WERTHER REPORT Warm and humid. Variable cloudiness today and Tuesday, TIMES-GAZETTE TELEPHONE NUMBERS Classified Advertising RA 32492 All other calls RA 3-3474 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE Combining The Oshawa Times and Whitby Gazette and Chronicle OSHAWA-WHITBY, MONDAY, JULY 14, 1958 REPORT PRINCE, PM Authorized As Second Class Mell Post Office Deportment, Ottawe EIGHTEEN PAGES Price Not Over 7 Cents Per Copy YOL. 87--NO. 163 Hussein Take Over" Jordan Security (AP) -- The Jordan, today that ! Falls In Revolt BEIRUT, Lebanon (Reu- bayonets guarded the road to the ters) -- Beirut radio said this |airport, a traveller said.) afternoon that Iraqi Crown | There were no reports to bear Prince Abdul Ilah and his [out Cairo claims that the revolt bodyguard are still alive. had spread to Jordan, and there The radio earlier had said |was no clear-cut indication whe- they had been killed. ther the rebel leaders had estab- "If it achieves any temporary| success," he told reporters, "I hope that things will again be put ic their proper position." BROTHER IS PREMIER LONDON Embassy announced King Hussein would take over {security responsibilities in his cousin's kingdom of Irag--a coun- try with which Jordan is linked Po ME on # es a ii in the Arab federation, Jordan's ambassador in London said he had telephoned Amman and was informed the Arab Union The ambassador said he soke| to his brother, Prime Minister Samir Rifai, for five minutes and was given reassuring word that | lish oti trol throughout BEIRUT, Lebaton_ (AP) -- A| ished effective control throug military coup ousted the pro-West | Ali that was known for certain vegime today in Iraq, keystone of | 55 that the Baghdad Radio was 3 government was in session in the all was quiet in Amman. the Baghdad pact, and DPro- i; the hands of the revolutionary 3 / on a THOUSANDS SEE ORANGE PARADE AT BOWMANVILLE | Peterboreugh, Tyrone, Orono and Port Hope took part in the colorful parade held in humid 80-degree weather. (Please see story on Page 3.) --Times-Gazette Photo Cabinet Won't Interfere In Man's Hanging OTTAWA (CP) -- The cabinet has decided not to interfere "with Jordanian capital. "The government will carry out its responsibilities, and King | Hussein will be in charge of es- |tablishing public security and or- der on both sides of the union," the ambassador said. | The ambassador, Assayed Ab- dul Monem Rifai, said he was | confident that the revolt could be ended. claimed a pro-Nasser govern- ment. Baghdad Radio said King Fai- sal had been overthrown and a republic established, An army brigadier was named leader of the coup | The broadcast said Crown Prince Abdul Ilah, Faisal's uncle and former regent, was beaten to He did not elaborate on King Hussein's plans to maintain se- curity across the border in Iraq. Both Iraq and Jordan are linked in a federation under their two cousin ings opposing President | Nasser's United Arab Republic. "The situation in Jordan is compietely satisfactory," he an- nounced afterwards. NE & KING FAI ; Massey Praises Work Of Legion PORT HOPE -- Governor-G eral Vincent Massey officate: the opening ceremonies for new $30,000 wing of the Gen. George H. Ralston Bra No. 30, Canadian Legion, BE |Here Sunday aiternoon. A big crowd turned out in bril- |liant sunshine for the ceremonies | which attracted civic and Cana- |dian Legion officials from all |parts of the surrounding district. On arrival at the hall, His Ex- cellency inspected a contingent of about 350 Legionnaires and laides auxiliary members drawn up in at he Fg. ch, L, {John New. three ranks under Sgt-atArms « +» + +» fate unknown North Korea Calls For U.S. In company with branch prest| WithATawal dent John Herron, he then cut ~ ovis {the ribbon barring the approach] PANMUNJOM, Korea (AP) federation formed last Feb. 14 to to the entrance of the new wing, The North Korean Communists|counter Nasser's U.A.R., organ- 20d Seciared the building open. said today the American-domin-|ized two weeks before. The Com- Addressing the gathering, His Ex- ital No finas . |munist radio in Budapest said he| |cellency paid tribute to the work ated United Nations command in|)" on arrested ny the army. | of the Canadian Legion. {Korea "will be held responsible] The Jordan Embassy in London He commended the organization |f¢r all the ensuing consequences" |announced, however, that 23-year- for its public spirit, its commun. |unless American troops ar e|old King Hussein of Jordan, Fai- ity effort and its loyalty. | pulled out of South, Korea. [sal's Hashemite cousin, was un- Present for the ceremonies| The New tiireat: was deliv dertaking to re-establish "public were Regional Vice President| threat was delivered soourity and order on both sides "Scot" Broughton of Brighton; |Py North Korean Maj.