THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Wednesday, July 2, 1958 § Strikes In London Have Left Scars Behind Them { | oy WHITBY and DISTRICT GRADUATES OF COLBORNE STREET PUBLIC SCHOOL the strike started. Some other employe shave an increase of five shillings and six pence a| weck. The group whose wage i rates caused the strike, the coun- try line drivers have as yet gained nothing. The arbitration hoard decided they were not en- titled to increases. That caused the strike. All they have gained is| a review of their.wage schedules with a view to some upward re- vision being made. The review is ming their way into the under- |ground trains, People who had Correspondent for |acquired the underground travel The Daily Times-Gazette. habit because of the strike are LONDON London is back continuing to use that mode of to normal -- almost. The buses transportation. So the net result |are running but fewer of them of the bus strike has been to {than there were before the seven-|lessen the demand for bus ser- {week strike. Dock workers are|vices. |back at their jobs, unloading the, Perhaps it is just as well. Dur- precious cargoes of foodstuffs ing the strike, something between from the ships at the London |1,600 and 1,700 bus employes gave docks. The Smithfield meat mar-|up their jobs and found other em- ket is again operating, and Lon-|ployment. According to the Lon-{now under way, but what they doners can now anticipate nor-'don Transport executive, the re-| will get out of it is an unknown mal meat supplies and lower |duction ir passengers will make quantity. So the strike has cost prices. it unnecessary to hire other em-|them seven weeks wages, with The strikes, however, have left | ployes to replace those who have no assurance of what it has {their scars. Yesterday, when the resigned. brought them. And it has cost the buses had their first business| LITTLE GAINED coffers of their union one and a day df operation, they were; What have the bus employes half million pounds in strike pay. carrying fewer passengers than gained as a result of the strike, [NO GAIN AT SMITHFIELD they did before the strike. The One can see very little in the way] The Smithfield meat market By M. McINTYRE HOOD (Special London (Eng.) Y 'Brokers To Meet Tony's InImportant Game Tonight ous meeting were read secretary, Mrs. Delphine bear. Mrs. Jessie Johnston, conduct- ress, assisted by Mrs. Kathleen Browne, associate conductres introduced the following and pre- sented them to the East: Mrs Mabel Mackereth, past grand rush-hour buses, which formerly (of gains. The London bus drivers |strike was all along an unofficial were packed to capacity, were have their increase of eight shill-|strike, not approved by the running half empty. On the other! ings and sixpence ($1.20) a week, |union, It arose when truck driv- hand, there seemed to be little but that had been granted themlers were asked to increase their diminution in the crowds jam-|by an arbitration board before|average speed from 20 miles to 30 miles an hour, because of a » . |change in specd limits. To com- |pensate taem for the extra jour- as ern ar 1 Y neys they would then be able to make, they demanded a wage ™ lincrease of 15 per cent. They 1 t th {went on strike when it was re- e e Id ey 1I ay {fused. They have gone back to work without getting it. Now the | On Thursday evening, June 26, invitation to visit Bircheliffe government has set up a commis- Whitby Chapter No. 248, Order of chapter on their Friendship Night sion to investigate the causes of the Eastern Star, happily cele-/to be held September 23 was re- the strike, in an effort to pro-| brated their ninth birthday and|ceived and accepted. duce better labor relations at the | WHITBY MAN LANDS LARGE TROUT also had pleasure in honoring] The annual church service for Smithfield market. i : presiding officers and their asso-|the chapter is to be held in the] The dock workers strike was an The fish that every angler | for assistance from his son ciates. The meeting was held in|United Church in the evening of offshoot of the Smithfield strike hopes to catch was last week | Eugene, of 1126 Green St., who the Masonic Hall with the worthy either the last Sunday in Septem- When "Scab" labor was iniro caught by Whitby OPP Con- was. with. him. to and. . the i matron, Mrs. Mae Phair, presid- ber or the first Sunday in Octo- duced at Smithfield, the Tooley| Stable Harold Quantrill, of 123 licuber. Ab 5% PC trill ling assisted by the worthy ber, the exact date to be decided|street dock workers went out on| Mary St. E. After a struggle whopper, ove, Quantri patron, Mr. James Martin. in the fall. strike in sympathy with the meat| Of 45 minutes he landed a 34% | shows the laker to grandson | Following the opening drill and, The worthy matron expressed market crew. The dock employ- inch og Tg 22% hmy, 6. He Fi 2 Toroute ithe presentation of the flag by her sincere appreciation to thejers brought in some unregistered pounds C he is 23 caught woby eron fi Jost of steel line the marshal, Mrs. Jean Suther-|following for their help in mak- labor to take their places and so in = e Opeongd: i Algonquin to take the an. Whi land, the minutes of the previ-/ing the evening such a success: the strike spread to about 20,000 ary and larol | had to ca --Robertson, hitby by the Mrs. Jean Wickett for making the|dock workers. They are also now " Coni- birthday cake; Mrs. Maude back at work. They have gained Boyes for decorating the cake; nothing by their gesture of sym- Mrs. Dorothy Wigston and Mrs. |pathy for the Smithfield workers Olive McCoy for the lovely cor- SERIOUS POSSIBILITIES sages and floral arrangements;| The dock strike, however, may Mrs. Lucille Robinson, entertain- have serious repercussions. The ment convener, Mrs. Kathleen United Steamship Company of Browne, refreshment convener Denmark, which roes a large s. Audrey McKenzie, or-|/business in shipping Danish good {for the season now and will matron of the grand chapter of Ontario and honorary member of the Whitby chapter; Mrs. Gow, grand trustee; Mrs. Green, district deputy grand {matron and honorary member of Whitby chapter; Mrs. Mary Wil- and Mr ganist, financial the treasurer, Moase BIRTHDAY GREETINGS Mrs. Mabel Mackereth, for her appropriate music report was given Mrs. Bernice PGM, stuffs to Britain, has served no- tice that it may cease to use the Port of London because of the too frequent work stoppages be- cause of strikes. During the strike it used east coast ports to discharge its cargoes, and i lis, Florence Nightingale home gave an interesting talk on the threatens to go on doing so. The . By CLIFF GORDON What could be one of the most|mure than likely be gunning for important games of the season|another big win here tonight. He for the Tony's Refreshment|racked up a terrific 1-0 victory team will take place at Centen- over the Swiss Chalet team in nial park tonight. The visitors| Toronto last Friday night and will be the Latimer Broker from|from all reports he was display. Toronto, in a regular Beaches ing the control that has marked league attraction. him as the best orthodox right (board; past district deputy grand|word Unity and what each letter| permanent loss of these ships {matrons, Mrs. Tena Roberts, of the word stood for. Others who would be a serious blow to the! ; {honorary member of Whitby extended birthday greetings to London docks, and at the same big one? Well at time of writing! To back up Bagnell the Tony's |chapter; Mrs. Ruby Clarke and{the chapter and spoke briefly|time to the dock workers. both clubs are in a deadlock for|have the old reliable Charlie Mrs. Maybelle Stewart. were: Mrs. Jean Gow, grand, So it would seem that the net second place in the league stand- Justice who also has claimed Presiding officers from the fol-|trustee; Mrs. Mary Willis, Flor- result of the strikes has been to|ings with an identical record ofjSotie victories in the Beaches lowing chapter were asked to in-lence Nightingale, home board; jeopardize the employment pos. | SIX wins and as many losses. Al ba ue i season. ia as troduce themselves. Sunbeam, | Mys. Edna Wray, worthy matron, sibilities for the bus employes Win for the locals would givejwell as sing 2 pite or note {Mount Dennis, Ontario, Mark- Mount Dennis chapter; Mr. Lion- and the dock workers. It has'them a jump on the classy Lati-|SWIngs a Jug Joon i ane ham, Starlight, Durham, Queen, el Hughes, worthy patron, Star- heen a sorry business, with mer team in the league stand- = Ee Ing is eam al Esther, Sunland, Clovelly, Bed-|light chapter and Mr. Arthur nothing much, if anything, gain- "88 the plate, the second such ac- ford, Eastdale, Aldworth, Faith,|Green, worthy patron, Faithed and the likelihood of a great The little coached team wants|complishment in two seasons. Queen City, Blue Ray and Blue chapter. deal being lost, by those who VerY much to be in at least/Sammy Stark is riding right be- Star. The worthy matron asked Mrs. went on strike. second spot by the end of the| hind him. Jim Loreno holds a |FROM WHITBY CHAPTER | Elsie Goose, PM, Whitby chapter, NEW LOCATION | season as it gives them a Shance| pair o op BL and las s 0 compete in the hospital tour- Ss hal . Mrs. Maude Boyes, associate Io approach the Bast Jd 8leo 10 comp which draws only the Latimers have a very good {matron, extended a cordial wel- from Bedford chapter and the! top two teams out of the Beaches |Pit ching staff too, with the veter- come to the associate matrons