Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 14 Jul 1958, p. 14

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14 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZITTS, Monday, July 14, 1958 Call the Direct Classified Number RA 3-3492 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE Want Ads OFFICE HOURS 8 AM. to 5 P.M. MONDAY to FRIDAY SATURDAY 8 TO 12 Please Note | Deadlines now in effect for | this column; I Births, Memorloms, Cards of Thanks -- 9 AM. SAME DAY DEATHS -- 11 AM. SAME DAY DIAL RA 3.3492 INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATION | --Accountonts 2--Barristers 3--Chiropractor 4--Dentists S--Nursing Services 60 ists DEATHS | ADAMS -- Harry James entered into rest at the family residence, 91 Col- borne Street W., Orillia, on Monday, | July 14, 1958, Harry James Adams, be- | loved husband of Edith Wickens and | dear father of Alfred of Ajax, Irene (Mrs. Wilbert Harris) of Oshawa, Ruby (Mrs. Pettier) of Orillia, Gertrude (Mrs. James McQuade) of Tonowanda, | New York. Mr. Adams will rest at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, | after Tuesday noon. Funeral service in the chapel on Wednesday, July 16 at 2 p.m. Interment Union Cemetery, Osh-| awa, 163¢ CAMPBELL -- Entered into rest in Ottawa, Ontario, on Friday, July 11, 1958, Mrs Mary Henderson beloved wife of Hugh Campbell and mother of Mrs Lorne Hall (Emma) of Ottawa, Stanley and Ralph of Oshawa. Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home com mencing Sunday, with memorial serv fce in the chapel on Tuesday, July 15, at 3 pm Interment Union Cemetery 162b KZANOWSKI -- Entered into rest at the home of his son-in-law, Dennis Dia chenko, 464 Athol Street E., Oshawa, on Saturday, July 12, 1958; Adam Stephen Kzanowski, beloved husband of Kather- ine Sawchuk in his 77th year. Funeral from the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, Tuesday, July 15, with mass in St. George's Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church 10 a.m. Interment St. Gregory's Cemetery For Funeral Flower Arrangements See LEWINGTON'S FLOWERS PHONE RA 3-9533 24 King St. East, Oshawa ' doors from Korn's Drug store), I Aug.2 IN MEMORIAM BARRETT -- In loving memory of our dear mother, Mrs. Robert Barrett, who passed away four years ago, July 13, 1954. Just a thought of sweet remembrance Just a memory fond and true, H Just a token of affection And a heartache still for you, More and more each day we miss you Though our thoughts are not revealed Litte do they know the sorrow That is within our hearts concealed --Lovingly remembered and sadly miss od by daughter, Geraldine and son-in law Cecil BURGESS -- In loving memory of my dear husband, Norman Burgess, who passed away five years ago, July 14, 1953 There is always a lonely heartache, Often a silent tear, And always a precious memory Of days when you were here. ~Lovingly remembered by his Kay. wife KNOX ~ In loving memory of a dear son, John Murray Knox, who passed away July 14, 1952 Resting where no shadows fall, In perfect peace he waits us all; Our God will link the broken chain, As one by one we will meet again = Lovingly remembered by Dad and Mom KNOX -- In loving memory of John M. Knox, who passed away July 14, 7--Surveyors 7a-- Veterinarians 8--Building Trades 9---Building Material 10--Sharpening Service 11 --Business Opportunities 11a--Business Opportunities 'anted |2--=Dressmaking 13--Gordening & Supplies 1 4=--Household Repairs | 5--= Instruction 16 Insurance 17==Money to Loan 18~Loan Wanted 1 8a--Mortgages 19--Personal 20--Cortage 21 --Personal Service 42=-Radio Repairs 23--Women's Column 24--Market Basket 25---Pets and Livestoc) 26--Farmer's Column 27~--Fuel, Wood 7 8--Summer Resorts 28a--Hunting 29~Summer Properties For Sale or Wanted 30--Lost ond Found 31 Articles For Rent 32--Articles Wanted 34~-Auction Sales 35~Employment Wantec 36--Female Help Wontea 37--Male Help Wanted 38--Macle or Female Help Wanted 39--Agents Wanted 40--Cpportunities 41 --Room and Board 42--Room ond Board Wanted 43--Wanted To Rent 44--For Rent 45--Real Estate For Sale 450--Real Estate Exchange 