Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 10 Jun 1958, p. 5

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Pictured above are members | H. Hill, R. Jacobs, N. Haggart, of the Whitby Légion dart | J. Haggart. The latter two are championship team. They are, | doubles champions of Ontario left to right, John Humphreys, which was held in Windsor. | BRI These players are shown with a few of their many trophies ! whieh they have won in the Zone F provincial champion- THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Tuesdey, June 10, 1958 § / WHITBY and DISTRICT Rifle Club Has Annual Tournament The Metropolitan Sporting Rifle Club held its annual tournament at the Whitby Rifle Club outdoor: range on the farm of Jim Me- Quay on Saturday. Prizes and trophy winners were: Match 1, for Individual cham- pionship: Marksmen: W. Loug- heed, and M. Barker; Sharp- shooter, E. Freer, F. Carter; Ex- pert, A, Chapman, L. Smith; and Master, G. Purser, and S. Landy- more. Match 2, Position Match -- E. Freer, V. Ribbons, H. McMartin, A. Chapman, R. Moon, H. Au- gustus, J. Fraser, and A. E. #| Match 8, Position Aggregate-- R. Gledhill, M. Barker, A. Wilke, 29-YEAR-OLD TORONTO MAN Gets Reformatory For Theft Of Goods A 29-year-old Toronto man, but His Honor ordered the trial(in court as being the ones miss: Harold Hill, was yesterday sent to proceed. Hill asked no ques-|ing from their home, to reformatory for one year|tions of any witness nor did he| petective Stanley Henderson, definite and htree months in; address the jury or give evi-lof the Metro Police, told the determinate for having in his dence. His Honor called him alcourt that on Feb, 15, at 12:45 possession goods which had been| "very recalcitrant prisoner." Iam he had found a car parked stolen from a Pickering Twp. "It is difficult to know what is\on Queen St., with a green rug couple. Hill was convicted yes- going on in your mind," he he| covering a number of articles on terday in Ontario County court told ol When She. accused d Said! the floor. by a jury sentenced by Judge he had nothing say ore John E. Pritchard, being sentenced. He pleaded, He Jaa thal i Suered Se Hill was convicted of being in| not guilty to the two charges. | == se. He brought him out, he possession of a radio, two clocks| Both Mr. and Mrs. Robert said. and found: the radio; clocks and a set of cuff links stolen| Hicks told the court that they ov co yow "po" oid shat Hill from the home of Mr. and Mrs./ had returned to their home onliud him he had bought the Robert Hicks, articles from a man in a hotel Liverpool Road|the night of Feb. 14 and found N., Pickering Twp., on Feb. 14|that it had been Hioroughty ran- of this year. He was also|sacked. The television set was charged with breaking entering missing, along with the radio,| The articles were removed E. Freer, V. Ribbons, J. Munro- Cape, A. Chapman, H. McMartin | ships in Hamilton, Windsor | comoetitions held in England. |gustus J. Fraser. and Trenton. Next year, 16 | The winners in the singles, | : 3 dart players will represent | doubles, and team events for | atch 1p Jaity = Cor. | Canada in England in the top | Canada will receve a car each. |p 'n.. Fa Wal 5 are, i | WHITBY SPORTS. SPOTLIGHT By WREN A. BLAIR All Senior "A" hockey clubs in Ontario gather in Kitchener this coming week-end for a conflab. Top item on the agenda will be the attempt to establish a salary limit with some teeth in it. Certainly if clubs are to remain in business this is an absolute necessity, but we suspect that the final outcome will be similar | to previous attempts which have failed dismally. A couple of sea- sons back, the Western Senior "A" division set a payroll limit of $1250 per club in the committee room, and then proceeded to wreck it almost before the delegates got back home. Junior "A" hockey clubs set a top salary of $60.00 per week to any player a few seasons back, and from what we can gather they have successfully made it stick. Senior "A" hockey needs a higher lim- it but the money paid by some clubs is nothing short of ridicul- ous and has already forced teams like Sault Michigan, Niagara Falls, Stratford, Sarnia, Owen Sound and Brantford out of