other from Whitby chapter, who| \ league. A strange feature of thejan Murray Dowey (the chewing [from various visiting chapters. presented their mother with a gift | FOR CLASSIFIED hospital trophy is that it has|tobacco and all) and Jack Rain- | Past officers of Whitby chapter on behalf of Whitby chapter in| Did you notice that Whith only been won once outside the! bow. Dowey will , more than [present were Mrs. Alma Ridley,|honor of her appointment as| dai ce at pon y [Mrs. Anna Patterson, Mrs. Elsie(grand representative to the State] pace in The Times-Gazette with the regular classified ads? This change was made at city of Toronto, and that was by| likely get the nod from coach the Whitby Stokers. A number of Doug. Pyzer as this is a big Goose (grand representative to|of Texas. The officers of Whitby| [the Tony's players were on that) game for both teams. The locals {the State of Texas), Mrs. Ver-chapter took part jn a very| [team, and they would like to downed the Latimer, team on onica Manning, Mrs. Julia Thom-| pretty floral ceremony which was make it a second time, their last meeting in Toronto so las and Mr. James Martin (in ic: o cha any Norm Bagnell appears to be the visitors will be out to even (= rs dedicated to the charter mem-| the request of readers who office). Past matrons and patrons pers of whom there were 24 pres- refer. classifi d ad all t : [from Sunbeam, Markham, Clov- ent Pi ssified ads all to- . gether. More and more people from the city are moving and commuting to and fro every |really hitting his. pitching peak|the score. lelly, Eastdale, Durham, Fair- A candle was. lighted by each] day. In many cases it is fast- bank, Hillérest, Ontario, and past matron of Whitby chapter NEWS BRIEFS er to drive to the large plants Queen City chapters were also in| present representing her year in |attendance as well as other visi- office and also one by the worthy tors from Birchcliffe, Mount matron, Mrs. Mae Phair, now in| BUS DRIVER SHOT tory were captured in a Peter- Dennis, Clovelly, Markham, Blue| ffice. | on the highway th to hidtk HAMILTON (CP) -- A Hamil- borough home Saturday night by Star, Bedford, Beaches, Sunbeam,| After some enjoyable entertain oe en ay an 0 ts (ton bus driver was shot twice|two city detectives and two po- Durham, Sunland, Queen Esther,| ment of tap dancing by Mrs.| of Oshawa 9 Sole oL1er paris early Sunday by one of two men lice constables. Captured were Laurel, Queen City and Starlight Margaret . Connelly, Miss Joan Whitby owners renters, and |'vho attempted to hold him up in|John Garfield Killingbeck and chapters. All were given a warm/conibear, Miss Kay Luscombe real estate people in general |the cab he was driving for a|Donald Moir alias Deluco, who [welcome by the worthy matron and Master Dennis Connelley as| will find that they will have friend escaped from the reformatory and worthy patron well as some choral selections the opportunity to reach more Stewart Schade, 31, told police June 24. Reports of the various commit-| from the Kedronaires of the Ked-| prospects when their ads ap- |he grappled with both men after| Police said the prisoners told tees were given. The worthy pa-|ron United Church, a very tasty| pear on the regular classi- |'lamming them forward by jam-|them they had broken into two fied pages. ming on his brakes. farmhouses, ransacked eight cars Look for them there begin- One Duliel tore a piece of Jess and stolen two since their escape. ning next Monday under the [from his thumb, the other hit his : . regular Whithy heading. SETTLE SUIT What makes this game such a hander in the country. | tron, Mr. James Martin, was re- salad plate followed by cookies cently honored by being present-land birthday cake were served |ed with an honorary membership by Mrs. Kathleen Browne and |of Sunbeam chapter, Oshawa. An'her committee. |ribs, and lodged beside his spine. iy -- A 38 - calibre revolver bullet; SANTA MONICA, Calif. (AP) as taken from Schade's back at Actress Maureen O'Hara Wednes- hospital where he was taken by day dismissed.a $1,000,000 libel a passing driver. He is in good suit against Confidential maga- | condition zine. Her lawyer said terms of a Schade fled the cab after the settlement would remain undis- |shooting and ran more than 100 | closed. vards before stopping a motorist. HITLER MEMENTOES TOO QUIET PARIS (Reuters)--Two medal- KOBE, Japan (AP)--A 10-day |lions depicting Adolf Hitler, by . nd 4 : ; 3 anti-horn blowing campaign in German sculptor Arno Brecker, Carudian Pros Sif Writer three, opened in 1952 on the site periods and struggle in athletic|suburban Ashiya reduced noise sold for 1,000 francs (about $2.50) . Balai ; lof old Fort St. John, where Amer-| events by 91 per cent. There was only