12 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Monday, July 14, 1958 A NEW SPARK FOR TIGERS BILENORMAN, i NEW PETROIT MANAGER £ | HAVING I] / TAKEN THE] ; 'clYB over =~ YN LAe7r } &4 FLACE, 7H#5 | 7 RELATIVELY - UNKNOWN CHOICE HAD HNO PLACE 70 Go BUT UR. TAR; Lilia > | WAY, 700. & | Two 4 SH Bustralian Athletes May Dominate Games By JACK SLLIVAN Canadian Press Sttaff Wrier 'here.' CARDIFF (CP It wouldn't] England won 23 gold medals at surprise many people if Austral-|{Vancovver, the greatest achieve ian athletes won 40 of the 92 Brit- ment by one countr) ince the tish Empire Games gold medal ted in Hamilton, Ont a stake July 18-26 to make Many were won in greatest cne-country haul in the I ield but the Aussies 28-year history of this Common » Englishmen won't .c n wealth sports extravaganza his time The svelte green-clad Aussies We've got world-record hold- are the world's fastest humans injers in both men's and women's the water and on. land at dis-|track, swimming and cycling," tances from 100 yards to a mile.| Young said. 'Our kids achieved The Aussies have a simpie ex-!all tnis by hard work and any planation for their world-recog-|: ards they get are weil earned nized greatness: Sacrifice 're entitled to everything pleasure for hard work. coming their way." "That's the only reason we've "he evidence of stiff trainin reached the top," team manager|is obvious at the track in Em i ! f / { TERE { # JAR NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS IN THE FUTURE HE WILL NEVER FORGET HIG FIRST WEEK ON THE JOB. THE P\ 778. RS ROSE 70 ' \ | v, 7 I'S OF 8, IN LWA Row OVER IE YANKS, THE LAST WT DOUBLE HEADER. d by King Features Syndicate. that with our 109-athlete team Bill Yourg said in an interview pire Village and at the Empire S Friday at St. Athan, an RAF sta- pool in downtown Cardiff. Confi- tion converted into an Empire dent, but not cocky, the Aussies Village for athletes 17 miles west have been watched closely by of his Welsh capital thletes ot other countries here SHOULD WIN 40 who freely admit that the down- "We'll win these Games nder swimmers and cinder- cause this team is the grea track ctars are unbeatable we've ever entered in interna There are 1,000 athletes from tional comptition, including the coantries entered in the Car 1956 Olympics," Young said. "We diff Games and it appears to be won 20 gold medals with 75 ath- strictly a two-country fight be- letes in the. 1954 Vancouver tween England and Australia Games and there's no earthly with the others, including Can- reason why we shouldn't double 2da, taking the left-overs KEEP BASEBALL TITLE Miss Supertest II EP . AMSTERDAM (AP) -- Holland Wins Trophy Race Friday night retained its title as ST. CLAIR. Mich, (AP)--Miss European baseball champion for Speen | of ama WOR the defeating Italy £ 2. Holland will tional Boundary Trophy rac for |P1ay in the global world series in unlimited power hydroplanes Sun-| Detroit next September. day. Miss Supertest won all three WINS NON-TITLE BOUT heats over Wildroot Charlie, TOKYO (AP Manuel Arm- driven by Bob Schroeder of Buf-|enteros of Cuba, fourth ranking falo, N.Y. he Canadian boat|world bantamweight, knocked out averaged a speed of 81.7 mi an's bantam king Koji Ishi- hour in the three heats a bashi in the sixth of a 10-round total elapsed time of 88 minutes Armenteros weighed 120 pounds, and 10 seconds Ishibashi 119% be- the third time in succession hy Vigor Oil has been selling gasoline to the people of Oshawa for over 30 years at REASONABLE PRICES and will continue to do so. TODAY'S PRICE... VIGOR STANDARD GASOLINE AT THIS STATION ONLY Vigor Oil 78 BOND ST. WEST 9 10 Gallon Tax RA 5-1109 Buy at Vigor Oil and Save A | | 13 Imports Among 32 When | Workout 'Cliff Lumsden ris Am At Sarnia's First Workor Expects Grin | players, inchiding 13 imports,|Port Huron, Roy hodge from ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. (CP)--|Atlantic City swims but placed greeted coach Frank Filchock as|Brooklyn