"APEX" HAND MOWER--5 Sheffield steel blades -- solid rubber tires--Blue 13-8 enamelled finish. 14" "CLIPPER" HAND MOWER-- S blades, ball bearing, 934" type rubber tires. bulbous 1. a aa os. 1 9-95 REXDALE CARDEN MOSE -- Lightweight and flexible--lus- frous transparent green; easy to handle 50' length. Com- plete with brass 38° couplings. 50" ____ "NIACARA" CRABGCRASS KILLER for effective con- trol of both crabgrass and chickweed. GARDE 3 "DOO-CLIP" CRASS SHEARS =" Lightweight and durable- quality cutlery steel blades. Easy action, 1 Reg. 149 ........ 4 [J 2. SPADINGC : 1. WEED FORK --forged 3. HOE -- 7" 3 SA DEN 5. ow RAKE -- from one piece i -- level --_ sharp SLASH " high carbon bo} ed 4 ay head, curved concave teeth, BES Ser- steel. Comfort- ' tooth pattern. smooth, easy rated and razor gble handle. smooth handle. strong and dur- grip handle. sharp 98 1 AY able. _ 1 69 1 95 tain, etc. 1 bb. 98 OF ici 49 Boz. aaa 85 "NIAGARA" WEED KILL. ER -- A water soluble amine form of 2.4.D for control of broad leat weeds, dandelion, plan- 16 oz. 18" Rotary Mower. edjustoble from 1% te 2V" he Built to sell at @ much higher price. You get extra savings on this power pocked Products engine with rope stort. Heavy gouge steel housing hos large side dis- chorge ond side trim. Cutting heights Sturdy 2 H.P. Power 39.95 REXDALE" 18" ROTARY POWER MOWER Equipped with "Lauson" 4-cycle recoil start engine. New stop and choke throttle assembly for stand-up starting; 8" rear wheels and 6" front wheels with lug-type rubber tires, staggered to prevent scolpina. Your "Rexdale" will whip through the tallest grass or weeds in a jiffy. A fine quality mower for the buyer who wants the best. : N TOOLS 6. EDCER -- 9' easily adjust- steel blade -- EMERGENCY LINE CAN--2 gal, capa- city, 8" Jeakproof dust top seal and filter screen, proof. Reg. 1.98 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Tuesday, June 10, 1958 45 HARDWARE eo HOUSEWARES OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE WHEELBARROW -- Seamless rolled edged tray, 22 cu. ft capacity, semi - pneumatic Strongly constructed, Reg. 998 .cuvivunein 7. TY URE steel teeth strong, smooth all length, finished wood 3 prong 1-49 handle. 1 59 S-prong 1.98 1b. can nee reversible spout, construction. Rust- 1-79 CULTIVA. TOR -- forged able. 48" over- "NIAGARA" ANT AND GRUB KILLER -- A new chemical, with longer residual action for ants and roaches. . 7 5 CASO. "SWIF "ALLADIN" Contains 2 1-qt. aluminum vacuum bottles with set of 3 nesting plastic cups in each, sandwich box and all in an at- tractive red plaid carry- g-9s ing case. Reg. 12.95. ["", CARPET SWEEP- ER -- Strong bristles whisk away dirt in a iffy. All metal case--rubber bumper guard. Smooth wood handle. Attractive colors __ 79° Swon's LLH.A. Hardware ond Housewares store has a complete ronge of everything you need for inside and outside the house - paints, brushes, rollers and accessories for that fresh, clean, Spring look - and garden tools, fertilizers, seed equipment for Garden "Clean up-fix up' plus hundreds of houseware items - glassware, china, kitchenware . . . . - HOMEOWNERS' SPECIALS \ the all-purpose contin sprayer for home or use. 1-qt. 1 copacity .... . "COMET" SPRAYER --=p or tire Bow WA 849 "REXDALE" HEDGE SHEARS--8"' tempered, drop forged steel blades, smooth handles. .79 Rea. 2.19 __._. PICNIC KIT -- "PYREX" CARAFE SET -- 8-cup carafe with wrought iron candle warmer, Graceful design, Keeps coffee piping hot right at the table. Reg. 7.95 _. 4-75 'Rexdale' 18" Rolary Power Mower 4-cycle, 2 h.p. Louson engine--rope stort, front side discharge--height adjustment 1" to 112' '--steggered wheels 6 x 1.75. Semi-pneumatic elternote rib tires. REGULAR 69.95 29.95 SWAN'S CITY: WIDE DELIVERY "REXDALE" TOP QUALITY PHONE RA 5-7513 1 "SWINGIN' SPRAY" SPRINKLER Covers up to 35 x 40' orea, 6.95 LEA HARDWARE BICYCLES MADE BY CANADAS LEAD- ING CYCLE MANUFACTUR- ER o GH QUALITY ENA- MEL LUSTRE FINISH oo eo COMFORTABLE LEATHER SADDLES ¢ CHROME RIMS Men's Size 22-20 -- 28" wheels. Boy's (8-12 yrs. )-- 20-18---26" wheels. Boy's (6 to 10 yrs.) 17""--24" wheels. Lodies'--20" wheels. Girl's (8 to 12 yrs.)--26" wheels. Girl's (6 to 10 yrs.) -- 24" wheels. One low, low price on a'l <izes, 39.95 MADE IN CANADA RACER .... 49.95 {3 HOSE NOZZLE Solid brass, fully adjustable for fine mist or soaking spray. Fits standard size hose. Reg. 8%c I... . 5a. L OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE