Ann BER OLT AN ENGAGEMENT OF INTEREST TO OSHAWA 2 clinic. Dr. and Mrs. Vernon W. Purdy | from Ontario College of Educa- of Toronto. Her fiance gradu- | tion. He is the son of Mr. and ated in 1957 from the University | Mrs. J. M. E. Drummond of of Toronto in Checmical Engin- | Oshawa. The marriage is to eering and has obtained his | take place July 26 at York teacher's certificate this year |Mills. | Robert Gay Weds | Evelyn M. Reid Mr. Harry Cornelius, King street west, has just returned In Newtonville ft mn in | 1ast Wednesday afternco from Treharris, Wales, where he| honor of Mrs. Robert Andrews, |yigiteq his mother whom he had| The marriage of Miss Evelyn Burk street, who has flown to uot seen for thirty-three years. Marguerite Reid and the Rever- England and Wales for an ex-|Before he left Oshawa the Welsh end Robert James Gay took tended visit. A gift was presented |(riends of Mr. Cornelius present- place recently in Newtonville from her Welsh friends and rela-|®d him with a souvenir. United Church i ey te GROUPS, CLUBS AUXILIARIES her garden. Attending the tea| were Major and Mrs. E. R. Llew- ellyn and family, who had just] lew- CHALLENGER GROUP ; |wedding music was played by The regular meeting of the nrc Ross Hallowell and Mrs | Challenger Group was held at Al-'w H. Wilkinson sang "Father in arrived from Wales, Major Llc ellyn is the son of Mr. and Mrs. | bert Street United Church. The Heaven" before the ceremony "0 Perfect Love" Isaac Hughes. Also attending the| the signing of the register. The t is d today of Miss Marjorie Purdy and Mr. J. Lindsay Drummond. The bride-to-be who graduated from the University of Toronto this year in the degree course of nursing, is the daughter of PERSONALS A bon voyage tea was held| Mr. and Mrs. Herbert B. Reid is the son of Mr. and Mrs old E. Gay, Oshawa. party were: Mrs. Thomas Roche, Mrs. David Pugh, Mrs Gerald Buli, Mrs. S. J. Simpson, |pragident, Mrs. Clayton Lee, open- Mrs. James Thomson, Mrs. Pat-|eq the meeting with the singing of rick Chapple, Mrs. Murdock Ma- | Te Theme Song. The Scripture shay ne. ig Nott, Mrs. |jesson was read by Mrs. Ed.| Davi unkley, Mrs. aniel| ward Holland, and a prayer by| ; : Jones, Mrs, Albertt Evans, Mrs. Mrs, Harry att 2 fol. Fi] Jeugth gown lesturing 3 Mace Adams, Mrs. Charles Clapp, Mrs. lowed by the repeating of The| ae an 2 P! pra neckline George Clapp, Mrs. Gordon Lord's Prayer. Mrs. Lloyd Fow-|o Jo lf [ac fosetiss re.em Locke, Mrs. Sidney Arnold, Mrs. ler gave a reading entitled, "Be- |p! iid n Secy BS: Li) out Richard Williams, Mrs. Izydorlieve and it shall come to pass." [i> SHEL Has fashions in the Kowolski, Mrs. Richard Bar-|The singing of several favorite on hn oe of he ) 1 e rage, Mrs. Arnott Davies, Mrs. hymns and the reading of the(n 5. "ih Se PALES of 'ace Thomas Griffiths, Mrs. T. D. thoughts for the day brought the| mn rE&nE 1000 tle Cheprt rain Thomas, Mrs. William Jenkins, | Devotional period to a close. The Cc'. ig: eng 3 Yel i om 2 pi ira Cone Bs oa hl mec ne pice ro pls dh SF Lewis, Miss Mary Lewis. JLaneview. Park. July 3, in the, shanotis and aristocrat sweet {form of a pot luck supper. | Members of the 8th Sea Scout | heart roses. hers' Auxili left the Scout Miss Helen Price of Peterbor- he yo Hilleroft street oy nk SOCIAL NOTICE [ough, maid of honor and Miss #nd travelled to Mrs. Stanley |Cleo Johnston, of Port Hope. ales' cottage on Canal Lake last | bridesmaid, wore identical gowns on Toy Sea Scout Wally Gales ENGAGEMENT fof white nylon organza figured in Dr. and Mrs. 'Vernon William [sprigs of spring flowers. The wat Jn Sharge of boats and many (Purdy, Toronto, announce the en-|gowns were fashioned with sa- and sight-seeing while others just|8agement of their daughter, Mar-|brina necklines and cap sleeves pelaxed in the sun or worked on/jorie Vernanne Gordon, to Jamesjand the full skirts were offset various bazaar projects. This wa {Lindsay Drummond, son of Mr.|with a yellow sash ending in a followed by a short business per-| nd Mrs. James Malcolm Ernest butterfly bow. They wore match- fod, Mrs. I S. Cliff, offered to Drummond, Oshawa. The mar-|ine yellow bows and streamers gonvene the doll booth at the an-|riage will take place on Satur- marriage by her father wore a The bridegroom was attended sani |day, July 26, 1958, in St. John's|by Mr. Reginald of Fort Lauder- nual fall bazaar. A picnic supper} , nglican Church, York Mills, To- dale, Florida, and the ushers was served buffet style on the| ' . ' i ronto. | were Mr. Clifford Reid, brother of beautiful lawn overlooking the ee Rel her. jake. Mrs. Stanley Gales had ar- : f | MARRIAGE |rard, cousin of the bridegroom. ranged several contests and A reception was held in the : i The marriage of Erie Arm-| ers were, Jattes, Jue pe ere Mre | strong McDonald, daughter of church hall. The bride's mother 7 ? .