WHITBY and DISTRICT Merchants Lose To Athletics In The Whitby Merchants, in los- ing 15-7 to the St. Catharines Athletics, came up with their most crowd-pleasing display of lacrosse this season on Thursday night in a regular OLA junior fixture. The locals, fighting des- verately from the opening bel, although out of the game from a scoring standpoint, though losing, sent the fans home happy. In the first period, which ended 4-3, with the Athletics out in front, the Merchants came up with their most inspired lacrosse of the season. For 19 minutes, they played as if they should be near the top of the league. They had one had minute in the open- ing frame during which the Ath- letics rapped home three goals at 5.12, 5.31 and 5.48, with Thorn and Asadoorian the marksmen, The Merchants, displaying more "fight" than at any time in the season, answered back with a pair Larry Hutchison and D. Gibson came up with goals at ©56 and 12.56 to put the Mer chants into the ball game Thorn gave the Athletics a two-goal edge at 15.06 to make the count 4-2 but P. Tran kept the locals in there with a tally at 17.48 for a 4-3 first period end- ing MERCHANTS HOLD LEAD With only 12 seconds the second gone, Gord Platt whistled one past McCready in the St. Catharines cage to square it up and Jerry Burrows jumped the Merchants into a 5-4 lead at 3.05 Although outscored in the re mainder of the period, the Mer chants more than had their sh of the play and it was only sor atrocious luck around which prevented them fr ing, Neil Wilson and Tom Chazcew £ki were absent and Glen Lotion and Elmer Tran are stili side- lined with injuries of kept driving until the final whistle and, even Best Game | Next Thursday, Long Branch will be the visitors to the Whitby arena FIRST PERIOD 1, St. Catharines, Thorn (Thompson) . . St. Catherines: Asadoorian--(Vnass . St. Catherines Asadoorian--(Bryson) Whitby: Hutchison-- . Whitby: D. Gibson (Platt) St. Catharines, Thorn Vnass . Vr 7. Whitby: P. Tran (H. Tran) Penalty: Bryson. SECOND PERIOD 8. Whitby: Platt (Burrows) aaa 9. Whitby: Burrows (P. Tran) 10. St. Catherines: Thomson--(Vnass) 1. St. Catherines: Mcore--(Alorian) St. Catherines: Pelltier (Thompson, Kool) St Catherines: Moore Vnass St Catherines: Asadoorian--Vnass Penzlties P. 7 auck, Ailan THIRD PERIOD 15: Whithy: P, Tran Hutchison St Catherines (Alovan) Si. Catherines: Brysen-Vnass St. Catherines: Moore--Vnass St. Catherines: Asadoorian--Vnass Whitby: B. Campbell P. Tran St. Catherines: Treyau (Thorn) 22: St. Cather Uhlrynuck Penalties -- _ Uhrynuck. 6. 5:46 12 15:20 13 17:00 14 19:48 ran, Uhry 16 Pellt 17 "ines (Vnass) Troyan, H Citizenship Trophies, Awards Are Presented To Graduates Progress prizes, citizenship awards and I0ODE Social Studies prizes were awarded this week to graduates of the Colborne St Public School at their graduation service in the Whitby United Church. Prizes were pre- sented to pupils in Grade 7 and 6 also The class of 146 was the lar- gest entrance class eve radua- ted in the history of the town. All pupils attend Colborne St schocl Progress prizes, the Colborne St. School Association, were ward- ed to the following pupils, The prizes are awarded to pupils who WHITBY DAY-BY-DAY ST. ANDREW'S PICNIC The St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Annual picnic will take place on Wednesday, July 2 at Cedar Glen Park, Pickering. Bus es will leave the Church at pm POWER INTERRUPTION Manager of the Whitby PUC Harry Simpson, reports that there will be a power interruption in parts of Whitby on Dominion Day. The power will be off from 1 p.m to 4 p.m area of the town bounded by Burns St., the CNR spur line, Colborne St., and Brock St. During the break, PUC work men the lines clo-ed all day will msume on Tuesday, provided by Home and int The PUC office will be Monday but work July 1. 