B4--Auction Sales 34--Auction Sales AUCTION SALE Tuesday, July 15, at 7:30 p.m. 121 McMILLAN DRIVE (Warehouse) NEW 45 Coffee and Corner Tables (genuine walnut, dark and blonde); Continental Deluxe Bed Unit with headboard; Child's TV Stools and Step Table; Two Tea Wagons; 3 upholstered Foot Stools. USED Chesterfield Suites; Two Walnut Dining Suites; Day couch; Rangette; Steel bed; Lamp; Floor model radio; Folding chairs. TOOLS, ETC. Airport floodlight, cost $360.00; Lawn Boy power mower, A-1 condition; Several dozen coffee table legs; One dozen toy wagon wheels, rubber tires; Heavy duty planer, almost new; cupboard doors; electric sander--as new; garden hose; 2 dozen new picks and sledge hammers, etc. FRANK STIRTEVANT, AUCTIONEER 36--Female Help Wanted 41--Room and Board ROOM and board for gentlemen. for household duties single beds. To share Last of July and the month of August Fond of children, sleep out. RA 5-0365 162b "Home July13 158¢ ROOM or room with , board for "gentle men. Abstainers HOUSEKEEPER toc care for "home and 77 Gibbons Street children, live in. RA 51373 Joi ROOM and board at 327 Albert Stree EXPERIENCED waitress. Apply in per- 88 son to Southend Restaurant, 5 Bloor BET East 159 | cons in town, single beds, jconveniences, close to south [RA 5:4429. Apply 536 Lorraine Street SAL E § LADY, part. time, for "exclusive sportswear shop, must have experience, | - preferably in the ladies' sportswear field. Good appearance, pleasing per- sonality and references essential. Apply In person, Seigneur's Sportswear, Osh- awa Shopping Centre. 162f 37--Male Help War Wanted nurses only, two may share, tor, electric kettle, laundry close to hospital and downtown 5-0238. ROOM and board, Four Corners. Dial RA ROOM and board: | central. Continuous hot water {rage for rent. Apply 240 Division St 5-9303 SALARY and commission. Colonial domes are expanding and require three new salesmen. Must be neat and aggressive. Experience not necessary Phone or drop in. Colonial Homes. RA +8571 9 Park Road South 163 43--Wanted to Rent WE req require a three "or four bedroo house, preferably in the Mill Street-Co |lege Hill area. Phone RA 5.8885 a «|time 1 A middle - i room ground floor apartment nish references. Box 420 WANTED | to rent house, Oshawa or vicinity age child. Reasonable |3:7447 |YOUNG mother desires |nished apartment, iuly23 during her working hours preferred. RA 8.1456, mornings 38--Male or Female Help ndays Wanted DEALERS Wanted for Oshawa and Whitby area to hande low- price deluxe triple-track al- uminum storm windows. Ap- ply Armstrong Aluminum Windows Limited, Martin Grove Ave., Rendale, Toron- to, Phone CH 6-344] One schoo rent small unfu THREE - room, self-contained, unfu nished apartment desired by lady. East end preferred. Apply |612 Times-Gazette, '44--For Rent PRIVATE apartment, Kitchenette, ing room and bedroom, three-pie bath, heavy duty wiring. Car parking Quiet location. Immediate possession | A ly 306 Pacific Avenue 156; | LA GE room for one or two ladies or | gentlemen, light cooking optional. Re | frigerator. 25 Quebec Street, near Sim coe. 162 DO YOU SPEAK A FOREIGN LANGUAGE? If you can speak Dutch, Hun- garian, Polish or Ukrainian language and desire to enter the Life Insurance business in Oshawa, we will train you to sell. Must be 21 years of oge, ond under 45 This is a splendid opportunity for a young immigrant to enter a business that will provide a good income and a bright fu- ture. Write Box 602, Times- Gazette, | gn E welcome, reasonable rent, central ply 242 Court Street, RA 53-1935. FOUR - room modern Private Fata. |0il. Good locality, heat and water pro- | vided. ay August 1. Adults only Apply 77 Patricia. RA 3.3985 Ap July 10, 11, 14, 15] upper duplex SCHOOL TEACHER WANTED FOR PART-TIME WORK Experienced kindergarten tea- cher required for September 1. Duties half day only throughout the term. New school, convenient to trons- portation etc Write giving details of ex- perience etc. to:-- A. W. TYAS, Sec.-Treas, Pickering Township School Area No. 2, | TAREE room apartment R.R. No. 3, Pickering, Ont and private entrance. Suitable for busi 162f ness or young couple. Phone RA 3.4110 with use of phone, central, five min. |utes from downtown. Call | TWO new six room three bedrooms oil heated, newly dec orated. Garage Children Phone 177, Pickering THREE - room apartment, | trance, all conveniences Drew Street. welcome private en Apply . 59 1591 . rated, built-in cupboards One child welcome. Apply |Road South. Call at rear Bus at door 468 Par 158 Be ONE three - room flat, $55 monthly . Room and Beard One two . room flat, $40 monthly ROOM and board for gentlemen on |Lght, water included. Abstainers. Imme Arthur Street. For information phone |diate possession. 