Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 28 Jun 1958, p. 2

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i 2 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Seturdey, June 28, THE BLARE OF bands, the | ity of the Oshawa Shopping 1: | Centre today when the Clyde shouts of the barkers and the 4 Beatty Circus moved in to pre- other noises associated with & | gent performances at 2 and 8 eireus were heard in the vicin- | Two Performances By Circus Today | Five-Ro om House On Varcoe's Road Gutted Fire of unknown origin gutted a five-room home, on Varcoe's ef | Road north late Friday evening, causing damage estimated at $15,000. Only a charred frame remained latter firemen from Bowmanville ad Oshawa had fought for more than two hours to save adjoin- ing houses. All the contents was destroyed. G. Bowermon, 30, owher Roy of the home, sald the house and|e oq py ckstubl and Ed Pannis, contents were insured. Mr, Bow- élerman was at home alone when the fire occurred, He was Asleep Fon the chesterfield in the living f room when he was awakened by srhoke. He leaped out the huge front picture window to eScape. His wife Adriadne, 25, ahd their children, Tina 5, Sandra 4, and Wendy 3, are visiting relatives in Victoria, B.C. They were ex. |erman is a General Motors em-| Two trucks from the North | ployee. {Oshawa station were rushed to i e scene. They were under the | After escaping from the house, | 'erm direction of Captains Rowden and Mr. Bowermah went to the home FE% Ch Co Py "R. Hobbs also lof Mrs Gerald Estarook and ask- ed her to telephone firemen. She| Went tc the scene. called the Bowmanville brigade] When Oshawa firemen arrived since the Oshawa department isthe Bowmanville truck went to a unable to answer alarms outside nearby hydrant to refill its tanks. the city limites in Darlington Firemen poured water on the township. houses on either side to save | Meanwhile, two neighbors, Al.|them. Neighbors, who aided in fight- |began to fight the fire with a'ing the blaze before firemen garden hose, They emptied every| arrived, removed a 200-gallon ofl well in the area but the blaze tank from the rear of the house. roared out of ¢ontrol. Chief Hooper said the fire was out of control when the Bowman: HOMES THREATENED e house ville department arrived. {was a mass of flames. Chief L.| He estimated the damage at Hooper of Bowmanville tele- between $12,000 and $15,000. phoned Oshawa for aid since the, Hundreds of passersby stopped fite was threatening homes on to watch the fire. They swarmed |around the home. By JACK GOOD EVENING GEARIN cular. like Oshawa (population TIME 1S RIPE These people feel that the time is ripe for a liquor plebiscite in Oshawa. It is their opinion that the majority of eligible voters here would vote "yes" on the question of cocktail bars. These people point out that the Sault was the fourth Ontario city to approve cocktail bars and liquor with meals within the past 14 months, Niagara Falls, Corn. wall and St. Catharines being the other three. Kitchener a proved the sale of liquor wi When the City of Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. voted in favor of cocktail lounges the other day a lot of Oshawa people began to wonder out loud about cocktail lounges in general, and Oshawa in parti- Why, they ask, can a city like the Sault (pop- ulation 40,000) get cocktail lounges while a city 52,000 has to go without? ger, General Motors of Canada Limited and Mr, Phil Phillips, of 766 Besshorough drive. Mr. Storie sald the group re- garded the journey 'like pilo- neers", They lived, ate and slept under makeshift conditions, There were no hotels or restau- rants, but all bers reported him to. blush a dedp red when she politely asked: "It is true, Mr. Lone Ranger, that you have hair on your chest?" . The honored guest did not seen to know how to answer that one gracefully. THE NEW ARENA There were grumblings and rumblings of discontent at Mon- day's meeting of the citizens' i for the establish t of a new arena but, on the whole, {it was a successful affair. | It