2.30! will be tightening some of 3 have shown the most during their year. Presenting the Grade 8 pupils president of 1 1ssociation Winners were Mi oe Weaver Enid Pitt, Eric Downey and Da vid Hewis Presenting the prizes to Grade 7 winners was Bert Foote, past president of the association, who presented them to Joyce Thomp son, Roger Crawford an. Sandra Kenyon, Grade 6 prizes were presented by Scoutmaster Bill Lawler and went to Jean Richardson and David Perry. FOR CITIZENSHIP Winners of the Kinsinen Club Citizenship Trophies this year A Sandra Kenyon and Grant Madill, of Grade 7 and F and Brian The pri zes are present. progress prizes to the ' Fred Ing Grade 8 ed to' the to be the b Whitby. Also presented were smaller trophies to last year's winners A , Dennis Brown, Fran- on and Paul Martinsen were presented by president f the Whitby Kinsmen Club, Present ing } Studies Av thergill wood Chapter ies 0 Bert Foote vided of of Virginia Mary Lou Donald Me- of Grade 8 of room 2 of room 35 of room 9, all room 1 m Dauncey, Fitzjohn Cuddy, Qe ay roc m 4 room 6 of roc of uart Evan RE Bickell and Donald Dair, of Grade 7 S WHITBY CLASSIFIED Two unfurnished front floor. Phone MO 150b FOR room 8-2090. FOR Rent on ground Rent reasonable room apartment, in quiet clean h No children, Absia please Centre South. MO 8 WANTED -- Room boy. eight 8.40 ers years of Phone MO BARGAINS at Midtown. New and furniture, now in'Whitby at 113 Strect South (Adams Block). One specials: new chrome new continental bed mattresses $18.95 chesterfield Singer sew $19 up. For town, Whitby B suites new three thre guaranteed it's Mid 150f d ines your best price CASH for used fur pianos and se achines. For top price in Oshawa, Whitby and Aiax, call Midtown Furniture, Whitby, MO 8.4981 co appliances FURNITURE, new and and exchang pianos and sew best used, we buy apoliance Midtown Furni FOR Sale stalling aerials 82081 DRIVING to five. Call MO 8 FOR Sale 8-2294 FOR Rent r for ir Independent Sales, MO Toronto da FOR Tent tained MO 8 Rent cor phone FOR or Hr cour ple, Venetian. $50 month, 119 Br ROOM and quiet home, 8-2975 BUY furn Board for two gentleme abstainers., Phone ana sell u w WOMAN fo for month Phone MO 84304, ¢ LOST -- Pa ' ALTERATIONS i tre South _ DRESSMAKING and HAND and pe FREE package popular brand sigar ettes with every $3 pi line. Open every Donald Limited en, MO 82261 of glasses in red Perry or Brock S'reet North Street pant cuffing and alterations, also drapery. 10 MO 8-3360 July Cen 1 alterations, forma s gowns made fo 3 #61 Bs June 3 and bridesmaid satisfaction. Call MO R 4398; North, Monday Friday SOD for sale call Grant Landscaping, for the finest in sod MO 8 J pL] Phone 150¢ FOR Rent Furnished room MO 8.2729 SEPTIC tanks new tanks in 204 Chestnut Wesf cleaned the alled. W phone sanitary Ward ) 8-2563 Aug i way, MC mowers shar steady ir hour vou a good can devote , she = She 4 Winacott future citizens of : Nellie Dieter ' ryn . Sharon Bagnell Fans 13 To: Edge Chalets 1-0 By CLIFF GORDON Tony's backed up the terrific four hit pitching of Norm Bag- nell last night to eke out a close hard fought 1-0 win over Swiss Chalet in Toronto. The win last night gives the Tony's a piece of second spot in thé league stand- ing. They are currently tied with Latimér Brokers at six wins and as many losses each. The Latimer Brokers team will be the . . . visitors here on Wednesday night in what should be the biggest at-| traction of the season. Last night's game was a real hair raiser all the way. Moe Zabatiuk the losing hurler, had nothing to be ashamed of in a losing cause, as the locals only tagged him for four hits. A pair of these coming off the bat of Sammy Stark, a singleton by Norm Bagnell and Red MacDer- maid. MacDermaid was the big ' man as he doubled in the top of the seventh, went to third on a passed ball and then scored as Bob Booth lined a sacrifice fly to the outfield. Bagnell had com plete control from here in and th tor. |O w (gave the locals a much needed win. Presentation Is Made Here her resignation as club instruc- tennis circles. lof the younger set Mrs. instructed clinics for years. A presentation to Mrs. A. G. President Ralph McKendry has Duguid was made on behalf of named as successor to Mrs, e Whitby Tennis Club and the Duguid to supervise the junior mior members particularly upon programme, Doug Hird. Doug, it should be noted: has been Mrs. Duguid. is moving to assisting with ttawa in the near future and several years and was himself ill be greatly missed in Whitby enrolled for the various clinics under Mrs. Duguid's guidance. An