283 Jarvis Street RA 5-0312 ROOM and board for gentl close | THREE unfurnished rooms, with lo downtown, home privileges Apply 23'In kitchen, children welcome. Elgin East. RA 3-7814 161f RA 8-5394 WHITBY CLASSIFIED FOR sale -- Ome Philco refrigerator,|BUY and: sell used furniture ohe year old. Still has four-year guar. |furniture will antee, $175. Ope Leonard refrigerator, |Pliances, furniture. Apply $40. One Bendix heavy duty stove, mod. | 121 Brock South; MO 8-3053 ern, $25. One Bendix automatic washer (ye = and dryer, $60. One . rangette, $9.50, One rangette with oven control, $12.50. | ono 00 MAUL 0 ie Singe three - quarter and double beds | price E. Outerbrid 2S * and mattresses, '$10 each. Chest of|, idse, argnar levard, Toronto 19, Ont. Phone drawers and dresser, $8. All articles 8 2.7367 between 8.9 a.m are extremely good condition and must Julyld, 186, 18; Aug.5,7 be sold before Wednesday, MO 8-3042 g:5%s No dealers please 163 FOR sale -- Six - room bungalow, rec- reation room. Close to park and school MO 83247 163¢ FOR Rent room self contained apartment particulars phone MO 8.3112 158¢ FOR Rent Five-room house for rent on Centre Street South Phone MO 8-9047 162¢ FOR Sale -- 48 Chev. coach, $100 or sest offer. MO 8.3266; 603 Mary Street East 162b like people, enjoy makin Bou RL | FOR rent -- Three abstainers, no children West. FOR rent -- Three - low, new. Available MO 8.4565, BUY and sell used furniture. Spec izing ir handmade and remodelled fu; r niture. All work guaranteed. MO 8. 121 Brock South Aug. 1 YOUNG Dutch man would like time job as painter for interior or terior work; after 5. room apartment 312 Dunda 16. bedroom bunga 4 Aug. 1. Pho For . . . 161 TREE package pepular brand eigar ttes with every $3 purchase of gaso Ine Open every morning at 7 am farry Donald Limited, Chevrolet-Olds- nobile. July 18 SEPTIC tanks cl vay, new tanks ins! 04 Chestnut West; WANTED -- I wish tor rent "small offic in Whitby business area. P. G. Mc Daniel, Appraiser-Broker, Whitby, 82311 FOR Rent RArage, 161 ed the sanitary lled. Walter Ward, | room. phone MO 8.2563, [8-4704. Aug. 24| FOR Sale Two rangettes, in condition, with new top elements | sonable. MO 8.3795 central location 162 DRIVEWAY GRAVEL Coarse Cement ALTERATIONS, and alterations, also drapery. 101 tre South MO 8-3360. YOUNG Dutch lady desires ho Live in. References, speaks Phone MO 8-4498 after 6 p.m CASH for used furniture, pianos and sewing machines. For price in Oshawa, Whitby and Ajax, aug] [Midtown Furniture, Whitby collect, FOR general carpentry and cemen work, specializing in all kinds of hous repairs Free estimates, en, MO 8.2261 | FOR Rent Central. MO #3: pant cuffing, $7 per load $1.60 yard. Sand and For de- livery to Oshawa - Whitby - Ajox area, ERIC BRANTON, MO 8-2660 or fine, gravel, loam fill 161 Ju FOR.RENT Boats, Motors, Boat Trailers, Cabin Trailer, Tents, Camp Stoves, Lanterns, Lawn Rollers, Lawn Mowers, Paint Sprayer, Garden Tiller, etc. For Sale -- Boats, Motors, Trailers. July | FURNITURE, i "used, we buy |planos and sewing machies. For best price in Ajax, Whitby and awa, dial Whitby, MO_ 8.4981 Midtown Furniture. © FOR Rent -- Two single nished, in respectable home after. 3:30 you WILDE RENTAL SERVICE AND SALES WHITBY, MO 8-3226 Julyl2i room MO Jul call Grant Landscaping, MO 82587 part t ol Phone RA 8.1776 or 159¢ § 156f "all modern GM Aug.5 FURNISHED room, business girls or| refrigera- privileges, RA 161 five minutes from 160f good home cooking Also ga 162f aged couple wants three Can fur. 163¢ "Two bedroom Phone |; 163b r- r if f| 5 TWO-room furnished apartment, park |sinein room for gentleman, central ing, close to hospital and NGM 31 El | Apply 162 THREE large unfurnished rooms, child 159¢ 158¢ CLEAN furnished housekeeping r room | 2 f THREE unfurnished rooms, newly deco k f D heat Grixti pay cash. for used ap-| Basement July 12 8 a 3 163¢ 1 2 y t or gardening. MO 8.4746 e = ~ Brick bungalow, two bed MO 0 English t c Henry Kuen 8 {sell and exchange furniture, appliances, r with care of child Harmony and [ho 158¢ young Box 159f |and heat Water heated with | RA 3.7257, | THREE 150f | living apartments | q,.n town and hospital Apply 241 Ken 162 159¢ [Four t with bath | 158 RA 1581 sink | Phone | 159 friends and want to earn good money, |™ Manager, ' consisting MO good Rea 16 2c | MO 8.4981 | Ground floor apartment. | 161¢ SOD for sale -- for the finest in sod MODERN July 34'down. RA 83-8355, |44--For Rent 45--Real Estate For Sale TWO large furnished rooms, Kitchen with sink, cupboards, and refrigerator, private entrance. Apply 206 Marquette three-room cottage, suitable for living nace 163f | quarters, implement shed, situated one 8-2166 BA SOLID brick, fol Aven ie SIX room "apartment, in Courtice, beau- tiful surroundings, .private entrance, modern conveniences, $70 monthly. RA 8-5206. 