20 _THE DAILY TIMIS.-GAZETTE, Seturdey, June 20, 1958 _ TT T---- 'EATON'S MONTH-END ® Double Dressers oe Bookcase Beds MUCH BELOW ® Chests eo Desks Fhe of apoio aly USUAL PRICE! stain or varnish Reg. 11.98 to 59.95% Here's an opportunity to add new furniture te your home er cottage at exceptionally low cost! Ends-of-line, greatly reduced, the group includes seomist, sapphire, limed oak, walnut, silvermist and mahogany finishes, but shop early for best uF "i 3 a 7 : selection. EATON Month - End Bell and Howell 3 pa AA Ge on Ply > Cane. each Aj) " ' 5 to 49.50 Slide Projector ---- Reg. 69.95 . . . Discontinued Model TH = Floor Model Refrigerators Save 14.00 on 3, handsome ik AL A Te p Some marked models. ... el greatly th brilliant -watt projection; a rg with 4-inch £/3.5 coated lens, > ~% " ™ reduced for clearance! equipped with 4 % EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 370 PHONE RA 5.7373 Simple and easy to operate; Please, ne telephone or mall erders <emi-outomatic slide changer, Complete with cord, plug end smart carrying cose. 3 Big savings for you en a new refrigerator! Used for display EATON Month End Clearance, each ...... i 55] purposes, in some cases the finish has become scratched . . . i fo but this should in no way impair their efficiency or wearing ¢HONE RA 5.7373 : 3 # pT quality. Various sizes and makes ore represented ; , . oll are fully guaranteed. Included in the group are:-- i. 5 5 = 4 |B CATON Month Tod Clearance ak 239.00 1 CLEARANCE OF [3 < i BERANE 1 [Ruma MENSSPORTSWEAR =i @ = 1 oom EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 512 AND MANY MORE! EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 259 Leisure Coats i i | 6 Only! Floor Sample : . 14.95 and 18.95! ? : ; . . : Res u i" - colour ranges In corduroy leisure jockets . . . z ; . 2-Pc. Chesterfield Suites Ti ely Special Selling For oup of broken sizes ond A Group ttage wear. Some styled with button $ront end or ou collor and cuffs; zipper front. Sizes 36 to E : : FA Reg. 229.50 to 325.00! Cottage or Home Painting te 44: shades of navy, beige and red in the group. (Not all colours in every g ada : Save 60.00 to 155.50! size. EATON Month End Clearance, ----- oa é 0 Upheld #1 100 Gallons Only! 3 ei Each suite is one-of-o-kind . shop early for your 7 choice! Covers in cotton repp frieze, most have air foom pr . . ; 1 i cushions, are well-sprung for deep comfort. Used for A E t Wh t P t . . rT \ | rE Bs in re Sl cme Extra White Pain | an x 2 you won't want to miss. EATON Month - End 428M 50 ENT Clearance, 2-pc. suite EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 470 i ONE COAT COVERS ip It's Acme's No. 100 One-coat, EXTRA WHITE For Little-Care Summer Meals . .. wi EXTERIOR. PAINT . . . made of high-grads ac ) pigments and linseed oil , , , with thinner . ; R An Automatic Fry Pan 3 finely ground for good hiding, good gloss, easy Reg. 6.95 1 1 4 brushing and protection against the elements. 4 ) : " " SHOP EARLY and SAVE! Do all your exterior Please, no telephone or mail orders on this item Rr Specially priced for savings work at the home, the cottage , . , fences, h | o "s cool Sh Hobby Slacks in ° fins rayon nen weave ate ool A nl Toke time out from the stove this summer! One of these automatic fry garages, etc, nd comfortable for Summer, ith elastic i x h ' y I ; , : an a De Bhs. rey or beige pans helps moke a host of quick meals, elaborate dishes, even cakes ond EATON Month End Clearance, Gallon tin ... wees waist, or Pp Y. 9 | . candies. Polished cast aluminum finish with dial heat control to maintain sizes 28 to 32, 36 ond 38 only in the group Broken correct cooking temperatures. Approx. 10" square, immersible to cord outs range accounts for the big price reduction B - let for washing. Cool bokelite handle and feet. 1 95 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 275 PHONE RA 5-7373 FATON Month End Clearance, each Ne ' 3 EATON Month End Clearénce, each - wm " TER -- Complete with Metal Lid BATONS MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 229 (ONE RA 5.7373 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 277 PHONE RA 5.737% Crisp . . . tasty . . . specially priced B d . S Two Outstanding Values in the Hardware Dept. ! | » % a | ! Cashew Nuts adminton Sets 10 Only--14" Hand Mowers Garden Wheelbarrows WAS Tempting nibble mot fll eae rest Usually much higher priced, this set consists of four Freshly roasted, salted just the 'way you n * * 1 " Fi 3 » nylon strung badminton racquets with lightweight Please, no telephone or mail orders Exceptionally low priced! 