excellent tennis player her- Assisting Doug. will be Tom the weekly juniors twice for self she has been _ primarily re- Clough and John Hird both of [sponsible for the keen interest/whom have developed fine strokes, in Whitby. along with the ability to instruct Duguid has organized and newcomers to the game. many | THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Soturdey, June 28, 1958 5 the juniors for, MISSED PAPERS Whithy Churches IN WHITBY Phone MO 8-311 If you have not received your Times-Gozette by 7 p.m., Call BELL TAXI All calls must be placed between MRS, J. B WHITBY UNITED CHURCH. REV. JOHN M. SMITH, B.A, B.D., Minister EATON, Organist REV. S. J, HILLIER, Guest Minister 7 ond 7:30 p.m. DIAMOND DUST -- Bagnell is starting to really show his zip and spark as the weather finally ap- pears to be warming up. He has fanned an average of 13 men in the last two games. So if this is an indication of what is to come the visitors are going to find the hits very scarce off Mr. Bagnell It was real good to see Sammy Stark hit another pair of | bingles as he continues to show the younger fellows how it should be done . . . MacDermaid besides playing a heads up game last night got the best hit of the night and scored the only run of the night . . . The locals played one of their best games and commit- ted nary an error . . . Don't for- get the big one here on Wednes- NOTICE Whitby Community Swimming Pool will commence swimming and water safety classes on Monday, July 7, 1958. The six-week course will be held from 9.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon, Monday through Friday. . Pre-registration will be held in the council cham- bers on Thursday, July 3rd and Friday, July 4th from 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. Registration forms may be obtained from local schools or the treasurer. The fee is $3.00 per person, F. N. McEWEN, Treasurer. Created - To Individuol 11:00 A.M.--MORNING WORSHIP JUNIOR WORSHIP, INFANT CARE 10:00 A.M.--JUNIOR AND SENIOR SUNDAY SCHOOL Requirements ST. ANDREW'S STAFFORD BROS. Monumental Works 318 Dundos Eost MO 8-3552. Corner Byron ond St. John § REV. DAVID MARSHALL P. N. SPRATT Organist: Mrs, PRESBYTERIAN FAITH BAPTIST 421 BROCK ST. NORTH--WHITBY REV, E. CORBETT, B.Th. FAITH TIDINGS 9:15 A.M.--Radio Broadcast KLB Pastor: ts. 9:45 a.m. Sunday Scho day night as the Tony's team host Latimers in the battle for sole possession of second place, LINE SCORE RH Tony's Refreshments 1 4 Swiss Chalet 0 4 WHITBY P ERSONALS W. Clarke, of Green street, assisted by Miss Marilyn Vaughan, held shower in honor of Miss Marion Cookson, who is to be married on July 26 at Pickering United Church to Mr. Whitby. Miss Cookson Mrs. was pre . sented with numerous useful gifts. the Irma served by Miss lunch assisted by Tasty was hostesses Hoskin The many friends of Mrs. M Graves are happy to learn that has returned home from the Oshawa General Hospital where underwent surgery They vish her a complete recovery. Mrs. Shirley Vanstone is cele- brating her birthday today. Her friends wish her many happy re- . turns of the day. Mr. and bough, of Ottawa their father, Mr. Herman Rom- bough, of Trent street, and also Mrs. Rombough, who is in Osh awa General Hospital. Mrs. Gladys Wiles recently opened her home to the members of the Whithy Baptist Chureh 3 B's for their tea and Gordon Rom are visiting Mrs. Dr. Robert Thornton School a miscellaneous Robert Peake of bake sale which proved to be most successful both socially and financially. Receiving the guests were: Mrs. J. M. Ward and Mrs. Detlor, the president, who thank- ed everyone who donated and also attended. Mrs. J. Wilkinson is convener for the rose show tea to be held at the rotunda on Wednesday, under the auspices of the W hitby Garden Club Mr. and Mrs. Ken son Tim and daughter from Port Credit, spent a couple of days as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don MacLean, of Brock street south Miss Victoria Visser is cele- brating her birthday today, June A party has been arranged for the occasion. Her friends wish her many more happy birth- days Mrs. W. E. G, Summers, of Dundas street east, is opening her home to the members of the Whitby