Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 10 Jun 1958, p. 8

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4 wink ik i HAPPY BIRT One year old today is Brian | Archibald, son of Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Black, Second av- enue. Brenda Louise is six | GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES AUXILIARY NO 27, UAW Mrs. 8. W. Wotton read a prayer | Gifts From Nearly-New Shop Reach Returned Men In Poland The regular meeting of Auxil- jiary No. 27, UAW, was held in {the Union Hall. The president, |Sister Alice Reardon, presided. The minutes, roll call, corre- | d and all ittee re- | ports were given. It was reported {that Sister Mary Bright is a |patient in the hospital. | One hundred dollars was donat- {ed to Ontario Hospital, Whitby, which will purchase a wheel- chair. A luncheon was given to 75 {members of the senior club of | Local 222. Members were reminded that the bus would leave the Union Hall for the trip to Gananoque on| Saturday, June 14, at 7 a.m. The officers for 1958-59 are as follows: President, Sister Alice Reardon; vice - president, Sister Mary Turner; recording secre- |tary, Sister Hazel Farrow; finan- |cial secretary Sister Mary Stan- ley; treasurer, Sister Marjorie {McNeil; trustees, Sister Mary |Slater, (three years); Sister Iva {Lynde (two years); Sister Ettie | Thursby, (one year); guide, Sister Florence Lawton; sergeant-| at-arms, Sister Betty Taylor. | The 1 picnic will be held | Be dis HDAY, BRIAN years old. They are the grand- children of Mr. and Mrs. Archi- | bald Black Sr., and Mrs. Frank | Shepherdson, all of Oshawa. --Photo by Mary's Studio. UJomeen Jo Aldwinckle, Women', s Editor Dial RA 3-3474 8 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Tuesday, June 10, 1958 by Lakeview Park on July 2. 12TH SCOUT MOTHERS' AUX. The June meeting of the 12th Scout Mothers' Auxiliary was {held in the form of a buffet sup-| i per at Little Buckaroo Ranch, the| {home of the president, Mrs. Fred LaSalle. After supper a short business period was held. Mrs. Fred La Salle presided. The minutes of the previous meeting were read by Mrs. Lawrence McConkey and the treasurer's report by Mrs. | |Earl Gatchell. | | An interesting tour of the ranch| for thanksgiving. The members were reminded of the picnic to be held at Lake- view Park on July 17. Mrs. Thomas Murrall read the prayer for prayer partners, Miss Con- nie Colpus and Miss Mabel Jones. As Mrs, Harry Campbell and Mrs. George Puckett are leaving on a holiday to England, Mrs. Thomas Murrall pinned a corsage on each of them with the best wishes of the members for a pleasant holiday and a safe re-| turn. t Refreshments were served by Mrs. Bert Morgan and Mrs. Thomas Murrall, Healthy Appetite LONDON, Ont. (CP) --"She| eats breakfast, dinner and sup-| § | per, usually has tea and cake be-| fore she goes to bed, and she has| great liking for sauerkraut.| Never heard her complain yet about her stomach." Mrs. Hattie Hayward of Lam- beth was talking about her mother, Mrs. Theresa Campbell, who Wednesday waved a cheery greeting to her 104th birthday. Born near Kitchener at the vill-| age of New Germany, now Mary- hill, Mrs. Campbell had seven children, four of whom are still living. There are five grandchild- ren and 13 great grandchildren. Once. an avid knitter and crochet artist, she no longer pur-| sues these hobbies to any extent,| but only because her daughter thinks she might tire her eyes. SOCIAL NOTICE {was conducted by Mrs. LaSalle, | followed by horse back riding and| swimming. | ST. GEORGE'S AFT. WA The regular meeting of the af- |ternoon branch of the WA of St. George's Anglican Church was| [held in the parish hall with the gang of Oshawa. The marriage ENGAGEMENT The engagement is announced of Sylvia Elaine Ashby, daughter of Mrs. Joseph Dixon of Oshawa, and the late Mr. Bert E. Ashby, to Mr. Wilfred Adolph Knapp, son of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Peel seen leaving the church following their marriage in the Presbyterian Church of St. | ter of Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Descriptive Film Of Bell Telephone | president, Mrs.