10 THE DAILY TIMES.GAZETTE, Wednesday, July 2, 1958 | KEEP IN TRIM | Says City Girls Can Be As Hardy As Pioneer Women By DOROTHY ROE Nutrition Science Brings Hope For Underweights By IDA JEAN KAIN ot Gather round, thin girls . . . this week it's your turn. Your NEW YORK (AP) -- Don't be | fooled by the delicate look and {the soft life of today's city girl, hour, you thin girls lose the de {warns Mari Sandoz, Ristorian ol oe RL jest and author olf e sire to eat and feel full after ame Oud Wes ang. au {find the courses they want in a|States this fall as the total num- dietitian will take the weight| Since your food capacity is problem from your corner. Go at{small, you will need booster cal- weight gaining in a spirit of ad-|ories between meals. The secret venture. You can add paddinglis tq take your piece-meal calor- eotyle of. bites. "If the need arose, they'd be| just as tough as their pioneer an- cestor, who jolted across the plains by covered wagon," says the lean and forthright Miss San- and feel like a new girl. | It's important to eat balanced] meals so we'll begin with nutri-| tion and round out the meals. The| good food values in food work to-| gether, Think of this as nutrition| teamwork. That is, the protective nutrients which help vou to as- similate gnd get the '"'good" out | of your meals are used most effi- ciently when other protective nu- tricnts are present. For example, calcium is the mineral that acts as a buffer to fo the nervous system. Calcium is utilized most favorably in the presence of Vitamins A, C and D. Iron is more effectively used for making good red blood when| copper is also furnished. Protein is most efficiently used for body/|. repair when a complete protein food is included at each of the three meals a day. QUALITY IS PARAMOUNT You can see that the quality of your daily meals is of paramount| importance. To make it easy to balance your meals, bui'd the day's menus around the protective foods which furnish the needed nutrients. Here they are milk, fruits, including a citrus fruit or juice: vegetables, includ ing a dark green leafy or deep yellow; eggs, meat, fish or basic chicken: whole grain cereals and ta good bread and butter To build an appetite, be sure to have meals at a time. If you go beyond your meal your ies early in the forenoon and afternoon. Take the pick-up be- fore you feel the need of it, and this will prevent your blood sugar from falling and your nergy from lagging. Also, by taking your booster calories early, you 0 not lessen your appetite for the next meal. Avoid sweets be- tween meals. Such pick - ups do not afford good nutrition, and be- ing sweet, they will spoil your appetite for good wholesome food at mealtime. Restrict the pick-up doz. "Remember that many of the women who heiped their hus bands open up the West, who cooked over campfires and fired their own guns, were city girls, too. They learned to survive the hardsnips and dangers of the overland trail and to fight side by side with their men. "Don't tell me a modern woman couldn't take it. As a matter of fact, she might do bet- ter than her great-grandmother, foods that are easily and|being by training more self-reli. quickly digested--such as a glass/ant, more athletic and certainly of milk or fruit juice with a raw healthier. egg whipped in. You homemak-| «The female of the species al-| ers can add dry milk powder or|yays has had to be tough, and I protein powder to milk. don't think