Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 10 Jun 1958, p. 7

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t <4 ABANDONED AL "White Flag", a rare albino fawn_ and "Brown Bomber", its normal twin brother, receive' tender care from game warden | mother near Welland, Ont. At | warm milk. hs BINO AND TWIN THRI Roy Arbuthnot and his wife. | first the albino was very weak, |off. The Sanitary closed down for, The three-day-old fawns were found abandoned by their COBOURG Staff Reporter--ROBERT CZIRANKA--FR. 2-7657 Judge Addresses 24 New Citizens COBOURG Judge J. A. Miller administered the oath of allegiance to a group of new citi zens Monday at ceremonies held in the United Counties building In addressing the group the judge urged them to study the facts of government so that they would be able to vote intelligently He also said that they were not expected to give up their love of their homeland but now their loyalty lay in their duty to Can- ada. Cobourg's Mayor J. D. Burnet extended his welcome and said that they found what they were seeking because they had become citizens of Canada. He said they should continue to prize their citizenship United Counties Warden Ray Bothwell said he was glad that the group of new citizens had chosen the counties as their home and congratulated them for real- izing Canada as a wonderful land with a wonderful future Hon. W. A. Goodfellow, Ontario Minister of Agriculture, said that he was very much impressed with the type of new Canadians that were settling in the United Counties. C He said that the people coming to were settling in Ontario and felt that they had chosen rightly for the opportunities were unlimited Those receiving their citizen ship were: Jan Gerhard Aalbers, Orono |Gesina Christina Aalbers, Orono Wilhelmus Berlie, Margaretta Arnolda Berlie, Jacob Hendrik Brussee, Orono. Henry Pawll Bulo, RR No. 3, Port Hope; Seto Hoo Chew, 59 King street east, Bowmanville; Jetze DeBoer, Brighton; Clarence DeVries, Edna DeVries, 79 Scu- gog street, Bowmanville. August Martin Ehasoo, Josefina Ehasoo, RR 3, New- castle; Harry Eller, Aune Ode Eller, RR 2, Grafton: Jan Kor- das, Sophie Kordas, RR 2, Camp- bellcroft. | Alfred Kuderle, 22 John street Port Hope; Gerrit Olthof, RR 2, Burketon; Frederik Theysmeyer, Hendrika Theysmeyer, RR Port Hope Albert Viaene, Suzanne Viaene, RR 3, Castleton; Arno Wagner, 23 Toronto road, Port Hope; Mar- garet Hyma, Hastings. Discuss Race Discrimination MRS. CHARLES H. REESOR Correspondent PORT PERRY -- The United Church Evening Auxiliary of the WMS met at the home of Mrs George Burnett. Mrs. Merlin Dowson presided and the minutes and treasurer's report were presented by Mrs Robert Walker and Mrs. Ray Litt. A silver collection was taken for the Baby Band picnic. The June meeting was cancelled, so there will be no more regular meetings until September. Devo- tions were taken by Mrs. W. Wil- liams and Mrs. R. Walker A panel discussion on Racial Discrimination was conducted under the leadership of Miss G Joblin, Mrs. W. Williams and Mrs. R. Walker. Mrs. M. Dowson showed a film entitled "'Kimoko of Japan." Luncheon served by the com- mittee brought the meeting to a close. Mrs. E. Kennedy on behalf of the Courtesy Committe thanked the hostess, nett, for her hospitality. HAMPTON." M. HORN, HAMPTON -- Rev. F. J. Reed and A. Carrick attended the United Church Conference at Peterborough this week. Hampton Women's Institute were guests of the Bowmanville Women's Institute Thursday. Congratulations have been ex- tended to Mr. R. J. Hodgson who Monday reached his 80th birth day. anniversary. Sunday mem- bers. of the family were supper | ASK YOUR Conadian