is understandable that when a group of men and women fram various walks of life get together to discuss a new arena there will be some disagreement, and even some heated vocal exchanges.' The proposal of Mr. E. Walker, president and general manager of General Motors of Canada Ltd, that a ways and means committee be established instead of an executive seemed like a sensible one, but it was "a wonderful time." The men slept dormitory style In Atwells ~~ high sounding name for pre. fabricated tents, The groun visited such places as Seven Islands, Knob Lake, pected home in the fall. Mr. Bows either side. CITY AND DISTRICT | List Results NEW SCHOOL GUARD | MEETING. ui Music Tests A scholl guard at the inter- Fovdogs igo rip Keewatin avenue was eonsider-|eommission will be held on the cessful candidates in examina- ed by the Oshawa Police Comm: (last Friday In September. City | tions held recently by the Royal {skion Friday The commission re-| Treasurer E. B. Tripp was au-| Conservatory of Music of Toronto ded that city {1 ex.|thorized to pay the accounts oniin Oshawa. The names are ar- " approval by a commitgion mem- ranged in order of merit. tend the sidewalk 150 feet $0iper | ARCT PIANO WRITTEN the east on King street to make| : ¥ | Honors -- Evelyn Tindall. the crossing straight. The comm. | BIGHLMONTH TERY GRADE 5 THEORY {ssion will then consider placing Adolph Stahl, 19, of Valley "garmony and History: Honors ation. Farm road, Pickering township,| X a guard at the intersection. |was. sentenced to eight months Hone: Clmble. TRAFFIC ¥'ZARD |defini's and four months indef- TONY : The traffic situation at the rail. nite in the Ontario Reformatory Olt: Dariline Ouch "Mary I way crossings on Farewell avenue|in Oshawa Family Court Friday.| yee "Pass. -- Joanne A, Mo- | and Harmony toad south, was|Stahl had pleaded guilty to alone ~ . | discussed. The commission re. | charge of contributing to the Juy- GRADE 3 THEORY | commended to city council that| entle delinquency of a 14-year-old) "pga mony: First Class Honors-- [the traffic hazard at the crossings 8Irl. Ruth Britton, Margot L. Morris be eliminated. FURTHER REMAND | (equal); Barbara L. Broadbent; PARKING REPORT | Calvin Van Horne, no fixed Mary, Weldon, Carolyn Werry address, was further remanded 4 he police companion received in Oshawa Police Court Friday,| Honors -- Audrey M. Halliday a ew Loved airman of the to July 2 for sentence. Van Horne "arol L. Jenkins, Darlene Leath- downtown parking committee of was previously convicted of false 'Dianne 4 | | | the Oshawa Kiwanis Club. } a § section of King street east andi, Sou. "The next meeting of the| The following is a list 'of suc-| erdale (equal): Eugenia K. Your- kevich; Mary C. Archer; Eleanor meals but, strangely enough, re- jected bars, The province's five largest cities, Toronto, Hamilton, Lon- don, Ottawa and Windsor had both types of sale approved in the 1946 Liquor Act without a {local vote. There appears to be no legit imate reason why the people of Frobisher Bay (due to become an international aerial crossroads on "Trans-Polar" flights) Foxe, Chtirchill and Great Whale. They also visited Grand Falls whose hydro facilities, as vet, are not fully assessed: but its drop of 265 feet is In contrast to Nia- gara's 186 feet, Mr. Storie sald he was "most impressed" bv the rocket launch- ing sites at Churchill operated by the Canad'an Army, in éo-opera. tion with the U.S. Army. "Forty rockets in all will be launched at Churchill this year in 5 connection with the observance of { 1 International Geophysical Year," G8 he said. Mr. Storie said there was still olenty of ice at such places as Foxe Frobisher, Churchill and Mr. Walker took this reverse joo naturedly and displayed a sense of fair play and com- munity spirit when he assured all that he would wholeheartedly support the committees' decisions despite the rejection of his pro- posal, A 10-man executive committee was elected and got right down to serious business later in the week by naming the heads of various committees. The charge of George