busi- ness. New clubs from everywhere in that district are faced with a tremendous league problem and it appears that an answer as to who will comprise the league is not readily available, AfNer Stratford and Owen Sound folded in the western division last year, and Sault Michigan dropped out in the North the two leagues, (western and morthern) amalgamated. How- ever, this did not prove satisfactory, and many teams are op- posed to continuing the same set-up this season. Windsor and Chatham are both objecting to the long trips and are once again threatening to jump {to the U.S. International . League. The eastern division seems to be in a much healthier way for the time being at least. If anything the competition is smoldering. Kingston are hungry for a winner and have fol- lowed the pattern set here in Whitby and later taken up by Belleville. The Limestone city is in the throes of organizing a booster club, which they claim will be the biggest in the league, (that's something for. unlop booster' club to think about.) Pembroke ave ey "Bucky" fo en as coach and general manager of the Lumber Kings, and a phone call from "Bucky" the other might indicated that the Kings plan a real shake-up in their roster. Ray Miron of Cornwall says the seaway city fans are demanding a better team and he is combing the country for players. Another fea- ture in the Eastern set-up may see the Ottawa Canadiens ele- vate fully to Senior "A" ranks mext winter and play for the Allan Cup instead of the Memorial. This gives Sammy Pol- lock the whole Montreal organization to draw from, and they could be the toughest to beat. When you review the whole pic- ture the Eastern group could be in for the greatest season Senior "A" hockey has had in years. We're in the throes of reorganizing the Dunlops a little to meet these new chal- lenges, and there is little doubt that the fans are in for a mighty interesting season. Subscribers seats will likely be at & premium at the local ice palace for the 1958-59 campaign. | Tony's softhall squad went down to a heartbreaking 10-9 de- feat in Beaches league fastball play at Kew Gardens in Toronto last night. The game went 12 innings. With two out and two strikes, Sherrins batter Al Mugford caught one of Normie Bag- nell's slants and laced it for a home run, to win the ball game. Tony's had earlier knocked Al Pacey out, but both teams were in a hitting mood and it proved a rough night on the pitchers, all way around. Beaches league action takes place here at Cen- tennfal Park tomorrow night starting at 8 p.m., when Tony's host#atimers. It's hoped that Charlie Burns will be free from the Banquet circuit, following the world hockey tournament vic- tory, and local fans may see the popular "Dunnies" star in ac- tion on the softball front. Saturday night Charlie Justice shut-out Ostranders Jewellers here in an exhibition game, recording a 5-0 win. THE TOWN AND COUNTRY . . . Ladies' coftball action is heduled for C jal Park tonight when the Whitby Merch- ants play a regular league game . . . A thrilling lacrosse game took place out in Brooklin Saturday night, with the Intermediates from Brooklin edging the Whitby Junior club 10-9. Whitby is at home Thursday night in a regular league fixture. They dropped a 10-5 decision to St. Catharines last week in their home opener, but they stayed with the more experienced Garden City crew throughout most of the game . . . 'DUNNIES GET BANQUET BID Manager Wren Blair of the Whitby Dunlops announced today that he would attend the seventh annual '"Meet The Champions' dinner of the Oshawa Minor Hockey Asso- ciation Wednesday night in in the Canadian Legion Hall in Oshawa. Gledhill, B. Killick; A. Bowers, E. Saar; J. Hope, L. Smith; C. Jones, E. Beck. Match 5, Prone Aggregate -- By CLIFF GORDON | The tension was really great as ham, L. Smith, G. Purser, S Sherrins nipped Tony's 10-9 in they headed into the last of the Landymore, J. Fraser. 