-Gen. Kang |of the union." District Commander L. Knack of|Sang Ho at a Communist-called| The Jordan ambassador, Trenton; Deputy District Com-|meeting of the joint military ar-|brother of Jordan, er i mander Jim Firth, Bowmanville|migtice commission, Rifal, di1 not say How- Hussein |and" Zone F Commanders Bill ! proposed to act. But he said the (Beaton, Oshawa; Frank Hills,| The Chinese Communists say| " ' they are withdrawing all thejr{"™oR government Was in urgent death by a mob and his body dis- | membered and burned in the streets. | Reports from Cairo, capital of | Nasser's United Arab Republic of {Egypt and Syria, said Premier Nuri Said the pro-Western strong {man ot Iraq, also had been killed {by a mob. There was no direct word of 23-year-old Faisal, who also is chief of state of the Irag-Jordan | {Port Hope; Jack Flynn; and readers. SEVERE BLOW TO WEST The coup, if successful, would be the most serious blow to the Western position in the Middle East since Nasser nationalized the Suez Canal in 1956. It would also knock a key pin out of the anti-Communist Baghdad pact in the Middle East Iraq is one of the Middle East's richest oil countries. The Britishe controlled Iraqi Petroleum Come pany produces most of Iraq's ¢il. The product goes largely to West- ern Europe. The Baghdad broadcasts were greeted with jubilation in Cairo, Damascus, Moscow and east Eu- ropean satellite capitals. Here in Beirut, rent for more than two months by a reolt against pro - Western President Camille Chamoun, rebels in the Moslem quarter celebrated with a wild firing of guns. Communist broadcasts said the coup was carried out because Iraq had planned to give miiitary aid to the Lebanese government. RADIO NAMES LEADERS Brig.-Gen. .Abdel Karim Kas. sem leader of the coup. He was aid to have named a 13-man cab- met and a three-man sover- |eignty council headed by Lt.-Gen, y 'The council, it was anne sovereignty until a plebiscite for president could be held. nw One killed |W m licence two li nd i me Nicholls o arr r | 0 | | | gence said Bill Reid, 'Orono, starts his | urday. A crowd estimated at | ing stand. The head of the pa- white charger across the rade met the end while return- watched the colorful spectacle camp where it began and end- the 12th of July Orange Pa- | which took more than an hour | eq. District Orangement from rade held in Bowmanvilie Sat- " [ ickering Worst Weekend: Men Held 73 People Killed land this was the tragic picture » 3 { : ' Ontario: 29 dead--23 in traffic PICKERING (Staff) -- Owners killed in, one of the worst non- Co : '|the death sentence of Fred Mont- 1] . e of a Pickering Township used car|holiday weekends in Canadian 4 drowned, one accidentally shot|gomery ~ 49 convicted of the oesn t Burnet, of Cobourg, a member of | 1ave called 'on the United States capital, and that he was confident | -aid 'the mew revolutionary coms by T Metropolit Li They died at the. rate of QUEBEC NEXT Fhoo Ree hh the provircial command execu.|to 40 the same. Rejecting the|the revol* would be put'down. mand announced a purge of army y Toronto Metropolitan police hey di al e rate of one EC NE) han manager. e is to e I ; hs | Saturday on three counts of car|every 44 minutes from 6 p.m. Fri-| Quebec: 28 dead--17 in traffic, |Nanged at Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., membership executive. inted out that the Chinese|confirmed reports reaching Bel- monarchy, and declared an offi- ; The band of the 33rd Medium |F°°PS Would only have to cross rut aso said Faisal had been cial holiday. Charged are William Henry The Canadian Press counted an crash and one hit by a train. Both Montgomery and his 17- 3 x ol ) v ! Tavener, 24, Whitby and John Sig-| aonalling 47 killed on the roads British Columbia: 5 dead..1 in Y€ar-old son, Rodney, were con- > asic for. the oocasion. President! orca While the