Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 28 Jun 1958, p. 17

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44--For Rent |44--For Rent |45--Real Estate For Sale |47--Automobiles For Sole|47---Automodiles For Sale] THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Seturdey, June 28, 1958 17 32--Articles Wanted 37--Male Help Wanted | ] hel THREE - room newly decorated apari-| COMPACT five-room, 1, three-piece bath,|'s0 Chev deluxe sedan in exceptional 50 Austin, $160, 340 Beuna Vista Ave- your basement and garage is clul-| prow o ere Tan to be train. | - i lady, in i ent building, stove | ment, hot water heating, all facilities.|oli heat, hardwood and tile throughout; | condition, new tires, radio, signals, etc. nue. 1506 . tered up with articles taking valuable|eq to manage local warehouse. Please I aregr aioe Phone RA 5.7058. 150f | Private entrance, one child welcomed. |small kitchen equipped with siove and|Private, $375 or nearest offer. 555 5 50--Articles For Sale 50--Articles For Sale A state age, phone number and sales ex-| --___ RA 5-0205. 151f | refrigerator (practically new). This|Montrave Avenue. 148¢ tomline sedan, custom perience if any. Write Box 530, Times-| FOUR - room apartment in North Osh- stucco house, located two blocks from; wy oo clean upholstery, tires| WE pay cash for used furniture, ap-| WHEEL alignment machine; portable, July22| Gazette. 146¢|awa, newly decorated, heated, heavy THREE rooms, unfurnished, private, business section is ideal buy for mid.-| 3 Chev. and combination radio, and|like new, motor perfect, only $695. Sea-|pliances, TV, gewing machines, pianos,\compact, like new. 724 Centre Street appli- wiring, TV outlet, tile floors. RA 5.7754. sell-contained, close to GM south plafti|die.aged couple. Cash preferred. Write fecord player. Must be. sold. 627 Crom: | way Motors, opposite Shopping Centre. |stoves, "Also sell and exchange. 19|South, Whitby. MO 82420 evening, sewing machines, 38--Male or Female Help 150 newly decor TS, BOX 548 Times-Gazelte. 151¢| well Avenue or phone RA 5-4689. 150 150f| Prince Street, RA 8.1131, July 6 n Also sell and exchange. THREE unfurnished rooms nd ga-|SIX - room apartment and laundry, |g;q"woor 1956 Mobile Home, | 53, Deluxe Pontiac, radio, new fires. P DISPLAY models, juminum GURNEY electric range, $25. Phone Prince Street. RA 8-1131. July 17 Wanted rage. h nice tet place for atita ouly, ain floor, Separate entrpnpen Rod 3 FOOT 556 Siwsasie Moni ie Tome: DaiPolute Polis 3 3 neh: 48--- Automobiles Wanted Li AY Bt a ahi Fo NEY $25 10) reel . ett en ------ A ---- tet. CASH for used furniture, appliances, SHORT order cook required. Some ex- Absta ners. Apply 150c | South at IGA Store. 1516|9F furniture acstpied. Private, 30 Sur 54 Buick century, two-door hardtop. RWAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want oh Tega price. Not many. Phone|SpaAGE heater, large size, white annex . pianos and sewing machines. For top|perience preferred, Apply in person. Iv. |ONE Toom. twa singic Deds; one Toom way Camp. y ©/Fully equipped, custom upholstery,|Cats for wrecking. Highest prices paid. |Colon uminum, 289 Park Road|not water front, burns wood or price in Oshawa, Whitby, and Afax, call David's Drive-In, Whitby, MO 8-4066. (PRIVATE apariment, itchenelis, Tv. ONE able bed. all new furniture. A SIX .. room, two-storey home, central,|Verygow mileage. Will consider trade(RA 5-1181 or RA"5-1182. July 8|South, RA 8-8571. 1471 Phone 575 W Ajax, 26 Glyna Road. 150¢ Md Town Furniture, Whitby, MO 8-4981 WHE TT parking, Quiet location. Im.|ply 47 Nassau Street. AP: [with storm windows, screens and vene-jor sifall down payment. Private. RA WANTED -- ¥-ton pick-up. Good *49| MATCHED set of left handed golf clubs(FIBRE - glass awnings, canopies and y tian blinds, oil heating, private sale. [2000 2 after 5. 148f| Plymouth sedan and $100 cash for best. (Lawson and Little) bag and cart, used patio's, made to order. For free ests collect. July26 ediate Apply 306 Pacific . " chs mt P) FOUR room, unfurnished flat, near|For information phone RA 5-0244, Cal} CAR continental. i Can De seen at be seen at 20 MA 3.2983. 150c|only 6 times. Cost $240. Accept ws or mates phone Pickering 499 after 7 p.m. | TRE Be PIANOS, wprAght, nia baby| 41--Room and Beard Avenue Centre. Couple. Children wel-|after 5.30 p.m. grand. ake and Tice. FHI i Oshawa Blvd. North between 6 and 7 near offer. RA 8-5344. Box 535, Times-Garete. July 3 BOOM 42d beard for genni, Rome vate. 74 EE come. 374 Pine Avenue 6 to 9. 130057 ¢5 x 130, good location, close to|p.m 1500 CHESTERFIELD suits, 500d condition. hot. water. Apply|Yte: . 150¢| LOWER duplex, self-contained, four school, church, on Olive Avenue East. 7 ~y A HIGHEST PRICES RA 88170 rs ig 1474 241 Ritson Conlin South, 146f rooms, plus one in basement. Available RA 5-5602. 