THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Saturday, Juse 28, 1958 1} Some Of Canada's Best To Play Tennis Here fromthe Davis Cup Team and is sec- Lady Golfers Win Prizes In Meets Tuesday was Sweepstakes Day at the Oshawa Golf Club. The la- dies teed off at 10 a.m. and the winners were Miss Barbara Workman with low gross and = Former Teammate Tips Larry's Off Top Spot iiss The score stayed at 1.0 until" a¢ ype Inyitation Meet in Co- the fifth. Dave Spiers was: safe hoyrg last Saturday, Oshawa on 8. error by Ralph O'Reilly.|members winning prizes were| Sunday, June 29th, and Tues-/prominent ladies' teams Crawford fouled out to Litch then|Mrs. 0. Crawford, Doreen Dob-|day, July 1st, will se esome of Toronto, Oshawa' m Di ing 3 itish. C. i Wilson drew a walk. Stone fanned |: y |aay, y 1st, | ome ¢ . awas own Donnafond ,anking in British Columbia : ; bie, Marguerite Vice and Grace the top-rated tennis players in'Dodwell, a ranking Canadian " ; : MacMillan but Oldfield mutfed| mackie, |Canada playing at The Oshawa Junior, is expecting to play withhe"d $ixth ranking in Canada, is Hinshison's grounder, which left| pe City and District Meet was| Tennis Club, lanother ranking Junior. playing with Hugh Bolton. whe 3 Sands safe and the bases held at the Peterboro Golf Club The local club has been host! Don Platt, who was on th has been playing in Florida the oa lt was then Cobham con-|oy Thursday, June 26th, and the io top tennis players on Domin-|Davis 'Cup team three yearsplast two winter seasons. In all, nected for bis line-drive smashOshawa team competing was|ion Day, except for the war|ago, is playing with Jim Bent]there will be fifty pairs fight- 10 Sone. it emp Dihuizes He comprised of Miss Doreen Dob-|years, for the last twenty - five ley who is ranked in the first}!n® for top honors. a Bed 'bie, Mrs. D. Jacobi, Mrs. O.|years. This year they have add-ten in Canada, Roy Mansell. anj Play will commence at 10:00 Milaois made it 50 with their Crawford, Mrs. E. Henry, Mrs. ed Ladies' Doubles and have Englishman playing out of Oakfa.m. Sunday and the semi-finals ited gr dl agi Shout 1s Fordham, Mrs. A. Stewart,|peen successful in lining up the, ville and Hamilton, went to thefand finals will be played Tues- a a oY by Ron Mrs. I. Vessie and Miss Barbara|four top ladies in Canada. [third round at Wimbledon sever{day afternoon. Tournament Cabot. Spiers = rrounded in front Workman. Louise Brown has played in al years ago, is playing withfchairman Cec Dodwell 1s hop- oy IL The Kawartha County Club most of the big tournaments in Bruce Harrison. Hugh Peacock fing that the public will take ad- rn ee oe won the Graham Trophy andthe United States, including five| who played on the European cir-fvantagé of this top calibre of : slugle tito right field. seorin Mrs. L. Ross of Cobourg won times at Forest Hills which is cuit two years ago, is playingjtennis and turn out in large Cabot ' g |the CLGU Trophy. Oshawa mem- ithe Number 1 tournament in the with Don Rope, who is a starjnumbers. There is no charge for pei Tet the bases loaded bers who won prizes were Miss States. Hilda Doleschelle was a hockey player with Kitchenerds, ectators, who are cordially in- Tha A dn So 0 | Doreen Dobbie, Mrs. F. Ford-|ranking player in Europe be- Waterloo, and also played base-[vited to come out and lend sup- : 4 fn all Fad 15 - ham, Mrs. E, Henry. Mrs. D. Ja-|fore coming to Canada and is/ball here in Oshawa in the In-fport to the local players, and nings {50 a . had 15 runnersicobi and Mrs. I. Vessie. now ranked right behind Louise|ter-County League. also enjoy some top-flight tens stranded while Milanis had ten.) y Brown. There are several other' John Swann, who just missedinis competition. 'Mrs. Legge's Entry Milanis slipped back into sec-| Larry's still staged an exciting .lond place in the West Toronto!finish to keep the fans in their Senior Baseball League race on|seats right to the very end. Craw- Thursday night when they dropp-|ford fanned Carl Kemp and |ed a schedule game to the "Liz-|Knight, to open the 9th but Jack |zies'" but they climbed right back |Litch got a single and George on top again, here at Kinsmen|Brabin worked a walk -- the Civic Memorial Stadium on Fri-|seventh issued by Crawford for day night, when they defeated the night. Kelly then got his se.