- BANANA FLUFF 1 pkg. orange jello 3 or 4 bananas 1 egg, white stiffly beaten Let jello half set, them crush bananas and beat into jello with egg beater. Add stiffly beaten egg white and put bak to fully set. A delicious dessert topped with whipped cream and cher- ries. Mrs, Neil Lamont, Scugog Home and School PINEAPPLE WAFERS 2% cups graham wafer crumbs 152 cup melted butter /2 cup creamed butter 1'2 cups icing sugar 2 eggs 1 can crushed pineapple 35 pint whipping cream Mix 2% cups graham wafers with 12 cup melted butter. Place in pag and bake 10 minutes in 350 F.@ven. Cool. Cream 2 cup butter, blend in icing sugar grad- ually; when well blended add un- beaten eggs and beat mixture until light and fluffy. Spread on graham wafer crumbs. Whip cream, drain pineapple and fold into cream. Spread over icing mixture. Refrigerate until ready to use. Mrs. G. Sloggett, Happy Helpers Group, Nerthminster WA MARSHMALLOW ROLL "dress-up" dessert -- requires cooking. Serves 10. marshmallows (12 1b.) cup water cup Eagle brand sweetened condensed milk 5 cup chopped nut meats cup finely chopped dates >» cuns graham cracker crumbs (30) 1. Cut marshmallows in quar- ters and put in mixing bowl. 2. Add condensed milk, nut meats, dates. Blend well. 3. Add cracker crumbs and blend well. 4. Form info roll about 6 inches long and 3 inches in diameter. Cover with waxed paoer, 5. Chill in refrigerator 12 hours or longer. 6. Cut in slices. Garrish with whipped cream, if desired. Mrs. Morris York, Hapony Helvers Group, LEMON DELIGHT 1 lemon jello 24 graham wafers 1 1/3 cup melted butter 14 cup white sugar 1 large tin Carnation milk 1. scant cup white sugar 1 lemon Dissolve 1 lemon jello in 1 cup boiling water. Let cool and al- most set. Crush together 24 gra- ham wafers, melted butter, cup sugar. Put half of this mix- ture in bottom of pan. Chill Car- nation milk and beat until thick, add 1 small cup sugar, juice and rind of lemon. Add to lemon jello. Pour over mixture in pan. Sprinkle remaining graham wafer |. mixture over top. Keep in re- frigerator. Mrs. R. Gow, Bathe Park Ladies' Aux. HONEY APPLE CRISP cups sliced apples cup sugar tablespoon lemon juice cup honey cup flour cup brown sugar teaspoon salt ¥% cup butter Y; cup walnuts Spread sliced apples in a shal- low baking dish, sprinkle with sugar and lemon juice and pour honey over all. In a bowl mix flour, brown sugar and salt and work in the butter as for bis- cuits, making a crumbly mixture. Spread these crumbs evenly over the apples and bake in a moderate oven 375 degrees for 30 - 40 minutes or until apples are tender and crust crisply browned. Serve warm, with plain cream or whipped cream topped with a dash of cinnamon. Mrs. C. M. Reid, Bathe Park Auxiliary HAWAIIAN TRIFLE 2 bananas 1% cup canned pineapple tidbits 14 cup sliced strawberries cups cooked rice 14 cup heavy cream Y% cup powdered sugar Cube bananas. Combine with pineapple and berries. Add fruit to rice. Whin cream, add powder- | ed sugar. Fold into rice, and] fruit mixture. Serve in 6 sherbet | glasses, garnished with whole | strawberries. Mrs. H. Chesebrough, Friendship Group, Ya Ya 2 nuts. Northminster United Church APPLE SNOW 1 unbeaten egg white 1/3 cup white sugar 1 tsp. grated lemon rind dash of salt 1, pared apple grated Beat egg white till foamy, add sugar and lemon rind. Beat. Add salt, and apple. Beat till mixture is fluffy light and holds its shape. Fill either dessert glasses, or may be used as a pie fill. Joan Aldred, Scugog Home and School Assoc. LEMON PUDDING CHEESECAKE package (8 oz.) cream cheese cups milk package Jello Lemon Instant pudding 8' graham cracker crust Soften cream cheese, blend with % cup of milk. Add 1% cups milk and instant pudding mix. Beat slowly with egg beater about one minute. (Do not over- beat -- just until well mixed.) Pour at once into graham crack- er crust. Sprinkle graham crack- er crumbs lightly over top. Chill at least an hour. Serve to eight delighted people. pi Mrs. George Fisher, Friendship Group W.A., Northminster United Church APPLE MERINGUE SQUARES Cream 2-3 cup margarine, add 2-3 cup white sugar and beat well. Add 2 egg yolks, 2-3 cup fine soft bread crumbs, 2 tsps. grated lemon rind; mix well. Add 1 1-3 cups sifted flour, 1% tsps. baking powder and Y% tsp. salt. Mix well (dough will be stiff.) Spread half dough in bottom of greased 10" x 6" x 2" bake dish. Peel, core and slice 2 medium sized apples very thin and