150f ord panel, %-ton truck. Phone R, PAID F afte FIVE - room bungalow, three bed-|july 7. Abstainers. Ideal for three NEW brick Sow Tires 8-1392. 147 D FOR ORCHESTRA dru complete set, ROOM and board, single or to share.| oom living room, kitchen, hot water adults, RA 8-8393. 8 9 ; : RCHEST id 8 ( nigh PI A 59303. ; d lo-|'51 Chev. Torpedo sedan, Good tires.| Good tlean cars. Trade up or |Cash or terms. ° 5387, July 2 A P No t shift please. Phone R. and garage. Apply 318 Ballard Avent, cated near GM south plant. NHA 6|radio, heater, signals, $350 or best cash| gown "| jens paid off. D LARGE English style baby buggy, Good 51 148¢| RA" 5-4855, THREE room apartment upstairs, - a in kitchen, continuous|per cent mortgage. $74 per month offer. RA 3.3456 after 5. 1474 condition. Phone RA 5.9809. 145¢{ | MAN'S cycle, with basket, $15; small icebox, mew, $6; quantity of -- and BEST in town, single beds, all modern ONE or two rooms, furnished or un- " t included, sep-|taxes included. For further informa. To ig i f conveniences, close to south GM. RA|furnished, private bathroom and en- hot waiez, Lights Pogo Sn stresi|tion phone RA 3-3876. 149¢|'54 Volkswagen, radio, s pinvoof, dual ox «| DODD MOTOR SALES 10 HP Johnson, smooth running, only (jo. oo NOT, Raw furs, live poultry, fea- [sigs Apply 536 Lorraine Street. trante. Parking. Suit gentleman or. Rie Ral v@ NE a aust, ms ar 314 PARK RD. S. $165, cash or terms. Phone RA 8-1i31|0F Wood, Accept effer 60 hore thers, scrop iron and metal. June28| working couple. RA 3-7070. 43] East between 3 40 3 Pam, ol, EE avatmint. Biche. copbosts ranged. Apply 807 Stone Street, RA RA 3-9421 after 6 p.m. RA 5-142. June 30 - 2 pa. 4 HF 7 WILL board child over 3, by the week.|ROOM in private home, spring mat WHITBY apartment, three rooms and|'eParate entrance. Adults or baby wel. 571038 Moy July 2|B. F. Goodrich Stores, fires, HURRY! F - I. TURNER . Good home, lo lovin, Phone 3-3623. tress, very central. Suit gentleman. 102 56 Pontiac del sedan, xoell Elgin Street East. July |bath. Adults only. Reasonable rent for come. dition. Will finance, reas Thirfty budget plan, RA 5-443. July 2|TV cabinet model, $79.50; three ward. robes, with mirrors, $14.50 a ups ROOM and _ home ; 8 . 5.|CHOICE waterfront lots on Scugog RA 3 2043 FURNISHED rooms, friends 0 _share, [reliable couple. RA 5:3301 between 8 - § Mani cH. Brown, onable. Full particulars, except price, CASH WE pay highest price in the city for|lawn cruise, elect, lawn mower, $483 $15; 17 TV, $59.50; 21" cooking, central, ten minutes walk to S 146f | river, near Lindsay. Write i kly, lighi to given by dialling RA 8-1183 or RA 3- . 4 $6 weekly, lig! RR 1, Lindsay or phone FA 4-4012, 149¢ 36, 145 FOR YOUR CAR set ohne, si Used bid maple walnut dresser and matching Four Corners, also garage for rent. close . 137 Rosehill Boge = tment und bath,| -- oe Apply 240 Division Street. 148¢| shopping centre Ne THREE - oom apa THIS 50x24 attached garage with dis- drawers (Vilas), new price, over v12| ROOM and board for Turd, heat, abatainers, adults only. Avatlable|ZEE, JO, indows and ample parking AULSTATE Auto tnsurance. Save wo| MACKIE MOTORS |68ED tires, most ai Up, |$150, going for $89.50; July12 privileges, TV, single beds. To Home TWO furnished Dbed-sittin Jooma, Sy uly 1. Apply side entrance, Iy36/5pace makes this east-end property|to 20 per cent. Nine ths to WILSON RD. S B. F. Goodrich Store. RA Hae! Aug.2|sewing i Phone RA 5.8255. July1d ble beds. Phone RA 5-7 145f | Millan Drive. July: ideal for business. Good living quar- por personal service at your home eal hI. ing machine, .50; lawn . mower FURNISHED room, girls only, two may|IWO - room apartment, "aitable for (AJAX -- Two persons to share s (ters. Lsmediate session. Johone) B A S802, iim sien | RA 5-5743 or RA 5-1392 VACUUM simises vepeiny. al iii (hand) $4.95. For homes or cottages, SHAW share, refrigerator, electric kettle, [Dusiness couple, $30. Also single house. new furnishings, full board if desired. RA 5-9877., RA 57 y 13/57 Oldsmobile sedan, very low mileage, July 10 beed rebuilt machines. Estimates free, |%c¢ these bargains at the Oshawa Trade keeping room, $9 per week. Apply 67 Phone 318W, Ajax. LOT 40 x 108, corner of { Eulalle and like new. Best offer. Could be y R | oy Dost: 446 Simcoe Street South. one 5-8131, July 23 laundry privileges, close to hospital and RAG AND METAL [down town. Phone RA 5.0238. 145f|Simcoe Street North, between 89. pm. | ripe ™ omy and kitchen, sink Chadburn Street. RA 56877. 148([and will be traded for an old car|gg "aT on bo Toon 148f Apply 199 Ki West. 148 #7 = 0 epairs ON Ave cupboards in the ilonen, very clean, in pply 1 ng Street West, tri SIX golf clubs, and set of shromepiaied H TWO rooms, near sou Pply new home, close to opping Centre.| SA Fhe, of 8, 4! Jake Shaw will pay |43--Wanted to Rent 20 Cgonmson Avenue 1481] No chisiren. 