Y6. TE PANY TIMES-GAZITTE, Mendey, July 14, 19358 80--Articles For Sale 50--Articles For Sale Winter-Seal ALUMINUM WINDOWS AND DOORS Kool Lite Aluminum Awnings CUSTOM AND OPEN AND CLOSE RAILINGS -- Interior. and Exterior Fireplace Furnishings and Bathtub Enclosures LES EVENISS SALES LTD. 15 PRINCE ST. Les Eveniss RA 3-2707 RA 5-4632 Bill Galbraith RA 5-8832 Don Howe RA 5-0313 July28 BABY bargains--Baby carriages, some car beds, sun visor, mud guards, FLOOR covering clear-outs, smash sav- ings, canvas back, inlaid linoleum, reg- ular $1.99 per square yard. While they last, 99 cents. Gold Seal Congoleum and : : p deluxe Rexoleum bordered rugs, large mothers drew a fair attendance. [Liberals since he asked Premier sizes, 9 x 15 and 9 x 13%. Values to Those pouring $18.95. Out they go, $12. Wall to wall | 2 many lovely patterns and colors brighten up your home cottage now, at 37 cents per foot floor coverings, Furniture Oshawa son's Co. Street, CHESTERFIELD and chair, good condition $30. Appl N. Apt. 6 BEAVER wood lathe one quarter HP out they go, cribs, Plextone finish, large size on castors, full panel ends, regular $49.50, half price clear-out, $24.50, Baby strol. lers, strong and sturdy, $4.99. Wilson Furniture, 20 Church Street | __Juvl41517 gy MRS. RUSSELL STAINTON |election. ZION -- The Come and Go tea| | ! 1 |at the home of Mrs. Tom Sobil {ment following the first nomina- feated in the for the Explorer girls and their | tion convention to be held by the Union Nationale man. y 650 Simcoe 163¢ storm apron, $28. Baby Tea eonard or" wil. |[Mrs. 20 July Church 14,15,17 green, Stainton, Mrs. Fred Reed, |Stainton. The work the girls had [STARTED BY NEWSPAPER been doing during the year was on display WA MEETING The WA meeting had a small Come And Go At Zion tea were Mrs, Mrs. Russell F. B. Glaspell, Mrs. A. T. Shaw 60-cycle motor; five chisels and ac-| attendance with only 12 members cessories $65, or best offer. RA 8-3353.| present. 163f orial 51--Swap and Barter FURNITURE, new and used. We buy, furniture, : : pliances, pianos and sewing machines DiC at Lakeview Park : for your best price in Ajax, Whitby aad CGIT and Explorer girls are in- der of St sell and exchange 2p The jars to be filled for Mem- Hospital and are to be filled and returned at the September meeting, Plans were made to hold a pic- were distributed Aug. 6 and Oshawa. Dial Whitby, MO 8-4981 collect. | yited to attend. Midtown Furniture. 52--Legal Notices TAKE notice that I shall not be re. sponsible for any debts AD, 1958 Street North, Oshawa TENDERS will be received until July | for the erection of a fu 29 at 4 pm neral chapel Bowmanville, Ont for F. F Drawing and speci July 26 were games for Mrs. contracted in 142 Simcoe 162¢ ments. Morris Co Mrs Mrs. Harry Fisher, Mrs ust Geissberger Jr., Mrs. Sayeau appointed Percy my name, without my written order.|reading. The group, Mrs. Harry C. St Dated at Oshawa this 10th day of July, ! Bodo Fehlig, Fisher, Mrs |Percy Davidson served refresh- |, Aug- to look after the picnic Davidson gave a Robert Killen, Mrs. September group will be Mrs Charles Naylor, Mrs. Henry Dart, Herman Haass, Mrs fications may be obtained from Herb-|[Leonard Ball Cole, Whitby, ert G Street, sarily be accepted PRINCE ALBERT SMITH By F. E. PRINCE ALBERT Crosier of Scugog Island spent the past week with Valerie Heayn A surprise party was