Gace 73 ¢ Scenic-Dome rail travel ® Low cost reduced round trip rail fares ® Overseas Steamship services ® Great Lakes and Al: * Hotels and resorts across Canada ® Airlines serving C guests. Mrs. Present were: Dean Hodgson and sion of the United Counties Coun- il will open-on June 25, Warden Ray Bothwell said Monday. The ed until July 9. usual ture consecutive the Rocky resort Velda ton, 3s on " rama' of the west, plays for 10 Auxiliary of Skenna after three nights starting July 16 in a large years In this office. outdoor amphitheatre at the Pali- + sades, six miles east of the town | of Jasper. | + it has played to more than 15,000 tourist visitors. ALL CANADIAN produced by Canadians. Park Gowan of Edmonton has Mr. and | written the script, and the pro- | ; son ducer is Jack MeCreath, drama| Miss Phyllis Strong received Work Schedule Being Changed By File Firm PORT HOPE -- Starting this week Nichol File C y employes will be working three out of every four weeks five days _|a week instead of four days every| week as they have been doing| since last fall, F. H. Briden, vice-| president and general manager, said. The plan is an experiment, which will be in effect until the| ' 1 holiday shutdown in the first two weeks in August, he/ said. | , | This week half the File em- .\ployes in each department will _ |be working, and next week the other half will be working, after| which the entire staff will work] for two weeks, and the cycle will start over again. This system will! enable the plant to continue in . |operation at all times so that it| can fill rush orders, Mr. Briden said, | The announcement came short-| ly after that of the Port Hope Sanitary Manufacturing Company that after the plant's annual |three - week shutdown, which {begins July 11, a certain number of employes will have fo be laid VE IN NEW HOME but he is thriving on a diet of |a few weeks at Christmas, be- |cause . of slack business condi-| Itions, and now must take the fur- ther step of laying men off, the | company said. | Council Session , | To Open June 25 Cadet Starts COBOURG -- The summer ses- . Naval Cruise ORT HOPE -- Cadet Chief Petty Officer J. A. (Andy) Lyons : went to Toronto Sunday on the will resume first stage of a two-week cruise !with the Royal Canadian Navy. | The reason for the one day sit-| CPO Lyons joined the Sea ion however, will be adjourn- after June 25 until July 8 1 the * sittings ting on June 25 will be to decide |Cadet Corps of RCSCC "Skeena" gram, the Lakeshore executive 50 per cent of On the eaualization of assessment five years ago and is now the|held a brief meeting to dispose Canada for the United Counties' 1958 as- "Chief"" of that ship. He has at-|0f a few items of a minor essment list tended three summer courses at HMCA Stadacona and HMCS| [Acadia, and last year the sum- {mer course for the Port Hope {high school army cadets. He is one of two cadets from Ontario West Musical Starts Season [sy i fom ihe whoicor Canada . {RCN cruises this summer. In Mountains | CPO Lyons flew Monday from | Toronto to Halifax, where he will JASPER, Alta, (CP) -- An un- report to HMCS Stadacona. He Canadian theatrical ven-|will sail today, but the "silent is heading into its third |service'" has not yet divulged his summer season in later destination nor on what ship Mountains near this he will be. CPO Lyons is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Lyons, Toronto "The Jasper Story," described road. Mrs. Lyons recently retired the musical "histo- 28 president of the Women's 200 miles west of Edmon- great BLACKSTOCK MRS. R. C. HILL BLACKSTOCK -- Tuesday evening, June 3, 80 friends and | relatives gathered at the home of The show is written, acted and fr, and Mrs. Gordon Strong, Elsie | "Sunnybrook Farms" to cele- |brate their 25th wedding anniver- | sa In the last two summer seasons Glen and wife of Bowmanville; |director for the Alberta govern-|the guests. Rev. P. Romeril called Mr. and Mrs, Raymond Clapp, ment. Tyrone; Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hooper of Orono, and their daughter Nina of Washington, C Mr. Hodgson was the recipient of many cards and gifts. Miss Carol Chant graduated with honors in dental hygiene at Toronto University. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Chant, and brothers Gary, Roy and Vern, accompanied by Mrs. Sally Davies of Oshawa and Miss Bev- erly Wraight of Hampton attend- ed the graduation exercises. J. A. Warrack, Toronto, spent the weekend at home. Miss Grace Kersey, Oshawa, spent the weekend with her par-| ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Kersey. Miss Brenda Potter, daughter) of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Potter) and her uncle, Bill Rodger, Tiford, Sussex, England, flew from Malton to New York, where she spent a few days before leaving to spend a vacation with her grandparents in London, England. Before leaving she was enter- f at a surprise party given \ 3 | friends at the home of Mrs. Fred Payne. Quick-Acting Lad | Saves Burning Tot TORONTO (CP) -- Three-year-, old Sharon Corneil fell into a bon- fire Monday and was saved from death by Nino Campo, 12, who heard her screaming as she dashed across a field with her hair and clothes in fiames. Poiice say the girl fell into the unattended fire at downtown Re- gent Park after she ran across the street to watch it and tripped. aska cruises od inS Information and reservations from F. B. Moss City Passenger Agent 111; King St. East Oshawa Telephone RA 3.2224 basca Valley of western Alberta from the days of the explorers, through the historic trek of the overlanders to the coming of the railway and the tourists of today. the Jasper community, are used, as well as 12 dancers and 40 sing- ers, a 20-piece orchestra and a dozen horses. but the performers mime their roles and songs so expertly that most of the audience can't spot the method, |order. Beth pinned a corsage of It tells the story of the Atha- pink carnations on her mother, | who was wearing a gown of blue lace. Robert pinned a carnation in his father's buttonhole. Rev. Romeril delivered an address to the bride and groom: Mrs. George Wolfe gave a reading "Five o'clock Rush" and Mrs. Romeril read "Courting Under Difficulties" and 'A Husband's Petition". Mrs. Marwood McKee read the presentation address and Ralph Strohg congratulated his father and mother and made the pre- sentation of a studio couch, chair and lamps. Sixty actors, ali members of The show actually is recorded, [eX VARF- Wo T=\V.Y] SEMI-GLOSS ENAMEL for Kitchens - Bathrooms - Woodwork TELVET x ENAMEL ty "CHEN, Batunoom ano wooD¥OH MAD wiry LaTeX You can do your walls and eellings, 100, In matching colovrs with GOLD BOND VELVET (Egg shell Finish) end GOLD BOND ACRYLIC (Flat), Easy to apply with brush or roller, Dries in less then 1 hour, Completely washable. Easy clean-up -- just rinse refler or brush in worm scopy water-- wipe op spotters with damp cloth, Gold Bond PAINT PRODUCTS WESCO WATERPAINTS (CANADA) LTD. Subsidiary of NATIONAL GYPSUM COMPANY Bathe and McLellan Building Supplies Ltd. 81 KING ST. W. OSHAWA RA 5-4761-62 " due and Miss=M. Bolduc of To-| ronto. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brawn were | | Monday guests of Mr. and Mrs, | {Andy Pilkey of Brooklin, | Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hughson of Myrtle were Saturday evening | visitors of Mr. and Mrs. James Latimer. Raglan folk attending the Pros- pect Bazaar were Mrs. Elwood Manns, Mrs. Carl Avery, Mrs. C, Miller, Mrs. George Bray, Mrs. L. Evans, Mrs. A. Slute, Mrs. W. Manns and Mrs. J. Latimer. THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Tuesday, June 10, 1958 7- euchre aud dance in Myrtle hall dell, who has operated it for 33: Saturday evening. Euchre prize years, Mr. and Mrs. Riddell res winners were: Men's 1, Oliver | cently purchased the home of the Lane; ladies 1, Mrs. B. Wray; |late G. Bowen, A men's consolation, Lloyd Evans; | Miss V. Gilfillan has returned ladies consolation, Joan Collins; after spending several weeks in spot dance, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Toronto. Miss Gilfillan attended Wray; Mr. and Mrs. Johnson,|the 60th anniversary of the 1898 Oshawat Mr, and Mrs. Ray Bran class of the Toronto University. ion, wa; door prize, Bill] a. : " or Cohan rt ps, dM Jory Dot eek | Ladies: s. Morrison, re; | ol pp J YU | Mrs. A. Elliott, St. John, N.By. is visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. E, Logan. Misses L, and M. Normart, Philadelphia, Pa., are visiting Prof. and Mrs. C. B. Sissons. PORT HOPE All Stars Have Easy 18-1 Game PORT HOPE -- The Pee Wee art Welk Nie proceeded out into All Stars continued their winning the lake for the rescue. men, Murray Barnard, West Hill cays i inor | | Mr, and Mrs. Elwood Manns . . . RR Lakeshore Muir! a5 ele found that the Td atiened thie funeral of Mrs. Wili{"suers bf the lucky drav of the the Cobo ine. Rob-| P Y: liam Bell of Port Perry. [sounge, Wayne Mahaffy, Raglan; tory over the Cobourg nine. Rol flash camera, Ron Passmore, the sail has been lowered and ert Berry pitched for Port Hope he boys were trying to paddle a 2 Mis. Jack Vike and Toronto; ham, 'Gordon Prentice, ort Perry. with Cliff Cooper catching. Co- the craft with boards torn up ) ! i i IMrs. Gordon Harrison of Oshawa bors hy of ties urels 1b 3%ifrom the floor, Hooking 2 line on were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Campbell Glenn B. Wiggins, son-in-law of jer th Delaney, St jthe crippled craft Mr. Welch Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Evans, {have moved from Oshawa to Rag- | Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Staples has' er oo ff od Me dale ue dingy lo. shoe. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brawn at- lan. received his degree of Doctor of the receiving. Port Hope outhit| Of Dyard were the boat's tended the Sunday School Anai- Bob Hollilay and Larry Lamb |" tilosophy 3 Wists based Je the "Ferrytown by 11-2. Leading|c.: Rodd wisi ad versary at Myrtle. attended the annual judging com. , the Pon ro wich were Behma SY Boddison, commanding of- mr "ang Mrs. Don Layng and petition for 4H clubs held at Sun. oS orant curator of Invertebrate ficer of the Sea Cadets, two bro- oiyjs" and Mr, and Mrs. Ernielderland Saturday {Zology at the Royal Ontario Mu- with a homer and triple while a : W thers, Dayid and Barry Archibald Layng and Mrs. Boyd were Sur anoE TIMES peta, rs " aid s| pass Temenche aud Merely each had and Butch Francey. Police said day visitors of Mr. and Mrs. a three ie ; |that with the strony vind How. Eimer Lavng. | Commencing June 8 church ser- first year civil engineering at To UMPIRES' SCHOOL fp the lake iy " e oe! Mr. and 'Mrs. Bolduc were Sun- vices wili be held at 9.45 a.m. ronto University. The school for Umpires held on|eoY ii ave made shore With: 4,0 cupper guests of Mr. and|With Sunday School at 10.45 a.m.