Americans would PLANE DID NOT LEAVE {Iraqi republic which adheres to i . No. 2 0 ; Islan -] 1e {of the Auxiliary Mildred Lepage have to return irom Okinawa if|. (Another Reuters dispatch from |fuil Arab unity, co-operates with Lori-B Motors on No. 2 Hi Yimishaps in its regular weekend!] run over by a hay-filled wagon, Marie last Aprii 22 and sentenced " inciplé and a wrecking yard at B survey ; i '|to death for the murder of J. J. : are wei] Refreshments and a floor sh | Korean War. |gers and crew of an Iraqi plane|tries observes the principlés of VANCOUVER (CP)--An Indian | S S 4 OF SNOW! Kang also accused the UN com. [that landed there said two air-|the United Nations, and honors Detectives Douglas Chapma 26 killed on the roads and! Manitoba: 3 dead--1 in traffic attempt Oct. 9, 1957 #/chief says the British Columbia \ r and Dennis Clydesdale said cars|eight drowned. and 2 drowned. On {government doesn't own the is- agreement by bringing in atomic-|2irport Sunday night to take the|try's interests and according to ing T. h i tl in| muted the son's death sentence to our ni re capable weapons and establishing | King and Nuri Said to a Baghdad |the (1955 Asian-African) Bandung ing Townships and the metrc traffic, 1 drowned and 1 crushed {if i win nl ay | ] tan area in the past six w In Ontario, where 29 shed life imprisonment. Rodney Mont-|Margaret and he . has asked u FOR mae Da] re eg 0) 10 victims were children, Nova Scotia hild killed i : : A Minister Dietenhaijer to| moved and replaced by those'aged six weeks to 14 years fall FivRi gi i ild killed in ain Kingston penitentiary. accept! In Car Crash from wrecked cars Two road smashes in Ontario S Be The jury that convicted the|it. after Bowmanville police asked|n han 100 miles an hour was | traffic vouth, but there was no such rec- the North American Indian Broth- sons were injured, two seriously, | for an investizat red ainst a truck near| No deaths were reported in/ommendation for the father. arhood, says in an open letter tolin a two - car collision at 'the | plates. 'The oifie and one woman were: killed, sland from thie death sentence was dis-|of the gife by Princess Margaret|2, two miles east of here, early ence plates for ation wagon missed a high-| -- -- missed. unanimously by the On-|«would not be in keeping ®vith|Sunday evening. : i i the dignity and solemnity of Her : Pickering Township police ight and it took more than HON Fy NY OVEN we bx n ed Siggins on No. 2 hours to pry the bodies of Highess, in that the B.C. govern-|serjous condition in Bowmanvilie hour July 7. § s charged! children from the wreckage. S B 3 THIEF STEALS islands in B.C.--nor do they own | Mountenay, 63, of 72 Church with crimina and, The toll mounted hour-by-hour aves oY. FOUR BESES all that now is known as British (street, Oshawa. She suffered a - -- NEWCASTLE -- a 13-year-old ¥ The provincial government an- ies. stealers have city recreation nounced Friday it will offer the| Her husband, age 65, is report. This ry Sov artifici spira- iniale i iz ic | pris By 5 on ast Fespire officials in a tizzy and police {near the southern end of Vancou- fractured ribs 'and. shook: They | | TRING Sunday: saved the A local baseball game was {ver Island, at a ceremony Mon- l\vere the only persons in their | . . called off Saturday beeause i Flett street, Bowmanvilie, when a J Chief Pauil's letter says the| Treated and later released) ta Indoors the youngster fell into five feet! bases and home plate. {B.C. government is not in a posi- | from hospital were: Henry More- | Several other bases disap- 5 : Park land is guaranteed to the Indians | onto. and Barnard Icke, 21, 61 Park. lds i ; onder the British North America |Gpove Hid fields in the last week. n IGrovedale avenue, Toronto. NICOSIA (CP) -- The govern- and appreciate the present situa-. Tom Seton, 393 Jarvis street, S z ae, 500,000 residents to stay indoors sequent concessions to EOKA and ip. on >. sow hi in a bid to halt the mounting Greek extremists, have led Cyp- he water when he saw him float- rus. It also prepared to rush extra jons died in Greek-Turkish fight mg in a weekend of terror ned to fly to London to arrange the quick dispatch of 300 police- Greek - Cypriot sources the [OKA underground terrorist svery Greek killed by Turks must se avenged and that "every time save a funeral on their hands." Turkish leader Rauf Benktash Hugh Foor he had cabled Prime Minister Macmillan telling him shed today rests on you He asked Britain to enforce par- jefend ourselves to the bitter md." sures and the failure to assess POLICE RA 5-1133 FIRE DEPT. RA 5-6574 several thousand persons i Ag i Tn Sg yl ng n re Oi a Cream of Barley bridge to open g to the y and a half to pass the review- | such points as Whitby, Oshawa, For Theft |" By THE CANADIAN PRESS Seventy - three persons were across Canada at its close: \ | George Cox, Lindsay; Mayor 1. D.