163! | THREE "unfurnished rooms A nice quiet place for adults o stainers. Apply | 75 Athol East, | OSHAWA. Ont. -- Good size store and basement. best business | ion. suit- able for any kind of business. including restaurant. Mr. Melvin, = Chartered | Trust Co., 34 King Street West, Toronto. |EM 8.7681 1594 NICE room for rent, |Apply 15 Maple Street South. RA 59712 ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, a |able in private home. 82 Park Road [Nor 5 pm. to 7 p.m. RA 8-8671. July 23 suite rtment *frig., antenna, parking. Craydon Road, Whitby; Aug. 5 ly. Ab- 161c (, with single beds. off . Simcoe |ONE bedroom (building, stove, Apt. 10, 101 {MO 8-4221 ONE new house on Mitchel Ave. Would | prefer lady. Phone RA 3.7345 after Aug. | THREE large rooms, newly decorated, |sink and cupboard in kitchen, $12 week- lity, hydro supplied. Children. Apply = {Roxborough Avenue. HAVE two rooms, will rent to couple. Good home in nice district. Apply 48 Rosehill Boulevard. | ATTRACTIVE unfurni | consisting of bedsitting room and Kkit- chenette, frig and stove, good location, central, every conveniece, adults. RA 5-5380. 158¢ |NEW bungalow, seven rooms. Apply 885 Myers Street. Phone RA 8.1720. 158¢ "apartment, , private heat and RA 8-5385 158f TWO - bedroom toilet and running water, hydro included, $55 monthly friends to share close Boule Aug FURNISHED rooms, $5 w light housekeeping, shopy centre, 137 Rosehill vard TWO rooms, ply 121 $95 modern six-room, brick bungalow, east end, near King ession. RA 5-0457 THREE couple, three or, THREF bath entrance and 7 p furnished light _ housekeep with sink and refrigerator. Annis Street room furnished apartment for living room, bedroom, piece bath, kitchen with refrig- range and cupboards. RA 160 rooms, three hot water, couple only 203 King West piece {priv tween IMMEDIATE nd Re Call be 1614 contain Apply 118 1614 OCVI area Phone RA 1814 1 m possession, self ad W FHT six house ew furnace 1089. LARGE furnished with refrigerator, two adults. Apply South ym moderate rent housekeeping room suitable for one or 887 Ritson Road 161f Phone RA Apt. 4. 1626 room apart. reason- 162 new » North three - immediately, RA 38-8511 apartment ep able Phone THREE room in me, built-in cupboards, |oil heated, $60 monthly. I Working couple preferred. RA 162 e for gentleman, or very central RA 3-4470. 162¢ rooms, completely or| Suitable for two or ate bathroom, hot range, washing Apply 207 Court 162 suitabl nished, East modern basement apart. furnished, reason .| Road, 75° Aussi Immediate pos-| 158¢ private| pod {natural fireplace, Bobcaygeon Ask mile from lakefront, 5.0492 for more information Mr. or Mrs. Brown. LOTS: Choice pf three. ( x transportati after 5:30 p.m. On Garra MO 8-44 16: Reasonable $1,150 DOWN 6 months old. 5-room solid brick 'bungalow with many extras. | N.H.A. mortgage. Av- aillabl immediately. Phone {RA 8-1 1338. : ONLY A FEW LEFT $975 DOWN These homes are a terrific buy ot this low down pay- ment. Featuring sodded fronts, laundry tubs, heavy wired, fixtures, copper plumb- ing, oak floors, ceramic tiled bath, and many other extras. SALESMAN ON LOCATION RA 8-1338 BOEM CONSTRUCTION BETTER BUILT BY BOEM July3 Beautiful 5-room brick bungal to schools, bus and shopping. | 'many ottractive features aluminum. storms, forced air good-size bedrooms, large pletely decorated and lands with $4,200 down and only interest and taxes la liv y | . Close to school and six -- for price and easy terms |45--Real Estate For Sale 43--Real Estate For Sale | 47--Automoblles For Sale FOR sale -- nine-room, frame house, TEN . room brick house, central in four acres of land, come, $150 monthly, new garage, fur $16,900. $4000 down. MO July 16 "bungalow, lot, be- Price three-bedr two years old, on 81 x 200 ft. 158f |; ween Oshawa and Whitby. 52 Thickson rd Road North. RA 5-6046. "room brick house, North Simcoe, 46/ close to school, bus and church. Rea- 2f sonable down payment. no agents - |please Phone | RA 397%, 159 13000 down, ranch tice [LAK Auto Wreckers want| bedrooms, breezeway, three gar; One acre land. 1439 King Street Hn from 4 to 8. SEVEN - room brick house on Rede Avenue, modern kitchen, hot water heating with oil. Close to separate schools, public school and hospital. RA 5-2909 160f $1000 down hic a good 5 or 6 room riced home. W. McAuley, Realtor. Dial RA 32512. July 18! » nome -- five - room, three bedroom bunga- jow, five minutes from publi, sepa- rate and new high school. $2500 down. RA 32017, 160f CITY approved lof, 42 x 1123 Side- walk, sewer, water Close to public and separate school Apply 591 Devon Street 162f | ARE "you a big { family? * Then see 366 Division Street today. 