12 innings last night at Kew|12th. Bagnell got the first two, watch 6, four-man - {Beach Gardens. It was a real batters and it appeared as. if he!, Sn, ur an Yeu I M. Barker, W. Lougheed, Miss | : K. battle all the way with the hero had Mugford, the next man up, R. Moon, S. Landymore, H. Au P. Bawden; R. Moon, * ° Sherrins Win R. Steeper, D. Phrke, F. Carter, |Al Mugford. well under cofjtrol, but bang! and Bawden; S. Landymore, J. Fra- and theft from the Hicks home two clocks and the cuff links. from the car, he said, and Hill but the jury acquitted him of The T.V. set was never re-| On Feb. 28, he said, he met this charge. 3 |covered, They said that the Hill entering the Drake Hotel Hill appeared last week for drawers in the bedroom had all and told him he had a warrant {his trial but asked an adjourn-'been upset and the contents, for his arrest. Hill again said |r ent because he had not yet! scattered over the floor and bed. that he had bought the articles {retained counsel. Yesterday, he| Both identified the radio, for $50 from a man in the hotel. [again appeared without counsel|clocks and cuff links produced Det. Henderson said that the - rh 00 Hare India Gets Metric Measure System { The jury deliberated for less {than one hour before bringing in their verdict. Before sentence was passed, Crown. Attorney Alex, C. Hall, QC, read the accused's record, '| NEW DELHI (Reuters) -- In-|pieces of weights will have to be Which dated back to 1949 and Idia's jute industry will start|replaced by metric weights in|showed five previous - convie- using metric measures on July 1. [the next three years requiring tions, including robbery with This wiil mark the beginning of a about 21,000 metric tons of pig-| Violence, shopbreaking, breaking | switchover to the metric system |iron. The Indian standards insti-| entering and theft, uttering and ser, H. Augustus, J. McQuay. tution is producing standard sets Possessing stolen goods. Intosh: G. Purser, A. Smith; R. In 12th Inni g E. Freer, A. Chapman, J. Den- There were two out and two the game wasdover. A home run| |Miss Sandra Gaskell and Miss 8ame open at any moment. Caro! Hutcheson. was seated in a decorated chair over which hung a decorated watering can and streamers. | ceived and as lunch was being punching out three hits for his {served 2 lucky prize was pre-iplate efforts. {sented tc the holder of the lucky tea Burns Jr., of Oshawa. {strikes on the batter when Mug-|into deep right field was the blow ford tagged the terrific long one|that broke the camel's back. Ross into deep right field. Jimmy Jor- Golden, who relieved Pacey, dan made a great recovery on gained the win. the ball but the runner slid in|" pyAMOND DU! home under the throw. The game the big one here Wednesday night would have been over if it had a5 Latimers will be the visitors.| {been a fly ball due to the fact They gre still smarting from the [that there is a curfew in Toronto, | defeat handed them by the locals| or in that area, that says no fullion their last trip to Toronto . . .| {inning is to start after 11 o'clock. |1¢ jg hoped that Charlie Burns will It will be a battle for second pe jn action for this game. It will spot here on Wednesday night ashe hig first start in Whitby as a the locals face the Latimer pa)l player if he is able to make Brokers with Murray Dowey and|it this time . . . Bob Booth con- Jack Rainbow as their hurlers. |tinyes.to pound that apple as he | The locals appeared to be off on|came up with homer number two (the right foot in the first inninglof the season. Nick Mroczeck and |as they worked the slants of Alimike Tutak also connected for a [Pacey for three runs for a start-\round trippers and they too ap- Is Entertained lek However, the homesiery Were pear to have found the range. : ; right behind them and they)", standings up to and includ- Miss Elizabeth Gaukell, of scored four in their half of the last night . Oshawa, was entertained at a inning as' Bagnell was having|!"8 45% MENLS game: miscellaneous shower held at trouble finding the range. Both| the home of Mrs. Ralph Mac Clubs were racking up the runs as P Carl, of Whitby, with co- the game went on and it appear-| hostesses Miss Donna Peters, ed as if they would bust the points. | TONY'S won 4 lost 4 for 8 Bob Booth, Nick Mroczeck and points. bride-t pe| Mile Tutak all clouted homers for] SWISS CHALET won 1 lost 7| rice-l0-be the Tony's team in a losing|for 2 points, cause. Frazer Scott was a big|/LINE SCORE