8 : ; 3 bi : like them . . . buy a supply Monday, at frames and "'Swedene" grips; sectional wooden posts Smooth-running mowers with 14" cut to help you cover A handy 'helper' oround the garden . . . the roomy, i 2 : worthwhile savings. complete with stokeout pegs ond ropes; double court the area quickly; with 5 Sheffield steel cutting blades, one-piece tray is of heavy-gauge steel, opprox. 24" x p 4 4 EATON Month End Clearance, Ib Outstanding Savings Monday On size ney pracklet on court layout; playing instruc large 10" rubber - tired wheels, sectionalized wooden 312" -- capacity about 3 cu. ft. With smooth-iunning tions oxed for easy carrying or storing, roller, strong tubular steel hondle with rubber grips. bearing wheels, 10" x 1.75", rubber tired, tubular 3 ' J EATON Month End Clearance, complete ......... Tralv 6 TO saving ! 9 steel handle and plastic hand grips, \ : 3 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 214 EATON Month End Clearance, each EATON Month End Clearance, each 4 a i PHONE RA 5-7373 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 261 PHONE RA 5.7373 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 253 PHONE RA 5.7373 : Unusually Low Priced , . « 5-Piece x . ' ° ® Kitchen Carving Set on | 0 S a Fé ue | is For the home , . , for the cottage . . . here's a carving set you'd be proud to give for a gift, too! Serrated slicer, chef's knife, . 2 carving knife, carving fork, paring knife Exceptionally low priced for clearance Besson is fo @ injron SN with stainless steel blades and ""Wonda Wood" handles that should not stain, crack or chip. Attractively gift Sturdy, practical home helps -- very useful ot the cottage, too, boxed; a splendid value at this low price. Thickly tufted nylon that attracts and holds dust, having to be shaken EATON Month End Fe much less often, thus making your dusting quicker. In pink, green, Clearance, Set . e yellow or blue; with meiching hardwood handles... Quantities in each Choose yours from the Sale-Priced Selection at EATON'S EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 513 colour are limited, so shop early for best selection PHONE RA 5.7373 saTon Ends-of-lines, reduced to ciear. ont nd Clearance, eh Play of Box Pleats Cotton with a Difference Practical Denim Cotton Seersucker Sunsuits B. It has thessoft, rich look of C. Slim-lirie tailoring in cotton 0 REG. .98 . . . End-of-line Clearance wool! Add to that a glitterin ; a / thread ("Lurex") 8 i denim tht wears well, washes Pretty little sunsuits for the sandbox set! In cotton seers encircles our plaid 'skirt of : thy ie? ' ker that washes and dries in a jiffy, needs no ironin and irons easily, is 'Sanforized sucker that wa jiffy, s n ing. as soft as a whisper, and you Yr = With crossover shoulder straps, seams are well finished; Clearance of Vacuum Cleaners good quality imported wool have it! Hand-washable, and for lasting fit. Styled with four colours of Pink or Blue, Sizes 1, 2 and 3 in tt iti ithout th . EATON Month End CI hy hia Floor models and Demonstrators . . . greatly reduced in and rayon flannel. Colours of being, onon J rons Yo gores, two button-down poc- :9ioup. ORLY Ng vSdraNeE, UC ss. ' price! i EATON'S U - 5 dium blue. Sizes except for front and back kets, back zipper. In colours PPER LEVEL, DEPT. 210 PHONE RA 5.7373 Please, no telephone or mail orders maize or. me ' : : panels. Colours blue or brown Well known makes are included in this group, including 12 to 20 in the group. Reg. with shadowy multi-colours, 12 to 20 in th R iki H 4.49 sizes 12 to 20 in the group. 0 in the group. Reg. ® Viking @ Lewyt @ General Electric Reg. 6.98. 3.49, Cledronce: of Sear Toe you favs, some fo sus for fm EATON Month-end- EATON Month-end- EATON Month-end- Embroidered Pillow Cases EATON - guorantee: GOODS SATISFACTORY OR MONEY RE. clearance, each clearance, each clearance, each : ' FUNDED. Shop early for best selection ! Ends-of-lines . . . Reg. 1.69! Fine quality white cotton pillow cases , . . a household item you can't have EATON too many of! Prettily embroidered with a .gay splash of colour, and finished Month End . t with dainty scalloped edges, Good size, approx. 33 x 42", Stock up your Clecancy, 0 . linen cupboard . ., buy « few for shower gifts , . . at this low, 1 . - . EATON Month End Clearance, pair . 8 ™ w money-saving price y EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 258 PHONE RA 5.7373 EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 436 PHONE RA 5.7373 EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 246 PHONE RA 5.7373 Store Hours. 9.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Saturday. Open Friday VHT E THY RA EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 254 PHONE RA 5.7373 A. Stitched to hips, merrily of green, brown or grey. Sizes