heid at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Sunday on the occasion of Mrs Mr. Hunter's 80th Those present were Mr. and Mrs. L. Hunter and Nola; Mrs. Strong, Port children Miss Marion Davies in Toronto with her mother. architect, upon deposit of $50 Lowest or any tender will Perry; and Mrs. G. Hunter and children [yrs |, 1119 Mrs not neces. Green| bp RSONAL Allan Fisher received 163b word of the passing of William toon, Sask Sharon her friend day at E N Alvin Mr. 5nd birthday |Grove, Mr {rane and Mr. is staying | Mr and Karen, Morley Thomas Kinsman, 72, husband of the late Greta Leach at Saska- George Fisher and Bob Dart re- was turned home from their trip to [Western Canada Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stainton and [Clarence Tink and Mrs. C Davy were at Lake Scugog Sun- Henderson's cottage Mrs. Stanley Coverly Ebenezer, Mr. and Flintoff, Maple and Mrs. Ivan Coch- Beverley, Mrs Gordon Fisher | Mrs Clay is visiting Mr. and and family, Oshawa, and Mrs. Mrs. R. Butson Miss M. Henley Miss M Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. | L. Elliott and family, ronto Miss Carol Huntley will be en- tering Oshawa General Hospital for training in September. Allan the| Mr. and all of To- and family, Russell |Mr | Philip, Fisher visited Mr. |Webster, Little Britain and Mrs. E. Huntley for weekend. Sunday visitors were Scarboro, were supper guests of |ing. Alex Hall, Oshawa, was the Russell Stainton, Sunday. | Mr. and Mrs. ,Ralph Glaspell | Peterborough was the soloist. Robbins, and Mrs Toronto visited Mrs. Roy Tyrone, Mr. and Mrs Bowmanville, John Gerry and were Sunday The WA 'iadies held a success- visitors of Mrs. F. B. Glaspell. ful bake sale Saturday. Because | of rain Friday the bake sale was |neth and Bob, Mr. and Mrs. Fred | Dart, Doris and Arnold, visited | with a Cast of Thousands! postponed. The Prince Albert School picnic was held Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dart, Ken- Sunday | William Dart, Woodville. Alvin Fisher and Dave Esta- at Lakeside Beach, on Lake Scu- |brook visited friends at Wooler. gOR. Mr. and NAMED FESTIVAL SITE KITCHENER ener has been (CP) selected as site for the weeklong Dominion Drama Festival in 1963 notification was received Friday that the festival's executive com- Mr. and Kitch- the | llowlees v day holiday. Official |and Marilyn, Y mon Powell, Marilyn stayed for a short Mrs. Norman Leach ---- were weekend visitors of Arthur Youngman, Tyrone. Mrs. Gerry Glaspell and Mrs. Donald were supper guests of Columbus, Sun- Forbes Fisher and Lorne Sel- mittee had accepted an invita-|leck spent the weekend at Crystal tion from the city and the cham- Beach ber of commerce. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gerry, TELEVISION LOG CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronte WROC-TV Channel 5--Rochester WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffalo WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffale MONDAY EVENING 5.00 P.M, 11 Family Theatre 6-~Man from Tomorrow 5--Playhouse 4--~Fun to Learn 2--Superman 5.15 P.M. 6--Children s Newsree) 4--Children's Theatre 5.80 PM 6,2--Mickey Mouse 6.00 P.M. 6--Captain Grief 4- Headlines; News 2-Colone, Fleep 615 PM. 4--Cisco Kia 6.30 P.M, 6--Patti Page 11, 2--News Sports vis PM 6, 5, 4--Weather News; 2--Comedy Capers h P.M. Weather; t1--Movie 6---Tablold 