THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTL Mendey, July 14, 1958 13 London auction-| Harry Austin, is among the "old {boys of Vineyard School who [the Royal Artillery Museum at| | | Niagara Firm [& | PRECIOUS ITEMS { Sotheby's, Stock Bought OLD BOY {have promised to attend its cens LONDON (CP) ~ Nine manu- eers, script account books of the Me- PORT COLBORNE (CP)--The diti family, 16th-century rulers of RICHMOND, Eng. (CP) -- Old |tenary celebration in this Surrey |Alvin Naiman Corporation: of| Florence, were sold for £2.330 at'est known ex-pupil, 90-year-old!town |Cleveland, Ohio, has purchased|™ Gi BRE Lak the entire stock and taken over ownership of Niagara Crushed {Stone Limited on the outskirts of this Lake Erie town five miles south of Welland, it was an- nounced Saturday + Jack Naiman, vice-president of the Cleveland firm, said present quarry facilities will be expanded, {multiplying the stone production capacity eight times to about 2,000,000 tons a year. Most of the stone will be chipped to Cleveland. NEWS BRIEFS NATURE'S REPLY CROYDON, Eng. (CP) -- Tor- rential rain washed away a poster |in* this Surrey town advertising the movie 'The Long Hot Sum- mer the Toronto, Montreal Noon Stocks TORONTO ve Low Noon Ch'ge 12 12 + By The Canadian Press Toronto Stock Exchange--July 14 (Quotations in cents unless marked . #---0dd lot, xd -- Exdividend, xr--Ex- rights, xw---Ex-warrants.) Industrials Net Sales Hight Low Noon Ch'ge Abitibl 230 $29 29 Alta Gas 215 $I7% 17% Alta Dist 7. 5 175 Algoma Net Sales High Low Noon Ch'ge 310 $281 28 28% z50 282 100 $30% 250 S16%% | 5 $60 | Stock Macfie MacLeod Madsen Magnet Malartie Maraulge Marcon Stock Medal Mill City N Bristol N Cont N Superior NCO wis Okalta Pac Pete Permo Provo Gas Reef Expl* Richwll Royalite Secur Free Spooner Tex Cal Triad Oll Un Olis Wayne W Can OG WwW Mygill N High Lew Noon Ch'ge Sales High 205 205 1295 000 12 225 1200 1000 1000 D Glass pr Dom Stores 55 Dom 'far 500 Dom Text Dow Brew | Fam Play 250 g . | Gen Dynam | H Smith 3 33 3 | Maybrun Mcintyre McKen McMar McWat Midrim Milliken Min-Ore Mt Wright Multi M 5 5 g Nat Exp! 2 2 nn 1 New Alger A New Ath N Dicken New Hosco 57925 N Kelore 11000 N Mylama 8500 New Rouyn 1000 Noranda 210 Norlartic 38400 Normetal 100 Norsp A wis 100 North Can 400 Norvalie 15000 O'Brien 7325 Opem 200 Ormsby 2000 Pamour 2000 Parbec Stock Imp Bank Imp Oil Ind Accep Inglis Int Nickel Inter PL Labatt Woods pr lassey-F | | Bath Pow A Bell Phone Brazil Mont Loco N St Car Pacific Agnico Akaitcho Amal Rare Arcadia Area Arjon Atlin-Ruf Aubelle Aumacho Barnat Barvue Belcher Bevcon Bicroft BC Forest BC Pack A BC Pow Can Cem C Pack B Can Perm C Bank Com Cdn Brew Cdn Can A Cdn Celan C Collieries C Eagle "Thor is atimets BORROW LRT TA EY A\"A = 43 Royal Bank Royalite st L Corp Salada-S Shawin Simpsons 260 205 545 3 200 $213 780 $26% 325 § 100 $61% 120 $27 225 $13% CABBIES' CLUB Cdn Oil CPR Cyckshutt Con Gas Corby vt Corby B Crown Zell Dist Seag D Fndry Dom Tar Fam Play Ged Grain Ferd A 212 Bouzan Boymar Buffad Buff RL Bunker Hill C Malart Candore 2000 Placer Pronto Pros Alr Purdex Que Ascot Que Lab Que Lith Qunston Quemont Radiore Roche Rockwin Walk GW $28 Canadian Ang Nfd Can Dom Sug 725 C Paper Con Gas Dom Eng Feralco Lowney Russell $6 $24 LONDON (CP)--Britain's first all-night club for cab drivers has opened in a disused Methodist church in the Clerkenwell dis- trict HELICOPTER HELPS HOLBEACH, England (CP)--A helicopter flew over farmland round this Lincolnshire village And for many a B of M depositor they are one and the same. = If you need cash for some useful pripose, it may be good business or you to borrow rather than draw out your savings. . By borrowing for some usefull purpose, and by making regular re- [This is wise spending, wise bor frowing and wise saving. DO YOU NEED MONEY? 