76 Rosehill Boulevard. i NOTHING DOWN 3 Ford fordor, cusiom Tadio, former: ; Promst service, Free estima es. Order kitchen" sink" taps. 'Phone RA 34828, you more for your SCrap (CAN you help me? Would like to rent|GNy furnished housekeeping room, THREE-bedroom house. Centr COLONIAL HOME ful six cyinder automobile, $1795. Sea- JOHN S GARAGE rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North,|seaee--ioe rR ok iron, tin copper brass with option of buying, house or small central, one block from Glecoff's, 2; Possession July 1. RA 5-2569 or Te hoi 3 |way Motors, opposite Shopping Centre. Oshawa. July 11 18 eater, good size, with oil 4 A ' * |farm, within 15-mile radius Write Box|ply 125 Clarke Street before 147f| Box 516, Times-Gazette. 150f] Offers several choices on 3- 150f : drum, jacket heater, 4 kitchen chairs, lead, aluminum, etc 1631, Times-G 61 er er td hinge rr d 2-bedroom bungalows L Repairs to oll cars. THREE piece bath with fixtures, $115) [electric heater, Quebec heater. RA N ' . + Time CE - room me! ment, | NICE clean three or four room apart-| ON! -bedr g {52 Chev. 3 ton dumptruck, A-1 condl-l Tuo |ocations to serve you pressure systems, $59.50; sump pumps, |s.2995, 1094 89 BLOOR ST. EAST [COUPLE grr mgd Eg Th Welcome, Phone | meat. unturnished. new home, mear| delivered to your lot, ready tion, new tires. Accept car as part pay- Mot haul brakes, |§3950; stainless 'steel sinks and cab: : large apartment, central to Four Cor-|RA §-5253, or 218 Sei Street. 147f| south G.M. Apply 243 Johnston Ave. for easy erection, Colonial [ment. Phone RA 5-4028. 150¢. ° hy overhaul, brakes, |inets, $49.50, while they last. Copper, ONE steel bed and spring filled mat RA 5 231 1 ners, Best references. Call RA 57709 yum EE . room apart. | 15lcl Homes RA 8-8571. 289 | 55 Monarch tudor, hardtop, automatic] Clutch, transmission, differen- steel, PAS. LT sn trois, separate set of bedsprings, $25. ge after 7 p.m. 139f| ment, north ae f street Phone RA Suis contained three-room apart-| Park Road South, Oshawa. |transmission, custom radio, whitewall tial, tune ups . 3 fins tt al 75. 149¢ Open Saturdays QUICK action! If you have a home or 35-8226. 147f| nent, all conveniences, TV outlet. ' July | tires: tinted glass, tutone green, only ; ELECTRIC refrigerator, excellent con-|'57 motorcycle, BSA, Super Rocket, an apartment to rent, phone Lloyd|Two - bedroom apartment, Take over|Adults only. 880 Simcoe North. Y7|$1495. Seaway Motors, opposite SA0p . 226 Celina dition. RA 3.720 149| MA 3-2973. 149 Also Auto Wrecking Really, RA 85123. July 2/5ix months' lease from July 1. Apply June 21, 28, July § ; RA 3-4233 OIL space fo large size, One tem- CONROY oil burner, thermostat, 18 July12 m-- |K rt Apartments Ji, Jax Rr 1 E F S | '53 Buick coach, new motor, Tully porary hydro pole. Phone RA 81546. |. nine old, ofl tank, and 170 gallons |44--For Rent {Phone Ajax 290J. |{45--Real Estate For Sale Result Squipyed, clean car, Tadio, whitewsllhi . 0 Comer of King and RItSON | oc m oeiomrs __149%ciof oil, Apply 18 Burk Street or phone eee $850. Phone RA 8-150. 47 9 RY REE rooms, unfurnished, three- | {$1000 down buys a good | 5 or 6 room . mgm -- RA i 61 RT ashing mmashille, hi overhaul- | RA 3-2338, 1494 Ll 'op con on url 35--Employment Wanted SELF contained furnished apartment, | THK |piece bath, hot water, hardwood | eaconably priced home. W. McAuley, In Real E:tate | "36 Dodge Regent V8, automatic, two- a Ls L.A EXPERIENCED typist, will do preven One bedroom, kitchen with built-in cup- floors, private entrance, couple only. | | Realtor. FA RA 3.2512 July 18 tone, radio, extras, cash $1500, 1038 at Calders Station - ory y JOHNSON 15 hp motor, like new, used ypast, boards, basin with hot and cold water. 203 Kin - ne a A 0 ator only half dozen times, $295. RA sa ate work at nome. MA 3-2134. 1491 | VaCant now. M. McTaggart, 18 Norah gal between 1 ang 7. p.m. pH EIGHT room house, 3-room basement CALL ih South. Wiiiby after 6 p.m. Mo June29|cont TV portable antenna, Yanity, after 5 p.m, 1494 EXPERIENCED carpenter requires Street, Pickering. 1518] 228] Furnished apartment, 1artment, fully furnished. Phone RA By Atay ' man's bicycle. 212 Stevenson South. MSc pry? anghor mal work. RA S766 after § p.m. 1 LARGE room for gentleman, Sain og "thoors gr Peentrally | 23. Lid RA 8-51 23 ONE set of garage doors, RA 39576. | Wood oven wraiive wai Ll YOUNG high school boy requires sum-|facilities. Apply 66 Warren Avenue . llocated. Phone RA 5-8235 after 6. 148 HOUSE For ror Sale .-- e -- Bungalow, w, three | CLAYTON 1 |dition, $45. 351 Ritson Roa th, 1491 mer employment. Phone RA 8-1947. 1511 151 Lipa large furnished room fo let In|Dedrooms, forced air heating, Somes Uovd Realty (Oshewa) Ltd. | ORDER YOUR POP cooler, good condition. Apply 592 |746 Che Tor aad ih TITRE TTY i] -- - {lot, Open for offer. Private 0 eaity Wi ) 147 v. motor and other par arge Phone RA 8.198 a domestic i OROUND ont. Thi a vom) new house. Beat is ees reasonable. | 1 CFion Street, Whitby. 