|Mrs. Robert Augustus Armstrong received Robert Clayton, buss. ream Bak of Orillia and the late Canon lace dress and jacket with white ¥. G. Knowler, Mrs. John Milne, [Armstrong and Calvin Leslie accessories and corsage of pink Mrs. Douglas Redpath, Mrs. A. s.|Blair, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie | delight sweetheart roses. She was Evans, Mrs. Donald McEachern, [Stewart Blair of Oshawa, took assisted by the bridegroom's mo- Mrs. Dwight Bunner. The next place in Yorkminster United ther wearing a snadalwood lace pegular meeting of the auxiliary Church, Toronto, on Friday. June dress with beige accessories and will be held in September. {27, 1958, at 7.30 p.m., with the corsage of Briarcliffe sweetheart |Reverend Egerton Young officiat- roses. Little items of social news are IDE. | For travelling the bride wore a |mint green shantung dress with always welcome in this column. ENGAGEMENT matching duster, bone white ac- 3 you are enjoying the company| Mr, and Mrs. James McCul-|cessories, and a gardenia cor- of visitors or have been visiting | lough of Oshawa 2 hounce the sage. R d aM G .3474 [engagement of their youngest he Reverend and Mrs. Gay yomeseld why pn re oi | daughter Shirley Ann, to Mr. |will begin their ministry 'on the y Raymond Leon Demmings, son Kipling-Windthorst charge in Sas. others. of Mr. George Demmings of katchewan. Sackville, New Brunswick, and ---------------- the late Mrs. Demmings. The marriage will take place on Sat-| urday, July 26, at 3 p.m, in Al- bert Street United Church. 1224 MARRIAGE | The marriage of Helen Mar-| |garet Myers and John Elmer Randall, both of Oshawa, took| The bride is the daughter of -- of Starkville, and the bridegroom Har- during The bride who was given in § -~-- VON Prepares To Co-Operate With Federal Insurance Plans With nine provinces preparing | ston, "that at no time has there to co-operate with the Federal/been a greater need for the sort Government in hospital insurance|of service that the VON is in a plans, Provincial Associations of position to provide, with a nurs- the Victorian Order of Nurses are ing staff skilled in home nursing actively planning to integrate care in so many Canadian com- home nursing service with these munities." | plans. | In British Columbia, Alberta! When hospitalization benefits'and Manitoba the Provincial As- become available on a much sociations of the VON have al- wider scale, a sharp increase can|ready made submissions to the be expected in the number of pa-| provincial governments outlining tients seeking admission. This{the sort of home nursing care will mean a faster turnover in that they are prepared to give pa- hospitals and patients must be re-, tients on discharge from hospital, turned to their homes more a service that will help to relieve speedily than in the past. the strain on hospital beds and If this is to be done without facilities which are still limited. detriment to the well-being of the Similar studies are in progress patient, home nursing care -will'and submissions are being made be required, perhaps for an ex- in other provinces. tended period, care of a high pro-, The Victorian Order, Miss Liv-| fessional standard carried out ingston points out, has had sixty| under the direction of the pa- years of experience in visiting tient's doctor or the hospital nursing, offering this service on! a cost basis. | According to Miss Christina| Further, the Order has pioneer: | Livingstone, Director in Chief of ed in the field of care and re- the Order, who has just returned|habilitation of patients after leav- to Ottawa from a trip through|ing hospital, through pilot proj- the western provinces, there is a ects in Toronto and Montreal, high degree of enthusiasm for which are providing practical ex- what the VON regards as a new|perience upon which the exten- and stimulating challenge. "It is|sion of the service can be soundly our opinion," said Miss Living- based. | CURLY-HEADED CUTIE who was two years old on Fri- day, June 27, is the grand- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. An- thony