-Jack Sawyer, pre- i take place at St. George's siding. , 5% "OSHAWA MAN TAKES QUEBEC BRIDE Mr. and Mrs. Graham Lloyd | Columba-by-the-Lake, Valois Quebec. The bride js the for- mer Heather Scott Don, daugh- The Madonna group of the Catholic Women's League of St. Gertrude's parish held its June {meeting on the feast of Corpus Christi, the day which commeme- rates the institution of most Holy Eucharist. Mrs. W. P. Branch reporting for the Nearly New shop ad- |vised the group that much of the clothing from the shop was given {to Sf. Hedwig's Ladies' Society, {who sent it to Poland where it !was made available to prisoners returning from Russia. She sald that donations of clothing had in- creased during the spring clean- ing season and that extra time would be needed for repairs. Many of the ladies present offer- ed to increase their quota but it was obvious that further help would be required. The shop will @ be closed during July, August and September. Spiritugl convener, Eva Bruck. ner, told of the spiritual help re-| {ceived by those who attended the {pilgrimage to Our Lady Lourdes church in Toronto and! askgd that all members remem- Patrick Roberts, president of St. Gertrude's CWL_ was introduced by Mrs. Branch. Mrs. Roberts thanked the group for inviting her to the meeting and congratu- lated them on the fine work were doing in the shop. She felt that there was great self - satis- faction in belonging to the CWL and that the work the members did for the parish would he res membered for many generations. She expressed the wish that all the women in the parish would soon become members. A cheque from the Madonna group treasur- er, Miss Vera Brown, was grate- fully accepted by Mrs, Roberts on behalf of the CWL and the parish. The money will be used towards the purchase of the altar to the Blessed Virgin in the new church, Mrs. B. Heemskert and Mrs. G. Prins were asked to arrange a plenfc this summer similar to the one they so successfully or- ganized last year. Refreshments were served to the 22 members present by Mrs. P. DePratto, Mrs. J. J. Ward and Mrs. Michael Rudka. ber" Father Mulvihill in their prayers, Father Mulvihill is the director of Catholic Emigration in Toronto. Votes of thanks were given to Mrs. W. Welsh and Mrs. H. Staples for the splendid work they have done for the shop dur- {ing the past season. Mrs. Welsh is returning to Philadelphia and |Mrs. Staples is going to England to visit her mother. The guest of the evening Mrs. | Don of Lakeside Heights, Que- | bee, and her husband is the | san of Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. | Peel of Oshawa. ! --Photo by Willard Gray, Mont. the progress of her 'polio survey committee in its aim to have every adult receive his polio in- mer. [who was named the outstanding Grade 6 pupil In the school, The attendance banner and were won by Miss Wright's class prize Marion Following the meeting the mem- noculations by the end of sum-jj§& bers returned to the home of Mrs. E. H. Webster for coffee and sandwiches. In charge of arrange- ments for the evening were Mrs. | Kinette Club Names Officers Meet BOB CALDER CALDER'S SERVICE STATION The June meeting was held in P. Simpson and her committee of of the LION'S CLUB Honeymoon At Lake Placid Follows Ritchie-Hepburn Rites A : Memorial Church on Saturday, . | Mrs, William Collins read they .. 95 at 2 p.m. 'Shown To H-S Assn. | scripture lesson, Mrs. Sawyer led : | [the members in the litany for ENGAGEMENT | Mr. 'Stewart Carr of the Bell June, Mrs. H. W. Browne, edu-| Mr. and Mrs. William Owen of pelephone Comnany was Refreshments were served by Mrs. H. Armitage, Mrs . J. Cham- the mothers of Mr. P. Wrights' the blue room of the Hotel Gen- yc "Nric M. Pierson and Mrs. class. osha, with the president, Mrs. Wright. . |E. H. Webster, presiding. Elec- ' the [tions were, held Tor the coming A joint executive meeting will MONSTER BINGO OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE SATURDAY, JUNE 14 1 The marriage of Audrey Marie|trip to Lake Placid, New York Isabel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Hepburn of Oshawa, and Mr. George Ritchie, Oshawa, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Ritchie of Aberdeen, Scotland, was sol- emnized on Saturday afternoon. The