46--Real Estate Wonted 47--Automobiles For Sale 48--Automobiles Wanted 49--Automobile Repairs 50--Articles For Sale S1--Swap ond Barter 52---Legal Notices CLASSIFIED AD RATES 25 words or less Cash Charge 3 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 1.88 2.07 6 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 3.00 3.30 It not paid within 7 days the Charge rate will apply. Above rates apply only .to orl- ginal orders for consecutive inser- tions. Subsequent insertions ordered aot o loter date constitute & new original order Protessional and Business listings $6.00 per month for lines daily. Each additional line 75¢ per month. Each Initial letter, abbreviation, and ¢ sign, figure, count as a word. Box charged 15¢ additional. All Classified Advertisements MUST be im by 9 a.m. the day of publication, Office hours: Daily 8-5, Saturday 8-12. REGULATIONS-- The Daily Times-Gazette shall not be responsible for errors in advertisements submitted otherwise then in writing, nor for more than one incorrect insertion of any ad- vertisement, nor beyond *he price charged for a single insertion of the advertisements in which error occurs. And also reserves the right to classify advertising according to its own classification. | 1--Accountants 10--Sharpening Service [13--Gardening & Supplies L. Schapel Specializing ccounting and com- | plete bookkeeping service. Income tax land financial reports, 686 Osler Street, | Aug. |8--Building Trades | an accounting service. |CONCRETE walks, cellar floors, steps, General re-| pairs. crete, work, driveways, side Work guaranteed. Central Con- . RA 5.8314. July 18 | West, Room 1, Office, RA 50397; Resi- dence, RA 3-7605. ancy's Ontario Accounting Serv- HAYNES hardwood floor expert. Old ices offers complet® bookkeeping serv- floors made like new, new floors made ices for small business. 184 Bond Street like glass, laid, sanded, finished; kit- chen and bathroom tiling. Phone RA Aug. 3 July28 | ery 7196 or RA 3-3078. | YALE, Friediander, Hunter and Co., | Accountants and Auditors, 64 King Street East; B, L. Yale; A. F. Fried- lander, B.Comm., CPA; J. Huger: CPA. Dial RA 5-1621. 8. T. Hopkins and Company, Condi Public Accountants, 172 King Street | East, Oshawa, Ontario. RA 5-3509. Aug.2 |MONTEITH, Monteith, Reihl and i Co. Chartered Accountams, licensed Trus | tees, Oshawa, Biratiore, He Ww. Jack C. MacDonald PAINTER & DECORATOR Poperhanging ond Painting Gyptex Free Estimates All Work Guaranteed 50 Nassou St. RA 3-7080 mwfjuly17 |ronti; Hon. J. |A. B. Monteith, B, Comm., CA; G. W. Rien, CA; R. F. Lightfoot, CA; George . Tretheway, CA, RA 53527, 135 Sim- Pe Street North, Oshawa. Aug.6 | 2--Barristers |RALPH §, Jones, BA, and Thomas H. Greer, Associate Barristers and Solici- tods, 65 Simcoe Street, RA 5-3525. Mortgage loans available, Aug.7 | Sonn A, Cameron, Barrister, Solicitor ART STEVENS EXCAVATION POWER and hand shears precision sharpened, MOWERS, guaranteed work, pick-up and deliv- VE you seis 102 iiighland. RA B-8363. lawnmowers and saws filed. Pick up and delivery. RA 3-3266. July 14 types, shears etc, 207 ug. 7 Jim Fudge, . RA 57616 or Church Street. A LAWNMOWERS ! LAWNMOWERS ! LAWNMOWERS ! SHARPENING AND | REPAIRING | Quick Service and a Guaran- teed job, Pick-up ond De- livery, | STAN'S | SHARPENING SERVICE Cor. King & Burk | RA 3-3224 | Basements dug, trenching ond Aug.4| septic tanks ir led, weep- | ing tile for sale. |11--Business Opportunities PHONE i-- | BROOKLIN 173W | MAJOR | July 16 | and Notary Public, 18% Street Fast. RA 32269. NHA and private mortgages arranged. Aug.7 | GREER and Kelly, Barristers, Solici-| tors, etc, 7% Simcoe Street South. Dial RA 3.2278. Residence phones: M.| Greer, BA Sc., RA 5-3368; Terence V.