Camp- bell, sports editor of The Times- Gazette, that city councll was laying down "'edicts" in attempt to keep aldermen from joining the committees does not appear to be well founded. However, such open debate can serve a good purpose and some- times does help to clear the alr and there is every reason to be- lieve that harmony reigns and definite progress is being made towards a new arena, May it continue thus. Great Whale. Churchill, incident- gd ally, was established as a Hud- on's Bay post in 1717, and has iplayed a prominent part in sub- Arctic history. Not only is it now an important military test estab. lishment and air base, but it fe also the terminal point for the Hudson Bav raflway. It is also a short evt during the comvarative- ly brief navigation eeason for # grain shipments from {he mid: | | OBITUARIES MRS. DONALD E. LOSEE | The death occurred at the Osh. {awa General Hoepital early today of Mae Farley, beloved wife of {Donald E. Losee, 148 Oshawa {boulevard morth, Mrs. Losee had Shown here are a few of the the Retail Merchant's Association pretenses, He pleaded guilty to aerial artists, clowns and ani- mals which will appear dur- ing the big show. of downtown Oshawa. The letter enclosed a summary of a parking situation survey on Oshawa made |by George A. Devlin, vice-presi ana; Asia's Ming Toy, in hair dent of National Garages, Inc The call of the calliope is heard side show band in a rousing, nos- in the city. talgic big top symphony only to America's largest big top and be heard on the lot with the cir- menagerie -- The Clyde Beatty CUS "under canvas', Circus -- arrived on the Oshawa| Surpassing all features on the Shopping Centre show grounds Clyde Beatty circus program -- in two mile-long, motor echelons and on any other program for before dawn, coming from Belle- that matter is Clyd's own ville. The Circus exhibits here Lense, breath-taking and spectacu- under the auspices of the Oshawa lar offering. In this cross section Kiwanig Club. {of jungle menace, the world fa. It will #ive performances at 2/Mous trainer fights and subju- and 8 p.m. today, with doors to gates twice twenty Royal Ben- whe menagerie and main tent gal tigers and black-maned Nu- even at 7 p.m. so that children | midian lions. It is more than an of all ages may leisurely inspect act: it 1s an exciting experience the 200 rare wild animals and 15 a out of the everyday elephants in the nation's largest|Wor'¢. : ' travelling zoo. They will also see High over the middle ring of Clyde Beatty's magnificent per- the big show there is another forming host of Royal Bengal|Star -- the acclaimed ques of Tigers and black-maned Numid- the high wire - : ian lions {crowds will ever remember. She : {is none other than lovely Jose 3 The Beatty jungle-bred beau-| pine Berosini who walks and Hes will be pacing and turning| ances in beauty and in peril, nervously in their shifting cages, wp, skips rope and performs a figuring, no doubt, a new angle|qangerous acrobatic routine for putting the bite on their old | oto steel thread, with only pal Clyde; who has long since an ogtrich feather fan between stopped counting his scars. her and disaster. This gifted and THE TENTS GO UP {fearless artist walks up to and During the forenoon the city of descends from her 40-foot high tents -- big top, menagerie, side wire pedestal for added thrill im show, dressing, horse, shop and pact, still waving her ballroom dining tops balooned into! fan being, George Werner, boss of| Other famed stars crowding canvasmen, the famed big top into the Clyde Beatty circus top- maesiro saw to that Gay flight, ar lexander Konyot, the streamers and pennants were first horseman of Europe and hauled aloft to crown centre pole the world's best known master of peaks on the larger tents. Before dressage; the Golden Tric noon the Clyde Beatty Circus was sters who astound and delight ready for business. For that mat- the high and low unicycle the ter, the side shows were doing|sensational aerial Victors, flying business by noon, as sightseers somersualting patterns in