- Whitby Larry's 5-3. lond hit, to score Litch. The win put Milanis, with a| Pinch-hitter Mike McArthur 9-3 record, a few percentage!singled sharply to left, to fill the points ahead of Larry's, who now|bases. Manager Bill Gingerich have a 7-3 record. injected himself into the tough spot, at this point, as a pinch- CRAWFORD Fans u hitter for Ken Fisher, who had In addition to being pushed off {oxen over the pitching chores in the top rung, last night's defeat tno oth, Gingerich watched two was made even more bitter forigirikes go by, fouled the next the Larry's boys to swallow since pitch and then drove one to deep it was administered by a former centre, where Jim Cobham gath- teammate, Don Crawford, thelered it in, to end the game. left-Hander from Ajax, who toiled| pave Kelly was the only player with the Whitby club in previous|in the game to get two hits but campaigns. : it was Jim Cobham's triple in crawford was in top form. He|the fifth that did the most dam- fanned a total of 14 batters and (ge had a no-hitter going until the : | 6th when Palmer Knight slashed | ERRORS COSTLY - None of Milanis' five runs were a single to centre. And it was a one-hit. shutout until the bottom |of the earned variety, proof of MILANIS how costly the Larry's errors| Wilson, ss; ) of the 8th when Knight drew a subject of the controversy is | walk and then with two out, Dave|were Ted Stone's pitching effort.|MacMillan, lf Stone held Milanis to only six|Hutchison, 1b; 1Sani RENO JRE AILSSERL + ers WE < This quartet doesn't open | Fontana. Both Francois God- their 9s Davis {op matches bout of Sherbrooke and veteran against Cuba until July 3, bu x th already they are in the midst | Henri Rochon are irate over the of an off-court battle. Main | selection of Willey to the squad. Willey was knocked out of the 0 petition on Thursday afternoon, with the Games Committee, con- sisting of Mesdames G. Pirie, B. > es aD kD ED Huw~ooo --- Dt 00 pt da BD BB BUND TF BOY YO 0 = R > Ib; co ccoorom=oo oT uo Doo mon AOC =O HNO =D DD AOD NO OOOO at right with his Davis Cup | Godbout. The latter was elim- lout an infield hit to fill the bases |Wallis, 3b; score Knight and Kelly. Brent lan opened the game with back. Spiers, If; SPORTS MENU O'Reilly popped up, to snuff the safe on Kelly's bobble that let LARRY'S Kemp cf; . ' i 1 . 'Everything From Soup To Nuts By THE CANADIAN PRESS Miami 020 010 0-- 3 5 O0|Brabin, If; ttsburgh 000 000 010-- 1 5 0 (5) and Bucha; Tstitouris, Rodri-|c-McArthur, y ay. llent Oshawa Tennis Club courts| Taylor; many years now, the always-excelle Buffalo 000 002 03x-- 5 11 2|b-Fisher, p; ; usually producing outstanding tennis skill. Cec Dodwell, hard-Los Angeles 000 100 110-- 3 5 1 Coker; Daley and Noble. nament also. Due to the extra amount of matches required, the Mahon (8) and Rice. Milwaukee can be seen by reading the story elsewhere on this page--some San Fran 102 020 000-- 5 13° 1 Gincinnati general public, tennis enthusiasts especially, are cordially invited and Schmidt; Lawrence, Schmidt pyii,qeihia : (16); Cin-Lynch (5). Hillcroft. 4 And Probable Pitchers Vancouver's Paul Willey, seen | Davis Cup trials recently by |Kelly singled, Al MacDonald beat v e | hits but the unearned runs were!Cobham, cf; teammates Lorne Main, left, | inated by Rochon in the second land pinch-hitter Cec Hall hit the|too much. captain, Bob Bedard and Don | round. first pitch for a solid single, to| Red Wilson and Ross MacMil-|Shortt, c: Cabot, 2b; Oldfield was hit by a pitched ball, |to-back singles. Les Hutchison to fill up the pond again but|grounded out then Cobham was|Crawford, p; | TOTALS rally. Wilson score. Oldfield, ss; By Geo. H. Campbell BASEBALL SCO Sigcle. 