ISaNIRXRROI IBEALISIELW THE DAILY TIMES.GAZITTE, Soturdey, June 20, 1938 Weekly Summary The Canadian Press A by 450 to 250 on the Toronto Stock Exchange this week. Issues unchanged totalled 160. Volume for the week was 12,607,000, previous week's 16, to date are marked §.) Stoek Abitibi Dist Alta Dist vt Ang Cen vt Algoma Alumni Alum 2 pr Analog Ang Pulp m1 Anthes Imp Arcan Argus Argus 2.40 p down from the Total sales for the year Qcotations in cents unless ,846,000. 314,457,000. ( Industrials This Week High Low Close Change A spd B 2% UY 9 1958 High Low 8% 2% 24% 24% -- % 3 9% -- ¥ 20% 20% + % 11% 11% + % 16% -- % 170 300 140 5 8110 +65 2585 8106 445 1200 310 605 10% 9 21% 19 610 4430 4430 Argus 2.50 pr 25 Ashdown B Ash Temple A Art A Art deb Atlas Steel Auto Elec Bank Mont 160 500 2800 230 3174 400 3214 Stock Nat Trust North Star 2000 SI Nor Star A 910 3 Loan Orange Cr Bales 130 125 25 146 320 320 32 This Week me High Low Close Change $41 40% 41 4 13% 13% -- % 13% 13% -- % 350 360 37 ---15 1100 110 110 +10 410 39% $13% 13 13% -- % 325 325 325 -15 sion % . 16% + % + 200 19 195 $9 2 9 --% 88% 8% BK + WH 46 48 4 --2 +10 3970 $30% 29% 29% +4% 7 ™ + % 0 4 --% 18% 18% -- % 52 52 45 $52 3130 $33% 32% 32% 567 $66 65 65 6775 410 400 410 1535 320 300 200 39% 9% 100 $13% 13% 9% 13% -- % 6% I % Fi v 63% -- 9 15 13% 97% FEFFEES Of Stock Market Activity Stock Sales W Dec wits 13600 W Lease 600 W Naco 4600 Windfall Yan Can rb Oui § Dalhousie 372s Acad Uran 978 Advocate 7100 Agnico 28415 887! Akaitcho 0 Alba Expl 19656 Algom 5620 100 95 ee RULE EE LLL sng Fi Ottawa This Week 1958 High Low Close Change High Low 50 46 4 1 60 38 6 1 7 Stock Jowsey Kenville Sales 15597 5000 7 8725 $18% 200 174 174 5625 50 45 1100 2700 6 18 18% -- % 174 4 --6 6 6 6 -- WH 40 39 39 ---1 12 10% 12 + % L to N. 114 105 -3 3 66 -8 24 22 -2 485 +5 ---15 +30 33 19% 14 206 have moved in with financial: help 9,500 coal miners. The assistance for the Domin- |f meeting,s won't stop 25-day mine shutdowns in Nova Scotia. 5328 s22.8. > Stock Market Pace Shows Strength : By RON ANDREWS Canadian Press Staff Writer 32 3 3 10% 10% 10% 17 16 16 320 300 315 28% 28 2 8% 6% 8 106 105 105 245 uly he gopBoave Blan Bi8nise Luan 8.85 - 5 J 88 Soatulal. ance given to the Britannia Cop- But it is aimed at preventing per Mine in British Columbia in cabinet meetings. unemployment after that by help- an abortive effort to keep that| FORECAST SURPLUS ing finance costs of the record cperation going last winter. | COMPANY GRATIFIED C. MacDonald, chairman of the Dominion Steel and Coal Corpor ation's management committee caid he is gratified. Dosco, ac- days and it had informed the quired recently by A. V. Roe complex of firms. Give Financia Aid To N.S. Miners OTTAWA (CP) -- The federal |coal and Nova Scotia governments the face of d the gover ts to more money for coal One unofficial estimate was |Subventions, These transport sub- stockpiles accumulated in h 1 to ease layoffs affecting about|that total aid may be in the|sidies, designed to make Nova neighborhood of $500,000 with the|Scotia coal competitive in On- ederal government supplying |tario and Quebec, have been rus- jon Coal Company, decided on!