mi thronged the lot! amidst comedy high bar The cookhouse had served and looping dives; Hugo Zacchin breakfast to most of the 600 peo- the human cann all ple with the circus during the ing morning, but had luncheon ready famed jt on the slack wi for all the troopers as the side/Spain's glamorous star of stars ung * show talkers alternated with the'on the tight wire, la belle Attil-'S THE LIBRARY WORLD Art Books For Children Varied And Interesting The following reviews were written by a member of the staff of the Children's Depart- ment of -the McLaughlin Pub lic Library. painting and samlipture FAMOUS PAINTINGS, py can unlock similar rooms inside Alice' Elizabeth Chase. "us, many of which we have never This is an introduction to art entered before. Day by day, for young people. In this book children discover new worlds for vou find one hundred and seven the mselves with a frankness and tures produced during sincere delight many grow n-ups thousand wars, crVY. This book is a collection are paintings, some draw- o soine of jhe best-known works % inte an of art of all time BS: S0Tre 3Cuiptire. Sume ook" MAN 1S AN ARTIST. by Join sickly, But there are many| .oradford, hings that still take time, like, M3 is the story painling, listening to music or looking at geeip tare and arciuieciure 4 good pictures. Here in this book through the ages, especialy Writ- 14s a gallery of pict ten for boys and girls, It tells looked at slowly. Som _ about the wonderful pal immediately to vo man has carved, painted and fo see "built in every coun and in mind too, look, then r every age for thousands of years ! took again. Some pictures vou Here we learn about the men vill feel like looking at who spent their liv oT you are tired or discouraged the beautiful things ! others when you are happy it day The story includes the arts vou take the time to look and the F \ Greeks, Ro. look, you will find that a great mans and early Christians, early work of art has many things to buildings, the medieval carvers, say to you the Renaissance period, the : i of exaggeration, painting in- the 18th and 19th centuries bi and imitations, and the present ime of ex; Il sely PICTURES TO GROW UP WITH, by Katharine Gibson Tike, a master key that will house, of I you want ead, when age re als i u how to un srstand paintings Your eves and yo mind have to be en- wtirely free for the paintings and painters, n two hundred tHustration INCENT VAN GOGH |} Flizabsth Ripley, by obtaining $500 worth of camera Wescott. Hh equipment from an Oshawa drug) GRADE 2 THEORY store by means of a worthless First Class Honors Mary cheque. Henkelman, Peter R. Moffat | (equal): Carolyn M. Hayward; PIGEON THEFT {Anne Coulter, Barbara F, Two Oshawa youths were e¢on- Cooper, Mark Henkelman, Dar- victed of the theft of nine pigeons lene G. Kadoski, Valentina Pet- in Oshawa Police Court Friday. rowska, Glenda Varty (equal); They were remanded for sentence Lynda L. Higgins, Lynne E. to September 25, George Wreford| Whitely (equal); Michael S. Bell, Cornish, 16, of 545 King street/John J. Drygala, Ann Sinclair west, and William Joseph Robin-| (equal); Edward W, Morrison, son, 16, of 510 Floyd avenue, [Ellen Skinner (equal); Donna pleaded guilty. The boys admitted |Gilkes; Rosamond M. Hooker, in statements stealing the pigeons! Nancy A. Lloyd, Joan Marshall from pens, owned by Jack. Nor-| (equal); William C. Sands; Arden wick, corner of Taunton road and!H. McLaren; David L. Manning; Simcoe street on May 2. Sharyn G. Baldry; J. Mark | Powell. Firm Fined For Honors -- Sandra Gunn, Karen | Parker; Maria Wladyka. Imeson (equal); Margaret M. West to Furope. | "The Canadian Army was real- ly wonderful to us,' Mr. Storie $84 "They did everything pos- sible to make ur feel at home." " E. G. STORIE Mr. Storie says Great Whale, Oshawa should not be allowed an Fskimo settlement on the | mot enjoyed good heulth for a {year and a half, | Born in Ireland, the deceased {was 'a daughter of the late Thomas "no 'lartha Farle" ~ a. ing to Cui a as a child wii: ber parents she lived in Toronto