for last night's! {gun for the Sherrins team as he|game: | |came- up with some tremendous] TONY'S 9 runs off 9 hits and |stops at second base as well asl error. , | SHERRINS 10 runs off 10 hits land 1 error. Blair will also be accom- panied by such famous Dun- nie stars as Ted and Tom O'Connor, Gordie Myles, Fred Etcher and Bob Attersley. Items on the agenda in- clude the presentation of awards and crests, with a special showing of the film depicting the action of Osh- awa "All-Star" juvenile hock- ey champions during their five-game series at Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. Miss Gaskell | | oints. Upon entering, the Many beautiful gifts were re- | cup being Mrs. William] WHITBY P C. ST: Don't forget {support the Whitby tour Match 7, Grand Aggregate -- Marskmen--T. Carlson, C. Bur- meister, M. Barker; Sharpshoot- er, E. Freer, H. Kukk, J. Munro- Cape; Expert, A. Chapman, R. Moon, H. McMartin; Master, S. Landymore, G. Purser, A. mith. Trophy winners, TAHA Individ- ual Prone championship, A. Chapman. Jenkins - Evans trophy for pos- ition aggregate, A. Chapman, Carling trophy for prone aggre- gate, G. Purser. Grand Aggregate trophy, Chapman, The Metropolitan Sporting Rifle Association executive committee extended their thanks to the A. {members of the Whitby Rif] e measures Unlike other non |Club for the use of their outdoor Tic countries, such as Britain, In- range and the help given to make the day a successful venture. SHERRINS won 6 lost 2 for 12] A similar tournament is being|¢fforts by the British authorities prepared by the Whitby Rifle nearly a century ago to achieve LATIMERS won 5 lost 8 for 10 Club. This will take place on metric standardization. July 6. The MSRA asks all com- petitors of the affiliated clubs to | of weights and measures Shrough- i of weights and measures for dis-| {out India -- a process that may | take many years to complete. |sribution to state governments, | % Hundreds of thousands of Oshawa Men Win Trophy Three months later, on Oct. 1, ] 5 metric weights will be intro-| weighing machines have to be re- Two Oshawa men, Ford Lind- {say. city editor of the Times Juced in about 100 centres scat- calibrated in metric units. On tered throughout the country. At the roads, marks at each furlong {the same time, many govern- are being used as 200 - metre ment departments will switch to marks, which is close enough to |the metric system. - the exact measurement for the | Decimal coinage has been In|time Wing, Every fh Some ho force now for just over a year. being marked as a kilometre, As 3 Both new and old coins are inthis is not strictly accurate, the [SHEE ng Coaje Leach, circulation, But it is hoped that|error will be corrected at con-|, =~ bowling tournament. held {all the old annas and pies will venient points. at the Whitby green on Saturday. {have been withdrawn in two| The survey of India is making They had three high wins for a years, {arrangements to produce mew score of 50 plus 1 and were pre- This has been a comparatively maps on metric scales, but it has| sented with the "Farewell simple change compared with the neen accepted that to change ail| Trophy" by Donald Tutt, chair- standardization of weights and clq maps would be too costly a man of the tournament. Second prize winners were the team of Byron Edmondson and Stan Gibbs, of Oshawa, with three wins for a total of 47 points, and third prize went to the Whitby team of Hilliard Mil- non-met- task. lard and J. M. Hicks with two wins for a total of 51 plus 17. Tribal Rolls Fourth place went to another of standard | ' Indians Would Be Permanently dia mever has had 1 | weights and measures, in spite of 143 SYSTEMS According to a survey by the to make Sporting Rifle Competi- tions a leading feature in outdoor activities. Pupils Visit At Museum On Thursday, May 29, 105 pupils of Clover Lane school pl there are 143 different systems of weight measurement in use and even more systems of measuring' vo. ume and land areas. In many places, weights have the same name but different standards. OTTAWA (CP) -- The govern-| Whitby team comprised ment's re-introduced in the Com-|James Rogs, and John Bruechie mons Monday a bill amending with' one®win