engine performance. Today's finest gasoline values for your car! Zan, UNOC ~~ CUSTOM-BLENDED AT THE PUMP Cis:07, Fits fuel to yo SUN OIL COMPANY LIMITED On the spot, new wonder-pump blends six thriftier, precision octane grades...to fit exact need of every car running today! HOW IT WORKS... Dial (A) is set for one of six Customs Blends. This controls proportions from each of two tanks. In one, premium quality Blue Sunoco '200' -- famous High-test gas sold at "regular" price; in other tank. Sunoco Octane Concentrate. Pumping-controls a deliver exact Blend.