7 large rooms, {with large lot, All modern con- | veniences Garage, Vacant now. Ask Jones Real 162¢ n Dieppe Av- 158f Estate. RA 5-6412. THIS Sout attached garage with dis- play room windows and ample parking space makes this east-end property ideal for business. Good living quar- Immediate possession. Phone RA 5-9877., RA 5-743 July 13 ; ters. | We are Urgently needing Homes in any location, with reasonable down payments. r results coll:-- or LLOYD AYERS Realtor RA 3-2254 OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY AND SUNDAY New 6 room ranch type bun- galow, garage. Very modern, Wooded lot. 1200 CLOVERDALE RA 8-8882 or RA 5-8229 July 18 18 C cc-- GUELPH STREET ow with stone front, very central Listed here are only a few of the rge garage with overhead doors, loads of cupboards, 3 ng. room, tiled bathroom, com- caped. Full price only $12,300 $69 monthly carrie principol, McLAUGHLIN BOULEVARD | Very attractive 5-room, 2-t heating, broadloom from wa and hall, tiled 4-piece bathrc tile floors. Only one-} $12,500. Term ROWEN insul stone bungalow, full modern built-in cupboards $73 monthly Large 5-room bungalow on forced air with oil, hardwo living room, dining room or num storms. Full price $12 gage, 5% interest inclu dt ng water and hydro immediate possession. RA 7418 or 592 Bloor Street East 163f 163f 314 1626 upstairs light RA| 162¢ FOUR-room apartment, all conveni- ences, nicely decorated, near bus sta {tion and Alexandra Park, heavy wir ing. 18 Aberdeen Street 162 38 Nassau Street. TWO large unfurnished rooms. Arthuy Street FIVE apartment, "self contained including gas range, Immediate possession. room 08 furnisiea rooms, bedroom, room and kitchen Suitable for| {business couple or nurses Close to 18 apartment with bath, | sink and built-in cup Phone RA 81723, 163f boards NICE clean, quiet, one or two furnish. kitchen Apply 268 Aug.11 {dal Available July room {stainless steel , garage led rooms and Clarke Street THREE room apartment trance, built-in cupboards IGM Apply 269 Thomas Street MODERN four - room apartment 54 Private en Near South 161f | RA | 1601 | fufnished, on bus-line, Osh- for adults. RA 8-31 25 #4] 5-13 COTTAGE, awa, two rooms ed Boule- | 1631 clean, all 118 163f three Oshawa contained, Apply 212 SELF partment vard South THREE newly decorated, unfurnished rooms, modern kitchen, y central, Apply > rooms and bath, upper duplex, duty wiring, 'separate entrance. | ral Immediate possession. 3-0248 aftar 6 p.m FOUR unfurnished one-bed-| self - contained, pri und floor. Apply Apt room Masson Street 3 THREF large room apart. heavy wiring, after 5 p.m 163f and four private en tice Road ance Phone £40 lower duplex, self - contained, bed sitting room, kitchen, toilet, newly dec 149 Celina Street, RA 5.7142. | 163) orated partly fur-| references, | 5-6746. 163f furnished apartment tor and heavy duty ible for couple or two ladies 163b THREE nished reom apartment, No. small children, rent. Phone RA reasonable THREE three room modern, private apartment, As-| Good district, close A 5.2892 163f ATTRACTIVE apartment, unfurnished, of bed sitting room and tchenette, refrigerator and stove sup ery convenience, very cntral 5-5380 163f large floor, parking to down town Adults plied RA MODERN, QUIET 2-BEDROOM SUITE LARGE KITCHEN Aime 1 on ) iren over 12 5 GIBBONS STREET appliances, | BUCKINGHAM. MANOR APARTMENTS two ined one and om apartments, modern, best lo- Apply 498 Simcoe St. 5. RA 8.8676 } electrically equipped, cation N., Apt July 26) on |45--Real Estate For Sale flsun PING Jot with well Brooklin, trees on back Accept terms "$1100 Phone 158 | in six-room, brick bungalow, | in new sub-division, price $10,000, $3,000 July 17. Vicker 8 Only $1,400 down ond $6,90 m: brick bur ow wi om, dining hardwood and Asking in living r m tiled kitchen off Simcoe Street A STREET 0 ful room, 3-bedroom heating--coal, ot, carrries for GRASSMERE AVENUE ft 35 " ft., heating is large bedrooms, r roo alumi- 4,300 down, good mort- 50 Jt t x b tion m with $4 LLOYD AYERS REALTOR, RA 3-2254 163a EC OLDSTIIN REAL ESTATE BROKER 13 BOND STREET EAST RA 8-5161 $995 DOWN $995 7-room, 1Va-storey ho bus and G.M RA 8-5161 Extra large lot me in tip top cc nd 337 ti Close to schools, Call Som Goldstein at 50 $1000 DOWN $1,000 S-room bungalow just off Ki location which affords proximi town. Easy monthly payments Russ Harrison. at RA 8-5161 ng Street ty tc with lots Eo A most desirable chool and down Coll t of time to repay $1499 DOWN $1,499 Almost new brick bungalow c¢ excellent unobstructed view which includes both principal spection call Glen MacKinnon $1,500 DOWN é-room, 1V2-storey home on A inum storms and screens ond o garage. Situated in a payments to suit your pocket, , hardwood and tile floors, omplete in every detail, with an Monthly payments of only $75 ond interest. For an early at RA 8-5161 4 $1,500 rthur Street, complete with alum- heavy wiring Monthly in- quiet