34 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Tuesdoy, June 10, 1958 RASPBERRY PIE 1 cup raspberries 1 cup sugar (less) 1 cup water 2 tbsp. corn starch Boil until thick. In baked shell put 1 cup raspberries, add mix- ture and top with whipped cream. Mrs. I. Shaw, Myrtle Parent-Teachers Association DEEP DISH APPLE PIE 6 cups thinly slice applies 1 cup w. sugar 1, tsp. cinnamon Y tsp. nutmeg 1 tsp. lemon juice 1 tab. butter Prepare pastry and roll out top | crust. Prepare applies. Combine sugar, and spices. Add to apples and mix well. Turn into deep pie dish 10 x 6 x 2. Sprinkle lemon | juice and dot with butter. Cover | with top crust. Place pie on low- est rack in oven and bake at 450 | deg. F. for 10 min. Reduce heat. Bake at 350 deg. F. for 30 min. { Hilda Lamont, | Scugog Home and School. FRESH RHUBARB PIE Mix together: 2% cups cut up rhubarb 1 egg 2 tbsp. flour 1 scant cup white sugar Fill unbaked pie shell. Bake at 425 degrees for 15 minutes, re- duce hea: to 350 degrees and bake another 25 minutes. Chill. Mrs. Douglas Aldred, Scugeg Home and School. > SPECIAL RHUBARB PIE 5 cup sugar tab, flour tsp salt beaten eggs cups cut rhubarb pastry dough Combine sugar, flour and salt. Add the eggs, and stir in the cut rhubarb. Pour into pastry shell, and make a criss cross pie crust for the top. Bake at 450 for 10 min. Reduce heat. Bake at 350 for 30 minutes. Flo Dmara, : Scugog Home and School. LEMON SPONGE PIE 1 cup. sugar tbsp. butter 2 eggs juice and rind of 1 lemon 1 cup milk 2 tsp flour Cream butter and sugar. Add juice and rind of lemon, egg yolk flour. Beat well, add milk and beaten egg white. Pour into un- baked shell. Bake in 325 oven. Clara Dowson, Scugog Home and School. BANANA BUTTERSCOTCH PIE 1 tbsp. butter 1 tbsp. flour Blend together. Add and blend well together. 1 scant cup brown sugar and 2 egg yolks. Add 1 crushed banana and enough sweet milk to mix quite smooth. Add 2 cups milk and put nto unbaked pie shell. 350 Deg. F. 3 hour, or till set. When cooked cover with mer- ingue made with the two egg whites. Brown. Eat the day it is made. Mrs. Alan Martyn, Scugog Home and School Assoc. COCONUT BUTTER TARTS Mix together: 12 cups brown sugar 1 egg 2 tbsp. butter 1 tsp. vanilla 34 cup coconut 2 tbsp. cold water Fill unbaked tart shells, and bake at 400 degrees for 10 min- utes. Nettie Aldred, Scugog Home and School Assoc. WHIPPED CREAM PIE single graham wafers rolled fine 4 tbsp. melted butter 1% cup sugar Put mixture in pie plate or cake pan. Take out 4 cup for topping. Whip stiff, 1 tin of carnation milk. Add 1 jello (strawberry or raspberry) dissolved in % cup hot water Add % cup lemon juice and Y% cup sugar. Add jello to milk. Pour over crumbs in pan and top with remaining crumbs. Delicious. Mrs. Alan. Martyn, Scugog Home and Scheol Assn, 32 FRESH STRAWBERRY PIE Cook for 2 minutes. 4 cups strawberries 1 cup white sugar 3 tbsp. cornstarch % cup water 1 tbsp. butter red coloring Put 1 cup of raw" strawberries into a cooked pie shell pour cook- ed mixture over the raw fruit. Chill. Its delcious. Mrs. Douglas Aldred, Scugog Home and School Assoc, STORMY TARTS cup white sugar : eggs yolks. cup raisins cup sour cream tsp.--soda nf vanilla 14 tsp. cinnamon Cook together slowly until mix- ture thickens. About % hour. Cool. Fill uncooked: tart shells, Beat egg white stiff, and top each tart with the meringue. Bake at 400 degrees for 10 minutes. Makes about 15 medium tarts. Mrs. Neil Lamont, Scugog Home and School Assn. . MITC Drug. SIMCOE ST. N. For Over everything you buy. stock is wide varied to meet budget and need. All Accurately Compounded Fast Friendly Service Your baby is OUR SPECIAL CARE. leading brands are carried. 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