|fcrces from North Korea and session in Amman, the Jordam|' Broadcasts monitored in Cairo : . g ict and a water skier killed in a fall. |; i i iv and wrecking yard were charged |history. a shooting of a Blind River, Ont., . ? 4 1 " a [tive and Paddy Burk, provincial demands, the United "States has| (Reuters news agency said un-|commanders, abolition of the Ei Tein tn Sods 50s ms te, 9 dentin otic tts Se ec or Owen Victoria | day ned, plane " | a dive in|Placed under arrest hi J Regiment. of Cobourg, provided the Yalu River to be back in|P arrest. We have decided to form an gins, 35 of Pickering, opera f116 drowned and 10 dead in other |. ; victed of murder at Sault St 8 ) w E: I'ltraffic. 1 drowned, a at Sault Ste ' tite . raffic, 1 drowned, 2 in a fire and headed the ladies section. the Communists resumed the Vienna reported that the passen- other Arab and Moslem coun Alberta: 3 dead--all in traffic. yy : am. weekend the toll was 39, Walter Bridges during a holdup | n f : {followed the opening ceremonies. | ang of violating the armistice craft were waiting at Baghdad pledges according to the coun stolen from Markham and Pick >a IN i New Brunswick: 3 dead--1 Friday. the: cabinet com- A + " 29 IN ONTARIO land it.pians to give Princess a missile command 'in South|pact meeting at Istanbul but it|conference principles," one were Korez 2 Pp Pp y serial numbers and licences re- killed While fepaizing a caf. |gome:y is to serve his sentence | prime {advise the princess not to The investigation was started left eight dead. An auto travelling| Saskatchewan: In| pair recommended mercy for the| Chief Andy Paull, president ofl BOWMANVILLE -- Four per-| 1 as sheque used to purchase or Saturday night and three| Newfoundland or Prince Edward Fred Montgomery's ap pe al|nzr. Diefenbaker that acceptance | junction of High ways 401 and No. Constable Peter curve near Gananoque Sun- tario Court of Appeal J 5. | . anoq Oshawa Scout ario Court of Appeal June 16 Uhconselous : and reported a chase at speeds of 100 miles ap one man, one woman and two ment does not own any of the|yfemorial Hospital is Mrs. Jerry careless driving. throughout the sun-filled weekend Columbia." |lacerated tongue and head injur- co - MONCTON (CP) -- Bas ° Oshawa youth who remembered o cP Base Lives | : | |princess 540-acre Portland Island, ad in fair condition. He suffered S priots T ere on the prowl. |life of Terry Molloy, 3, of 21] day. |car. a thief had stolen the three of water in a creek at Waltona! tion to make the gift because the |ianq of 261 Falstaff avenue, To- peared from various city Act. ment today ordered the island's tion by the government, with con- Oshawa. pulled the child from ; : into § Ping upside d ar the s wave of violence sweeping Cyp- rus into inter-communal strife of "8 upside down near the shore, police from Britain after 14 per- Police Chief John Browne plan- men. group hac toid its members that the Turks kill a Greek, they must said after talking to Governor Sir 'the responsibility for blood- sition *'and prevent us having to "The total lack of segurity mea- HOSPITAL RA 3-2211 heard the noticed shoes. The the child the utmost gravity." Seton said he Denktash also cabled Turkish SUrgling and Premier Adnan Menderes saying wearing his |Greeks had attacked eight Turk. | °3t°d when {'sh villages in the last few hours. He appealed for Turkey's help to| 'save Turks from Greek attack." |ficia | Feut ordered everyone except |minutes civil servants and essential pub. |tovered. iic workers to stay at home for {48 hours and banned all road traf-!of my life," Mrs. tic. before the child the child's mother said today. child he was shoes turned over after falling into the creek. The young ex-Scout applied arti respiration for nearly 20 " re- "I'll