the pattern has If you feel dragged out, drop|changed today." into the doctor's office for a LOST IN BLIZZARD check-over, It may be that you| h | are anemic. It is almost impos-| She told-of her niece, a 23-year-| |sible to add needed pounds when|old country school teacher, who | |was stranded in a school bus with ashes wn pi 112 children during the worst snow Nutrition for Weight Gaining form to hit ne ae ¥ i many Breakfast: Chilled orange juice, | years, The bus turned over, and Hot cooked whole grain cereal|ihev wi 1 with chopped dates. Buttered they were lost. | toast. choice i "But she tied the children to- | mar da aether--the left sleeve of each tied to the rixnt wrist of the next your blood count is low, Honey am Beverage malade or jelly Luncheon una chicken salad witth mayonnaise, or creamed, on toast. Grilled or es-|dressing, bread and butter. calloped tomato or other vege Baked custard with fruit sauce, e, roll-butter. Ice Cream and hot beverage. | PICKUPS: 10 a. m. and 3 p.m. isp bacon of milk or fruit juice; be- green vege- fore retiring: glass of warm milk ixed green salad, French'and crackers or cookies. 0 Strong power net with regular girdle. SIZES--SMALL, MEDIUM, LARGE, EXTRA LARGE WARD'S Hold That Chemise Line! - with - Sarong" Bras and Girdles Ss 3 ® FOR LASTING FRESHNESS SARONG BANDEAU with all elastic back moves with you for perfect fit, Cups of embroidered sheer nylon. Size = 3.95 SARONG LONGLINE 6.00 BRASSIERE Size 34-42 SARONG WIDE ZIPPER GIRDLE, with famous criss - cross front that never rides up, slims as it trims. Ideal for the new chemise dresses ® 2 GRADUATE CORSETTIERS @® 3 PRIVATE FITTING ROOMS Sizes 27-40 CHILD GUIDANCE Says Correspondence Courses Are Not Always Practical By G. CLEVELAND MYERS [Local night school, are taking Many persons who feel too poor courses by mail. About as many to go to college or wish to work new students will be enrolled in or continue working but can't;home study schools in the United ber of freshmen in colleges and and led them downhill until she universities. came to a fence, which took her| So reports Homer Kampfer, di- to a feeding shack. There she rector of the National Home, took care of the children, fed Study Council, Washington, D.C. them and kept them warm for 23| which has for the past 32 years days, until the bulldozers could been the accrediting agency for Before considering a correspon- dence course, it would be wise to! check with director Homer Kempfer on the quality of the corresp av Don't make your judgment wholly on the agent from any school or its literature. i Chicago. It also includes Dr. Her-, old C. Hunt, former undersecre- tary of the U.S. department of health., education and Welfare, and Dr. John W. Studebaker, for- mer U.S. commissioner of educa- tion. Only 53 of the more than 450 home study schools of the nation have been approved by the coun- cil. Some of the others, like the small unaccredited colleges, are of good calibre but don't quite meet the standards of the coun- cil. These standards include Find out if the courses you want are given at a local night school or college. None would maintain that you could learn more by mail than by studying under a good teacher in the flesh, Consider, moreover, whether| sound instructional methods, hon-|yoy have the character to work| est promotional methods, quali-|faithfully at a course by mail. 1*! fied faculty, financial resources wil] take more self - drive and