during an auction of furnishings ST. JOHN'S, Que. (CP)--Chests|ican forces seeking to capture 'We train the whole character, one accident, resulting from a|from the Second World War Ger- out, chins in, spines like ramrods,| Canada during the American Physical, intellectual and moral," | motorist being lulled to sleep by man embassy. the preparatory class at College Revolution were kept at bay for says Group Capt. Archambault. the quiet while driving. : : Militaire Royal was drawn up in'so long that their campaign 'They come in here looking like three ranks on the parade! failed. (nothing on earth, but you should ESCAPEES CAPTURED square, but drill instructors mut-! he officers' mess was built in S€€ them when they leave." PETERBOROUGH (CP)--Two tered and shook heuds 1839, but most of the buildings-- The commandant says CMR escapees from Guelph Reforma- "This is the first time they've including the three residences, Va founded to provide military, EEE ever pulled anything like this on! the sports centre and the instruc- training for French - Canadian me," grinned an officer as he tion building with its modern la- youngsters without a strong FOR went to bring Group Capt. * G. boratories and 38,000 - volume bi. 8rasp of English MISSED PAPERS Archambault, college comman- lingual library have been For the first half of the month dant, to inspect the cadets. erected since 1952 only French is spoken at the col- A man of wry humor, Group, The Royal Military College at Ho oxtapt in C138 roams Where Capt. Archamb It blinked when Kingston, Ont., was founded in cadet's oh may 4 given in the he saw them, tl.en went tongue- 1876, and Royal Roads, near Vic other tongue. During If you have not received your Times-Gazette by 7 p.m., Call All colls must be placed between 7 end 7:30 p.m. Cadets Are On Parade But Attire Is Different By GERALD FREEMAN | Wye . The largest graduating class | in the history of the town was las. week honored by the teachers, the school hoard and Teaching Friend To Drive, Is Found To Be Careless An Ajax man found that hel had given his girl friend a $35 driving lesson when he appeared before Magistrate E. Guest in traffic court in Whitby on Mon- day. Marion Czorchra, 22, of 74 King's Crescent, 'was fined $35 and costs for careless driving PC James Barter, of the Whit- by Police Department, told the court that he had noted the ac cused's car proceeding east on Dundas St. on May 24. He said that he followed it and watched jt cross the centre line and strike the south shoulder several times. Scout Mothers Hold Supper The 4th Whitby Scouts and Cubs Mothers' Auxiliary. ended their season with a gala informal supper held in the beautiful garden at the home of Mrs George Boychyn, vice-president of the Al ary The president, Mrs. James McBride dnd her executive as well as other members attended. | Grace was said by Mrs. Allan McLean an dthe usual business part of the meeting was dis- pensed with. The members en- joyed each other's culinary spe- cialties after which the party moved indoors for further enter- leeth has an important infiuence|and tainment, lon the second or permanent set, onto. he i 4 ation, During the evening, vari- | are the members of ous prizes and awards were presented and the valedictory read. Shown above, in two WHITBY PERSONALS Mrs. Larry Ruest and Mrs. J Ottenbrite, Brown Owls of the {3rd and 5th Whitby Pack, enter- tained 40 Brownies at a wiener roast held at Mrs. Ruest's home, the Home and School asseeia- tion when 146 graduates of Colborne St. School were ten- dered a banquet at the gradu- groups, graduating class of the Photos Robertson. Kidnapping Count Stands MONTREAL (CP) A plea for reduction of a kidnapping charge against Mrs. Greta Goede 45, was rejected Monday in Su perior Court by Mr. Justice Wil- fried Lazure. Mrs. Goede is charged in the abduction of 2%year old Joel Reitman, of Montreal, grandson Scugog Cleaners AND Shirt Launderers 105 Dundas St. West, Whitby --- BELL TAXI OFFICE PHONE MO 8-4791 FOR FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY OR CASH AND CARRY THERE ARE OPENING SPECIALS He said that it was travelling at speeds of 45 to 50 in the 30 m.p.h. zone and speeded up to 70 m.p.h. in the 40 mile zone between Whitby and Oshawa When he stopped the car, he said, Czorchra explained that he had been teaching his girl friend to drive and had permitted her to steer the car. A NEW PLAN FOR CLASSIFIED Many people work in Osh- | awa but live in Whitby and vice-versa It's so commonplace today that most people attend and patronize sporting events in both communities After making a general sur- vey of this situation, the man- agement of The Times- Gazette fecls that classified advertisers would be better had more pros from, if they part of the The hostesses were assisted by Tawny Owl Miss Gail McDon- ald and Mrs. F. Allard of wealthy store owned A. H. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Miller and Reitman. The woman was a family are spending two weeks housemaid of the boy's parents, holidays at Sturgeon Lake Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Reitman Defence lawyer Philip Cutler claimed that the charge should be reduced to depriving the legal | guardians of their child, since kidnapping implies taking a per- son against his will, The will of a child under seven not recog nized in law Mr. Justice Lazure rejected the plea pending today's preliminary hearing, A similar plea last week in Criminal court was rejected by Judge Lucien Gendron, who also rescinded a previous order t have the accused mentally exam- ined A defence motion by lawyer Raymond Lachapelle on a writ of habeas corpus, charging the wo- retained, in'cheek about the inspection toria, in 1941 the other half, only English is | COLORFUL BUNCH One lofty cadet was topped with an old helmet. Others wore dun- garees, or sashes about their | waists. Beside the bugler stood an apparition from a West Indies travel folder, wearing a ragged straw hat and strumming a man- dolin. A cadet with r toy drum came up tardily, panting Amid the studied disarray, cadets in standard dark blue uni forms looked out of piace Such mild high-jinks are rare at this spit - and - polish military [school, 25 miles scutheast of Montreal, where no officer walks unsaluted. and no cadet bare headed. The boys .ot away with it because they had just finished their curriculum and were pre paring to dig into final examina- tions. UNIQUE SYSTEM They were winding up a year unique in Canadian schooling CMR is the only bilingual mili Three tary college in C- .ca, the only 'una kang )s, pets of a one of the three in which cadets urgeon here, were "arrested"|can patch up high school defici- parade, keep their rooms spick| Eckford Gow, of Tor- by police after a two-hour chase |encies with a preparatory year. land span, attend classes, pound (through city ! It is also the newest of the books through compulsory study spoken One English-speaking cadet and| one who speaks French share| to be granting degrees itself. It residence room. Language, like takes students into its third year|€Verything else at CMR, is on a| from CMR and Royal Roads, for complete basis. | two additional years. Science, en- gineering and military studies are stressed. Students who started in all three take an extra year at a recognized civilian uni versity for degrees Cadets at the three schools choose their service on entering, and spend their summer months with the army, nav: or RCAF The present quota of cadets is 20 per cent navy, 40 per cent each for the others The air force admi .sters CMR the navy looks after Royal Roads and the army ) andles RMC. But instructors may be civilian or from any of the services, and commanding officers alternate among the services { NO FOOLING A typical day at CMR starts at 6:30 am., and cadets are per- mitted little nonsense as they RMC IS GOAL RMC at Kingston expects soon Mrs. A. Vaughan, of Bobcay- geon, has returned to her home after spending a few days with her daughter, Marilyn, and son, William AJAX COMMUNITY CENTRE From July 1st, 1958 onwards the present Rotary Hall in Ajax will be known as the Ajax Community Centre. The Centre will be the responsibility of the Recreation Committee of the Council of the Town of Ajax. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Noble, their is son Tim and daughter Joanne of Port Credit, spent a couple of days as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don MacLean, of Brock street south. Mr. and Mrs. Walter MacCar {and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mac Carl, of Whitby, were among the guests who attended the Hutche son-Gaskell wedding held recent ly at St. George's Memorial Church 0 The Centre will be available for rental for: Dances, Meetings and similar functions -- please call: Tom Nicholson, Ajax 1118. pec is were a. regular classified pages Look for Whitby classified ads regularly, in future, under its own heading on the regular classified ' page man illegally also rejected. was is | Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gow, of | Kingston, were recent guests at the 'home of their parents, Mr and 'Mrs. Frank Roberts, of Byron street south, Other recent g BABY'S TEETH guests were Mr. and Mrs. Karl I'ne health of a child's first Faber, of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Mr Ajax Recreation Committee, A. GOLDIE, Chairman Treasurer: C. 5. THOMPSON AJAX 1572 FAST FUGITIVES LINCOLN, Eng, (CP Bookings: T. NICHOLSON, AJAX 1118 . strec.