| Kelly, BA. BC, RA 5-2602, Aug. 10] CREIGHTON, Fraser, Drynan and Murdoch, Barristers, Solicitors, No-| tary Public, Bank of Commerce Build ing, 5 Simcoe Street North, F RA 3-3446; Block, brick and stone layed, footings. cement floors, com- plete foundations, Workman- ship guaranteed, Free esti- motes, | J. & A. CONSTRUCTION PHONE RA 5.0551 July 25 T. K. Creighton, QC; N. Fraser, QC; G. K. Drynan, G. L. Murdoch NHA mortgages ar nged. Aug.2 DONALD Blake Dodds, Barrister and Solicitor, 26% King Street East, Tele RA 5-5501; phone RA 8.5373. Aug.1 JOHN A. MacDonald, BA, Barrister and Solicitor, 101 Simcoe Street North. | Phone RA 3-8511 Aug.1 | MANNING F. Swartz, Barrister, Solici- tor, Notary. Money to loan. Henry Block, 26% King Street East. RA 3-4697 Residence, Dial 3-4029, Aug.1 HUMPHREYS and Boychyn, Barris ters, Solicitors; R. D. Humphreys, QC Boychyn, BA, W. A. Hillman, 6 King Street West. Phones Res. RA 5.4604; or Money to loan. Aug.1 QC, Barrister, Office, 14% RA 8.8232; Aug.1| C LLB, Office, RA 5-1177; Whitby, MO 82761, JOSEPH P, Mangan, Solicitor. Money to loan. {King Street East, Oshawa. residence, RA 15-3405. McGIBBON and Bastedo, Barristers, Solicitors, Clients' funds available for first mortgages, 20 Simcoe Street North, RA 5-3566. Charles C. McGib- Bastedo, QC July 20 Z. T. Salmers, BA, Barrister, Solicitor, etc., 13% Simcoe Street North. Dial office, RA 5-3741. Residence, RA 5-5542. ~ July24 GREER, Murphy and MacDonald, Bar- risters, Solicitors and Notaries Publie, bon, QC; Edgar F. 6 King Street East, RA 54717. Russell J. Murphy and James A. MacDonald July29 5--Nursi ng Services ANDEN NURSING HOME KING ST. WEST Exclusive nursing home for convalescent and elderly peo- ANDREW BUTLER BUILDING CONTRACTORS Brickwork, Block and Stonework, Chimneys, Fireplaces, Concrete Work, General Repairs, Alterations, Satisfaction Guaranteed Free Estimates. RA 5-0547 Aug 9 WATER WELL DRILLING | AND DIGGING Gov't, Licensed Driller Reasonable Prices Honest Workmanship GERALD FULTON RA 5-4067 Aug 10 PRECAST | CONCRETE | SIDEWALK SLABS COLORED PATIO SLABS UNIT STEPS -- RAILINGS CURBING SEPTIC TANKS BAR-B-Q' SATISFACTION GUARANTEED | BROOKLIN CONCRETE PRODUCTS | 1952 His heart was good, his friendship sound, Loved and respected by all around; To a beautiful life came a sudden end He died as he lived, everyone's friend. Always remembered by brother Keith and sister-in-law Violet KNOX -- In loving memory of John Knox who passed away July 14, 1952 However long our lives may last, Whatever lands we view, Whatever joy or grief be ours, We will always think of you --Lovingly remembered by Norman and sister-in-law Bernice. t MYERS -- In loving memory of a passed away July 14, 1956 --~Ever missed by Mr. and Mrs Morey CARD OF THANKS 8. C J would like to express my sincere lone thanks to my relatives and friends for Dr Baldwin and Dr. Stocks and the|said had missed a curve and laying tiles. Phone RA 5.7247, Gordon nurses on Ward 3A for being so kind lunged against an elm tree be- May. uly: to me during my stay in the hospital p - e highway. KEN Ashmore Asphalt Paving. Sand -- Mis. Ross Bryant. side th ! BIE and gravel haulage. Phone R 8.8412 In hospital in critical condition July2s following an operation was Garnet gagy "efficient carpentry, Framing. 0 a Vanluben, 24, of Hartington. trimming, built-ins, tiling. Contract or His sister, Vera, 23, and his hourly. Phone RA 5.0647. Juiylz lemployer, Oscar Heath, 45, of CARPENTER work, framing, trim: Suez Company | $65 Millions GENEVA (AP)--An agreement was signed Sunday under which the United Arab Republic con- tracts to pay the old Suez Canal Company nearly $65,000,000 for the waterway, nationalized two years ago by Egyptian President Nasser, The agreement gives the com- pany shareholders the equivalent | of £23000,000 Egyptian ($64,802, - 00L) in compensation spread over the next six years. A last-minute disagreement over the rate at which the payments were to be converted into sterling and French francs held up the sched-| uled signing ceremony Saturday. | The British government is the! Tote In Wreck In Which Four Persons Killed GANANOQUE, Ont. (CP) -- brother| farmer's haycart toted the nk 8 Building Trades remains of a station wagon into| BRICK thunderous | cement work dear neighbor, Mrs, Oliver Myers, who crash which killed two children| ville MA 3.2970 and two adults on highway 32. A' plaque on the back of the fireplaces, [twisted wreckage read: own--evidence of a "Drive jiike lightning -- crash like thun- | plumbing, heating