residential area "COUNTRY LIVING" Brand new ranch style, bark bri Complete with well, septic tan heavy wiring, 4-piece bath an ck bungalow with é acres of land. k, copper plumbing, sump pump, d oll the facilities of City living. Coll RA 8-5161 and have one of our courteous salesmen show you this beautiful home where country with real fresh air, without the fear of traffic "BEFORE YOU you can enjoy the serenity of the and where the children con play SELL OR BUY WHY NOT GIVE US A TRY" SEE THE REST -- Y RA 8-5155 $3,500 DOWN -- 549 DREW ST. 7-room modern, 134 b baths, forced hot air oil hea mokes carrying charges low consider small bungalow in th -storey $13,300 -- RANCH BUNGALOW APPLEWOOD ACRES three-bedroom lot. Deep Aull large Centre-hall, landscaped trance and recreation bu k wind ( room onvenient $2,900 DOWN DOUBLE GARAGE Stone-fronted, 1 V4-storey claph modern kitchen with, dining bath down; 2 large bedroom elled den or bedroom oil heating. Modernly Close to school, bus SPECTION INVITED. $2,000 DOWN -- ANN This new 1,100 square large through and equipg and shog a foot ut rooms F and ond bus fixture { v IMME chool EVENINGS PH bric provi pping BUT SEE THE BEST & Coyne rick with ting; 3-rc Inspect and make offer is area on exchange. gorage, 2 kitchens, 2 upstairs apartment Would om k N.HA basement resale on attractively with ground en- facilities large high and level for hools xcellent and SHERWOOD AVE. oard on large hedged lot. Large bedroom and deep dry basement with pan- recreation room. Forced air for comfort and convenience. Owner leaving city. IN- area, living room, up; rge ed APOLIS AVE. -- $11,500 PRIVATS sale, eight - room brick in. come home. Oil heated, three apart: ments, y furnished. R cars for wrecking. Higes prices paid. | RA 5-118] or RA 5.1182 July & THE DAILY TIMES-GAZITTE, Mondey, July 14, 1958 15 47 --Automobiles For Sale 1956 Plymouth Savoy sedan, V-8 push- button drive, cherry and off white, with tion room, blinds, tires, RA 3-4887. 162f '56 Plyraouth Savoy, two- lous, Tuschan: ically sound. Can be 50--Articles For Sale RANGETTE for sale. In good condition, Phone RA 5-7162 after 6. 163¢ respon- sible person. Apply 295 ---- Stave 748 Chevrolet coach, good condition, 227 Chadburn Street. RA 3-4252 163f; find ! ton Chevrolet truck stake body, Apply 1134 so '5% Pontiac 4-door sedan, good condi- rrville Street. tion, priced for quick sale, phone Whit. by MO 8-2384 163¢ ONE studio couch, good mattress One meat slicer, one cash register Hot dog display Apply 315 Hillside 162¢ JOHNSTON 15 hp motor, 1956 model, 60f | like new, $250, Phone RA 5-4140 after 5. 161 '53 Chevrolet de haat fully mm '50 Mercury half ton pick up truck, works every day, must sell, $135 or nearest offer. 104 Church St Street. 163¢ windows, double garage, work shop. Central, residential district. Apply Box 414, Times-Gazette. "159¢ "58 Buick hardtop, , two tone, Green" aig Whitby. 158¢ '49 Pontiac coach, good condition, in- side and out, good tires, radio. Best cash offer. RA 272 7230, 1 whitewalls, radio, ete. Best offer. Phone RA 5-7752 after 5 p.m. 163f IDEAL building lot 45 x 161, fully serv- iced. Phone RA 5-1168. 162f GENERAL store, gas pump, gal plus six rooms, all modern conv iences, doing good business at Sonya, $14,500. Will exchange on city property or outskirts. Tindall Real Estate, 43 Bond Street West, RA 5.0429. 162f SEVEN - room frame house heavy wir- ing, furnished, refrigerator and elec- tric stove, fireplace and septic tank, town water and age. Price $3, with $1,500 down payment and terms. Phone MA 3-5336. 163b Like a farm with a future? Place a Wanted to Buy ad to tell sellers you're in the market. Dial Aug.11] {RA 3-3492 NOTHING DOWN COLONIAL HOME Offers several choices on 3- and 2-bedroom bungalows delivered to your lot, ready for easy erection. Colonial Homes, RA 8-8571. 289 Pork Road South, Oshawe For Results CALL RA 8-5123 Lioyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd. Aug. 10 LLOYD REALTY INSURANCE REALTORS Open Evenings EXCLUSVE NORTH END An older home of exquisite charm and sound construc- tion, of rug brick, well land- scoped ond treed. Large 6- room ond a third floor addi- tional space. Priced ot $13,- 500 and as low os $2,000 down. For appointment, call LLOYD BOLAHOOD, RA 8-5123. Co-Op 172, PRICED TO SELL LOW DOWN PAYMENT Oil heated, 6-room home, very well kept with garage, 1 block from school and bus. Extras included are: 3 alum inum doors, wooden storms and screens, venetian blinds, ond well londscoped. Full price $9,800. Ask for BILL MILLAR, RA 8-5123 DOWN $1,299 DOWN New six-room ultra-modern N.H.A. homes in a new and growing section of 'the city. Three lorge bedrooms, forced air oil heat, extra big lot, and lovely hanover kitchen set off in natural finish, making these homes the most desirable in the city, These homes are shown by appoint- ment only, Phone BOB HAR RIS, RA 8-5123. N.H.A, RESALE Tired of poying rent? This resale is just a dream home. Large tiled kitchen, five rooms tastefully decorated. Landscaped ond completely fenced in. Ideal for the young family or retired couple. Carries for only $50 per month, principal, interest and taxes. Will accept low down payment and full price is in keeping with market value, Phone DOUG GOWER, RA 8-5123. Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd. 93 SIMCOE ST. NORTH RA 8-5123 LIST WITH LLOYD THEN PHONE YOUR MOVER 163a Chevrolet deluxe, radio, signals, new tires, etc. § vate. 555 Montrave Avenue. 1601 51 Chevrolet coach, mechanically good, chrome wheel discs, tires like new, original upholstery. Sale price, $295. Seaway Motors, opposite the Shopping Centre. 50 olet ¢ nice clean car, . Pri: '50 Pontiac fordor deluxe, body and ] terior like new, has Chevrolet motor, side view mirrors. Only $195. Seaway Motors, he Cen. -1'49 -|RA 5-7809. '50 Pontiac, radio, MODERN rangette, white enamel, al most new, half price $40. RA 3.7729, ESTINGHOUSE, portable roaster oven, brand new. Best offer. 453 Ritson Road North. 1608 extras. Apply Sood Albert Street. = 8-1678. Chevrolet coach, an ideal second car for the cottage. Runs like a Sack. VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, parts, attachmerits, brushes, arane teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free, Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serve A 8-1081 anytime. July 18 Only $245. Seaway Motors, Shopping Centre. fr 1951 Hillman, fair condition, $125 or best offer. MA 3.7136, Bowmanville. 1621 '58 Pontiac Strato-Chief fordor sedan, 5000 miles, in perfect condition. Phone July 17 tre. A 158¢ '49 GMC % ton, pickup truck, good shape. Call RA 5.7817 after 6:30 pe '55 Studebaker Commander, first class Private. RA 35-8505. 159f WRECKING '50 Austin, all parts for sale. Good tires, battery, ete. 611 King West. RA 3-7462, 5-7. 162¢ '50 Meteor fordor ele eriginal up- holstery, twotone gree TY good. Clearing for 8, Salv,s 0195. 8 Seaway VANGUARD sedan, 1951, private. Phone RA 3.7504 except Motors, tre. Cena Aug. 2 1950 Oldsmobile, two tone, good condi tion. $325 or best offer. RA 8-5468.109 Banting Avenue. 161c LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars tor wrecking. Highest prices paid. RA 5-1181 or RA 51 g. 8 |ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up |to 20 per cent. Nine months to pay, For personal service at your hems, hd July 45--Real Estate For Sale LAUDER ROAD Beautiful bungalow in a choice quiet location on paved street and with shaded rear yard. Living room, din- ing room, 2 bedrooms, cer- amic tiled bathroom, | extra finished bedroom upstairs, large recreation room plus den in basement. Paved drive, garage, well land- scoped and decorated. A real dondy ot $13,500 with $8,000 down GROCERY STORE Neighborhood grocery store plus living quarters, cornplete with all equipment including refrigerated meat counter, slicer, cash register, scales, etc. Suitable for couple want- ing a home with an income. Total price $12,250 with $2,00 down SIMCOE ST. S. Commercial property close to busines section with large brick heme and room beauty parlor with all equip- ment. Qil heot--2 both- rooms, a real bargain at $16,000 with $3,00 down., HARMONY HEIGHTS $1,200 DOWN New ranch style brick and stone bungalow just com- pleted with large rooms, cer- amic tiled bathroom, = slida- roll aluminum windows with storms and screens, sodded front lawn, laundry tubs, no extras--N.H.A. mortgage. LAW STREET Complete and lived in for | year with all the odd jobs completed. Ranch style brick with stone front bungalow with 6 rooms on 60° x 136' lot, londscoped, decorated, extra stool in basement, natural trim, ceramic tiled bathroom, eluminum storms and screens, aluminum storm doors--everything completed ready for comfortable living in an excellent neighborhood. Just listed at $15,700 with $4,800 down LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE 3% SIMCOE ST. SOUTH DIAL RA 3-9329 or 5-6551 After 5:30 Diol Dick Barriage, RA 5-6243 Lloyd Metcalf, RA 5.6983 Everett Elliott, RA 3.9290 Joe Moga, RA 5.9191 1630 { | {RA 35-2802 | | SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. STUDEBAKER VOLKSWAGEN SALES ond SERVICE 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT TEL: RAndolph 3-3461 july26! SCHOFIELD INSURANCE ASSOCIATES LTD. RA 3- 260 EULALIE AVENUE 2-storey brick home dining room end modern kitchen and 3-pc. bath. Extras include T.V. aerial, new verandoh awnings, paved drive, $2,500 with easy terms, GRIERSON STREET Spotlessly clean; to sell. Quick possession. 