1f you are in a position to repay with- cout hardship, we are in a position to lend...for the payment of insur- Fr Pete pr 2 I Sherritt 3 ) s 4 GN Gas B wis 25 310 310 slocan VR Ein, I Imp Oil Stdcona Sig Imp Tob Stanleigh 5 Ind Accep Starratt 8550 Inland Gas Steep R 305 Sylvanite 700 n Taurcanis 1500 3900 i] 7 Trin Chib 26500 5 4 Al ap Ult-Shaw Baker 7000 U Minin 100 U Asbestos » Can Regeourt 1000 Ups Pog on Sud 500 tsev onwest 100 Wilisey on 1 Magri oprand 1700 a 1000 ance premiums, educational fees, medical, dental and funeral or legal expenses, taxes, etc. You repay by monthly instalments. ma 5 2 42 1090 1 2000 1800 praying crops affected by po- tato blight FREEDOM'S VALUE BRISTOL, Eng. (CP)' -- '"Men| ecome great, not because all {men are equal, but because all re free," says Rt. Rev. Harold Bradfield, Bishop of Bath and Wells SPECIAL ITEMS LONDON (CP)--Dried octopus, {snails and seaweed are among | products to be imported under a payments on your loan, you are -- in reality -- saving for a useful pur- pose. Meanwhile, you are keeping your savings programme intact. At the Lowut Cost, too... BPW KA » mont ror a $100. LoaN REPAYABLE In 12 MONTHLY INSTALMENTS (equal to 6% interest per annum) 2000 7988 230 215 Denison Den wits Discovery 1% Halliwell A Dig 31% + Marben 8 $3115 31 31 +1 mn M and 8 Morrison Negus 4500 { 11600 1800 1100 2000 > 1000 7 2 3500 2500 100 500 600 500 Tale 600 21% 2 8 Barnat 100 Bateman 1500 7 Beatrice 100 Belle Chib 23000 Bornite 250 Burnt Hill 1500 Cdn Atl Oil Cdn Dev 1 300 5 J + C Lithium i800 100 Canorama 10800 5 1 lo 100 340 3 Cama ide agreement recently com- 70 hipman leted between Britain and Tu- 15 « 4 E 150 Cominga dl 3 2 ia < a « Lob Co Lob Co Massey-F Massey-F pr McColl Moore N St Car on Pipe Mig Roe AV Can Royal Bank You Repay Monthly L] ' 7 paym"h paym'ts paym'ts INCLUDING INTEREST $ 8.48 $ 569 $ 430 1272 8.54 6.45 16.96 11.39 8.60 25.44 17.08 12.90 84.79 56.94 43.02 Sales to 11 1,197,000 MONTREAL The Canadian Stock Exch am 16000 yntinent 4300 b Mets 2200 Dolsan 5 6 46 1 | 100 Fano 1 ] | 1000 Fatima 1000 " n 500 Quotations 1000 1 1 1 2-Odd 19100 rights 1000 400 10600 5000 270 100 1000 500 2500 CUT SPEECHES 10 2 MILLION CANADIANS KIMPTON, Eng. (CP)--Council | this Bedfordshire village has proved a rule barring council- from speaking for longer than e minutes, in order to speed up neil meetings ALL WORKERS WOKINGy England (CP) -- A n to name a new road 'Leis. ¢ Avenue" may be dropped by cil of this Surrey town. Res- protested in petition: | all workers here." 100 HEAVY LOOT 1000 1 1 3 3 , 4 h 1 INDON (CP)--~Two men were Jacobs 1400 + il 456 : Jortage 12100 45 4 4 ed for stealing a pair of Cri- ilicoe 500 1 7 8 28 2 [ ) 80 n War cannon from Wool-{ Ajox Branch Jonsmith 19600 enal and selling | nam 700 Brew £12. The 8 them as Bowmanville Branch 150 Celan 2 he cannon, which Whitby Branch: 100 8 Cel $175 pr ecovered, were valued by 100 495 § 95 Il 20 i AE 200 1 Int 400 th PR 1000 Vickers ockshutt on M and § on Glass orby A By Montreal Press Ju n cents ess 1 ne xd--Ex-dividend, x Ex-warrant lot XW ah Housq srandu Walk GW Weston B Wood JA Woodward A Industiials High Low Noon Ch'ge $20 20% Larger loans af proportionate cost Canadas Firat Bank Oshawe Branch, 20 Simcoe St, North FRANK BEDFORD, Manager Oshawa Shopping Centre Branch, King Street West: NORMAN McALPINE, Manager HUGH HUSTLER, Manager JAMES BELL, Manager JACK McKONE, Manager Stock Abitibi Algoma Asbestos Bank Mont 300 Banque 25 Sales wis 500 Gunnar Har-Min 1000 Curb Anglo-Nfld 200 650 Oils 920 "% 8500 1000 230 600 10) 2 nt 4500 1200 We are 4500 100 Acme Gas Anchor Bailey Calalta 2000 C Oil L wis Cdn Atl Ol Chieftn dn Dev 600 § A Bank Com If $4 4914 nelt 13 oe ' A Mic Mac Cree Oil Cree wis Dev-Pal Dome Pete Duvex Home Oil A HBOIG Humber Majtrans BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT Selling Central America Goods Tricky Business Labrador , Shore Lamaque « « L Ci « 2 C 100 190 LIFE SINCE 1817 p.288.L2 (8) emi x P 3 i Pr yt WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK OF le commissioner, an d take action on slow pay- | Wiltsey 220 200 2000 Sales to 11.30 mines and oils Ih --- 4 | republics and, just as important, make a living like to tic his cash in large getting paid for it and avolding | wfaye sure he gives you pre Stocks |difficulties with the government | ic. directions for the prepara-! Do vour corresponding by air | authorities. tion of consular and other docu. maii. Surface ments, and then follow them ex- tween fou: up mail takes be | A basic instruction is to quote and six week {all prices in United States dol- {:ars. 