and reasonable tuition. | self-discipline, as a rule, than] About 7'2 per cent of the cor- going to a night school or college respondence now pursued are vo-| cational. Among the alumni of get through. All the children were{the nation's corr safe when they finally were re- schools. turned to their families, who had| The accrediting commission is correspond schools, which to- tal around 10,000,000, are such famous names as Eddie Ricken- backer, Arthur Godfrey and Wal- almost given up hope of seeing headed by William Bethke of La- them again." : iSalle Extension University in ter P. Chrysler. regularly. PARENTS' QUESTIONS Q. Do you advise a daily after- noon rest period for children un- der 10 or 12 during the summer? A. Yes, indeed. 2 Competive Prices Plus Personal Service SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS EFFECTIVE ALL THIS WEEK! "SUMMER FUN" Make your I.D.A. Drug Store your headquarters for photo supplies, excellent photo- finishing and enlargement service. SUN GLASSES 89¢ and Up FLY & INSECT KILLERS BRIDGEPORT BOMB ° . 98¢c, 1.49 GREEN CROSS HOUSEHOLD SPRAY tAID H. & G. KILLER BOMB RAID INSECT SPRAY 1.00 1.69 69¢ GREEN CROSS INSECT BOMB A sure way to kill flies, mosquitoes, etc. Press top valve and sprdy air in room. 89 1.39 FLY-TOX MEANS DEATH to Flies and other Insects ' AEROSOL BOMB SPRAY 89¢c, 1.39 45¢, 65c, 98¢ 6-02 11-02, ATROSOL Insect i BATHIN Seiberling . Viceroy Junior Miss Howland Cap. ......... Other Cops Bristamin Lotion. . Caligesic Ointment Nivea Creme 35¢, 63c, 1 Noxzema ' Skin Cream. . Nupercainal. . . Tan G Unguentine AS.A. TABLETS ,, 19°... 49 149 MAX FACTOR CURL CONTRO L.D.A. MILK of MAGNESIA TABLETS 300s Reg. 8%9¢ 59¢ Reg 1.75 LD.A, HYDROGEN PEROXIDE 15¢ 16-02 Reg. 45c¢ 39 4-01. Reg. 19¢ 8-02 Reg. 2%9¢ 100s Reg. 3%9¢ 29¢ I.D.A. SACCHARIN TABLETS Va Grain 500's V4 Grain 500s This means qualified help in choosing the proper garment and expert fitting . + oll at no extra cost. A Good Companion For Every Occasion Sarong CONVERTIBLE PANTY GIRDLE Sarong panty girdle leads a double life nylon criss-cross front, comfortable detachable crotch snaps off and on easily, without crotch you have 7.00 JU It's "drip-dry' to make it so eas finer-than-usuel appearance and dresses that go everywhere plaids, tufts and small florals al free washing ond a minimum of and a host of colors, 36" wide Pretty Woven, Embossed or Polis ond eclors. These ore clear-outs SUMMER FABRICS at NEW LOW Fine-as-silk COTTON BROADCLOT 2 Light Blue, Mist Green, Rose and Block "Dan Rivers" COTTONS A group of fine cotton fabrics priced for q I with COTTON CLEARANCE lovely selection in a grand array of eolors LY PRICES!!! H 79: te va, Chocolate, Powder, Royol, - 39 wide mmer sale + Woven checks Dor wrinkle-shed finish for care Choose from light ond dark grounds le Pe. the "'D roning care Reg. to 1.39 | "save 27¢ on | Reg. 55¢ 39¢ : WASH CLOTHS 7 Reg. 65¢ 49¢ Excellent quality in very at- tractive patterns and colours some with carved effect. 19¢ ot rive Bt OFF NOXZEMA 3-WAY SPECIALS ! Lather Shave ,. ,.. (AEROSOL BOMB) -- 79¢ size Brushless ... ... "VACMASTER" Vacuum Bottle 98¢c Value 9 Johnson's Richard Hudnut [BABY SOA plus 69%¢ aby Powder EGG CREME | (B4c value) LD SHAMPOO Gives hair radiance and softness 1.25 size 79. YARD hed Cottons in a big selection of patterns, styles from eur stock ond factory warehouses , + « A and patterns. Formerly to 1.39 ciessssse SIMCOE ST. AT ATHOL | ---- WARD'S PHONE RA 35-1151 98 TAN IN COMFORT Bronztan Coppertone Aerosol Spray Cream tube or jar Oil in bottle Squeeze bottle Noxzema Suntan Lotion Suntan Oil Sea & Ski Tanning Cream Spray Tan.... Viceroy "Wave Saver" .... Acriflex Antiseptic Cream .. 