5-room brick bungalow, land Rd., 3 bedrooms, throughout. oil $3,500 down ings RA 5-1726, NEW EXECUTIVE HOME One block off King St. close to Sunken stone fireplace wall containing solid oak built-in bookshelves. room, with access to heated sunroom through French doors, which has large corner picture windows. Enjoy this larger new home. highways, shopping and bus. twindow window. Random bathroom with ceramic tile. has two-piece washroom, plenty chen plan containing breakfast nook large covered entrance porch. NEAR LAKE 10-room, 2-storey home, and home is in excellent state of oak trim in natural finish, 3-pc. bath and 5 large bedroom shade trees, fenced, down payment. For RA 3-2265, ) 6 large rooms, kitchen 16 x 14' rooms, bus. evenings 5-9870. 3-bedroom reec - brick bungalow offers light eparate heating, y and 16 ONE RA 5-6342 163a' OFFICES LOCATED AT 12 PRINCE ST After RA '5-8489 RA 5-1726 Don Poole Bill McFeeters in the north end of city, above Ross- heating, Completely landscaped lot 50° x 211' the way around and 2 shade trees. Call Bill McFeeters, daytime RA 3-2265, even- Three bedrooms, V2 repair fireplace, asking price information, evenings RA 5-0771 CENTRALLY LOCATED If you are looking for really well constructed bungalow at a very moderate price, you owe it to yourself to see this splendid home. 10 minutes walk to downtown. For further information call Joe Bosco, 2265 Spacious living room and Owner anxious Decorated Hedged all Pull price $12,500 with paved drive. room with bow and hearth, Family size dining living Four-piece colored master bedroom of large closets. Original kit- Attached gorage and PORT PERRY of land. This spacious Oak floors throughout, large sunny verandah Possibilities as income home, $10,500.00 with reasonable call Steve Macko, daytime acre with tiled walls. 1 3 large bed- Block to school and . daytime RA 3-2265, '53 Ford, custom line 4 door, two tone. with overdrive, white slip covers, cul tom radio, turn signals, back-up lights. Real good family car, very clean. Low down payment to responsibles person. Full price $795. 1265 King Street Ea '58 Ford custom four-door, radio, turn WE pay cash pliances, TV, jor used furniture, ape wing machines, pianos, ves, sell and change. 18 Prince Street, RA 8-113L July § AWNINGS, plain colors, or gay stripes. Prompt service, Free estimates. Order now for early delivery. Chair and table rent. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North, Oshawa. uly 18 12-foot plycraft boat, trailer, with 25 electric Johnson, all equipment. RA 8-5091 after 6 p.m. 1634 s furnace, 85,000 BTU. Value AIR conditioner, Philco, perfect condi: tion, used one Jea30n, suitable for office or home. RA 8-54! 1624 LLOYD baby pT yellow, gobd condition, $20; also square playpen, $5. 162¢ 2¢ | RA 81077. HURRY! Furniture bargains. Bed 3 17" TV, $59.80; 21" signals, deluxe, clean. Good two tone, maroon and cream. RA 5-5027. ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up to 20 per cent, Nine months to pay. For personal service at your home, call Aug. 9 58f | robes, TV cabinet model, $79.50; three ward: with mirrors, $14.50 and up; lawn cruise, elect, lawn mower, $48; maple walnut dresser and matchuig {chest drawers (Vilas), new price, over $150, going for $89.50; new portable Jeng achine, $69.50; Beatty wash machine, $19.50; lawn mower (hand) $4.95. For homes or cottages, |see these bargains at the Oshawa Trad |ing Post. 446 Simcoe Street South {Phone RA 5-8131, July 20 |SILK stockings, 15 denier, 51 gauge, 39¢ pair with any purchase, or clean: |ing at Nu-Way Rug and Carpet Sales, |RA 5-1202. 1584 |RANGETTE, like new, reasonable. 2x Court Street, | | GET A RAMBLER, MORRIS, METROPOLITAN or Quality Used Car plus that extra-good B-A Service at CRANFIELD MOTORS 33) Park Rd S. RA 3-2284 Aug. 3 CLEAN CARS WANTED TRADE-UP OR DOWN | LIENS PAID OFF WILBAK MOTORS 137 KING ST. W. RA 5-0732 BUYING or SELLING See TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Road) RA 3-4494 Res. RA 5-5574 July21 3 July24 Test-Drive the D.KW. 3-6 For economy and perform- ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP 408 King St. W. RA 3-7132 Aug. 4 48---Automobiles Wante '53 Meteor custom tudor, fully equipp- ed, very ow mileage, immaculate con- dition model in good condition as trade-in. 25 | Brock West. RA 5.2875, CASH FOR YOUR CAR MACKIE MOTORS WILSON RD. S. RA 5-5743 or RA 5-1392 Aug. 10 | HIGHEST PRICES FOR PAID Good clean cars. Trade up or down, Liens paid off, DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, S. RA 3.9421 Aug.2 50--Articles For Sale '49 Dodge coach, fair condition, for quick sale. Kitchen cabinet, drop side couch, swivel leather chair, rangette, hot plate. 560 Montrove Avenue. 