3 SPORTS EDITOR SCOREBOARD [ten Litch, ¢; National League Buffalo 012 021 x-- 6 10 0|Kelly, 3b: {Chicago 000 012 000-- 3 10 0! Conley, McDermott (3) Mason| MacDonald, TENNIS ENTHUSIASTS of this city and district are in for Pi y reek- d on the holiday. For| Drabowsky, Henry (9) and S./guez (5) and Noble. |Stone, p; a real treat over the week-end and aga Friend, Face (8) and Miami 000 000 010-- 1 5 6;a-Hall, ave been the site of the annual "Central Ontario Men's Doubles' |Foiles, Hall (8). : i Be ee in tournament, an event always well-attended and] HR: Pgh-Powers (1). Anderson, McCall (7) and|d- , k : pi : is vear' -| Milwaukee 000 100 000-- 1 7 1) working executive of OTC, as chairman for this year's tourna- Milwau hh ment, Eo one step further--he lined up a ladies' doubles tour-| Koufax and Roseboro; Jay, Mc- i " wi i-/ HRs: LA-Gray (7) Roseboro ¢ preliminary rounds are being played on Sunday, with the semi : Sih St. Louis finals and finals in both events, scheduled for Dominion Day. As|(4); Mil-Aaron (12). iSan Francisco 35 . : I} ' e 1g Cinei 130 000 002-- 6 10 of Canada's top-rated tennis stars, in both men's and women's Cincinnati =», |Chicago divisions, are coming to Oshawa for: these tournaments. The| Gomez, Miller (2) Grissom (7) pp poh to watch the action tomorrow and Tuesday as banner crowds are 3) Jeffcoat (8) and Bailey. ILos Angeles expected at the club quarters--corner of Ritson Road North and HRs: SF-Spencer (11) Cepeda Today's Gariies | St. Louis 003 000 001 00-- 4 9 1 C There's an old bromide in sports that 'former team: Phila 000 000 400 01-- 5 9 1 Angeles at Milwaukee-- Los mates" always return to "haunt" the club that they used to | Brosnan, Martin (7) Paine (7) Podres (7-6) vs Willey (1-0) ; be with--and you can add one more to the list. Don Crawford, Muffet (9) and Smith, Landrith| Chicago at Pittsburgh--Drott Crawford (WP) a capable left-hander who performed for several years with |(9); Roberts, Farrell (9) and Sa-| (3-4) vs Raydon (2-2) |Stone (LP) THE BOX SCORE |: ABR H RBI] Members of the ladies' section * 0 |cf the. Oshawa Lawn Bowling 0 [Club enjoyed an interesting com- occer rage Y unic Edmondson and S. MacMillan ar- 1t | World ( u Tourne ranged a trebles tournament, e n The entry of Mrs. N. Legge, [Mrs. A. J Renwick and Mrs. G. By ED SIMON land, Scotland, Ireland and Wales| This also affected Wales at the Murray took top honors in the| Canadian Press Staff Writer |alike -- the Manchester United managerial end by imposing on event with second prizes going| LONDON (CP) The disap-|the choice of Derek Kevan as|Jimmy Murphy, Manchester to Mrs. C. Churchley, Mrs. R. B.|pearance of the last of Britain's England's centre forward paused United's assistant manager, the Reed and Mrs. B. "McGregor. four soccer teams in the quarter-|to consider that the burly, ag- crushing burden of rebuilding his 0 Third prizes were won by Mrs. finals of the World Cup com-|gressive inside forward from club for Football League, Euro- 0 |C. W Detenbeck, Mrs. A, P. Tay- petition at Stockholm was greeted |West Bromwich Albion was called pean Cup and Football Associa lor and Mrs. Gordon Pirie. |by British sports writers with|on to play an unfamiliar position tion Cup competition at the same varying degrees of dismay. only because Tommy Taylor, who|time that he sought to mould the Most of them took it hard, It would have led his country's at-|Welsh side into a winning com- OSHAWA MINOR will be another four years before tack, died in Munich last Feb- the land that gave birth to the|ruary, together With Sngland's - game gets another chance toigreatest fullback, Roger Byrne. «= SOFTBALL ASSOC. {prove its superiority over the| Two members o ireina's n| Name Dixie Walker [ | johnny-come-latelies in the world-|ternational side, goalkeeeper Har- KIWANIS BANTAM [vide antes. ry Gregg and halfback Jackie All-Stars Mana er : 37.5 __ LEAGUE RESULTS Recriminations filled the sports | Blanchflower, survived the g National League a-singled for Stone in 8th FERNHILL PARK, playing at pages and correspondence col-/wreck. But the badly injured! MONTREAL (CP) -- Dixie Pet. GBL| D-replaced Hall in 9th home, defeated