| Rev. B. Long attended the Bay Salurday afternoon in New-|Out assistance. |Mrs. Larry Bolduc of Toronto, |furing June and July. June 8 is of Quinte Conference in Trinity castle's Community Hall .presid- | Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Crawford |the Sunday School anniversary |United Church, Peterborough. ed over by top Toronto Umpire, of Oshawa were Sunday callers and flower Sunday, which will be * Maxie Scheff proved to be the | B t 3 on Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Evans, marked with church service at ; best yet of all that Mr. Scheff ap 1Se Mr, and Mrs. Roy Brawn were 2.45 a.m. ' 8 More Judges has conducted. There were no A R 1 , | i 3 Saturday evening guesis of Mr.| Woman's association regular less than 31 arbiters and those land Mrs, Lloyd Brawn and Trudy meeting was held at the ri May Sit On Bench {who intend taking up the trade in lof Epsom. ' lof Mrs. Roy Nottingham, The Mr. and Mrs. Roy Moon called meeting opened with the theme! TORONTO (CP) -- Attorney GLORIA MILLER {on Mr. and Mrs. A. Pilkey of song followed by prayer. Mrs. General Roberts said Monday he Correspondent Brooklin, Lorne Slute read the scripture. hopes to have eight more judges RAGLAN -- Rev. Atkinson of GUESTS AT CHRISTENING Mrs. Moon presided over devo- on the bench in Ontario by this Albert Street United Church was M M ' ; BE MoPh J ions. fall. Wade vice-president Doug Wal- guest minister on Sunday, June 1. Steg 21 Caria om nr --r pe Mrs. Bryant and Mrs. A. Slute, Mr. Roberts, back from discus- ton and secretary-treasurer, Cec Three children were baptised at Mr K eth hc £8 4 od : d hoth delivered readings on Medi. sions with Justice Minister Ful. Carveth of Newfonville, plus all 'he_service. Kim Ann, daughter' 5 i oe aryond, --- tation. Mrs. Latimer gave the ton at Ottawa during the week- of Mr and Mrs. Ward Greenley; Joey, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. |, 0c report. It was decided end. said he expects the neces: to give the bake sale proceeds sary federal legislation to be Ute somject Dvn in the various y sven Laurel, daughter of Mr, |Bud Zeller, Donna and Pamela of . : and Mrs, George Solomon; and Guelph; Mr. and Mrs. James| 'eos ("tye church building Passed at the current session of hi Basi o Tetpreiation of Gerald' Gordon, son of Mr, and Nash Bid. Christine 9 Deliawai fund. Mrs. C. Miller presented| Parliament. The Ontario legis- lays were gone over by Mr, Mrs. Gordon Hambly of Oshawa, Mr. and 2rs. John Bright andy, cecretary's report followed by lature has already passed bills play B y. The Willing Work Club will family, Mrs. Ronald Bryant |. C Av ith the sick enabling Ottawa to increase the Se ne en meet at the home of Mrs. Ward 20d Jimmy, Mr. and Mrs. Robert no ©: AVERY WHEL TE SIC TE pumber' of Ontario County Court Er : o iad Bryant, Mr. Mrs. G e| . i i ted ovr, tes Bours: Poon Gens on Wea, ine 1, 200k, Uy a ek A bake se tbe he pi BAECS 20 rom 6 gd Ona ing the completion of the pro- at 2 p.m. Mrs. Clifford Solomon, Joan and day, June 13, at 2 p.m. on the! grr Oye: M-~. and Mrs. Mel McGee visit- janice, Mrs. Thomas Solomon Sr., 'awn at Mrs. Bolduc's. Mr. Roberts said the appoint: 5, i Mr a Mrs. George all of Oshawa; Mrs. Bromley of ments will form part of his pro- a Terni Lo) addell on Sunday. Lancashire, England, were guests Vgran to speed up lawsuits so tia il dg Lake: wisi Mion Manatry 21 the christeing af Raglan Unit: ORONO |S can deal Rvith them within discussed at some length and it were Sunday visitors of Mr. and|d Church on Sunday for Karen two months, " Mrs. Reg. Arnell of Port Pery. Laure] Solomon, daughter of Mr. oll - was decided that such an associa-] Mr. and Mrs. R. Durno, Miss ! { = : : ip ¥ pS and Mrs. George Solomon of Rag- NO -- Mi is. | » tion would be formed next spring. yr. Durno Miss Marv. Aughne 0 8 8 |g SRoNo of Miss Marie Lewis, Helps You Overcome It would be run along the lines and K. Durno of Oshawa were Mr. and Mrs. Stan Manns and | Lewis bas zradiated from st.