for a total of 41 the Indian Act which would make points, , it impossible for Indians or their, In this tournament there were descendants who accepted half- Men's Double 'teams from breed lands or money scrip to be| Oshawa, Bowmanville, Canning- The change is not merely of stricken from the rolls of Indian ton, Port Perry, Cobourg. and nomenclature, for new standards | bands. Whitby. The visiors were wel- have to be laid down in almost| Acting Citizenship Minister Ful-| comed to the Whitby green by every sphere of life. It is esti-|ton introduced the bill in the last/ Whitby Lawn Bowling Associa- mated that nearly 42,000,000 Parliament but calling of theltion president J. M. Hicks at the : | Picures were also taken during ERSONALS accompanied by six mothers and the evening with a particular {one veing napped of the future bride cutting the unusually pretty cake representing two wedding bells. Guests from Whitby who at- tended the Thorne - Thomson wedding held in Ottawa last Saturday were: Mr. and Mrs. A. Cuddy, Mr. and Mrs. John ' Bantams Top : | A . Houdaille Team [Scie Sorat. Mr. and rss Whitby Kiwanis Bantams, Miss Margaret Frost was soloist coming from behind a deficit of and Mrs. Spratt was the organist four runs, scored six runs in the at the wedding, fourth inning to defeat Houdaille| Mr. Alex Sleightholm is spend- Industries last night in a sched- ing a few days in Buffalo, New uled league game played in| York. Alexandra Park. Mrs. Roy Land, accompanied Ron Moore was the winning by her son, Russell, of Parry pitcher, and for Houlaille, John Sound, were Su.day visitors at Hentig took he loss. Dennis the home .of Mr. and Mrs. W. Brown led the winners with two | Simpson, of Henry street. hits for four. Mrs. P. G. Howard, president Houdaille scored all four runs of the Florence Davey Group, in the first inning, held the lead|extended thanks to Mrs. M. until the fourth inning, and then Bowman for opening her home Whitby scored six runs, com-| and garden for their tea and D. A. Wilson, Dr. and Mrs. F.| three teachers of the Home and School Association spent 8 most enjoyable day in Toronto. Three buses were chartered and the enthusiastic party left at 9 a.m. The highlight of the day was |all the members and everyone| {who donated and attended, with! | special hanks to Mrs. D. Mowat | who poured tea, A presentation tea was | recently held | in honor of Mrs. | fi [James Ross, of 119 Green street, formed into small groups each |The hostesses were: Miss Mar. conducted by a museum guide igaret Frost and Mrs. Rhona | Vhich made the children's and Harvey. Serving the dainty re-| the adult's visit more enjoyable |freshments were: Mrs. Grant/2nd informative. : |Allin of Toronto, Miss Ann| In learning of past civiliza- Cuddy, Miss Catherine Frost tions it was felt that a greater |and Mrs. Jack Spratt. Pouring|awareness of our own rich tea were: Mrs. Donald Wilson, heritage was stimulated. After Mrs. F. A. Cuddy, Mrs. Douglas'lunch the children were free to| Thomson of Brooklin and Mrs, explore the exhibits in which | Helen Spratt. A large number /t' ey had the greatest interest. | of out of town guests attended.! On leaving the museum a -- visit was made to the River-| P dale Zoo. The party returned Hurler's Duel home at 3.30 p.m. It i-as an en-| joyable and memorable excur- {sion which will bear repetition. WHITBY ing with it. : DAY-BY-DAY Citizenship Minister Fairclough brought the same bill back to the Commons Monday. There was no discussion and the bill was given first readi ANNUAL PICNIC Indians in volved under terms| R. Frost, Miss Catherine Frost,|Thorne, the former Miss Janet|2 Visit to the Royal Ontario| mqne United Church 4 W's held, of the bill accepted halfbreed [Miss Margaret Frost, Mrs. Thomson, at the home of Mrs,| Museum. On arrival the party|(neir annual family picnic last|lands or scrip instead of electing Wednesday afternoon at Geneva to live on Indian reserves. Many Park. A large group particpated|Were hoodwinked by white land and various games were ar- speculators, lost their land and ranged with prizes awarded to/moved to the Indian reserves | winners. Mr. and Mrs. Tod though not legally entitled to do {Li p in charge