5-Dick Clark 4--Death Valley Days 2- Corliss Archer 30 PM, 6--Scan 5--Haggis Baggis 4. Robin Hood 2---Twilight Theatre 8.00 P.M. 1,6 Millionaire 5-Restless Gun 4--Burns and Allen R30 A 1,6-0n Camera 5-.Wells Fargo 4-Arthur Godfrey 2-Bold Journey v.00 P 16-1 Love Lucy 5-Twe 4---Lucy Shows 2--Featurama 9.30 P.M. ,» 1,86--Tugboat Annie 5--Alcoa Theatre 4~Men of Annapolis 0.00. P.M, nty Ome 1--Man Behind The Badge j, 4--Studio One 5-Sheriff of Cochis 10.30 P.M, 1-Onh' Susanna 5-~TBA 2-The Whistler 11.00 P.M, 1,6,5,4,2--News Weather; Sports 1.05 P.M Viewpoint $--Movie Theatre 8---Sports Ree) 11.30 P, TwLate Show | 6--Decoy 2---Swing Shift 4--Playhouse TUESDAY 3.00 5--Today 4--Cartoon Capers 845 P.M, 2---Rumpus Room 00 AM, 5--Susie 4--Popeye's nouse 2--Eddie Cantor 9.30 AM. 5--District Attorne 4--Susie 2--- Boston Blackie 10.00 5--Dough Re Mi 4--For Love or Money 2 My Little Margie 10.30 AM > Lreasure Hunt 4-Play Your Hunch 2----Abbott Costello 1.00 AM. 5--Dough He 4--Arthur Godfrey | 2-Mr. D. A | 11.30 AM. 5--Truth or Consequences 4--Dotto | 2--Puhiie MORNING AM. Play. Defender 12.00 NOON | 5--Tic Tac Dough 5--It Could Be You 4--Search for Tomorrow | | 2-Mid-Day Matinee 100 PM | 4=ove heatre 4--Meel the Millers | L306 P.M | + World Tu | 4--Beat | 3-Helen 2.3 The Neville in P.M. 5--Home Cooking 4--House Party 2--Laff Time 3.00 P.M y Is Ours Big Payoff merican Bandstand 330 PM 5--From These Roots 4--The Verdict is Yours 2-Trust . Your Wife 11--Trouble With Father 5, 4--Serial Stories 2--American Bandstand 430 PM, 11--Cartoon Capers 4--Edge of Night "© PM #~Modern Romances t TUESDAY EVENING 5.00 P.M. 11--Family Theatre 6--Stevie-O 5--Playhouse | 4~Fun to Learn 2-Sir Lancelot 5.15 P.M. 6--Song Shop +--Children's Theatre 5.30 P.M, 6--Royal Visit 2--Mickey Mouse 600 PM. 4~Headlines, sports 2-Jet Jackson 6.15 4-Cisco Kid 6.30 g 1.00 11---Movie 6--~News: Tabloid 5--Circus Boy 4 -Annie Oakley 2-My Hero 7.30 P.M. 6--Hobin Hood 5.4--Name 2--Cheyenne P.M. e | 5.00 P.M. 11,6--~Come Fly With Me 5--Shirley Temple 4 Hollywood 5.30 P. 1. 6--Dragnet 4--Keep Talking 2-Wvatt Earp 9.00 P.M. 11,6 GM. Presei's 5--Dotto 4---To lell The Truth 2 Broken Arrow 9.30 PM 5-Bobh Cumn.ings Playhouse Pantomime Quiz nen PM. 11, 6-B.C. Centennial 5-Californians 4-Bid 'n' Buy 2-Precinct "ws PM »--Death Valley Days 4~Decoy 2--Highway Patrol 1.00 P.M. 4 5-11-6-4-2-News Weather; Sports 1:15 P.M, 6--Viewpoint 5--Movie Theatre 30 P.M. 11--Late Show 6--Royal Visit 4-Theatre 2-Swing Shift 1:45 PM, 6--Boxing ight Liberals Launch F Against Duplessis DRUMMONDVILLE, Que. (CP) Montreal newspaper Le Devoir| Mr. Lesage said the first thing An all-out offensive against Pre-|{published a series of articles a Liberal administration will do mier Duplessis' Union Nationale about the sale of Quebec Hydro's | if elected, 'is to call an inquiry government is being launched by| Montreal household gas-distribut into the sale of the gas system. Quebec Liberals in an attempt to ing system to the privately-owned| He outlined the party's plat- force an early general provincial Quebec Natural Gas Corporation. form for the next provincial elec- election. Le Devoir said a $20,000,000 tion. 2 Liberal Leader Jean Lesage stock market coup marked the; There would be free education told a rally of 1,000 in this in-|deal, but the corporation stated | again, as under the 1939-1944 Lip- dustrial