double-ring ceremony was performed by the Reverend Mer- vin Bury ol King Street United Church. Mr. Rhyddid Williams played the wedding music and the soloist was Mr. Vernon Wright. | The bride was given in mar-| riage by her father. Her gown| of chantilly lace was styled with 8 snug bodice above a five-tiered, billowing skirt. Her veil of illu- sion was secured by a jewelled| tiara, complementing the sabrina neckline, She carried a bouquet of Pink Delight roses and lilies of the valley. Mrs. Harold Hepburn was ma- tron of honor and the attendant was Mrs. Donald Lintner. They wore identical gowns of romance blue nylon sheer over taffeta, | with shirred bodices and full skirts. Matching picture hats and mittens completed the ensembles and they carried pink carnations, | white chrvsanthemums and lilies) of the valley. oe Mr. Myrii Hepburn was best man and Mr. Harold Hepburn ushered. | A reception was held at San-|gjte, dalwood where the bride's moth-| er received wearing a printed| and will return to reside at 372 Garden Court, Oshawa. | For travelling the bride chose |a suit of navy blue French crepe with white accessories and a pink land white corsage. | Guests were present from To- ronto, Lindsay, Blackstock, Port Perry, Whitby, Orono and Bow- other chapter of the study book Ethel Wesson read cational secretary, reviewed an- | engagement of their daughter, ihe puke of Edinburgh Home and The minutes of the last meet. ing were read by Mrs. Ernest Percy Bryan, Seeley and Mrs. William Chaplin |gave the treasurer's report. Miss the corre- J spondence. Mrs. Thomas Keast|o'clock at St. John's Presbyterian Telephone {gave the social service report. Port Perry wish to announce the cover at a pecent mecting of {Wilma Winifrede, to Mr. Hoy Schooi Association. Mr. Carr, who Acting Develops on of Manan vas introduced by ies. Atbert Child's Assurance {Mrs. Percy Bryan of Oshawa. Jubb, showed a film "A Thought |The marriage is to take place ior Tomorrow", which described] WINNIPEG (CP) "Every s posilions in the Bell child in school should be encour-| on Saturday, June 28, at 2.30. oon) p Company fhat were aged to act," says Brian Way of available to young people gradu- London, because acting is con-| Church, Fort Perry. manville. . Several cables of congratula tions were received from the bridegroom's. parents, relatives and friends in Aberdeen, land. | By ELEANOR ROSS Trousseau Tea, | Spring cleaning isn't half the Showers Honor {hore 2 pi ir a Audrey Hepburn off base, in the frenzy of doing room after room. However, we do like to get the In honor of the marriage of per{Doule 8 eady for the warm daughter, Audrey Marie, to Mr.|" po. many of us, this means George Ritchie, Mrs. Freeman changing slipcovers and taking Hepburn, Louisa street, held a|qown or replacing curtains and trousseau tea. Mrs, Harold Hep- burn was in charge of the trous- seau and gift rooms. Tea was poured by the bride's grand-cLOSETS AND CABINETS Toronto. Assisting the hostess ets, Miss Hepburn was entertained arrange and reorganize and draperies. We like the sun to mother, Mrs. Samuel Hepburn, put before cleaning floors, were Mrs, Sam Grant, Mrs. Don-| Cleaning one closet invariably at a number of showers n"'or to|make use of the wonderful closet shine in on an "all new" look about the house. Oshawa, and the bridegroom's/ alls and woodwork, it is wise aunt, Mrs. William Knight ofits start on the closets and cabi- ald Lintner and Mrs. Walter jeads to doing them all. You'll find yourself inspired to re- silk dress in yellow, brown and her marriage. Mrs. Garfield Cle- +d] £ >- accessories now on sale at your beige with beige accestories 60d/ments arranged a shower for|favorite store. Go over clothes a corsage of yellow roses. The) bridegroom's aunt, Mrs. William| Knight of Toronto, assisted, wear-| ing printed silk in blue and white with a corsage of pink car | nations, - | The couple left on a wedding Mary Street H & Honors Teachers At Annual Supper The annual pot luck supper meeting of Mary Street Home and School Association was held at the school recently with the teach- ing staff as guests of the Asso- ciation. Following the buffet-style sup- per, Mrs. Gordon Baker led in a lively sing-song, assisted