until moving to Oshawa about 24 years cocktail lounges. A total of 25 percent of the eligible voters is required to sign a petition for a plebiscite -- and that means 25 percent of the last voters" list filed. | eastern shore of Hudson Bay is{ago. She was married in Toronto becoming increasingly imvortant|in 1907. in the defence picture, largely] Mrs. Losee was a member of through the fact that it possesses the Salvation Army and was an the only airstrip on the eastern|active member of the Home side of the Bay. The nearest|League. She was a former mem- southern airfield is Val 'Or, ber of the Rebekah Lodge. NOTES ON THE ARCTIC | Mr. Edward G. Storie, vice- {president of Fittings Ltd., is tell- ing Oshawa friends about his re. |cent 4800-mile, five-day air tour of North-eastern Canada and sev- eral Arctic points. The tour was sponsored by the Quebec. This is a strategic post for the Mid-Canada Line and a military establishment, It pos- sesses a Hudson Bay post, and has a good harbor on the Whale River, It is a point where Eskimo habitation commences and Indian abitation. ceases, being on the borderland of forest and tundra. Besides her husband, she leaves a son, Stanley, of Sault Ste. | Marie. The funeral service will be held at the McIntosh Funeral Chapel at 2 p.m. Monday, June 30. Brig- adier Victor MacLean will con. duct the service. Interment win be in Mount Lawn Cemetery. ony Pass -- Lucille Lysanchuk. Note Facsimile "32cm _ waco J. Greenfield; Lynne MacMillan, suspended slides for life, and oth-/ Detroit. ers, too numerous to mention. | Reserved seat and general ad-| SWITCH APPROVED mission tickets will be on sale] A control switch for four pro-| today, 9 to 5 p.m. at Jury and posed civil defence 10 h.p. sirens Lovell, Ltd., 8 King street east, for Oshawa will be installed in as well as on the circus grounds. the Oshawa Police Department building. The Oshawa Police |Commission approved the instal. WE ATHER [lation at its meeting Friday, Chief {H, Flintoff commented that the installation involved no cost to TORONTO (CP)--Forecasts is- the department. sued the Dominion public > weather office at 5 a.m, EDT: GRANT TAG DAYS The following tag days were Synopsis: Cloud is expected t0| ante to Oshawa organizations move down into the White River Society for the Prevention of and Timmins - Kapuskasing re- Cruelty to Animals -- Saturday, | gions today and as far as-the (4 4; Canadian Corps Associa! Georgian Bay region by ate Sun: {jon . Saturday, July 19. day. A few scattered showers will | 4 on occur in the cloudy areas with YOUTH CONVICTED rm was fined, In , | : : } rshow ; , police court| Davis; Marlene G. Dalby; Kath- Shstce of thundershowers on Sun wD uel Hatvey, 2, of Oshaws, here Friday, for using the like-\ryn Kashul. y Regional forecasts valld until Oshawa Police Court Friday. Be ta banguts for Ravers. Honors -- Ed Nagy; Carolyn midnight Sunday: {Harvey pleaded guilty to a charge, i 1 ehoer: Lake Erle, Lake Huron, Niag-|of theft of an automobile from! Walmsley snd Magill Office ara, Lake Ontario, Windsor, Lon- | Dodd Motor Sales, 314 Park road | Equipment, Ltd, 9 - 11 King| don, Toronto, Hamilton: Sunny south, June 25, He was remanded Street east, pleaded guilty to the New Church and w today and Sunday. !for sentence to July 4. The aceus. charge. The firm was fined $10 Winds light becoming southwest ed had been returned from Belle 2nd costs or 10 days in jail. 20 both afternoons. ville, He had been involved in an| The firm had used. $2 bills to 3 - Haliburton, Georgian Bay, accident with the car, wrecking demonstrate the efficiency of a ul in Southern Kirkland Lake, Sud- it completely, The ear overturned duplicating machine. The charge bury, North Bay: Sunny and in a ditch and rolled over several was laid on instructions by the! warm today and Sunday, clouding times. (treasury department, over Sunday afternoon. Winds yn AN RCMP Corporal Norman light becoming southwest 20 both RECEIVE BOUQUETS [Cooper testified that one fac-| | afternoons. | J. B. Henderson, director of simile was presented as