1 Sn NI REE QI IBEALISEHLM Aaok FIRST AID TO THE RILING HOUSE glass-reinforced plastie p manufacturers for painting fiber glass. You ean probably obtain this from the dealer from whom By ROGER C. WHITMAN CLEANING FIREPLACE QUESTION: What home clean- ing method can I use to clean the ceramic tile in front of my fire- place? What should be used to clean the red bricks of which the fireplace is made? ANSWER: Wash with a mild detergent and warm water, rins- ing well afterwards, to clean the . ceramic tile. The brickwork can be cleaned with a stiff brush and a mechanic's hand soap contain- * ing sand. Be sure to remove all races of the cleaner by thorough rinsing with clear water , -SOILED PLYWOOD CABINETS QUESTION: I have stained ply- wood cabinets in the kitchen. On the doors, near the handles, they are soiled from finger marks. How can I clean them so as not to hurt the stain? ANSWER: If the stain is fin ished with wax, varnish or shel-| lac, wash with a damp sponge and mild soapsuds, rin:ing after- wards with clean water and dry- ing well with clean cloth. If stain is untinished, try cleaning ob- gcure corner of cabinet with wall- paper cleaner -- available hard. ware and paint stores -- to see the affect on stain. The cleaner is a doughlike material; it is rolled 2nd kneaded over surfaces, never rubbed, and will absorb grease and grime, If not successful, make a paste of powdered whit ing and cleaning fluid (cigaret lighter fluid is okay) and apply thick layer over stains. When dry, brush off, repeating treat- ment if necessary. CRACKED CERAMIC PLANTER QUESTION: Is there any way ' to repair a large ceramic planter "GOOD" PLUMBING Should Be Seen And Not Heard! You needn't have pipes that sound Coll us immediately for expert re- pair service. LORNE GOODMAN Plumbing & Heating 758 Mary St. RA 5-1044 like they ore going to explode. §! BR poms { scams cs, 4 | Sl bowl which cracked? I forgot to remover. Apply either of these 1] | ake it indoors last fall and the liquids on a small section of the |", » ground in it froze and cracked inoleum and as soon as the lac- F-- the gs were purchased. Re-| must be exercised in choosing the | member that the color goes clear|color of paint; complementary wwougs the awnings and upper|colors should be used, keeping in and lower surfaces must be bothimind that the original color of painted. If your awnings are the awning will "bleed" through. opaque, there is no color prob- That is if your awnings are now lem. However, if they are trans- yellow, and you paint them blue lucent, that is if the light goes the result will be a green, seen through them, extra special careithrough in the light. the bowl. | quer has softened, remove it with ANSWER: Use ceramic tile ce-|steel wool. Wash the area im- TOPS IN SATISFACTION - SERVICE iment, available at most paint, | mediately with mild soap and ~YOU'LL AGREE ~ hardware stores, and dealers in|warm water; then rinse with FOR masonry supplies, Follow label clear water and wipe dry. Do not directions particularly as to allow the lacquer thinner or paint cleaning surfaces and prepara- remover to remain on the lino- tion. leum longer than necessary, for {such liquids may damage the sur- WALLPAPER LOOSENS {face. When the floor is clean, , N: W t on wall avoid having it walked on for Ee a paste and ®ight hours or more. Polish with afier several months it loosened. (8 800d grade of wax. Be careful What caused this? to work in a well-ventilated room, | ANSWER: Either the walls with all flames extinguished, as were not thoroughly cleaned, or | both preparations are inflam- vou did not coat the walls with a, mable. glue sizing before applying the |p AINTING FIBER GLASS | wallpaper A glue size should be|" QUESTION: We dislike the col- {applied on the walls when you do, of the fiber glass awnings on a wallpaper job. our house. Is it possible to paint them? | | ANSWER: Yes, this is possible. Special paints are made by fiber- W.R. THOMPSON SLIDING RUGS QUESTION-- My scatter rugs clide over my waxed floors in! PERFECT COMFORT 4 | gpite of rubber nonslip guards. ' |The guards work only for a short time, What can I do? { ANSWER: Evidently your floors are thickly coated with 'wax. You probably wax the floors {too frequently, or do not rub them hard enough to remove ex- vess wax. If the rubber guards | become slippery, wash off the ac- |cumulated wax on them with a thick suds of mild soap; then wipe with damp cloths and allow to dry. | REMOVING LACQUER | QUESTION: Can lacquer thin- ner be used for removing lacquer {from linoleum? ANSWER: Lacquer thinner (acetone) or a prepared paint re- mover can be used for lacquer HENDERSON | SERVICE STATIONS OPEN THIS SUNDAY 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. JAMES' WHITE ROSE STATION SIMCOE STREET NORTH KAY & KOVAC REGENT STATION 1084 SIMCOE STREET NORTH "DON DOWN'S TEXACO STATION 117 SIMCOE STREET NORTH VIGOR SERVICE STATION 78 BOND STREET CLIFF MILLS 222 KING STREET WEST BISSONETTE'S SHELL STATION 381 KING STREET WEST SABYAN REGENT STATION PARK SOUTH & TRESANE MONTY'S B-A STATION 284 SIMCOE SOUTH KENT'S CITIES SERVICE STATION 40 ALBERT STREET FIRESTONE'S TEXACO STATION KING STREET EAST & DIVISION STREET DURNO"S SUPERTEST 582 KING EAST ROBINSON'S ESSO STATION 574 RITSON SOUTH STAR'S SUPERTEST 190 BLOOR EAST COOPER'S NORTH RITSON TEXACO 410 RITSON RD. NORTH FRED STONE'S WHITE ROSE 352 WILSON RD. SQUTH BILENDUKE'S ESSO STATION 1004 SIMCOE ST. § McLELLAN'S WHITE ROSE 38 PRINCE ST. Lightweight ""HAYDITE" building units, HENDERSON CONCRETE PRODUCTS | LIMITED | 1089 NELSON RA 5.7041 yA BUILDING HOME? SAVE MONEY WITH THESE SENSATIONAL NEW COMBINATION WINDOWS Prime, Storm Windows and Screens ~ all in one unit) EL FUTURE EXPENSE OF ADDING COSTLY STORM-SCREEN WINDOWS "LATER ON" IMINATE KooLVENT - ® Maximum insulation and Greater visibility. Slend more glass area. AND MA ALUMINUM WINDOWS state iv 5 minutes! It is no longer necessary to buy prime and storm windows as separate units. inch "dead air" space between prime and storm-sereen windows. Weather-lock meeting rails. No steaming or frosting on inside frames. Wood frame Thermal Breok--unlike metal frames--virtually elimi- nates harmful inside condensation. NASH DOUBLE-DOUBLE HUNG droft-free protection. Four- eo Glamourous colour. Optional Enom-alum® (infra-red) baked enamel finish in choice of 20 colours -- or in plain aluminum. o High efficiency screen. Independent laboratory fests prove the KoolVent-Nash aluminum screen cloth lets in er aluminum sashes give for up to 22%, more light, up to 19% more air. NY DESIGNS TO CHOOSE FROM (Some not illustrated) ™ man ~~ Son ry Picky Ot Double-Double Picturs Window AND THEY SAVE YOU MONEY -- because -- 1. Picture Window Picture Win. Ranked by Jolovsies Pete Oriel No expensive storms or screens to be added. They are built in} WE INVITE YOU TO SEE designs in our show-room, ALL OTHER these beautiful ukra-modern - Double glazing saves--forever--on fuel. ond compare the costs with | WINDOWS. . No fitting--no hardware fo buy--They come gcom- pletely pre-fabricated. Approved for Notional Housing Act Loans. freq || With RX-15 you can grow your name in your lawn in 7 days | in one week or your money back ally ony soil. Watch dying lawns 1-1 without a worry in the wor No fumace to fuss with. No shocking fuel bills. No cold rooms to chill you . . . just solid, perfect comfort-- for a lifetime--at the lowest possible cost. That's the Gar Wood story. Your Gar Woad heating specialist can help you choose the unit best suited to your needs. 