Baptist Church Ladies Aid for their annual potluck supper to be Jed on Wednesday, July 2 at 3.30. All members are invited to wont this annual event. general and Noble and Joanne Py NOTICE To enable our employes to spend this day with their families their will be NO DELIVERY ON DOMINION DAY Will you kindly arrange to take sufficient milk on Monday, June 30 to last until the regular delivery on Thursday, July 3rd. DAIRY WILL REMAIN OPEN Your co-operation will be sincerely appreciated HILLCREST DAIRY (Whitby) 308 BYRON STREET SOUTH PHONE MO 8-3301 we remind you there is NO WEDNESDAY DE- PS. -- May LIVERY, 11.00 a.m. Morning Worship 11 a.m. Beginners' Cla WASHER (REPAIRS | 9:45 A.M. -- Sunday School 11:00 AM. and 7:00 p.m, -- Our Pastor, ol Everyone Welcome SS WORK GUARANTEED Complete check-up. Wringer grease and Gear Oil changed. Wringer rolls in stock. Special Price on com- plete overhauls. BUTT RADIO WHITBY Mrs. W, E. Summers, BAPTIST CHURCH REV, J."M. WARD, Minister ATCM, EMMANUEL REFORMED CHURCH 3rd Concession West of Brock N. And Appliances 118 Brock St. S., Whitby MO 8-3707 10:00 AM. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 AM. "A Savior's Specialty" Salvation 7:00 P.M. "HOSPITALITY" FILMS DEVELOPED 10:00 AM. MORNING WORSHIP (ENGLISH) 2:30 P.M. AFTERNOON SERVICE (DUTCH) 24 - HOUR SERVICE Do justice to your pictures make sure they are sharp and clear, bring them to RIGLER'S STORE 200 BROCK ST. S. MO 8.9022 SUNDAY 10:00 A.M. 11:00 AM. SERVICES A WELC With REV. BILL ROURKE of Halifox, WHITBY PENTECOSTAL CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOL and 7 P.M. EVANGELISTIC Nova Scotia Our Drive: in Church Servieds on the "Grond Union Parking Lot commences Sunday July 6, at 7:30 p.m, OME AWAITS YOU Promotions For All Grades Following are the promotions at the 'Dr. Robert Thornton school, following June examina- tions, Graduating from grade 8 -- Linda MacCrae, Lynda Sytnyk, Betty Korte, Johanna Berent- Eleanor Hall, Audrey Victor Hodowansky, Ar- Dalby Richard Ciechano- Robert Lick, and Edward Promoted from grade 7 to 8-Cal Burton, Bonnie Dal- by, Rodney Crawford, and Don Korte Promoted from David Bent ham ow ene viez grade 6 to 7 Anne Cincur- David Loft- Matthews, Mich- Gerald Nek} sh, Alice Pow ell Wayne Yar- 6 Scott, Patter- Carolyn David Bouckley, Lor- Trudy Manson Jane Butler, y Darlene Done "Bell, Wayne Mec- Judy Campbell, Iris Harry Allan, Thoma grade Dennie py 1 to William Ime Delan Joanne son son Sc eo Cready, Grieve, Dayle Grade 4 to grade 5 Edwards, Anna Dovgalev, sv Luke, Irene Manities, Nor- bert Boch, Peter Nekkers, Ron- ald Lofthouse, Carl MacRae Shirley Solway, Robert Allan Richard rawford, Barry Hal- , Conraad West Scott, Dorothy rly Hatcher, Barry Sytnyk, Da- Gordon Munson - Arlaine Pat Susan Waite, id Haiton, Gary Allan Grade 3 Do Kirne Moore y Sheila Leonard, Win Janice Hall, Vera Zaika, Kath- Schad Jane Kift, Sheila Bailey, Sandra Winacott, Tom my Parker, Fredi Ruck, Tetje Steenstra, David McClean, Mel odie Anderson, Mary Kruithof Yvonne Raymond Brennan Davis, Sha ron Cooke Grade 2 to 3--( Suzanne Lo ofthouse "athy r Kenza Perry 4 Allan France Westlake Matthew, Verhoeven Susan Linda arry Bobby nder Margaret sail Steward Michael Fell Debbie Luke, Janis Wood, Hess MacDon- Billie Hall Ventham Gail Janice Imeson, Billie ald, Diapne Waite, Nunson, Joan Stewart David Hodson, Martha Wester Dianne Welsh, Susan Kift, Downey, Maurjce Pascal Wright, Joke Steenstra Delaney David Ciecha IK, Paul John Philip - Matthews, Randy, Joelle! Terry nowicz, Connie Warren, Carmichael, Brian Sliter, Hubner, Lorraine Allan, Hodson, Patrick Brennan. Grade 1 to grade 2 -- Diane! J Bell, Wolfram Boch, Christopher Brown, Bruce Brydges, Carol Denny, Alex Dovgalev, Irene Dovgalev, Raymond Elleson, David Forrest, Teresa France, Ronald Halton, Kathryn Heaslip, Marlene Ives, Carol Jennings,| Sandra Johnson, Heather Kerr.| Robert MacKinnon, David Mac Leod, Larry Massey, David Brian McCready, Ca Lynne Pipher, Jen Frank Scott, Janet Billie Steward, Karen Shelley Watson, Bryce i Paul Wyatt, Marilyn Wood, Peter Matthews Kindergarten to grade 1 nie Brag: Barbara Bruce - Campbell, Kerry Delaney, thy Miller, nifer Roth Saunders, Ron- Bentham Jimmie Coedy Frank Edwards, Linda Greenley, Heather Hall Gary Heaton, Glen Hess, Larry) Hicks, Stephen Holliday, Ray-| lene McClean, George Manitius Donna Munson, Richard Patter- Juergen Renz, John Raw- Karen Solway, Gordon Margaret Anne Simcock.