bless that boy all the days Martin Molloy, Margaret faces the busiest day By AL MARKLE Canadian Press Staff Writer VICTORIA (CP) Princess of her Canadian tour today, a whirlwind of constant activity LATE NEWS FLASHES from 10 a.m. until almost six in {the evening. |. The dizzying eight hours will be in contrast to the first two days of her two - week visit to British Embassy Beseiged LONDON (AP) Foreign Secretary Selwyn Lloyd an- nounced today the British Embassy in Baghdad has been besieged by Iraqi rebel rioters. In a brief report to Parlia- ment, Lloyd said the British government has had no word from its embassy since 8 am. today. Oil Shares Nose-Dive { LONDON (AP) Oil shares nose-dived on the London stock market today on news of the. revolution in Iraq. Shares of the big three oil concerns British Petroleum, Shell and Burmah-fell by £50,000,000 $140,000,000 in opening, details. They recovered some of the lost ground later. | Vaccination Clinics Open OTTAWA (CP) -- Vaccination clinics opened today thromghout Ontario's Simcoe county as the federal health of animals division' moved to protect pets, particularly - dogs, | _agaiust & continuing rabies menage. were British Columbia. On Saturday the royal entourage left report- ers behind for a tour of several scenic points around this beauti- {ful Vancouver Island city. | On Sunday afternoon the prin- |cess spent a leisurely two hours {at a nearby country estate, She strolled in the gardens, relaxed on a beach overlooking the Pa- cific and sipped tea on the ve- |randa of the home of the late W. {C. Woodward, former lieutenant- |governor of B.C, But there'll be little time for | {unscheduled sight-seeing today. | | Her day starts at 10:05 a.m., Iwhen she leaves her regal suite in the Empress Hotel for a cere- [mony at the city hall, where she will be received by Mayor Percy Scurrah and his wife, After sign- Margaret will be presented with a specially minted 24-carat gold coin commemorating the B.C. centennial. Immediately. after the 15-min- ute ceremony the princess drives to the legislative buildings where she will take the royal salute, in- spect a guard of honor and hear a speech of welcome by Premier Bennett. The princess will reply, one of two* times she will speak in pub- lic during her B.C. tour. Moving inside the main build- ing, 'she will meet the members of legislature, deputy ministers, Victoria Cross holders, the di- rectors of the B.C. centennial committee, and their wives. PARADE NEXT A tri - service parade is next, including a fly-past by the RCAF. Eleven of the planes, CF-100 jet interceptors, will form huge "M" as they thunder overhead Princess Margaret gets a 45 minute break hefore the next| item on her itinerary, the pres entation of répresentatives of fhe churches, judiciary and their wives. On the heels of the pres- entation is an official luncheon, | ing the visitors book, - Princess tendered. by the. province. Princess Margaret Has Busy Day Scheduled { One of the largest public ap- pearances on her B.C. tour comes next, a garden party at which 4,000 or more are ex- pected. The party will be held on the Government House grounds. Princess Margaret's official day ends at 5:45 p.m. when the royal party returns to the hotel. (FIRST DAYS EASY In her first two days here, the princess had only three official functions, a press reception, church service and the presenta- tion of a copy of the first issue of B.C.'s oldest newspaper, pub- lished 100 years ago. But from the moment of her arrival Saturday morning, she [has been followed by cheering { thousands. Possibly her biggest triumph was the press reception Saturday evening when she captivated more than 300 press representa- tives from all parts of the world. Her manner of dress has won the open admiration of thousands of style - conscious women, Her dresses so far have ranged in PRINCESS MARGARET chats style from starkly simple to| with royal tour press relations frilly designs, and from brilliant| officer Andrew Ross of the ex- blue and yellow to quiet grey. ' ternal affairs department as | she stops brifely at Vancouver | annia which brought: hers from to change planes, en route to Britain could not: land af Vie. _ Victoria. She had to switch toria. Her path'bétwegn planes planes because the large Brit- |-was lined by airmen, 4 a TE "UN WE '