of the SO: Lintner Were. mn charg In 1951 Parliament amended The 4 W's will resume their the Indian Act to define an In- rin ian, It also provided a proce-| activities. in. September, |dure whereby Indians could be| SCOUT MOTHERS MEET [removed from band lists at the The Mothers' Auxiliary of written request of other Indians. Cubs and Scouts of St. John the| Indians so removed were entitled Evangelist will hold their last{to appeal to the courts. meeting of the season on Tues-| Last year some Indians on the day, June 10 at 8 pm. All| Hobbema reserve 40 miles south mothers of Scouts and Cubs are ©f Edmonton tried to have a asked to attend. group of 107 Indians removed. | beginning of the tournament. Members of the ladies Bowl- ing Club, in charge of Mrs, Herb Wilson and Mrs. Harry Lott, served refreshments in the | afternoon, The prizes were presented by Donald Tutt, chairman of out-of- town tournaments. The next bowling tournament will be Wednesday, July 9, with mixed trebles, for the Swanson trophy. See the ,, . FRIGIDAIRE "SHEER LOOK" BUTT RADIO AND APPLIANCE 118 Brock St. §. MO 83707 FOR MISSED PAPERS pleting the scoring in the game.'bake sale held last Friday, also At Port Hope Mr. and Mrs. Norm Irwin will £ hold a big week-end at their summer home in Port Carling for § the Whitby Dunlop hockey team, the club directors and members of the press, radio and television, on June 28 and 20. They held a si ilar occasion last summer and it proved to be one of the # mest enjoyable social events of the year for the club members | & ang their ladies . . . Russia and England tied 2-2 as the world Soccer tournament got underway in Sweden the other day. The | Scandinavian countries are certainly enjoying a big sports 'year, 7 with the world hockey tournament having been in Norway, and} now the world Soccer tourney in Sweden. an @ ACTIVE LEISURE LLINGTON, N. Z. (CP)- HONG KONG (AP)--Malaya's Wark is the finest way to enjoy, . eck < leisure, says Prime Minister Prime Minister Abdul Rahman, Wdlter Nash. Nine of 10 people, visiting here after a trip to Ja- hef#old a meeting, seem to think pan, offered to resettle about 70,- th hole point of leisure is to 000 Moslem refugees in Malaya do®Mothing, whereas people Nearly a million Palestine Mos- n to be taught how to/lems are refugees in Middle East m the most of life. nations. EVENING SHOWS NO praying | 6:45 & 9:15 P.M. "Prices For This Engagement 75¢ MALAYAN OFFER WHITBY Phone MO 8-3618 Sorry . . . FREE LIST SUSPENDED y10 lac il u i a A ADMITTANCE 10 PERSONS 4 YiAMS LES BR. ( Mrs Whitby. Randy was one year CELEBRATES FIRST BIRTHDA A bouncing "hatterton, son George boy is of Mr Chatterton, Randy and of PORT HOPE -- In a South 4 Durham Rural Baseball League 4 game at Grafton, the home team "WHITBY C IN WHITBY LASSIFIED amy _ 4 lied the visiting Welcome nine pop Rent -- Lower duplex, large five two-all in a real thriller all the room, heat, water, electric 'frig., range way. Welcome got both their runs/and laundry facilities, large lawn and in the second stanza, while garden. $100 with lease. 425 Dundas ga il 135¢ | 1 Grafton garnered singletons in|™*" MARE R EL the third and sixth for the tie. FOR Rent -- Furnished two roomed 1 Curt Stanley hurled strong ballj2fartment. small kitehenoite, ove do, a ; » frig. ; allowing only six safeties, walk-|xeening room. ing three and fanning three. Big s-4470. ls also one large furnished house: | FOR Sale -- Baby carriage 305 Perry Street. MO condition, 135f| Whitby. Phone MO. 8-3111 If you have not received your Times-Gozetté by 7 P.M., Call BELL TAXI oF LOST -- Pay envelope from Pigott Con- 4 S Individual struction containing a large amount of Requirements money. Reward, RA 5.0580, Oshawa. 135¢ | One man's wrist watch, Spring | MO 135a , excellent 912 Green Street, 135b | Tos Hill Park, on Sunday. Reward, 2975. STAFFORD BROS. Monumental Works Apply Jim Ingamills for Grafton was|FoRr Sale -- Baby buggy, good condi- Just as good, as he too allowed tion. Phone MO 8-3578. 