centre 63 miles southeast| there was nothing irregular in the eral administration, and public of Montreal Sunday that the Lib- transaction. |schools would be accessible on erals are organizing for an elec-| Mr. Lesage said petitions ask- | this basis up to and including the tion fight on the local, regional ing the government for a royal | 13th grade, |cultural Society on a bus trip to Roy |Carolyn Mr. and|Eidridge and Douglas, Mrs. Wil- [Falls, visited Mrs. F. B. Glaspell {liam Preston, Courtice, Mr. and | : loyd Flintoff and family, |few days with her grandparents, and Mr. and Mrs. W. Heayn and Oshawa, and Mrs. Delbert Flin. |Mr. and Mrs, H. F. Stephen, Osh- eruptions may be creating a rel- toff and Carol Harvey, Kedron, [awa visited Wes Camcron Sunday and Mrs Harvey Tom Sobil. Thomas, [6d a full church Sunday morn-|446,000,000 miles from earth. and provincial levels. |commission or a provincial elec-| For talented students desiring Nomination conventions were [tion are to be circulated soon. [to take up university studies set in many constituencies 1o/The public was asked to sign|there would be special loans and lelect Liberal candidates in the them. bursaries in the event their par- inext few weeks, although Prem-| Sunday's nomination convention ents were not financially capable lier Duplessis theoretically can picked as Liberal candidate for | of meeting the cost. : wait until 1961 to call a provincial [Drummond Bernard Pinard, a| Mr. Lesage accused the Union | | young Drummondville | a w y e r| Nationale party of wearing a [who was elected in 1952 and de- [false mask on the question of 1956 election by a !provincial rights. He said the Union Nationale HAS BUSY SCHEDULE had fixed the election of Progres- Duplessis to either establish a Mr. Lesage asked Liberal sup- sive Conservative candidates in royal commission of inquiry into|porters to recruit support, even Quebec in the March 31 federal a provincial gas transaction or|among Union Nationale support- election, and that the federal gov- call a provincial election. ers, for his "march of liberation" ernment under Prime Minister across the province during the|Diefenbaker formed the The Liberal leader made that|next six weeks. He was to/centralizing administration request io the premier after the |address 38 meetings. ada has ever had. HAMPTON 4 Die As New By M. HORN Mr. Lesage made the announce most Can- of large amounts of heat energy {on the planet's surface. The sightings were made by |Gerard P. Kuiper, professor of HAMPTON -- Mrs. Addie Tre- Car Shown astronomy and director of the win, Toronto, is a guest of Mr {University of Chicago's Yerkes and Mrs. Cecil Slemon WINDSOR, Ont. (CP)--A new|ghgervatory at Williams Bay Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tennant, car, being shown off by its owner wis and a research associate, Montreal, and Miss Marion War-|for three friends, shattered itself} Ajan P. Lenham Mary's were visitors|against a truck Saturday night They used a 40-inch refractor | Four persons were hurled to their|iejescope, largest of its type in deaths by the impact | the world Killed were Earl Rutt, 26, the] The suspected warmup of Jup elton Sunday car driver, of nfarby River Ca-|jjor wouldn't n much to a nard, Donald Piche, of sub-lenace traveller's comfort. The Mr an¢ Mrs. Merwin Mount |, han Sandwich West and Leo atmosphere still