| Sliter, Jantje Steenstra Stewart, Wendy Warren rie Westerink, Joyce Susan Brennan. son, ley, Schad Nancy Lolita Rosem Westl: Ke, TY 0 W=ATA=Y Yoo fo) 004 eo) [=X-Te) 4 1 fun for the entire family roller skate A FAMILY RECREATION LA Mom, Dad, and the kids can spend a swell evening together! Ska ating is great fun ...kee ps minds and boc imble and trim. y it together! Community Arena "Live Organ Music" NEW POSITION FOR CLASSIFIED Readers of + The Gazette should find the plan for classified ads their liking. Starting which will Times- new to at an early date, be announced soon, Whitby classitied ads will be run on a general classified page, but under a Whitby banner so that they are easily detected The reason for this new plan is twofold; to keep all classified advertising to- gether, to make Whithy clas- sified ads easier to find for those who reside outside that communily. Many non-Whitby residents like to consult Whithy want ads and this frequently re- sults in business transactions proitable to all concerned. It is the desire of the man- agemenr to improve the clas- sified ad service in any way posible and the new move will be taken with this end in view some accounting exper employment with Pensi for Advancement. Whitby Industry Wants YOUNG MAN With Commercial Education, preferably with WRITE: BOX 3, TIMES-GAZETTE, WHITBY ience. Can offer steady on Plan. Good Prospects LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NOTICE TAKE NOTICE THAT 1=--The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby intends to construct, as local improve- ments, cement concrete sidewalks on the follow- ing streets between the points mentionec. To a point 239' West of Blair St. Side South From a point 168' West of Reynolds St. Henry St. Frances St. Centre St. Henry St. Norih limit of a point 111° North Whitby district of Maria St. High School. and intends to specially assess a part of the cost upon the land abutting directly on the work. All the said sidewalks are to have a width of four ft. (4) and the estimated lifetime of the work is 20 years 2--The estimated cost of the work is $4,478.00 of which $2,511.20 is to be paid by the Corporation. The estimated owners' cost per foot frontage is $1.20. The special assessment is to be paid in five (5) equal annual instalments and the estimated owners annual rate per foot frontage is 27 Vac. 3--The Town of Whitby will pay 100% of all tlankages for the first 100 and 40% of any additional flankage. 4--Application will be made by the Corporation to the Ontario Municipal Board for its approval of the undertaking of the said work and any owner may, within twenty-one days after tHe first publi- catjon of this notice, file with the Board his objec- tion to the said work being undertaken [4 Name of Street Dundos St. Eost Gilbert St. West, Trent St. West, Henry St. North North West -The said Board may approve of the said work being undertaken but, before doing it may appoint a time and place when any objection to the said work will be considered Doted ot Whitby this 19th day of June, 1958 Announcement We wish to take this opportunity customers who have patronized 15 years. to thank our many us, during the last We regret to announce the CLOSING OF OUR RE-- TAIL STORE at 124 Dundas St. June 28, 1958. However this store WILL REMAI West Whitby after N OPEN DURING JULY for the purpose of receiving customers accounts. The Toronto store and Greenhouses tinue to operate as in the past. SLICHTERS at Whitby will con- LTD. (H.R. SLICHTER PRESIDENT) JOHN R. FROST, Clerk, Town of Whitby. SCUGOG CLEANERS AND SHIRT LAUNDERERS ANNOUNCE THE OPENING OF A NEW STORE FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY ALSO CASH AND CARRY IN WHITBY at the BELL TAXI S 105 DUNDAS ST. WEST TORE MO 8-4791 OPEN FOR BUSINESS MONDAY JUNE 30TH Opening Specials Ladies' or Gents' 2-pc. Suits Ladies' Plain Dresses Pants, Slacks, Plain Skirts 50 Phone M® 8-4791 For Quality Cleaning and Fast Service