|about $400,000 and Nova Scotia ing about $9,000,000 annually. Friday in a series of cabinet $100,000. Prime Minister Diefenbaker in- formed the Commons of the two- The scheme parallels assist-|oouomn mont decision after three He said that the company had forecast a coal surplus by year's end of 750,000 tons over and above normal carryover. The company planned a 25-day layoff in addition to normal holi- At Montreal Friday night Allan government that extensions of the 'ayoff period would be necessary. Mr. Diefenbaker said that would result in more than 9,000 men being out of work in the coal Premier Stanfield of Nova rields, "which wil: constitute a Canada) Limited, holds Domin on Coal Company in its huge Scotia, returning to Halifax Fri-|serious hardship to th The trading pace of a stock day night from talks here, said|their families Do em and FF +ll+l++] - in ner, market often detects underlying (the province is "determined (o!much economic loss to orig 1 ctrength or weakness and this participate." The aid would give|ince, , . ." Bank NS 1615 40 470 Bi 2RIES week on Canadian exchanges assurance against further layoffs| In 'diszussions, there was evidence of internal after the 25-day period. {company undertook "that at the 5 |Strength in the volumes. | Tom McLachlan, president of end of the 25-day period already 58 5 2 ? L1 Financia! observers believe United Mine Workers District 26 announced the company will con- 1168 $12% 12% oio [that if trading siows down dur-| who accompanied the premier to tinue its normal operations pro- 1347020 19% 16% % 8 (mg a declie and speeds up in Ottawa, estimated the shutdowns vided that its is compen ated for 2035 § 25% 29 +3 29 15% an advance, the market has some | will cut Dosco production by additional costs to which it will Moly wis 16% +3% 16% 700 | 7 | + hy Moneta 2500 72 +5 71 62 [bullish undertones. 400,000 tons. More than 1,000,000 be put to maintain the estimated McMar 3 Sa 225 25% 27 Sar McWat Bell Phone 13876 Bowater 112 Bowater pr 195 Bowat 5% pr 340 10146 350 70 8689 87 130 45 335 395 170 560 12% 3752 39% 410 42% 200 11 + |++++1 FEFEFE F Bridge Scarfe A Shawin Fa he said, the 10 103 295 Ee CPE EPR PICT SI FF BRsR.cHsana =F FETERF FF ¥ Silverwd A Simpsons SKD Mig Slater new Somville pr Southam Spartan wits St Pav Stedman Steel Can Steinbg pr Stuart Oil S Propane 950 86% S Propane pr 200. 323% 2% S Prop wis 515 180 175 180 Suptest ord 760 $18 17% 17% Suptest pr 200 $100 100 100 Switson 250 375 375 375 23% + % Th + % i Bidcop Black Bay Bonville Bordulac Bouscad Bovzan 19600 ymar 23000 Bralorne 50 Broul Reef 1 Brnhrst Brunsin Brunswk Buffad Buff Ank Buff RL Bunker Hill 6000 5 &£ | = 3500 17000 3500 $ a 3 & | & EE 8g EL 1000 4000 100 Bulld Prod 425 Burns 920 200 200 200 $4lte 404 41% s14% 1 pL) 1+ & FEF +1 Sp2 C snd D Cal Pow 875 $71% 69 69 Cal Pow 5 pr 20 $104% 104% 104% Can Bread 325 325 325 C Bread B $55 54 55 Can Cem $32 31% 31% -- % CCC Stone $7% 7% 7% - Cl Fndry 28% -- % Can Life Can Malt Can Malt pr C Pack A 550 " 45 C Pack B 2 Can Perm 2 C Safe 4 pr 5 $95 95 95 CSL 39 CSL pr 12% Can Wire B 875 13 C Bk Com 2393 8% Cdn Brew 9600 30% Cdn Brew pr 905 $30% 30% C Br Alum 260 $9 9 CBA LA wus 575 325 325 1385 $14% 13% $14 14 220 $25; Gore Cable 23182 N Goldvue Tamblyn $%h Th Taylor PC 315 8, Taylor PC pr 357 Tor Elev T Gen Tr Tor Iron Tor Iron A T Fin A T Fin B T Fin Spe Tr C PL 4539 Tor Star pr 25 Trans Mt 11375 Twin C Gas 625 