is 160-170 degrees of the Salters last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. Chapman vis- [ited Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Shack tow Saturday evening, June 28, Mr and Mrs. C. Warren were surpris ed by a gathering of 25 guests Mrs Luke, - Brock (Whithy) -- "Gift of Love' | and "Spring Reunion". Eve- | ning shows 7 p.m. Last com- | plete show 8:20 p.m. Joy Ritended ihe funeral of Mrs.ipufour, 58, and his wife Mabel, |jelow zero and the planet's sur 5. Slaples, Lindsay, Thursday 52, occupants of the truck wholface ot much warmer Miss Florence Werry spent a|lived in River Canard days with Bowmanville| Ironically, the Dufours were friends last week and attended friends of Rutt who had been THEATRE GUIDE the centenniai celebrations shown the new car the night be fore Two other passengers in the Plaza "Thing That Couldn't car, Albert Crosse, 30, and vic-| Die' 1.30, 3.59, 6.28, 9.00 p.m who came along to help celebrate | {OF Per 25, were severaly hurt.| "Horror of Dracula" (Adult) [the couple's 20th wedding anni- Police said the only recogniza-| 2.39, 5.08, 7.37, 10.09 p.m. Last |versary po - ble part of the car's instrument complete show 8.57 p.m iy panel left was a twisted speed- They were presented with a meter jammed to more than 100 Marks "Santiago" 1.00, 4.40, table lam p and other gifts. Lunch miles per hour. Pieces of the car] 8.25 pm "I Died a Thousand served. were scattered along the highway Times" 2.40, 6.15, 10.00 p.m Jack Macnab, Mrs. Earl for 200 feet Last complete show at 8.15 Mrs. Rod. Rodovia, Mrs -- -------- p.m War ren were Hamptton members who S ct H t accompanied the Oshawa Horti- uspe 0 . Time On CHICAGO (AP) -- Volcano-like ride, cone. Niagara Falls. The average cost of a copy of a daily newspaper is less than the cost of a 'phone call, a bus a cigar or an ice cream and Elaine, Niagara Laurie Stainton is spending a atively hot time on the cold Mrs. A. T. Stainton, Browning planet Jupiter Island, Muskoka, spent a few! In any event, astronomers have | days with her daughter, Mrs. detected unusual atmospheric dis- | turbances on the largest planet | The Decoration service attract- in the solar system, now some! They believe the outbreaks, the | Hawley, | first observed in more than 10| years, are caused by the release speaker and Adam Businessmen's Luncheon Hot & Cold Butfet THE ou Mis BABY i AND THE i BATTLESHIP =: BIG TWIN SHOW ! SPECTACLE .%: AGES! MOTOR HOTELS Fully Air-Conditioned Highway No. 401 aot Bowmanville Cloverleaf Ad Just 12° Minutes from Downtown Oshawa and THE FLOOD THAT BESTROYFR THF Wamp! SEASCOPE ~ | LAST 2 DAYS AIR-CONDITIONED Comedy | M == "A smashing triumph... hits the jackpot!" e suuvan ER UTTER lives and a crime NAT [1dieda E { thousand { times CINEMASCOPE | ao WARNERCOLOR WINTERS n JACK | PALANCE- ALAN LADD | as'Cash' Adams who'd run guns into hell for a price! as the native girl who put a price on his head! SANTIAGO } + WARNERCOLOR WARNER BROS STARTING TODAY CHILDREN 50 into Canada from Detroit for the |longer than 48 hours. Customs fi- first six months of the year in-|gures show 591,835 cars in the creased from last year for visit- first | | TRAFFIC INCREASEN jors staying 48 hours or less but!border during The period com-| Yast year II7283 new nomes " ring. | par 563.86 st vy » completed in Canada -- re. (CP) -- Auto \ "affic dro] for