and engineoting, police struggled for more than| 5 two hours Sunday night to pry a survivor and four bodies flowers and cards. A special thanks to|ir0om the automobile which they|piaster repairs, sidewalks, fireplace, Kingston and John Clare, 10, o Gananoque Constable G. G. McHugh of Gananoque said another car was PLASTERING, patching, pl plain or orna- "indirectly involved in the ac- cident. ple. (Men and Women). Nurses ond dieticians in LIMITED attendance, Tray service, radio, T.V. lounge, PHONE BROOKLIN 155 | PHONE RA 5-2330 Tulv 17 Aug.2 uly 6--Optometrists v MODERNIZE C. H. Tuck, Optometrist, specializing in muscle anomalies, eyesight and glasses. Evenings, Mon., Wed., Fri, 68 and Invalids examined at home. RA 5 Disney Bldg. 31 King East. July2s| BEAUTIFY | 7--Surveyors YOUR HOME DONALD H. Trollope, Ontario Land with an Surveyor, 216 Alice Street. RA 5-688) July2 i G, T. Horton and Associates, Ontario ASPHALT DRIVE Land Surveyors, Professional Engin Call eering, 70 Harwood Avenue South Ajax, 728 Aug.10 KEN ASHMORE FJ. Donevan and Associates, Land Surveying and Engineering, 12 Bloor PAVING CONTRACTOR | Osh: , Ontario, BC Ee shawa, n ade. A RA 8-84 ] 2 Also several thousand yards ICK laying, block laying, general A. J. Gordon, Bowman Aug.10 , and repairing chimne and all masonry repairs. Call for free estimates, RA 8-1435. | July 24| BUILDING TOP SOIL | IMMEDIATE DELIVERY In Whitby, Oshawa, Bowman- | ville, Newcastle and Brooklin. 5 aug.4/| |ALL plumbing and heating supplies | | Phone RA 5.3521, Harold R. Stark Ltd. 255 Simcoe Street South. uly13 [ALL types building repairs, chimneys built, repaired; roofing, siding repairs; QUANTITY of new lumber, suitable for bullding. Cheap, Phone RA 8.1285, 9--Building Material 161¢ f Ming, kitchen cabinets, NHA approved. Alterations and repairs. No job too big Work guaranteed. RA July21 jor too small f [33579 mental, stucco or remodelling, Free estimates. Call George Abramoff, RA 3 4871. July24 | Beached Ore Ship Arrives Halifax Port T. Horton and Associates, Commer- DEMOLISHING 2 large mansions, 261-283 N. Formerly Me- Laughlin and Robson Estates, f | Simcoe St. Lumber -- Doors -- Flooring Pipe -- plumbing All materials. supplies etc. kinds of beautiful Salesman on the job. Greenspoon Bros. Ltd. Aug2 5 [cial White Printing, 70 Harwood Ave. nue South, Ajax. Phone Ajax 728 |fixtures, new and used, changing from septic tanks to sewer a specialty. stallations at reasonable rates. {mation and estimates free on ug.10/11--Business Opportunities| |i MBING and heating pipes, in KAWARTHA Lakes, x ' ¥ Dine Chicken and Snack ba In.|a very attractive set up, full price only | Infor. |$20,000. A. R. Bennett, RR 1, any Falls, Ont, usy highway BBa| , souvenirs, etc., | Fenelon} lawns serviced |too {led, OIL COMPANY wants several ! PART TIME MEN OR WOMEN to solicit new fuel oil oc- counts. Work may be done by phone or personal contact Very generous remuneration, A few minutes work each day cruld earn you a very com- ®rtable wage. For details phone RA 5-8051. 158f SHOP FOR SALE OR RENT Equipped for ornam- ental iron work, weld- ing and black smith- Ing | RA 50575 | BETWEEN 6-8 PM. 162¢ 13--Gardening & Supplies ua LANDSCAPING |disced, clean-up gardens jobs, top RA 59727 Aug.10 | LAWNS and gardens ploughed, Roto tilled and disced. Landscraping. No job small or large. RA 5.0345. RA 5-3576, Mr. Len Bowler Julyls | GARDENS annd lawns roto.tilled, level- also ploughing done, specialized, | rates. RA 5-133 _ Julyiz| WANT sod? You'll be missing a good |bet if you don't call us before you| buy. We deliver or sell in field. RA 3-9076 Aug.3 GARDENS and lawns roto-tilled, level led, also ploughing done, specialized, lowest rates. RA 5-1339 July 12 AVEL, loam, fill, e - quarter stone Prompt delivery. Phone RA 3756. Aug. 4 plowed soil, sod, lowest HILLSIDE LANDSCAPING GREEN VELVET SOD supply ond laid NURSERY STOCK. Everything for your garden. | PHONE RA 3-9020 aug.3 TOP SOIL $8 per load Gravel, Sod, Loam, Fill, rading and Plowing. ALF LINES HAULAGE Phone RA 5-1905 Sell to truckers in field LOADER TO HIRE June25 OSHAWA SOD SUPPLY We specialize