at the piano by Mr, E. Kelvin James. Mrs. M. L. Morris presided at the brief business meeting with Mrs. Bryce Brown, secretary, reading the minutes and tHe trea- surer's report being given by Mrs. J. V. Maffey. Mrs. Morris an- nounced that the graduating exer- cises for the Grade 6 pupils would be convened by Mrs. Jack Dew- ell, Mrs. William Broadbent and Mrs. Gordon Barker. Mrs. Barker gave details of the forthcoming! rummage sale to be held on Tues- day, June 10, at St. John's Hall, Mrs. Barker reminded the mem- bers to send their donations to the school on Tuesday morning friends and neighbors during|and accessories, dividing them which the bride-to-be was pre-|into things to be retained, to be sented with a letter-box contain-|given away and to be discarded. a sum of money, and a Sometimes one has to be a bit Start Your Spring Cleaning "With Closets And Cabinets ating from high school. nected with the emotional educa- Mr. Ca'r was thanked by Mrs. tion of children which is neglec- D. L. Bowen. The convener of ted in the ordinary educational |the meeting was Mrs, John An. Program. derson. But Mr .Way, an official of the The president, Educational Drama Association | Mrs. William N : ? > > {owen : of England, said children should | Incidentally, this is one reason JWens, presided. The minutes not be put on a stage forua: per- why it is best to tackle closets Were read by Mrs. C. T. Hewer 9 first. Things will be piled up on|2nd the treasurer's report given foriasnes betore they are or i the floor and you wouldn't want/by Mrs. Staniey Lockey. tront of Sn e ENO nan n that to happen to a newly] Mrs. Owens gave a brief report RO pasa ; pen, : e gx scrubbed rug or a newly polished from the Home and School Coun- plane: * laces Al aug ol . floor. Also, with fashions chang- cil and a call was made for vol- |, er : a Be ing so radically, that pile of dis-|unteers for conveners of the var- |" 'They hi ny 2% 2 lar "Suit cards is going to be pretty high! ious committees. performers. adu KITCHEN NEXT ML principal Me. S. Winter, | When children are put on a Once the closets are in order, ihe unit system and the vi ar | Stage too young, it destroys the work on kitchen cabinets. | 3 - sincerity of their work, he said.| |eystem used in the school, He | 1004, They suddenly become either shy! Those empty spice tins, stale also announced that Field Day or turn into exhibitionists. He| packaged goods and whatnots | will be held in Alexandra Park suggested scripts should be saved must be tossed out. Then ghelon June 18. until they are 10 or 11, and actual | Shelves Should be sceatbe a trophy was presented by performances until they are 13.| re Re ED Lape as, Stephen Saywell for the Gradually, acting can be used plas c shelying. a (girs high score in athletics to as a tool to bring every other bist €veryt hid ha 3 Sharan Hayhail of Grade 3. Mrs. school subject into life. | d and every item usable! | bye Magiy presented the i y ee arrange I Ty my 4 phy for the boys' high score in| Would you like to have steady Once you've ot 3 ose andi athletics to John Higging and income from that extra bedroom? EE a at Pond 3 Bruce Chute who tied for the For choice of paying guests, de- Then, without much inconven: po" ur, Mrs. Ow ® fence to the family, the house will| ~~ ° Owens to Judy Dalton RA 3-3492 A trophy was presented ccribe it in a Classified Ad. Dial | year as follows: President, Mrs John MacLean; first vice-presi- dent, Mrs. Farle Southern; sec- ond vice-president, Mrs. Arthur Stone; secretary, Mrs. Norman Raike; treasurer, Mrs. J. B. Hen- derson; registrar, Mrs. R. C. Tay- lor; bulletin editor, Mrs. Grieve; directors, Mrs. Bell, Mrs, B. R. Gerrow, Tony Goepfrich, Mrs. Lew Rip ley, Mrs. Greg Poirier. The club agreed that Mrs. Grieve and her committee should proceed with plans for redecor- ating the TV room at the Chil dren's residence. Mrs. Earl Field: ing reported on the recent party for the children and those to be held this summer, Mrs. H. Armi- tage reported a nice profit on the recent rummage sale. {be held June 17 at the home of] Mrs: Tony Goepfrich reported | on the hostessing of the new 'Idea Home' in the fall. Mrs. Earle Southern, Mrs. R. C. Taylor and