16lc CABIN trailer, sleep three or four, 161 $250. Apply 118 Nassau Street SAVE $38 on boats, motors and trail- ers. Cedar strip, fibreglass, aluminum and moulded plywood. See Provincial Tire Co., 43 Bond Street West. RA 5-6511 Aug. 10 CLEARING on used vacuum cleaners and demonstrators. Uprights and can- isters,. Nu-Way Hoover Sales, RA 5.1202, 158 SAVE $3§ on boats, motors and trail ers. Cedar strip, fibreglass, aluminum and moulded plywood, See Provincial Tire Co. 43 Bond Street West. RA 5-6511 July 10 WE pay cash for all good used furni- ture, also sell and exchange. 446 Sim- coe Street South. RA 5-8131. July 22 GOOD used TV, $55. Apply 104 Church Street. 159¢ 10 HP Tohnson, smooth running, only $165, cash or terms. Phone RA 8.1131 after 6 p.m. RA 5-1423 June 30 LUXURY OU1BOARDING ! BUDGET PRICES! See the power louded ELTOS! 3 to 5 hp electric starting models. Full warranty,. Choose yours now. Terms. Cy Preece Garage. Elto Sales and Service Gliddon at Verdun Rd. RA 5-925! new July 16 Have your heating needs attended to now -- Avoid delays this Fall. No pay- ment until September, OIL FIRED UNITS GAS FIRED UNITS OIL & GAS 6 SIMCOE ST. N. Six Please Call Joe Bosco Steve Macko RA 5-0201 RA 5.9870 RA 50771 | 1630] CONVERSIONS Registered Ontario Fuel Board Installer W. BORROWDALE HEATING SALES, OSHAWA RA 3-4878 | Julyl8| Can be financed. Accept older PAINT, interior, exterior, flat, PR jal colors $2.95 gal. Oshawa Hardware |and Electric, 8 Church. RA 3.7624. Aug. 1 | THREE piece bath with fixtures, $115; [ pressure systems, $59.50; sump pumps, $39 50; stainless steel sinks and cab: linets, $49.50, while they last. Copper, | steel, plastic piping, installations. Chinn's, RA 3.7088 July 2t | fiGREST prices paid in Oshawa fos used furniture by the Community Fur niture Store, 19 Prince Street. Phones RA 81131 June 11 TENTS, camping supplies, ground sheets, tarpaulins, pup-tents. Oshawa Hardware and Electric, 8 Church. RA 3 Aug. 2 WE pay cash for used furniture, ap: pliances, TV, sewing machines, pianos, |stoves. Also sell and exchange. 1f Prince Street, RA 8-1131. Aug. WIRE cages. two feet wide, 18 inches high, four feet long, suitable for rab- bits. Phone RA 3-916. 150 WILLIAMS pianos, now at a price you can afford, at Parkway Television, 911 Simcoe Street North. RA 3-3043. July 21 WILLIAMS pianos, now at a price yot can afford, at Parkway Television, 914 Simcoe Street North. RA 3-3043. July 24 PIANO, upright, with matching bench, in excellent condition. Has always been kept tuned. Price $100. Phone Brooklin 19 163a SCATTER rugs, salesmen's samples of Wilton all wool scatter rugs. To clear $1.98 at Nu-Way Rug and Carpet Sales, RA 5-1202. 1684 TWO electric 5-0287. | | rangettes. Phone RA 159 ORCHESTRA drums, complete set, cash or terms. Phone RA 8.5387. July 21 HARDWOOD cuttings for sale. Pho RA 3-2297. 1568 green bed-chesterfield, and chair, corner table, end table, and lam,. Browning automatic 12 gauge shot gun. Phone RA 3-3336. LIE LLOYD carriage, blue; play pen, like new; both $25. 19 piece stainless steel cook ware, 52 piece English dinner. ware set, Chinese TV lamp, 7 piece kitchen #ool set, 42 piece stainless steel cutlery, 6 x 9 French rug. These items never used. Apply 130 Tyler Crescent, LIME ONE studio couch, two single beds, ox % bed bed complete RA 5-9228, 163¢ SAVE one-third on new furniture 13 plece living room groups $149. Seven- piece bedroom groups $139. 20-plece chrome kitchen sets, $54.50: continental beds complete with headboard, $39.9: arborie top step and coffee tables, : spring-filled mattresses, $19.88; a chairs, $11.95; Hollywood divans, $29.95; maple finished bunk beds, complete springs and mattresses, $50.95; deluxe carriages, chrome guards, etc., $29.95. Only at Dick Brad. ley"s PYTHitrS Drive-In, Simcoe Street, RA 3-381 July 21 WHEEL alignment machine, portable, compact, like new. 724 Centre Street South, Whitby. MO 8-2420 evenings. July #1 YOUR old electric razor is worth money, as a trade-in on a mew razor at Meagher's. Large selection to choose from. Meagher's, 5 King Street West, RA 3-3425 June 2¢ WE pay highest price in the city for used furniture, Pretty's Used Furniture Store, RA 3-3271. Aug, 10 PETERBOROUGH BOATS Cedarstrip, aluminum, mould- ed plywood, fibreglas. Moulded mahogany hull Evinrude motors TEE-NEE TRAILERS Layaway plan, no finance charges. Factory approved service. Marine Storage and Supply Ltd. Brooklin, Ontario Phone 87 Open evenings and' weekends. Aug. SPECIAL PRE SUMMER PRICES Doors, windows, awnings, heavy inch door completely installed $41.95. No extras to buy. Finest in features, finest in quality. Call now for free estimates RA 8-8571. COLONIAL ALUMINUM Office and cesplay court Evenings Call RA 8-1062: Be Sure With Colonial Aug.9 BOAT KITS $56.00 and Up evenings and week- Open ends. Brooklin Marine Storage Supply Ltd. PHONE 87 Jul" SEE! FRIGIDAIRE! SHEER LOOK--PLUS AT HOME APPLIANCES 90 SIMCOE ST, § 5-5332 Aug.2 (Continued on Page 16)