149¢ Y July 10 ORPWOOD bluse rode] el Tour ppoakers,| (enamel ice box, new condition, ' 1 tt entleman or lady. _._., -- th SSE | s . dren. Fre minite walk from achon), HD pT after 8 p.m. |EIGHT . room duplex on commercial = SPRITE GARAGE four speeds, walnut cabinet, like new, [Feeen 5 and 7 p.m. RA 54973. ; ficient ecid Phone RA I402 simp june3o or industrial lot. Regular income home. RITSON RD. N $175. Phone RA 3-3785. 1476 | or efficien experience THREE rooms, ground floor, DA ale ee eer |All conveniences. Low down payment. . . ---- BT BY Be office staff, employers should [entrance Child welcome. Reasonable. FOUR - room self - contained semi-| Call RA 58404 . 19 eal location: for country B-A STATION WE pay cash rte sp So CHORD ORGAN (Wurlitzer) iv to the box. number. RA 8.5286. July28 (furnished or unfurnished apartment, | jo eto" SET ' Byrd Ly NOW KING gure, also South, RA uly 3 Free home demonstrations Find can offer for im- m A ga. [Stove and refrigerator. Apply 496 Sim-| ol © gigs monthly, new 'garage, me, » acre i id 120 mn Y NG & PARK RD. ; - Phone Alto Music Supplies, vertiser ca - i i | . RA 5-63 1461 Ax S00. pes, on good road, 20 min- i MS pia [593 residential "section. I or Tee. Free ba, HU do el ae trom Ochowo, $2,500, |. The new Austin Healey Sprite GENERAL REPAIRS gan way Televsion, 9is| RA 5-1501. is es ih ' | Simcoe Street North. RA 33043. July 21| New and Used Musical Ine mediate employment: . 151 ywG rooms, suitable for bed-sitting 8-2 | ; ET SI. BYS ©. the first SALES COSTING CLERK FOUR - room modern apartment in|room and kitchen. Private bath, extras. |Nyop (nree. or four-bedroom unfurn-| With terms. Make offer at only $1, 5 $ | TUNE-UP BRAKES pss rai I ; A INorth end. Phone RA 3-7052 1484 fine sports car at a popular CORONET for sale, uxcel struments for sale, Studios: (Estimating) Bowmanville. Immediate possession. | North en: one 705 ished apartment, new home. Apply 243 LYLIA M. "McBRIEN ine spor pop COMPLETE OVERHAUL Rt Condition, $30. Phone RA 39645. 447 Simcoe St. : Reasonable rent. Apply 105 King Street |givE™. room. self-contained upstairs Johnston avenue 150¢ | price. Demand is heavy. - pin ---- Suitable for large organize' East at rear. Bowmanville between 6 apartment, including gas range. Phone -- al Real Estote Order yours NOW ! | DINING room suite, one steel bed 8% June 29 tion, dealing in electrico and 9 p.m. 1512 | RA 3.2408. Jar HuDERN Cb aston. price. $10,000, $3,000] PHONE BROOKLIN 60 4 Guaranteed work by Certified |size, studio couch, washing machine, last caren ee -- - n new sub-divisio c 9 loa : and wood stove contracting, 14 years lost |GNE three - oom fiah, $35 monthly. | SELF - contained apartment, new Home, own. RA 8.8955 July 17. 149¢ §° AMAZING Mechanics. 93k Rikon Row Sou. 149¢ SEE! job, also salesman of same (One two-room flat, $40 monthly. Heal, (orivate entrance, bright rooms, near ram ACCELERATION i lighst, water included. abstainers. » FOUR R large building lots on main T.T.S.,June28 | er -- sy. i goats: App 0 ar le, Remonabie, 0 Phils MurlUOY Ui¥raumon Rout west For OPEN HOUSE LES PER GAL BARGAINS of Wiaikn we wi wietl. ER IGIDAIRE ! SECRETARY Street. RA 5-275. 151¢ ray Ave. (Off Ce dar . more information phone RA 51953. | e 40 MILES 5 [furniture, now in Whitby at y : SHORTHAND-TYPIST TST eh salon Ties Tocation aise |. THREE rooms, sink, hot water. suly 35) SATURDAY AND SUNDAY GAS. |S0--Articles For Sale Street Soul (Adams Block). Opens SHEER LOOK -- PLUS : i eauty salon, ideal location, also -- ES per pros wr " ° # Tran -- eee | specials ew ¢ S, ; Thoroughly experienced, suit- | newly decorated, attractive self-con- (>on oo" oon LO, fe $12) 5000 down. ranch bungalow, three New 6 room ranch type bun o PERFECT CAR FOR [SAVE one-third on new furniture 13- pew continental beds, $29.50; new AT lef d or of large [tained apartment, both very reason {monthly Ample parking. 5: hedrooms, breezeway, three garages.| gglow, garage. Very modern, |piece living room groups $149, Seven: | attresses, $18.95; used three able for director Cl ¥ y RA 88587 148f ing Street Eas COUPLES [spring m y organization or professional [able rent, convenlently situated on : Die aste 14d. "HIS Rng Brent ne /ooded lot pose Soom groups $139. 20-plece piece chesterfield sulte, $35; three used HOME APPLIANCES ground floor with free parking. Easy To = ror SEERA hat | chen sets, continental! i ac hines, guaranteed, man, Last employment 14 | {no's desired. Price $1600. Don't miss| THR E room self contained apart EH Toi sre dre 1200 CLOVERDALE |beds complete with headboard, ir Blin, Pg 90 SIMCOE ST, S. RA 5-5332 years as personal secretary |this. Write Box 446, Times-Gazette. 