'Units of Central American | currency in different countries ail have varying relationships' to the US. and Canadian dollars Don't expect a Central Amer- Scrutinize the importer's « ven a small error may sub. standing closely sect the importer to a heavy| «Reliable information customs fine," the department (va] American firm md bad debt collectior Don't insist on large minimum the on warns department a OTTAWA (CP)--Selling Cana- Honduras they enjoy some ad- dian goods to the central Amer- jcan market is tricky business It would help the exporter to be iinguis, a price-cutter, an adroit juggler of monetary ex- change rates and, perhaps above vantages But the Canadian exporter has to be wary. The department has 1 whole page full of ground rules for getting the product into the ican agent to be an expert in any line, the department advises has to =ell many orders, Money is roduct y 'mporter has He Central America. Even when the iz t the funds "Your able fully expensive in he doesn't best agent. ( protection } hoose m ecommendatio TRADE UNION MEMBERS all, an amateur dip! The trade department has some tips for him in current monthly publication on how to cell abroad. They come: from Howard W. Richardson, trade commissioner in Guatemala City, capital of Guatemala » of the six republics in the area lying between North and South Amer- Ica His first precept is the over-ridi quality is secc and Panama are more aware of quailty than EI Salvador, Hon-| duras. Costa Rica and Nicaragua At present, he says, Canadian trade is 35 times as high as be- the wa with the chief op- Canadian export- ing in wheat, flour, news leather, semi processed products, canned fish fertilizers, pharmaceuticals and pedig: eed cattle Canadian goods, Mr. Richard son says, do not suffer any tariff disadvantage in any of the coun- tries as against the United States and Wes: Europear In its TODAY'S EDSELebrity AND CITIZENS IN THE OSHAWA AREA JOE BARR, Manager, Carman's Car Rentals, Ltd., Avis Rent-a-Car. System Licensee, Toronto. "Cus- tomers are so en- thusiastic about Edsel styling, ease of handling, Teletouch Drive, and hot perform- ance that we have increased the number of Edsels in our fleet to 13. Maintenance has been very low." Feel the real difference behind the wheel . . . drive Edsel the one car that is really new, See your dealer today! prive 1958 EDSEL FORD OF CANADA hat price The Oshawa and District Labor Council has endorsed the strike of ~ LOCAL 280 HOTEL AND RESTAURANT EMPLOYES AND BARTENDER'S INTERNATIONAL UNION against the OSHAWA HOTEL OPERATOR'S ASSOCIATION The modest demands of the bartenders can IF WASH DAY Is A Big Headache CALL MEAGHER'S Our sales of new washers and our ucts FOR THE WISE IS SUFFICIENT . .. Wise homemakers take the word of a wise old owl and bring their insulation problems to MeCUL- LOUGH LUMBER. Our dependable brands keep your home as much as 15 de- grees cooler in summer. And be met by the Hotel Association without any service. oF vis weshers huve: token problem. Their demands have been enjoyed prepare for winter now . . , . the drudgery out of many homes by other trade union members in the area INSTALL INSULATION WHILE SERVICE IS FASTEST in Oshawa during the past 30 years. MEAGHER'S 92 SIMCOE NORTH for some years. BUDGET TERMS AVAILABLE e CULLOUG LUMBER CO. Lid. 1270 SIMCOE ST.N.* 724. RA3-3011 WE URGE that complete moral and financial support be given the barten- ders, and members take part in the picketing of the hotels. iD CLINE, President RA 5-4711 Oshawa and District Labor Council be