a gen-| Because of confusion, resuiting| Northern Kirkland Lake, Tim. the annual Oshawa Public School nine bill in a store. Police seized [from the park near the former mins-Kapuskasing: Mostly sunny Games, expressed his apprecia- approximately $1000 of the motes. | Thornton's road school being call and today, mainly cloudy tion for the co-operation of Osh-| hen investigating the matter, ed Thornton's Park, the newly nd warm Sunday. Winds light awa Police at the games, held Mr, Wamsley had co-operated formed congregation in the Gar coming southwest 25 both stier- 118 Alexshita Park on June 18 | fully, The RCMP officer said that |rard, Scott and Manning roads nocus y engerson particulary pay 'he matter appeared to be a case |2rea, has rescinded a motion to | MacDermaid, "who is Known and of ignorance of the law. He said name the proposed new church respeciod evr toneol ire that a charge would be laid 'Thornton Park United Church". | 3 . * |apainet the manufacturing firm| A congregational meeting was WIN ART AWARD {of the duplicating machine in To. held i the Dr. Rovers Thornton i " . ronto. School on, Wednesday evening PL giNderganien a 3 Crown Attorney Alex C. Hall, with Rev. Mervin A. Bury as {been awarded a first honorarium QC, stated that his representative (chairman. It was decided loname {for art submitted in a Canadian | had been contacted by the firm the proposed church Blairdale National Exhibition competition, About the notes some time ago, [United Church. | [The winning plece will be dis. Some misunderstanding had led W. S. Pogson, building advisor | played at ig Pec this tall dis to the situation. of the Oshawa United Church Ex-! warn he Forecast Temperatures tonight, highs Sunday: A) 90 85 85 20 20 30 85 85 an Is Planned | 35 VE] STREET CLOSED Due to construction the follow- -- ing streets in Oshawa will be {closed over the weekend. Anna- polis avenue, from Nipigon street) 75 "A good point of advertising," tension committee, presented said Magistrate Frank S. Ebbs, plans for the first step of the! "did not turn out to be a good building program, The plans were point at all." (accepted tentatively. It was . -- agreed that the proposed building be completed in three stages. The to Park road north; Nipigon| street closed at Annapolis |avenue; Park road north, closed! | from Elgin street west to Anna. | {polis avenue; Muriel avenue] |closed at Park road north; Rit.| 2 3 ] first stage, which is being con- ir Rifles [eo meni: ® Contfiscated son road south, closed from Bloor | | with an upstairs hall and will be Canadian Industrial Preparedness Association in what is believed to have been the first organized |civilian junket into the Canadian An Oshawa office equipment Nancy Puskas (equal); June y,|Aret e. | Mr, Storie was one of a party of 52 on the trip which started June 15 in Montreal and ended |at the same point June 19. Two {other CIPA members from Osh- |awa were along -- Mr. A. C. Clifford, general service mana- |a reception service to be held {Sept. 14, Other charter members Iwill be accepted on profession of |¢aith following religious instruc- tion classes which will be held| this summer, A congregational picnic was an- nounced, to be held July 5. A |vacation school wili be held for children of the district starting the second week in July and con- tinuing for two weeks, Classes will be held at the Dr. Robert] Thornton School during the mom- | ings, Monday to Friday inclusive. Miss Gail Manson played two piano selections. CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS and best Congratulations wishes to the following resi- dents of Oshawa and district who are celebrating their birthdays today. The following are celebrat- ing birthdays today: Robert Hazelton, 55 Eastlawn street; Maureen Levine, 101 Luke street; Dorel] Service, 49 Gibbons street: Linda Cory, 355 Lakeshore and Ger- their TO VISIT OTTAWA Thirty boys from the Sth Osh. awa Cub Pack from Northminster Church are getting their reward| The funeral service for Freder- this weekend for selling Christ-|ick Javis Clemens, who died at mas cards last December -- all his home, 811 Ritson road north, are on a special trip by bus to| Thursday, June 26, was held at Ottawa and will 'return here to-| the Gerrow Funeral Chapel at morrow night. The chaperons 230 p.m. today. are Mrs. G. Dawson, Mrs. B.