in 'good quality sod only. For prompt delivery, DIAL RA 8-8639 | July12|~ W. H. PARRY Landscape Supplies, Flag- stone, Rockery, Cut Stone, Loam, Patios and Walks Loyed, Tractor Grading. DIAL RA 5-2279 July 17 COLORED PATIO SLABS | Sold and laid, brick or stone barbecues, Free estimates ond delivery. RA 3-3291 4 July12| i 1 1--Business Opportunities [type of plumbing. Dial RA 5.4241, J. y U C nter BU Kitchen cab- HALIFAX (CP) -- The 29,500 ten ore carrier Cosmic has ar- inets dur hii No Job too big or small, [Free estimates. Work guaran rived here under her own power | FAR LTT C8 ME ae dulyz after 10 days aground in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. The $8.000,000 ship wili take on fonts and footings, fuel while di vers examine the ex- ' AL ypes of buliding, full contracts or | uh contracts, block laying, concrete concrete steps, curbs and sidewalks, pre-fab or poured Aug.10 va RA 5.6937 biggest single shareholder in the on of Se NBEE 10 hor Jo, Xo EE company. Most of the other £ a; é shareholders are French private pected to sail for Baltimore where PLASTERI NG investors he will go in drydock NEW AND REPAIRS The compensation sum covers Three Foundation Maritime <, alk fe the period of 12 years which was |Comneny ttugs freed he giant sidewalk unda- ns plastered, waterproof- still to have elapsed between !s 1956 and expiration of the com hip Friday night from the -shoa Farlier two Foundation crane any's 99-year concession in 1968 dumped 14,000 tons of iron ore WOOD S PLASTERING Inquest Ordered In Crossing Crash HORNEPAYNE, Ont. (CP Coroner Dr. W. E. Sullivan of Sault Ste, Marie, Ont., 190 mile: south of here a) an inquest will be held into a el erossing accident which took the lives three persons Killed in the accident Frida might when their truck was in, from the ship's 45,000-ton cargo route to| Philadelphia from Sept - Isles, | ---- --- The Cosmic was en freight train were Donald Orr. 31 son, Alvin, 4 and Cory ( ¢ ne s brother lacerations and bruises. hi e RA 8-1311 Que., when she went aground The Foundation Firm had LOAM AND | $2 500,09 worth of equipmentt and | 0 1100 men working in he salvage GRAVEL SUPPLY operation. 4 Good top soil, loom fill, road' | gravel, cement gravel, stone collision with a westbound CNR | | - satisfaction ronk d RA 5-5279 | Aug.10} EXCLUSIVE OVERHEAD GARAGE DOOR rRAN This valuable franchise is available to an ambitious, in tion with capital. Calling upon con- CHISE terested organiza- tractors, building supply houses and architects. Door is all Cana Dominion-wide distribution. have the foresight, inquiries to: BOX 718, TIMES The Overhead Garage dian made, with If you please direct all GAZETTE |neys built stalled, | 16--Insurance "lawnmower sharpened now, ANY kind of tree work, lowest rates HAVE you a drinking problem? Write rs, knives, etc., Percy Nett in town, free estimates. Jul RA 85158. July 18 SOD - TOP SOIL - MANURE NURSERY STOCK GARDEN MAINTENANCE HARDSAND LANDSCAPING All work and_materiale guaranteed, vents) 2 same, 31.60, Sall_Orer RA 5-1721 Hamilton, Ontario. | duty 20 Aug. 7 -- For thot Special Someone ! For Sale A complete line of MIDO, GOOD LOAM W. H. Parry, RA 5-2279 July15| COURTICE SOD AND LANDSCAPING SERVICE A-1 field sod, sproyed ond fertilized, For free estimates coll Ed Knowlton, RA 5-6047 | Aug. 7 BACKYARD BARBECUING| Outdoor fireplaces for bar- | becuing ot its best, built and | installed by -- ASHMORE | CONCRETE PRODUCTS Phone RA 8-8412 Lidl CROSS TOWN SOD | SUPPLY | A-1 rolled fertilized sod, cut fresh daily. Sod for trucks in field. Delivered or laid. Free estimates. Prompt delivery Phone RA 8-8868 Aug | HOLLAND NURSERY 21 AND LANDSCAPING - For complete landscaping service, stone work, sodding, seeding, garden maintenance, nursery stock, etc, Call RA 5-7442 Aug.9 CROWN DIAMOND PAINTS The Paint with a Future Climatized Trim Biister Proofs Stuccote and Porch Decoratone for Interior-Exterior Cooper Smith Co. 16 CELINA ST. RA 32312 loor July20 OSHAWA ACME HAULAGE CO. Sod--Loam--Fill Sand--Gravel--Stone DIAL RA 3-3528 Julyl2! AJAX SOD SUPPLY Sod delivered ond laid, field loading. Loam, sond, fill and stone. Grading, asphalting and excavating, PHONE AJAX 431 or RA 5-3422 July 15 14--Household Repa PAINTING contract or hourly rates, ree estimates. RA 5.9851. July I$ |vou rR loc. chimney cleaner, chim- nd repaired, gas linings in fur es vacuumed. Free esti RA 13-2997 Aug.5 FURNITURE repaired and "reupholster- ed. See our | Bruce R 3-7212 HAVE your in beautiful, Enterprises mates. Dalton, 75 Charles Street. RA Aug.11 lawn furniture rewebbed waterproof saran. Atlas RA 8.1850. 