Un Gas 1643 U Corp B 100 U Fuel A 225 U Fuel B 280 Un Steel 354 Vanadium 100 425 Viceroy A 100 184 Ys 59% --1 23 --% ++ FEFER 22 Tit+ttd : 3 5915 59% -- 3% 6% + % Mt Font 78 i * 1 i The markets started the. week |tons now are stockpiled in Cape excess over the normal stock- Nama Cr 2 20 --2 20 [the way they closed last Friday, Bretor. { pile." Nat Expl 5 --1% 15% dipping lower. Tuesday the de-| The assistance will be in the The government scheme would Nes Lob +H 2 |cline ware carried into a fifth form of a bookkeeping operation|enable "high level employment." New Ath 19 [straight day with the heaviest set- | rT New Bid back of the year. But in both New Cal 4 a nal sessions, trading slowed down. | Fi * ts B k D ds N Dicken 201 | The volume increased Wednes- 1rms u aC eman 5 3 4 day when prices started a recov. | Camp Chip "7130 ; § dar 1 $1 ery bleh lasted the vest of the) F C di C d Oil amp " week, despite profit - taking in Com Sd New Jan 574 s a |some sections Friday. or ana lan 141] e 1 Cian ait Newlund 1 Bi the week, Sowever, Tale) CALGARY (CP)--Still smart-|are considering a possible oil Cdn Thor 6550 N Nan 2 be ange was oo gS a 2 "ing from United States oil import pipeline from Western Canada to Candore "36700 N Msiam 1 % 5 [ces epeciauy a Torono, | restrictions of the last year, Can-|the huge Montreal market, cur- Can. Met 32430 Newnor 4 % OTHER FACTORS |ada's crude' oil producers have rently supplied by imports from C-Met 9700 Ne uy 2! wall Street observers said been dealt another blow that will Venezuela and the Middle East. Captain 23000 Ni 7 ; § !mean a market loss of at least Cariboo 3500 Nick Sm 1 his there were other bullish factors ob 1 d EXPORTS DROP Caspar Nite % 7 U3 |behind the market activity. They 4. alrels & Cay. Late last year exports of crude ni Nor Acm 4 1 1 8 [said that a large amount of| Starting next month, Shell Oil from Canada dropped to less thap Cent Pat Nocanda 35% money was waiting to be piaced Company is cutting back de, per cent of the producing po Cent Pore Noriartie : 3 7°|in stocks, and this coupled with/demands for Canadian crude ati, iio) jr tne field, The decline bo Normetal 5 05 223 [the record short positions of the|its refinery in Anacortes, Wash. was mainly the resalt of U.S. fm- Chib Jae Norpax ; 18 |New York market, would probab. Cheaper crude shipped across the J "0 "a0 con a™ 0 ey : 8 sharp fall in Pacific by tanker from Borneo by Pp | + 425 3% + Chib-Kay $30% 30% 30% 5% C West Nat 300 $48 C Westng Chrysler 5 525 Con Gas 104414 Crestbrk wis Crown Zell 's N D Text pr D and M Easy Wash Easy W pr Econ Inv Eddy Eddy. Match 225 131 400 250 200 200 36 200 29032 Fed Grain Fed Grain pr Fleet Mig Ford (US) Ford A Foundata Fraser Fr Pete pr Gatineau Gat 5 pc pt Gat 5% pc pr Gen Bake Gen Dev GS Wares pr Goodyear Mackay A L Paper Power Gas G 280 pr G wis N G B wis GW Coal A GW Coal B Greening Gre: lind Guar Tr Gypsum H Carpet H Dauch Hi-Tower H Smith H Smith pr Hughes O A Hur Erie Imp Bank Imp Flo pr Imp Inv A Imp Life Imp Oil Imp Tob Imp Tob pr Ind. Accep 1 Ae 275 pr 1 Ac wis Inglis Inland . C > Inland Gas Inland Inland G pr Int Pete 1 Intprov Inter PL Inv Syn Inv Syn A Kelly D a Kelly wts Kelvinator Labatt Lakeland Likland débs Laura Sec LobGro 1 pr LobCo A LobCo B M Leaf Mill Mass-Fer fass-F pr McColl Merc Chip