FA Sn HH in ; 42 "THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Tueidys, Jume 10, 1958 £4 GRAPENUT PUDDING 3 tsp. grated lemon rind tbsps. butter % cup sugar 2 egg yolks (well beaten) 3 thsps. lemon juice 2 ' tbsps. flour 4 tbsps. grapenuts 1 cup milk 4 2 egg whites (stiffly beaten) Cicam rind and butter. Add sugar, then add yolks and beat well. Add lemon juice. Add flour, grapenuts, and milk. Mix well; and fold in egg whites. Place in pan of hot water and bake 15 min. at-325 F, Mrs. Don Olafsen, Friendship Group, Northminster United Church WA. I HALF HOUR PUDDING 1 cup brown sugar 2 cups hot water 1 thsp. butter 1/3 cup brown sugar 1 cup flour 2 tsps. baking powder 1 cup raisins Small tsp. salt 1 cup sweet milk Put first 8 ingredients in a round bake pan or skillet. Heat until sugar is dissolved. Keep hot. Mix remaining ingredients to- gether and spoon into sauce. Bake at 350 deg. for ¥% hour. Mrs. Joan Bosy, Friendship Group Northminster United Church WA. BANANA PUDDING boxes vanilla pudding cups milk cup whipping cream tsp. vanilla tbsp. granulated sugar graham crackers hananas sliced Combine pudding and milk and stir until smooth. Stir and cook until thick. Remove from heat ard cool, Whip cream and add the sugar and vanilla. To the cold custard add 2/3 cup. of whipped cream, 3 sliced bananas and 10 graham crackers, rolled fine. Combine well and pour into serv- ing dish. Spread remaining cream on top of mixture. Gar- nish with remaining crumbs and sliced bananas. Serves 6 to 8. Mrs. Joan Sosy, Friendship Group, Northminster United Church WA. DELICATE RICE PUDDING 14 cup rice cups milk cup sugar 1, tsp. vanilla 1'z cups water 4 eggs 15 tsp. salt Method: Boil rice in water in |: double boiler. When absorbed, | add milk. Cook until soft. Add beaten yolks with sugar. Take from stove. Stir in beaten whites of 2 eggs, and vanilla. Make meringue of remaining whites -- 2 tbhsps. sugar to 1 egg white. Brown in oven in pan of water. Mrs. R. F. Richardson, Happy Helpers Group, Northminster WA. BEACH BURG PUDDING cup brown sugar tsp. butter cup milk cup raisins tsp. vanilla tsp. baking soda (small) tsp. baking powder © (sift in flour) Sauce: 1 cup brown sugar 2% cups boiling water 1 tsp. butter Put batter in baking dish and pour sauce over it. Bake in mod- erate oven. Mrs. Avern Taylor, The Lyceum Club and Women's Art Association. LEMON PUDDING tbsps. butter tbsps. flour - cup white sugar Juice and rind of 1 lemon 3 eggs 1 cup milk Method: Cream - putter and sugar. Add flour and lemon rind. Beat egg yolks separately and then stir eggs into mixture along with 1 cup milk. Fold in egg whites (beaten till stiff). Pour into casserole or molds, and set in pan of hot water, Bake at 350F about 12 hour. Serve hot or cold. Mrs. Elizabeth Hutton, Happy Helpers Group, Northminster WA, HALF HOUR PUDDING 1° cup sifted flour 2 tsps. baking powder 2 tsps. white sugar % tsp. salt 3% tsp. nutmeg 15 cup wheat germ 2-3 cup raisins 12 cup milk + 1 cup brown sugar 2 cups boiling water 2 tbsps. butter Sift and mix flour, salt, baking powder, white sugar, and nut- meg. Add raisins and wheat|- germ to flour mixture. Add milk to make a batter. Place 'this in a greased 2-quart casserole which has been well buttered. Pour over this batter a syrup made of above brown sugar, boiling water and butter. Bake in 350 degree oven 30 min. Serves 6. Mrs. Wm. F. Guthrie, Audley United Church WA BAKED RHUBARB BUTTER CRUNCH 3 cups finely diced fresh rhubarb 2 cup sugar tbsp. flour tsp. nutmeg cup borwn sugar 4 cups flour 4 cup rolled oats tsp. salt cup butter 13 cup shortening In the bottom of a greased 10 by 6 by 1'2-inch baking pan thor- oughly mix rhubarb, 3% cup sugar, flour and nutmeg. Com- bine the brown sugar, sifted flour, rolled oats and salt in a bowl. Cut in the butter and shortening |as you would for a pastry and sprinkle on top of the rhubarb. Bake in a moderate oven 375, 30 to 40 minutes or until