Busuttil, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Titley, all of Malta. This happy youngster is Mary | Lou, the daughter of Mr. and | Mrs. J. V. Busuttil Ritson road north, Oshawa. Mary Lou, Jo Aldwinckle, Dial RA 3-3474 Young Pianists . THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Soturdar, June 28, 1958 Please Audience ogy . With Recital Women's Editor 10 The Reverend R. C. White of. § ficiafed at the ceremony. The § iven by pupils of Beulah Wi { kins, evening, June 24, in the First Glenwood avenue. Parents and friends gathered in the lower auditorium of this| , fine, new building and the follow- ter. Violet Keeler gave a report everything LODGES AND SOCIETIES Lutherans Give Woman Key Role MINNEAPOLIS (AP) -- The Evangelical Lutheran Church las elected its first woman member to a major board. Mrs. Oscar Branstad of Forest City, Iowa was named to the ELC's board of Christian educa-| tion. She is a past president of the ELC Women's Missionary Federation. toward co-operation between pos- Theological Seminary in Saska- toon, with Luther College and Seminary, Saskatoon, which is operated by the United Lutheran Church in America, the Ameri- can Lutheran Church, Augustana Lutheran Church - and United Evangelical Lutheran Church. HOUSEHOLD HINT Before you diet, find out how many calories your personality needs, as well as what your fig- ure should have, | A very low calory diet, can| cause emotional maladjustments, |in some people. So once again, the old warning: consult yo ur| doctor first. The convention which ended? Sunday endorsed a plan looking|g sible merger of the ELC"s Luther |Z A GRADUATE Miss Joanne Davidson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Al- bert Barker, Toronto, and the late Mr. C. J. Davidson, gradu- ated recently from the School of Nursing of St. Michael's Hos- pital. The graduation exercises were held ir Convocation Hall. Miss Davidson is the grand- daughter of Mrs, Sebastian Conlin of Oshawa. » ® Summer Hozards Q. What ere doctors doing to help reduce highway slaughter which seems especially ruthless during summer? A recital of piano music was| REBEKAH LODGE NO. 3 The regular meeting of Re- 1. bekah Lodge No. 3 was held in , , | the lodge rooms with Sister Alice part of the onswer to heedless ATCM, RMT, on Tuesday A assisted by horsepower, Lanning presiding, Baptist Church, Hortop street at| Vice Grand Sister Lena Harper {who reported on the members hind the wheel. He is lectured to, who were ill. A, They are developing better ways of treating the injured ond {have suggested many safety de- |vices and changes in automobile |design, Mechanical improvements [are important but this is only As one medical \writer said, the main trouble is |with the heavyfooted fellow be- legislated at, prayed for, and During the business session Sis-|preached to but quickly forgets save his sense of edical Mirror. 73 ¥ vr . wearing a dusty rose | bia TO LIVE IN PORT PERRY | The former Jean Catherine | the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. | Bell became the bride of Mr. | Tomas Bel of Port Perry ny + e bridegroom is the son of Reginald Peter Amell recently Mr, and Mrs. Leo Amell of in a ceremony held in the rec- | Myrtle. The couple are making tory of St. John the Evangelist | their home at Port Perry. Church, Whitby, The bride is - Photo by Ireland Work Day, Night Earns BA Degree For Refugee MONTREAL (CP) -- Mrs | college progress with much inter-| est," she said in an interview. | A former newspaper woman in| Budapest, she speaks fluent Eng-| | lish as well as Hungarian, Rus-| sian, German and French, but left her homeland before com-| pleting her college education." | |Agatha Maria Vagi, a sales| With her husband, she arrived| |agency secretary here, has be: here Jan. 12, 1957, 'with the | |come something of a symbol of| clothes on our backs and a dollar hope for other Hungarian refu- between us." She was granted al |gees who came to Canada after one - year * scholarship at Sir ing took part in the program. |of the district meeting when Sis-|power when he steps on the gos. Frances Stacey, Janel Bock, (ter Luella Kennedy of Port The results are ghastly. Marilyn Morrison. Brenda Fin- Perry, was installed as district er, Judy Scriver, Ann Butler, | deputy president, |better than ordinary sunglasses Evelyn Davidson, Mima Aru, Le- Sister Eva Hastings gave a for use in bright sunlight? nore Leatherdale, Barbara Saw-| very