Mersey Mex LP Mex LP pr Mid West M West wis Milt Brilek M Cont A Molson A Molson B Mont Loco Moore Nat Drug Nat Drug pr Nat Groe Nat Groe pr Hi 2510 6000 5075 816% 1251 $30 310 150 827 5388 60 355 $39% $84%4 525 $25 810 $25% 920 840 1300 $34% 1 75 $106% K 109 101 70 $1114 110% 111% + % 111% 103% $634 6% 7 4% 16%: -- % 70 $55 32% 30 $84 10 $151 200 $6°% 6 6 28% 28% --1% 315 $20% 20% 20% -- % 1835 37% Th TH ---W 200 $42 41% 41% + % 825 400 390 3%0 +10 1270 325 315 315 25 835 85% $B Sh -- 300. $5 5 5 10% 535 831% 26 $45 135 $13% 333 545 810% 665 2360 23 S14 5520 $5% G wis 700 295 1430 $1434 8237 $46% 200 $9% 3790 $45 44% 1150 $16% 16 16% +1% 4983 $15 Hh 15 + % 770 $5% 5% 5% -- 2650 240 220° 240 +5 4 8% 6 6 L to N 5100 $25'% 24% 2544 + % 1075 330 310 325 +15 630 $32% 81 81 1) 608 $21% 21% 21% -- 534 $32 31% 31% + % 1195 827% 28% 27% +1 2240 $28 26% 2B + 6% -- 24% 24% -- 1726 $29% 28% 28% -- 770 $9 8h 9 + $T% Th TN + $90 B94 90 163 $5944 57% 58% + 20? 7 7-1 25 $48 48 100 812% 12% 310 $13% 13% 145 1500 2600 Vie G Tr $50 Wainwr 6 Walk GW 10890 Wat Equip 1 Webb Knp 1 Westeel 425 West C Brew 279 West Cop 300 W Cop wis 1700 Weston A 3405 Weston B 2341 Weston d44pec 25 Weston 6pc 15 West A wis 5690 White Pass 320 Wpg Cent 3460 Wood JA 975 Wood J pr 65 Woodwrd A 550 Curb Anglo Nfld 1965 Asbestos 2665 B Am Bank 45 CD Sug 1625 CG Inv 1130 C Ingersoll 125 C Marconi 1170 C Paper D Glass Dupont Hayes Int Pap Int Util Lob Inc MacLaren MO Paper 655 Ogilvie 325 Price Br 1950 Thrd CG In 1200 Zellers 280 Acme Gas Aja Bailey § A Bail § pr Bail § 5% Banff Bata Bralsa 500 Britalta 12940 Calalta Cal Ed Calvan Con § C Oil Lds 2100 C Oil L wits 1100 CS Oil wis 6600 CS Pete 1403 Cdn Atl Oil 2275 C Chieftn 5000 Cdn Dev 16735 > E. 4988 C 4735 C Homestd 7188 C Husky C Husky w Cdn W O Canso Nat Canso Oil Cent Del Charter Oil Com Pete ro C Allenben C Dragon 2367 C Mic Mac 18715 Con Peak C West Pete 3225 Cree Oil 1735 Cree wis 1780 Dev-Pal 19354 Dome Pete 2775 Duvex 40100 1950 31912 Fargo Gen Pete Gen Pet A Gr Plains Highwood Home Oil Home Oil HB Oil G 1934 Humber 3800 Jupiter 650 13000 10000 9000 9022 40900 6000 11400 Ll Pete Majtrans Marigold Medal Midcon Mill City Nat Pete N Bristol N Chamb N Cont N Davies N Superior Northceal NC Oils NCO wis Northld Okalta Pac Pete Pan West Permo Peruv Petrol Phillips Prairie Oil 2100 Provo Gas 22400 Quonto 4750 Reef Expl 4564 Richwll 11730 Rocky Pete 35819 Royalite Oils 93900 10800 Royalite pr 375 Sapphire 65300 Sapph debs 89% Scurry 10100 Secur Free South U Spooner Stanwell Tex Cal Trans Cae Triad Oil Un Oils Vulcan Wayne Westburn Wespac Ww C 0G W C 0G ris WwW Maygill W Decalta #700 2450 S11'a 10 27% --1'4 -10 $27% 300 280 $29% $514 360 $12 $30 $8 230 $2914 $29%% $963 $107 sil $744 4 92% 94 ° $277% 27% 21% + WY si 109 110 3 $70 70 70 +5 $27 26% 27 +1% 32% 32% + % 38% --1% 5la + 3 32% + $32% 32 Oils And B 19 +4 64 +1 0 13 950 930 $24% 24% 2% 21% 190 188 190 6 6 7" 47400 2895 8536 $145 790 160 115 115 820 185 E to K 660 625 375 370 2100 A 20352 $19% B 7114 819% $194 108 195 85 3a 15 25 95 24 250 158 110 80 5 72 114 114 295 280 250 249 10 8 8 134 131 11 10 11% $207 20 207% 9 68 83 $38 35 a7 185 176 183 $50 17 170 is 18 170 BxBESEEEERE « Ba Chib M Chimo Coldstrm Colomac Coniagas 36700 Conirum 500 Con-Key 1500 Balkeno 17500 Beta G 1500 Callinan 14681 