| FALSE TEETH Y ihe one in Ohne, hich has Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. ramily were Thursday visitors of | Joseph's Hospital at a ceremony Pp very successtul, {Ward Greenley and family. | | PHT alii Mr. and Mrs. Arthur French and at Eaton Auditorium, Toronto.) Looseness and Worry RUDDER SNAPPED |GET BIRTHDAY PINS family of Oshawa. |Mr. and Mrs. T. Lewis, Mr. and| No longer be annoyed or tee! Diab When the local police were! Birthday pins at Sunday School! Mrs John Bright and Jackie, Mrs. H. Ransberry, Mrs. G.| ease because of loose, wobbly false phoned by a watchman at the|were awarded to Gordon Bray, Mrs. George Solomon and John Atkins, Miss L. Lycett and Mr. | free PASTEETH, an Imp alka Port Hope Sanitary that a sailing| Mary Bright, Tommy Bray and were Wednesday guests of Mrs. |K. Lycett, Bowmanville, attended, your plates Boks Them Arie EoD dinghy was in difficulty four miles Mrs. Russel Corner. |George Manelka and family of the ceremony. | Teel more comfortable, Avoid embar- from shore, Constable Arthur| Mr. and Mrs. Bolduc and fam-|Oshawa. Ervin Rainey has purchased FASTEETH today 8% any roe conn nt O'Neill contacted fisherman Rob. lily were Sunday guests of P. Bol- id-! Now's the time to try Dodge! THIS TORSION-AIRE RIDE IS REALLY SMOOTH! | | |attendance. The Lakeshore Minor Baseball | |League, which sponsored the| school, had its entire executive on hand, which brought the total to nearly 40. President Arnold na- MRS. A. L. HOOEY fyi Now's the time to compare Dodge! A = COMPARE ROOMINESS! DIMENSION Front headroom Front legroom Front hiproom Rear headroom Rear legroom Rear hiproom Front shoulder-room Rear shoulder-room COMPARE SAFETY! Jou get Toll ontact brakes, . iggest in the low-price field! 74.0" 44.5 53.9" Plus dual-cylinder front brakes, 61.0 55.2" 55.7" independent parking brake. Dimensions based on measurements of comparable 4-door hardtop. Now's the time to buy Dodge! the BIG money's worth in the low-price field! * Dodge gives you 58 Torsion- Y//// 174. 7.4 AIRE Ride--finest of all suspen- CHRYSLER CORPORATION OF CANADA, LIMITED sions--at no extra cost! ROBINSON MOTORS McMAHON & ELMS MOTORS 574 Ritson Rd., Oshawa 401 Dundas St., E., Whitby E---- Your Dodge - De Soto dealer will be pleased to arrange for a demonstration TES COMPARE VISIBILITY! +7 CAR "F" 979 1,078 3,290 12" oan er rts ctmaiy 1,135 1,056 3506 13" DIMENSION DODGE Windshield area (sq. in.) 1,436 Rear window area (sq. in.) 1,339 Total window area (sq. in.) 3,984 Wiper blade length 16" DODGE 34.4" 45.5" 63.0" 34.5" 39.0" 62.7" 60.5" 60 4" CAR "F" 33.9" 43.1" 60.0" 33.6" 40.77 60.1" 57.3" 57.0" CAR "¢" 35.0" 44.6" 62.1" 34.2" 42.7" 621~ COMPARE QUALITY! 56.4" From first inspection of parts to final inspection of the finished car, every Dodge reflects quality workmanship from top to bottom. Even smallest details in construction and fitting get the most careful attention. COMPARE LUGGAGE SPACE! DIMENSION * Trunk capacity (cu. ft.) Trunk opening width Trunk opening height Trunk usable width Trunk floor depth CAR 25.0 34.0" 21.0" DODGE 35.6 50.6" 21.1" CAR "F" 29.5 45.0" 19.4" *¥ Dodge provides big-car roomi- ness yet it's easy to park ... easy to handle in traffic! ¥ Dodge offers push-button auto- matic drive . . . most modern touch in motoring today! % Come in now! See how Dodge gives you more . . . when you buy and when you trade! RE

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