Mrs. B. R. Gerrow reported on the success of the Kinette booths at the Kinsman Carnival. Mrs. R. A, Donald reported on STAUFFER HOME REDUCING PLAN / Representative i GRACE " THOMAS # Ph. RA 3.9212 soon be bright and sweet. Those sunbeams can pour into any] room and find it brightly clean and attractive, even when closet luncheon cloth, | ruthless about it. doors are open. Miss Hepburn's fellow workers| in the tabulating department of| GM Parts and Service held a miscellaneous shower at the home of Mrs. Glenn Carr, Whit-| . The hostess was assisted by Mrs. Sam Grant and Mrs. Don- ald Lintner. The department pre-| sented Miss Hepburn with a/ floor polisher as a wedding gift. | Mrs. Robert Stewart of Osh- awa held a miscellaneous show- | er at her home, Mrs. Ethel Carr of Whitby made and presented a four-tier wedding cake to the bride-elect, | Following the rehearsal 'ast! Friday evening, the bridal party was entertained at the home L og BURNS 32 KING ST. WEST NO EXTRA CHARGES FOR CREDIT METAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS 21 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH > Foun, man YOUR FRR Ww nail 9 a.m. to 5.30 pm. Rae OWNTOWN Except Wednesday --- (7) sia r am. to W.20 a.m, > OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT | TILL 9 PM. TELEPHONE RA 3-2294 STORE HOURS: 1.0, CREDIT | JEWELLERS | SHOP & SAVE WEDN AAAAN AT DOWNTOWN ZELLERS DAILY ESDAY NAA RA 3.7022 of the bride's parents | - THE HOUSE or WASH ARLES 196 PETERBOROUGH, ONT. | 7% CHARLOTTE ST. MEN'S SHIRTS MORNING ONLY 'N WEAR 4.98 2 FOR 7.47 float on a cloud in cool HIGH - FASHION Light, white and lovely to pretty summer fash- ions. A modern sty ling to suit every foot and give you walking ease from the moment you put them on Im vm For expert shoe fitting--and better known nationally branded shoes--your guarans tee for complete satisfaction ~visit your favourite Better Shoe Guild Store in Down. town Oshawa and see their outstanding selection of sume mer shoes for 'you. NATIONALLY KNOWN BRAND NAME SHOES AIR-STEP GOLD CROSS and asked for volunteers to assist on that day. The family-donation-plan will be | uy Two and INTERIOR DESIGNING Save 2.49 NATURALIZER carried out again this year as the major fund-raising project, Mr. E. Kelvin James, had on display the books purchased by the Home and School Association for use in the special class. Mrs. Morris announced the fol- lowing chairmanships had been filled for the 1958-59 term: pro- gram, Mrs. Gordon Baker; par- ent education, Mrs. Harold Davis; religious education, Miss Ferne Ledgett; visual aids, Mrs. D. J. Crothers; finance, Mrs. Harold Armstrong; health, Mrs. Mansell Gerrow; citizenship, Mr. John Weir; children's reading and pub- lications, Mrs. Douglas Young; hospitality, Mrs. William Broad- beni; membership, Mrs. Gordon Barker and Mrs, William Ran- stead; press, Mrs. Frank' Ball social, Mrs A. Nicolson and Mrs. Anthony Fetchison The October meeting of the as- sociation will be the usual "Get Acquainted Night' with the teach- ing staff in charge of the meet ing. Mrs. Harold Davis will be in charge of the Grade 1 Mother's Tea ich will be held at the 2 September, : 4 AN ih i ® Slip CoOL cai. RA -- ® Custom Made Drapes ® Upholstery Material © Custom Made Furniture CONSULTATIONS IN ROOM DECORATING & IN OSHAWA Covers Spreads 'wash requi crea Sizes care fabric pletely style. DAY MORN Check A REAL FATHER'S DAY SPECIAL! What man doesn't appreciate a white shirt! He will be doubly pleased with these pure white dress shirts of easy= FOR FATHER'S DAY ON WEDNES- NEWSPAPER . . . RADIO . . . WINDOWS For Daily Specials 'n' wear' cotton. Special res no ironing, is com- se-resistant, Single cuff 1415-17, GET YOURS ING, OR SCHEMING Our services are designed for your use an DEFENDABLE--Serving Oshawa & district over 20 years. TELEPHONE ----You may order by telephone: RA 3-2294, DELIVERY LAYAWAY CHEQUES Baby bonus and pay cheques cashed GUARANTEE --Merchaondise satisfactory or money refunded. ~Two --For your convenience gt no extra cost, deliveries daily within city limit, 3-9866 d convenience. ZELLER'S OPEN FRIDAY UNTIL goo P.M. GOODS SATISFACTORY OR MONEY REFUNDED Risa

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