and the University of Canada's Cliff Lumsdon went into! fourth in the Owen Sound 15-mile he opened practices for the Senior| Toledo and John Martin from the Atlantic City swimming mar-| swim last summer and this year|Ontario Rugby Football "Union|Akron, Ohio. 4 athon today with the idea that placed fourth in the 28-mile Guay-! Golden Bears Sunday. Import linemen were 275-pound he was tackling the toughest job mas, Mexico, marathon. Filchock announced he plans on|tackle Ed Hurman, cut by the of his career. TOUGHER THIS YEAR holding workouts twice daily until| Baltimore Colts; former Chicago Lumsdon, 27, who comes from, "You might say it's wide open," | Bears meet Calgary Stampeders Cardinal and Hamilton Tiger-Cat New Toronto and won the mara- said Lumsdon. "You can say too here Aug. 8. end Jack Crittendon; former thon here in 1956, strolled about|that this swim is tougher than, American quarterbacks in at-Hamilton and Detroit Lions in a restless manner before the/when I won in '56. We're a were former Philadel. tackle Walt Jenkins who was with race that brings into competition earlier--at 8 a.m. -- and that|phia Eagle and University of| Bears last season; former Uni- some of the world's best swim-|means we'll be tackling tougher|Southern. California star Frank|versity of Michigan centre Ray| mers. Good weather was pre-|tides. The field is better too." |Hall and Cecil Conley from Poto- Vine, and former Memphis State dicted. One f Lumsdon's most out- mac Junior College in West| University Tigers end Dave Stick- "It's going to be brutal--we'll standing performances was. in Virginia. Backgielders were'land and guard Jack Turner. pe fighting tidal waters," said|1955 when he was the only one to Lumsdon, a favorite in the inter-|finish a gruelling, icy swim of 32) SPORTS IN BRIEFS | national group of 19 who entered, miles at the Canadian Nationai TAKE 2-0 LEAD |day won the Quebec Open golf 14 men and five women. Exhibition. He was the first per-| BUENOS AIRES (AP). -- Ar-|championship with a two-under- \ t two dows show The comment of Lumsdon, a son to swim Juan de Fuca Strait burly man with a forthright way, |from the British Columbia to the was typical of the athletes as/U.S. side, considered the tough- 4 . gentina took a 2-0 lead over a|par 142 for the 36-hole title play. this year stretches over about|thon five times in all. youthful, inexperienced British|Bracketed at 146 were Johnny, 26% miles, starting in the Atlan- West Indies Davis Cup team Fri-| Turner, amateur at the Hamp-| tic and finishing in the Atlantic - Fi ht Crowd Zone series. Enrique Soriano won|teur award; defending champion on which this city and other com the opening match from 19-year-|Jack Kay of Pine Grove and Jim munities are located. P Vi . [old Peter Valdes of Trinidad 6-2, Westwell of Wentworth. isit T ali Lumsdon named Alfredo Cam- ays 5 0 | Morea. 3 overpowered Peles TORONTO (CP) Barbara larero, 27, the winner last year, i 4ips, STO 8 : Ann Vanguard, a six-year 1 las one of the really tough op- . BUY PACER | Jackson of Wallenstein, Ont., es- vision salesman finished in 12 orp AND SHOOT, Tex. (AP)--| TORONTO (CP) Governor tablished a record for the new hours /17 minutes in that battle ghtl, sattore owar alliga won three of his last four starts, bine Friday - night. Returning Lamsdon Sido Soler last yen, at oil - ar the Zhigaiy was sold Friday for $12,500 to|$16.50 for a $2 win ticket, the " ; Take Tom Parl Harris clan. Ont., and Bill Ellerington of Exe-|in 1.52.1. three, and more. axe C ark tar Che ¥ vs y ie of Hamilton and now a The 25-vear-old Texan who will| Ont. The horse was formerly SIGN WITH DUNNIES the Mexican--Tonatiuh Gutierrez. [world heavyweight boxing title | Sach #0 Dy. Howe of Mitchell, |v rdie Myles and defencemen Look at Greta Andersen. Look at > {Don McBeth have signed with the in the 'big thicket." Razorback Miss Andersen, a light-hearted hogs smort through the pines, RUTLAND, Vt. (AP) -- Bobby Dunlops, it was, announced Fri Dane who now