14. THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Saturday, June 28, 1958 NEW TYPE MANHOLE BLIND HITCHHIKERS 25, and Bill Serimgeour, 80, ex: was the posthumous son of af sistema --] NEW YORK (AP) -- A new| ATLANTA, Ga. (AP) -- Two pect to reach Boston in time Io clergyman. | a { : : ; ing-eve attend the convention of the N p.m. Last complete show starts type of square manhole cover|blind men and their seeing eye| ional Federation of the Blind t 8.55 p.m. {heralded as a boon to light sleep-|dogs are hitchhiking their way! THEATRE GUIDE 2 P lers is being tested by city offi- north toward Boston today to July 4. Treat the Family [y A VE 0% J t -- "Merry Andrew" inlcials. The manufacturer claims = 5 0 NOW > kag AI a rnin A x . (demonstrate that blind persons ENGLISH AUTHOR : | CinemaS=ope and Color. Shown|it will remain stationary--and si-la "do" most things as well as| Ben Jonson, the English poet Cedar Beach Park | fo oN ARTHUR MURRAY Biltmore -- 'The Lone Ranger . a5 a . " : EF daily at 1.30, 3.30, 5.35, 7.35,|lent--when traffic passes over it.|yyo "ith" cioht Bob Lambert, and dramatist who died in 1637, and the Lost City of Gold" in| 945 Last co plete show starts|Round covers tend to become NORTH SHORE OF Technicolor, shown daily at| at 9.25 p.m. loose with wear and rattle. : MUSSELLMAN'S LAKE in the gy es Now's the time to take the "First Step to 1.50, 4.35, 7.20, 10.10 p.m. "The 12.35, 3.20, 6.05, 8.55 p.m. Last 2 complete show starts' at 8.50] obi HOLIDAY ; THE SKYLINERS .m = . of n Popularity" --while this once-a-year Dalton Girls" shown daily at Brock (Whithy) -- sing Boy FREE, Ba TITTY 111] [| fi SE age yy OF Gol JACK ROACH , Sing" and "Forbidden Desert" | AFTER 11-05 2 a 5 7; Newly ¢ 4 @ money-saving offer is in effect. Simply Evening shows at 7 and 9.10 ' PAE. 2 . p.m. Saturday matinee at 1.30. HS bid RC g : y 7 ov EASTMAN COLOR DANCING EVERY SATURDAY hd . ; ISNA REROI FRE AITISSRLW ! » put yourself in the hands of an Arthur Renovated Murray expert and in almost no time at all, you'll become a truly wonderful and Completely dancer. And good dancers always Sve fun. There's only one basic step to learn AIR for the key to the Cha-Cha, Mambo, Fox- a 8 The Amazing x # 4 ; ; ~all the latest dances. i S110" Hal | COLOSSAL / Rds COME and DANCE || conprione Ca on, 4 al Mitchell Zalesk?'s (| COFFEE SHOP |" J ioiioihi™ eons © Orchestra || yoteL geNosha | (LABS. ARTHUR MURRAY: at the 11% SIMCOE ST. SOUTH POLISH NATIONAL | oMAWA -- RA S160 UNION HALL | 168 Banting Ave. FUN FOR ALL! EVERY SATURDAY TORPEDO THEIR > 4 8:30 - 12 : WAY TO GLORY! : ' [AS (OINIRYV EL COME TODAY Bl L | M (0) R 3 IN OSHAWA " Bl |MON. & TUES. "COOL AS A WOODLAND GLEN" WU) TO-NIGHT! LITTLE || BURT LANCASTER | 3 Mkt «cand 3 bf : WEST OFF SIMCOE STREET NORTH the p ar R AT THE END OF SWITZER DRIVE IY BUCKAROO|| "Sees HERS JY SOOT | a. dl Ni Wii PILI J va | Be Td | FOR THE SEASON ; A | & Ei a Ate Plaza -- "Going Steady" 1.00, 3 A " \ " WE TO RANGER 3.37 6.16, 9.00 p.m. "Hard |88 : g ; nM INT Man" 2.17, 4.56, 7.35, 10.19 48 Open To The Public Daily From 1:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m, ® FREE PICNIC AND PLAYGROUND AREA R 3, i / ® CHLORINATION & FILTRATION PLANT The Action Begins me 2 ES) \ | THE coLossus oF a . AYYTY ' X ? a ef ALL AMU -- Visit Our -- BUM MIDNITE oy BL SEMENTS | ® THREE DIVING BOARDS | Continuing MONDAY, TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY ; DOORS OPEN | SWIMMING POOL | | DOROTHY MATONE Sa ok dl Heoutding QUALIFIED LIFE GUARDS The Cleanest Filtered ; & 5 bai YY : |ADULTS $1.50 - CHILDREN 90c| ® : Pool in Oshawa ! : Vo Re g EEN SAL ARUSSION TioKeTs | Daily or Seasonal Rates OPEN TO THE PUBLIC f ila, fo JURY & LOVELL DRUG | ® Special Rates for Group and Splash Parties Now! 5 to 9 p.m. Daily || : wR J 8 KING STREET ADMISSION: -- bc . i a " j 7 25¢ PER PERSON ; : a vw V8 0 gi : . TRAIL ad Enjoy A Whole New Season Of -- ee. A ' Le a " i v FOR Fh / Dig | HE Hes) as Op Home WEEK A es os Phone = MOVIES $51.00 | RI i oI ; : Only ! br] JOIN OUR DRIVE-IN THEATRE Lil g . : \ eu BER BUMPER STRIP CLUB! 7 | y 28th . July Sth. 1958 1 W Co if bg 1 Za - a. DAY CAMP |B cu oie me oe anv pac WO | S58 | | Lge June uly oth, pv] ADMISSION EVERY MONDAY , TUESDAY, WED- = I i ® SWIMMING CLASSES NESDAY AND THURSDAY (Holidays excepted). "The Camp for Your Child" y) 5 R i RQ ! i : -- ON OUR GIANT SCREEN TONIGHT pe Sl or - Sold Out Ist Weel = ; THE FUN START AT DUSK WITH -- Ed lO MR LTS, 52 ° &itstmannoror HOTELS A Few Vacancies | aay "Tt KETTLES in the 0ZARKS" [ll MARK § STARTING July 7 to Aug. 20th MONDAY Brochures may be obtained at vir] MARJORIE MAIN THUR HUNNICUTT gs: | . Jie Bel Yim Gesens Ove 1 PL UNFIGHTER OF THEM ALL! | Last Day="DAM BUSTERS "sius "WALK THE PROUD LAND" . SPECIAL CENTENNIAL MENU B® tHe Laweess Breen TH DIAL RA 5-2737 >" ROCK HUD Cr JCOLOR ADAMS FE ] Tomato Julce Apple Juice Grapefruit Juice HARMONY RD. NORTH oo - " or TO THE SIGN !! CHILDREN under 12 FREE! ALWAYS A (OLOR CARTOON -- Soup du Jour | Ho GET MORE OUT OF LIFE... GO OUT.TO A MOVIE! Cabbage Salad WINDSOR * Red Brand Prime Ribs of Beef, au jus = - IN MONTR E AL Half Bar-B-Quéd Chicken, Bar-B-Q Sauce . - : 'Assorted Cold Meat Plate with Potato Salad = " : ; 4 It's the... CENTENNIAL SPECIALS ll gar Braised Short Ribs of Beef, Fresh Vegetables - a es ow p 4! Hot Beef Sandwich, Brown Gravy - - - MARLON MONTGOMERY 4 WINDSOR Turkey Cutlets with Tomato Sauce - - * ' j f N ' : i] RAN D 1] HA | ONE OF THE WORLD'S DISTINGUISHED HOTELS Assorted Garden Vegetables S) : i i . Whipped Potatoes French Fries 204 CENTURY-FOX © * presents Completely Remodelled : Garden Fresh Rhubarb Fruit Jello with Cream \ 1h PD de | uae ow id Creamy Rice Pudding Chocolate Sundae gop Sm WM n oF All Rooms With 2 " OF i PTL CFT, oo, | | Bath, Shower and T.V. To Cole Mk sg udp Ripn by ) SANDWICH SUGGESTIONS Cl NEMASCcORE SINGLE from 8.00 b Flying Dutchman Supreme Hamburger - also starring Chopped Egg Salad Sandwich, Chef's Salad - dy», HOPE LANGE BARBARA RUSH - MAY BRITT | {DOUBLE from 11.00 Ham ond Relh Sandwich, Chefs Salad DOORS OPEN AT 12:30 P.M. § Tea .15 Coffee. .10 Milk | ; jes 2 la Mod 3 T A R T N G M C N D A Y FOR INFORMATION & RESERVATIONS FS RN a Asened Fry 29 9 19 Tose TODAY ONLY ! a | PHONE | DANNY KAYE um IN ' ' . Tai - T R A y = Fh + i : EF Kibo Pomme 0% | EM 6.3313 | SADE 1858-1958 --