15ic|ment, heavy wiring, sink and cup |FOUOF FOO BIOL Moar | RA 8-8882 or RA 5-8229 arborite top step and coffee tables, | niiatown, Whitby. ai July 3 to director of radio manufac- | THREE - bedroom bungalow, tile and |buards, gloss bs RA 33160 er $3000 down, full price $12,900. Reduc | July 1€ 30 25: Tpringtiled Dallresses, LE - Wie turer. bantutd floors, sentral RA syutle pm. 149 | tion to No agents: pledse, 64 EE -- AUSTIN SALES To as map. macy" hood BABY. carriage, lined leathereite, 5004 51--Swap and Barter > -- es Street. con hy dd ETE SHORTHAND-TYPIST = ---------------- aa mami |THREE - ~ room apartment, furnished Charles Stree LARGE MODERN | beds. complete springs and matiresses, | pickering 149¢, FURNITURE, new and used. We buy, Keen, efficient typist, willing NICELY for gentle-'or unfurnished, Quiet home. Reason- SEVEN . room brick house, on n Kendall | G I AND SERVICE foe Seluxe ages, chrom | TT Tr ra rey isel and exchange furniture, pri man, housekeeping privileges, ne ar ane rent. Phone RA 5.3777 after 5. 630 Avenue. Modern kitchen, hot water | 6 ROOM BUNGALOW , etc., nly at Dick Brad. HEAVY oT Gurney stove. RA 81073 \ " Pianos vol sewiny machin ley's Furniture Drive-In, Simcoe Street, | fter 5 m. 146¢ al Pp. for your best price in Ajax, Whitby and to' learn, suitable for, the [gn te ' . pping Centre, 115 Fernhill Bowie' f heating with oil. Close to separa . smaller office, Just arrived [vard or RA 5.3272. King_Wes!, anytime, MB Chol, public school and hospital] 3 bedrooms, londscaped, TAUNTON ROAD EAST RA 3.381. daly 2 er siege FARES: While Oatawa, ial WhibY, MO 4901 cpl f England and i t LARG THREE-room unfurnished ment,| Phone RA 5-200. 147t| gluminum doors and windows. SPACE aver - urn e » * \ Ys % collect, rom gla a anxious to LARGE room for older lady, Could a ' » » shing {enamel, e Phone RA Midtown Furniture July 28 obtain immediote employ- [light cooking, refrigerator to share, 2 er 5 bath; adults. Phone RA 3-243) (REF, iots, suitable for two five-plex| Close to public and separate RA 5-022] {girl's junior cyele, angele single 3.90,4, a8 > ter § Pp t buildings, sewer and water, d high school. Sub- ed, complete. R. 51a! EE TT ST -- YEE] ment, Quebec Street, near Simcoe. of ier = apartmen and new high school. Jub ayes ditioner, 3 t i T TWO Stairs, sink and cup- (good location. NHA approved, reason AD Do ert. Pos 15,000, WILLIAMS pianos, now at a Price yo Tiwi y View fi beso one Bpion192 Legal Notices WRITE BOX 745 THREE - room, self - contained apart [boaras. a child welcome. Apply 818 able. Phone RA 35-2389. ae d August. 639 eee | €AN afford, at Parkway Television, HS A 53439. 148f TO whom It may concern: I, Fred TIMES-GAZETTE ment, separate entrance, sink in kitch-| Simcoe Street or phone RA 57026 close Six. room ranch style, ree-bedroom,| Session mi YguSt, Simcoe Street North. RA 3-3043. July 208 ee | Mallo, hereby give notice to all con- -| Taylor Avenue. FROSTY THE SOFTY |PAINT, interior, exterior flat, gioss| [10 np Waterloo tractor, cultivator, corned that 1 am not responsible for 151c| en, $65 monthly icluding heat, lights|to Cedardale School. 148f | attached garage. Beautifully landscap: ITE Owner | 147: all colors $2.95 gal, Oshawa Hardware POW. disc, and trailer, A-1 condition.|any debts incurred by my wife, Mary {and water, RA 35-9123. Phone after 5 -- d d decorated. Many extras. | TWO unfurnished rooms and bathroom, ed an C 6€ close to South GM, bus stop and store. transferred. Phone RA 53203. 147 B OFFERS MONDAY land" Electric, 8 Church, RA 3.7624 |APPly Ferguson's BA Service Station |Mailo. -- F. Mailo. 08 WE will not be responsible for any 36--Femole Help Wanted yl | Call at noon or aiter 4, 525 Lorraine. |jioUsKs wanted. "Buyers wailing some | AND TUESDAY July }, (Hampton. (collect) URGENT -- Registered nurses for fou na of, Woon W. McAul fi |floor, close to SGM. One child wel flall cash or your equity. cAuley HIGREST prices paid in Osh T ENCYCLOPEDIA Americana, com-|debts contracted in our name by i camps sponsored by Oshawa and co Ghee, 1% 5.3331, ERnvE furnished rooms, avail: Realty RA 32512. Ed. Hinkson sales Ly od i Sawa fon) 5 147 s ealtor ( )R G CIA used furniture by the Ci it, plete. RA 5-9871. 148f Earnest Gamble, formerly of 300 M N I N SPE | LS i ¥ She Commenity Fur Arthur Street, as of this date, June 28, strict CGIT Board at Camp Pretoria ble in private home. 82 Park Road ma, RA 8-8228 fune2? W 8 . " niture Store, 19 Prince Street. Phon RA 81131, 5 Phone | 3 fool 1956 Glendale Mobile Home, 1958. -- Mary Jane Gamble and Roy Apply to Mrs. Clarence Penfound. RA ' PR SPA 54095. OUR - room unfurnished partion, North, 3pm. 10 7 pm, RA a7. 27/SOLID brick, three bedroom bungalow;| Will hold equity, N.H.A, 3- ol EON, bath, separate entrance, Adults.| % Hil two years old, cn 81 x 200 ft. lot be- bedroom bunaalo Orchord 51 FORD TENTS Apne, | {ake, Over payments, low down pay- Hicks. 