65¢, 89¢, 1.69 S.T. 37 Antiseptic Lotion 85¢, 1.00 G CAP 59¢, 79¢ 89¢ 98¢ or 1.59 69¢, 98¢ 85¢ 1.19 1.00 10, 3.00 1.00 89¢, 1.50 Tan Beautifully, Without Burning 0 acomm: SKOL Blocks painful burning rays. L a glorious tan without bliste greasy 60c, 1.00, 1.25 I TWIN-TOTS Sterilized cotton tipped applicators for baby care. : and other uses. 39¢ | 59¢ | BE d 98c | OCTET frush "ROLL-ON The only "moisture control" deodorant that gives oll day protection. 1 25 . CREAM 45¢ 53¢ 75¢| THERMDS" { SKOL ets you get ring. Not Polly Red Top sensational new insulated stopper with pouring lip now on most ~~ | TRADE-MARK REGISTERED VACUUM BOTTLES 15-0z, 30-0z, 198 395 Ff | 0 ne RANTS | CREAMS Arrid - Etiquet - Mum 53c, 75¢ Each BAN Lotion Deodorant "Rolls on" 1.25 ROLIT -- 98¢ ARRID--ROLLS-ON 89¢ Box williams AQUA VELVA w after-shave lotion hi New cooling action! New manly scent! 79¢ In Pink It's Melobonded for Wet Strength 33 2 for 4 ii size Wi lilams B40 | LECTRIC SHAVE the before shave lotion 79¢, 1.25, 1.50 JAMIESON'S 241 KING E. RA 5-1169 KARN'S 28 KING E. RA 3-4621 POWE 35%2 SIMCOE ST. NORTH "RA 5.4734 LL'S 9 SIMCOE ST. NORTH RA 3.3431 MITCHELL'S McCORDICK'S 128 WILSON RD. SOUTH RA 5-8711 Hocrweition JULY CLEARANCE SUITS "2 PRICE Our famous suits of fine imported fabrics in all fashion's new shapes. Regularly 8995 ......... 44.97 Regularly 79.95 .......... 390.97 Regularly 69.95 ......... 34.97 Ladies' sizes 10 to 20, 1214 to 244. Special Group of Suits in 10 styles. Popular colors. Sizes 10 to 20. Regularly to 49.95 .. 20.00 Pure wools in box end dressmaker styles. COATS Just right for travellin tailored coats in etc. Regularly to 79.95 ....... 44.88 Regularly to 6995 ....... 34.88 Regularly to 59.95 All sizes and many eolors in groups. and chilly days. Precision- nglish doeskin, French suede, All-Weather Coats . , .. reversibles, corduroys, poplins, failles, silks. Regularly to: 25.00 ...... ...... 14.00 Regularly to 29.95 ....... 18.00 Regularly to 35.00 ....... 24.00 All sizes 8 to 20 in many shades, Ladies' Short Coats . . . wools in hip-tip cocoons, blousons, spindles. Regularly to 29.95 ........ 14.88 All sizes 10 to 20 in pastel shades 6-Ply Bengaline Coats . . . choose from 10 styles, tuxedos, chemises and full dusters. All fully lined with satin. Powder blue, beige, red, navy, black. Regularly to 25.00 . ...... 6.88 Regularly to 2995 ...... 19.88 Ladies' sizes 10 to 20 SUMMER DRESSES Add to your collection of pressless cottons, "Dac- rons' and others now. Regularly to 1995 ....... 8.00 Regularly to 25.00 ...... 10.00 Regularly to 29.95 dei 13.00 Broken size ond color ranges. MILLINERY Save right at the season's. height ! Regularly to 7.95 ........ 2.8 Regularly to 10.95 ....... 4.8 LINGERIE Cotton dusters, Regularly 6.95 .......... 4 498 SPORTSWEAR T-SHIRTS 198 Regularly 298 .......... AMERICAN T-SHIRT SPECIAL aie. 2.89 «3.49 2-Pc. Cotton Print CO-ORDINATES Regularly to 16.95 ....... 6.88 1 and 2-PC. SUMMER KNITS Reg. to 14.95 Reg. to 19.95 7.88 13.00 Cavalry Twill, Chino Co-Ordinates SHORY 3H 9 J 2 ® 2 9 PEDAL PUSHER 2 70 ® 3.79 All sizes 8 to 18, OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE SLIM PANTS KING STREET AT STEVENSON'S ROAD All Famous Maker's