159¢ 15-- Instruction | Music Studio for all Instruments Piano Tuning ALTO MUSIC SUPPLIES New ond Used Pianos Selection of all instruments (New and Used) 477 Simcoe Street South July 28 Full ALLSTATE Auto Insurance, Save up to 20 percent, nine months to pay for personai service at your home. Call RA 5.7413 July r 1s FIRE INSURANCE WIT4 BROAD EXTENDED COVERAGE All Risk Outboard: Motor and Boat Policies. Save 10% with a Composite Policy, Auto In- |CAR Jeaving 0r stax around July |20. Phone 5-028 160f materials for recovering. | 19--Personal Alcoholic Anonymous, Box 547, Times- | Gazette. July2s {OSHAWA - Eo in Pickering, | 9- {3, requires transportation. Phone RA 15-1696. 162¢ HYGIENIC supplies. (rubber goods) mailed post paid in plain sealed en- velopes with price list, 6 samples 25 LORIE and BULOVA watches, Diamonds, Cultured Pearls, etc. | | CORNISH JEWELLERS | 33 Women's Column 20 BOND STREET WEST |22--Radio and T.V. Repairs 31--Articles for Rent CEMENT mixer, electric: !box trailer. Phone RA 3.7462, 5-7. 162¢ also small CAMPBELL'S AERIAL SERVICE T.V. Aerials Installed DO-IT-YOURSELF RENT A FLOOR SANDER AND FINISHER f HARRISON & KINSMAN 337 Simcoe St. S. RA fa ul DIAL RA 5-9135 DAY OR NITE July 16 Your Watch Personally Serviced. July20 SANDALWOOD | RESTAURANT 1626 SIMCOE ST. NORTH Under New Management. Dinners -- Take-out Orders Businessmen's Lunch July 16 | FREE ADMISSION To the Drive-in Theatre - available to customers of the GRAND Restaurant, 1413 King St. E. (upstairs) "Chinese Food Our Specialty" Take Out Orders RA 3-9422 [SPECIAL -- heat permanents, $6.50; cold waves, $550. Page Hairdressing, 396 Pine Avenue. RA 55363 July 5 "WHERE WELL DRESSED WOMEN SHOP" LA VOGUE JACQUELINE ® DRESSES e SUITS e €OATS ® SPORTSWEAR e MILLINERY ® BRIDE ond ATTENDANTS LA VOGUE JACQUELINE } CELINA ot ATHOL | Downtown Oshawa Aug.11/| 24--Market Basket SoD for sale. The finest sod available anywhere. 20c sq. yd. Delivered. Mo | 8-2587 Whitby. Aug.12 25--Pets and Livestock Aug.3 GERMAN Shepherd male dog, nine ELECTROLYSIS Removal ot Superfluous Hair. Marie Murdutt will Oshawa July 23-23 Genosha Hotel on these dates be in Phone for appointment June 26, July 22 21--Personal ! Service for small business Reasonable charges. Address in quiries P.O. Box 26, Oshawa; P.O, Box 1437 Whitby July 28 EXPERT service on all kinds of in- dustrial 'and domestic sewing machin ery, Reasonable rates. Phone RA 5-6720 July27 t] done at "home, drapes special. ty. Alterati ons and plain sewing. Rea- sonable rates. RA 8-5097 after 4 p.m July26 | FLOORS FLOORS FLOORS | Sold, Installed, Repaired by Experts with 25 years ex- perience Free estimates. All work guaranteed. [ROSS ENDICOTT FLOORS PHONE RA 5-2274 |immunizea, $25. months old. Loves children Phone Completely | RA 3.2058, 4| 163d | p.m, to 7.30 p.m, TOOLS FOR RENT--Cement Finishing Machine, Motor Chain Saw, Electric Hedge Trimmer. Many other Tools and Equipment. e Spring Special: B-H White Outside Paint, Beaver Brand, 15% off. WEBBINGS HARD- WARE, 282 King St. W. RA 3-4873. Ample Free Parking. Aug.11 Chain Sows, Gas and Electric, Complete Floor Sanding and Polishing Equipment and Materials. (new machines); Skill Saw; Sanders; Drill; Extension Ladders; Pain { Sprayers; 10-ft. Tree Pruner; Pipe Threading Equipment; Electric Hommer;, Chain Hoist; Post Hole Auger, Blow Torch; Electric Soldering Iron; Sump Pumps; Lown- mowers; Electric Hedge Trim- mers. Stan's Shorpening Ser- vice, corner King and Burk Sts. -- Dial RA 3-3224, July20 32--Articles Wanted |CASH for used furniture, appliances POODLE clipping, bathing, dog board.