Denison 23485 Den wis 15415 Discovry 7600 Fen 15625 -G Arrow 48000 Haliwel 366980 Howey 1100 Marben 1750 Marcus 3962 M and 8 73531 Mogul 4975 Morrison 2614 Mosher 1000 Negus 82900 Nichol 2500 Northld 6677 Red Pop 11738 Regert 37300 C Sanorm 17700 Con Sud 13912 Conwest 910 Cop Corp 12300 Cop-Man 9583 Coprand 19286 Coulee 9950 Cournor 500 Cowich 1500 Crestaur 11000 Croinor 9000 Crowpat 22500 Cusco 249100 D'Aragn 163200 De Cour 800 Deer Horn 1000 D'Eldona 5333 Delnite 100 Dome 3980 Donalda Duvan an annAnn slelslololeolalololaloleleole] E Amphi East Mal East Sull East Met Geco Mines Genex Geo Scien Gnt Masct Giant YK 1844 Glacier 18825 Glenn U 2044 Goldale 2000 184550 Golderst Gold Eagle 11500 Gold 1 GF Uran Grah 'Bsq Granby Grandroy Grandue 24000 10493 1378100 2283 2400 2000 Int Nickel Int Ran Irish Iron Bay J Waite 92900 49100 4071 18608 10000 6 --1 i --1%4 4080 Jonsmith 5000 x Rank +9 37 |ly cushion any orthsp 17054 365 345 350 --I8 60 271 |prices. North A ne 1% 1% Therewwas little change in most Norvalie 12000 ; 10% stocks at Toronto. Nudul 3500 i 3 142! A cut iu the price of copper by 4 (a large United States custom 45% cmelter had some affect on cop- ow pers, send;ug them lower early in 1174 the week but most of them re- covered Ly Friday. i Obaska 6000 O'Brien 1650 Ogama 5600 Oka Rare O'Leary Opem 75 89 0 575 i ' {American producers get rid of is expected to be substituted. yuo ioriec caused by the Suez Whether land - locked Alberta. igjs oil will regain the market in the| near future is uncertain. But the| Shell action will likely have wide 4 Me repercussions. royal commission, termed the ex- Prime Minister Diefenbaker Port decline a temnorary reces- has already advised the House of | 310M The U.S. would again take large quantities of Canadian Commons that federal experts) TURE The pil and a pipe- President W. M. V. Ash of Shell, speaking before the Borden Orenada Ormsby g 3 E 3 3 19 Osisko k k 3 25 Pamour 4 41 Paramaq Bh 3 41% Parbec : 2 3% Pardee Ne Pater 3 3 3 Paymast 324 } 1 14 Pce Expl 3 3% 314 13 Peerless 1 20 Perron 3 3 24% Pick Crow 9 5 2 98 $Pioneer 45 105 Pitch Ore 5 4 5% 9 5 Placer 1 5 4 800 Pr Bord 5 5 Preston 3 5 423 Pronto 600 5 380 Prontq wis 169530 7 y 3 kL Pros Air 3600 1 k 79 Purdex 203000 5 Que Ascot 36499 9 9 Que Chib 8700 52 34 Que Cop 15300 2 Que Lab 6600 Que Lith 1695 505 5 5 3 5 475 Que Man 2 10 Q Metal 2 2 95 35 70 Qunston 7 17 13 Quemont x 3 Radiore 6 3 35 7 ag 3 9 3s | Will rainy, cool weather con- By WALTER BUSSEWITZ NEW YORK (AP) questions popped up this week in United States business--a week in which economic indicators were; pretty mixed. They were: Will the giants of the steel in- dustry, a bellwhether of the econ- lomy, raise their prices? if so, when? Will there be a general boost in the price of copper, which goes 750 |into a vast array of products from kitchen pans to missiles? Reeves 5 100 tinue to put a crimp in the busi- Rexspar 8 24 ness of the retail merchants? Rix Athiab 085 H 31' Attention was turned somewhat Roche 9 |from the over-aii state of busi- Rockwin 28 [ness to the trend of prices. | Rowan Con : | | yanor 3 St Michael 3 |RECORD HIGH | San Ant 3: 44 Consumers were told that while Sand Riy 9 |living costs again 'vere at a rec- Sheep Of Bi 3 : = {ord high in May, some relief ap- igma 100 365 [peared in sight. Food prices may Sil Miller 2394 be heading down after a long Siscoe 2270 A Slocan VR 17327 414 | climb. Stdcons S233 xX | There were other developments Stanleig! 16 14 hi Stanigh wis 12440 60 {Which clouded the outlook for the Stanrck 2730 173 |longer pull. Starratt 365500 vs 4% On Tuesday, wages of steel Steeloy 12500 th 4 Steep R 15340 aso | Workers are gcheduled to go. Wp, Sturgeon 7400 9 [20 cents an hour as part of a| Sud Cont he on 6 oa | three-year labor contract. A year ulivan | ' AE Sunburst 500 12 |ag0, when the workers' pay was] Sylvanite 101 (raised a similar amount, the T | companies boosted the price of] Saurean + 3 |steel an average of $6 a ton. This year, with mills at «round 60 per cent of capacity, the com- panies moved slowly. U.S. Steel, which traditionally sets the price pattern, said it would delay an| increase until 'the situation is| | clarified." tics; hardware lines and ears. "It is a case of exploring new | lines," Bursey said, adding that Canadian firms could not expect to promote their products with| out personal contact. This advice | was echoed by George Odoi.! Ghana's assistant commissioner for commerce. | "It is up to Canadian export | ers to make their goods attract ive for the Ghana market," said | Odoi,. "They can do this either; by advertising or better still by | personol representation." | LIBERAL POLICY | | Although Ghana is a Common] 3 9 5 300 'wealth country, she offers no Coun co 1» . 7s 183.4 | preferential tariffs to other Com Pato 2200 3 320 : 365 250 |monwealth members. The Ghana Pend Ore 200 195 195 180 |government authorizes a quota of Yukon Con 3200 » |dollars each year to cover pur U Asbestos U Estella Un Keno U Mont Upp Can Vandoo Ventures Violam Waite Am Weedon Werner W Malar Willroy Wiltsey Winch 00 Wr Harg 3650 Yale Lead 3000 Yellorex : Ghana Women Do B Business In Flour By RUSSELL ELMAN ACCRA (CP) -- In the busy open air markets of Ghana, plump African women do a brisk business in Canadian flour. For years more than 90 per cent- of Canada's trade with Ghana and West Africa has been in flour. Last year Canada sold! an estimated $2,250,000 worth of flour to this young Common! wealth country. This year about half the flour consumed by Ghana is expected to come from Canada The Canadian government is striving to find markets in the |chases from the dollar area but government trade officials said the policy is one of almist "com nlete liberalization' and in prac tice the dollar quota is not a ser- ious factor. Another obstacle is the lack of direct steamship services be tween Canada and Ghana. There a arular area 'for ot her Canadian prod Canadian trade are hopeful, he Sle Wo yeuiar SehedmleS 2 ucts. For the first time there is said. But Canadian exporters padian exports must be shipped a permanent Canadian trade rep face three main: problems--com' ia the United States or Britain resentative in the area with the petition from other countries, tar Th the ot her direction "¢oeoa appointment last December of iffs and shipping connections. |accounts for almost all of Ghan- Morley Bursey as commercial «we are trying to sell competi|:'s exports to Canada. In the counsellor in the new high com tive goods. But commodities |first. 