lives in California, |chickens wander around the|Locke, South African professional | day. Both players were with the finished third last year and fourth the heat by resting in the shade, {the British Open, will marry|in 1957 but McBeth' was injured women contestants on both oc Stra:ght ahead, smack at the|Mary Elizabeth Fenton of Rut-|last winter and did not play in casions end of the dirt lane, is the Harris|land lat this month in London. {the world championships in Oslo, LaCoursiere, a Montr half ne house. Flies buzz in|Friday by Miss Fenton's mother PREP FOR AMERICA'S CUP and out of the unscreened win-|Mrs. Waiter S. Fenton. NEWPORT RI AP) The The front porch is plast ALS BUY GUARD Weatherly, piloted by yachtsman "ge ® past fights : Alouettes of the Big Four Foot-| Newport Thursday and completed Sternly Criticized Henry Harris, Roy's father, | LIONS nion Friday red the/the lineup for preliminary trials . ives there with his wife and five|, hace of Bob Guary, 23, a|to determine the American de- MOSCOW (Reute th i . "over home about 100 peders of the western league.|l2-metre yachts--Vim, Columbia, from the log cabin Guary. born in Verdun, Que Easterner and Weatherly--Begin p for the a series of tests over the Amer- they prepared for the grind which|est way. He won the CNE mara- day in their first-round American|stead club who won the low ama- after a circuit of Absecon Island, | 175. 6 ili Enrique 2 | TOP OPPONENT Pio hen siting Ean SETS TRACK RECORD | - R H Ir maica 62, 62, 6-2. ponents. The 'Buenos Aires tele- oy d 1S over a slightly shorter course The heund dogs on the front porch G., four-year-old pacer who has seven-furlong races at 0ld Wood sald Lumsdon. *T can name'? the dirt road to visit the Roy heridan Revington of< Lucan, mare paced the shortened circuit - wned by George Feagan of God- . resident of California). Look at|challende Floyd Patterson for the o g by George E WHITBY (CP) Left winger Aug. 18 at Los Angeles lives deep {John LaCoursiere." LOCKE TO MARRY world hockey champion Whithy vard and a few lazy cows beat golf star and four-time winner of club when it won the Allan Cup the year before, leading the homest half log cabin and|The e gement was announced! Norway forced to drop out of the las ir | Russia Soccer Men ered with yellow cards of oN EEAL (CP Montreal Arthur Knapp Jr., arrived in heir ht children guard from the Calg Stam-| fender of the America's cup. Four soccer sel His house is a shiny white frame layed for Stampeders tor and al "blunders 4 following We were mist nesday the failure of the Ri in the recent World Cup tour ment in Stockholm Russia was eliminated quarter-finals of the W A shart rded ac akes 1 , Al . 2% elling with a purple roof. Allast three years. Terms of the ica 5 C up course Satur The ion Bone JUS YW. ad sale were not disclosed. Jor > Heels Britain s Seeptre 3 as arris day a . yr e Irs renewal ol Shoot, so proclaimed by the gov- STARS DOWN OAKS the America's Cup race since srnor. Swarms of visiting news., OAKVILL (CP) Halton 1937. : men. a camera erew .ws- County a ars scored three runs SN " nen, a camera cre W and a new of Ay A 4 beak ROBINSON TO TESTIFY reel outfit were getting their first in the seventh inning to break a dig) ¢ > i utfit were getting 4 Yi and defeat Oakville Oaksl. NEW YORK (AP) Jackie at Cut and Shoot 4-4 tie and defeat Oakville Oa S$ Robinson accepted an invitati a - of the Senior Intercounty Base- , acc an Invialion wanted tounge Paster. od e. Se or Int unty Bas Thursday te appear before a Sen-| r and a half," his |X Je40 > sube ittee ; 18 > "Roy don't like to Bame Friday night Proceeds ole SubCOMITIS 2 uy jth tes- hur 1 s Backed i |were fo assist minor league base- "J ¥ a ) Elve dase: hurt nobocy. He backed off when hii We oul is ABUE DASE" hall and other professional sports he hart Willi) Besmanoff. The |" a ! fa exemptions from anti-trust laws. crowd like him for it but it's not WINS QUEBEC OPEN The former Brooklyn Dodger star ss in boxing, I don't