| Pianos and sewing machines, For top ing and training, obedience and gun.|Price in Oshawa, Whitby, and Ajax, cal} Cedarview Kennels. RA 55062 Aug.4 Mid-Town Furniture, Whitby, MO 8-498) 'OCKER "spaniel puppies. Boarding, Conect: 5 i July2e trimming, bathing, de-fleaing. Waubena Kennels. RA 5.6321 Julyl4 LITTER registered, golden black Lab-| rador pups for sale. Phone RA 8.1335 621 BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for training, talking strain. Apply Mrs, | Broad, 114 Elgin S Street East July 23| | We train you to train your dog. Classes now commencing. PICKERING 240M4 AND PICKERING 87J3 26--Farmer's Column TEN Yorkshire pigs for sale, seven weeks old. Phone Brooklin 605R6. 163 | FOR sale -- Holstein heifer and calf, also a Jersey cow due to freshen soon Phone RA 3.9547 163¢ DEAD farm stock picked up promptly. Phone collect Bowmanville, MA 3.2679, Aug.4 Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. Julyl? |GooD "hay for sale. Apply 101 |Quebec Street after 5 p.m. 161c PERSONALIZED TRAINING Slenderizing, Reducing and General body culture. JANE BLACK STUDIO OPEN 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. 451 SIMCOE S. RA 5-9602 for appointment July21 FOR SUITS--DRESSES | Oshawa's Finest Cleaners DIAL RA 5-1023 RADIANT CLEANERS OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE julyl7 3 WEDDING PORTRAITS by ROBERT ALDSWORTH Photography at your church ond. reception, CAMPBELL'S STUDIO 26 Simcoe S, RA 3-2532 Aug. 9 OSHAWA TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE Courteous operators to answer your phone and relay mess- ages 24 hours a day. Start enjoying Telephone Freedom. Apply for our service now at | 143 King East, RA 5-2601. | Aug.9| home, For Better Dry | | Cleaning Call MODERN DRY CLEANERS | 321 OLIVE AVE, RA 5-7193 eo ONE STOP SERVICE ® ODORLESS DRY CLEAN- ING Our new shirt service is beyond cor. rare EV. GIBSUN -- GEO, RUSSELL July 15) -- 22--Radio and T.V. Repairs ADMIRAL TV, 24 hour service, years experience Owners! For expert call RA 8.5286. Ten Oshawa Electronics. MWF, July 14 LEN'S and Lou's Antennae, repairs. Complete Rotor antenna, $75. Phone RA 5-7844 or MA 13-3942 Aug.5 SUMMER cottage for sale on beautiful HAY for sale, Brooklin 616 R 15 after 6.30 p.m 159¢ FOR SALE 6,000 BALES NO, 1 ALFALFA HAY $25.00 PER TON 204 CHESTNUT WEST MO 8-2563 WHITBY 1601 {27 --Fuel Wood BUY now -- hardwood euttings. Fac- tory must be cleared daily. Large iris load delivered anywhere. $10. RA 1526. July2s |28--Summer Resorts | w cottage on La ptario, 10 , 10 miles east of Oshawa, furnished, quiet {week, month or season. RA 3-4941, | August 10 Lake Scugog, new housekeep- ing cottages, three bedrooms, bath, shower and flush toilet, Large living room, kitchen, built-in cupboards, double sink, new refrigerator, heavy duty ranges, hot and cold water, screened-in patio, On lake front to Robert J. Parkin, R.R. 1, Little Britton. Phone 26R14, J Aug. 3 BYRNELL MANOR RESORT & GOLF CLUB -- Enjoy your holiday vacation with us, 50 | miles from Oshawa, safe swimming, good fishing, din- ing rcom open all day. Call: ANNA STUKUS 116) FENELON FALLS July30|; 29--Summer Properties =] For Sale or Wanted | $300 buys five - room insul brick cot | tage on Lake Scugog. Must be moved, | | Apply Esso Station, Caesarea. 1614 Four Mile lake also one on Balsam Write Sportsman's Rest, RR 1,| on Falls, Ont 160f | HALIBURTON LAKE HIGHLAND PARK A limited number of choice July18 | ager, | LADY pensioner, home in exchange for IF your basement and ga s clus tered up with articles taking valuable space, give us a call. We will pay you sash 446 Simcoe Street South. 1 WE pay cash for used furniture, appli ances, TV, sewing machines, pianos, stoves. Also sell and exchange, If Prince Street. RA 8-1131. July 17 WANTED to buy chip wagon, in good jeondition Apply Box 719, Times- Gazelle 1628 PIANOS, 10, any make or size, Pay cash. State make and price. Write Box |550, Times-Gazette, CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON METALS LTD. IRON :: METALS PAPERS RAGS OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY RA 5-3432 RESIDENCE RA 5-4159 100 ANNIS STREET FREE PICK-UP July2¢ Aug 4 SHAW RAG AND METAL Jake Shaw will pay you more for your scrap iron, tin, copper, brass, ead, aluminum, etc. 89 BLOOR ST. EAST RA 5-2311 Open Saturdays Also Auto Wrecking July) SCRAP Row furs, thers, live poultry, fea~ scrap iron and metal. I: TURNER RA 3-2043 (collect) July1i 35--Employment Wanted A reliable woman would like to give loving day care to one child or would board by the week. RA 8-1195. 