-- ii -- ELL EEE 2 3 F BJ 54-10) THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Seturdey, June 28, 1958 ALL JUNE WOOD, comely Bow- | manville lass who was chosen | from 45 girls who vied for the | honor of reigning as Queen of FA" Bet rhlie, vasa HARVEY "SLIP" ROWE the Centennial, Her 'Royal" duties include a busy round of engagements during Old Home | Week. held during 'Old Home Week". Members of the Ki are of the Bowmanville Ki Club is among the more than | 120 men growing beards for | the Bowmanville Centennial beard growing contest being i CHANT PAUL R nem T: t 120 men in | all growing moustaches and will hold a club contest July 12 Maybe Harvey can capture a prize in each event town are in the beard growing ntest red we Cen al commiltes pon bv 1 spor by deed at dnesda Ju 4 ~--Times-Gazette Staff Photos | ROADS LEAD TO BOWMANV MRS, DONALD DODDS, 383 Mary St., Oshawa, was among the Cen- five tennial of POSTMASTER GE OR GE | adding the finishing touches to the Post Office float that will today's Centennial is four- VICE, HERMAN AWAY, 62 Bowmany persons Parade Dodds is the former Pat Smith Bowmanville. leading right, patrick, caretaker at the Fed- eral Building, are shown here and "JERRY" 80 Queen proudly today. She Joe Mrs is the | Cawker, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Au- | north, Bowmanville, who head- WEST- St. W stanas Kil- brey Smith, 49 Division street. | ed the She rode her horse "Trigger" Dodds has horseback whic! shown years appear here, been riding during has ridden with Mrs. 210 Liberty in Mrs. h | Parade. Looking on for 19 time she TT. W. street | ville, After Dodds | grade one at Woodcrest Pub- lic School in Oshawa. She has been teaching there for three | years. Riding is her hobby and she sometimes assists in teach- ing children to ride. Mrs. Dodds owns "Trigger". He is the parade. Mrs. learned riding at the Cawker Stables beginning at the age of five. She attended both pub- lic and high school in Bowman- graduating from the Ontario Teachers College, Toronto, she began teaching al year-old George Geary. The at 1 p.m, The entire post office float is one of more than 100 | staff worked on the construc- ir _. | tion of the float supplied by that will appear in the three | Post Office Department in Ot- mile long parade which begins | taya. LP beside his that he parade, vill drive "1 drive 1930 Model mn i A Ford today to work | has more than 60,000 miles on He and it also own le which in the parade. said 1916 he car in day the pur it, He motoreye every chased will appear sha hag poe second / horse since her 17th birthday. Her first horse was a biiu.ca, | Her husband is also a riding | fan and he frequently enjoys taking rides on "Trigger" who hic name as far as intelligence is concerned. KEY FIGURES in today's celebrations at Bowmanville will be His Honor J. Keiller Mackay, Ontario's Lieut. Gov- ernor, top, and His Worship Mayor Nelson Osborne (below) who has been a guiding light in the work of preparing for Bowmanville's biggest day in | its 100 years history. The lieut governor will officially set the festivities in motion at 11 a.m. ARNOLD SLEEP, local Bell Telephone Company employe, is one of heavy bearded men around the streets of Bowman- ville these days. He and some A. H. STURROCK, local oil | dealer, is seated on an oil de- livery wagon used by his com- pany around 1870. It will be one of the unusual features of to- | at a ceremony in the town hall. | day's Centennial Parade. Mr. de above 1s an expression Oshawa"s goodwill = which | will be carried by runners from | the Centennial festivities. May | we Ga gent Toner bt we gre The atone of Wn al SHE 4 Bow reach for nanville th Mayor Nel opening of Oshawa morning to to the son Osborne ILLE TODAY other 120 men will be compet- ing for prizes for their beards at a variety night being held az the Town Hall Wednesday, July 2. The night will feature enter- | tainment by local talent. | Sturrock says the wagons were used at Bradford for. hauling kerosene and oil. The tank om the back has a capacity of 250 | gallons. The vehicle is drawn by two horses. or Lyman Gifford (right), Who signed the scroll is seen shows ing it to Publisher T. L. Wil- son of the Times-Gazette --Times-Gazette Staff Photo