fine report also on the 68th ver, Brenda Norris, Jane Man-|Session of the Rebekah Assembly A. Studies among Atlantic City ning, Peter Crowe, David Hare, |held in Toronto at the Royal lifeguards seem to indicate that Beverly Morris, Kathy Hender-|York Hotel. {ordinary sunglasses sold in drug son, Justine Rose, Allan Bock,| A presentation was made to stores serve the purpose about os Bonnie Snyder, Joan Davidson, Sister Annie Shorten who is leav-|%ell @s many of the more expen- Betty. Ann Luke, Margaret Say-iing on an extended trip to Sive types. well, Joan Marshall, Sandra Europe, The Noble Grand also Gunn, Laura Zabudsky, Barbara presented a gift to Sister Jose- Weyrich, Jaohia Terlecki, Karen|phine Tippet who is taking up Imeson, Kathryn Learmonth. |residence in Calgary. |A. The bee stinger contains an Assisting were Ronald and| The Vice Grand assisted the acid poison glond and an alkaline Kenneth Starr, from the studio Noble Grand in presenting vet- poison gland, so both soda and sf Klemi Hambourg, who played eran jewels to the following Sis-|vinegar are used as home reme- two violin duets. ters: Ethel Rose, Mabel Naylor, |dies. In general, gentle removal Miss Bonnie Snyder. on behayt | Amie Mitehel, Jessie adder, of the stinger and application of resented Mrs. Wil-| Annie TOS an argaret | $ of the Dae Peitt certificate for [Lockie. Lodge rings were pre-/Materiol in MEDICAL MIRROR Is records of her own choice. A|sented to Nellie Laverty, Dorisiq.q Q. Are expensive tinted lenses Q. Which relieves the pain of bee sting best--soda or vinegar? of (One in a series of discussion obout summer health problems cool soda water compresses wil give relief. If the local reactior to the sting is severe, consul your doctor, Q. Is diving hard on the heart A. Apparently not, A Bostol heart specialist explained a num ber of Greek sponge fishermei who made 50 to 120 dives a day Some of the men had been doing this kind of work for thirty o forty years. The doctor couls find no heart changes due to div ing. Q. Can rottlesnokes see wel enough ot night to strike? A. Rattlesnakes "see" in the darl by means of heat-sensitive hea: pits. They can locate and striks warmblooded animals (including man) even in total darkness, based on various scientific publi os cations and does not reflect the opinion of all doctors. The diagn: a i the skill and kn which il and' kneviadge which on lovelv corsage Mrs. Wilkins was Wotton, Verna Ireland and Ruth, physicion 'can 'opply by . hi 1 wearing also was a remem- | Parrot. yrance from the pupils. | Sister Nelda Thompson present- The Misses Sharron Lang, Joy (ed Sister Evelyn Fickes with her Wicks and Marjorie Davidson district deputy jewel. Sister Kins- ushered. men presented her with a *gos- Thanks were expressed to the sip bench on behalf of the Past board of First Baptist Church for Noble Grands Club. their courtesy in welcoming this| ¥ ollowing the closing of lodge, annual event and making avail- Sister Evelyn Fickes and Sister able their various facilities so Lena Harper entertained the graciously. lodge members with a card bingo Following the program, those and refreshments were served. wishing to be shown through the| The next regular meeting will recently dedicated building were be on September 10 and inftiation Xam 28 King St. E R P Letters will be answered in these columns anonymously Direct your inquiries to J, Downey Ralston, M.D, Madison Square Station, New York 10, N.Y, Published As A Public Service By Oshawa conducted by Miss Carol Britton | will be September 24. and her assistants. This fine. new property is in- deed a credit to the congregation of First Baptist Chuch, combin- ing as it does a contemnorary style with the grace and dignity of a traditional architecture. The members are much to be com- mended upon their achievement thus far and their very substan- tial investment in the commun- ity of Oshawa. Canada, Mrs. Vagi believes "they will probably all stay. "Those still here are largely in two groups. One smaller and [the abortive 1956 uprising in George Williams College and was older group is still very Hun- Budapest. given academic credits for all but! garian, and always will be. But | Mrs. Vagi, 24, has just been|the final year of the arts course. [the larger, younger group is be- {awarded a bachelor of arts de-|She completed that course at|coming fiercely Canadian. That is { gree at Sir George Williams Col-| night, working during the day-|the way