Southmead 14-12/,,mne calling for the permanent Blanchflower may never play walker, manager of Toronto 59 c-singled for MacDonald, in 9th on Thursday night, scoring half hanishment from international again. And even though Gregg nape Leafs, Friday was named '531 1% | d-flied out for Fisher, in 9th of their total in the first inning soccer of players, managers and played heroically in the Irish nets anager of the International 529 1iz R H E while Southmead had a six-run|selection committees. There were at Stockholm, the suspicion Willi{panue" all . stars for a game 500 31; [Milanis 100 030 010 -- 5 6 3 rally in their half of the 4th. emotional accounts from Stock-|always remain that his talents jo inci the world champion Mile 485 415 [Larry's 000 000 021 -- 3 5 7 | WOODVIEW PARK Bantams holm of allegedly tainted goals were impaired by the experience. |. vee Braves in Toronto July 471 5% | THE SUMMA RY . Errors: had an easy time of it last night and biased continental officials! Scotland and Wales suffered no 2 468 51, Wilson 2, Cabot, . Oldfield, O'-|when they defeated the visiting that had robbed Britons of right- loss in playing personnel. But fe} The. sanouricement: was: mails 463 6 |Reilly, Litch, Kelly 2; Put-outs Simcoe Hall boys 44-3. Hobbs|ful victory, |severe injuries to Matt Busby, by IL President Frank (Shag) {and assists: Milanis, 27-3; Lar- pitched the win for Woodview MUNICH FACTOR |who was to have managed the id 1 Tes on 1k Ste Tonia) ry's, 27-11; Left on base: Milanis, and along with Flegg, Ryan, Almost lost in the torrent of Scottish side prevented the ar-|/ de ot Blin 10; Larry's, 15; Three-base hits, (Bickle and Phiper, did a lot of abuse was the memory of the|chitect of the Busby Babes from De a i a alle Cobham; Stolen bases: Cabot. [hitting as well, calamitous event that had sapped fulfilling his international assign- 250 h anAgeL ale So] 9 7 8 3 714 SUNNYSIDE PARK Bantams the competitive strength of Eng-iment. star sq 5 x | 3 | game against a major league 8 6 5 0 4 glchalked up a one-sided win in| club. 10 0 0 1 oftheir game last night when they Voting by the fans to deter watski. San Francisco at Cincinnati| Fisher Whitby baseball clubs, a pitcher who has a world of "stuff" to offset his shortage in control, appeared here at Kinsmen Stadium last night in a Milanis uniform, and he pinned back the ears of his former mates with a brilliant 14-strikeout per- formance, for a 5-3 victory. The fact that Larry's committed American League | Baltimore 010 130.000-- 5 11 0 Cleveland 004 000 20x-- 6 11 0 | O'Dell, Zuverink (7) Lehman | (N)--~McCormick (4-1) vs Nuxhall 1(3-3) Cc St. Louis at Philadelphia--Mag-|R lie (1-0) vs Simmons (5-7) | ) a oh eld (by |W! Hit by pitcher Oldfield o. Hickey pitched the win for Sun- Umpires and A. rawford); eilly, olate N. Barnes. bases. Time of game -- 2 hrs. 50 whipped Storie Park boys 22-3. Inyside and was never in trouble. |Calder with a homer and triple, Kochko with a homer, Trapak mine the team started last week and continues to July 13. Mem. ber cities are each alloted one vote for each position. Portugal's Swimming Ace |with two doubles and Tilk and { Prentice, each with a triple, were {the big hitters in the one-sided (win with Gaatch getting four |singles in six chances. MIDGET LEAGUE IN AN OSHAWA Minor Soft- ball Association Midget League game, rained out on Wednesday an Would Try Lake Ontario By IAN MACDONALD Joaquin, speaking through an Canadian Press Staff Writer jterpreter, si be hss at Jee g pes 1320 - medals for winning inter- of po on phi national and national events, and| figures, a seaman aboard the two scrapbooks of European press Ey hospital ship Gil Eannes, says his| clippings. One Portuguese sports|un games, voluniar Vel urnec fondest dream is to swim Lake magazine devoted an entire is-{to the minors from Cincinna [sue to the 33-year-old hero. He|Reds 18 years ago today. After five errors, four of which had a direct bearing on the scor- ing of five unearned runs while Larry's themselves '"'earned" all of their three counters, fails to alter the fact that Craw- ford pitched a fine game. Manager Hal Shortt had intended to send Wayne McKee to the mound last night bri Wayne wasn't on hand at game time, so Crawford got the chance-- and he made the most of it. The win enabled Milanis to re- i+"place Larry's as the West Toronto league-leaders. Larry's are |p... oc and Lollar | Cleveland idle now until W day, when Si Fords visit Oshawa. |p oo 400 000 000-- 4 7 1|Baltimore L Pct. GBL! Scugog Juniors 93 10% | | Washington 424 15 I E G : i i gi i 0 : BEY mee ae he Qu. DR want hy ir Kiely (| Today's Games n X. ames d played last night, Storie Ontario. Perira fmet|started his swimming career in fou days, against Boston With both Flynn's Sports Juniors and Larry's idle over the week./Lary, Susce (1) Morgan (6) New Yok at Kansas City (N)-- into stern opposition in the two back home on the short end of Canada's Marilyn Bell in 1956 the age of seven. within, four days, against Boston |(8) and Triandos; Narleski, Mossi (5) and Nixon, Porter (6). " HRs: Bal-Triandos (16); Cle-|New York |Avila (3) Colavito (12). |Kansas City Wash 000 000 000-- 0 1 0 Detroit Chicago 001 000 02x-- 3 8 0 Boston Kemmerer and Kor ch ec k;| Chicago REMEMBER WHEN. ..? By THE CANADIAN PRESS Johnny Vander Meer, the only pitcher in major league history to hurl two consecutive no-hit, no- American League yins. w 656 -- 523 8% 508 9% 4 B . m1: Beaten Twice .453 13 minion Day and it looms as the big attraction for the holiday |Fornieles (7) and Berberet; And Probably Pitchers Scugog - Cleaner Juniors ran Park visited Fernhill and went| Joaquin Batista International League w Pet. GBL L 28.600 -- J y ; ! . ay a FR . : y ty 7 into. a end, the soccer doubleheader tonight at Kinsmen Stadium and a Fischer (7) and Wilson. |Ford (8-3) vs Urban (6-4) exhibition games they played on a 9.2 count. Maples and' Y. / am the English] For the last five years he has and Brooklyn, he ran "There's al mad are ; ions. HRs: Bos-Williams (1), Jensen) Boston at Detroit--Sisler (6-4) Thursday and Friday evenings. scored the two ples gi] Yomigiwhen fhe ami been the unchallenged holder of streak of injuries but played for ere's also an exhibition soccer -Star tilt at Lakeview Park] . , oahad 3 y i Sunday afternoon and another doubleheader Monday evening, at New York 030 000 61010 12 0 Washington at Chicago -- Cle. they were beaten 5-1 by Kent's quite hard by Markur, Vernon swimmer and gave me a lot of mile) swim. He covered the dis- son before stepping down. 3 adin ett : Kansas City 030 000 000-- 3 6 1 venger (4-5) vs Wilson (6-6) Western Tire and on Friday at and Wilfong, Too aay ren help and encouragement," said tance in 26 hours, 12 minutes to, ans of e city and for miles around, will be on hand at Alex- . - 2 4 . hurt the Stori rk caus i b tw ears ear "andra Park to witness the thrills and spills. Ever since the days/and Berra: Herbert, Grim (7) (0-7) vs Grant (6-4) Intermediates eked out a 6-5 'SOUTHMEAD. MIDGETS vis- sg gino hu Calais to of Italy. "when Oshawa "Ramblers" Club and the local Kinsmen co-spon- Gorman (8) and Smith. decision. ited North Oshawa last night and Folkestone in 12 hours, 25 min.| Joaquin said he has never been " ' | HR: KCy-Simpson (2). Veteran. ace Charlie Justice were Sawa last might and| "0 pil able to compete in the Olympic *sored motorcycle races here, this has heen a regular Dominion 5! were defeated 12-7. North Osh- utes. Games because "they don't have ~gess (No. 99) and how he usually won the expert title. Former Columbus 400 000 300-- 7 10 2 Rochester 41 , |ings on Thursday night and gave cept the fifth, with Al Hill , " ; Y Jocal performers such as "Monty" Cranfield, brother Don, Don| Toronto 001 100 022-- 6 10 0| Toronto 40 ? up one hit, Ron Simcoe getting gy me. and Richard a The Portuguese gions I gram jc to break 53 ay | : h : recognize e 1 e citing moments for local sport fans. New names are on the hori- i 5)! Richmond ; batters to face Justice, went out i {Joaquin the Medal of Merit--the year. | EC IEE LT BE olor Coty Mal simsos, Peatce {1} Din (5) Lihue 3 481 100; |on strikes. Jackson pitched the fH' 1ogare, who. seared fine Kym |couRry's highest award for a|SpoNSOR NEEDED ; track champion; "Dick" Klamfoth of Groveport, Ohio, rated as/Thompson. { Miami 34 442 11% jest four frames and he was tag. ;, the fourth inning but could'nt sports achievement, | But money is a problem and| one of the best in United States and Fred McDonald of Oshawa- Richmond 100 000 022-- 5 13 0|Buffalo 27 '370 1614 86d for three hits, by Roni, 0.00 As a member of the crew of|ynless Joaquin can find a sponsor] Richmol 16% | Simcoe, Wilson and Brown, in the Tange to build up any More}, e Gil Eannes, the long-distance|p n't n able to realize his! All three are entered in the races here Dominion Day «| Ri sixth frame, as Scugogs got their| g : mbit > g Wiesler and Command, Oldis Richmond hy Montreal at Quebec lone tally, lafter the welfare of 5,600 fisher-| He trained for the 1954 Eng no " A inl (8): (8) Teed. Columbus at Toronto (N | : y | 1 BRIGHT BITS: -- Oshawa Merchants softball team won their| (8); Harris, Collum (8) and Tee nig AM Bootie donne ane i hs a Oshawa Juveniles {men operating from 77 Portu lish Channel swim in Portugal. 0 h Johnny Masiewich pitching a brilliant three-hitter and fanning a Rochester 220 000 40x-- 8 14 2 Gavana at Rochester (n) Mathews, in the second and in : yy! iving i ; E t total of 16 Russel Drugs batters, Bob Dionne hit a homer in the Cueche, Arias (2) Sanchez (7) Sunday's Games Whip Bowmanville Banks. Jide was Siing 8 3 broken JUN 3 |on. one error and hits by Me-| Oghawa Juv : " | he side of th dt T at New Rotary Park, in New Toronto . . . MINOR SOFTBALL erdo (7); Ricketts, Kuzava (1)/Havana at Buffalo (2) {Intyre and Boothe. Keenan hit yj Shaws Juvesiies scored 3 5:3 i psig non gy Rr KA ING teams cleaned up a lot of games last night, that were rained out Wright (7) Browning (9) and Oli- Miami at Rochester (2) o Win over the visiting Bomman. Yankees Win Over {make ends meet, repeated in the 7th, for the win- : . io: § 54 w v | ed of the important ti rent : me i ------ ne efi big 2ame at Lakeview Park on tario in 1954 when she was 16.| ed of the im: ortant meeting Thursday evening af Simcoe Hall oe Reaver : ner's fifth and final run Thursday evening. Little Dodgers She covered the 32 miles in 20 WEDNESDAY ANE . L Jus | inning, Keeler fanned 12 bat- x : : i i B 4 Iters vali . frames for Scugog with Phillips : Little League action Thursday YD yl selves some good experience, as well as a licking from Kent's. Keen Race In oN 4 walling two and 1S taking over in the 7th. P Oshawa 28 Rarned 3. He gave night saw Yankees defeat the Joaquin woud hg in Last night, in Port Perry. the Juniors lott another erbinition. doi Rs Jim erioriess, sip ON | , 1p six hits, three of them in the Dodgers 13-4. |set by Bre S ing : JULY 2ND 8-10 P.M. 0 f McL int ill eh n the game at Port Perry on ; terCounty Baseball League performer) who left the bench to| Intercounty o deLaughlars four vay with Friday night, Hornsby pitched Chards, which produced Bowman- jut "he 'had a perfect night at i in isn't interested in prize make a tackle in Toronto a few years back and caused the Big| the first two in the fourth. Lutz homered for the ofl : oaquin isn't interes! Pp | 2% / rin. " Cleaners and Taylor took over in|, ) e other one, in|; d valk. Jarrell had only gave up three hits 1! Tay ok over in| a . 'Msingle and a walk. Jarrell ha Th tocky sea- NEWS? y ) P its but he(the fifth, Singles by Bair |e Sixth. Rowland had 11 strike: |three hits and was hit once, orl Ie TE le. x) Four teams . . . "NEWSY" LALONDE, 80, one of the all-time! Foley Plumbing scored six runs! .; 3 ; Th Oshawa boy | 4 : | 3 3 triple by Owen, gave Port Perry| The Oshawa boys had to come the winners who scored eight of gic "1° 0" order to swim in ecrosse match in Cornwall on Dominion Day, part of a special|t ' program. Pet [rishicned Te og ne A Solevs bu one in the fourth when Warring: The¥ 80t & run in the third on|McGarry, Smith and Judge allignt salt water - : OTe| or tripled and scored later on on|2 hit batter, wild pitch and an|had a turn on the mound for Dod- ; single game at Lakeview Park, are the main sport attractions. lll | i i i (20), Det-Kaline (8). {vs Bunning (5-5) Thursday at Alexandra Park, but pitcher Henderson was hit their meeting. "She's a terrific|the European 166-kilometre (103- the Reds again the following sea- "the Stadium. But getting back to Tuesday, the holiday, svort a) e No icay 3 Maas, Monroe (3) Ditmar (6)| Baltimore at Cleveland--Loes Port Perry diamond, the "Port" lier unseat champion Fioravanti Aldo : M fans 'wi ilton's Star. 1 went to the mound for five inn- : : Day attraction. any fans will remember Hamilton's Ted Stur. International League | Montreal 42 : awa scored in every inning ex- AWARDED MEDAL long distance swims." SKATING " : 571 2 i hi Townsend, Kenny Aston, the late Joe Bobak, provided many ex-| peuglas, Arroyo (9) and Rand; Columbus 39 3 a single while eight of the 16/04 ot the plate. Boivin, Smith 466 Whitby, the latest local rider to hit the headlines in this sport. | Montreal 000 000 000-- 0 7 3 Today's Games {big rallies. 3 i | |swimmer has a hand in looking| ambition. | 3 Kent's picked up a run on opening tournament gage in New Toronto last night 3-2, with Havana 000 003 002-- 5 10 0(Miami at Buffalo (n) |guese vessels on the Grand By the time he arrived in Eng- hl the third they added two more Sth, to break the 2-2 deadlock. Final of the tournament is today Amor (7) and Acosta and Izqui- Columbus at Montreal s a homer in the sixth and Legree .,; 8 § V ! on Wednesday. Bantam and Midget team managers are remind. Ver. |Richmond at Toronto ville boys, in a Lakeshore League | yarn Be swam Lake On AS USUAL Taylor itched irst six + a i exhibition game Thursday night, for five innings, and got them-! pitched the first six! Rowland pitched the win for hours, 56 minutes. The record {mates gave him errorless sup- IN Rte: WON IN EIGTH . : | 5 in- ction 55 PETE RAREUR. Bi Fon fatal] anoition ce- | fourth to Bates, Kennett and Ri-| Fair not only pitched the win Aug. 13, 1956--18 hours, 53 min | Corrigan and Wiltshire hitting for the first four innings for S ville's first two runs and Kennett i Yq 1 OSHAWA ARENA ) : I g| s Scugog the plate with 'two doubles, a/,,,,0v he just wants a chance Four rules to be adjusted, is to get a trial with Argos . If he | makes it, he'll have worn the uniform of every one of the Big! 0 t a P walked five P : arker and Warringer and a| : {another perfect average to aid i | d weighs about 180 pounds. He greats of Canadian hockey and lacrosse, is to help referee a la- County Softball League race was on five hits, a walk vo! i { fin y 2 S| ) and tWoithree runs to start. They added|To™ behind to win the game.| heir runs in the first two frames.|pacs ora oi 6a hore buoy: 118} 3 } result of the four schedule fix-[Tun, in the sixth by Horton on!infield out. |error, but Battes held them in| gers but none of them could stop CRA Pee Wee Boys Softball Scores Results of CRA Neighborhood Assoc. Pee Wee Boys Softball League schedule games, played on Thursday, were as follows: BATHE'PARK won a handy 35 11 decision over Harman Park Pee Wees, at Harman Park with Davie Shewchuk hitting three homers, Eddie Everitt getting two and Bob Glecoff and Brian Jenkins one apiece, for the win were other big hitters for Storie|tures played, with the two most|a double, an error and wild pitch, pick of the losers. | a . Thompson Plumbing while the ened. They got one in the first i J \d : RS De Dark loys? Pavers were being nosed out 5-4 and two in the second when Down defeat the visiting Fernhill Park| PY, Crawford Construction. : { Three runs on a walk, an error Burgess went out on an infield! solid double. while Gray and Stewart were the |important decisions being Mec- but the damage had been done Ma BB Rl a ees. However, mm he "i Log mova Kettln: mt 2 homer Laughlin Fuel's 4-0 victory over and Ebenezer's slump was deep-| ringer again came through, with 2shawa picked up four runs and|for the winners in the fifth. a single, Venning