persons staying pared with 563,864 last year, and were comp! , ! WINDSOR (CP A pped 198,943 for longer than 48 hours quiring electric refrigerators, ompared with 131,497 last year. ranges, telephones, furniture and sngers totalled 4,784,673 com-|a multitude of other products commonly found in the home. NN Ly Why risk being a sideline sitter 74 CD when good times can be yours? Athin Moy is offering you now o $25.00 DANCE COURSE if you a 7] i have, oc DOLLAR BILL with @ "3" ¢nd 0 "0" in the serial number in any order Just bring your DOLLAR BILL to 11%2 SIMCOE ST. 12FREE! ALWAYS A COLOR CARTOON classification crossed the p oi M---- -- |pared with 5,008,670 last year Enjoy A Whole New Season Of MOVIES. 1.00 JUST TWO FREE ADMISSIONS MORE THAN PAYS THE COST TO ww JOIN OUR DRIVE-IN THEATRE BUMPER STRIP CLUB! GET YOUR MEMBERSHIP CARD ! Club privileges entitle member and car only to FREE ADMISSION EVERY MONDAY, TUESDAY, WED. 5B NESDAY AND THURSDAY (Holidays excepted), SOUTH in OSHAWA 'and receive a $25.00 DANCE COURSE for it, or call RA 8-168]. So don't wait, bring your lucky dollar now and learn the latest sep ALL COLOR SHOW TONIGHT BOB HOPE AS THE MAYOR OF NEW YORK "BEAU JAMES" ADULT ENTERTAINMENT CLARK GABLE IN "ACROSS THE WIDE MISSOURI" FOR MAILED COPIES OF OJ} WEEKLY PROGRAM PHONE RA 3.49728 TO 10 PM Mines and Fothar Wiinray students are not gle, Th Pir Condit is for 6 limited time only. 10 AM. 10 10 s Alar ned. Open . vm NN an IAN \ : nlf /=4 AL FERRIRUANCES HILL BEINTERRUPTED ATA MOMENT OF SUPREHESHOK 50 THAT PATRONS MAY PRAAIE THEMSELVES FOR THIF GREATER NEQIESHATIERING SCENE TINT FOLLOW 550, aa The most terrifyiig lover How does he get the warm blood he needs to keep himpelf alive? What unspeakable rites docs he perform in hig coffin-bed? Who will be the Vampire's bride tonight? | TONIGHT'S GALA OPENING PERFORMANCE Proudly Presented BY THE SEATS AVAILABLE AT BOX OFFICE FOR TONIGHT'S PERFORMANCE ALL SEATS $1.25 | he Words Most | Honored Show 'Great, great show eee l® MEW epic!" DAVID NIVEN - CANTINFLAS ROBERT NEWTON - SHIRLEY MacLAINE ADMISSION PRICES MATINEE .90 -- EVENING 1.25 STUDENTS .75 ANYTIME TWBEH TT [aie caw Fo 7 | "THE THING THAT COULDN'T DIE dl PETER CUSHING CHRISTOPHER LEE MELISSA STRIBLING MICHAEL GOUGH WILLIAM REYNOLDS CAROLYN KEARNEY ANDRA MARTIN JEFFREY STONE SHOW AT 8:15 P.M. LIONS CLUB OF OSHAW 52 BEST PICTURE AWARDS "A remarkable feat of MOVIE-MAKING!"" LIFE MICHAEL TODD'S "The whele werld must see Around the World in 80 Days.'" LOUELLA PARSONS ant!... funny! SPECTACULAR!" TIME WE REGRET FREE LIST SUSPENDED WALTER WINCHELL CINEMAS cOPE FEATURING THE FOLLOWING "CAMEO" STARS: Charles Boyer + Joe E. Brown * Martine Carol » John Carradine * Charles Coburn Ronald Colman + Melville Cooper + Noel Coward + Finlay Currie » Reginald Denny + Andy Devine + Marlene Dietrich + Lui Dominguin + Fernandel + Walter Fitzgerald + Sir John Gielgud + Hermione Gingold + Jose Greco + Sir Cedric Hardwicke + Trevoy Howard + Glynis Johns + Buster Keaton + Evelyn Keyes + Beatrice Lillie + Peter Lorre + Edmond Lowe « Col. Tim McCoy * Victo McLaglen + A. E. Matthews + Mike Mazurki « John Mills + Robert Morley + Alan Mowbray + Ed Murrow » Jack Oakie « George Raft Gilbert Roland + Cesar Romero » Frank Sinatra » Red Skelton + Ronald Squire + Basil Sydney « Richard Wattis « Harcourt Williams SHOWN TWICE DAILY 85 AT 2:00 and 8:15 P.M.