crisp and nicely browned. Serve with cus- tard sauce or cream. Serves six. Mrs. R. Winter, Jr., Audley United Church WA FUDGE BATTER PUDDING (CHOCOLATE tbsps. melted margarine cup sugar tsp. vanilla a. cup sifted flour tbsps. cocoa (Reduce this in half if strong chocolate flavor is not desired.) tsp. baking powder 34 tsp. salt 5 cup milk cup chopped nuts 2-3 cups boiling water (Add more water if thinner syrup desired) Mix margarine, % cup sugar and vanilla together. Sift flour, 3 tbsps. cocoa (reduce im half if desired), baking powder and % tsp. salt together and add alter- nately with milk to first mixture. Mix well and stir in nuts. For syrup, mix together ¥% cup sugar, 5-tbsps. (reduce if desir- ed) cocoa, 4 tsp. salt and boiling water. Turn into 10 x 6 x 2 baking dish and drop batter by thsps. on top. Bake in moderate oven 350 F. for 40 to 45 mins. Serve warm. Spoon out portions of cake and cover with sauce. Mrs. M. Buttars, Audley United Church WA 4'x4' x 308 BLOOR ST. E. a ---------- PLYWOODS 1, STANDARD AND WATERPROOF UNDERLAY ALSO V4" to %4" SHEETS of FIRPLY M. GREENBERG & SONS LTD. RA 3-7333 if OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY CREAMY RICE ¥% cup rice x % tsp. salt ¥% cup sugar 2 tbsps. butter eh in AE ys Ya utmeg Sp. V a or tsp. n Wash rice and boil in water 10 mins. Drain and add other im- gredients. Pour inte buttered bak- ing dish. Place in pan of hot water and bake for 2 - 3 hours in slow oven, stirring frequently during the first hour. If desired % cup raisins or dates may be added when pudding is nearly cooked. Mrs. Archie Bell, Audley United Church WA LEMON SPONGE PUDDING egg yolks beaten lemon juice and rind cup sugar tbsps. flour cup milk thsp. butter Mix in order given and lastly fold in stiffly beaten egg whites. Pour in greased baking dish, and set in pan of hot water. Bake in slow oven for 1 hour 325F. Mrs. R. McSweeney, Friendship Group, Northminster United Church W.A. YORKSHIRE PUDDING cup flour (sifted) cup milk eggs Dash of salt Beat above ingredients until smooth. Pour into pan with enough grcase to cover the bot- tom of the pan. (fat should be boiling. Bake in 400 deg. oven un- til brown (about 20 minutes). Miss Joyce Atkinson, Beta Sigma Phi. CHERRY PUDDING Batter: 1 cup sifted flour 15 cup sugar 1 tsp. baking powder 1s tsp. salt 1 tsp. melted butter 12 cup milk Sift together flour, sugar, bak- ing powder and salt. Add butter and milk and mix till well blended. Pour into a greased loaf pan (9 x 4'%2 x 3 inches). Cover with Cherry sauce and bake in a hot oven (400) 40-45 minutes or until done. Makes 6 servings. Cherry sauce: 1 cup canned sour pitted cher- ries 1 cup sugar % cup hot cherry juice 1 tsp. melted butter Combine all ingredients but do not cook. Pour over uncooked bat- ter in pan. Mrs. J. R. Davidson, Audley United Church W.A. ORANGE PUDDING Cream: cup white sugar tbsp. butter thsps. flour Add: eo ¢ 1° cup milk 2 egg yolks : Just before placing in oven fold | in stiffly beaten egg whites. Bake slowly and place dish in a pam of water. Mrs, Amell Juice of 1 orange or Jetnon Myrtle Parent-Teacher Assos SERVICE MADE US! PLUMBING SURVEY With Every Service Call We will check every top, pipe, plumbing fixture in your house absolutely FREE. A complete list of all repairs and reploce- ments will be mode and handed to you on the job. Take ad- vontage of this offer, it could awful lot of trouble ond worry. FREE PLUMBING ESTIMATES J. FOLEY Plumbing & Heating 319 COLLEGE AVENUE save you a lot of money and an RA 5-4241 HOWARD s porn fashioned. «+. Come in and see ! DRAPERIES CUSTOM DRAPERIES... ¢ the finest materials , . . exquisitely coloured and § AR ES BY THE finely fashioned in more RE ogy and colors than one can imagine © VENETIAN BLINDS @ KIRSCH RODS & TRACKS © BEDSPREADS @ SLIP COVERS o INTERIOR DECORATING SERVICE FREE ESTIMATES HOWARD'S DRAPERIES 926 SIMCOE STREET NORTH, OSHAWA '@ UPHOLSTERY GH LA AA 'DIAL RA 5-3144