was safe on|the win on a walk to Cooper, a an error and the tying and win-|double of errors and two hits,/ry each had two hits for the hit a double, Cr i "Whining runs crossed the 'ate when Middleton's double winding up ible, Crago tripled and|Jermyn came through with a the rally in the 8th, ting mood. Kettela hit a homer Mugridge, Parish and McGar- ! OPEN ! THIS WEEKEND (losers. A total of seven walks | also helped Yankees get on base. lads 16-3, Cheesman had two : . ; : (and four good. hits, gave Craw- play, but after that Wilson held i 3 tomers, Brock had one while org tet art aid the in; Evens off th sheet "| pi TOTS Kok 8 run in the well also, for the winners with! Boyce got his second double,| The other game, between Local|then added fwo in the six'n on Gillies pitching ood ball to earn Lean hit a triple and Hoy singled,|205 Leatherworkers and Canadian hits by Bob Simcoe and Tilk. is his win for two more runs -- then they|Tire, played at North Oshawa, a couple of infield outs and ar op. ____|held on, thanks to fine pitching 5s a one-sided affair, with the error uis anc. an {by Johnston and good support. Tiremen winning 24-3. They were| Newev's hit i ", SIGNS FOR BOUT Barker hit two homers for Hoys in a hitting mood, ie $ pit Jo he 7th, scored TO THE PEOPLE OF OSHAWA FOR OVER REASONABLE PRICES TO THE PEOPLE OF OSHAWA FOR OVER 30 YEARS 30 YEARS LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Tony and they got their fourth run in|Kelsh, Collins, Trimm, and Milne. advanced one bas a passed {the sixth, with the winning run Henry on the other hand, wasn't| ball. Wally Samak hen tra . on second and tying run on 3rd. giving Local 205 batters \ ators that : i tender for the world light heavy when the inning Bn They hit at any stage and Mich bo Mailers inti an and Browns 1149 decision in a game that saw weight boxing title, Thursday went out 1, 2, 3 in the 7th good support. The Leatherwork-|5-4 for the Cleaners He ee i Geis 3 J a Ram that ay was signed to fight Cal Brad of McLaughlin Fuel's shutout was ers used four pitchers in a vain|forced Hickey to pop up and fan- h inners get ag 0.lead in the Los Angeles at the Olympic Au-|earned by Doug Keeler, who was 'attempt to halt the merry-go-/ned Newey to shut off th h -- Jirst two ngs and then have to! ditorium July 10. Brad is the deprived of a no-hit, no-run game round but the Tiremen scored in Samanski gave i oy ho = Jang on Sin Sn ngside made California state champion. [by Bathe's clean single in_the every inning. | 'to earn his win. y oun P. Scretton and Zak leading their| attack Hobbs Waters and Kidd were be for the ners EASTVIEW PARK Pee won their game 11-3 but their scorebook didn't give the i formation, it's not known which team they defeated nor where the game was played. STORIE PARK Pee Wees were at home to Pundle Park and the homesters won a 13-6 verdict scoring seven runs in the third inning on a big y that 'wa sparked by Durbrowsky homer Logeman, Hudgin and Cameron who had a homer in the fifth, ners SOUTHMEAD Pee Wees were at home to Kingside Park and the Southmead lads won a close Reasonable Prices! 39 Stove oil can be purchased in any amount at this station 'OPEN EVERY EVENING AND SUNDAYS' Vicor Onn KING ST. E., AT THE TOWNLINE Anthory of New York, top con- VIGOR STANDARD : C 10 GAL. Tox Incl VIGOR STANDARD GASOLINE 9/10 GAL. arch" WRESTLING MATCH TUESDAY, JULY 1ST 8.45 P.M. KINSMEN STADIUM - In Event of Rain -- Oshawa Arene Lord Layton ond Timmy Geohagen Dan (Baby) Miller & Big Bob Orton Adrien Baillargeon vs, Lee Henning Tony Baillargeon vs. Al Crusher Korman TICKETS FOR THESE THREE FINE EXHIBITIONS 1.25- 1.00 - .75 DIAL RA 3-9721 PAT MILOSH, Promoter Er 3d DRIVE IN AND FILL UP WHERE YOU HAVE ALWAYS SAVED Stove Oil may be purchased in any emounts at this station. VIGOR OIL 78 BOND ST. W. RA 5-1109 OPEN TILL 9 P.M. THE FOLLOWING WEEK (Tax Incl) Kaplan Membership in the ONTARIO MOTOR LEAGUE Provides many exclusive features Wee since Summer vacation planning is one Call JACK GRAHAM 31 ROWE ST. OSHAWA RA 5.7422 AL CRUSHER KORMAN