Hungarians are when lege here. "My friends here and| time. | hey emigrate. They attach them- and Mrs. Richard M. |elsewhere in Canada followed my| Of her countrywomen now in [selves to their adopted country. Oshawa, announce the i { -- rm engagement of their daughter, | # |Beverly Ann, to Mr. Daniel Alex- { {ander Nicholls, son of Mr. Wil- {liam J. Nicholls, Toronto, and the late Mrs, Nicholls. The wed- ding is to take place on Satur- day, July 26, 1952, at 11 a.m. at St. Gregory's Roman Catholic | Church the parsonage of King Street | United Church with the Reverend | Mervin A. Bury officiating. | ENGAGEMENT TODAY'S WINNER IN THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN OSHAWA "AT CHERNEY"S NEW STORE The Winner! MARY MEATE *7 "2oni% The Prize! Rough Rider Cushion Rug & Mantle Radio The Winning Prize Ticket Drawn By . . . Mrs. James Warnica, 234 Arthur St., Oshawa Walch For Your Name . . . You Could Be A Winner Every adult visiting Oshawa's newest store, up until June 30th, will receive @ FREE DRAW TICKET in the GIANT DRAW, Remember we want you to come in and look around and get acquainted with the mers | chondise we carry. It you decide to purchase, you will receive an additional FREE TICKET for every dollar invested in merehandise selected from any department, now featuring Grand Opening Sale Prices that REALLY mean savings. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth James McGall wish to announce the engagement of their eldest daugh- {ter, Helen Jeanne, to Mr. John {Weber, son of Mr. and Mrs.| Stephen Weber, al. of Oshawa. The wedding is to take place at St. Gertrude's Roman Catholic Church on Saturday, July 26, at 11 am BuTTERRLY PINK The part of pink that's the heart of pink... 100 degrees pinker than pink ever was before! GAY HELPER 8 'onions, 2-inches in diameer, By ALICE BROOKS peeled Dishes - dishes . dishes -- there Boiling water to cover onions never seems to be an end to 3, tsp. saltt [them. Let these colorful towels % sp. ground black pepper | make dishwashing pleasant. thsps. butter or margarine | Cross-stitch and a bit of lazy- % cup beef or chicken stock {daisy -- a chance for gay color. | thep. flour Pattern 7224 transfer of six thsps. cold water motifs about 5% x 8% inches. ey for garnish ingrediens in a Send THIRTY - FIVE CENTS Bec to boiling point. (coins) for this pattern (stamps McC minutes. Drain cannot be accepted) to Daily will be place together | Times - Gazette, Household Arts 1art casserole. Sprinkle |[Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. Print| with ground black pepper. Dot |piainlv NAME, ADDRESS, PAT- BAKED ONIONS A OH By ANNE ADAMS Arrow-slim sheath - #zain! On goes the ave new f A sun-pink, a moon-pink, an everything-that's-June pink! The only pink with enough dash for the new crash colors of summer. 'BurterrLy Pink'! 0 cling you with terest! Jiffy-sew dress in one color, over contrast chiffon or voile aucepan Printed Pattern 4790: Jr. Miss Cover and Sizes 9, 11, 13, 15, 17. Size dress takes 2% ds 39-inch fab- |i ric; overskirt ards. Day A Winner! s and a few big prizes ing es dryer, on Electrchome Hi-Fi- set and a Coffield washer often ani pick up your FREE DRAW TICKET, Everyday A Prize! ...Every ul lames... « Reach out and catch it, . . you might catch given away. C more than vou bargained for this summer! 'Lustrous' Lipetick 1.35% Frosts4 Nail Enamel .85* Cream Nail Enamel .65¢ $1.50 $1.00 75 close Printed directions on each pat- tern part. Easier, accurate, Send FORTY CENTS coins (stamps cannot be accept- ed) for this pattern. Please print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS STYLE NUMBER Send order to ANNE ADAMS, « Gazette, gare of Dally Saftern Dank, mes Ont, (40c) in with butter or margarine. Add TERN NUMBER. {beef or chicken stock. Bake a 45 minutes or until tender around the onions. Bake utes or until sauce is thickened. Serve hot. 5 min- preheated moderate oven (375F) more for a Mix | Brook r with cold water to a smooth [Two ¢ paste and blend with the liquid ad right in the book slightly want to order Garnish embroidery, 'witth parsley, Yield: 4 servings, quilts, toys, dolls, 6 a, 'the Store Send TWENTY - FIVE CENTS copy of our Alice 4 Needlecraft Catalogue mplete patterns are print- . plus a of designs that you will crochet, knitting, huck weaving, | ariety Conveniently Located In DOWNTOWN OSHAWA | that Offers More' Rese oe JURY & LOVELL 11D ALL STORES OSHAWA -- BOWMANVILLE -- WHITBY J