| Rev. H. A. Mellow, minister_of McGahey and Mr. and Mrs. wil.| Northminster United Church, con- liam Baker. . . . Tuesday will be ducted the services. Interment a big day for 25-vear-old Fred| was in the Oshawa Union Ceme- MacDonald of RR 4, Oshawa. tery. . That's when he will compete in| The pallbearers were Fred Gar the Expert Class on the half-mile Tard, T. C. Glaspell, Roy Lavis, dirt track event at the Ontario|Alex S. Ross, J. K. Shephard and Motorcycle Championship events Garfield Trevail, \ in Alexandra Park. This will be| One of Mr. Clemens' most cher. only the second time in recen( ished memories was his capture years that an Oshawa man has of Lt, Sigwald Fiedig, an es- competed in the Expert Class,|caped member of Hitler's Lufte. admission to which requires a Waffe, at his home, Rossland road minimum of four or five years'|east, in March, 1942. The nazi competition. MacDonald, an em- officer had escaped from the in. ploye in the final hardware de-|ternment camp at Bowmanville. partment of GM here, has been| (A day or two previously Mr. competing in motorcycle. events|Clemens, then 74 years of age, for the past nine years. He often|had injured his leg and was hob- hits the 75-mile-hour mark on|Dbling about with the aid of an straightways and 40 miles on cor. improvised crutch. He arrived ners. {home to find Lt. Fiedig at the gH s " |door of his home. On questioning LONE RANGER BLUSHES [than learned the identity of FUNERAL OF FREDERICK J. CLEMENS It's easy to see why the Lone|the man and had his housekeeper, Ranger is the idol of millions of{Mrs. George Bowles, telephone iddies. | Oshawa police. He was inno way Appearing at the annual family frightened as he had his crutch picnic of the Oshawa branch of and was backed by his collie dog. The T. Eaton Co. Lid. in Lake- view Park Tuesday night, the Ranger went away beyond the call of duty in making the kid- dies happy. Not only did he answer scores Mr. Clemens invited the officer linto his home where he served him sandwiches and a cup of tea. When Constables James Suther- land of the OPP, now governor of the county jail at Whitby and of questions politely for his young| Sergeant of Detectives Herbert guests, but he showed a genuine|Flintoff, now Oshawa's chief of interest in children. police, arrived Clemens made But one little girl did put him{them wait until Lt. Fiedig had on the spot and, according to Re-| finished his meal before he al- porter Fraser Kelly, she causedilowed them to lead him away. aldine O'Brien, 324 Anderson open locks of every room in the} works that lea to- | gi |36 feet by 78 feet with a 10 foot |ceilng. As finances warrant it, {this building will be completed Three Oshaw _Ithe second step of the building ree Oshawa, Mgh seiool SY: lurogram. The third stage will be i fine in Oshawa Police Court Fri.(2 church of much larger propor- closed from day for shooting at two girls with [tions to be built in proximity to ree boo 1 rapaedics . to Hoskin io unae the first building, which will then the fei eard nd raged avenue; Masson street, closed| poi .rs H. Souch, 16, of 904 become a Sunday School and : Aa a a fhe om Darcy street to LAracorparyiane, Dr. Lawrence W. Rice, Community recreation hall. missionar, he avenue, The last street will bey of 645 King St. E. and Dennis | Gordon Rajotte, student minis- IC, King, 17, of 45 Harmony Rd, !ter, dedicated hymn books, donat- mining country of Belgium, tak- closed Monday only. ing care of the sick and injured. | y 4 INCOME TAX FINES {8., were each fined $50 and costs [cd by Thornton's Corners WA, {and offering plates donated by He was the son of a minister in NL a small town in Holland. Vincent] Sherwood Park Co-operative he mon » lhe rifles loved pictures, but he didn't Housing Co. Ltd., East PW hithy | Were