15le SOCSEREEPER Sompauion for 2 Immediate possession. Phone RA 8:8597/ TWO - room . cottage, at Courtice. {geen Oshawa and Whitby. 52 Thickson Co Room June? ow in Lrchor Rebuilt motor and transmis. | gheets "aS Poppies Sod ment or furniture acvebted. Private. Ing couple and one child. Middle age 150f| Phone RA 5-6021. 1512 | Road North. RA 5-6046. 149 ardens till you move in, sion. need: brake joi Hardw, auling, tents. 30 Subway. Camp, Whitby 84925 5 Si ion, e job. ardware and Electric, 8 Church. RA usc] The Corporation of the uly tiered, Must sleep 13, Phone | TWO Targe unfurnished rooms, Kitchen SIX - room, two-storey brick house. |srx - room brick, home, hot water FULL PRICE $12,300 3.7624, or. 20 - i i ; with sink and cupboards, washing fa. Coal heated, heavy duty wiring. (OX heating, with oil paved drive, well MORTGAGE $11,000 49 PLYMOUTH . . $195 |RANGETTE and rug, good condition, City of Oshawa + aged couple or woman on iey, Clothes close 46f rage, centrally located mmediate | jandscaped, North 'Simcoe Schoo anes Location Shokespeare and Special deluxe, runs good, ideal for cottage, best offer. Phone RA LUXURY OUTBOARDING ! NOTICE OF pension, to take care of two children FOUR . room apartment, first floor, Possession. Rent $100 monthly, JA RA 5-2327. 0! 3.2848. 1516 Vi, pe Sa eters | Willson S., BUDGET PRICES ! STREET CLOSING aba oss fro r= wills De al of. sh a ul Solveniences. Shen Bowmaneitie, 5-3501 between 8-5. trode Co he In Ser 50 PLYMOUTH . . $495 AMERICAN People Encyclopedia, 20 sae fond of children need apply. Write| correo {| TWO newly decorated rooms, private | GAS PUMPS AND LUNCH Bus ot door, high school end. | Station Wagon, radio, an ex- Yoiumes. complete with vend eak fa See the power loaded new TAKE NOTICE that the Box. 636, Times-Gazette, 9. Vacant ou 1 Avil 178 Xd enttancs, Re ROOM---Located on No. 2 other schools: nearby. Fea. | 1° well kept cor. Box 542 Times-Gazett y nei ELTOS! 3 to Pp. 2 Council of The Corporation EXPERIENCED waitress wanted, Street, 1476 | oy. | highway 17 miles east of | . le a a electric starting of the City of Oshawa at its also bus girls. Apply Mr. C Street. 149¢| 9 a tures: Attractive plan with 53 PONTIAC : $795 FENDER electric steel guitar with Full + Choo: rs " th Tay, 2 Campbell FE unfurnished rooms, wultable| THREE -- Foo self --contained apart. Oshowa. Asking price $20, | co onal kitchen, forced Furry for this one. Worth |umplifier. 284 highland Avenue orl Full waranty. Casose Yours regular meeting to be held [for couple, 850 monthly. RA 5.6853. 146 ment, separate entrance, garage, beau: 000 half cach or better, Five- or Neoting $200 mor phone RA 3.5003. 13M) now, erms. | fi) on Monday, June 30, 1958 NOMA Jor sumer] howsehol tle - |tiful yard, in modern home, best esi-| room bungalow, one acre of : 8 SPACE heater for .| Garage. Elto Soles and intends to pass a by-law to in: 'Phone "MO" E4308, Whitby, sre] LARGE furnished housekeeping TOO, | dential area, rental $77.50 per month. | and. Phone Newcastle 2161 READY BY SEPTEMBER | &5 chev $1205 (dition RA aslas Isle) Service Gliddon at Verdun stop up ond close part of be * efrigerator, suitable for one or Mu anivie gis YOUR old a Friday. 151 {two adults. Apply 887 Ritson Road ossession August 1 RA T1800. 1497} anytime during the doy Ronus to gJune buyers, In- Radio, very clean. JOUR wd Nn i -- Worth Rd. RA 5:9251, July 16 Greta Crescent as shown on EXPERIENCED hairdresser wanted South. 149f | THREE rooms, sink, cupboards and | jun28,30jly4,5| levies dec: rated to your ol at ghar. Large A to ar uly Plan 308 which lies south of - | choice of color, also your 57 HI AN from. M y i Toom apartment, central. Das roms "Amilo pasking. RA 8.0597 | ghoige of Sos ! y 37} N31) from, o cagher's, 5 King Street, West, 5 lots 167 to 170 both inclu and counter 2adio, one-owner, y Have your heating needs sive. gccording to the said | top. Salesmen at site every sedan, Seat Atwater 5 hp, duck boat, shot-| gttended to: now -- Avoid plan. day (RA 5-3083), or phone gun. Terms. 288 Verdun Road. _ Mf] = gelgys this Fall. No poy- i in kitchen, three-piece bath. |in"kii enon' All conveniences. Child wel-| NO SALARY REQUIREMENTS Toronto HU 8-1895, revers- AND. MANY MORE SIMMONS double bed, spring and mat:| ment until September. Mi $28 Luther natin WAITRESS for dining room and cotfee Close to South GM. Phon i 4 bi t e RA 5-6676.|come. Vacant July 1. Call after 6 na tress, good condition. RA 3-8413. 150c A bar, experience preferred but not neces 1461 15 Tecumseh Avenue. hy IMMEDIATE POSSESSION ing charges, ALTO OPEN FROM hy be brary OIL FIRED UNITS Council shall hear in person sary. Phone Brooklin 80. 