135e six singles, fanned three and APARTMENT for rent -- Apply 840 walked four. Each side committed | Dundas East. 1% 4one error. |LosT en to} Ross Beatty and Jerry Wildey| Dany". in vicinity of 600 Centre| led the home nine two hits Sou: BOR, ME i] : each while, Floyd Bebee and Don ob ; Lord got two each for Welcome. Pp! 4 All hits in the = gles. STRUCK OUT 13 4| Two Port Hope ball players led 4 Cobourg to a 6-3 triumph over R f Bowmanville in a Lakeshore yay Phone MO 8-2563. ixer, rubber mounted. good condition. hone Whitby MO 8-2939, 134c game Were sin- JyrpRATIONS, 1emodelling or build anything in wood, trim, screens, tile, 'inolenm, cupboards, 5.30 p.m Chestnut West, SEE for yourselves, Women are earn. | ing $2 or more an hour by represent- i |Write or phone Miss E. Outerbridge, 42 Saran ar Budgie, green. Answers to|tario. A pri caiman __~_|lals installed as low as $ FOR sale -- One CMC tilting Sement| Service, MO 82081. ALTERATIONS, pant cuffing, drape and alierations, Centre South. MO 8-3360. |EAWN mowers sharpened. Pick up and] MO 8-4007 after delivered. Phone MO 83708 or MO, June 16'g.4977. |SEPTIC tanks cleaned the sanitary SOD for Sale -- For the finest in sod , new tanks installed. Walter Ward. call Grant Landscaping, | 318 Dundes East MO 8-3552 f be 7.3 laced between ng Avon cosmetics in their spare time. AR calls mut, aed 'Toronto Boulevard, n 19, On- June$,10,11,16,17,18 \ERIALS moved, repaired; new aer- 39. {nd d. June 17 1013 June 14] also drapery. GREAT JUNE SALE Whitby Burghin Centre LADIES T-SHIRT, Tu-Tone Lion brand, Many lovely contrast- June 15|] MO 8-2587. June 21 linor Juvenile * Baseball game, June 24 Bill Wakely took the hurling as- for Rent -- Two room apartment with signment and allowed only.three small kitchenette, stove and 'frig.; also safeties, walked a like number large housekeeping room, two beds. 305 and claimed 13 via the sirikeout Te'7¥: MO 8470. === 12% route in the seven inning contest, WANTED to buy -- field of sod, one to Wakely also led Cobourg with the, '0 2cres anywhere. MO 82587. 130f bat being the only one to' pick up FOR Sale -- Domestic 'frig., very good ' i : : condition. Reasonable, MO 8-3136 eve-| two hits for Cobourg, while Dave (pings. 132¢ Greenaway also of Port HOPE ror Rent -- Furnished room in re cinched the game with a long, spectable home. Phone, before 3 p.m. ! hard-driven triple. [to MO 8-4257. Junel3 (ROUSES wanted, Buyers waiting, some all cash or your equity, W. McAuley, WITNESSES MISSING Realtor, MO 8-3231. Rep. Audrey Moore CORNWALL (CP) -- Three To-|MO 8-4088. June 27 ing colors, Sizes Small-Medium-Large Reg. 2.49 Father's Day Special MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS BY DEBONAIRE. No iron. White only . Fabric by Marcus Brothers of New York . Sizes 14-17. Reg. 4.98 2 for 6.50 GIRLS' BATHING SUITS, Attractively styled 8-14x Various colors. Reg. 3.98 SPECIAL BE OUR GUEST AT OSHAWA DRIVE-IN THEATRE RECEIVE YOUR FREE ADMISSION FOR RENT Boats, Motors, Boat Trailers, Cabin Trailer, Tents, Camp Stoves, Lonterns, Lawn Rollers, Lawn Mowers, Paint Sprayer, Garden Tiller. For Sale -- Boats, Motors, Trailers. * WILDE RENTAL SERVICE MO 8-3226 | June 12 . Tonto men charged with the Jan.|BUY and sell used furniture. Special E120 $43,930 robbery of a South izing in handmade and remodelled fur- {Mountain bank, 35 miles west of ture. All work guaranteed. MO 8-3053; {here, Monday were granted an|-orock South: Janets | |CUSTOM sewing on draperies, mea {adjournment of trial to June 18.5 rements taken and cut from material {William Glover, 25, Thomas|you huve purchased. Free est:mates Blake, 34, and Ralph Parks, 31, For cutting and hanging. MO 8.3151. | old on May 10. He is the asked for the adjournment on AC Sa ---- ma June 10} grandson of Mrs. Archie Ter- {grounds their legal counsel was DEESSMSRING and alterations, formal | willegar, of Oshawa. unavailable and that certain wit-|saistaction. Call Mo. 8 i308 cas pour | Photo by Hornsby, Oshawa |nesses could mot be located. North, Moudas rider. "sume 30. 1 | ik 4 TICKETS HERE DRIVEWAY. GRAVEL | Coarse or fine, $7.00 per load, Cement Gravel, $1.60 yard. Sand and Loam Fill. For delivery to Oshawa - Whitby - Ajax area ERIC BRANTON MO 8-2660 « June 30 Bargains Every Day of the Year WHITBY BARGAIN CENTRE 118 BROCK ST. N. MO 8-4081 OPEN FRIDAY NITE TO 9 P.M.

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