158¢ | YOUNG man with car wants evening work, anything. RA 3-4634. [BUSINESS administrator, office mane accountant. Wide . experience, hard worker, excellent references. Available immediately part or fi time, RA 8-1717, evenings. 163¢ LADY hairdresser with some exper- ience requires full or part time em. ployment, Please write Box 513 Times. Gazette. 159¢ | DUTCH | requires housework, twe lor more days per week. Phone RA 5-8708 161¢ HOUSEKEEPING work (no cooking). Daily or weekly 9 - 5. Phone RA 5- ii) 3 36--Femcle Help Wanted HOUSEKEEPER Yor two adults, small jTemuneration, RA 3.7426 after 4.30 p.m. 160 EXPERIENCED waitress wanted, |also bus girls. Apply Mr, Camphelly Genosha Hotel. uly2s NCED girl for lunch -- Apply 333 Ritson Road South, 156¢ who wants a good light duties, . : cotta: te Suronce Instalment Plans if bin ESL AB dn SE h Je SHES Row available '" |help look after man in wheelchair, 48 desired TELEVISION, home and car radio re.| this new devclopment; lake Rosehill Boulevard, RA 5.5191. 158¢ ROBERT S. McCALLUM pairs. All makes. Specialized work,| front; lots 100 x 200 feet, [GIRL to work m food store, experience PHONE RA 5-6402 RA ao 157 Elliot Street. Call hydro in; beautiful safe sandy preferred but 'not necessary. Apply Aug 6| 792 Aug.3 beach Hunting ond fishing [Sous Fruit Ltd, 54 Simcoe Soest " pe - over 9,500 acres ET rpm 17--Money To Loan BOB ARNOLD'S RADIO | ro Tame FIRST and second mortgages, sale; AND APPLIANCE SERVICE LORRAINE LAKE person. David's Drive-In, Whitby. MO agreements purchased and sold. Hen.| Repairs to radios, cor radios, Wilberforce area; 100 foot | 84066. 163¢ Mek 0 Slennick, Barristers, 3 Jog record ployers, toasters, irons, lake front lots, now selling. |AMBITIOUS mothers, who want to TT - ee 4 polishers, vacum cleaners, Lot and cottage from $2,100 earn but can only work part time, FIRST and second mortgages, sale| or.' ¢ ck d g : *- |Avon Cosmetics have opening for am- (agreements purchased and sold. Hen k hs ree pick-up an bitioys woman in Oshawa East. Cone nick and Hennick risters, 31 King delivery phone RA 8.8297. FROST AGENCIES tact Miss E. Outerbridge, 42 Saranac [Street East. RA 3 Julyd July22 Blvd, Toronto I Ont. RU 2.7567 be- CLIENTS' monies lable for First ™ tween 8 9 a Til Necond mortgages et Ht LIMITED July 14,15, 16,28,20,30 Aug. 18.20, 4 nis of sale purchased. Apply REALTORS M ¥ Swartz, Barrister and Notar: Public, 26's King East, Oshawa, RA 1v- RADIOS LINDSAY JEWELLERY SALES GIRL $4697 ey Aug.11} Service is our business only. Fairview 4-51 REQUIRED 18--Mortgages 24-hour -- City and Country Haliburton 284 Experience preferred but not me pam------ RA 8- 5286 necessary. Permanent posi- WE ha ients with monies to pur- | 162% t Apply after 1 chase first and second mortgages er ---------- lon, PPY. er 0, a. m, to agreements o fsale at a discount. Louis] OSHAWA ELECTRONICS N--Anti I Li Re Burns Credit Jewellers Ltd, S. Hyman, QC, 37 King Street East, July ic es or ent 32 King Street West Oshawn RA 3.4943 July afl ie July 8 = : 163¢ 19--Personal PORTABLE T.V ELNA FOWER and hand_Tawnitowers and for ud | SEWING MACHINE CASHIER for Regent Theatre, shears precision sarpened, saws filed pleasing personality, some {Pick up and Jelivery, RA 3 1d SALE OR RENT a z typing . essential, : accurate vent traight Stite r 4 GOING to Vancouver. about Ju PARKWAY T.V RA 5.25 y 19:299 with figure Apply: Mr. pia TG eg bow 918 SIMCOE I. NORTH < 59 Hortshorn, Manager, Regent 18 SIMCOE ST. NOR ASHAWA ln Theatre 12 1:30 WOULD. like cc v when driving to 2 ~ : Jealre, Lom. I<. t00 Toronto, v v of Queen and Univer RA 3-3043 CENTRE | p.m. sly. RA 5.86 1c | Aug.9| Aull 6 o4c)

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