olace over dough. Sprinkle with % tsp. cinnamon, 2 tbsps. white sugar and 1-3 cup chopped wal- Spread remaining dough over apples. Bake in moderate oven 375 degrees F for 25 min. or longer till done. Beat 2 egg whites till nearly stiff. Add pinch of salt and % cup white sugar, a little at a time, beating till stiff. Spread on cake. Sprinkle 3% cup walnuts on top. Bake at 350 degrees for 10 to 12 min. Makes 6 servings, or is good as cookies, cut in small squares. Mrs. W. R. Johnson, The Lyceum Club and Women's Art Association THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Tussdey, June 10, 1958 19 GOLD PLUM PUDDING 1™* package Cherry Jello powder 2 cups hot water %4 cup citron peel finely chopped Y cup walnut meats chopped % cup raisins finely chopped 3% cup cooked prunes chopped 3% cup grapenuts 1, teaspoon cinnamon ¥ teaspoon cloves Dash of salt METHOD Dissolve package of jelly pow- der in hot water, put ih salt and chill. When slightly thickened, add fruit and spices. Turn into mold and chill until firm. Serve with whipped cream. Mrs. Emerson Chant, The Lyceum Club and Women's Art Association CHOCOLATE LEMON SWIRL 25 to 30 chocolate plain cookies 3 tbsps. butter, melted 1 pkg. lemon jello powder 1% cup hot water ¥% cup lemon juice 14 cup sugar 1 large can, Carnation milk, chilled. , Few drops of green flavoring. Butter a 9-inch deep pan or pie plate. Line sides with 12 or more cookies. Crush remaining cookies, add butter. Place in bottom of dish, keep a little for the top? Dissolve jello in hot water, add sugar and lemon and let stand. Whip Carnation milk and add jello mixture and coloring. Pour over cookie crumbs. Put remain- ing cookie crumbs on top. Chill about four hours. Mrs. Donald Griffin, Friendship Group, Northminsetr United Church WA ICE BOX CAKE Put into double boiler: 1 cup sugar 1 heaping teaspoon flour 2 eggs (beaten) Juice and rind of 1 lemon Juice and rind of 1 orange Cook until thick. When cool add % pint of cream which has been whipped. 1 angel cake cut to make two layers. Spread the above mixture between layers and over all the cake. Chill in refrigerator, Keeps several days if necessary. Mrs. W. H. King, The Lyceum and Women's Art Association FRESH WATERMELON SHERBET ¥% watermelon Cut in small chunks and seed. Sprinkle with 1 cup white sugar. Pour over juice of 1 lemon. Let stand in refrigerator till ice Soa. Very refreshing for a hot Joan Aldred, Scugog Home and School Assos. PINEAPPLE DESSERT CRUST : % 1b. vanilla wafers (3 cups) 5 tbsps. melted butter Mix well and then butter and flour a 12 x 8 pan and press 15 of mixture in pan. FILLING 1% cup butter 1 cup powdered sugar 2 eggs well beaten ¥% cup chopped nuts : 1 cup crushed pineapple drained) 1% pint whipping cream Cream butter, sugar and add 1eggs and mix thoroughly. Spread over the crust in pan, them add a layer of nuts, then a layer of pineapple. Spread whipped cream on and top with the remaining erust. Refrigerate for 24 hours. Mrs. A. E. Howard, First Baptist Church WA SCUGOG SPECIAL 1% cup butter or margarine 1% cup white sugar tbsps. cocoa 1% tbsp. vanilla Melt over hot water, stirring continuously. Add 1 well beaten egg. Take off stove and mix in: 2 cups crushed graham wafers 1° cup fine coconut 15 cup walnuts rolled Press into 8 x 8 pan and set aside. Mix: 2° cups icing sugar 15 cup butter tbsps. Harry Hornes custard powder Work together, adding milk te make mixture like a thick icing. Spread on first mixture. Melt % package of chipits, add enough cream (Carnation) te spread. Spread on over top. Keep in the refrigerator. Mrs. Donglas Aldred, Scugog Home and School Assoe. 4 2 ® MINOR REPAIRS FREE! ® CUSTOMER SATISFACTION GUARANTEED a cov ® SERVICE--FREE PICKUP 'N DELIVERY .. .. i Ubon or og 1 nl 0 BOD We 'RADIANT CLEANERS We have every type of equipment wardrobe! There is even a special ® OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE to pamper and care for your machine that presses nothing but ties! We're thorough and efficient, ond every day our shop receives grease- and stain-marked duty work clothes, and the most professional uniforms, heavy- fragile of feminine fashions. They All get the very special "individual care" they need to make them sparkle with a spotless, sunshine freshness. The pressing is perfect, too; minor repairs ore made ond buttons replaced. So for top service at low cost . , . call us! 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