confiscated. | Ross Lofthouse. The offering know how fo get along with peo- township and Steve Jejna, Madi-| Souch and Rice pleaded guilty plates were handmade by Mr. ple. "If only 1 could succeed son avenue, were each fined $25 and King pleaded not guilty to Lofthouse of walnut grown on some day in learning to draw and costs or 10 days for failing to the charge of assault occasioning|ihe farm of a restive, well what I want to express," he file an income tax return for the bodily harm. Mr. Rajotte presented the re- wrote. A marvellous book for past year. Both pleaded guilty in| Jean Lucek, 13, of 903 King St. sults of a survey which he had s and girls, with more than Police Court Friday. The charges E. and Gail Tomlinson, 12, of 723 made of the district. There are twenty illustrations, were prosecuted by RCMP Con- Chesterton Ave., told the court approximately 289 families, 118 of | LIBRARY BRIEFS stable William Bell, Toronto. {that they had been walking in whom are members or adherents We goodbye and bon voy- ' . the woods near the Oshawa Mis- of the United Church of Canada. age Mrs: Constance Worms MAN REMANDED sionary College June 18. Mr. Bury outlined the methods | witli. her husband Donald Charles Baker, of They were chased by the three to be used for transferring mem-| ' Whitchurch township, was re./boys, who pelted them with air bership from other churches for, i street east to Wolfe street; Ross-| land road west, closed from Glen.|4 {cairn street to Gibbons street ; : Harmony road south, Vincent Van Gogh, the man Tennyeon avenue S as a boys say to 2 avenue, Those celebrating Sunday, June 29, are: Jack Groat, RR 1, Oshawa; Rose Rod- man, 33 Arlington avenue; Warren D, Hough, 381 Jarvis street; Mrs. A. J. Cook Brooklin; Terry Glecoff, 373 Tennyson avenue; Bonnie Van Slyke, 384 Mitchell avenue and Delmer Haensgen, 301 Oshawa boulevard south. The first five persons to jo- form The Times of their birthdays each day will re- ceive double tickets to the Regent Theatre, good for a four-week period. Current at- traction is "Merry Andrew", but if the recipients prefer to attend another movie during the next four weeks, they may do so. Be o shed 3 ye |manded to July 4 In Oshawa Pol-| rifles. Both girls were hit several has teen in charge of the hospi- ice Court Friday. Baker is charg. imes on legs and thighs, causing tal library and assistant in the ed with the theft of eight head blue maths. i music library, was presented of cattle, the property of Gar. The boys also ordéred the girls @ aa land Swanick, Lot 6, Con. 13,to crawl through the creek on P'S BERT EDWARDS 5 CELINA a farewell gift at a recent ponoh township, June 5. A re. their hande and knees. Both girls hering of the library stall. |o, oe tor bail was dented had their shoes ruined. All three | 4 Miss Enid, Wallace, recently boy# had carried guns, one of returned from the Canadian DRAWS $30 FINE them a .22 rifle. 2 4 Libr y Association meeting in| poe Dean, 20, of 16 Nassau| 'Do you think it's fun to shoot Quebe City reports a most Suc- girent, was fined $30 and costs or /at a person to cause injury?" | @ cessful and interesting confer- one months in the county jail in|asked Magistrate Frank S. Ebbs. | ence, with oz Siay 50e ig Oshawa, Police Court Friday.|"Where do you boys get these @ in attendance mong the Dean pleaded :ullty to a charge'ideas? I have never heard of such RY v outstand speakers were of driving while unde ension & thing. These things can cause p lin and Jean Bruche- on J vie 11. He hed ed p fatalities." : es 4 +CLOSING DAT Canadian authors. speed trap and could not pro-| Crown Attorney Alex C. Hall, the duce a driver's licence when QC, felt that the teasing of girls ys checked by the arresting eon- was normal behavior for bovs of Istable, 113 4 0000000000000 0000000, NOTICE 3| BARBER SHOP STREET WILL BE CLOSED FOR HOLIDAYS E JUNE 30th$ + OPENING DATE JULY 7th * 7600000000000 00000000¢ CLOSED * MONDAY, JUNE 30 © TUESDAY, JULY 1 (DOMINION DAY) 92 SIMCOE ST. N. 3 KING ST. W.

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