4 AUTOMATIC HEATING AT ITS BEST! OIL HEATING * WARM AR & HOT WATRR am This action con affect your future heating comfort. See us today for @ free copy of our booklet "Proofl Gar Wood bs by far your Wises! Investment", TAL DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Satudey, June 28, 1958 13 USED HEATING PLANT consisting of GOOD CHEER FURNACE 210,000 B.T.U. 14-inch fan -- Iron Fireman Stoker complete with controls. For information Call: RA 8-8410 MORTGAGE LOANS| AVAILABLE | Ralph S. Jones Barrister & Solicitor 65 Simcoe St. South Diol RA 5-3525 ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS © CLEAN AND DURABLE e BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME W. B. BENNETT PAVING LTD. FREE ESTIMATES BOX 305 OSHAWA RA 8-8132 MLAUGHLIN HEATING 104 KING ST. WEST RA 3-3481 A DIVISION OF McLAUGHLIN COAL & SUPPLIES LTD. MADE IN CANADA EXCLUSIVELY BY ENGINEERING INDUSTRIES CO. LTD., 650 DUPONT ST, TORONTO YS A 1 = with RX-15 Grow flowers, shrubs, trees in virtyu- Lockwood HEATING AND SHEET METAL LTD, AUTHORIZED DEALER OIL FIRED HEATING UNITS 10 YEAR WARRANTY GOOD CHEER HI-BOY, LOW-BOY and the over head Stowawgy units have been engineered to oe- cupy a minimum of space and at the some time provide a maximum of warmth and comfort ot very economical costs. LOW DOWN PAYMENT 5 Years To Pay -- 5% Interest YOU CAN DEPEND ON LANDER-STARK OIL LTD. HEATING AND SHEET METAL LTD. 288 ARTHUR ST. OSHAWA RA 3.2511: grow green und thick in 7 days. ww \ al . RX-1S will maks your flowers bloom weeks ahead of time. Growing power of undernourished shrubs, trees, hedges and vegetables | will be doubled. Your garden will be a showplace of beauty -- | your lawn a thick, rich green carpet. RX-15 will work this magic for you right now even if your soil is undernourished. ; MAKE THIS 7-DAY TEST URW A rabid Red ad Or Your Money Back . Dissolve 1 tablespoon of RX-1§ in a gallon of water and sprinkle the letters of your name right on your lawn. It takes just 60 seconds «+. yet in 7 days you'll actually be : able to read your name in the ag grass. If RX-15 doesn't do all we Plants Grow Bigger say it will, return the unused por. Healthier. F tion to your store for full refund. ealthier, Faster with RX-15 RX-15 Miracle Applicator Rose at right, treated with A simple attach. | RX-15 bloomed 214 times ment for your hose larger -- 414 weeks earlier than or sprinkler enables its untreated twin. to water and | Get RX-15 today! tafactl ™ ertilize at the same time. It will supply a | 1 gp proportion of | X.-15 Plant Food safely and without | burning, regardless of water pressure i AVAILABLE AT HARDWARE STORES, DEPARTMENT STORES | AND GARDEN SUPPLY OUTLETS EVERYWHERE Regd 94 BRUCE ST. OSHAWA RA 3-2219 EVENINGS CALL RA 5-1646 No MANUFACTURED IN OSHAWA COOPER-SMITH (0. 16 CELINA RA 3-2312 "EN SMITH AJAX Phone 880 GREG RIVERS WHITBY MO 8-9007 Lander Hdwe. BOWMANYILLE MA 3-5774 BOB MANN COBOURG FR 2-5113 MASTER FEEDS 54 CHURCH ST. RA 3-2229 HUNDREDS TO CHOOSE FROM A COMPLETE STOCK ON HAND OF BERRY 1 © (TRICAL SUPPLIES f= A Full Range Of SEE OUR DISPLAY : ELECTRIC LIMITED 50 PRINCE ST. RA 3-2248