1474 4 y | THREE: rtment, unfurnished, i i id TO 1+*P.M. Y sides, all nylon screening, used one GAS FIRED UNITS or by his counsel, solicitor FOUR - room apartment with bath room apartment, unfurnis $11 450 full price. Spacious 9 AM. TO ONL month, Complete with poles, $50. J. K. OIL & GAS | or agent any person who 37--Male Help Wanted Call at 86 Si North. Ph |Phone RA 5-3608 or apply 23 Albany | Estate Wonted dm P 54462. _ °° J5ot Street after § p.m re] rem, solid brick, one and | 46--Real Estate Wanted MON. & TUES., Lawrence, Myrile. _1s0b CONVERSIONS | claims that his land will be tion ease alf storey . | ren JUNE 30 JULY Ist MAROON chesterfield, good condition, Registered Ontario Fuel | prejudiciolly affected by the | | Ju B Rossland Beauty Salon. Phone hi THREE - Toom 5% my at |bathroom, $48 monthly, including heat new, unfurnished. Adults only. Apply 63] pias wanted for telephone woot Celina Strost ig? i _ Mj $790 DOWN ing. Apply Room 223, Genosha Hotel.| ____-- THREE - room unfurnished apartment, 147( THREE unfurished rooms, stove and |(hree piece bath, sink and cupboards | | years of age, Must have at least to FURNISHED two - room artment. ONE "ground fl floor, four-room, spacious kitchen with arborite counter U 3 hi rt- $25; single bed, 39 inches wide, with : i years' experience in service station Private entrance. Parking ace. TV apartment; also large three-room apa 150¢ Board Installer said by-law and who applies operation, including some tire work. lead-in. Apply 184 Beatty Avenue. 150f ment with Jrivate entzahoes, immed Taps, Huge living foo ond SEL. re want to 7 mattress, $15. MO 8-2998, Whitby. to be herd All company benefits. Apply by letter E room, TTR liate possession. 59 or ing| three family size bedrooms, WELLMAN S BAB roller month . B. Goodrich Stores, 83 King FIVE A RA south east section, [hor Street East ___19v| private drive, Carries like OUR HOME did Bo ¥ ois oil. Vie W. BORROWDALE 3 DATED AT OSHAWA 150¢ THREE - room ground | upboards| rent. See today. Call ond want fast, efficient HILLMAN & RAMBLER [ccndition. hardly used. Phone RA HEA NA PT SHAWA ns 7TH DAY OF JUNE ET BE TAuiL - YURI YY rv LARGE furnished light housekeeping P MAN wanted for Rawleigh business.| oom in basement, heated, private 4 and sink in kitchen, private entrance service, don't hesitate any 4 Sell to 1500 familles. Good profits for(bath. 78 Cadillac Avenue North. RA|APPIY 711 Hortop Street. RA 5.0008. 140) | 1 KNOWLES BROKER| longer, give us a call ot | SALES and SERVICE ONE Kitchen white enamel Annex, $15. July18 "L. R. BARRAND" hustlers. Write today. Rawleigh"s Dept.|5.4956. 190 5300 OTT. COMPISIely or 1 | RA 3-2254 onvt NONQUON RD. RA 3-4431 [One Kenwood mixer, all City Clerk F.3105, 408 Richelien, Montreal [partly furnished, suitable for twa or RA 8-505 anytime, 1510] used once, $100. RA 5.5217, 1500 I cbh t 9 Us rates i ac "" table T.V. set, all-wove une7,14,21, | Junes,28 hree persons, private bathroom, hot 1494 i |ONE McClary table top range, prac NATIONALLY known food company] NEW THREE BEDROOM HR refrigerator, range, washing LOYD AYERS | tically mew; 3% bed, spring-filled mat-| T.V. antenna, Philco refrig- has opening for young man, 25 to 40. {machine central. Apply 207 Count ealtor tress: 75 Ib. ice-box. RA 5-Q472. 150f] erator, two months old, vac- Remuneretion Dy atary Jus commis BRICK BUNGALOW Is ree rap ome er ee $1,350 DOWN OZZIE ADDISON QUALITY THREE-piece chesterfield suite. Phone uum cleanen junior boys For Results pitalization, PSL. Applicant must' own Large kitchen, tiled bath- | , heavy duty witing, pri- WHY PAY RENT! Sales Representative 1481] piv 4 RA Bai CYTE 1 bike, pagulor Sie, bievcies i late model car upon which allowance room, double Pierson win- {vate bathroom, bus /stop at door. $12,450 full price Spacious AND 5, reversible pad, size x 17, smal illiord table, baby cri 4 . : mushroom-rose, good condition $70.| stroller, All in good condition. C A L L Adults only. Reasonable. RA - 5-3342 Phone RA 3-4824, 149¢ RA 8-8180. 0 ped Revly 3 Yrting including dows. Available August 15, | 149c| 6-room ranch style hanga, 47--Automobiles For Sale te. 149 rgle persor lows, Featurin Hollywoo -- Gazet 4 d RA. 3-31 60 ONE room for single person, furnished. 9. Tr rr ECONOMY July5 a7 Close to Shopping Centre, 350 Fronten kitchens, huge living room, POET Aled Sonoitics, SPECIAL e|ac Avenue. RA 85267. separate dinette, three mas- . Celina R A 3 . 3 4 9 2 Word © Eows. ond fad purl. give bedrooms, pce. tiled |S Strate Chel Toro Stas, IS OUR MOTTO PRE SUMMER PETERBOROUGH S ordon i i a come. Apply bathrooms, Beautiful view of |c0, miles, in perfect aa 30a, BEFORE YOU BUY BOATS GIVE us A TRY PRICES Cedarstrip, aluminum, mould- Whitby area fo hgnde low. BUCKINGHAM MANOR EXTRA large threeroomed private] [gke Ontario. Steps to schools |RA 5.7809 Phone price deluxe triple-track al- APARTMENTS ground floor apartment, hardwood] od transportation. = The July 7 uminum storm windows, Ap- and tile floors, asphalt rear parking, N.H.A + vi for '54 Chevrolet coach, radio, excellent WwW A {residential district, adults, 223 Athol| -H.A. mortgoge carries | condition, private sale. RA 5-2802. Doors, windows, awnings, ed plywood, fibreglas. oman war e ply Armstrong Aluminum 1f-cont d + ' BY aig Alain m Seicameined sre. | |B. August RY ra -- won| $69.00 monthly, Only two | July 12| '57 MORRIS 1000, fully heavy inch door completely | Moulded mahogany hull 6758 D S, ' {FOU R- - room self contained apart- | $ amages Street West A n available for immediate pos- "52 Oldsmobile, excellent condition, well | equipped, one owner, i 41.9 t Grove 21 erdale, Toren electrically equipped, best lo- |ment, central Apply 40 Division st.