MONTREAL (CP)--Jules Huot, now is an executive with a res- ack off this time." Ipro at the host Laval club, Fri-'taurant chain. sian team 1a in the d Cup in the that 1cil "staked "douard Strelt graced centre fath adde idol ""'a good busine Russian soc ounced er as ravisher #i Today in every gallon of Esso Extra you get extra value! Esso Extra is a blend of up to twelve high-quality gasoline components, each designed to rigid specifications . . . for acceleration, economy, power. Now there's an entirely new gasoline base in the blend---Powerformate*, produced by Imperial's exclusive new Powerforming process. Result: peak performance in your car. Try it--get this extra value in Esso Extra today! IMPERIAL Ess DEALER You get more power in Esso too -- more wan ever before in the gasoline that's bought by more Canadians than any other brand. For 3 out of 4 cars on the road the newest models J and that means many of Esso is today's money-saving buy! by Powerforming, a refining process developed by Esso scientists which stinum as a catalyst to produce exceptionally high octane ge . Now more than ever. LOOK |mare owned and driven by Grant! Montreal May Get | World Title Bout MONTREAL (CP) -- President Truman Gibson of the Interna-| tional Boxing Club says Montreal | could be the stage for a world light heavyweight title bout be-| tween champion Archie Moore) and the winner of Wednesday's fight between Yvon Durelle andy EVERY WEEK HAS SEVEN DAYS ° BUT Mve So ior sara] THIS WEEK HAS men Friday: { "We hope to be able to match | the winner with Archie Moore for| a world title fight right here in| Montreal." | The Durelle-Holt fight is for Durelle's British Empire light heavyweight championship. Both fighters and their man- agers were at the gathering. Chris Shaban, manager of Dur-| DOVER'S 3 BIG WONDERFUL WONDER DAYS elle, the fisherman from Baie Ste. | Anne, N.B., said he was anxious to confer with Eddie Quinn, Don't wonder what it's all about... Plan to see for yourself . .. Wonder days start Thursday for 3 days only! promoter of next week's fight, WATCH YOUR PAPER FOR DETAILS GET OUT THE MONEY BAG DIG OUT THE SOCK offer from a Vancouver promoter | to box Moore there," Shaban Be at Dovers for the Wonderful values in top quality men's wear. said, not elaborating. "I want to discuss the matter with them." He also said he aims to get a return bout clause inserted in the contract for his charge's title with Holt, from Johannesburg,i South Africa. "I want a return bout clause in the contract with the bout to] be held here. I don't want to go all the way to South Africa in| the event that Durelle doesn't| win. Which, of course, is silly to think about. "Durelle will knock him out." Public Golf Course Players Will Have Own Tournament TORONTO (CP) -- Players on public goif courses will have a crack at the first annual Ontagio public course amateur golf championship July+18 at the Don Valley Municipal Golf Course here. The Ontario Golf Association announced Wednesday that pay- as-you-go golfers with a 20-or-un der handicap and who are bona fide public course members will have a chance for the cup. There will be 18 holes of medal play. There are 76 public holes of medal play. There 76 public courses in the province, 16 of which are in the Toronto area, the OGA said. Oshawa Shopping Centre ESTABLISHED C.G.C. Asphalt Shingles 97 uw u rich solid colors -- . : radiant as the sun! The color of your roof is vital to the beauty of your home. And these jewel-clear colors offer crisp, untiring beauty you can live with for years. Remember, darker tones make your home look lower, longer. Lighter colors make it look higher, brighter. Choose carefully for whole-house color harmony, for lasting satisfaction. '® FREE ESTIMATES © NO DOWN PAYMENT © EASY PAYMENT PLAN @ MORTGAGES ARRANGED "Oshawa's Most Complete Supply House" OUR NEW 1958 CATALOGUES ARE NOW AVAILABLE--DROP IN FOR ONE OR PHONE FOR DELIVERY! Millwork & Building | Supplies 1279 SIMCOE ST. NORTH RA 3-4694