11 months of 1957, cocoa | mission office at Accra. Prev which the United Kingdom, con|shipments to Canada totalled | fously trade relations were han (inental countries or Japan pro(1880,798 ($2.475,000) compared | dled from London. ducre more cheaply will not sell. with £859,730 for the whole of | "Apart from flour, there are a Some of the Canadian priducts [1956 No plans have yet been number of Canadian products that possibly could be marketed imade to send a Ghanian trade that might sell here," said Bur in Ghana are malt for beer, up|commissioner to Canada, al] sev, "It is a brand new market against German competition; [though it is likely a trade at| for us and so far little promo sardines, competing against Por tache will be stationed in Ottawa tional work has been done." tuguese, Moroccan, Norwegian| when Ghana open§™her high com U.S. Economic Indicators Mixed This Week Three big often sets off a parade of higher | clothing were not moving in sane/ line to Montreal was not econom- ically feasible or necessary. He gave his personal assur- nce Shell's Pacific Northwest refineries would double their take of Alberta crude in June to stim- ulate the sagging industry. Earl. ier this week he said that was ice increase done. A general steel prite 1 July is 3 digtorent picture. Shell i t of items will stop the flow of 40,000 bar- prices > a Dulntule of some|rels daily of Alberta crude te steel - using manufacturers have Anacortes. But voluntary quotas hinted they may be slow in pass- are not the reason, ing on costs to consumers this -- year. CONFUSION IN COPPER Confused prices also were the rule in the copper industry. The Solvent Plant Anaconda Company -raised its| SARNIA (CP) -- Imperial Oil price to 26% cents a pound June Limited announced Friday it is 16. Other big producers clung phringing Canada's largest petrol- to the 25-cent level, raising a eum solvents plant into produc- question of whether Anaconda'tion at its refinery here. may have to withdraw its in-| The new $4,500,000 naptha spe- crease. cialties plant will be able to turn With the arrival of the summer out 600,000 barrels of solvents a lull, some business statistics lost| year. They are used mainly in a bit of their recent tone. Steel manufacturing paint and in dry ' Imperial Opens |output dipped afte. a two-month cleaning, and are also needed in vise. Auto production edged up- automobile tires and other rub ward but was about to be hit by ber products, agricultural herbie early closedowns for model cides, linoleum, printing inks, fine changeovers. |ishes and polishes. Unseasonable weather was| Last year Canada used 1,400,000 blamed for a downturn in elec- barrels of domestic and imported tric power use and in retail sales. petroleum igh Joperial 0 i i summer said its new plant at full c - Ar Sudiliongry lity could displace $2,250,000 worth areas, Dun and Bradstreet said./of imported products. PRE-JULY VALUES NOW IN EFFECT AT ALL OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE STORES MEET ME IN PERSON TODAY on the Oshawa Shopping Centre FREE--Buttons of myself to all children. For your shopping con- venience all stores will remain OPEN on MONDAY 'til 6 p.m. and will be CLOSED all doy TUESDAY. ENTER THE NAME OUR MR. "0" CONTEST TODAY! FREE ENTRY FORMS AVAILABLE AT ALL STORES The orospects for increased and British fish; laminated plas'mission office.