| session. Call now. equipped, Phone RA 8.9076. nor ig ig Bat Evinrude motors " i v2! ' Aoply 498 S S 18 N. H, KNOWLES, BROKER |i557 Pontiac 1. automatic, 57 DODGE' V8 HARDTOP, finest i li Call . TEE-NEE TRAILERS + in july23| cation. Apply imeos Sb {or Pen eeR Se snail RA 8-5051 radio, windshield washers, _ two-ione, fully equipped. Only nest in quality, Gall now > TORONTO (CP) -- Miss Els. - ere NADY. 5. RA B-8676. 149¢|whitewalls, 8,000 miles, $2275. Phone for free estimates. RA Loyawi lan, no fin Lexchin, 51, a milliner, was |apartment. Two rooms and bath. RA A49f 8,000 miles. ayaway plan, ance : RA 8.1227. 146 8-8571. charges. Factory approved |awarded $6,758 damages Friday 60% Commission Week! July 265.7561. 1481 drawing account, Eo '53 PONTIAC CLUB COUPE, COLONIAL ALUMINUM service. for injuries suffered in an auto- Real Estate salesman needed NEW N.H.A. SABYAN MOTOR completely equipped, Office and display court Marine Storage and Supply Ltd. nebile Breident wile op ler wey 0 nearby Oakville to adjust the to run field office in new sub- | WAREHOUSE 5,400 SQ. FT. SALES LTD. 32,000 miles. | Evenings Call RA 8-1062 Brooklin, Ontario It or WelloE Patty, division, Unlimited advertis- ' i i v HOMES | STUDEBAKER-VOLKSWAGEN 53 PONTIAC COACH, fully Be Swe With Colonial __ |, oe 57 id Miss Lexchin was a passenger ing budget, Be your own Boss. ; . " : Wiite or coll ne tod. Col with two high folding doors, central, possession 33 PLES, ong SERVICE equipped. uly Seiy in a car driven by Mrs. Dorothy 4 RITSON RD. SOUTH : -- : -- Blake, She sued the driver and lect. N. H. Knowles, HU. July 1. Phone RA 3-9481 or apply 684 Glencairne. ' 1-5656 or RA 8-505] 1481) $975 00 OSHAWA, ONT. |: "54 PONTIAC SEDAN, vp: Mr. and Mrs, Thomas McGilliv- 150, -- -- TEL: RAndolph 3-3461 i] toned, new tries, HOLODY BOAT KITS ray of Oakville who had asked --_--T --- uly? 26| ' her to assist at their daughter's APPLIANCE SALES 1 ; DOWN ENTER 53 CHEV, Sepa. ALUMINUM $56.00 and Up wedding in August, 1956. MAN | ike to rent your 3 or 4 bedroom home to on | | '53 PONTIAC SEDAN Open evenings ond week- "There was an obligation on For leading SEplicrize store These new 3-bedroom, solid | CLEAN CARS | 2 > | | ends. the McGillivrays' to provide safe Yen re a Must E iid terrific buy ao i WANTED '52 CHRYSLER WSEDAN, SALES Brooklin Marine Stojage Lasspontation, said Mr. Justice Apply stating experience. xtraordinarily good tenant? ow, low down payment. Sev- upply Ltd. Fi 5, BOX 634 If it is located in a good residential eral different models to TRADE-UP VIEW. Tires, One OWNS f ALUMINUM | PHONE 87 TIMES-GAZETTE, OSHAWA choose from. OR DOWN '51 DODGE SEDAN, mech- DOORS July24 50-Articles For Sale 149¢ | \ } nically A-1, bi Are near transportation and public Following are just some of LIENS PAID OFF 5 PLYMOUTH... COACH WINDOWS the features: 5 1 T. EATON CO. LTD, Tap WILBAK MOTORS "tly suispes AIR SHADE Winter-Seal OSHAWA SHOPPING | Sttoots -- your problem is 2. Ceramic tile bath '41 CHEV. CLUB COUPE, 3. Recreation room facilities 7 KING ST. W, fully equipped. The finest Aluminum Awning ALUMINUM. WINDOWS AND DOORS : | available with the exclusive CENTRE, REQUIRE AN | 4. Sodded front I 0 OTHERS TO b " i" . : . Eosity solved. 5. ke _-- awn io 5-0732 CHOOSE FROM TARVINT ond "SKY. Kool Lite Aluminum Awnings EXPERIENCED APPLIANCE | And mony other features. oe Get Td siya Low Dowh Payments JUNE SPECIAL CUSTOM AND OPEN AND CLOSE | SALESMAN | PHONE RA S71) SALESMEN ON LOCATION. | BUYING or SELLING Vii Eaty, Yemns iy Po RAILINGS -- Interior and Exterior ; oca See W | L B A K : : | Fireplace Furnishings and Bathtub Enclosures Please opply Monday, June 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. RA 8-1338 TED CAMPIN NOW 54.95 | MOTORS i M O T O R S Completely installed 15 PRINCE i EVENISS ALES LTD. RA 5-4632 30, at the Customers Account y After 6 P.M. and Weekends ANYTIME 607 KING ST, -- OSHAWA Eon of Wile aes 137 KING W. LIFETIME GUARANTEE Les Eveniss RA 3-2707 = Bill Galbraith RA 5.8832 | { Office | BETTER BUILT BY BOEM son Ro el > PHONE TORONTO HI 7-0656 BOEM CONSTRUCTION | RA 3-4494 Res. RA 5.5574 | BB. RA 5.0732 RA 5-2431 ' Den Howe RA 5-033 2 Yel June24,28,30 June3gl Julgarl == 181 July 9 Jyne2t

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